Ai dorit să scrii: Volscians
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians are in arms . Cor . I'm glad on't , then we fhall have means to vent Our musty superfluity . See , our beft Elders- SCENE IV . Enter Sicinius Velutus , Junius Brutus , Cominius , Titus Lartius , with other Senators . 1 Sen ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians against Rome , 358. the manner wherein he accofted Tullus , 359 . his Speech to him , ibid . the trick he used to entrap the Ro- mans , 366. the demands made by the Volfcians at his inftance , and the answer of the Romans ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians faw themselves inclosed by the Ro- mans , with stronger works , than those with which they had furrounded the city . The conful had alfo , on one fide , drawn a line acrofs , to the wall of Ar- dea , to open a communication ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians to quit their city , on occafion of fome public fhows , 215. The Vol- fcians demand reftitution of the lands and cities they had loft , and are anfwered with a defiance , ib . Coriolanus is join- ed in commiffion with Tullus ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcian Senators , Ediles , Lictors , Soldiers , Common people , Servants to Aufidius , and other Attendants . The SCENE is partly in Rome and partly in the Territory of the Volfcians . The whole Hiftory exactly follow'd , and many of ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians , 181. His addrefs to Tullus Aufidius the principal man amongst them , and hitherto his greatest enemy , 182. He meets with the kindeft reception , 183 , A remarkable prodigy happens at Rome , ib . The Romans order all the Vol ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians are in arms . Cor . I'm glad on't , then we fhall have means to vent Our musty fuperfluity . See , our beft Elders SCENE IV . Enter Sicinius , Velutus , Junius Brutus , Cominius , Ti- tus Lartius , with other Senators . 1 Sen ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians , as being the moft invete- rate Enemies to the Romans , and confequently the fitteft to execute his Revenge . 2. What did he among the Volfcians ? A. He engag'd them to renew the War with the Romans in the Year 263 . } 2 ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians , as being the most in- veterate Enemies to the Romans , and confequent- ly the fittest to execute his Revenge . 2 . What did he among the Volfcians ? the Romans in the Year 263 . Q. Did he command their Troops ? with A. The ...
Volfcians de la
... Volfcians , confider what was fit to be done , and propofe That which he judged moft agreeable to the Intereft of both Parties , re- membring always that the Romans were not Men to be wrought upon by Menaces , or that would yield any ...