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Învață să pronunți re·gime

  1. a government, especially an authoritarian one.
    „ideological opponents of the regime”
    sinonime: government, authorities, system of government, rule, reign, dominion, sovereignty, jurisdiction, authority, control, command, administration, establishment, direction, management, leadership
  2. a system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above.
    „detention centers with a very tough physical regime”
    sinonime: system, arrangement, scheme, code, apparatus, mechanism, order, pattern, method, procedure, routine, policy, practice, course, plan, program, diet, regimen

acum 7 zile · 1. a : regimen sense 1 b : a regular pattern of occurrence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) c : the characteristic behavior or orderly procedure of a ...
acum 7 zile · A regime (also spelled régime) is the form of government or the set of rules, cultural, or social norms, that regulate the operation of a government or ...
acum 4 zile · Synonyms for REGIME: government, administration, rule, reign, governance, regimen, dictatorship, tyranny, leadership, jurisdiction.
acum 6 zile · 6 RULES for Survival under an Authoritarian Regime. Rule 1. Don't stay indifferent. It WILL concern you eventually. It will concern your family, your friends.
acum 2 zile · For Beijing, regime security is everything and concerns about 'hostile Western forces' will continue, no matter who ends up in the White House.
acum 6 zile · 3 种含义: 1. a system of government or a particular administration 2. a social system or order 3. medicine → another word for regimen (sense 1).
acum 9 ore · English pronunciations of regime from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary.
acum 1 zi · Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status ...
acum 2 zile · Group alleged to have been plotting armed takeover of eastern regions to establish a Nazi-inspired regime.
acum 6 zile · The proposal is a new regime that brings carried interest within the income tax regime, rather than capital gains, but with its own classification rules and ...