A revised series provides detailed overviews of devastating world disasters, weaving together important background information with gripping accounts from survivors and victims.
When an earthquake creates a tsunami while thirteen-year-old Kyle is babysitting his sister during a family vacation at a Pacific Coast resort, he tries to save himself, his sister, and a boy who has bullied him for years.
In 1958, a wave of water towering over 1700 feet high killed some local fisherman in a remote section of Alaska and caused a new word to be added to dictionaries across the world. Mega-Tsunami.
Celui-ci lutte au quotidien avec un sens du devoir digne de l'heritage Samourai. Un combat dont l'enjeu inquiete le monde entier. Philippe Nibelle refuse de quitter son pays d'adoption.
Comment retrouver sa grande soeur quand elle a disparu il y a dix ans ? quand elle a disparu en Indonésie, juste après le Tsunami ? quand elle a disparu alors qu'elle soignait des populations meurtries et affamées ?
The aim of this book is to promote interdisciplinary dialogue by linking the results of the most recent research into historical earthquakes and tsunamis in Iberia from the fields of geology, history and archaeology.