Several outstanding leaders in their field have commended the book to a wide reading audience. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, former General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ, calls the book "a must read.
This is not an endorsement of Democratic policies, only an assessment of why our government no longer gets anything done. What is often ignored, though, is the role evangelicals are playing in what is happening.
In his bold new book A Different Jesus: A Christian Theology Big Enough for an Interfaith World, Jan Linn presents an eye-opening perspective on the place of Jesus and Christianity in a changing world.
Respected Disciples Michael Kinnamon and Jan Linn propose reclaiming the Disciples movement's identity in a way that encourages reform of worship, relationships, and mission.
Linn argues that evangelism is not a numbers game, but an unbridled spirituality that finds its expression in ministries that intentionally witness to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.