As Seven Pillars shows, the 'West' and the Arabs and all of Islam are now embroiled in a conflict that has it's roots in the diplomatic duplicity during World War I, which has brought chaos to a large expanse of the world, and which shows ...
Imprisoned by the Romanian Communists for his work in the Christian Underground, and subjected to medieval torture, Wurmbrand kept his faith and strengthened it.
From Atlantis to the Sphinx is a fascinating exploration of the remote depths of history and a compelling attempt to understand these long forgotten people.
This revised edition includes material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt’s postscript directly addressing the controversy that arose over her account.
Latest from Olivier Roy offering a brilliant analysis of Europe's ongoing culture wars over identity, immigration and Islam, and what these mean for Christianity.
The work contains documents relating to early Christianity, the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem, and the history of the zealots, with interpretations alongside the Hebrew transliterations.
In this historical treasure, now restored to posterity, text and drawings by a Union cartographer record the daily life of Civil war soldiers, the firsthand observation of officers, and the battles he witnessed from Yorkville to Bull Run. ...