... Christian grounds alone. The work of New Testament scholars shows us that early Christians made huge assumptions about the family, about tribe and kinship, that were based on pre- Christian traditions. Nevertheless, you can conclude ...
... Christian hope is nothing less than the hope of heaven, and this hope is central to Christian faith. But in showing man the path to heaven, the Gospels themselves are ambiguous. The early Christians lived under the exciting certainty of ...
... early Christians really hunted down and martyred, forced to hide in the catacombs of Rome? Did the ancient Jews of Jesus' time always believe in a single, all-powerful God? How did breaking away from their Jewish roots make Christians ...
Work s in an Age of Burning Faith EARLY CHRISTIANS ENRICHED THEIR CHURCHES IN RAVENNA WITH MOSAIC MASTERWORKS w V Y ithin the ancient and forbidding Italian town of Ravenna, the fervent spirit of early Christianity gleams with unworldly ...
An ancient Christian perspective would have seen all desire as a reflection of the soul's search for God Not only should Christians be sympathetic towards gay culture, but. own answers, which differ from both Vasey's and those of his ...
... Church of the Holy Sepulcher which was begun around 330, not long alter the bishop of Jerusalem announced that, digging under a Roman temple, he had discovered Christ's tomb and Golgotha. 1 he confidence with which the early Christians ...
... early Christians had had that worship was corporate (the Church celebrates). Christian worship had come to be neither in this world nor for it. The late- nineteenth century evangelical Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, J C Ryle, gave ...
... ancient Christian perspective would have seen all desire as. I was delighted to be asked to review Strangers and ... Christians and gay rights in 1991. I am happy to see him extend that work. Furthermore, he makes considerable use ...
... early Christians. But they would not be among the books that formed the New Testament. In the first centuries after Christ, there was From the many different scriptures then available, Christians held beliefs that today would be ...
... Church of the Holy Sepulcher which was begun around 330, not long alter the bishop of Jerusalem announced that, digging under a Roman temple, he had discovered Christ's tomb and Golgotha. 1 he confidence with which the early Christians ...