Love Rain is a 2012 South Korean television series directed by Yoon Seok-ho. Set in the seventies and the present day, it tells a love story over two ...
Rating (43,860)
“Love Rain” is a South Korean drama series directed by Yoon Seok Ho that airs between March 26, 2012, and May 29, 2012. The drama reunites Yoon, a well-known ...
Love Rain depicts a 1970's pure love and a love from the present day 1970's. In-Ha (Jang Keun-Suk) is a university student majoring in art.
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Rating (19,154)
Suh In Ha is a sensitive artist who falls in love at first sight with fellow college student, Kim Yoon Hee. The two of them develop feelings for each other, ...
Rating (82) · $55.99
Main Cast : Jang Geun Suk, Yoona, Kim Si Hoo, Son Eun Seo Audio Tracks : Korean. Mandarin Subtitle : Chinese, Malay, English Release Date : 19-11-2012 No.
Rating (1,703)
University students Seo In-ha and Kim Yoon-hee in 1970s Seoul was separated by events. In 2012, their children Seo Joon and Jung Ha-na fall in love, ...
Video for Love Rain
Feb 9, 2020 · Drama Name: Love Rain Donations for the channel: ...
Duration: 20:55
Posted: Feb 9, 2020
Jan 17, 2018 · Love Rain is not a drama that will make you into a better person, cause you to figure out who you are and what you should be doing with your ...
Suh In Ha falls in love with Kim Yoon Hee at first sight, but little does he know, his more outgoing friend Lee Dong Wook has his eyes set on her too.