Ai dorit să scrii: speak
fpeak de la
... fpeak load period Spitzenleistung f1 . peak output ( power ) ; 2. peak performance ( Güte ) Spitzenleistungsdichte fpeak power density Spitzenlichtbogenspannung fpeak arc voltage Spitzenmodulationshubmesser m peak modula- tion deviation ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak with Tongues ? Do all interpret ? But if what the Apoftles had fpoken in one Language , had been heard by ... fpeak divers Languages : But there is no Ground at all to fuppofe fo ; because it is not faid , that any of the ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak , as the abrupt departure of the Six Nation chiefs had interrupted his discourse the day before . Teedyufcang . ] Uncles , accord- ing to ancient cuftom , we ufed to fpeak one to another at home ; but now I muft fpeak to you in ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak my words unto them , whether they will hear , or whether they will forbear ; for they are most rebel- lious . 8 But thou , fon of man , hear what I fay un- tothee ; Be not thou rebellious like that re- bellious houfe : open thy ...
fpeak de la
... Fpeak Elect . Storage power ( kW ) Qgen , hdi P / ( ht ts ) Fpeak Thermal energy generated by Electrical the heat dish ( kWt ) power output ( kWe ) Qrej = E ( 1 - npc ) / [ ( Fupp + Fpp Пpp ) Пpc ] Heat rejected by the radiator ( kWt ) ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak not your felf ; and whom ye only hear , of them ye only learn . And therefore , if ye would fpeak as the beft and wifeft do , ye must be converfant , where the beft and wifeft are : but if you be born , or brought up in a rude ...
fpeak de la
... ( Fpeak ) und die Dauer ( timp ) des jeweili- gen Impulses zeigt die nachstehende Übersicht ( mittlere Werte aus 10 Schüssen , Berechnung von Fpeak und timp inklusive Nachschwankungen ) . 0,5 ms Pistole ( P1 ) : Gewehr ( G3 ) : Leopard ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak- eth with tongues , except he in- terpret , that the church may re- ceive edifying . 18 I think my God , I ' with tongues more then vo 19 Yet in the church I h ther fpeak five words wast underlanding , that by m I might reach ...
fpeak de la
... fpeak So faintly ; with fuch Fear to grieve her Heart , She'd not believe it earnest . Ant . Therefore ; therefore Thou only , thou art fit : Think thy felf Me , And when thou fpeak'ft ( but let it first be long ) Take off the Edge from ...