
Freja's "Hope For The Best" Hair

Image may contain Freja Beha Erichsen Human Person and Face
Josh Olins

FREJA BEHA ERICHSEN has been cutting her own hair for years, and according to the model the process is just as haphazard as it sounds.

"I do still cut my own hair, but I normally reach a point when it looks scrappy. I get to the back, can't really see anything and just chop, chop, chop and hope for the best," she told us. "It's really hard to see what you're doing with the back."

Beha Erichsen - who appears on the cover of Vogue's August issue - first had her hair cut into its shoulder-length style by hairstylist Christiaan Houtenbos, and has occasionally had to call upon experts to help her when her free-hand cutting goes awry.

"Once or twice a year I go to the hairdresser so that they can fix it - or at least make it even," she admitted. "Often hairdressers say to me, 'Your hair is completely uneven', and I say, 'Please, help me and fix it.' Sometimes I need a helping hand."