People also ask
How old is the romanian anthem?
It was written and published during the 1848 revolution, initially with the name "Un răsunet" ("An echo"), as a lyrical response to Vasile Alecsandri's poem "Către Români" ("To Romanians"), later known as "Deșteptarea României" ("The Awakening of Romania"), from which Mureșanu took inspiration for many of the themes ...
What is considered the best national anthem?
Top 20 Greatest National Anthems of All Time
#8: “Brazilian National Anthem” ...
#7: "The Star-Spangled Banner" ...
#6: "Il Canto Degli Italiani" Italy. ...
#5: "Deutschlandlied" Germany. ...
#4: “State Anthem of the Russian Federation” Russia. ...
#3: "O Canada" Canada.
#2: "God Save the King" The United Kingdom.
#1: "La Marseillaise" France.
Deșteaptă-te, române is the national anthem of Romania and former national anthem of Moldova. Deșteaptă-te, române! English: Awaken thee, Romanian!
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