parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
This ground-breaking book is an impressively extensive collection of primary historical sources in various languages that reflect the history of the Roma (formerly referred to as 'Gypsies' in local languages).
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
This volume gathers key lessons for democratic theory and practice from Romania’s first twenty-five years of post-communist transformation.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
The volume discusses the integration of peasants into the nation building project of Greater Romania with a focus on social and cultural practices.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
"Emilia, a pensioner in northern Romania, is forced to confront the nostalgic illusions she nurtures as a reaction to the grim post-communist present when her daughter, now living in Canada, telephones urging her not to vote for the former ...
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
Lucian Boia înfățișează modul cum, începând cu cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, apoi în perioada comunistă și în anii care au urmat, această diversitate a dispărut aproape cu desăvârșire.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
This collection will be the first volume to gather the best writing on socialist and postsocialist entertainment television as a medium, technology, and institution in Eastern Europe.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
This history of the Romanian Communist Party (RCP) traces its origins as a tiny, clandestine revolutionary organization in the 1920s, to its years in national power from 1944 to 1989, and to the post-1989 metamorphoses.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
A new work from the Romanian author Dan Lungu.
parlamentul romaniei blog maria ghiorghiu from
An empowering new view of the nature of physics and the constant evolution of our physical and social world