Senatul României este una din cele două camere ale Parlamentului (acesta fiind bicameral) României. La fel ca și cealaltă cameră, Camera Deputaților, ...
The Senate (Romanian: Senat) is the upper house in the bicameral Parliament of Romania. It has 136 seats to which members are elected by direct popular vote ...
Official website of the Senate, the upper house of Parliament, for the country of Romania. Website. electronic | Electronic (Form).

Senate of Romania

The Senate is the upper house in the bicameral Parliament of Romania. It has 136 seats, to which members are elected by direct popular vote using party-list proportional representation in 43 electoral districts, to serve four-year terms. Wikipedia
President: Nicolae Ciucă, PNL; since 13 June 2023
Last election: 6 December 2020
Next election: 1 December 2024
Seats: 136
Voting system: 1992–2008; 2016–present: Closed list, D'Hondt method; 2008–2016: nominal vote, mixed member proportional representation

Senatul Romaniei · ⭐ It's been almost half a year since I joined the @unicefromania team, as · Astăzi, la sărbătorirea a 160 de ani de istorie a Senatului!
Photo by Ines Nerina | Diabetes Blogger in Senatul Romaniei. Centenarul Constitutiei Romaniei ! Intonarea Imnului national si a Imnului Europei, in cadrul.
Senatul României. 17768 likes · 91 talking about this. Parlamentul este instituția reprezentativă supremă a poporului român și unica autoritate a legii.
The Government ensures the implementation of the country's domestic and foreign policy and provides general management direction for the public administration ( ...