Star-crossed: Astronomer sets zodiac signs spinning

photo Staff graphic by Laura W. McNutt

After 29 years as a determined and compulsive Scorpio, Spencer Gelinas is OK with suddenly being a suave, cosmopolitan Libra.

"I am totally urbane and charming," he said, sitting in the Market Street Tavern where he works as a bartender.

Virginia Cofer, however, is not ready to give up her adventurous and courageous Aries persona for a selfless and easily led Pisces.

"Easily led, are you crazy?" she asked. "I'm a bull in a china shop."

Horoscope readers around the world were buzzing this week as word spread that the Capricorn or Taurus or Gemini they'd always seen in the mirror may actually be someone else.

Parke Kunkle, an astronomer in Minnesota, set the heavens a'tremble and Facebook alight by telling The Associated Press that the natural wobble in the Earth's orbit has created a shift in the universe's alignment of the zodiac signs.

Earth is in a different spot in relation to the sun than it was 3,000 years ago, when the study of astrology began and the 12 zodiac signs were assigned to 12 different periods of the year, he told the AP.

Now, longtime Capricorns - decisive, pessimistic - must deal with being Sagittarians - optimistic, tactless. Generous but bossy Leos have morphed into emotional, moody Cancers.

"I am devastated. I am going to have to change my whole psyche," said 30-year-old Clay Hicks, also a Market Street Tavern bartender, after realizing he must switch from pioneering, daredevil Aries to escapist, compassionate Pisces.

Cofer, 48, is co-owner and chef at the Silver Jalapeño restaurants at the foot of Signal Mountain and in Warehouse Row downtown. She insists that she's "exactly an Aries" - adventurous, energetic and dynamic but also selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient.

Ann Morgan, 48, has known Cofer since first grade at the Bright School and agreed that her star sign describes her. But she's not so sure when it comes to shifting her own long-held Libra into her newfound Virgo.

As she reads down a list of Virgo traits, she nodded at certain ones - practical, perfectionist, meticulous. Sitting beside her, Cofer nods and says "uh-huh" to Morgan's self-assessment.

But Virgos also are seen as fussy worriers, which Morgan completely discounts.

"I've never worried about anything in my entire life," she said, "though maybe I should."

For Kelly Brown, the news that she's suddenly a Cancer after a lifetime as a Leo is a revelation.

"That's why my horoscopes have always been wrong!" she exclaimed.

Like many, she says horoscopes are always so "vague and broad," most anyone can see traits of themselves in all 12 signs. Still, it's a little tough for her to accept some of the traits attributed to Cancers - and that's where friends like Ayesha Reynolds come in.

Both 31, the two have been friends since fifth grade and now are partners in Homespun Parties and Events.

Reading a list of Cancer traits, Brown finds such positive descriptions as "intuitive" and "sympathetic," but also slams into some less-than-stellar ones.

"Overemotional and touchy?" she reads.

"Yeah," Reynolds says.

"Overemotional and touchy?"


"Clinging and unable to let go?"

"Oh, yeah!"

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