Acest drept se poate revoca de catre administratori sau moderatori oricand si fara o notificare prealabila daca nu se specifica altfel in prezentul regulament.
Sep 28, 2005 · ce reguli impune un drive test? limita de timp, de viteza, de traseu? e un traseu anume ales de cineva? esti insotit? sau iti da masina si ...
Dec 12, 2010 · dar voi moderati asa, la voia intamplarii? Sa se faca regulament !" ... ei bine, s-a facut regulament. Din pacate regulamentul nu poate ...
May 2, 2006 · I am problem with dicky noise (alternatively ratttling) which outgoing from inside right side dashboard by specific speed engine. All available ...
Feb 11, 2014 · Symptoms are that 2WD and Coil-warning lights appear and 4WD will not engage. This happens especially if it has been raining, air humidity is ...
Apr 19, 2006 · Atata timp cat in regulament nu este stipulat (vaiii ce urat :blush: ) ca la datu cu spatele tre sa aprind avariile nu are nime ce sa comenteze.
Jun 13, 2016 · i have a logan (tondar 90 ,irankhodro) 2011,95000 Km. as soon as driving to mountain roads (meandered) the temperature indicator changes from 4 ...
Oct 8, 2016 · A few hours after a quite heavy but brief shower I got into my Logan to find the front passenger foot well had 20mm of water sloshing about.
Dec 19, 2007 · Got boot release kit fitted through company it self in a very reasonable price of only INR 500 (discounted for customers). Its a normal boot ...