Retro IT Computer History Museum hosts a big collection of vintage computers, portables, laptops and around 2000 different CPUs.
Proiectul Retro IT (atat online - Facebook, Instagram si retroIT.ro - cat si muzeul fizic - Arad, Str Horia Nr 3) reprezinta un efort personal, o ambitie de a ...
· Review by Bradescu T
The most amazing collection of computer history. Was nice to see my childhood devices. Has some really unique additions like processor chips and wafers. Liked ...
Jan 19, 2019 · The tours are in Romanian and English. Location of the Retro IT Museum. Arad, Str. Lucian Blaga, nr. 16. Opening Hours of the Retro IT Museum.
The museum hosts a big collection of vintage computers, portables, computer components and other computer related objects. Using the top menu you can find infos ...
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