
Old Fashioned Macaroni and Tomatoes

Old Fashioned Macaroni and Tomatoes are a classic dish that your family will love. Your favorite pasta cooked to perfection in a warm tomato sauce. This is one of those recipes like grandma used to make that will take you right back to childhood. If you are looking for a trip back in time, keep reading to find out how I made my Old-Fashioned Macaroni and Tomatoes.

How do you make Macaroni and Tomatoes?

  1. Bring salted pasta water to a boil in large pot.
  2. Add in elbow macaroni or your favorite pasta.
  3. Cook pasta until tender, then drain pasta water.
  4. Return drained pasta to stove top.
  5. Add in tomato juice and let simmer until sauce thickens.

Can you boil noodles in tomato juice?

Yes, you can cook your pasta directly in the tomato juice. However, I prefer to cook the noodles in salty water first and then add in the tomato juice. I feel it is easier to control the thickness of your macaroni and tomatoes this way.

Can you freeze Mac and Tomatoes?

Yes, you can freeze macaroni and tomatoes. I feel like the texture is better when it has been made fresh. Since they cook up in no time I would prefer to serve them fresh. But if you have leftover mac and tomatoes you can absolutely freeze them for a quick dish to pop in the microwave for later.

Should you add tomatoes to Macaroni and Tomatoes?

I personally love diced tomatoes in my macaroni, but it is definitely not a necessity. If you live in a house with picky eaters like me then you can always leave out the tomatoes. The flavor will be just as great. Adding diced tomatoes is more for texture than flavor enhancement so it is all about personal preference.

Should you use fresh tomato juice for Mac and Tomatoes?

Garden fresh tomatoes just have a completely different taste than store-bought canned tomatoes. Don’t get me wrong, I love a batch of macaroni and tomatoes made from home canned or fresh squeezed tomatoes.

But sometimes all you have is the store-bought stuff. And let me tell you, they both have a different flavor, but they are both just as delicious. So, use what you have. They are so good either way.

If you give my Homemade Macaroni and Tomatoes a try, remember to tag me on Instagram. I love to see all your recipe creations. As always, keep following along with The Four Acre Farm blog for more Easy RecipesGardening Tips, & Budget Friendly DIY.

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Macaroni and Tomatoes

Old Fashioned Macaroni and Tomatoes
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Course: Main Course, Side Dish
Keyword: macaroni, tomatoes
Servings: 6


  • 1 box Elbow Macaroni Noodles
  • 4 quarts Tomato Juice
  • 1 can Diced Tomatoes (Optional)
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Pepper


  • Bring salted pasta water to a boil in large pot.
  • Add in elbow macaroni or your favorite pasta.
  • Cook pasta until tender, then drain pasta water.
  • Return drained pasta to stove top.
  • Add in 3 Quarts tomato juice and let simmer until sauce thickens. If you want a thinner sauce add more tomato juice.
  • Add Salt and Pepper to Taste.