Ichi: Directed by Fumihiko Sori. With Haruka Ayase, Shidō Nakamura, Yōsuke Kubozuka, Takao Osawa. Ichi is a blind woman who roams about town with her ...
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Ichi is a 2008 chanbara チャンバラ film directed by Fumihiko Sori, starring Haruka Ayase, Takao Osawa, Shido Nakamura, and Yosuke Kubozuka.
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Distribuția principalć ; Haruka Ayase. Ichi ; Yosuke Kubozuka. Toraji Shirakawa ; Takao Osawa. Toma Fujihira ; Shido Nakamura. Banki ; Tetta Sugimoto. Blind Man.
Ichi is a goze who is travelling Japan in search of her mentor, who was the actual Zatoichi. She was born blind. As an infant, Zatoichi rescued her and left ...
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Release Date: October 25, 2008 ; Runtime: 120 min. ; Genre: Female-Action / Martial Arts / Samurai / Blindness ; Distributor: Warner Bros. Japan ; Language: ...
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When the boss of the Anjo gang goes missing, a masochistic subordinate kakihara becomes involved, leading to an inevitable confrontation.
A blind shamisen player battles yakuza and other villains with her exceptional sword skills.
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2008's Ichi features Haruka Ayase in a quiet stoic performance, more reserved but no less deadly than her predecessors. Her presence and fierce form in combat ...
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Michelle Williams and Lucy in Wendy and Lucy (2008). 37. Wendy and Lucy. 20081h 20mR. 7.1 (20K) Rate. 80Metascore. Over the summer, a series of unfortunate ...
Apr 25, 2019 · dar și cu prieteni pe care se poate baza. Distribuție: Haruka Ayase, Shidō Nakamura, Yōsuke Kubozuka. Acest film NU ARE permisiunea de a fi ...