... FPEAK is part of a larger Kenya Horticul- ture Council formed in 2007 through a merger between the Kenya Flower Council and FPEAK. The Kenya Hor- ticulture Council's role is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use ...
... fpeak face to face , Coram loqui . To fpeak fat , Tollutim loqui . To fpeak for , Intercedo . I muft go get fomebody to fpeak for me , Ad precatorem adeam credo qui mibi oret . If ever he do fo again ' le never fpeak for him more ...
Elisha COLES (Lexicographer). To fpeak againft , contradico , obloquer . To fpeak at all adventures , effutio . To speak before , proloquor , 3 . To fpeak briefly , perlingo , 3 . To fpeak evil of one , maledice , 3 . To fpeak face to ...
... fpeak before , Proloquor . To peak briefly , Pertringo . Topeak evil of one , Maledico . Torpeak face to face , Coram loqui . To speak faft , Tollutim loqui . To speak for , Intercedo . I muft A specialty , Specialitas , proprietas ...
... fpeak ? Me levesje ? Doft thou fpeak ? Te leve - tu ? Does he fpeak ? Parlons - nous ? Do we fpeak ? Parlent - ils Parlent - elles ? Doft thou rife ? Does he rife ? Does the rife ? Nous levons - nous ? Do we rife ? Vous levez - vous ...
... fpeak . eras , thou fhalt , or wilt , fpeak . era , he fhall , or will , fpeak . Plural . Tu Il Nous Vous lls erons , we fhall , or will , fpeak . erez , you fhall , or will , speak . eront , they fhall , or will , fpeak ...
... fpeak fai , Tellurim loqui . To fpeak for , Intercedo . I muft go get fomebody to feak for me , A precat rem adeam credo qui mibi oret . If eve he do fo again ' le never fcak for him more , Cæterùm poftbac fi quicquam nibil precer ...
... ( FPEAK ) . FPEAK is a private association of about 200 exporters . Currently , it is the only association of exporters of fruits and vegetables . The objective of FPEAK is to undertake all those activities that increase the ...
... fpeak , I fpeak it not after the Lord , but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boafting . 17. That which I fpeak of my self , I fpeak not as I do the Gofpel by Inspira- tion ; and I confefs that materially it hath the appearance ...