Jacques Saurin (January 6, 1677 – December 30, 1730) was a major French religious figure in the late 17th century and early 18th century
Jacques Saurin a fost o figură religioasă franceză majoră la sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea și începutul secolului al XVIII-lea, care a fost deosebit de cunoscut ca predicator. Wikipedia (Engleză)
Născut: 6 ianuarie 1677, Nîmes, Franța
Data morții: 30 decembrie 1730, Haga, Olanda
Sermons Translated From the Original French of the Late Rev. James Saurin ..., Volume 1
Predigten uber verschiedene Texte der Heiligen Schrift
Conversion: The Danger of Delaying It
Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture Sainte
Jacob Saurins, ehmaligen Predigers im Haag, Predigten über die Leidensgeschichte Jesu, und andre damit verwandte Materien
Leer-redenen over verscheydene texten der H. Schrift
Jacques Saurin was a pastor serving in the countries of Refuge, first in London, then in the Hague – as a pastor he was admired for his eloquence and a person ...
Jacques Saurin was born on January 6, 1677 in Nimes, France. In 1685 his father, who was a Protestant, fled the country when the Edict of Nantes was revoked.
Saurin, Jacques the most eloquent preacher of French Protestantism, was born at Nimes Jan. 6, 1677. In his eighth year his family, fleeing from the ...
Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague (London : R. Edwards ...
Artist: Thomas Holloway (1748 - 1827) English ; Title: Jacques Saurin, 1677 - 1730. French Protestant divine ; Date: Unknown ; Materials: Line engraving on paper.
Jacques Saurin - Person - National Portrait Gallery
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French Protestant Minister in London.
21 apr. 2015 · Jacques Saurin originated from Nîmes. He travelled to England from Geneva with Stephen Romilly. When Jacques arrived in England he had not yet been 'received' ...
[X-Info] Saurin, Jacques, 1677-1730: Sermons of the Rev. James Saurin, late pastor of the French church at the Hague (printed and published by D. A. Borrenstein ...
Artist: Francois Chereau (1680 - 1729) French ; Title: Jacques Saurin, 1677 - 1730. French Protestant divine ; Date: Unknown ; Materials: Line engraving on paper.