Pe 21 septembrie, Camera Deputaților este partener al iMapp Bucharest - Winners League, cel mai mare eveniment de video mapping din lume.
Known for its ornate interior composed of 23 sections, the palace houses the two chambers of the Parliament of Romania: the Senate (Senat) and the Chamber of ...
Aug 4, 2015 · Then, we got to visit the Palatul Parlamentului (the Palace of the Parliament) in Bucharest. The building is located on Spirii Hill in ...
5890 Followers, 83 Following, 363 Posts - Laura Vicol (@deputatlauravicol) on Instagram: "Deputat în Parlamentul României, PSD."
„PSD, ALDE, Pro România au majoritate (în Parlament - n.r). Matematic, ei pot guverna dacă vor, pot forma majoritate.” Adevărat.
Deputat de Cluj by Deputat de Cluj. Follow Parlamentul Romaniei - Camera-Deputatilor Upgrade to Flickr Pro to hide these ads.
Upcoming local, parliamentary, presidential, and European Parliament elections in 2024 will test the resilience of Romania's democracy.
Bucharest Endometriosis Center is an integrated facility for diagnosis and surgical treatment for endometriosis and adenomyosis.
Aerial drone footage of the People's Palace in Bucharest Romania. Romanian Parliament seen from above. 00:33. 4K HD.
Mihai Polițeanu. Deputat de Prahova. Iubesc Ploieștiul. Activist anticorupție și pentru statul de drept. Parlamentul României - Camera Deputaților University of ...