John Bird Sumner (25 February 1780 – 6 September 1862) was a bishop in the Church of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. The Most Reverend and Right ...
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John Bird Sumner. (1780-1862), Archbishop of Canterbury. Early Victorian Portraits Catalogue Entry. Sitter associated with 13 portraits
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Abp. of Canterbury from 1848. Though unsympathetic towards R. D. Hampden's theology, he did not oppose his appointment as Bp. of Hereford, and took part in ...
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12 ian. 2016 · John Bird Sumner, archbishop of Canterbury, eldest son of the Rev. Robert Sumner, and brother of Bishop Charles Richard Sumner, was born at ...
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28 apr. 2022 · John Bird Sumner. Birthdate: February 22, 1780. Birthplace: Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom.
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Archbishop of Canterbury from 1848. Educated at Eton and King's College, Cambridge, he taught briefly at Eton, was ordained in 1803, became a canon of Durham ( ...
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John Bird Sumner (1780-1862) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1848 until his death, and before that Bishop of Chester from 1828. A relative of William ...
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Archbishop Sumner was a gifted academic as well as an outstanding pastor and administrator. During his tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury, ...
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RM GGH553–John Bird Sumner (1780 – 1862) was a bishop in the Church of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. From 1815 to 1829 Sumner published a number of ...