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What does the sob emoji mean?

THE SOB emoji is highly popular among smartphone, internet, and social media users.

There are multiple names and meanings for this emoji.

The sob emoji, also known as the 'Loudly Crying Face'
The sob emoji, also known as the 'Loudly Crying Face'Credit: Getty

What does the sob emoji mean?

The sob emoji is also known as the 'Loudly Crying Face' and is one of multiple 'sad face' emoticons.

It can mean that the user is either sad, joyous, or in a humorous mood.

Therefore, it can indicate both sad or happy tears.

Emojipedia states: "A yellow face with an open mouth wailing and streams of heavy tears flowing from closed eyes. May convey inconsolable grief but also other intense feelings, such as uncontrollable laughter, pride or overwhelming joy."

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As Moji Edit notes, the 'Loudly Crying Face' emoji is more intense than the similar 'Crying Face' icon.

Where can the sob emoji be used?

The sob emoticon can be used on both Apple and Samsung devices.

It can also be used across multiple platforms, such as Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Skype.

According to Emojipedia, it became the "most popular emoji on Twitter" in March 2021 and until January 2022.

How can the sob emoji be used?

The sob emoji can be used to indicate sadness or happiness. It can also be used to express humor.

Some people favor using this emoticon in a certain way.

Twitter user @JasmynBeKnowing urged her followers to use this emoji only in a humorous light.

A 3D sob emoji
A 3D sob emojiCredit: Getty

She tweeted that the sob emoji should be used to mean: "OMG so funny I'm crying."

In a tweet from March 31, 2021, actress Skai Jackson expressed her confusion about evoking humor with this emoji.

Many users replied to Jackson's tweet and discussed their varying opinions and their shared puzzlement.
