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Translation of 8 instructions on baptism given by St. John Chrysostom, probably at Antioch, about 390 A.D.
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By the middle of the century, men were prompted to disdain the decadent and gaudy colors of the pre-Revolutionary period and wear unrelievedly black frock coats suitable to the manly and serious world of commerce.
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This book examines the receipt, transmission, and interpretation of the Old Testament in the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
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All the while, The New Gods reaffirms Cioran’s belief in “lucid despair,” and his own signature mixture of pessimism and skepticism in language that never fails to be a pleasure.
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Christology and christopraxis find one another in the full and completed knowledge of Christ. This christology links dogmatics and ethics in closer detail than in the previous volumes.
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Staniloae develops a theology of creation, humanity, the unseen world of angels and demons, the fall of humanity, providence and the deification of the world.
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"The Life in Christ by Nicholas Cabasilas is a remarkable product of Byzantium's last great flowering of theology.