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Acele lucruri care – însumate, în interacțiunea complexă și greu descriptibilă dintre ele – vor modela lumea de mâine, lumea de după pandemie.” ‒ Olivia Toderean „Una dintre primele culegeri sistematizate de lucrări ...
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Imprisoned by the Romanian Communists for his work in the Christian Underground, and subjected to medieval torture, Wurmbrand kept his faith and strengthened it.
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Based on fieldwork conducted in Romania and drawing heavily on Romanian sources, including television and radio transcripts, official documents, newspaper reports, and interviews, this book is the most thorough study of the Romanian ...
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The final part of the book focuses on modern empires, such as the German "Reich." The essays suggest that empires were more adaptive and resilient to change than is commonly thought.
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James Jones, the novelist best known for his WWII trilogy "From Here to Eternity" (Nat l Book Award, 1952) "The Thin Red Line," and "Whistle," was chosen to write the text accompanying a coffee-table book of art from WWII edited by Art ...
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This collection of his papers concerning Turkey is arranged chronologically from 1874 to 1880; it consists of previously unpublished memorandums, editorials to the London Times, reviews, and scholarly articles.
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A few of these tales are still part of the literature curriculum in Romania to this day, and they are slowly but surely making their way into the rest of the world.
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Based on the author's online photography project, this stunning collection features portraits of 500 women from more than 50 countries, accompanied by revelatory captions that capture their personal stories.
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One of America’s best-loved storytellers, Linda Lael Miller sets passions blazing in the unforgettable tale of one young doctor’s efforts to protect the lovely Rachel from his nemesis, the powerful and demanding owner of a lumber empire ...
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Ever since her sister, Agnes, died, Pearl has a tradition every time it snows. She makes a person out of snow. A snow sister. It makes Christmas feel a little less lonely.