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Center of Military History publication CMH Pub. 30-21. Army Historical Series. Richard W. Stewart, General Editor. Revision of the 1989 edition which was a revision of a textbook written for the senior ROTC courses.
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Across the book, at least 70% of the recipes will be everyday options from both an ease and nutritional point of view, meaning you’re covered for every day of the week.
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However, many basic principles about aerospace power have stood the test of time and warfare. This book provides the reader with many of these time-tested ideas for consideration and reflection.
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If gaining insights about where we are going requires an understanding of where we have been, Colonel Drew and Dr. Snow provide a key to understanding how and why the United States might employ its military power in the future.
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Based on the authors' rich experiences, this book demonstrates that evaluation of measures aimed at more sustainable mobility is a useful task which can be learned by everybody.
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This publication, prepared in light of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety developed after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, addresses the management of large volumes of radioactive waste arising in a nuclear or ...
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In a clear and simple manner, this book illustrates the main features of the subject using chronologies, maps, glossaries and biographies of key individuals.
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Fully updated, the 3rd edition of Green Logistics has a more global perspective than previous editions. It introduces new contributors and international case studies that illustrate the impact of green logistics in practice.
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The fifth edition of Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training presents the latest refinements to Bompa’s periodization theory to help you create training programs that enhance sport skills and ensure peak performance.