
Marcia Cross on fighting anal cancer: Don’t let ‘stigma’ kill you

Marcia Cross has anal cancer — and aims to de-stigmatize the disease to raise awareness.

The 57-year-old flame-haired actress, famous for her roles on the ‘90s soap “Melrose Place” and later on “Desperate Housewives,” told People magazine that, almost a year in remission, she attributes her positive prognosis to her early diagnosis about a year and a half ago.

Back in September, the Emmy nominee shared deeply personal photos on Instagram with her one-inch long hair, a far cry from the ribbons of red hair she’s famous for.

The married mother of two underwent two biopsies at her gynecologist’s behest following a rectal exam in the fall of 2017. When the diagnosis was confirmed, she immediately went through six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.

Cross says she was spared undergoing surgery and is grateful for preserving her sphincter muscles. “Having woken up to its importance, I am now a big fan of the anus!”

She added that she had to get past the initial embarrassment with doctors as it’s such an intimate area. “In the beginning, I just sort of lay down for the parting of the cheeks and I would float away,” she says, laughing. “Because what are you going to do?”

The biggest part of her new mission is encouraging people to save their own lives — by looking for the warning signs of the highly curable cancer.

Those most susceptible are those over 50 with multiple sexual partners, a history of anal sex or cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms include rectal bleeding and itching, plus anal pain and discharge.

She has one final piece of advice: “If something doesn’t feel right, listen to your body and talk to your doctor. Don’t let it go. It’s a very curable cancer if caught early, which mine was.”