Catamarca de la
... Catamarca . Race Calchagui . Seeds semi - dent type . Local name Morocho . Cultivated . Seed . 492682. ARZM 12 175. , Argentina . Palo Seco , Catamarca . Race Calchaqui . Seeds semi - dent type . Local name Diente de Caballo ...
Catamarca de la
... Catamarca the latter is more important of the two . Although somewhat divided by its drainage into smaller units , Catamarca also shows three type sections . Almost this entire section of Argentina is dry , but the slopes of the Andes ...
Catamarca de la
... Catamarca . San Luis , Rioja , San Juan , Mendoza , Neuquen . Catamarca , Rioja , San Luis , San Juan , Mendoza . Puna de Atacama . Frequent in all provinces and territories . Catamarca , Salta . Córdoba , Catamarca , Mendoza . San ...