Jun 13, 2016 · i have a logan (tondar 90 ,irankhodro) 2011,95000 Km. as soon as driving to mountain roads (meandered) the temperature indicator changes from 4 ...
Oct 20, 2006 · If the temperature gauge is indicating that the engine is warmed up but one hose is hot and the other is cold, the thermostat is probably stuck ...
Aug 30, 2018 · The vibration disappears when putting load on the engine. 3- Sudden stalling at cold temperature. When driving down the road shortly after cold ...
Daca expertii aia ONU or fi fost colegi de gradinita cu expertii care se jurau ca Irakul e plin de arme chimice, orice e posibil. Armata SUA inca le mai cauta.
Feb 11, 2014 · Symptoms are that 2WD and Coil-warning lights appear and 4WD will not engage. This happens especially if it has been raining, air humidity is ...
Dec 26, 2015 · This happens especially if it has been raining, air humidity is high and temperatures are above zero. ... temperature sensor for 4WD is attached ...
Jun 19, 2007 · Guys in service checked it and said that everything is OK. When outside temperature is lower, it is quite quiet. I'm a bit ashamed to drive ...
ClimateGate ; Mesaj semiautomat. Group: Members Posts: 33.670. Joined: 15 August 05. incalzirea globala si-a facut prezenta cu adevarat de zeci de ani... ; Mesaj ...
Oct 4, 2012 · The strangest thing is that when the car is at the right temperature it runs normal. Can anyone help me? Did it happened to someone else? I ...