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September 1976


Zorach R. Glaser
Patricia F. Brown
Maire S. Brown

Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment

at Naval Surface Weapons Center
Dahlgren Laboratory
Dahlgren, VA 22448

Project No. MF51.524.015~0030





Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D.

Patricia F. Brown, B.S. and Maire S. Brown

Naval Medical Research Institute Detachment

Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren Laboratory
(Code DF-522), Dahlgren, Virginia 22448

This report is a compilation and integration of the first seven supplements,

and the alphabetical addenda (appended to the original bibliography), with
the revised bibliography of April 1972. The report is a successor to Naval
Medical Research Institute (NMRI, Bethesda, MD 20014) Research Report No. 2,
completed under Research Work Unit MF12.524.015-0004B in October 1971, by
the senior author, and available from National Technical Information Service
(Springfield, VA 22151) as AD #734-391. The original report was revised and
reprinted in April 1972, and also contains the first three supplements; No. l
dated October 1971, No. 2 dated November 1971, and No. 3 dated April 1972.
The revised report which consists of more than 2300 literature citations, is
available from NTIS as AD #750-271, and includes, as the first chapter, an
outline of the effects which have been attributed to radio frequency and
microwave radiation. Supplement No. 4 (containing 327 citations) was completed
in June 1973, as an Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Project Office Report,
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), (Washington, DC 20372), and is avail-
able from NTIS as AD #770-621. Supplement No. 5 (containing 497 citations)
was completed in July 1974 as an EMR Project Office Report, Naval Medical
R~search and Development Command (NMR&DC, Bethesda, MD 20014), and is avail-
able from NTIS as AD #784-007. The sixth Supplement (containing 241 citations)
was completed in June 1975 (also as an EMR Project Office, NMR&DC Report), and
is available from NTIS as AD #A015-622. The seventh Supplement (containing
345 citations) was completed in May 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available
from NTIS as AD #A025-354. Supplement No. 8 (not included in this report, but
containing 331 citations), was completed in August 1976 as a NMRI Report, and
is available from NTIS as AD #A029-430.

27 September 1976

(Supersedes AD #734-391, #750-271, #770-621, #784-007, #A015-622, & #A025-354)


More than 3700 references on the biological responses to radio frequency

and microwave radiation, published up to May 1976, are included in this
bibliography of the world literature. Particular attention has been paid
to the effects of non-ionizing radiation on man at these frequencies. The
citations are arranged alphabetically by author (where possible), and contain
as much information as possible so as to assure effective retrieval of the
original documents. Soviet and East European literature is included in detail.
This report is a compilation and integration of the first seven supple-
ments, and the alphabetical addenda {appended to the original bibliography),
with the revised bibliography of April 1972. The report is a successor to
Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI, Bethesda, MD 20014) Research Report
No. 2, completed under Research Work Unit MF12.524.015-0004B in October 1971,
by the senior author, and available from National Technical Information Ser-
vice {Springfield, VA 22151) as AD #734-391. The original report was revised
and reprinted in April 1972, and also contains the first three supplements;
No.1 dated October 1971, No. 2 dated November 1971, and No. 3 dated April 1972.
The revised report which consists of more than 2300 literature citations, is
available from NTIS as AD #750-271, and includes, as the first chapter, an
outline of the effects which have been attributed to radio frequency and
microwave radiation. Supplement No. 4 (containing 327 citations) was completed
tn June 1973, as an Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Project Office Report,
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Navy), (Washington, DC 20372), and is avail-
able from NTIS as AD #770-621. Supplement No. 5 (containing 497 citations)
was completed in July 1974 as an EMR Project Office Report, Naval Medical
Research and Development Command (NMR&DC, Bethesda, MD 20014), and is avail-
able from NTIS as AD #784-007. The sixth Supplement {containing 241 citations)
was completed in June 1975 (also as an EMR Project Office, NMR&DC Report), and
is available from NTIS as AD #A015-622. The seventh Supplement (containing
345 citations) was completed in May 1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available
from NTIS as AD #A025-354. Supplement No. 8 (not included in this report, but
containing 331 citations), was completed in August 1976 as a NMRI Report, and
is available from NTIS as AD #A029-430.
Relevant presentations made at technical meetings are included in a
separate section.
The "outline of bio-effects" which appeared in the original Bibliography
has been included in this report as an Appendix.

Key Words
Biological Effects Non-Ionizing Radiation
Bibliography Microwave Radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation Bio-Effects Electric-Field Bio-Effects
Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation Magnetic Bio-Effects
Radiation Effects Human Factors
Thermogenesis Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation
Health Effects Stress Physiology
Radiobiology (Non-Ionizing) Radar Safety

Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena ('Effects') and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency
Radiation; Naval Medical Research Institute Report No. 2 on Project MF12.524.015-0004B, dated 4 October 1971, (AD #734-391 ), and
Report No. 2 (Revised), 20 April 1972, (AD #750-271) by Zorach.R. Glaser.

2639. AARONSON, s. (1974), The Sciences, 14(1) :15-22, (Jan.-Feb.), "Pictures of an unknown aura: There's something in those
Kirlian photographs, whatever it is", [hig~voltage photography],

1. AARONSO!i, T. (1970) Environment Q(4):2-10, "Mystery" (A good review article)

2312. AABONSON, T. (1970), Environment, 12(5):26-31, "Out of the frying pan", [Hazards from microwave ovens).

2. ABRAMSON, E. 1., BELL, Y., REJAL, H., TUCK, S., B~~TT. C., & FLEISCHER, C. J. (1960) Amer. J. of Physical Ked. 2!:87-95,
"Changea in blood flow, oxygen, uptake, and tissue temperaturu produced by therapeutic physical agents, II. Effect of abortvave
diathe1:111y" [A2, B2, B3, Bl6)

3. ABRAMSON, D. 1., HARRIS, A. J., BEACONSFIELD, P., & SCHROEDER, J. M. (1957) Arch. of Physical Med, ~:369-376, "Changea
ill peripheral blood flow produced by shortvave diachermy" (I) (Bl6, 12)

4. ABRIKOSOV • I. A. (1954) Dissertation, l'!Dscov, "Tho! Iapulse UHF Field ill Experillleutal and Clil:lical Practice" (NV)

5. ABRIKOSOV, 1. A. (1955) Theses of Reports of the Scientific Session of the State Sci. Res. Inet. of Physiotherapy, Moscow,
pp. 28-29, "The Action of a Pulsed Electric UHF Field on the Organism" (ltV)

6. ADDINGTON, C. H., FISCHER, F. P., NEUBAL~R, R. A., OSBO~~. C., S~~. Y. T., & SWARTZ, G. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-aervice
Con£. on Biological Effects of Microwave Enet'gy (Pattishall, E. G., & Banghart, F. w., eds.) 2:189-201, "Review of the work
at University of Buffalo - Studies of the biological effects of 200 megacycles: I. Electrical-facilities and inatruaenta(ion;
II. Ophthalmological studies"

7. ADDINGTON, C. H., NEUBAUER, R. A., OSBORN, c., SWARTZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y. T. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service
Con£. on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiatil:lg Equipmenta (SuasltiDd, c., act.) _!:1-9, "Biological effects of microwave
energy at 200 megacycles upon the eyes of selected mam.ala" [A4, B22}

8. ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWARIZ, G., FISCHER, F. P., & SARKEES, Y. T. (1959) Proc. 3t'd Tri-servica Conf. on Bio-
logical Effects of Microwave Radiating Equi~nta (Susskind, C., eel.) 3:1G-14, "Thermal effects of 200 -gacyclu (c:v) irradia-
tion as related to shape, location, and orictation :!.n the field" -

9. ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBORN, C., SWA."l.TZ, G., FISCHER, ·F. P., h'EUBAUER, R. A., & SAR.KEES, Y. T. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-eervice
Conf. on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, M. 1'., ad.) pp. 177-186, "Biological effects of micro-
wave energy at 200 mc 11 -

3379. ADEY, W.R. {1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 247:15-20, (Feb. 28), "Introduction: Effects of
electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system." [Cited also in #311/,thfs Bibl1o.]

10. ADLER, E., & MAGORA, A. (1955), Amer. J. of Physical Med., 34:521-534, "Experia~~nts on the relation between short111ve
irradiation and the pituitary cortical adrenal system."
3137. ADRIAN, D.J. (1974), Megatek Corp., Harbor City, CA, Report No. P9058-074, (23 Aug.), "Exploratory studies of the
effects of electrical currents on the human nervous system", [An exploratory study of visual effects (phosphenes) produced
by transcranial electric stimulation using low frequency currents].
11. AFANAS 1 YEV, B. G., (1968) Voyenno-Meditsinsltiy Zb. (1):73-74, "Ibe functional condition of the adt'enal cortex in ship
specialists who are subjected to the action of a super-high frequency Dl field" (Ms)

3380. AHMED, N.A.G., CALDERWOOD, J.H., FROHLICH, H., &SMITH, C.W. (1975), Physics Letters, 53A(2):129-130, (2 June),
"Evidence for collective magnetfc effects tn an enzyme: Likelihood of room temperature superciiilcfuctive regions."
12. AKOYUNOGLOU, G. (1964) Nature (London) 202(4931):452-, "Effect of a aagnetic field on carboxydismutase" (J)

3138. ALBANESE, A.A. (1974), New York State J. of Medicine, 74(11):1925 only, (Oct.), "Editorial: Have radar ovens the
potential to do harm?".

3139. ALBERT, E.N., McCULLARS, G., & SHORE, M. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3):205-211, (Sept.) "The effect of 2450
megahertz microwave radiation on liver adenosine triphosphate (ATP)", [No significant difference in ievels in Chinese ham-
sters irradiated at 50 mW/cm21.
13. ALBRECHT:, W. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:634 only, (Abstr. frO!!!: Zeitschrift fur Gesaate Experimentale •ted • .21:81&-,
(Jun 1934)), Development and form of shortwave tbert>al zones· in an agar body" (A]

3140. ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, M.M., KRUGLIKOV, R.I., & KHOLODOV, Y.A. (1968), Physiology and Pathology of Histo-Hematic Barriers.
(Fizio1ogiya i Patologiya Gisto-Gematicheskikh Bar'yerov1, (Iz-vo Nauka), 352-357, (In Russ.), "Barrier mechanisms of the
neuroglia in the process of inhibition under the effect Of weak stimuli".
14. ALEKSEYENKO, N. YU. (1956) In: Materialy po evolyutsionnoy fiziologii. Simpozium (Materials on evolutionary physiology.
Symposium), Moscow, Leningrad, !:7-, [Title not given] (A UHl field evolted changes in muscle function of frogs}

15. ALEYEV, A. M., YELANTSEVA, v. R., & DZHUMAGALIYEV, M. (1961) Zdravooltbraneniye Kazakhstana (Public Health of Kazakhstan)
_(4):75-78, (JPRS 9713), "Effect of a VHF-HF fiel.d on the course of experimental echinococcus" {B, J]

3381. ALI, J.S. (1975), IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, ~{1):76-77, "Versatile temperature controlled
exposure chamber for microwave bioeffects research."
16. ALLAM, D. S. (1969) J. Microwave Power ~(2):108-114, "Conference Report: Radio and microvave radiations, applications,
and potential hazards"

2640. ALLBERRY, J., et al. (1972), Practitioner, 208( ) :687-688, (May), "Treatment of herpes zoster with short wave diathermy
to the spinal cord".

2102, n.LLIS, J. W., & JA:l!S, D. :::. (1970) In: P..adiation Bit'-Effects Summary Report, Hodge, n. M., {ed.), for Jan-Dec 1970
Div, · :>f :llido;:ical Effects, Bur. ?.ad. Eealth, DP.::-.:, (?.e;:.t. :;o, Br.P./DBE 70-7), pp. 131-136, "Ultraviolet IIPectral chanjles :1.~
bo·:ine ser= al::=in after irradiation vith ::~icrO>o·aves at 2,45 G!!z"

17. ALM, H. (1958) (In German) Berliner Medizinische Verlagsanstalt G,Q,b,H, Berlin, 174 pagee, Introduction~ Microwave

2641. ALM, H.F. (1966), Strahlentherapie, 130( ):464-478, (Jul.), (In Ger.), "Temperature measurement in human tissues following
irradiation with decimeter waves"e

2642. ALM, H.F., & DUTTIGM, H. (1961), Strahlentherapie, ~( ):297-310, (Oot.), (In Ger.), "Experimental and clinical studies
with high frequency current in the upper decimeter wave region".

18. ALTABASHEVA, V, P., & IL'YASHEVICH, M. I. (1934} Biulleten Gosudarscveanogo Tsentral'nogo Institute Sechenova (Bull. of
the State Central Institute of Sechenova) (4-5), "The effects of the action of short waves oo the morphology and the physical
and chemical behavior of the blood of the rabbit"

19. ALTMAN, c. (1969) Zoologischei Anzeiger, Geraaay, 32(Suppl):416-430, (Ia German) "The phyeioloaical effect of electric
fields on anilllals" -

3382. ALTMANN, G. (1969), Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl., Ser. B, !1.( ):269-290, (in Gennan), "The physiological effect of
electrical fields on organisms."
3383. ALTMANN, G., ANDRES, G., & LEfiiiAIR, M. (1972), Expertentfa, 28( ):422-424, (in Gennan), "Influence of the atmospheric
electrical field on the skin potential of Rana esculenta."
20, Al·fER, N. (1956) Proc. Institute of Radio Engineers ~:2A-, "An observation oo the detection by the ear of ad.crowava
signals" [Q7)

3384. ANDERSON, D. (1972), Zeftschrift fllr Naturforschung, 27A(7):1094-1098 (July), (in Engl.), "A generalized expression
for the energy density of electromagnetic waves in media wttnstrong temporal dispersion."
314 1. ANDERSEN, F.A., & PAY, T.H. (1974), Radiation Research, 59(1):115 only, "Survival of DrooaphiZa eggs exposed to micro-
wave energy and to heat". [See also citation #3123, this Biblio.]

2643. ANDERSON, J. (1971), Pensacola News-Journal, (Aug. 1), "Microwaves and men".

2644. ANDERSON, J. (1972), Pensacola-Fla. News-Journal, Sun., Nov. 12, p. 38, "Microwave Guinea pigs", [describes low-level
microwave studies at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Institute, Pensacola, Fla.).

2313. ANDERSON, J. (1972), The Washington Post, p. Gll, (Hay 4), in The Washington Merry-go-Round Column, "Some unexplored
Kleindienst matters"; ibid., p. Bl5, (Hay 10), "'Brainwash' attempt by Russians?"; and ibid., p. , (Nov. 12), "Navy is
testing microwave risk~

2645. ANDERSON, J. (1972/3?), Atlanta Constitution, Dec. 27, "Faulty [microwave) ovens hurt eyes".

2314. ANDERSON, J. (1973), The Washington Kerry-Go-Round Column, in the Wash. Post, (March 10), p. D31, "Ultrasonic dangers
for the unborn"·, (Includes comments on the Senate Committee hearing {Haanuson/Tunney) on microwave oven safety),

3142. ANDERSON, J. ( 1974), ~· 1 e Washington Post, page Bl5 (Tues., Dec. 10), "Ghastly new weapons [including 'microwave beams)
on horizon".

3385. ANDERSON, J., & WHITTEN, L. (1975), The Washington Post, (Friday, May 16), p. Dl9 only, "Soviets' U.S.-aimee!
[mici'OWI.Ye] beam perils Finns."

1967. ANDRAS, J. {1958) Sde1ovaci techoika !(9):331-334, (In Czech.),"Problema of/interference from industrial equlpDant"

3143. ANDREEN, M.A., & OSBORNE, S.L. (1936), Arch. of Otolaryng., 24( ):331-337, (Sept.), "Measurements of the temperature
of the maxillary sinus after treatment by various methods of heating;-· A comparative study", [Among the methods used were
diathermy and induction heating at high frequency).
2315. ANDREYEVA, V.M. (1966), In: Electrosleep~ Electroanesthesia. Materials of the All-Union Symposium on Problems of
Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia [Electronarcosis), Dedicated to the 20th Year of the Electrosleep Method, pp. 172-173,
{In Russ.) Moscow {13-15 Oct.), "Change in the bioelectrical activity of the brain during electrosleep in patients with cardiac
pain and neuresthenia".

21, ANDRIYASHEVA, N, K. (1937) In: The Biological~ of !!!!-HF;-Ultrashort ~ (Kupalov, P, S,, & Frenkel, C, L., ada,),
All Union Institute of Experl-ntal liedicioe, lioscow, pp. 373-379, 'Occupational hazard of VHF-HF and the prevative -euree"

22. ANIKIN, K. K,, & RUMYANTSOVA-RUSSKlJQI, K. V, (1961) J, of Neuropathology and Psychiatry imeai S.S. ICDrsakov !!,(8hU22-
1128, "High frequency currents in the treattoent of pollOIJIYelitia in adults" [Q4)

23. ANNE, A., SAITO, K., SALATI, 0, K., & SCHW~~. a. P, (1961) Proc, 4th Tri-aerviee Coot. oo the Biolosical Effects of
Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, H. F., ad.) pp. 153-176, "Relative mierowava absorption cross sections of biolo&ical

24. A:INE, A., SAITO, •t., SALATI, O. M., & SCiiWA!;, a, P. (1962), liniv. of Penna, Rpt. No. 62-13, 125 paaes, RADC-TIIR-62-244,
(AD 284981), "Penetration aad thermal dias1patioo of ad.crowav. . in tissues" [A)

,25, ANNE, A., SALATI, o. K., & SCHWAN, H. P. {1961) Diseet of the 4th lnteroat. Coot. oo ~~dical Electronics, Biological
Effects of Hicrowaves 1 (Athermal Aspects), (Froa:ler, P. L., ed,) PlenUlll Preas, r;., York, P• 15)-, "Relative lllicrowave absorpticm
cro;;&.,C't!on of mankind"

Al;Nr:, A., & SCHWAN, H. P, (1963) (From: ?h.D. Dissertatio~ o.~ A. ~"• cniv. of Penna,, "Scattering and absorption of
~~rowaves by dissipative dielectric objects: The biological s1gnificanc;, and hazards to tJDn;;ind"

3386. ANNINOS, P.A. (1973}, T.I.T. Journal of Life Sci., l( ):15-18, "Electromagnetic fields generated from neuronal
2316 . ANOHIN, P.K., SYDAKOV, K.V., & ANTU10NIJ, t:.D., (Moscow Med. lnst., llSSR), (19!,2~, Abstr. of Fourth Internal. Cong. of
the Internat. Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Moscow (7·-14 Aug.), pp. 118-119, DJsturbances of goal-seeking behav1or
under action of electromagnetic field", [Changes in ~onditioned reactions wPre observed •ith rats irradiated at 39 MHz (modu-
lated at 50 Hz), field density 100-200 v/m].
27 • Al;Tm:ov • C. S. (1964) Voprosy Kurortologii, fiziotera:ii, ~ ~cJleb~o~ Fi ziches koy Ku1' tury (Probleii\S in Health Resort
Science Physiotherapy and lledical Physical Culture) llosco;~, - 6) .513--)L, (JP?.S 29384), "Com!>ined treate>ent of puSJtulous
skin di;eases with ultra-high frequency electric field and staphylococcal a~ti-phagin electrophoresis" [B2, Bl~, B28,
H2, HlO, Hl3, H14, J6, Q4]

3387. ANTYUKH, Ye.V., LIVIN, Yu.Ya., NAD', F.Ya. (1975}, Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation,
(JPRS 164532), p. 51 only, "Detection of millimeter and submillimeter emission by means of Josephson junctions."
2317. APPLETdN, B. (1973), DHEW Pub. No. (FDA) 73-8031, BRH/OBE 73-:l, (Feb.), From a lecture presented to the Division of
Biological Effects, Rockville, Md., "Results of clinical surveys for microwave ocular effects".

3125. APPLETON, B. (1974), J. of the Amer. Med. Assoc., E2_(4):407-408, (Jul. 22), "Microwave cataracts: Commentary on".

2318. APPLETON, B., & McCROSSAN, G.C. (1972), Arch. of Ophthalmology, !l_!l_0)'.259-262, (Sept.), "Micro>~ave lens effects in humans"
[Biomicroscopic examination of personnel presumed to have been exposed <m the basis of long-standing occupational circumstances
to microwaves at the levels encountered in a military operational environ~ent showed there to be no evidence of.lens abnormality
attributable to chronic microwave exposure when the gro~p was statistically compared to a group of control personnel.)

3144. AREF, M.M., NOEL, ,J-G, f, MILLER, H. (1972), ,J. of Microwave Power, 2_{3):215-222, 11
Inactivation uf alpha-amyl<:~.St' in
wheat flour with microwaves 11 •
2646. AREHART-TREICHEL, J. (1974), Science News, 105(19} :309-310, (May 11), 11 Sperm don't like it hot: Electronic dlvic~-s
[including microwave generators] show promise as effective, safe and reversible mdle contraceptive~,".

2647. AREHART-TREICHEL, J. (1974), Science News, ~(26) :409-424, (Jun. 29), "Electromagnetic pollution: Is it our

2648. ARENS, J.F., & LEONARD, G.L. (1971), J. of the Arner. Med. Assoc., 218(7) :l045-l04G, (Nov. 15), "Danger of o•Juwan>ing
blood by microwave [radiation]".

3145. ARIPOV, T.f., ARIPOVA, D.f., [, L'VOV, K.M. (l97t;), Biofizika, ~(3):440-442, (Jn Russ.), ('~r·ansl. in ,JPPS No. f)?gt~L,
Sept. 12, 1974, pps. 9-13), "Microwave saturation effects on paramagnetic centers ot protein~o irradiated with 11 ltraviolet
2649 . ARONOFSKY, D.H. (1971), oral surgery, oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, EJ5l :688-696, (Nov.), "Reduction of denUl post-
surgical symptoms using nonthermal {?] pulsed high-peak-power electromagnetic energy".

28 , A::l.O:lOVA. s. B, (1 9 55) Theses of Reports,Sci. Session of the State Sci, Res. Inst. of Physiotherapy, Moscow "Comparative
action of a pulse and continuous UHF field on the arterial pressure" [316, 12] (~,1} •

1968. ARONOVA, S. 8. (1961) Voprosy r~rortologii, Fizioterapii i Lechebooy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury (Problems in Health Resort
Sci., Physiotherapy 6 Medical Physical Culture), Moscow, 1:243-246, (In Russian),"On the problem of the mechanism of the action
of a pulsed UHF field on arterial pressure"

~388. ARONSKIY, A.I., & NURYAGDYYEV, S.K. (1975), Izvest~ya Akademii Nauk Turkmensko~ SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk,
(3}:85-86, (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ion1zing Electromagnetic Radiat1on (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976,
pp. 38-40 "Biological test of decrease in carcinogenic activity of DMBA [7,12-dimethyl-benzanthracene] treated in a
superhigh'trequency electromagnetic field."
2650. ASABAEV, c. (1972), Biull. Eksp. Biol. & Med., 2!<7) :56-59, (In Russ.), "Determination of threshold of sensnwity of
the rabbit brain to pulsed super-high frequency electromagnetic fields".

2651. ASABAEV, C. (1973), Bulletin of Experim~ntal Biology & Med., 74(7) :797-799, (Jan.), [Translated from Byulleteu' Eksperi-
mental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny', 74(7) :56-59, {Jul. '72), (In ~uss.IT, "Determination of threshold of sensitivity of the rabbit
brain to pulsed superhigh-frequencYelectromagnetic fields".

29. AS~~OVA, T, P., et ~· (1963) Materials of the Sci. Session Concern~d ~~th the Work of the Institute
of Industrial
Hygiene and Occupational Diseases for 1961-1962, Leningrad, pp, 52-54, "~e problem of the effect of high
freqeency electric frequency field on the organism of workers" (SV) voltage industrial

30. ASANOVA, T.P., & RAKOV, A.N. (1966), Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Za)Olevaniya, USSR, __ (5):50-52, "The health
of workers exposed to high voltage (400 to 500 KV) electric fields."
31. ASCHOFF, J. (1969) Aerospace lied. ~(8) :844-849. "Desynchronizatio:t and res)'nthronhation of human circadian rhythllla" (QlO 1

3389. ASLAN, E. (1972), IEEE Trans. on Instrum. & Meas., IM-21(4}:421-424 (Nov.}, "Broad-band isotropic electromagnetic
radiation monitor."
2652. ASSIMACOPOULOS, D. (1968), Amer. Surg., .!!_( ) :423-431, "WOund healing ~romotion by use of negative electric current". J
32. ASTANIN, P. P. (1937) In: The Biological Action of ~-HF-Ultrashort ~aves, (Kupalov, p, s., ~ Frenkel. c. L •• eds.), All
Union Institute of Experimental Mad1tine, M~scow, [Title not given] (~~>.

33. ATANELISHVILLI, E. V. (1965) Soobshcheniya ~~emia nauk Cruzinskoi SSR ]ifa);~53•458, "Changes in the functional state
·of the CNS in patients with resected stomachs dur:t.ns va,ious physiothera?=tic;ql. procedurq" (B, C) (NV)

2327. BARBORIAK, J.J., KIM, T.S., SANCES, A., & LARSON, S.J. (1966), In: ___
First I n t ernat i ana 1 Symposium on Electrotherapeutic
d E1ectroanesthesia, Graz, Austria, (12-17 Sept.), "Some metabolic effects of electroanesthesia in-m~o~n7k~e~y~s~"~.~~-~~~

62. 1 2 257 -, ...,,

BAlLOW, H. H. (1962) Institute of ltadio Eag!Deera Trans, on Instn.t:Mntation ~= ~crovave power meaaur. .eata"

63. IIARNOTHr, H. F. (ed,) (1964, Vol. 1) (1969, Vol. 2) PleaWII Preas, Sew York, Biological~~ Maguetic ~

64, BARONENKO, V, A., & TIMOF!!VA, K. F. (1958) Zaahchita ot deystviya elektrom, poley i elektr. toke v roa •-at
PP• 48-59, "The effect of high and ultrahigh frequeucy EMl> on the organis:a of man and aninal" (~) ' ..... ngrad,
65, IARONINKO, V. A,, & TIHOF!!VA, K. F. (1959) ?izio1ogicbeskiy Zh. SSSR Sechenov 45·184-188 "Effects of hi h f
aapetic fields on the conditioned reflex activity and certain unconditioned functio'iii.of ani~la and lllll!n" g(Bl;~q~jcy ·~:~ro-
66, BAR..'WN, C. 1., ~ BARAFF, A. A. (1958) J. of the kl>er. Medical Assoc. 168(9) :1194-1199 (Also u. s. Navy Medical
11,(7):35-40, 1959), 'Medical considerations of ezposure to microwaves (radar)" [A, B, c, F, B, J, IC] ~ Letter

67. BARRON, C. I., & BARAFF, A. A. (1958) Proe. 2nd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects o f Microwave Energy (Pattishall
E• G•• & Banghart, F• W•• eds. ) !:112-117, ~dical considerations of evnnsure
-r- to microwaves ( radar}" [A, B, C, F, H, J, K]

68. BARRON, C. I., LOVE, A. A., & BARAFF, A. A. (1955) J. of Aviation M~d. 26:442-452, (Also Institute of Radio Enft•aeera64 Trans.
on Medical Electronics, PGME-4:44
_ only, Feb, 1956) (AD ?4 63851) , "Ph ys i ca1 eva
--1uation of personnel exposed to microwave emanations"
(A4, C, F, H, 1 0 J, K, L]
2663. BARJIQI, R.D. (1960), Med. Serv. J. of Canada, 16( ):487-500, (Jun.), "OCcupational injuries to the eye resulting from
exposure to the electromagnetic spectrum".
69. BARTONICEK, V,,. & KLIMKOVA-DEUTCBOVA, E, (1964) Casopis Lekaru Ceskych CZ 103(1): 26-3(\ (ATD Trans!, u-64-95, AD 1460106),
(Also 1~: Biological~~ Microwaves, AID P-65-68, Sept. 1965, pp. 13-14, "Effect of centimeter'waves on human btochemdatry")
11 Solll8 biochemical changes in workera exposed to centil:lll!ter waves" •
2106. B.~Si."\'IC!:, B. !I,, ILI:-l, A. \'., K?..Ft::,l(O, V. ::., Rlf.t:SSt:Il, S. S., & L'LlfSKII, L. A, (lq]:l) Voc.nno-'leditsinskii Zhurnal
: 3:;-.:.1 (:n :".uss.), (Abstr. !"A7C-20l.S9), "Results of dvna!:lic observation of oersons Yorkin<! in the rel!ion ut influence of "
;.icrovave !ield" [Stud7 of b~r~vior and blood ch~~stry (includin~ proteins)]
70. BASS, D. E., KLEEMAN, C, R., QUih~, M,, HENSCHEL, A., & HEGNAUER, A. H. (1955) Medicine (Analytical Revieva of Ceo. Med.,
Neurology, and Pediatrics) 11,:323-380, "Mecb=1su of acclimatization to heat in mao"
2664. BASSEN, H. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, ~(3/4) :421 only, "correspondence on animal measurements"

1971. BASSET, C.A.L. (1965), Scientific American, 213(4): 18-25, "Electricil effects in bone."
2665. BASSETr, C.A.L., & HERMANN, I. (1968), J. of Cell Biol., 29( ) :9- , "The ~ffect of electrostatic fields on macro-
molecular synthesis by fibroblasts in vivo".
2666. BASSETT, C.A.L., & PAWLUK, R.J. (1972), Science, 178( I :982-983, (l Dec.), "Electrical behavior of cartilage durwg
2667. BASSETT, C.A .. L., PAWLUK, R.J., & BECKER, R.O. (1964), r~atur(: (London), 204 ( ) :652-654, "Effects of electric currents
on bone in vivo".
2668. BASSETT, C.A.L., PAWLUK, R.J., & PILLA, A.A. (1974), Science, 184 (4136) :575-577, (3 May), "Augmentation of bone
repair by inductively coupled electromagnetic fields'', [pulsed at lowfrequencies (l to 65 Hz) and low peak field strength
(2 to 20 mv/cm)in bone].
71. BASSETT, H, L,, ECKER, H. A,, JORSSON, R. C., & SHEPPARD, A. P. (1971) IEEE Trans, on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special
rasa: on Biological Effects of Microwaves) ~(2)197-204, "New techniques for i!llpleme!lting microwave biological-exposure ayat-"

2669. BATTARRA, P. (1970), Minerva Medica, g1 ) :4041-4043, (In, "Biological effects of radar waves on the human
72. BAUER, J., & GUTMAN, G. (1940) Urologic and Cutaneous Review ~(1}:64-66, "The effect of diathermy on testicular function"
2671. BAULCH, J .T. (1972), The Pensacola (Fla.) Journal, Feb. 11, ~'They' 11 study what TV [and microwave ovens] does to you ...
physically", [describes studies recommended by the OTP/ERMAC].
3391. BAUM, S.J., EKSTROM, M.E., SKIDMORE, W.O., WYANT, D.E., ATKINSON, J.L. {1975), Armed Forces Radiobiology Research
Institute Rept. No. AFRRI-SR75-ll (April}, "Biological measurements in rodents exposed continuously throughout their
adult life to pulsed electromagnetic radiation."
72. BAUM, S.J., SKIDMORE, W.O., & EKSTROM, M.E. (1973), Arr;;ed Forces Fadiobiology Research Inst~tute (Bethesda, MD) Report,
AFRRI #SR73-23, (Dec.), "Continuous exposure of rodents to 10 pulst_-S of clectrornagnet~c ract1atlon .

, BAUS, R., & FLEMING, J. D. (1959) Proc. 3rd tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Micr~vave Radiating Equipmeats
(Susskind, c., ed,) 1:291-313, "Biologic effect of microwave radiation vith limited body heating
the Biological Effect of a SBF-UHF Electro-
74, BAVRO, G. V., & KHOLODOV, YU, A. (1962) In: Sumcaries of reports, Questions of "The character of bioelectric reactions of the
magnetic Field. Kirov Order of Lenin MiHcary Medical Academy:, Leningrad, PP• 3-4,
rabbit cerebral cortex during tbe influence of a SRF-UHF field
p 1 Radio hastot (Trudy, Inat. of Industrial
5. BAVRO, G. v,, & KHOLODOV, YU, A. (1963) Gigiena Truda i Biol. Deyst. E1ectrom. o ey • c
1 Ac d Medical Sci Moscow) occupational hygi~e & biological effecca of RF fields, p. 108-, [Title
Rnieue & Occupation&1 Di eeases, a • ·' ' not Riven}

2673. BAWI~, S.M., GAV~-MEDICI, R.J., & ADEY, W.R. (1973), Brain Research, 58( ):365-384, "'Effects of modulated very high
frequency f1.elds on spec1.f1c bra1n rhyttuns in cats". -

76. BAZETT, H. C. (1949} In: Ph~aiologz of ~ Regu!ation and the Science~ Clothing, (Nevburgh, ed.), w. B. Saunders
Philadelphia, Pa., PP• 109-192, The regulation of body temperaturesn------- •

2328. BECKER, C.M., MALHOTRA, l.V., & HEDLEY-WHYTE, J. (1973), Anesthesiology, 38(2):106-122, (Feb.), "The distribution
of radiofrequency current and burns" [to patients, at the si~~ of the electrocardi;;cope electrodes during e1ectrosur~ery].

2674. BECKER, R.O. (1963), Med. Electron. Biol. Engng., .!_( ):293-303, "The biological effects of magnetic field:;: 11 survey"'.

2675. BECKER, R.O. (1963), N.Y. State J. of Med., ~( ) :2215-2219, "'Relationship of the geomagnetic environment to human

2676. BECKER, R.O. (1967), Medical Times, 95(6) :657-669, (Jun.), "Electrical control of growth processes".

2677. BECKER, R.O. (1972), Nilture, E2.( ) :109-111, (Jan. 14), "Stimulation of partial limb regeneration in rats"', [usi.wJ
3-6 nA of direct current] .

3148, BECKER, R.O. (1972), Technology Review,_( ):32-38, (Dec.), "Electromagnetic forces and life processes".

2678. BECKER, R.O., & MURRAY, D.G. (1967), Transactions of the NY Acad. of Sciences, series II, ~(5):60fo-615, (Mar.), "A
method for producing cellular dedifferentiation by means of very small electrical currents".

210i. li:..J:u::c. [;. ll. (1969) r.epor: (7 ;>a.~es), t: .s. ""le:>t. l'ealth, :<:ducat ion, ~ llelfare, ruhlic llealth Service r.onsuMer Pro-
tection ~ [;w!:-on. Lealti: Service, l.nviron. Control Ac!:dn., Cur. of !'.ad. Health, "Biolo"ical effects of radio: and low-frequency
elec:rona;mi!tic radiation" (!:'reli:U.nary Draft)

2679. BEISCHER, D.E. (1962), Astronautics,:!_( ) :24-25 & 46-48, "Human tolerance to magnetic fJelds".

77. BEISCHER. D. E. (1962} Naval School of Aviation Med., aod NASA Rpt, "Survival of animals io magnetic fields of 120,000
2680. BEISCHER, D.E. (1963), In: XIIth International Astronautical Congress, BAKER, R.M.L., Jr., & i'1AKEMSON, M.\;., (eds.),
(Washington, D.C. 1961), pp. 515-525, Academic Press, NY, "Biological effects of magnetic fields in space travel".

2681.' BEISCHER, D.E. (1964), In: Bioastronautics, SCHAEFER, K.E., (ed.), pp. 173-180, MacMillan, NY, "Biological effect.>
of magnetic fields in their relation to space travel".

78. BEISCHER, D. E. (1964) ln: Biological~£! Kagaetic Fields, Vol. 1, (~rnotby, M. F., ed.), Plenum Preas, New York,
Olapt. 11, pp. 201-, "Survival of ani::wls io aapetic field• of 140,000 Oe"

2682. BEISCMER, D.E. (1965), Ann. of the N.Y. Acad. Sci., 134( ) :~54-458, "Biomagnetics".

2683. BEISCHER, o.E. (1970), Informal Rept. I Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola, FL, {:;7 i·1ar.), "Litera.ture ref-
erences pertinent to Project SANGUINE", [on extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation, including ELP field sJmul<:ttion,
static electric and magnetic fields, phosphenes, electrosleep, electroanesthesia, and electric shcckJ.

3l 4 9.BEISCHER, o.E. (1971), Annals of the New York Acad. of Sciences, 188( ):324-330, (Dec. 3), "The null magnetic field
aS reference for the study of geomagnetic directional effects in animals -ari'"d man''.

3392. BEISCHER, D.E. (1974), The Neurosciences Research Program, Session on Brain Interactions with Weak Electric and
Magnetic Fields, (Boston, Mass., 10-12 Nov.), 35 pp., "Literature abstracts on extremely low frequency (ELF) electro-
magnetic fields."
79. BEISCHER, D. E., & COWART, G. s. (1970) Naval Aerospace M.edicsl Institute R;>t NA.'II-110~, "Growth of Staphylococcus ~ io
a null ~~oagnetic field environlllltot"
• BEISCHER, o.E., GRISSETT, J.D., & MITCHELL, R.E. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Re~earch Lab., Pensaco~ a, l'L, Rept.
No. NAMRL- , ~~Exposure of man to magnetic fields alternating at extremely low frequency .
_ BEISCHER, o.E., & JQmPTON, J .c., Jr. (1964), Aerospace Med., ~( ) :939-944, "Influence of strong magnetic field~; on
the electrocardiogram of squirrel monkeys (~ sciureus)

• BEISCII£R, D. E., & KNEPTON, J. c., JR. (1964) !laval School of Avi!tioo ~.ed. and NASA Rpt, "Influence of stroog magnetic
fields on the electrocardiogram of squirrel monkeys (Saiadri sciureus)

81. BElSCHER, D. E., & KNEPTON, J. c., JR. (1966) Naval Aeroapace Medical Institute (and NASA) Rpt NAHI-972, "The electro-
encephalograa of the aqu1rre1 monkey (Sai:airi seiureua} io a very high casnetic field"

82. BEISCHER, D. E., 6 MILLER, E. F. II (1962) Research Rpt, Bureau of Med. & Surg. (Navy), "Exposure of DAD to low intenaity
magnetic fielda"

83. »ElSCHER, D. E., MILLER, E. F., 11, & ~M, J. C., JR. (1967) Na?al Aerospace Medical Institute (and NASA} Rpt No. 1018,
AD 1662672, "Exposure of lUJI to low inteu~~ity aa&Detic fields io a coil aystea"

... 2686. BEISCHER, D.E., 'RENO, V.R. (19

and man: Where do we stand today?".
) , Paper reprinted from Conference Preprint No. 95, AGARD, NATO, "Hagnetic field~>

84. BEKAURI, N. V. (1941) Fiziologicheakiy Zh. SSSR ~(2):173-, "The effect of ultrashort waves on the reflex excitability of

86. BELDING, H. s•• &HATCH, T. F. (1955) Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning ~(8):129-136, "Index for evaluating heat
atr••• in t•~ of reaultins physiological straina"
87. BELITSKII, (BELICKII) B.M., & KNORRE, (KNOPPE) K.G. (1959), In: ~ies of reports, Labor Hygiene and the Biological
Effect of Radio Frequency Electro.agnetic waves, Moscow, [Ti:le not given].
88. BELITSKII, (BELICKII) B.M., & KNORRE, (KNOPPE), K.G.(l960), Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda i Profzabolevaniya USSR, __(1):107-117,
(Also in: The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, (Letavet, A.A .• &Gordon, Z.V., eds.), Acad. of Med. Sci., USSR,
Moscow (JPRS 112471, 1962, pp. 110-122)), "Protection fran radiation 1n work with SHF-UHF generators."
2687. BELJQIODE, M.L., JOHNSON, D.L., & MUC, A.M. (1974), HeaHh Physic:;, ~( ) :45-'>1, (.Jan.), "Thermal and ,;thermal effects
vF microwave radiation on the activity of glucose-6-phosphatP dehydroqenu~~e in t~;Jrr,an blnod''.

2688. BELICHODE, M.L., MUC, A.M., & JOHNSON, D.L. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, .'t(l) :23-29, (Mar.), "Thermal and athermal
effects of 2.8 GHz microwaves on three human serum enzymes".

89. BELL. R. L•• BLOCK, A. F., KERVIN, R. L., & GRAY, L. B. (1969) Cod~rd Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, ~~ryland,
llpt -205-69-405, "Microvava rAdtlltion - its potential health hazards and their control"

90. BELL, w. H•• & FERGUSON, D. (1931) U. s. Navy !•dical Bulletin ~:525-551, "Effects of super-high frequency radio current
on health of aen exposed uuder service conditions" (Also Arch. of Physical :berapy _(12):pp.-, (1932))

2689. BELOKRINITSKII, V.S. (1971), Zh. Vyssh •. Nerv. Deiat., 21() :525.534, (May-Jun.), (In Russ.), "Effect of large doses
of super-high frequency electromagnetic fields on the nervous system o: animals during c~nditioned reflex activity".

91. BELOVA. S, F. (1957) In: Summaries of Reports, Part 2, Moscow, Jubilee Sci. Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene &
Occupational Diseases. dedicated to the 40th Anniv. of the Great October Socialistic Revolution, pp. 66-, "State of the organ
of sight in persona subjected to the influence of ultrahigh frequency fie~ds"

92. BELOVA. S. F •. (1960) In: Phvsical Factors of the External Environment, Moscow, pp. 184-, "The state of the visual organ
1n persons exposed to auperhigh frequency fields" - -
93. BELOVA, S. F. (1960) Trudy Nti Gigyena Truda 1 Profzabol.,&niya, _(1):86-89, (Abstr. in: The Biological~ of Ultrahigh
Frequencies, (Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, z. v., eds,), Acad, of Med, Sci., uSSR, Moscow, (JPRS 12471, pp. 89-93, 1962)~ "Change
ln the elastotono-tric curve in rabbits unc!er the influence of SHF-UHF"

~4. BELOVA, B. F. (1962) In: The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, (Letavet, A. A. & Gordon, z. V., eda.), Moscow,
(JPRS 12471, PP• 36-38, 1962),1Tfnfluence of L~? on the oq1n of sight"
95. BELOVA, s. F. (1964) Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda i Profzabol~oiy~ uss~. __ (2):119-121, "Results of sight organ examination
in workers associated with MF-LF generators (150-6DOKC)"
96. BELOVA, S. F. (1964) Trudy Nii Gigyena Truda 1 Profzaboleeniya, USSR, (2):14G-143, "Functional state of the visual
analyzer under the action of microwaves"

91. s.
F. (1960) In: Nauchnoissledovatel'skiy Institut Gigiena TrJda 1 Provzabole•aniya,Trudy __ (1):36-3~ (f~str. in:
~Biological Action of Ultrahigh Freauencies, (Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, Z. V,, eds.), Acad. of Hed. Sci., USSR, Moscow, (JPRS
12471, 1962)), (ATD Rpt. P-65-17 (1965)), "The effect of URF on the ey!!"

95, BELOVA, s. F., & GORDON 0 z. V. (1956) Bulletin Exp<!rimental Biology [,!'led. 41:327-330, "The effect of centimeter vavea
on the !!ye11
2690. BENEDETTI, E. (1927), Atti. Accad. Lincel, 5 ( ) : 1C~4-l034, ''Changes _1_n the process of alcoho::. fermentation by the
action of an oscillating electromagnetic field".

3150. BENEDICK, M.H., & GFTLNBERG, B. (l-'..,4), IGY Tra~l:Jdct'

biological-ecological research program''.

99. BENEDICT, w. L •• DAILY, L., HERRICK, J, F., & llAKI!'I, H. J. (1951) A:>.er. J. of Ophthal::>ology, Series 3, ~:1301-. "The
effects of microwave diathermy on the eye of a rabbit"
1972. I!ENETATO, G•• & DUMITRESKt:-PAPACHADZ!ii, 2. (1J6~) Rev. ro=aine fiziol. .!_:125-133, (In Russian), "Changes in the fibri-
nolytic activity "f olooc< plas:na under the influence of t:l-iF radiation in the hypotha!ac.ic region in various age groups"

2691. BENJAMIN, J.M., SCHWAN, H.P., KAY, C.F., & HA.Fl<:ENSCHIEL, ,J.H. (195'1 ) , Circulation, ..!...!_(3): , (Sept.), "The electrical
conductivity of living tissues as it pertains to electrocardioyrapny: A review of the problem of homogenE::'ity vs. nonhomo-
geneity, an outline of the technical asr-•ects of tissue resistivity measurements, and a critical and experimental analysis of
certain pertinent experiments".
2692. BENVENUTO, R., & MAYER P. (1971), Amer. Heart ,:r., ~( ) :738-742, .. Emergency management of [electronic] pacemaker
failure by means of radiofrequency energy.

lOO. BENYO, I., FUSY, F., & IHASZ, X. (1965) K.iserletes ~ostudomany 1.(5).454-458, "Effect of short·Jave irradiation of the
liver on the elimination of bromsulphalein froa the blood
• BERCOT, M., ~ al. (1970), Path. Biol. (Paris), ~( ) :63S-638, (In Fr.), "Attempts at carc.'...luc freezing. Rewarmin'J
by high-frequency radiation".

2109. B::~..;:zr::sl:..\JA, n. 1. (1940) Vest,, (1f tal. 16:466-4 70 (ln Russ.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f .d, ~es. Orhth • .!!,(1): 21 (Sept
16, 1941)), "The effects of diath.e~ on the ante:o:!.or part of the eve"

101. BER.EZNITSKAYA, A. N, (1968) Gigiena Truda i Profeasional'nye Zabolevaniya, Moscow, USSR, 12(9):33-37, "Some indicatora
of the fecundity iD feaaale mice irradiated vith 10 Clll vavea"

102. BERG, A. I. (ed,) (1960) Cosenergoizdat, Moscow, Proc, Hoscov Conf, Jan, 1959, 392 pages (see especially pages fin, 77, 92,
& 123) (ID Ruadan), (Abatr, in: !!!!_ Biological Effects !!.! Electromagnetic l'ields - Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept, P-65-17,
Apr, 1965), Electronics~ Medicine

103. BERGMAN, W, (1965) Tranal. (fraa CPraan) by Tech, Lib, Res, Serv., ?ord Motor Co., Copyright by author, The~ of
Microwaves.!!!!. the~~ Syat~

104, BERLIN, L, 1,, & ZHUPEN, V, F. (1962) (AD #40001.5), "Histological chang.,. in akin following homoplasty to burna of
irradiated rabbits,

105, BERLINER, M, L, (1951) AKA Arch, of Ophthalmology, Annual Revievs, 45(2) :196-213, "Cornea and ac.cera"

106, BERNAL, E,, & KEPLINGER, M, (1959) Industrial Med, & Surgery 28:535-533, "Effects of environmental temperature and air
vol..- exchange oa survival of rats exposed to .Ucrowave radiation -;[ 24,000 aegacycles"

2694. BERTAUD, A.J. (1973), Electron. & Fis. Apl. (Spain), 16(3) :517-522, "The effect of microwaves iolo~_.,.ical
2329. BERTEAUD, A.J., BOTTREAU, A.M., PRIORE, A., PAUTRIZEL, A.N., BERLUREAU, F., & PAUTRIZEL, R. (1971), Comptes rendus
des seances de 1'Academie des Sciences,~( ):1003D-l006D, (15 Feb.), (In Fr.), "Experiment on the correlation between
the evaluation of the action of Trrpanosoma equiperdum, and the action of pulsed and modulated electromagnetic waves".

2330. BERTHARION, G., SERVANTIE, B. & JOLY, R. (1971), J. of Microwave Pover, 6(1):62-63, "Electro-cortico-graphic modi-
fications after exposure to microwave fields, on the white rat (Preliminary results)".

2331. BERTHARION, G., SERVANTIE, B., & JOLY, R. (1971), Comptes rend'us des seances de la Societe de Biologie,
165(9-10):1928-1930, (In Fr.), "Study of the action of high frequency elE"ctromagnetic radiation on the central nervous
system of the white rat. Electrocorticographic modifications".

2695. BESSELING, J.L.N., BULL, A.B., & duPLESSIS, J.M.E., et al. (1965), S. Afr. Med. J., ~( ) :137-140, "The rapid warming
of blood for massive transfusion by radio frequency induction".

211G. Br:;;c,.:.>.T, L. !1.., FOX, K, I., LF.C:'.0:."1Cii, R. V., & I.T.!lSTEn, F. ll. (1969), (Ab~.~A6~~0~t,), "Pr~edure for evaluatin~ the
e!fec~s of 2.450 ~z: :dcrowaves u;-on S:re:>tococcus faecalis and SaccharoC~yces cerevisiae"

2070. Bi:YUl, E. 0,, & PAY, T. l. (l97J) In: P..adiation Bio-!:ffects ~~. rodo~, v. ":., (ed.), Jan-Dec 1969, Div. of
Biolorical Effects, &ur. Rad. Eealth, !J;=r..:, (F.cpt. !:o. Dt:L 70-1), c?· c.o:.-1&0, "G~ne~ics oi ::-elanorastcr expos.>d to
21,50 :o:z nicrowavc radiation"

2111. E::!::R, F.. C., ?AY, T. L,, & I>:IZI!;, E. T., Jr. (1970) In: Radiation Bio-Effects ~Report, llod~e, n. ~., (ed.),
for Ja::.-Dec: 1970, Div. of Biolodcal Effects, Bur. Rae. Health, l"lELW, (Rept. r:o. BRP./DBE 70-7), pp. 248-250, "Developmental and
yer:etic testin~ of Drosoohila vith 2,450 ':F.z lrlc:rovave radiation"

107. BICKFORD a. c., & ~:ING, B. 0, (19&5) Digest of 6th l~ternat. Co~f. on ~edical Electronics and Biol~slcal Engineering,
(1.-a!, Y., C'112:) p. 112 only, "Neuronal sti,.,.Uation b7 pulsed c.agnHic :~e!ds in anit:~a!s an~ ="
3393. BIELEC, M. (1975}, Ph.D. Thesis (in Polish}, Center for Radiobiology and Radioprotection, 00-909 Warsaw, Poland,
"Thennographic analysis of thennal effects of microwave radiation in experimental animals." [Use of thermography for
quantitatfon of microwave energy absorbed in live rats and carcasses irradiated with microwaves. Review of the literature.]
3394. BIELEC, M., & SZMIGIELSKI, S. (1976), Post. Fiz. Med. (in Polish}, (in press}, "Thermographic analysis of energy
absorption fn animals irradiated with microwaves." [Use of colour thermovision AGA-680 for quantitation of microwave
energy absorbed in dead animals irradiated in anechoic chamher. Method for quantitation of thermal energy absorbed
from the surface observed by thermovision.]
2112. BIELICic:I, Z., S.\RA.'iS!(l, S. CZE!lSXI, P., & ltt.DT;GP., S. (1~&3) Rev, ~led. Aero. (Paris) 2:106-107 (Feb-Mar), (In Fr.),
"Malysis of difficulties of oecu?at!otu~l activity in personnel exposed to micrometric vave-irradiation"

108 , BIERMA!J, w. (1934) Alaer. J, of Medical Seine• ffi:545-552, "Tbe effect of hyperJ>yrexia induced by radbt1ou upon the
leukocyte count"

2332. BIERMAN, W, (1942), The Williams & Wilkins Company 2d ed., Baltimore, (Bibliography: p. 305-319. See also pages
.59-114), !!!!. ~Applications of the Short Wave Current.

109, BIERMAN, w. (1948) Arch. of Physical Med, 29:408-415, "Present atat ... of fever theral'Y"

110. BIEP~. W., HOROWITZ, W, A., & LEVENSON, C. L, (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy ~:52D-522, "?ever therapy in pelvic
coaditiona: &e.ults of experiDeatel and clinical studiee"
2696. BIGU del BLANCO, J., ROMERO-SIERRA, c., & TANNER, J.A. (1973), Presentation at the lOth International Conf. on Med.
& Biological Engineering, Dresden, East Germany, (Aug.), "Microwave radiometry: A potential tool in biology and medicine".

33.95. BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., & RI»4ERO-SIERRA, C. (1974}, Digest of Papers, 5th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering
Conference, pp. 12/6A-6B, "Effect of 3 em wavelength microwave radiation on the nastic response of the plant Mimosa pudica."
33.96. BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., & R1»4ERO-SIERRA, C. (1974}, Digest of Papers of the 5th Canadian Medical and Biological
Engfneerfng Conference, pp. 12/7A-7B, "The properties of bird feathers as dielectric receptors of microwave radiation
at Ku-Band frequencies."

2333. BILBROUGH, J. (1969(, Non-ionizing Radiation, l_(2): 70-72, "Food sterilization hy microwave radiation", [Destruction
of .old spores and bacteria).
1973. BlLlTCH, M., LAU, F. Y. K., & COSBY, P.. S. (1967) Circulatio~ 3?(S•Jppl. 2):68-, "Demand pacemaker inhibitt-:-. 0 by radio-

111. DILOKRYliYTS'KYY, V. S. (1%6) Fiziologichnyy Zh. 1J_(l):7D-78, (A:;:D Rpt 67-3, Jan. 1967), "Changes in th• tigroid substance
of oeurona under the effect of radio waves"

112. BlLOKRYNYTS'KYY, V. s. (1968) Fiziologichnyy Zh. 14(3):376-381, (L,r. vith English Sum=dry), "Morphological changes in
the sciatic nerve of dogs affected vith SHY elect:rollUignetic fields"
2697. BIRENBAUM, L. (1972), Proc. of the Inst. of Electrica! & Flectron~cs Engineers, 60( ) :1237-~238, {Oct.}, Letter to
the Editor: IICOltll\ent on 'Human exposure t.o non-ionizin<J radH·nt l'nerg~ - Poten1.iaJ hazar-ds and safety standards'", (by
MICHAELSON, S.M., Citation #2471, this Bibliography), (and tl.e author s reply).

11~. ~IRENBAUM, L., GROSOF, C. M., ~~XC, A. H., ROSENTHAL, S. W., SC:~lDT, H., & Z~~T, X. X. (1965, 1956) ln Progress
Rpt.No. 28, AD 476288, Apr. 1965 - Sept. 1965; Pr~g~ess Rpt. So. 29, AD 488303, Oct 1965 - ~~r. 1966. Summary of current
Keaearch in the Microwave ReseaTch Institute Programa, Polytech. lost., Broo~yn, N.Y., "Effects of ~crovave
radiation on the eye"

114. BIRENBAUM, L., CROSOF, C. M., ROSEliTRAL, S, W,, & ZARET, M. (1969) lEu: Trans. on Bio:aedical EnginHring BME-.,!!(1):
7-14, "Effect of microwaves on the eye"

3397. BIRENBAUM, L., KAPLAN, I.T., METLAY, W., ROSENTHAL, S.W., & ZARET, M.M. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, 10(1):3-18
(Mar.), "Microwave and infrared effects on heart-rate, respiration rate and subcutaneous temperature of the rabbit."

115. BIRENBAUM, L., KAPLAN, I., ROSENTHAL, S. W., SCHMIDT, H., & ZAR-~, M. M. (1967) ln: Progress Rpt No. 32, AD 662885 (N68-16938).
Mar. 1966 - Sept. 1967. A S,_ry of Current Research in the Microwave !tesearch Institute Progra:u, Polytech, Inat.,
Brooklyn, N. Y., pp. 50-51, "Effects of microwave radiation on the eye" [of the rabbit]

2698. BIRENBAUM, L., ROSENTHAL, S., KAPLAN, I., METLAY, W., SCHJ-1IDT, H., & ZARET, M. {1969), J. of Microwave Power,
!< ) :232-243, (Dec.), "Effect of Microwaves on the rabbit eye", (an extension of citat~or. #116, this Bibliography].

11&. BIRENBAUM, L,, ROSENTHAL, S., KAPLAN, 1., METLAY, W., SCBMIDT, H., & ZA!U':T, K. (1958) Pa?"r pr4>aented at ...tJ.aa of • • !
p. 68-, "Effect of microva'lea on the rabbit eye"

117. BIRNBAUM, G., & FRANEAU, J. (1949) J. of Applied Physics 20:817-, ~easure.ent: of ths Dielectric constant and loss of
solids and liquids by a cavity perturbation method"
3151. BISHOP, F.W., HORTON, C.B., & WARREN, S.L. (1932), Amer. J. of Me~'cal ''cienccs, l84,Sl5-'.33, "A clinical study •Jf
artificial hyperthermia induced by high frequency currents". -

3398. BITTMAN-CORDS, V.L., & MACE~ARIU, A. (1969),,Arch. Phys. Ther. (Leipz), _D.( ):127-134, (in German), "Experimental
studies and theoretical considerat1ons on the dynam1cs of the low frequency electro-magnetic fields produced with t~
ftlagnetodtaflux apparatus." 'e
118. BLACKSMITH, P., & MACK, R. B, (1965) Air Force Caabridge Rea. ~bs., Ranscaa Field, ~~s., AD 625163, "On measuring the
radar erose sections of ducks and chickeae"

2114. B:...<.GO:JATI~, Ya. A. (1960) In: ~ ~ ~ Glaznvk.h Boleznei, Gorkii, pp. 19-25 (In Russ.) (Ab i • Abstr.
of Soviet ~~ed, 1<S):74s-746 (~y. 1961)), "n:e effec: of cvclodiatherny coa!!ulntion on the eye ~f rabbits" ' str, n.

119, BLAGOVIDOVA, L. A., BELEKHOVA, M, G., & ZAGORULKO, T. M. (1962) Biulleten Eksperioencal'noi Biologii i Keditsiny, Moscow,
55:8-13, (AD 294524, FTD-TT-62-1482/1+2) "Changes in electrical activity of the diencephalic area and cortex of the rabbit's
cerebral hemiapheres under the effe,;t of bit81lq)Oral diat:hel'lll}'"

3152. BLANCH!, D., CEDRINI, L., CERIA, F. MEDA, £.,f., Rr:, '~.C~. {1~73), Arch. of ri 2 _i 0 t.,
1:30-:_-.l2, (In Engl.),
a:... ;~;:I\' Cn:~,.;:,r<:~s:-;o Nazi.onalt-: della Societa Italiana Ji fi.siologia, Roma~
1·-r:;) ~ "Exposure ot
marmnalians to strong SC' ~~:electric fields: Par'::- , - Efft~cts on tt'H' ;-;roporticn of the d:ffer·ent
mice exposed to a field of l KV/cm]; ,J.nd 2Eid., ;-·. ~3-:14, " ... P_~rt 2- rt~ec~s or1 Lf·art leu::ocyte type::::- 11 , [male
and .brain electrical activity".

2334. BLASER, R., DITTRICH, H., KIRSCH, U., & SCHALDACH, M. (1972), Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr., 22:559-562, (In Germ.),
"Electromagnetic fields as a ~ource of danger for pacemaker patients".
315'3. BLASHY, M.R.M. (197C), Fortschritte der Medizin, ~(llJ: 4 A 8 - 490 ' (Apr. lFJ)~ 'lf>.dvance::-_ in shortwave therapyH.

120. BLIEOEN, L•• YERUSHALMI, s., FREl, E. H•• BARR, I. M., & NEUFE~, E.~· (1968) J. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Torino)
9:49-53 "EnviTonaental hazards associated vitb a radio frequency pacesaker
- • t
121. BLINKOVA, T. P., BOGDANOV, 0, v •• & YAXOVLEVA, M. I. (1967) Zh. Evol)~i?,nnoy Bio~!Dii i Pizio1. 1(2):178-181, "Effect:
of auperbigh frequency electroaagnatic field on the pulse rate of chick embryos
31'4 BLOCK J.B. & ZUBROD, C.G. (1973), Cancer Ch~mothHdi_'V Reecorts \ 3.rt :, 1:7(4J:3'73-l82, (N0v./Dec.), "Commentary:
Adju~ant tem;eratu;e effects in cancer therapy", [Br1e:t :r 1entl0!1 of the u~-·- micrO....,.<we an.J shvrt wa·.·(~ di.3thermy in cancer
treatment 1.

2699 • BLOEMBERGEN, N., PIERCE, J.A., & KING, R.W.P. (19731, In: Twenty-five years of scientihc research sponsored by :he
Joint Services Electronics Program at Harvard university, pp. 16-17. (Presentati~n of. talks g1ven at the Techn;ca~ Ad~1sory
COmmittee's annual review of the Joint services Electronics Program at Harvard Un1vers1ty, May 11 & 12, 1972), Sh1eld1ng
and radio frequency hazards".

12 2. BLOIS, s. (1956) Institute of Radio Eaginsers Trans. on Medical ~ect:ronics P~E-4:J5-37 (froa Sycposium on Physiologic
and Pathologic Effscts of Microwaves, Krueen, p, a., Chm., Sept. 1955), "Paramagnetic r@so~ao~e ~thode in biological research"
1 e 1 ill.
123. BLUDOVA, P. A., KURILOVA, L. M., & TlKHONOVA, M. A. (1953) Zh. ~. v-ropat. ~s1
"sikh6cJ K.orsa<ov _53(10):790-, "The effect of
shortvave diathe~ on the function of the visual analyzer"

3399. BLUNDELL, o.J. (1975), J. of Physics, Section E: Scientific Instruments,!( ):925-929, "The United Kingdom national
standard of microwave noise at 4.1 GHz and 77K."

3155 , BOCZYNSKI, E., & ZYSS, R. (1972), Otolaryn~. Po:·• ~~4):?-412, (In Pol. with Engl. Summar~), "Changes in activity
of certain enzymes in the cells of Corti's organ 1n gu~nea p1gs following long-term exposure to m1crowaves".

124. BODEN, c., & POHPE, H. J. (1962) llektroalache luDdachau j!(ll)1,17-518, (ID Gera&D) "tbe effect of RP-radiatioa on
liviD& org&Dis.."
125. BODROVA, 11. v., & DAYUDill, B. v. (1965) la1 ~. llallka, Moacov, PP• 264-, "tba lateral line of Ush as an apparatus
for the parceptioD of an electric field"
2700. BOGAC, P,G,, MURUTBNKO, V.N., & DOLGIJ, N.A. (1972), In: Puti povyaenija produktivnoati ael'skohozjajstvennyh zi~otnyh
i pticy [Ways of increasing the productivity of agricultural animals an4 poultry], Odaeea, () :3- , "Effect of VHF electro-
magnetic fields on the membranous potential of ..aoth-.uscle cells of the fundal area of the-rat stomach".

2115. aor~s. R. F., & 5~-pPARD, A. P. (1971) Ph.D. Dissertation, Ceor&ia Inst. of Technolo•y, Atlanta Dissertation Abstr
_: 766B, (134 j)azes), ":>eter-o.ination of the effects of e1ec:troaagnetic ener~ties on the hamatolodc aya~e111" •

2116. S.....,....CS, R. F., S?.ZPPA.'ID, A. P •, & c:t.An, A, J • (1972) Health Phyaica ll(3) 1217-224, "Effects of 2450 l1Hz 1111crowave
radiation o:t h:::&n blood coaJtUlation processes" •

3156. BOGININ, L.F., VASIL'YEV, N.V., DARCHUK, V.A., & MELIK-GAYKAZYAN, Ye.V. (1970), Kompleksnaya Reaktsiya Limf 'd
Tkani na Vzdeystviye Peremennogo Magnitnogo Po1ya, _( !:73:?4, (In Russ.), "Complex reaction of lymphoid tissue t~,a~~~r­
nating magnetic fields", [Study on rats; 200 Oe magnet1c f1eld, at a frequency of 50 Hz]. _

126~ BOIT!AU, H. (1960) &&vue dea Corpea de Saate 4ea ~o.r.-.. !:637-652, (In Prenc:b) "B1olo&ica1 effects of radar waves•
127. BOITEAU, H. (1963) La Medecin de ReserYe !al-9, (ID French) •atolo&ical action of radar waves"
2701. BOLLINGER, J.N. (1971), Contract No. F41609-70-C-0025, SWRI No. 05-2808-01, Southwest Research Institute, san Antonio,
TX, (Feb.), 38 pp., Detection and evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced biological damage in Macaca
~: Final report. ----

3400. BOLLINGER, J.N., et al. (1974), Southwest Research Institute Rept., San Antonio, TX (AD #A006-388), 140 pps.
(Nov.), "Research on biologTCal effects of VLF-band electromagnetic radiation."
128. BOLSHUXLIN, I. D. (1959) In: Suaaariea of reporta, Labor Hygiene aD~ Biological Effect of Radio Frequency !lectromagaetic
wavea, Moscow, "baulta of ahielding of certain ldnda of MF-LF aeaeratora
3157. BOND, V.P., & CRONKITE, E.P. (1974), Naval Research Reviews (NAVSO P-510), I!_(7):20-21, (July), "Possible effects
of {non-ionizing) electromagnetic r~di.J.tions".

2702. BONNEY, C.H., RUSTAN, P.L., Jr., & FORD, G.E. (1973), IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, BME-20(5) :357-364,
"Evaluation of effects of the microwave oven (915 and 2450 Mllz) and radar (2810 and 3050 Mllz) electromagnetic radiation on
noncompetitive [electronic) cardiac pacemakers".

1974. BOOTH, L. F. (1970) tiaval a...arc:h Laboratory (t.'J.L) M••· Rapt. 2178, "leviev of microwave safety"
3401. BOOTH, L.F. (1975), Health Physics, 28{1)~86-87, "Microwave hazards associated with small discharge cav1t1es."

129. BORDID, H. (1935) Arch. of Physical tberapy J!:263-267, "Radiotherapy collbinN vith 41atbeny aud aa1Yan1ut1oa 111
infantile paralysis: Bord1er ..thod"
3158. BORNSTEIN, L.A. (1969), Presented at the XI Latin Amer. Congress of Plastic Surgery, Bogota, Columbia, (Oct.),
"Acceleration of transfer of tube pedicles and flaps", [used pulsed, high frequency electromagnetic radiation].

2703. BORODAIKEVICH, o.T. (1972), Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol., 16( l :52-54, (In Russ.), "Effect of pulsed magnetic fields on some
biochemical blood indices ir albino mice".

3402. BOROVKOV, V.A., ZAYTSEV, D.L. (1975), Transl. In: ''Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation," (JPRS #64532),
p. so only, "Maximll11 flux density of the power from a broadcast satellite in the 620-790 MHz frequency band."

207~. ~SISIO, R. c., 6 BAR:~. ~. (lt69) J, of ~~c:rovave Power i:l9G-, (Abatr. in: llon-1on1z1n8 lad. !(4):193 only, (1970)),
"}~crev~ve protection of plants"

2075. BOSISIO, R. C,, ~1l, N., 6 SP005ER, J. (1970) J, of Hicr:vave Power 1:47-53, (lo.batr, in: Non-toatzing Ra4. !(4):
193 only, (1~10)), "Micrcvan protectioe of a f1el4 crop apiut cold

19 75. BOTANI, B., Fltlo.NCIOSI, A., & LO!lE.'IZUI, It, (1!53) Boll. aoc . . .d. chir. Modena ll:ll-14, "B1oc:hnica1 effecta of adrenal
abort-vave therapy of patienta with bronchial aathaa

2704. II()TI!WELL, T.P., !!:. !!.· ("'1950), Ref.?, "Electrical properties of beef erythrocyte sugpensions at low frequencies".

2705 • BOTHWELL, T.P.,!!:. !!.· ('\ol950), Ref.?, "Electrical properties of the plasma membrane of erythrocytes at low frequencies".

2117 , 301;c::.;..T, J., 6 !'.A.P.SOL, c. (1967) Arch. Ophth&l:aol. (Paris) !!.<6):593-596 (In Fr.), "Bilateral capsular c:atarac:ta from
3159. BOULANGER, R.J., BOERNE~, W.M., & HAMID, M.A.K. (1969), J. of Microwave Power, 4(3):194-209, "Comparison of
microwave and dielectric heatjng systems for the control of moisture content and insect infestations of grain".

1976, BOURGEOIS, A, E., JR, (1967) Ph.D. Theda, Baylor Univ., (!i68-23132) (U
Effect of Microwave Exposure upon the Auditory Thruhold of Huma~" • nivl'lrsity !UcrofUu, Order No, 67-2927), "The

130. BOURGEOIS, A. E., JR. (1967) Pb.D. Theaie (in bperaeatal Psycbo1octw) Bayl 0 r
wave exposure upon the auditory threshold of bU~UDa" ow • tiDiv., 117 paaaa, "The effect of aicro-

131. BOVILL, C, B. (1960) Bl'itiah Co-icatioua ud Elect1'0Dica 7:363-36.5 "Are .. _ d•-

poliaible hazarda" - • ra... r ra .... tiOIUI danaeroue7 A auney of

233.S. BOVILL, G.B. (1960), British Communications and .Electronics (May), pp. 363-365, "Are radar ra.. iations
.. dangerous?".
3160. BOWERS, J.A., FRYER, B.A., f, ENGLER, P.P. (1974), Poultry Science, ~(2):844-846, "Vitamin-86 in turkey breast
muscle cooked in microwave and conventional ovens".

132. BOWMAN, R. R. (1970) Ins Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health t.plicatione of Microwave Radiation"
5 1
(Cleary, s. F., ed.) Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rapt. No. 1o-2, pp. 204-209, "Quantifyin• bazardo~crovu.'ava
fields: practical considerations" o -. ..

2706. BOWMAN, R.R. (1973), In: Symp. on f.licrowave Power, Loughborough, UK, Sep. 10-13, "Some recent developments in the
characterization and measurement of hazardous electromagnetic fields".

133. BOYD, G. A. (1947) Biophysics Seminar, School of Ked. & Dentistry, Univ. of Rochester, (unpublished report),(Dac.),
"Athermal biological effects of aicrovaves"

134. BOYENKO, I. D. (1963) In: Interoceptor& ~ !!!!, Neural Control 2.f System Functions ~~and Pathological
Conditions, Teziay doklsdov, Ivsno-Frankovsk, Soma general features of the effect of energy of electromagnetic oscilla-
tions of varied frequency and intensity on the quality of interoceptive reflexes"
13.S. BOYENKO, I. D. (1964) In: Sa.a Probl... ~ Pbyaioloaical Biophyaica, Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezh. Univ •• pp. 7-21 0
''Electro.apetic: field u a sti.all.ue

136. BOYENKO, I. D., & SKA¥HGILDYAN, r. c.

(1968) Fiziologicbaskiy Zh., Seeheaova, USSR 54(8):937-941 0 "The role of reflaao-
aelli.C-vaacular aonM ia blood coagulation cbAASU during tbe action of electra.agnat1c oscillation on the organi-"

137. BOYLE, A., COOK 0 H. '·• & BUCHANAN, T. J. (1950) British J. of Pbyaic:al ~.ed. llsl-9, "Effects of aicrovavee, prel.1111-
aary inveatigationa"

138. BOYLE, A., COOK, H. r., & WOOLF, D. L. (1952) Annala of Physical Mad, !:3-16, "Further inveatiaation into the effecta
of aicrowavea"

139. BOYS!ll, J. (1953) AMA Arch. of Iaduatrial Hygiene & Occupational Med. 1(6):516-525, "Bypsrtheraic and patboloa1c:
effecta of electro.agnetic radiation (350 .c)"

140. BOYSEN, J. E. (1961) Proc, 4th Tri-sarvice Conf. on the Biological Effacta of Microwave Radiation. Vol. 1 (P87tOD 0
K. r., ed.) pp. 309-317, "A revi- of UD&A~~Ver-.1 biological hazard oparatm"PrOiile•"

141. BOYSEN, J. E, (1962) J. of Occupatioaal Mad. ,!(4):192-194, "U. s. Air Force exper1uce vitb aicrovave exposure"

142. JOZI1t 0 L., & GRIIBEIIOVA, J. (1967) Prac:ovni Lakaratvi 0 Pragua, .!2.(6) :249-251, "The influence of elactroaagnet1c: - - •
upoa tba nervous ayat. ."

143. BRADLEY, F. J. (1969) Conf. on Federal-State of P.L. 90-602, (Mar. 1969). Montgo.ary, Ala •• (Killu • .J. v••
& Garueky 0 T. H., Co-c:ha.) li.S. Dept. of HEll, P.B.s •• B.R.H. Rpt. #ORO 69-4, "l.eYiev of current atandarda for elect1'0Dic:
2336. BRADY, K.M. (197l),·Teknish Ukeblad (Oslo), 118(37):17-19 & 25, (In Norwegian), "The question of radiation hazard
at IBicrovave frequencies".

144, BJIAND'r 0 A. A. (1963) GosiMiancv- Isutal'atvo Fizi.ko-Mata.atUh...., Litaratu."7 0 Moscow. Resaarc:ll ~ Dial.actdi:a at
Supetbilb Fregu&Dciea

14.S. BRATitOVSJUY, ll. n:. (1937) Ia 1 ,!!!!. Biolosic:al Action !! ,Y!!!-RY-Ultrubort ~. (lWpalov, P. S., & Frenkel, G. L. • ada.)
411 Unioa Inatitute of Ezperbantal Medielne 0 Hoac:ov, PP• 227-251,-n-The influnca of an ultrahip frequency alact&'ic: field OD
oxidation procaaaae aad nitropa •taboliaa"

1977. BRATKOVSKIY, R. E. (1938) Fizioterapiya 3:53-58, (In Russian) "On the effect of a UHF electrical field on the oxidation
processes of nitrogen e1t-:hanges in man" -

1978. BRAUER, 1. (1950) Chromoso~ 3:483-509, (In Ceroan), "Experi:ental studies on the effect of meter waves of varioua field
intensities on the growth of plants by division"

2707. BRAUN, G.M. (1965), J. of the Amer. Podiatry Assoc., 55 ( .) :700- , "Pulsed electromagnetic energy: A new therapeutic
modality in podiatry".

1979. BRAUN, H., & THOM, G. (195&) Strahlentherapie 99:617-623, (In German) "Microwave studies on experimental animals"

2118. B:U:CP.::?.., 5. (1970) In: Rad!ation B:!.o-Effects )<=-..ary Report, P.odge, D. '1., (ed.), Jan-nee 1969, niv, of Biolor.ic:al
Cffec:ts, Eu:-. l' Health, DHE'.J, (Re-:>t. ~o. D3E 7D-l , pp. 176-177, "The reversal of mitotic effects nf Colce111id in cultures
of hi."=" ;>e:-!;>h,eral l;.:r;>hoc:ytes"
2708. BREHL, R.J. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Pensacola, FL, Rept. #NAMRL-1197, "Effects of extremely
low frequency (ELF) fields on cellular organelles of liver parenchymal cells of the mongolian gerbil".

2709. BREHL, R.J. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Pensacola, FL, Rept. #NAMRL-
, "Effects of ELF magnetic
fields on liver triglycerides of mice".

l46. Blll'IWIBSD, L r. (1935) uc:b. of Phyaic:al Tbuapy 16:594-598, "&D&lyaia of selective effecta of sbortvave therapy"

147. BIII1V1BSKI. c. J., & BIBBIM, J. s. (1935) Arcb. of Pbyaical Therap~ 1!:228-234, "eo.parative analyaia of beat pro4uct1oa:
Pbyaic:al ua1yaia of 1dp freq'lleacy, radio freq-cy, aad c:o11duc:t1ve beat

148. JRENCS, a., JR.., & BI.IGliOLI, P., (1969) U. s. llavy, (July), (unpab1i.abed report), "Prelila1nary notea ou the Na'f7'S I.F
hazara (UDIIAZ) proar•"
2119. :!F.!:7l, L, & KLZ~:A:':S, E. (1970) In: Proc. of l!un2arian Acad. of Sci., t. Sci. Soc. for Telecommunication, Colloq. on
~licrtNave :o=tcat1on, 4t!l, Buca;::est (Apr. 21-24, 1970), "Effect of microwave fields on biolo!!'ical structures" (Hossbauer
· spectre:" of 5 ,!:>,-olecular o! ox:-!-aenodobin in aninal blood exposed to microHave irradiation)

3161. BREYSS£, P.A. (1961.;:1), ,T. of Microwave Fewer, ~(1):2~-28, 11

Microwave uses on c,::impus: A study of environm(·ntdl

2076. BR£-vSSE, P. A. (1969) J, M!c~ P~r 4:25-29, (Abatr. 1~: Non-ionizing Rad. !(2):102-103, (1969), Abstract #43),
~crovave uau ou the Callpu; a atuey of eaviroii".atal haurda"

2710. BRINDLEY, G.S. (1955), J. of Physiol. (LOndon), 127( ) :189-200, "The site of electrical excitation of the humdn eye",
2111. BRODKIN, R.H., & BLEIBERG, J. (1973), Acta Dermatovener (Stockholm), 53( ) :50-52, "Cutaneous microwave injury: A
report of two cases", [Dystrophic changes in finger n~il plate observed in 2~rkers in a snack bar which uses a microwave

149. BIDDY, S. I. (1953) Aviation Mad. ~:328-333, "The operational ba.r.ard of aicrawave radiatioa"

150. BIDDY, s. I. (1956) Inatitute of lladio ED&iDHra Tran., ora Mecl.ioal. Electronics PGM!-4:8-9 (fro111 Sympoaiua on Physiologic
aod Patholoaic Effec:ta of Kicrowavea, JCruaea, F. H., Clua., Sept. 195.5), "!'.i.litary aspect• of the biological effects of aicrovave

2337. BRODY, J.E. (1973), In: The New York Time, p. ?, (Mon. Apr. 16), "Healing of fracture in animals speeded by static
electricity". [Discuases animal studies at Columbia Univ. in which metal plates (held externally on both sides of a
fracture by a cast), connected to a dry-cell battery, have caused healing of fractures which would not heal on their own,
aud have increased the healing rate of stubborn fractures.]

3162. BROWN, C.C., (1975), American Psychologist, 2Q_(3):402-t~l0, (Md:'. ), "Electrodne~_,thesia and electrosleep".

1.51. BID'IIII, P. A., JR.. (1971) lD: Collf. OD "''rieatation: Seuaory Bub" (Adlar, B. E, ,C ed,) & Couf, Chaino&D)
· Acad. of Sc:leaeea .!!!,:224-241, •s-
orlentatioaal lnfluenc:ea of noa-viau&l, terreatrial elec:trOIUguetic ueida"

2712. BROWN, F.A., Jr. (1972), American Scientist,_(): , (Nov.-Dec.), "The 'clocks' timing biologlcal rhythms",
[Recent discoveries suggest that the mysterious biological clock phenom~non results from a continuous interaction betwcf;n
organisms and the subtle geophysical environment].

3403. BROWN, F.A., Jr., & CHOW, C.S. (1973), Biol. Bull., 144( ):437-461 (June), "Interorganismic and environmental
influences through extremely weak electromagnetic fields."
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187. CAIU'ENTU, 1.. L. (1957) Tuftull lJuiv., Mltclfori, HaM., Illforaal Prosreaa Jteport to u. s. Air rorce Oil the "C-lative
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& Banghart, F. w•• ed».) _!:146-168. R.eviw of tha -rk c:oacluctecl at Tufta UaiY. (USA!' aponeorecl); expert.ental r..Siatioll
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189. CARPENTER, ll. L. (1959) Digeat of Tech. Papera, Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. Oil Electrical Tec:hniquaa 1a Mltcliciu u4
B1olo8Y (Schwall, U. P •• Ch11.), Pllb. Levie Winaer, Mev York, p. 52 only, "Opacitiea ill the leu of the eye e:zper:t-Jtally
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191. CARPENTER, R. L. (1962) Rept. RADC-TDR-62-131 (AD 275840), (Also in Senate Hearinp, PP• 991-1049), "An experiMntel
study of the bio1oaical effect& of aicrovave radiation in relation to the eye"

192. CAlU'ENTER, R. L. (1965) Diaeat of 6th Intarnat. Cont. on Medical Uectronica and Bioloaiul Engineerina, PP• 573-574,
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3163.4 CARPENTER, R.L. (1968), J. of Microwave Power, ~(1):3-20, ''The action of microwave radiation on the eye".
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2719. CARPENTER, R.L. (1970), Archives of Ophthalmology (Chicago), 84 ( ) :1- , "Reporting radiation [including non-
ionizing?) incidents".

193. CARPEIITER, R. L. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biolo&ic:&l. Effecta and Health Iaplicatioa.
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:t Microwave Radiation" SJ'IIPQai-,
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195. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VAN UHM!ISEM, C. A. (1959) In Inveatigatora' Conf. on Biological Effect& of Elec-
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ME-1(3}:152-157, "Opacitiea iD the lena of the eye ezpert.eutally induced by exposure to lllicrovave radiation"

197. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VA.'t OMHDSEii, c. A. (1960) f'roa Proc. of 3rd lnteruat. Cont. on Medical Electronics,
Part 3, London, PP• 401-408, (Also in Senate Hearinaa, pp. 982-990), "Bioloaical effects of microvave radiation vith particular
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198. CAlU'ENTER, R, L., BIDDLE, D. K., & VAN UMMBRSEN, C. A. (1961) Digeat of Internat, Couf. on Medical Electronica, Bio-
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199. CAR!ENT!lt, ll. L., ,!!. al, (1961) Digeat of Internat. Conf. on Medical Electronics, Biological~£!_ Kicrovavea.!
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200. CARPENTER, R. L., BIDDLE, D. K., VAN UKKERSEN, C,, MA.'iCAHAS, C. P., & PREEMA.-., H. M. (1959) AIDer. J, of ();)hthat-lou
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201, CAlU'ENTER, R, L., & CLARK, V, A. (1966) In: Environaental Biology, Altman, P. L., & Dittner, D. C. (ada.), Federation
of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, Betheada, Md., (AD 646890), pp. 131-139, "Reaponaea to radio frequency radiation"

202, CARPENTER, R. L., & LIVSTONE, E. K. (1971) I!EE Trana. on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special Iaaue on Bioloaical
Effects of Kicrovavea) KTT-19(2)1173-178, "Evidence for nontheraal effecta of microwave radiation: abnormal developaent of
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203. CAlU'ENTER, R. L., & VAN IJMKERSEN, c. A. (1968) J. of Microwave Power 1(1}:3-19, (AD 668619), "The action of aicrovave
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2721. CARSTENSEN, E.L., LI, K., & SCHWAN, H.P. (1953), The J. of the Optical Soc. of Amer., !1!2) :286-289, (Mar.) "Determ-
ination of the acoustic properties of blood and its components".

206, CASSIANO, o., & AUDISIO, a. (1966) Minerva ADeat:aioloaica (Torino), 1!1261-264, (In Italian) "Sa.e neuro•eaetativa ra-
aponaea to the action of electro.asnetlc fielda in aan

207. CASSUJIO, o., CAil'I'A, Q., • ftOIICOMI, s. (1967) Klaana AD"tedololica ~odao). 1!&326-329, (Ia Ital1u) "Actloo of
elect-petlc UeUa . . the al,0.-1c left! of Donal .... diabetic oujecta

201. CASTALDI. L. (1934) Altotractlll of the lat Iotenat. Coaar"a of !loctro-radio-biolo11 (Cappelli, L., ad., lolopa, ltel1 ),
pp. 277-335 0 (Ia Ital:t.u with !ftsJ,:ln ~~-..,-),"'iolopcal affect of IUP-fratta_,. va'Na"
3164 , CATHCART, W.H., PARKER, ,J,J., & BEATTIE, H.G. (1946), Food Tech.,!_( ):174-177, "The treatment of packaged bread
with high frequency heat".

3406. CATRAVAS, G.N. (1975), Armed Forces Radiobiology Resetrch Institute.Rept., (AFRRI TN75-8), (Dec.), 5 p~s.,
"Styrofoam cages for rats used in M1CI'OWI¥e research: Coating with quinine [to reduce chewing by the anillllls].

209. CAVALLAIO, L. (1934) Abotracto .of tha lat Iatonat. CooP'"• of llecno-rad:lo-biolol)' (Cappelli, L., ad., Jolopa, Italy),
pp. 341-350, (Ia ItaU.aa with l!DaU.IIh s~) "DUperaioa of radio frattunc,. va•" ia proteia ayot-"

210. CAZZWLLI, F. (1952), Neurologfca, !:193- , (AO 12737117), "Tile effects of radar on the '-an body."
211. CAZZAMALII, F. (1960), In: Il Cervelle Radiante, (in Italian), (U.S. A~y Engr. Res. &Dev. Lib. Tr1nsl. T-1695),
(AO 1422217, 42 page translated report), pp. 11r-T52. FTD-TT-65-759/1+2+3+4 (dtd 22 Mar 66), "On a cerebro-psychic radia-
tion phenomenon (cerebro-psychic radiation refle~as 1 means of psychophysical explorat,on.•
212. CAZZAMALLI, F. (1960), In:!!.~ m•ta.te, (til ltaltan), (U.S. ArMy [ngr. Res. I Dev. Lab. Transl. T-1696),
(AD 1422218, 40 ~ge tnns1ated ,..port), pp. - , FTD-TT-65-75911+2+3+4 (dtd 22 Mar 66), "E1ecti'OIIIgnettc phenomena
Mlicll radiates fro~~ the "'-n llrl1n dllrtng tntellse psycllosensoriel activity ,,.. drealll)', lllllucillltory and te1epsychic
states. •

2133. CEPEilo-GAII.CIA, c., • cm!A5-CESPED!:So L. (1933) Rev. Cubana Oto-neuro-oftal. ,!:199-208 (July/Au,::), (In Span.), (Abstr. in:
Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Ophth. lQ.(9) :488 (1934)) • "The action of medical c!iathenay on the DO'f'lllll and oatbolodc eye"

2342. CHAI, S-Y., & VOGELRUT, P.O. (1967), Journal of Applied Physics, 38(2)1613-618, ·~all effect in dielectric ..di·
Microwave X-band P araday rotation of water absorbed on helloslobin". -

213. ClALOV, v. G. (1968) VoeGDO-~iteiDDkii lb. (5):24-26, "The effect of a saP-UHP field on tha functional condition of the
otor111!10laW)'Il..l8)&ic:al ox-a~~N" -

2722. CHAN, A.K., SIGELMANN, R.A., GUY, A.W., & ~. J,F. (1973), IBIB Trans. on Biaaed. Engineering, BME-20(2):86-90,
(Mar.), "Calculation by the .othod of tinite ditterencea ot the taaperature distribution in layered [biolog~tiasues
[applicable to a thermal ~~ce auch as aicrowave radiation)".

2134. CHASON, L. R. (19??) Ph.D, Dissertation. Baylor l!niversity. "The ef!ecta of visible lip:bt and microvave radbtion on
endocrine organa in the rat"
3165. CHEiDIZE, T.L., KIKNADZE, V.D., & KEVLISHV, G.E. (1974), Biofizlka, 19(3):479-483, "Dielectric spectroscopy of
blood. 4. Dielectric spectra of blood after action of physical and chemicalagents".

3407. CHENG, O.K. (1975), European Scientific Notes (Office of Naval Research), 29(12):515-518 (31 Dec. ), "[Report
on] Fifth European microwave conference: The invited papers.•

2135. CllF.RNOVA, L. 10::. (1965) Electronic Treat:nent of ~!Atarial (3):a9-<:6, (~i66-36597), ''On the role of electrical and m&Rnetic
fields in the vital ac:tivities of biolo~tical ~ystema"

3408. CHERNYSHEVA, M.A. (1975), Transl. In: "Effects of Non-Ionfzing Electi'OIIIIIgnetic Radiation," (JPRS #64532), p. 47 only,
"Participation of the central nervous system 1n the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in animals exposed to an
~ltrahi9h-frequency field."

3409. CHERNYSHEVA, O.N., & KOLODUB, F.A. (1975), Gi~iyena Truda, (11):20-23, (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of
Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation {JPRS #L/~15), 10 Feb •• 197b, pp. 33-37, "Effect of a variable magnetic field
of industrial frequency (50 Hz) on metabolic processes fn the organs of rats." .

2343. CHILTON, D.J. (1972), Ref. ?, "Huaan telac:oamn1cat1ons: A review of the literature nn 'BioloRic:al Radio Coaau·
cation' and related topics".
214. CHIIIXOV, M. M. (19U) Ins so- ~etioao of Phiaioloq ~ liopbYa!ca, Trudy Otdeleaiya, Voronezh, Izd-vo Voronezh, Univ,,
PP• 25-Jl, (ID Ruaaia) • "Tha ef'h«' o the nftiy o elec:trouaaet1c radiation of the acoustic apectrwa oo eatal..e act:I.Yity 1D
"~ '

2344. CHISTIAKOVA, N.S., ~tal. (1972), Voprosy Kurorto1ogii F1z1oterapii 1 Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Ku1'try, 37:341-344,
(July-Aug.), (in Russ.), "QYnir1iics of electrogastrogriphfc indices during COII1Pl8ll therapy involving the use Of microwaves
in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers."
3166. CHIS71AKOVA, N.S., SKURII<HINA, L.A., MAMAEVA, Z.K., £ ARAPOVA, A.D. (1972), Vopr. Kurortol. Fizioter. Lech .. Fiz.
Kllt., 37( ):341-344, (In Russ.), "Changes in electrogastrographic parameters in patients with peptic ulcers after
combinedtherapy in which microwave radiation was used", [with chemotherapy].

3411. CHIZHENKOVA, R.A. (1962), Zhurnal vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti, (2):313-321, Transl. In: JPRS #64532 (cited #3410),
"Role of different brain fonnations in EEG reactions of rabbits to a CMF and to UHF and SHF fields."

217. CIIZHEWIOVA, a. A. (1967) Fiaioloaic:bea~i Zh. SSSR, Moscow l!(S):514-519, (lo Ruasit") (ATD Rpt 68-105-108-9, Abatract
(June 1968), PP•. 7()..72, ~ Radiobiololjt) • Brain biopotentiala ia :!le rabbit. C::urins •J<?Osure to electr0111aanetic: fielda"

2111. CHIZHUKOVA, 11.. A. (1967) ~· Vyaabei Nennoi De:Latel'noati, Moac:ov 17(6):1083-1090 (Ill ttuaa:Lan, !o&lbh abatraet)•
"'leccric:al reaetioa of a rabbit a cerebral cortex to Yarioua electroea~etic fielda"

215. CBIZIIDI'OVA, 1. A. (1966) Biulleten EupariJMntal'noi Biologii i !;editsiny, Moscow ~(6):11-15, "Changea in the EEC of
callbite cllrdna tha action of a conatant uguetic field"

216. CBIZHEHXOVA, R. A. (1967) Zh. Vyaahei Nervnoi Daiatel'n~sti ~ni I. P. Pavlova, Moacov 17(2):313-321, (In Ruasian, !Daliah
lbacract) 0 (ATD Rpt 68-105-108-9 0 Abatract, (June 1968), P• 69 only, ~Radiobiology, ~J 671436), "the role of various braiD
focaations in EEG responses of rabbit~ to a conat3nt ~gnstic field an~ :o VHF-ax· and SHY-~·~ electracagnstic fields"

219. CHIZHINKOVA0 R. A. (1969) Zh. Vysahsi Nervnoi Deiatel'noati Pavlov USSR 19(3):495-501, (In Russian, English su.aary) 0
-a.okarouo4 and evoked neuron activity in the viaual cortex of rabbits follovins exposure to the action of a SHF-uBF field"
3410. CHIZHENKOVA, R.A. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation," (JPRS #64532), pp. 10-22,
"The role of different brain formations in EEG reactions of rabbits to a constant magnetic field and to ultrahigh- and
superhigh-frequency electromagnetic fields."
220. CIIRISTIANSOII 0 C. (1963) Presentation: Naval Material Lab, Prograa 5-ry, "Radiatio:::t hazards body protfl:tion dnic•"
221. CHliSTIANSOII 0 C,, & RUTKOWSKI, A. (1966) Nav3l Applied Sci. Lab. :~oh. Me--a ~o. 3 (Ja~ 1967), 3rooklyn; (AD 645696), (Aleo
preaented at 4th Annual Na~;-wida Workshop in the Biological Sciences, Sav, Med, Res. Unic 94, Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 1966),
"Electrouanetic radiation hazards in the Navy~

222, CHRISTIE, 1. V., & LOOMIS, A. L. (1929) J. Experimental Med, 49:~03-321, "The relation of frequency to tba physiolosic:al.
effecta of ultra-high frequency currents"
3412. CHRISTMAN, C.l., HO, H.S., & YARROW, S. (1974), IEEE Trans. on Mic~ve Theory and Techniques, MTT-22(12):1267-1272
(Dec.), "Microwave dosimetry system for measured sampled integral-dose rate.• [cited in #3121, this Bi6TTO:T

223. CQUKHLOVIN, B. A. (1965) Voenno-Maditainakii Zb., Moscow (Milit2=Y ~edical Journal), _(7):25-29, "The effect of SBF-UHP
eltlctrouanetic radiation on the iiiiiiiUnobiologicsl properties of the .:-:;:a=>ism"

272). CHUKHLOVIN, B.A. (197?), Soviet Military Med., _( ) :27-32, "The effect of UHF electromagnetic radiation on the im-
~~ioloqical properties of the organism".

224. CHUXHLOVIN, B., A., GRACHEV, B, N., & LIKINA, I, V, (1966) Biulle:en Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Moscow
61(4):53-55 0 "The detection of C- and Cr reactive protein in the blo<><i s~r-tn~> during ex-posure of the organiac to SHP-UHP elactro-
aagnetic waves"
225o· CIECIURA 0 L., KARASEK, M., PAWLISKDWSKI, M., & MINECKI, L. (195>) Folia ~~rphologica (Warszawa) 28(3):343-351, (In Polish
vith Engliah •-ry) "The influence of l:d.crowaves radiation on the el~:-astrucc•Jre of the ?ineal gland of vhite rata"
226,. CIECIURA, L,, & MINECKI, L. (1962) Lekar:r. llojsi(ovy, Pol&nd 38(5~:511-530, (In PoHsh, Fr~>nch si.CI:I!Iary), "Pathological
chanaes in the testes of rats subjected to single or repeate:i doses c r :t:.crO'ola·.res (S band)"

34f3. CIECIURA, L., & MINECKI, L. (1964), Medycyna Pra;y, l§.(3):159-168, (in Pol. with Engl. sulllllary), "Distribution
and activity of some hydrolytic enzymes in the testicles of rats exposed to the action of microwaves ('S' Band)."

227. CIECIURA, L., & MINECKI, I.L. (1966), Medycyna Pracy, 17:'i07-514, "Histopathological changes in the testes of rats
exposed to the action of microwave radiation in hypothennal condition."

228. CIGNOLINI 0 P, (1947) Minerva Medicine 38:234-285, (ln Italiar.) ''-'>.>Lt>etry in shore-. ave therapy"

229. CIGNOLINI, P., & OLIVIERI, .(1936) Rev. de Phyaiotherap. _(3):2~2-, "Ibe action of high frequency electromagnetic vavea
on tbe circulatory system" -
230. CIMITAN, O, (1951) Giornaledi Science Mediche (Venezia) !:138-14J, "Effect of shor~a~ irradiation on bacteria"

272~. cu.rut, C.L., PECK, R.A., & HOLLANDER, W.F. (1948), J. of 1\pplied Physics, ~( ) :1183- , "The homing pigeon in
electromagnetic fields".

231. CLARK, J, \1, (1950) Proc, of the Institute of Radio Engine~rs 3o(9):1028-1032, "Effects of intense microwave radiation
on living organiau"
232. cLARK, J, w., HINES, H. M., & SALISBURY, 'II. W. (1949) Electronics Q: 66-, "Exposure to cdcrawaves: recent experiments on
anblals with high intensity 12 em radiation"
233. cLARK, L, A, (1959) Proc, 3rd Tri-service Conf, on Biological Effects of Micro¥ave f~diating Equipment& (Suaakind. c., ed,)
_l:239-243, "Eye study survey"
234. CLARX, w. B, (1952) Trans, of the A»ar, Acad. of OphthallDOlogy 56: 60Q-607, "MJ:cro,.ave diathermy in ophthalmology:
cllnicsl evaluation"
2077, CL~Y, s. F. (1970) ~ritical PZ7!eva iD En•iron=ental Con~rol 1 (Chemical Rubber Co.):257-30&, (Abatr. in: Non-ionizing
ttaci. 1(4) :191. only, (1970)), "Biol~ie&.l efhcta of 2icrovave and radio frequency radiation"

y s p (Ed ) (1970) Sympoaiua held at Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, 17-19 Sept. 1969, U, s. Dept. of Health.
235 • CLEAR • w' lf• 'p blic Health Service Bureau of Radiological Health, Division of tiological Effects, Rept. No. 7o-2.
Education, an4 e ara, u • di ' , Al "Ch i • •·-" d
(PB 193-898), Proceedings, Biological~~~ Implications of Microwave Ra at.on, so: a rman s Remar...., an
"Introductory Co-ts"
, CLEARY, s. p, (1970) ~r. Industrial llygiene A.ssoc:. J. l!_:52-59, "Considerations in the evaluation of the biological
effects of exposure to aicrowsve radiation"

2345. CLEARY, S.F. (1973), Health Physics, ~5( ):387-404, "Uncertainties fn the evaluation of the biological effects of
mtcrowave and radio-frequency radiation."
3414. CLEARY, S.F. (1974), Rept., Virginia Conrnonwealth University, Richmond, (AD #785-739), (ASR-2), 84 pps., "Effects
of low intensity microwave radiation on ma0111alian serum proteins" [rabbits].

237. CLEARY, s. r.,

& RAM, W. T,, JR. (1969) Taak Force on Reaearch Planning in Environmental Health Science Subtaak Force
on Physical Factors in tbe EnvironMnt (background document), (unpublis!:led), Part I. "Considerations in the e~a1uation
of the biolosical effeeta of exposure to aicrovave radiation"

238. CLEARY, S. F., & PASTERNACK, II. S. (1966) Arch. of Environmental &alth ,!!:23-29, "Lenticular changes in aicrovave
239, CLEARY, S. F., PASTERNACK, B. S., & BEEBE, C. W. (1965) Ar<:h. of Enviro.,..ntal Health !!,:179-182.f"Cataract incideuce
in radar workers"

240. CLEARY, S.F., PASTERNACK, B., & EISENBUO, M. (1964), Institute of Environmental Medicine, NY Univ. Med. Center,
Report, (June), "Relationship of environmental factors to lenticular changes in microwave workers."

2726. CLEMEDSON, C.J. (1961), T. Mflt. Hdlsov., (in Swedish). _(86):69-16), (Tt·ansl. 35 FTD-TT-64-862/1+2, (1965),
Wright-Patterson AFB, 132 pps. ) 1 "Biological effects of microwave radiation ind possible risks from radar."

3415. CLEMENT-METRAL, J.D. (1975), J. of the Federation of Eu!'<'pe~n Biological Societies, 5D(2):257-260, (February),
"Direct observation [using fluorescence emission] of the rotat1on 1n a constant magnetic field [of strength up to 20 kG]
of highly organized lamellar structures" [lettucl! chloroplasts].

241, CLOSE, p, & BEISCHER, D. E. (1962) Naval School of Aviation Medicine, BL1<ED and NASA Report, "Experiments with ~
phila melanogaster in magnetic fields"

2727. COATS, G.I., NELSON, C.B., & UNDERWOOD, R.G. (1970), In: Proc. of the 4th Annual Midyear Topical Symposium, the Health
Physics Soc., Louisville, Ky., 28-30 Jan.; Bureau of Radiological Health, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, kept.
No. BRH/DEP 70-26, (Oct.), pps. 141-158, "The d~po1e/s1ot radiation pattern and its use in understanding microwave leakage
and survey techniques".

2728. COCHRAN, G.V.B., (19 ) , Arch. of the N.Y. Acad. of Med., ~(7): p. ?, (Aug.), "Experimental methods for stimulation
of bone healing".

1982. COCOZZA, c., BLASlO, A., & r~');ZlATA, B., (1960) Pediatria rivista d'igiene med. e chir. dell'infanzia ~(1):7-23, (In
Italian) "Rea:arks on short-vave etlbryopathy"

242. C~~. D. G. (1950} J. Amer. Medical Assoc. 142(3):145-151, "Lesions of the eye froa radiation energy"

2136. COGA>'l, D. (,, (1958) In: Syste:1ic C:>hthabolo«V, Part VI, Chao:. 4, sec. IV, pp. 63:-6~3 (Sorsby, A., ed,), 2nd edition,
London: Butten.rorth & Co., Ltd,, "Radiant e~_er"y" [Effects on eye of ..-arious foros of rad1ation; includinl! r-f, rnicrowaves, etc.

243. COGAN, D. G, (1959) AKA Arch. of Industrial Health 20:293-, "Ocular effects of radiation"

2137. COG!\N, D. G., DOl.U\LDSO!;, D. D., !. REESE, A. B. (1952) A.'1A Arc:-.. of Ophthalr.10l. !!!_: 55-70, "Clinical and patholoP.ical
characteristics of radiation cataract"

244. COGAN, D. C., FRICKER, S. J., Lu~IN, M., DONALDSON, D, D., & HARDY, H. (1958) ~~ Axch. of Industrial Health 18 ( 4): 299 _ 302
"Cataracts and ultra-high-frequency radiation" - •

2138. COHEN, B.H., & LILIENFELD. A.M. (1910), Annals of the NY Academy of Science, 171, Art.2:320-327, "The epidemiological
study of mongolism in Baltimore." [" ... there was a suggested relationship of Mongollim with paternal radar exposure"]

3416. COHEN, D. (1975), Physics Today, _( ):35-43, (August), "Magnetic fields of the human body."

2139. COllEN, L., & liOI.fCY.I, E. A, (1971) :;aval !\esearch Laboratcrv '.e:-t. ''7306, 1.9 pp. (AD SS7f·)6L), "l:uclear rcsonaC~ce
absorption as a diar.nostic ancl investir-ative technique" [includirs:: a Ci.s.:ussion of the interaction of s~ort-\::1\!c-lenr-th elcctrn-
nar.netir radiation Hith ratter]

2729 • COHEN, M.E., & WHITE, P.D.,(l951), Psychosomatic ) :335-357, "Life situations, emotions, and neuro-
circulatory asthenia".

245. COLSON, c., et a!. (1970) Bulletin de la Claaae dea Sciences, Royale de Belgique 56(9):9oo-, & 983-, "Action of
electrcmagnetic radiations on proteins, Parts I & II"

l983. COMPERE, A. (1935) c. r. seances soc. biol. filiales associ•es 1~0:237-240, {In French) "Changes in blood composition
during short-wave treatment"

2055. COliLLY, c, c. (1969) In: Biolor,ical Effects of ~etic Fielcs, ·;~1, 2, pp. 29-51, ?le:'tu::n Press, "tffects of near-zero
ma~nctic fields upon biolot_:ical syste:--s"

2730. CONLEY, c.c. (1970), NASA Technical Note No. TN D-5902, (Aug.), "A review of the biological effects of very low
magnetic fields".

3417. CONOVER, D.L., & BETTER, R.J. (1974), Health Physics, 27(6):632-633, "Heating patterns induced by 2450 MHz micro-
wave radiation in a trilayered spherical phantom."

3167. CONOVER, D.L., VETTER, R.J., WEEKS, W.L., ZIEMER, P.L., & LANDOLT, R.R. (1974), The J. of Microwave Power,
9( 2): 69-78, (June), "Temperature distributions induced by 2450 MHz microwave radiation in a trilayered (simulated f~t,
muscle, brain] spherical phantom".

246. CONSTANT, P. c., JR. (1963) Iuatitute of Electrical and Electronics Enaiaeera Student J.-!(1):36-, '~ioloaical aapecta of
lUI' radiation"
247. CONSTANT, P. c., JR. (1967) Digeet of the 7tb Interuat. CoDf. on Medical aod BioloJie&1 !DJ1Deerina, (Jacobaon, 1., ecl,),
Stoclchol•, 1:349 only, ''Haering EM vnee"

248. CONSTANT, P. C., JR., ASHLEY, W. B., BAI.DiflJf, B. R., HARTIN, E. J • .11., & RICE, R. F. (U60) K!dveat R•eal'ch Iaetitate,
lauaaa City, Ho., a.port to Navy (JUDe 1960), "Survt11 of radi.o frequency radiation hazarde•

249. CONSTANT, P. c., JR., & MARTIN, E. J. (1963) IEEE Traoa. on Radio Frequency Interference S(l):56--76 (alao Report to
Navy fr- K!dveet Reeearch Iaatitute, ICazwaa City, lfo.), "tbe Navy'• radiatioa bazarda (RADHAZ)-prosr. . oD the for~~~~lacioa
, of etaiUlarde"

2SO. COOK, H. F. (19Sl) British J. of Applied Pbyeics _!:295-300, "Tbe cUalectric behavior of eo.. typea of huun tieeuee
at llicrovave frequeaciee"

251. COOK, H. F. (19S2) J. of PbyaioloSY 118:1-11, "The pain tbreehold for llicrovave and infrared radiation"
252. COOK, H. F. (19S2) Britiah J. of Applied Phyaica ].:33-40, "Microvavea 1D medical and biological reaearch"

2S3. COOK, H. F. (1952) British J. of Applied Pbyaica ].:245-248, "A physical inveatisatio~ of heat production in
tieeue vben expoaecl to microvavee"

2S4. COOK, H. F. (1952) Britiah J. of Applied Pbyaica ].:249-255, "A coapariaon of dielectric behavior of pure vater and
human blood at microwave frequeuciea"

2731. COOK, H., & BOYLE, A. (1950), Brit. J. of Physical Med., !1_( ) :2-9, "The effects of microwaves".

25S. COOX, H. F., & BOYLE, A. (19S2) Britiah J, of Applied Phyaica ].:1-6, "Clinical picture of the chronic effect of alectro-
usnetic llicrowave radiation"

3168. COOK, H. F., & BUCHANAN, T.J. (1950), Nature, 165( ):358-35g, "Dielectric behavior of methyl palmitate in th~
microwave region".

2732. COOK, H.H., SONI, N.N., &MONTGOMERY, J.C. (1971), Oral Surgery, 32(6):1008-1016, "The effects of pulsed high
frequency radio Naves on the rate of osteogenesis In the healing of extraction wounds 1n dogs.•

256. COOPER, R. (1946) J. of the Inatitute of Electronic Enaineere !!(3):69-, "The electrical propertiea of aalt-water aolactoaa.
over the frequency ruae 1-4000 He"

2733. COOPER, T., et al. (1962), Allier. J. of Physiology, ill_(6):117l-1174, "Effects of reserpine on circulation of the rat
after microwave irradiation•.

2S7. COOPER, T., JELLINEK, K., PINAKATT, T., & lllCHARDSOlf, A. W. (196S) l!xperientia 21:28-29, "tbe effect of pyridoxine
and 111ridoxal. on the circulatory reapouea of rate to llicrovave irradiation" -

258. COOPER, T., PINAKATT, T., JELLINEK, H., &RICHARDSON, A.W. (1962), Aerospace Hed., 33(7):794-798, "Effects of adrena-
lec~, vagot011y, and ganglionic blockade on the circulatory response to microwave hypertliennia.•

2734. COPE, P.W. (1973), Physiol. Chem. & Physics,~( ):173-176, "Biological sensitivity to weak magnetic fields due to
bioloqical superconductive Josephson junctions?".

2346. COPELAND, E.!>.,& MICHAELSON, S.M. (1970), Acta Radiologica, 9(4) :323- , "Effe<'l of selectivr tumor ~eating ,
the localization of 131 I fibronogen in the Walker carcinoM 2S6: if. Heatins viti. ,., ·ovaves".

260. OOPSON, D. A. (19S6) Iuetitute of Radio Eqineera Trana. on Medical Electronice, ~:27-35 (fr- Sy.poaiu on
Ph)'eielo&ic aiUl Pathologic Etfecte of Kicrowa-..., ltruaeD, P. B., Clul., Sept. 1955), "K!crovawe euer11 1D food proceclur•"

261, OOPSON 1 D. A. (1961) Diseat of tha 1961 Interut. Couf. OD Medical Electronice, Biolotic:al ~!?!, Kicrowavee 1 .!
(Athanaal AeJ!!Sta), (Fr-r, P. L., eel.), Pleaua Preea, Nav York;, pp. 228-, "Theory of themal dieaipation of llicrovave eDerl)'.
and llicrovave eugineerins"
262. COPSON, D.A. (1962), Microwave ~eating (in the food Industry], Av1 Pub. Co., Inc., Westport, Conn., Esp. Chapt. 19,
"The radiation biology of microwaves.

2.59.· COPSOII, D. A. (1967) D1sut of the 7th lnteruat. eouf. on Medical and Biolosical ED&1Daer1D&; (Jacobeon, B., ed,),

2.63. COPSON, D. A., IIEUHAN, B. Jt., &

Stocllhola, P• 404 only, "Atherllic and themic allaorption procaeaea vith llicrovane froa 1 - to 30 em"

BRADY, A. L. (195S) J. of Asricultural/Pood Cbeaietry }(5) :424-427, "Brovnius •thode

in llicrovaw cootdns"

3418. CORKER, G.A., I SHARPE, S.A. (1974), Photocllellistry and Photobiology, 19( ):443-455, "Kinetics of the photo-induced
EPR signal in whole-cell Rhodospirillua rubrum: Effects of light intensity, dark adaptation, temperature, and microwave
2140. CORRADO, tt. (1938) A.-.n. Ottalr.>. e Clir.. Ocul. ~(10):721-739, (Zn Ital.), (.\hstr, in: ZentralU, I, d. c:es. Ophth. ~(.,):
349 (June 27, 1939)), "The effects of short-vave irradiation (short ~'ves of 30 m and ultrashort ~aves of 6 ~) on the circula-
tion of the ocular fundus"
3169 CORY, W.E., & FREDERICK, C.L. (1974), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems, AES-10(5):738-742,
(Sept.), "Effects of electromagnetic energy on the enviro11111ent: A summary report".

264. COSIC, Y., KJWIIR, "·• 6 GALA, A. (1963) Yoj-alt !Teal .!!,Uhl19-126, "!ffecu of radar innallations on the h - a

3419. COSTER, H.G.L., I ZIMMERMANN, U. (1975), Zeitschrift Naturforsch., 30c( ):77-79, "Direct demonstration of
dielectric breakdoWn in the .-,.anes of!!!.!!!!!!. utricularis" [using approi:""'Soo •icrosec. current pulses].

26S. COULTER, J. s •• 6 CAaTD, B. A. (1936) J. of tho ,_r. Medical Aeeoc • .!!!!,:2063-2066, "'ieatiag of buaan tissues by short
VSYO 4iatbOJIW1"
266. COULTU, J, s., 6 OSIOl.'tE, s. L. (1936) Ardl. of Phystc:al tharsP1 ,!!:135-139, "Sbortva. . Ilia the~: a c:o.parative at:ully
in pelvic heating"

2735. cozZBNS, D.E. (1967), Microwaves, !.!!,( ) z58-60, !Jul.),' •Hiqh-powar llicrowava safa-4istance ll011109rAJD".

267 • ClAl'Ucurns, P. v. (1970) lac hac. of tile "ltoloaical lffecu sz:4 lhltb llllplic:atiou of Hicrovave Radiatioa" S,.,oalu.
(Cleary, s. r., ell.), Bur. of lall. Bealth, Dt•.
of Jio. Ufecta. Jlapt. So. 7Q-2, PP• 210.216 0 "M!crovave lealcaae tut~"UaaQt:a&i~"

3170 , CRAVEN, ·S.E., & LILLARD, H.S. (19'/4), J. of Food Science, 39(1):211-212, "Effect of microwave heating of pre-
cooked chicken on Clostridium pe . . ringens".

2736. CRBNS, G.W., GOERrZ, G.W. (1973), Poultry ~ciance, 52(4)zl496-1500, "Moisture and microwave affects on selected
charactariatics of turkey pectoral .uacles•.

2347. CRICHTOII, M. (1972), Playboy (Ma&a&iae), !!(.5):1S4-1S6, 170, 244, 246, 248-250, n:, ··,4-258, & 260, Th!r•'
fiul installMnt of the concleasad versioa of The Tenoiasl MaD, [Fic:tioa; uu is -"" of a ••· rovave oven (ita, 1 n~
defective door interlock) as a lethal weapon. ?;;p, p. 246)]-.- ·

3420. CULKIN, K.A., I FUNG, D.Y. (1975), J. of Milk l food Technology, 38(1):8-15, "Destruction of Escherichia coli
and Salmonella typh1murium in microwave-cooked' soups. • - --

2348. CUMMINS, J.T., VAUGHAN, B.E., & PBSSOTTI, l.L. (1968), U.S. laval laclioloaicel Defenst' Laboratory Report ~o.
Tl-68-105, "Depolarization of the neurally blocked asstric SNc:osa of the rat", [At AC frequeacies from 10 to 14~ cy/.~

3171. ~URTT:·, W.E.,,DICKENS, F .•. & EVANS, S.F. (1936), Nature, 138( ):63-65: (July 11), "The •specific action• of ultra-
short wu·eless waves , [A well-wr1tten early review article]; aiid," "Letter 1n response to 'Letter to the Editor"', by
SZYMANOWSKI, W., Nature, 138( ) :1100-1101, (Dec, 26),

2611. CUSTIN 0 T. G. (1961) Proc. of the Iutitute of aadio lasia..ra !!:1574 ~nly, "Hic:rovave raclistion haaarda"

269, CUTTER, lt. s. (19S8) (eo~~piler) .Natioul Library of )l.ecl1c:1na, \lubiAatou, D. c., (unpubliabecl report), "Bioloaical
effect• of no~t-ioabiDI radiation oa biSUas aD4l IIJ.p•r "nt.Ala; ae!ec:t..: refer~aces in !ugUsb 1916-1957"

3421. CZERSKI, P. (1975), Proceedings of the IEEE, 63(11):1540-1544 (Nov.), "Experimental MOdels for the evaluation of
IAicrowave biological effects." -

2349. CZERSKI, P., BARANSKI, S., & SlERKl(RZYNSKl, M. (1972), Tht~d lntern~t. Conf. on Med. Physics, Gotebo~g, Abstr. 139.9,
(tn Engl.), (Aug. 4), "Mtc,._ve ~~~adiation and bone .. ~~ow function.•

1914. CZERSKI, P., HORNOWSKI, .J., l SZEIICYZYICDIISKI, .J. (1114), Mid. precJ,Jl:Hl-253, (in Polish), "A CISe of 11ic~owave
2737. CZERSKI, P., OSTRSUSKI, K., SILVERMAN, C., et tJ.. (eds.) (1974), Polish Medfca·l Publ hhers, llirsaw, Poland, e:sliifc
itfltti.JM l1t!ll!!. t'trs
of Mic~ve Radtl\ton:-,m!!dfl!lll of !11. lr.r-ttwl SJp!i!!!, (held in Warsaw, Oct. ~ •
1J731.1!()~lC ta on n638. t s Btblto.; see I 10 cttattOII m1 •
2738. CZIMICI, P., PAPROCICA-SLOriiCA, E., & S'l'OI.\RSJ:A, A. (1974), J. of Microwave, 9(1)131-37, (Mar.), "Microwave
iJ:I.'adiation and the circadian rhytha of bone cell .al.'row aitoaes•. -

2739. CZERSICI, P., I PIO'l'IOISICI, M. (1972), Medyayna Lotnic:sa, _(39) 1127-139, (In Pol), (Transl. IJPRS-59709, dtd 3 Auq
1973, tranal. of last. Europe scientific affairs MO. 343), •Proposals for specification of allowable levels of microwave

2740. CZBMICI, •·, SIUI&RZYlaiiCI, M., I GIDYIIPa, A. (1974), Aei.'Ospace Med., (In preaa), •Health surveillance of
persoMal oc:C\Ipetionally exposed to aicrowavea. Part I • 'ftleol'atical considerations and practical aspects".

3172. CZERSKI, P. SIEKIERZYNSKI, M., & GIDYNSKI, A. (1974), Aerospace Medicine, ~5(10):1137-11~2, (Oct.), "Health sur-
veillance of personnel occupationally exposed to microwaves: Part I - Theoreticalconsiderations and practical aspect's".
(See citation *27~0, this Riblio.)

270. DADIRR~,. A. N. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-aervice Conf. on Biological Zffects of Microwave Radiating Equipments (Suaskind,
C., ed.) 1:271-278, "A microwave medical safety program in an industriAl electronics facility"

2741. DAELS, J. (1973), Obstetrics & Gynecology, 42(1):76-79, "Microwave heating of the uterine wall during parturition.•

271. DAHLEN, R. W. (1960) Dissertation Ab3tracts ~(~):1&12-, "Effect; o! irradiation of the head region of dogs vitb
2450 Me microwaves"

272. DAILY, L.E. (1943), U.S. Navy Medical Bulletin,' 41(4):1052-1056, "A clinical study of the results of exposure of
laboratory personnel to radar and high frequency radio~

273, DAlLY, L., JR,, WAKIM, K, G., HERRICK, J, F., PARKHILL, E. M., & 3~~ICT, W, L. (1950) Amer. J. of Ophthalmology~~
1:!41-1254, "The effects of microwave diathermy on the eye: an ex;>eri:oeotal study"

274, DAILY, L,, JR., WAKIM, K. G., HERRICK, J, F., PAIUG:!ILL, E., & B~.-::JICT, W. L. (1952) A!ui!r. J. of Ophthallllology 35:
1001-1017, "The effects of microwave diatber=y on the eye of the rabbi~"

275, DAlLY, L,, JR,, ZELLER, E. A., WAKIM, X. G., HERRICK, J. F., & 3~~ICT, W. L. (1951) Amer. J, of Ophthalmology li:
1301-1306, "Influence of microwaves on certain ellZ}'1D8 systems in the le-....5 of the eye"

276, DAILY, L., JR., WAKIM, K, G., HERRICK, J. F., & PARKHILL, F. M. (1948) Amer. J. of Physiology 155:432 only, (Also
Institute of Radio Engineers Trans, on Medical ElectroniC&, PGME-4:25-25 (1956); (from Symposium on Physiologic and Pathologic
Effects of Microwaves, Jtrusen, F. H., Clua., Sept. 1955). "The effects of llicrowave diather1:1y 011 the eye" ·
2141. DAINOTTO, F., ct al. (1962) "oliclinico 69:270-, (In Ital.), " 0 tudv of ~lvcositic fracti:o:-.~ in t't<' o;!:cletnl "'U~cle o•
experil'lental animals trce.tPd ':ith nicro•aves"

2742. DALILI, H., ADRIAN!, J., WU, W.T., I< SAMUELS, M.S. (1973), Southern Medical J,, 66(11) :1254-1259, (Nov.), "Radio-
wave and microwave blood warmers: Comparison with water bath blood warming units".

2350. DALTON, P.P. (1937), British J. of Physical Medicine, 11:22l- , "Low ·intensit} she., waves (11.3 meters); plel>
miuary observations concerning their effects on living tissues~

2351. DALTON, P.P. (1937), British J. of Physical Medicine, _!2:170- , "Experimental proof of the sppcific effects of lo"'
intensity short waves on living tissues".

2352. DALZIEL, C.F. (1972), lEE Spectrum, .2_(2):41-50, "Electric shock hazard",

2111 2. DN!f.LII:, J. (1971) i'ederal Cnr::unic<1tion ror".,iss. ~ert. ::n, 7c'J'-, "'.'""-l1!f radiation 'lazarC:s an~ s<lfcty "Uidellncs"

2143. DANIELS, R. (1969) In: Frequenc., :ech~.olo2y 2.08): 15-~0, "cc-e siG<' effects of r:''C: (Plcctro:-a~nnic conratihilitv)"

277. DANIELS, R. G., & GOLDSTEIN, B. (1965) Federation Proceedings S~plement #14, S-27-, "Lasers and masers - health
hazards and their control"

3422. DANILEGKO, V.I., et al. (1974), Fiziriogichnyy zhurnal Akademii Nauk Ukr. SSR, 20(3):364-369 (in Ukrainian),
"Complex investigation ofthe influence of electrical stimulation of muscles upon the human organism in hypokinetic
1985. DANILEVSKIY, B., & VOROBEV, A. (1935) Pflugers Arch. Ges. Ph;siol. 236:440-451, (In German) "On the long-range effect
of electrical high-frequenr.y currents on the nerves"

2743. DARDANO, J.F. (1969), Rept., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, (AD #697 161), (Oct.), "Research and development
of fundamental perfo~ce information relevant to the behavioral effects of low level microwave exposure".

278, D'ARSO~VAL, A. (1932) Arch. of Physical Therapy 13:715-717, "'ne=a?eutic applicatio03 of high frequency currents"

279. D'ARSONVAL, A, (1934) Abstracts of the lst Internat. Congres3 of ~ectro-Radio-Biolo~J, (Cappelli, L., ed.). Bologna,
Italy, pp, 111-114, "Biological effects of high frequency fields"
280, D'ARSONVAL, A., & CHARBlN, A. (1896) Colll!'tes Rendus Societe d" :3iologie 48:121-123, (In French) "The action of electricity·.
on bacterial toxins"
2353. DAUBS, J .G. (1969), J. of theAmer. Optometric Assoc., Ref ? , Eye hazards of airborne radar".

2144. DAVIJ;, S. J., RO::r::r:o-SIERP.,P., C., T.-\.':::8, J. A., & \'ILL>., F. (19<~) In: T'rocecc!inr.s, ~ccrlc! ro,f. on ~frd l':~zar•!,. to
Aircraft, !·lat. t:es. Council, Oueen' s rniv. !.inr;ston, 0r.tario, l.:~r,., ~". 215-~21, (Abstr. r;_\7'>-35993), '"'1crow<lves - a ootentia.l
solution to the bird hazard problen i:> a.viatio,-,"

2354. DAVIES, M., MAUREL, P., & PRICE, A.H. (1972), J. of the Chemical Soc., (faraday Trans. 1), ~:1041-1044, "Microwave
ab•orption in a helical polypeptide mo1ec.ule".

2078, DAVIS, 'i. S., WA~1>. J. lt., o ~.H. G, (1971) Sei~nce lli:535-537, (6 Aug.), "Ultrahigh-fr~quency electroma~tnetic
fielQa for veed coatro1: Fhytotoxicity and aelectivicy•

3174. DAVIS, F.S., WAYLAND, J.R., & MERKLE, M.G. (1973), Nature, 241( ):291-292, (Jan. 26), "Phytotoxicity of a UHF
electromagnetic field". [F.x~osure of plant seeds at 2450 MHz affects seed gennination.)

281. DAVIS, H. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-aervice Conf. on Biological Effec~a of Microwave Energy (P~ttishall, E. G., 6 Banshart,
F. w., ecia.) _!:19-32, "Discussion of long range research nd developi!!IR":lt plana in the Air Foree . ·. ·~

3423. DAVIS, J.A. (1973), Engineering Report, (Dept. of Transportation, Oklahoma City), AAC-213-7, (73-749-13DA),
"Microwave oven radiations: Infonnation paper."
2355. DAVIS, J.E. (1972), Address presented to the Industry Advisory Committee, Defense Electric Power Administrat'o~
Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., (Nov. 16), on "Electromagnetic pulses (EMP)".

27 6 DAVIS R (1973) Microwaves, 12(6):9 only (June), "Short on space? Try the coapact range. Far field measurements
of4mfcrowave'antennas [~nd b1ologfcal-stud1es] are now possible using a COIP!Ct range technique. It consists of a simple
feed and large paraboloidal reflector."

2745 . DAVIS, R. (1973), Microwaves, ]2(7) :9 & 12, (Jul.), "Tests show conunon radiation may cause serious malfunctions in

2356. DAVIS, R.T. (1972), Mic~owaves, 11(4 ):12-14, (April), "Long range [microwave] radiation hazard experiment gets
underway using human volunteers , [Describes planned experiments of D. BEISCHER at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute,
Pensacola, Fla., at power densities below 1 mw/cm 2 ].
2357. DAVIS, R.T. (1972), Microwaves, 11(4):12, "What's a safe standard?", and p. 32 (editorial), "Radiation standards,
an end in sight?", [The u.s. "standard" is mis-stated in each article sa 1 mw/cmZ],

282. DAVIS, R. T., ELAM, C. B., 6 McDOWELL, A. (19 ) bport, School of Aviation Med., Ra.'\dolpb Air Force Base, .(AD 204696),
"Latent effects of chronic: Whole body irradiation or1110nkeys with IIUed 50urc:e radiation"
283. DAVIS, T. P. (1959) Digest of Tech. Papers, Proc. of the 12th ~~1 Con£. on Electrical Techniques in Medicine and
Biology (Schwan, H. P., Chm.), pp. 9o-91, "The temperature response of skin exposed to penetrating and non-penetratina
284. DAVIS, T. B.. A., & MAYER, J. (1954) A!Mr. J. of Physiology 178:283-2il7, "Uses of high frequency waves
in the study of thermoaenesis" --
2747. DAWES, D.L., & GASKILL, J .w. (1972), IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, BME-19(5) :391-395, (Sept.), "Interaction
between a linearly polarized electromagnetic plane [wave] and a double spherical shell [used as an environmentally control-
led exposure chamber for experimental animals during microwave irradiation]".

285. DAY, G. c. (1955) British J. of Physical Hed. !!:14-16, "The subjective effects of general irradiation"
286. DAYTON, w. P. (1961) Ground Electronic:s Engineering Installation A6ency, Griffiss Air Force Base, Rpt.GEEIA TR-61-1,
(AD 253671), "Microwave radiation effects prograa"

2358. D'CUNHA, G.F., NICOUD, T., PEMBERTON, A.B., ROSENBAUM, F.F., 6 BOTTICELLI, J.T. (1973), Amer. J. of Cardiolog>,
31:789-791, (June), "Syncopal attacks arising from erratic demand pacemaker function in the vicinity of a television

3424. de la WARR, G.W. (1967), Delawarr Laboratories LTD Rept., Oxford, England, "Biomagnetism."
3425. de LORGE, J. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab. (Pensacola, FL), Technical Report No. NAMRL-1179, "Operant
behavior of Rhesus monkeys in the presence of extremely low frequency-low intensity magnetic and electric fields:
Experiment 2."

3426. de LORGE, J. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab. (Pensacola, FL), Technical Rept. No. NAMRL-llg6,
"Operant behavior of Rhesus monkeys in the presence of extremely low frequency-low intensity magnetic and electric
fields: Experiment 3."
3427. de LORGE, J. (1974), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab. (Pensacola, FL), Technical Rept. No. NAMRL-1203 •. "A
psychobiological study of Rhesus monkeys exposed to extremely low frequency-low intensity magnetic fields."
3428. de LORGE, J., & MARR, M.J. (1974), In: Extremeld Low Fr~uencf (~and Ver~ Low Freguenck (VLF) Electr~Jnetic
Field Effects on Behavioral-Biochemical Srlte;l· (PE I~.~ •• Ed:rT, ~num ress, New Yor , WDPerant met s
iSSeSsing the effects of ELF electromagnet c elds."
287. DEBRDNS, A. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-servic:e Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy (Pattishall, E. c•• 6 Banabart,
F. w., ads.) _!cl05-lll, "Human enainearing applications as related to persoanel protection"

2359. DECAREAU, R.V. (Aftar 1970) In:~ (Cbelldcal Rubber Co.) Critical Reviews in Food Technology, (FURIA, T.E. (ad.)),
"Microwave energy in food processing applications".

2748. DECARIAU, R.V. (ed.), Microwave Energy Applications Newsletter, (P.O. Box 241, Amherst, New Hampshire 03031), [devoted
exclusively to applications of microwave energy to food service & food processing].

288. DeCHOLNOKY, T. (1935) Arch. of Physical Tharapy ]!:587-594, "Shcrevave therapy in pyogenic skin infection"

360. DEGEN, I.L. (1971), Klinicheskaya khirurgiya, _(3) :75-59, (JPRS abstract), "Therapeutic action of magnetic fields in
317>. DEGEN, I.L. (1971), Vrachebnoye Delo (Kiev), ?(3):124-128, (Mar.), (In Russ.), "Therapeutic effect of constant
and low-frequenc~ alternating mdgnetic fields: Survey of the literature".

289. DEICHMANN, w. B. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Biologi~l Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipasnta (Susskiod,
c., ed.) 1:72-74, "Results of (pathological) studies of microwave rae!Acion"
PP• 1
2 90, DEICHMANN, w. B. (1961) Biochonaical Pharmacology !(1) :/ "Introc! the irradiation cycle rate in lllicrovava radiation

291. DEICHMANN, W.B. (1966}, Archiv fur Toxikologie, 22(1):24·35, (in EngJ.), "Biological effects of •1crONIVt radiation
of 24,000 megacycles."
292. DEICiiMANN, w. B., & BERNAL, E. (1963) Univ. of Miami, (AD 400345), "Chronic exposure of dogs to microwave rNiiatioa of
24,000 magacyeles and a power denaity of 20 -/aq c• "

293. DEICIIMANN, W, B., BERNAl., E., STEPHENS, F., & LAliDEEN, K. (1963) J. of Occupational Medicine 1(9) :418-425, "Effects
on dogs of chronic exposure to microwave radiation"

294. DEICHHANN, w. B., KEPLINGER, M., & BERNAL, E. (1959) Proc. Jrd Tri-servica Conf. on Biological Effects of Micrnwave
Radiating Equipment& (Susskind, c., ed.) 1:77-81, (Alao, Industrial YAd. & Surgery 28(5):212-213 (1959), and RADC-TN-S9-302,
AD 228987), "Relation of interrupted pulsed microwaves to biologic~l :.aurds"

295. DEICHMANN, W.B., KEPLINGER, M., & BERNAL, E. (1959), Proc. 3rd Tr1-servtce Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave
Radiating Equipments (Susskind, C., ed.), !:62-70, (Also. Industrial Med. I Surgery, 28(12):535- ), (Rome Air Development
Center, RADC-TN-59-303, AD #228993), "Effects of environmental temperature and air voTiiine exchange on survival of rats
exposed to lhicrowave radiation of 24,000 megacycles."

296, DEICHHANN, W. B., HIALE, J., & LAND££M, ~. (~962) Report, Univ. of Miaa1 0 IADC-TVR-62-192, (AD 278022), 16 paaaa 0
"Effecta of microvava radiation of 10 and 20 .w/ca (24.000 megacycles)"

297. DEICHKAMN, w.
B., HIALE, J., • ~~DEEM, ~. (1964) Toxic Applied PharaacoloSY !(1):71-77, "Effect of microvava oa the
ha.opoietic aystem of the rat"

298, DEICHMANN, w. B., & STEPHENS, F. H., JR. (1961) Digeat of the 1961 lntarnat. Coaf. of Medical Elactronica, Biological
Effects of Microwaves. I (Athermal Aapecta), (Fr~r, P. L., ed.) Ple~e2 Preaa, New York, pp. 191-, (Alao 0 Industrial Hediclaa
a'"iidSUriery 30:261o-.Cl96l)), 11 Factors chat influence the biological effecta of microwave radiation"

299. DEICHMANN, W.8., &STEVENS, F.H., Jr. (1961), Industrial Med. &Surgery, 30:221-228, "Microwave radiation of
JO .W/Cif and factors that influence biological effects at various power densitTes.•

~0. DElfQDWlfN,fw.:. B. • STEPHENdS• E. H., JR., tzl'UIIG!R, K., & ~'IPE, ~. E. (1959) J. of Occupational Ked, !(7hJ6 9-381 •
Acuta a acts o m4Crovave ra ia~ion on axpert.aatal aniaala (24,000 aagacyclea)"
(PAn' 0 G,H., BRAUZEil, B., ,_FI!llfERTY, D.!.) .
301, D!ICHHANN, W. B., ~ a.b_/(1959) Section in: Microwave Radiation laaearcb; Univ. of Hiallli Anaual Report, PJ.DC-'nl-.5 _
9 228
(AD 232925), pp. 11-14, Hyperpyrexia - microwave veraua infrared": pp. 14-15 "Co01parative saaaitivity of ha d lUIIba •
abdominal region to microwave radiation"; pp. 15-l&. "eo.parativa risn of t~arature 1n varioua organs"• a i9-2S ~iband
effect of sinsle and repeated micl:c-~ .. -.·a expoaur• on tba fo1:1111d el.--nta in the blood of rata"• p 25 0 ly' PP,S•ki • •
atwly "·, pp. 26-28 • "Ch roni c -•
..... cr.,.o..·a studiaa " ; PP• 29-52, " Obaervatioaa on the affecta of radar
• upon
• n a.bryonic
tba , • cancer

302. DEICHKAJI)I, W. B.,"et al. (1960) S..etioD in:"Microwave Radiation RMaarch, Dniv. of Miaa1 Annual il.eport. IIADC-TR-6l-4
(AD 256500), pp. 4-10. Organ ta~rature atucliea ; PP• 11-24, 11 Tha effect of aicrovava radiation of 10 -/aq c:a i b •
treatment of acute lauk-ia of the rat"; pp. 25-46, "Oironic, intaraittant axpoaure of experimantal anilll8ls ; 0 n t .i

radiation"; PP• 36-41, "Chronic exposure of Beagle dogs to aicrovave radia~ion of 20 -/aq. a." crowaft

2749. DELGADO, J.M., et !!.· (1968), Nervous & Mental Disease Monograph Series, 147( i :329-140, (Oct.), "Intracerebral l.,_dio
[frequency] stimulation and recording in completely free patients".

303. DELGADO, J. K. R. (1969) Presented at the Hazards and Utility of Microwaves and Radiovavaa s..tnar. (Haller, J., em..),
11-12 Dec., Boston, "Effects of radio-frequency on tba central nervoua ayat . ."

3176. DELGADO, J.M.R., LIPPONEN, V., WEISS, G, DELPOZO, F., MONTEAGUDO, J.L., & McMAHON, R., (1975), American Psy-
chologist, 30( 3): 265-273, (Mar.), "Two-way transdermal communication with the brain". [Using RF stimulation and EEG
telemetry (ii"Stimoceiver").]

l6l. DeLATEUR, B.J., LEHMANN, J.F., STONEBRIDGE, J.B., WARREN, C.G., & GUY, A.W. (1970), Arch. of Phr,s. Ked. & Rehabili-
tation, 51:147-151, (Hsrch) "Muscle heating in human subjects with 915 MHz microwave contact applicator •

304. DeiJl!RY, G, P., DERKSEN, w. L., & MONAHAN, T. I, (1959) Naval Material Lab,, Brooklyn, Al'SWP-114, (AD 220576)• "R.,_
aaarch on the thermal conductivity and diatber.ancy of Albino rat akin"

305. DELH!RY, c. p, • DERKSEN, w. L., & l'llNAHA.'f. T. I. (1959) Digeat of Tacbntcal Papers, Proc. of the iZtb o\Dnual Co-af. on
Electrical Tecbniquea in Medicine and Biology (Schwan, H, P., Cha,), P• 92 only, "SOilS tberaal and optical properties of rat

306. De LOOR, G. P. (1968) J. of Microwave Power 1(2):67-73, "Diele~tric properties of heterogeneous lllixturee containing
2750~ deLOOR, G.P. {1973), J. of Microwave Power, ~(1) :67-bB, Letter to the Editor: "Bound water in biological material .. ,
[studied at microwave frequencies].

2362. DeLORGE, J. (1972), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Rept. # NAMRL-1155, under project No. MF51.524.0l5.00~4,
(November), "Operant behavior of Rhesus monkeys in thP presence of extremely low frequency-low intensity magnetic and
electric fields: Experiment Ill".

307 • De LOZ, A. (1951) Le Scalpel ~(21):591-598, (In Fnnch) "lnflwmce of high frequency radiowavea on 'hypercholeaterinemia"'

3429. DEMETSKIY A.M. & S080LEVSKAYA, N.P. (1975)J Zdravookhraneniye Belorussii, _(7):27-31 (in Russian), (July),
Transl. as JPRS #66339'(10 Dec. 1975), "Use or artnicial electromagnetic fields in medicine."

308. DeMINCO, A. P., (1961) Proc. 4tb !ri-service Conf. on Biological !ffects of Microwave P~diatio~, Vol. 1 (Peyton H.
F., ed.) pp. 33-46, (Also, RADC-TR-6D-l85, llov. 1960), "Generation and c!etKtionof pulsed x-raya from microwave sour;es"

309. DEHlRGHOGLYAN, G. G. (1953) Problemy Fiziologicheakoi Optiki (}iademiia nauk SSR), Moscov, _(8):203-, "Photopotentia1
of tbe retina and its variation under the action of SHF-UHP' fields"

2751. DeMOSS, R.A .. {1971}, Bell Laboratories "Memorandum for Fil~n, (Jan. ~.0), 39 pps., "Electromagnetic hazards to personnel
in EMP [electromagnetic pulse] simulations".

310. DENIER, • (1933) Arch. of ElectroQ. in Medicine 41:273-276, (lc French)"Biological action of high frequency u1traahort
radio waves of-80 cm"

2752. DEROCHE, M. (1971), Arch. Maladies Profes~ionelles, 32( ) :679-683, (In Fr.), "Study of biological disturbances in
operating room technicians i11 some high-freCfllency electromagnetic fields".

311. DESSAUER, F. (1934) Abstracts of the 1st Internat. Congress of Electro-Radio-Biology, (C&ppelli, L., ed.), Bologna,
Italy, pp. 336-340 (In German, English sucaary), "i!.eference concerning electrical wavu and biological phenoaoena"
3177. DeVORE, R.T., & VAN de (.1\JEK, A. (FJ73), !DA Consumer, (Apr.), p. J5-2t, "Tf1e micrmvave oven sai·ety debate",
[cofllments on the Consumer Union po~:itio~1 ( lY73) on microwave c_•ven:o),

LEVINA, A.A., & ANDREYEVA, A.P. (1975), Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 225(4):962-965, (in Russian), Trans1. In: Effects
of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #L/5787), 26 Mar. 1976, pp. 14-18, "Effect of low-intensity millimeter
radiation of gamma-resonance spectrums of hemoglobin" [Mossbauer spectrometer, using 57Fe isotope].

3178. DIACHENKO, J.A., & MILR()Y, W.C. (1975), Ndval Surface Weapons Center (Dahlgren, VA), Technical Report No.
NSWC/DL TR-3230, (,Jan.), 11 Thf' r'ffecrs ot high po ... er pulsed and low level CW microwave radiation on an opE'rant behavior
in rats".

312. DIAS, J. F. (1965) J, of the Internat. College of Surgeons ~:505-, "Eye disease from_oatural and man-made radiation"

3179. DICKENS, r., EVANS, S.r., G W[IL-MALHERBF, H. (1')36), Amer. r. of Cancer, 28( ):603-620, 11 The action of short
radio waves on tissues: I. Lfff•cts produced in vitJ>o; with SOfTlf' ol.Jserv,nions onthP. action of heat on tis:S\.H_• ffif-"taboJ ism'

"180. DICKENS, r .• EVANS, ~;.r., [, "WEIL-MALHEFIH:, t!. (11::..7), 1\:-n(l" . .'. cf Cancer, 30( ::14l-3S4, "The action of ,'.>hort
r'l,'in waves on tissue<:>: !1. 'IJ'e.Jtrnent_ 'if ~1n:irr'-ll tumors h~ ~·ivo~'.

2753. DIETZEL, F., et al. (1971), Biomed. Tech. (Stuttg.), !_Ei( ),213-220, (6 Dec.), (In Ger.), "'Tumor therapy with high
frequency hyperthermia <decimeter waves): Animal experiments".

2363. DIETZEL, F., KERN, W., & STECHENHESSER, R. (1972), Muench. Med. Wochenschr., 114(11):228, (In Ger.), "Deformitv and
intra-uterine death after short-wave therapy: Investigations on experimental animals~

313. DINKLOH, H. (1966) Wehrmedizin ~(6/7):123-131, "Health damage caused by microwaves, eapecially radar waves"

2364. DITTRICH, H. (1969), !horaxchirurgie, !2:546- , (In Ger.), "Tbe influence on synchronized pacemakers of electrical
and pulsed magnetic fields".

3431. DJO~DJEVIC, Z. (1975), Vojnosanitetski Pre9led, 32(1):51-53, (in Serbo-Croatian), Transl. in: Effects of Non-
Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS ~l/5787), 26 Mar. 1976, pp. 34-37, "Addendum to study of biological effects
of •tcrowave radiation of intensity of 5 to 50 mW/cm2 under conditions of prolonged exposure of rats in the field of
radiation• [confirmed 10 mW/cm2 at 2400 HHz (from a diathermy device) as the "threshold dosage• for biological effects
In Wfstar rats].

2754. DJORDJEVIC, z., & KOLA!{, A. (1973), Aerospace Medicine, !i.(9) ,1051-105<0, "'Changes in the peripheral blood of the rat
exposed to microwave radiation (2400 MHz) in conditions of chronic exposure".

2079, DO&~I, B., ~t al. (196?) ~cr'- of the Scientific Research L,.tltute of Labour Protection and Occupational Diaeaaea (Sofia,
Bulgaria), 17:Jl-4Q.('iSatr. iD: So-ioa.izing ltad. _!(1) :43 only, 1971)), "High frequency electroaagnetic vavea and (production of).
ozaa.u" -

2145. !X>Cill:HI, I. I. (1970) Voenno-~·~e<'1tsins'<i1 f.nurnal :1.2-43, !In ?.uss.), (Abstr. ;',\71-21J539), "Influence of a rnicrowave
field on the hemopoietic system"

2755. DODDS, D~E- (1968), M.S. thesis in biomedical Enginee11:q, ~:cpt. <Yf. Electric~jl Eng,neer., ·_•r.iv. c..lf S,J.:skatchewarl,
Saskatoon, Canada, nAbsorption of microwaves by molecules".

2365. DODGE, C. (1967), Foreign Science Bulletin, Library of Congress, }_(3): 46--64 •, "Electrosleep, electroanesthesia, anc
electroneural diagnostics and therapeutics".

314, DODGE, C. H. (1965) ATD Bulletin (Library of Congress) 1(2):33-38, "The influence of microwavea on the functional con-
dition of the nerve" (Tranal. of Kamenskiy (1964), citation #703, this Bibliography)

315. DODGE, C. H. (1965) Foreign Science Bulletin (Library of Congress) !(2):7-19, "Biological and medical aspects ?f micr<~
v ......
(S~c alao citation numbers 1931 and 1932, tbis Bibliography)
316. DODGE, C. H. (1966) Unpublished report, Bioscience• Div., U. S. Naval Observatory, ~ashington, D. c., "Clinical and
hygienic aspects of exposure to electrocagnetic fields (a review of the Soviet and East~rn European literature)"(Expaaded in citation
317. DODGE, c. B. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biological Eff~ta and Eealtb Implications of Microwave Radiation~ Symposiu..
(Cleary, S. r •• ed.), Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rept. So. 7D-2, pp. 14D-149, "Clinical and hygienic aspecta
of expoaure to electroaagnetic fields"

2756. DODGE, c.H. {1972), Health Physics, ~( ) :583 only, (r",:t.), ir, "book r:t:vie·.-.·s" cecr l' n, "Blblioc:;rapJ:·/ cf repcrt:::,d
biological phenomena ('effects') and clinical manifestations -'t.'"trlbUt0c~ ·--o m:._~:rm,·a.v··: and adi0-frequensy ~al.lldtion", Ly

318 • DODGE, C.H., & KASSEL, s. (1966), ATD Report (library of Congress) t6f>-l33, (AD #645-979), "So¥1et research on the
naural effects of microwaves."

319 • DOLATKOWSKI, A., LENKO, J., MROZ-WASI!.DISKA, _. & \lochna, Z. (1964) Polish Medical J, D8(3) :1156-1163, "Studie$ on the
effect of micrcwaves emitted by radar devices on the teaticl~s and e?idid~d~s of th~ rabbi~

DOLINA, l.o A. (1959) In Book, Summaries of reports, Labor Hygien~ a~d the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency
320 •
Electromagnetic Waves, Hoacow, pr. 44-45 (Ti~le no: given}

321 • DOLINA, A, (1961) Arkhiv fur pathologii 23(1):51-57, ·~~r,bologic~~ chano,~s in th~ central nervous ayst .. following
the action of centtm.ter wavea on the org&A!aa. (An experi~ntal investigation)

• DONDERO, R. L. (1958) Hedieal Nev5 Letter 31(2):22-, (Abstracted frc~ ?ro~. lst T'i-sc•·,ice Conf. on Biological Bazarda
of Microwave Rauiation (Pattishall, E. G., ed.) !:115-118, (1957)), "~te~ination of pcver censity at ~icrowave frequencies"

1986. DONETSKAYA, o. L. (1959) Gigiyena sanitariya (9):29-35, (l~ Russian) "Use of ultrasound and high-frequency currents
to counteract the carcinogenic effect,of shale chaober-tar"

3432. DONNELLY, W.H., & McCULLOUGH, J.M. (1971 ), Science Policy Research Division Rept. (Congressional Research Service,
Library of Congress), Rept. No. 71-198 SP [QC 170 ~.S. B] (Aug. 27), "Microwave radiation and environmental health-A
brief review and bibliography."

323. DOOLEY, E. S., GIL!.E!.VA!ER, J. ': ., & r'ADHLICB, E. D. (1963) l!. S. )<.r:rf Hedical ?..,sear-or, Lab., Fort Knox, Rpt. 56S,
(AD 411221), 23 pages, "Altered renop~!>sgor re5ponae-patte:-n t<' erubtcxi:l radia:~d ~th radlo-frequency enf!rgy"

2757. DORDEVIC, Z. (1970), Voj.nosanitPt:sk i I':ceal .rl, 27' l , c 1n t ada:;

11nits, and changes in the blood picture in ~ad.-,r O_i'Pr~~·~)l ·~"

3181. ~·CR~~AN, )·.t.=~. (!0J )

(Citation \·'.3230, :-hi~; ;<j . l,
:tktg:11:.:t.ic fie . . d~-".

324. DOUGH!':RTY, J. D., CALDWELL, J. C., EC'o'E, 'il, M., & Cl.A..'L'<, '.1. B. (1965) Aeros;:>ace lied. 3o:46&-47l, "Evaluation of
an alleged case of radiation induced cataract at a radar site"

2758. DOURY, P., BOISSELIER, P., & BERNl'\kJ~·, ;, . ~. (lT-:'ll), ;::~~-.1-;.n(• ' ' !_.,)'1X r •!'' f ; : .~t ·; 2 ·
aviation radar UHF electromagnetic ~-<J.diatlon em :nc1:1: l1H ct ·'..,...\' 1t ~' r1"

2759. DOWNEY, J.A., et al. (1970), Arch. (;f P:ws;,_.::>ll ~·~t C:., J f
shortwave diathermy".- -

2760. DOYLE, J .R., & SMART, B.W. (1963) 1 ~·. uf Ou:1~ t: . .rc]n'. :-·t:r,
shortwave diathenny".

3l8..?. :'~.:'\r.L.
I-~. (l ''tt~
nutPt~'Ol't hv rL_/3 j :a.l t"i t<:<::1 s

325. DROGICHINA, E. A. (1960) In: The Action .£i ~rahi~ Fr"cueu~, (:..~tavH, A. A., /. Gordon, z. v., eda.),
Mosco..., (JPRS &12471, PP• 22-24, (1962)), (Translation of 0 Biologiches~.:Ho ';ozdci~t·:~i S,,. .,,_._ r;so<.ikh Chastot, Moscow, Acad.
of Med. Sci., USSR, 1960, pp. 29-31); (Also in Biological~~ Xicr~avea, Efrect of chronic exposure to UHF on the
human organislll", pp. 7-8, ATD P-65-61!, Sept. 1965), "The clinical as;:>ects of chronic influen:e of SHF/UHF on the human organirna"

326, DROCICHINA, E. A., & SADCHIKOVA, M. A., (1963) Abstracts of Conf. on Industrial Hygien~ and the Biological Action of
Radio Frequency ElectrouB;Oetic Fields. Institute of Indw;trial. Hygiene ADd Occupational DisC!asea, Acad. Ked. Sci., Moscow;
29 p!l~··
327. DROGICHINA, E. A., & SADCRIKOVA, M. A. (1964) Trudy Sii Gigieua Truda i Profzabolevaniya,USSR, (2):105-109, "Clinical
syndromes during the action of various radio fre-quancy ranges" -

328. DROGICHINA, E. A., & SADCRI~VA, M. li. (1965) Cigiyeu Truda i ?rofesaional 'nyye Zal>ob":trtiya (Labor Hysiene and
Occupstiooal Diseases) !(1):17-21 (JPAS #29694, n:65-3079l), "Cli::lic:al gyndrcnoes ar!.sLlg un:ler the effect of various radio
frequency banda"

329. DROGICHINA, E. A., SADCillKOVA, H. A., & Glllz.BURG, D. A. (1962) l:l~ Sl.OSlWories of reports, Questiona of the Bioloslcal
&ffect of a SHF-UIU' ElectrouB;Oetic Field. Urov Order of Lenin Military ~.adical Acadeay, Leninsrad, p. 22 only, "Clinical
symptoms of acuta phases of continuoaa action of centimeter vaves"

330. DROGICRINA, E. A., SADCHIKOVA, M. A., GINZBURG, D. A., & CHirLINA, H. A. (1962) Cigie~ TTuda i Profeasional'nye
Zabolevaniya, USSR, !(1}:28-34, (JPRS 13157), "Certain clinical =anifestationa from chronic exposure to centiaeter waves"

331. DROGICHINA, E. A., SADCHIKOVA, M. ll., S!\~VA, G. V., KO!ICI!ALOVSK.AYA, N. !'!., & GLOLOVA, K. V. (1966) Gigiena Truda i
Profesaional'nye Zabolevaniya ~(7}:13-17, (J?RS 38663, LG-ATD-66-124, AD 644360), "The problem of autonomic (vegetative)
and cardiovascular diaordera du.ring the chronic action of SHF electro=pet1c fields"

2366. DRONOV, I.S., & KIRITSEVA, A.D. (1971), Gigiena i !>aroltariya, 36(7-9):51-53, (July-Sept.), (in Russ.); (Engl. transl.
in Hygiene and Sanitation (USSR), 36(7):63-66 (1971)); "111lllunological changes in il1lllllnized animals on long-tenn exposure
to SHF radio waves." (Rabbits exposed 4 hours/day for 4 months pre-. during-, and post-exposure to typhus antigen. Antibody
formetion inhibited at 50 microWatt/cm2, but unaffected at 10 microWatt/cm2.]

2761. DRONOV, I.S., & KIRITSEVA, A.D. {1972), Gigiyena T1ruda i Professional 1 nyye Zabolevaniya, (9) :15-18, (1n RttSS.),
~transl. as JPRS No. 57711), "Imrnur~ological reactivity of animal~ in prolonged irradiation by ultra i.1iqh freqHer:r_:.:y radio-

332. DRUZ, V. A,, & MADIYEVSKII, V. M. (1966} Biophysics .!.!_:724-731 (In English), (Biofizika 11(4}:631-637), "Effect of
constant magnetic and lev-frequency elec~romagnetic fields on the hydration ca?acity of surviving tissues"

3433. DUFFY, E.F., CAIN, F.L., & COWN, B.J. (1976), Naval Engineers Journal, (Feb.), pp. 55-65, "General considerations
in detennining the potential personnel radiation hazards from phased-array radars aboard ships."

333. DUHAMEL, J. (1959) Presse Med. ~(4):151-, (In French) "Biological effects of ultrahigh frequency radio waves"

2146. m:KE-ELD!:P.., li. S. (1926) Lancet .!_:1137-1140, 1183-1191, 125G-l254, "The patholol'ical action of li.r-ht upon the eye"
[incluuinr very lon~ ~<ave1en!:th "li)l:ht"!

3183. fll1MANSi<Y, ,J.D., & .SAN!l/ILA, M.G. (1::17 ), Ref.':, (f'r( 1 c.t->edings):289-?g:~, "The t·loL)gi_,-. actior1 and hygien.ic 'Odgni-
l icance of electromarnetic fjl~ld~~ of supPr·hTgh and ultrah'i~_)l fre(lUE'rtcies in df:W;t'l'r f'OjHllatul area:;"

334. DURANSKIY, YU. D. (1966} (Ref,?) ATD-66-92, "Hygienic evalua~ion of radio frequency electromagnetic vaves"

335. DUXANSKIY, YU. D. (1967} Vestnik AkaGe:rl.i !'...editsinskikh Nauk USSR, 1!(8):47-52, (ATD 68-105-108-9, Soviet Radiobiolo8I
(June 1968)1, (AD 671436), "Hygienic evaluation of radio frequency e1ectr01Ugnetic fields io populated areaarr-

3434. DUMANSKIY, Yu.D., & STEPANOV, A.G. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, (14):117-120, (in Russian), Transl. In:
Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976." pp. 26-28, "On the qu~stion of the
pennissible levels of exposing the population to electromagnetic fields with frequencies up to 3 x lQll Hz."

3435. DUNCAN, R.I., & MACMILLAN, A.D. (1975), Nature, 257( ):162 only, (Sept. 11), "Embryonic chick tibiae in steady
electric fields." [No change in growth rate predicted for constant E-field; as opposed to a pulsed E-field]; [See also
WATSON, et !l·• citation #3670, this Biblio.]

2367. OuPLESSIS, J.M.E., BULL, A.B., & BESSELING, J.L.N. (1967), Anesthesia & Analgesia, 46( ):96-100, "An assessment of"
radio frequency induction heating of blood for massive transfusion." -

2762. DURNEY, C.H., MASSOUDI, H., & JOHNSON, C.C. (1974), (In Press), "Long wavelength analysis of plan~ \Vave irrad.Jat:,)r:
of a prolate spheroid model of man".

1987. Du~ALL, E. (1971) Mead (Data} Central, Inc., (1254 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va., 22202), "Computer storage
of selected articles on the biological effects of electro:>agnetic radiation"

3436. DWIVEDI, R.S., OGUNWUJI, S., & McCLEOD, W. (1974), J. of Cell Biology, 63(2):90- , "Some biological and
cytological observations on the effect of non-ionizing (microwave) radiation."--

2147. n'/1\Cllf.HKO, N. A. (1970}, Voenno-::ditsinskii :35-37, (In Russ.}, (1\bstr. ~t.70-28353), "l:ffect of electro-
ma~nettc micro·wave radiation on the state of the ~ocar:::l:~ 11 [haMan studies 1

2148. llYI\Cl!ENKO, II. A. (1970} C:i~iyena Truda i Professional'nvve Zc.o0levaniya, :!osce>_., {7):51-52, (In JPRS 51238, & !17D-
39486), "Chan,:e in thyroid fu;oction [us in~ 131 1 in hu=r.s] after;oic exposure to nicro..·ave irradiation"

336. DYAKOV, YU, P. (1957} Trudy V·JY !'...ed. Akad. i Kirov, t:SSR, 21:20 ooly, [Title not give!lJ

2763. D'YARENKO, N.A. (1970), Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal (Moskva), ~( ) '45-47, (In Rus:.), ''The prevention of functional
interference of the cardiovascular system among radar operators". (Anothf>r transl. nf citation *f2368, thls Biblio.,
listed for D'YACHENKO?).

337. DZYAMIDAVA, S. I., & KULIH, YA. T. (1967) Akad~a Navuk BSSR, ~nsk, Vesti Seryya 3iyalahichnykh Navuk (2):84-86,
(Abstt·. in ATD Rpt 68-105-108-9, Soviet !!.adiobiologz, p. 73 only,~ (J\."'e 1968), t."J &71436), "Eff~cts of ultrahigh frequency expoaure
on the amount of glycolysis-intermediate producta in yeast cells

338. EAXIll, S. K. (1964) Doctoral Oiaaenation, Baylor Univ,, "Bec.a..-ioral eff<cts of et::.:ulation by UHF radio f1elda"

33~. EAKIN, s. K., & THOMPSON, W. D. (1962) Peychological Reports !!:192 only, "Effe:ts of o1cr~Jave radiation on the activity
level of rata"

2149. EAKW, S. K., & TliO':PSo:;, 1-:, D. (1965) Psycholoe. ''ept. ,!2:593-6:J2,1 "Behavioral effects of stinulation by UHF radio fields"

2369. EBERSOL, E.T. (1973), Microwaves, 12(3) p. 16 only, (March), "Microwaves to substitute for DDT", [In mosquito
control· irradiation at 24 GHz, 1 to 3 minutes, 2000 pulses/sec, 0.5 ~sec. pulses, so that the power der.sity was about
2 mw/cm2 caused significant mortality to larvae and unhatched eggs.]

3437. ECKER, H.A. (1975), Microwave Journal, 7_( ):47- (July), "Biomedical applications of EM radiation" [particularly
in the microwave region].

2370. ECKER, H.A., BURNS, C.P., & MAGIN, R.L. (19??), Ref?, pp. 143-145, "En>tancement of cancer chemotherapy by
selective electromagnetic heating of tumors".

340. ECKER, H. A., ZiliHER, R, P,, & CA.liP, R. \1, (1969) Georgia lnstit·~te of Technology, Tech. Note #1, "Preliminary in-
vestigation of the use of electroaagnetic radiation in differential hypo::hen:!ia"

341. EDELWEJN, Z. (1968), Acta Physiologica Polonica. l2_(6):897-906, (in Polish with English summary), (in Engl. Edition,
791-799), "An attempt to assess the functional state of the cerebral synapses in rabbits exposed to chronic irradiation
with microwaves."

342. EDELWEJN, z.,

& BARANSKI, S. (1966) Lekarz Wojskowy, Poland, __ (9):781-786, (In Polig~), (NASA TT-F-10-612. Jan, 1967),
"Investigation of the effe.::ts of irradiation on the nervous systi!!O of personnel ~o.-orki!l~ vitb cicrovave fields"

343. EDE~N, z•• & HADUCH, S, (1962) Acta Physiologies Polonica 11(3):431-435, (In Polish), (Physiological Polonica 13(3):
371-374;, (1963) •. English tranal.), "Electroencephalographic studie3 in ?ersoas expcs2~ t-> cl<:rovaves"

3114. E~EN..- :\1 ... ~. (1970) Paper ,presented at 4th Ann:>al Mid7ear Topical 57-"?CS:!<n, l:'~3l~b ?hysics Soc., Electronic Product .!!1!! the.!!!!!!!! Phyaidst. Louisville, Ky.; 2S.:30 Jan,; Bu:. :H ·-p..a;!iati'::Hi H:!H;.h, Dh. of l!.leetronic·Produet Rept.
No, 7G-26, PP• 159-172, "Microwave oven repair: hazard evaluation"

2764. EDEN, w.M. (1970}, In: Proc. of the 4th Annual Midyear Topical Sy'1TI;,osiurn, the !fealth P11ysic:; Soc., Lou~.svillc, F:Y,
28-30 Jan.; Bureau of Radiological Health, u.s. Dept. of Health, Lducs.ticn & VJel~art, Rert. No. BRI-L DEP 70-2\, (8ct.),
pps 159-172, "Microwave oven repair: Hazard evaluation".

• EDMONDS, C., et al. (lg?o), Am!. J. of Ophthal., 69( ) :GS-7:_', '';h:=:r. ~~'ilt!,ol(lylc changes follov.lng cryos·,lrgery and
diathermy of the rabbit--;;-iliary body"·

2150 , ED~!ONDS, F., & i!:J\Tr"·~:TT, J. (19il) health P'tvsics 21(3):L57-'.6l, "A s<trvey of residential and col'lrnercial r.licrowave ovens
in Ora11~C County, Califorr.ia"

• EDMUNI)S, F. E, (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-s.ervic.e Conf. on the~ :..:>.! ~.21 !'i~:o..,ne R>diation, Vol. 1 (Peyton,
M, F., ed.) P• 327-. "Naval exposure envir.;ru...;nt" ·
• EDRICH, J., & HARDEE, P.C. (1975), Digest of Tech Papers, Internat. Microwave Symp. (Palo Alto, CA), "Microwaves
in Service to Man," May 12-14, (A75-3652~), pp. 288-290, "Comp 1 ex pen11itti v ity and penetration depth of certain
biological tissue between 40 and 90 GHz.
l. 4 ''·,:-t,.·; ···:,;;:,·:, . ~! :
3184. [DWARDS, G.H. (196'•1,
The viscosity of the flour ~-};L· ~"'~" •

EGAN, ·W, G. (1957), Electrical Engioeeriog ~:126-. "Eye pro"ez- !.an in rac!a: Hd ';"
ZlSl. ElilAUGLER, R. B., & !:CIRZ, G. n. (1:;63), te1er. J. o' 'oC1~'1al-:o:<:>cv ~~(5):866-f"9, C'-bstr. ;'.'.69-31)371), "Cataract secondary
to t1icro·..,..nvc radiati0n"
2152. I:II\OLF, c. w. (1968), Ph.D. Disseration, l'. of '\achPster (uissertiltia:l A'Jstr. 29(5):15688 Ulov )), "The low frequency
dielectric dispersions of t.d<:roor~anisos"

27i6. EISENBERG, L., MAURO, A., GLEEN, W.W.L., &HAGER\ffi.N, ~,.H. (1')6:)), Science, 147( ):z;,s.?
lation: A research and clinical tool •

347. !:.ISENIIUD, M, (1964) Annual Progress Report to the Co"""iosio:1 or. ~nViranO>ental·F.yg!ene of the Armed Fore"'" Epidem1o-
loj!icnl Boar.d, (AD .431047L), "Exposure of radar \IOrl<ers to cic~ov .. ·.·o, '

348. EL 'DAROV, A. L, ~ KHOLODOV, YU. A, (1964) Zh. Obshchei Biologii 2l0): 224-229, "The effect of a p~rmanent magnetic
field on the ootor activity of birds"
349. ELDER, R. L. (1971) In: Proc. "Biolagical Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation" SY"'posiws, {Rosenthal, S. W., Chm.}.
New York, 22-25 Mar., "Introduction-development of 4egulatory~rogra~ und~r the Radiation Control for Health and Safety
Act of 1968"

2371. ELDER, R.L., & BAUGH, W.C., Jr. (1972), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BMF-.!2_(4) :300-)1)1,, "Deve:~pment
. of regulatory programs under the radiation control for Health and Safety Act of 1966" .

3185. ELDLR, R.L., fURL, J.fl., >,. NlrC'LU·, ,J.W. (19rl4J, The,!. -1i ~1lClUWlJ'/•· F,·v<lr, ~(') r:l-f
dge contl'ol of industrial mL.ToWd.Ve r,ow<='r devil>. :; •

3186. ELDER, R.L., t- t_~UNI\A~l-.r·', I'LL. (lg71), .T. of t1ilk rc.xi ]I:Chnol., J11(9):L,qq .•....-,, "1-licr'.'.-,'dVt 0
(..JVF'lJ.; a.J,d thl';~r l•Ublir
health signifkance".

350. ELEAZAROVA, M, P. (1940) Moskovskaia oblastnaia klinika fizicheskik.'l tletodov lecheniia. Trudy (Moscow) ~:177-, "Oiangea
in protein metabolism under the influence of UHF fields"

. ELEY, o.D., et al. (1971), Bioenergetics, ~( ) :39-45, "Microwave Hall mobility measurements on rat liver m.1tochondria
2768 11
and spinach chloroplasts •

2372. ELEY, D.O., MAYER, R.J.,& PETHIG, R. {1972), Bioenergetics, 2:271-275, "Microwave charge carrier Hall mobility
measurements on cytochrome-oxidase prepared from heavy beef heart mitochondria".

2767. ELEY, D.D., MAYER, R.J., & PETHIG, R. (1973), Bioenergies, !( ):187-200, "Microwave Hall mob.1l1ty [at 9.2 GHz]
met~.surernents on heavy beef heart mitochondria".

2373. ELEY, D.O., & PETHIG, R. (1971), Discuss. d the ~araday Soc., 51( ):164-175, "Microwave dielectric and Hall
effect measurements on biological materials".

351. ELISEEV, V. v. (1964) In: ~Biological Action of Radio-Fresueocv Electromagnetic Waves, Moscow, p. 94-, '~ethod of
irradiating animals in experimental inveatigations of the action of radio-frequency electromagnetic waves"

352, ELISEEVA, M. I. (1937) Sbornik Biol, deistvii UHF, (Co~pilation of Biological Effecta of Lt!F Radiation), (In Ruasian),
261 pagP.s, "Glycaemic reaction in rabbits Lc the action of electrical fields of UHF"

~187. F.:LLHiT, r.C., KHOURI, I:.~L, SNOW, J.A.) (;RLGG, D.f:. (l':l74), Cjr-' Pes., (liSA), ~-(-3):37!~-381, (Mar.), "Direct
Tnf'dSUrerr~...'nt of coronary collatera.l blooll tJow ill consc:iou~ doE:=> an (·l· :tromagnet- i _ floWI"nf·ter 11 •

353, ELY, T. s. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy (Pattiahall, E, G., & Banghart.
F. 'll., eds.) j_:97-104 (AD 9131477), "Field trial of Richardson o.icrovave dosimeter"

354. ELY, T. S. (1959) Digest of Technical papers, Proc. of 12th Annual Conf, on Electrical Techniques in Medicine and
Biology (Schwan, H. P,, Chm.), Lewis Winner, pub., New York, "Review of 50118 recent research on the whole body effecta of
microwaves ..

2770. ELY, T.S. (1969), J. of Occupational Med., 11(4): p. ?, (Apr.), "Potential hazards of microwave ovens".

2769. ELY, T.S. (1971), Amer. Indust. Hygi"ene Assoc. J., g_( ):267-268, (Apr.), "Amicrolite detector modification for
microwave oven maintenance".

2153. f.!.Y, T. s. (1971) In Letters to the Editor section of J. A.mer. :·!ed. Assoc. 217{10):1394 only, "Microvave death" {quotes
section of an Armed Forces Inst. of Patholo~ rept. which disc~unted a re?ort (citation C953, this Bihlio.) of a human death
allegedly induced by radar}

355. ELY, T, S,, & GOLDMAN, D. E. (1957) Proc, of 1st Tri-service Cont. on Biological Hazards of Microwave Radia~ioa
(Pattishall, E. G., ed.) !:64-75, (Also Naval Medical Research Institute Research Rpt !!• 77-138, (1957); (with Heerna, J, z.),
IEEE Trans. on Bio-Medi~al En$ioeering, BME-11(4):123-137, (1964); and !nat. of Radio Engineers Trana. on Med. Electroeica.
PGHE-;!, 38-43 (1956)), Heating characteristics of laboratory animals e:.E;><>Ud to ten cent~tel:' llicrowaves - a.-ry"

356. INC".ELBRECHT, R. 'W., & MUMFORD, W, 'W, (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-aervice Conf, on the Biological ~of Mic~:':!!!:!. Radiation,
Vol, 1 (Peyton, K. F., ed.) pp. 55-70, "Some engineering aspects of .Ucrawave 1:adiation ha::ards"

2154. F.tiGLAND, T. (1949) Nature 163(4143) :'-87-, "Dielectric properties of t'hc hu:nan bodv in the microwave reRion of the spectrwn"
357. ENGLAND, T, s. (1950) Nature 166(4220):48()-/, "Dielectric properties of the human body fo1: wava-lengtb. in the 1-10 ca
358. ENGLAND, T. S. 1 & SHARPLES, N. A. (1949) Nature lli(4143) :487488, "Dielectric properties of the hUIUin body in the
llicrowave region of the spectrum"

3~9. ENGLE, J, P,, HERRICK, J. F •• WAKL~, K. G., GRI~~LAY, J, H., & ~SEN, F. H. (1950) Arch. of Physical Med, 1!:4~3-461•
"The effects of microwaves on bone and bone ~:~arrow, and on adjacent tissues"

2771. ENIIOif, K. (1971), Fra Sundheds'(tyr, ~( ) :277-279, (Jan.), (In Danish), "Harmful effects of radiation from micro-
wave ovens".

2772. ENVALL, K.k~, PETERSON, R.W., & STEWART, H.F. (1972), Division of Electronic Prcxiucts, Public Health Service, Bureau
of Radiological Health Rept. No. BRH/DEP 72-4, DREW Publication No. (FDA) 72-!l012, "Measurement of electromagnetic radiation
levels from selected transmitters operating between 54 and 120 MHz in tbe Las Vt?gds, Nevada, area".

360, EPSTEIN, N., & COOK, H. (1951) British J. of Canc .. r ~:244-, "The effe~.ts of micrCl'"Jav"" on th .. 'Reus N-1' fowl sarcoaa

2773. ERDMAN, W.J. (1960), Am•r. J. of Orthopedics,~( ) :l9fJ-197, (Aug.), "I'(·rtpher-ll bLood flow measurements during av-
plication of pulsed high frequency currents".

36.1., ERICKSON, E. E., & KINNEY, R. A. (1969) Louisiana State Univ., !l.aton ?.n'"~e, T~ch. Rpt #2, (AD 685644), "A study of the
feasibility of stimulating neurons by electromagnetic waves"

~nBS. ERMAN~ J.J. (1970), J. of the Amf.'l'ic-3.~. !1"·so

podiatry: a new concept", l pulsed, high-fre ~ JU: ~·,r

2774. ElU4ANKOV, E. V., et al. (1970), Soviet Med., 33 ( ) :138-139, (Sept.) , (In Russ.) , 11
Etiology of neuroendocrine distrubances
in the prolonged effectSofan ultra-high frequencyelectromagnetic f1.eld".

362. ERRERA, J. (1939) ACTA Unio Internationalis contra cancru:n (?.u::.s) ~:19:>-203, (In French) "Colloidal solutions and high
frequ.,ncy radio waves"

363. ERSHOVA, L. K., & DIJMA,'iSKII, YU. D. (1969) Fiziologichnyy· Zh. (!Uev) l2_(6) :777-780, (In Ukr. with English summary),
"Cortical biopotentials in rabbits under the effect of low intensity electromagnetic fielc!s vith rad'.o frequency wavea"

3439. ERSHOVA, L.K., & MUKHARSKIY, M.S. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, (14).105-109, (in Russian), Transl. In:
Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 20-25, "Effect of medium- and
short-.wave electromagnetic fields on several indicators of the functional state r,f the nervous system."

364. ESAY, A., et al, (1936) Natu:::gssenschaften ~:520-, "Temperature ;oeasurements of biological tissue layl!rs at fre-
quencies of 2 • 7 xl07 Hz to 1.2 x 10 Hz"

2374. ESCHER, D., PARKER, B., & FURMAN, S. (1971), Circulatlor !'l_-44:Suppl. II: 162- , "'Influence of alternating !llagnetic
fields on triggered pacemakers".

365. ESSMAN, L., & WISE, C. (1950) Arch. of Physical ~-'-"d. _l!:502-5G7, "Local effects of micr""ave radiation on tissues in
the Albino rat"

366. ETTER, H. s., PUDENZ, R. H., & GERSH, I. (194 7) Arch. of Physical ~ed. 28: 333- 344, "!nj urious effects of con-
tiguous to implanted surgical methods"

367. ETTINGER, H. J. (1963) Los Alamos Sci. Lab., !iSAEC lealth and Saf<>t:y Infor-t~ation, Issue 171 (Sept.), ''Microwave hazards"

2375. EURE, J.A., NICOLLS, J.W., & ELDEH, R.L. (1972), Amer. J. <·\ i01blic l;ealth, g(l2):1573-1577, "Radiation exposure
from industrial microwave applications".

2775. EVTUSHENKO, G. I., KOLOOUB, F.A .• YJ'l-SHINA, L.N , 1.~ T¥-.ACHENKC, \'.','. ',1972), Glgiena:. Sanitariia (Moskva), ~{ ) :35-38,
(I~ Russ. w/Engl. abstr.), "Hygienic o:ssc.s:·rnent of ruL;ed electromag::~?t: ~it: ... ds of low frequency".

2155. FAllii\lc, F. \1., & cr.Amt. li. r. (1"33) o· cf l"' ]:: : 76--!'r ~ '''!nfl·Je;,c.c of hir;~-frel'lue01cy displacement cur-
rents on bacteria"

368. FACO, E. T. (1966) Midwest Research Institute, Knnsas City, !Co., Final Rpt. (March 1965 to August 1966) to the Naval
Ship Systems Command, "Evaluation of radicr-fr<><pency prot~>:tiv<> cloth: og and measuring instru:n.,nts"

369. FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, v. R. (1962) Ficiologicheskiy Zh. SSSR 48(6):735-741, (In Russian) "Absorptive, gastric, and intestinal
activity under the influence of the microwave electric field"; (Also, Federation Proc. ~. Trans. Supp. pp. T30l-T305 (1963),
(in English), "Absorptive activity of stomach and intestin~ u~der ~he influence of a L""rlF electric field")

370, FAITEL' BERG-BLANK, V. R. (1962) Akadeo.Ha nauk SSSR, Kiev c>v?VJidi _(10) :1367-1370, (In Russian), "The effect of centi-
meter-band radio waves on the absorption of amino acids, chlorides, a~d water in the stot:~acl> and intestine"

371. FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, v. R. (1963) Biull.,ten Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny (Ho,.kva) 56(8):70-74. (In Russian);
(Also, Chemical Abstracts 59:14387-g), "Effect of long-wave diathe'""':' on t'le absc:.rption by the sto:::.ach and intestin""

372. FAITEL'BERG-B~~K. v. R. (196") Biulleten Eksperi~~otal'noi Eiologii i ~editsint (Xoskva) ~(1):45-48, (In Russian);
(Abstr. in The Biological Effects of Electrotoa::petic ~- Annotated BiblioRra.z:..y, ATD Rept. P-6:,-17, Apr. 1965), "Effect
of high frequency vaves of centirueter wa·:elength on the a'Jsorptive .:-~::!.•.rity o: the StQr..ach ard 1:1tf"stine,.

FAlTEL'BERG-BLANK, v. R. (l96S) Patoloaiebaa\aia Fizioloaiia 1 Eka~rimantal'naia Terapiia (~skva) !(4)r90 only, (lo Ruaaiaa)
~~;naaa in absorptive and aecretory fun~tioaa of the ato.. ch affected by experimental ulcera from exposure of the oraaniaa
to hish frequency phyaical ag~ta"
• FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, v. R. (196S) Fiziologic:haakii Zh. SSSR Secbenova 1!(3):372-377, (In Ruaaian) "Varietioa in eac:haalaa
of gastric and inteatinal absorptive activity upoa expoaure to SHF-L~ radiovavea (in the centtoeter range)

375. FAITEL'BERG-Bl.A.'IK, v. R.. (1965) Ali t.o"KR RSR Dopovida Akad. Sci. _(1):113-116, (In Ruaaian); (Abstr. in Biological~
o f '"
ATP- p- 6"-68
J- •
pp • S&-58) • "Role of tba CNS and autonoaic nervoua system in the mecbania!ll of the action of SHF-UHF
on gastrointestinal absorption"
2776 ,FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, V.R., & SIVORINOITSKY, G.A. (1972), Fizio1. Zh., 18( ) :808-814, (Nov.-Dec.), (In Russ. • w/Engl.
) "The effect of ultrasound and superhigh frequency (3-cm wavelength) electromagnetic field [independently applied
~~s~omach at 25 to 100 pW/cm2J on liver and kidney mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation", !observed decrease in
phorphorylation efficiency 1 suggest possible "adaptation" to effect of low intensity of microwaves •

2777 • FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, v.R., ! l !!.· (1970), Fiziol. Zh., ~~ ) s379-384, (May -/un.), (In Ukr.), "Changes in the absorption
ability of pleura under the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations •

2778 FAITEL'BERG-BLANK, v .R., et al. (1972), Voproay ICUrortologii Fizioterapii i LOchebnoi Fizicheskoi Kul' tury (Moskva) •
371 j , 42 6-432, (Sep.-oct.), (In iUs~, no Engl.), "Change in the tissue respiration and oxidoreductases in the digestive
organs under the influence of meter-band electromagnetic fields".

2156. I'NINEY, J. ll., & POWELL, c. II. (1967) A."ler. Industrial lly~~:icne Assoc. J. 28(4) :335-342, "Field measurement of ultraviolet,
infrared, and microwave energies"

3440. FANSLOW, G.E., TOLLEFSON, J.J., & OWENS, J.C. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, 10(3):321-326 (Sept. 1975),
"Ovicidal levels of 2.45 GHz electromagnetic energy for the southern corn rootwonn ...-

2376. FASTYKOVSKII, A.D. (1972), Voprosy Kurortolog11 Fizioterapii i LechebnOt F1zioterapii Kul'try, 37(4):317-320,
(July-Aug.), (in Rus~.). "Microwave therapy of patients with hypertensive disease."
3441. FASTYKOVSKIY, A.D. (1974), Vrachebnoye Oelo, (9):56-59 (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ionizing
Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976/, pp. 47-50, "Effect of a UHF field on the course of hypertensive
3442. FAYTEL'BERG-BLANK, V.R., &ORLOVA, A.V. (1975}, Vestnik Sel'skhokhozyaystvennoy Nauki, (8):89-91, (in Russian),
Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp-:-54-57, "The effect of
microwaves on permeability of hfstohematic barriers in radiation sickness."
3443. FAYTEL'BERH-BLANK,* V.R., & ORLOVA, A.V. (lg75}, Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizinq Electromagnetic Radiation,"
(JPRS #64532), pp. 37-41, "The effects of a combination of microwaves and X-rays on the permeability of histo-hematic
barriers." [*also spelled Faytel'berg-Blank]
3444. FAYTEL'BERG-BLANK, V.R., PEREVALOV, G.M., &GERASYMOVYCH, E.V. (1975), Fiziologichnyy Zhurnal, 21(6}:833-839,
(in Ukrainian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS IL/5787), 26 Mar. ~6. pp. 24-33,
"Dynamics of the bioelectrical activity of bird brain under the effect of microwaves and ultraviolet rays" [chickens
with implanted metallic electrodes irradiated at 2375 MHz (12.6 em) from a "Luch-58" apparatus at between 5 and 300 mW/cm2
for 10 min. er~osure].

3189. FAYTEL'BERH-BLANK*, V.R., & PEREVOSHCHYKOV, Yu.O. (1973), Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal Akademiyi Nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR
19(3):pp ?, [Transl. in "Effect of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation", JPRS N62462, July 1974, Citation #3134 this '
biblio., pos. 1~-24], "Absorption of radiophosphorus across the synovial membrane of the knee joint under the influence of
sinusoidal .11odulated current pulses". [*also spelled FaitPl 'berg-Blank.]

3445. FAYTEL'BERG-BLANK, V.R., & SHAPOVALOVA, L.A. (1975), Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental'naya Terapiy:,"""d"
__(1}:75-78, (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (JPRS #66512), 7 Jan. 1976,
pp. 25-29, "Effects of experimental toxic hepatitis and microwaves on the function of hepatic and renal mitochondria."

3446. FAYTEL'BERH-BLANK,* V.R., & SHAPOVALOVA, L.A. (1975), Oopovidi Akadaniyi Nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR, Seriya B Heolohiya
Heofizika, Khfmiya Ta Biolohiya, (7):651-654, (in Ukrainian), Transl. In:•Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic '
Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976), pp. 67-72, "Effect of microwaves on the function and structure of hepatic ·and
renal mitochondria." [*also spelled Faytel'berg-Blank]
3447. FAYTEL'BERG-BLANK, V.R., & SHENKERMAN, Ye.O. (1974), Fiziologichnyy zhurnal Akademii Nauk Ukr. SSR, 20(3):378-385
(in Ukrainian), "Methionine absorption in the digestive tract of chickens under the influence of microwaves:-""

376. FEDORESKO, N, YE., & SPASSNIY, A, A. (1966) Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materiolov S:,s-62, (Abst. in ATD Rpt 68-lOs-108-9
~ Radiobiology, P• 74 only (June 1968), AD 671436), "Method of exposing the active electrical field of living organis..;"

3190. FEDOROVA, I.S., & EMEL'YANOV, V.B. (1973), Biofizika, 18(6):1014-1019, (In Russ.), (Transl. in JPRS No. 62942
Sept. 12, 1974, pp. 1-8], "Calculation of the distribution function for the diameters of thin-walled spheres on the basis
of electromagnetic radiation scatter data". [Biological applications].

1988. FEIN, R. L. (1967) J. of the Amer. ~Adical Aaaoc. ~:101-103, "Trana~rethral elaetrocautery procedures tn patients
with cardiac pacemaker•"

377. FELLOWS, 0. N., GRAY, 0. S,, & SAh~ERS, M. (1970) Presented before the Nev York Academy of Sciences, Nov. 1970 at the
S)'J:Ipoaiwa on "Effect of Controlled E1ectrO&agnetic Energy on Biological Syster!l!l", 7 pag""• "Selective effect of electroaapetic
energy on vi,ruses"

378, FENN, J. E. (1969) Canadian Ml'dical Assoc. 100: 251-251+, "Effect o! puls,.d f'll'ctro.,...gnl'tic enugy (Diapulae) on
experimental he~~atoua"

379. FERREIRA, J,, & CARDA.~ELLI, J, (1957) Case Practice Medicine ~:262-, "Lipophe~in granulosa of abdominal wall due to

2779. FERRI, s., & CIVIERO, G. (1972), Cardiologia Pratica, 23 ( ) '45-S3, (In 1t.1l., w/Engl. s\llllll\ary), "Changes induced oy
short waves in the peripheral circulation: Study of normal subjects ...

380. FERRIS, B.G., Jr. (1966), New England J. of Hed., 275:1100-1105, "Environmental hazards: Electromagnetic radiation."
[including a section on microwave radiation]

381, FEUCHT, B. L., RICHARDSON, A. W., & BUiES, H. M. (1949) Arch. of ~ysical Med. 30:164-169, "Effects of illlplanted metals
on tisaue hyperthermia produced by microwaves"

2780. FEY, F.L., Jr. (1967), U.S. Atomic Energy Commiss., Univ. of Cahf., Los Alamos Sci. Lab., No. 1-5, (LA- 3722 , uc- 4 l),
(N67-37356), (12 Jul.), "A personnel radio-frequency radiation monitor".

382. FIDEL'MAN, F. M., & RASINA, G. YA. (~957) Gigiena Truda i Profe~sional'nye Zabolevaniia (~oskva) _(8):56-57, (ATD Rept.
68-105-108-9 Soviet Radiobiology, pp. 74-7) (June 1968); AD 671436), ~ygienic evaluation of intensity levels for HF electro-
magnetic fields at Chelyabinsk Industrial plants, and the means of protection against the fields"

2377. FIENI, D.O. (1972), Rept. #ECAC-PR-72-034 of Department of Defense Electromagnetic Compatibility &~alyais
Center, (July), "Metropolitan radiation hazards, Part II", [Within the U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii ; non-ionizing]

2378. FIENI, D.O. (1972), Rept. # ESD-TR-72-006 of Department of Defense Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center,
(March), "Metropolitan [non-ionizing] radiation hazards, Part I", [Within a 50-mile rad. of Wash., D.C.].

383, FIGAR, s. (1963) Ceskoaloveaska Fyaiologie (Praha) ~2(5):316 cn~y, (In Czech),(ATD Rept. U-64-110 (English abst.), 7 pages,
AD 623253), "Effect of a strong electro=gnetic field on vasomotor activity"

2379. FINCH, E.D.,& McLEES, B.D. (1972), Naval Medical Research lnst., Bethesda, Res. Rept. No. 7 on Project
No. MF51.524.015-0001BD7X, "An examination of gamma globulin, acetylcholinesterase, and chymotrypsin following radio
frequency it radiation".

2781. FINCH, E.D., & McLEES, B.D. (1973), Naval Medi~al Research Institute (Bttt.esda, MD), Rept. No. 7 on project
MFSl. 524. Ol5-001BD7X, (Dec.} , [Absence of struc~ural or functional changes in solutions of] , "Gamma globulin, acetylcholin-
esterase, arid chymotrypsin following [pulse modulated) radiofrequency [10·15 MHz] irradiation", (clarification of previously
cited rept.). •
2782. FINCH, E.D., & McLEES, B.D. (1974), Naval Medical fulsearch Institute, (Bethesda, MD), Rept. No. 1, under MF51.524.015-
0001, (Jan.), (AD 1774-470), "Gamma globulin, acetylcholinesterase, ~nd chymotrypsin follo\o.'ing radiofrequency irradiation".

384, FINCH, H. (1955) General Electric: Lab., BA102 Data Folder D~jSCL-278, "Bihliographical abstract of biological effects
of electron~agnetic: radiation"

385, FINKELSTEIN, s., & ROTH, E. M. (196a) In: Compendi112 of~ Res~nse5 to the Aerosoace Environment, l• (5). pp. 1-22,
"Electrical current"

jM. ,!llal. fo· p., jiJ;LIBAUER, R. A., & SARKEES, Y. T. (1959) In: In·;estigators' Conf. on Btological Effects of Electronic
&.diatiag Equipmenta, (~auf, G. M., Chm.), pp. 19-25 (for Parts I, II, & Ill), Part I. "Studies on the biological effects of
200 megacycles"; Part 11, Osborn, C. M., (title not given), and Part II!, Addington, C., "Ophthalmological studies"

387. FISCHER, F. P., NEUBAUER, R. A., S.~~~ES, Y. T., ADDINGTON, C. H., OSBO~N, C., & SWARTZ, G. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-
service Conf. on Biological Eff,cts of ~~crowave Radiating Equipments (Susskind, c., ~.) }:15-21, "Electrical instru~ntation
of bio-electric hazards at 200 me, and the development of a •>iniatu!:e hazard ""'ter"

2157. FISCHER, H., & ~nJLLEit, li. (1964) Truppenpraxis (Tactics, Tech,-,, a;,d for 0fficers of the :-lilitary), Rept.
!lo. lO,pp. 757-758, (A65-~0058), "Are radar waves t!anr.erous to"

388, FISHER, L. I, (1964) Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii, 1 Lec!l~noy Fizicheskoy Kultury (Problees of Health-Resort
Science, Physiotherapy, and Therapeutic Physical Culture), 29(2):149-154, (O'::S-64-31500; JPRS 25121, pp. 9-16), "Use of SHF-UHF
therapy in acute nephritis"

2380. FISHER, L.J. (1966), M.S. Thesis, Tufts U., "Microwave field measurements in the vicinity of a biological

2158. FlSI!f.R. L. J. (& CARPEIITER, R. L.), (1969) Ph.D. Dissertation, !u:'ts Lniv. (t:niversit:· :!icrofilr:~s, [nc., ~o. JQ-18,002),
"rcak versus averar.c pm.:er in r.icrowave in(fl:ction of lenticular catar~cts"

389, FIXOTT, R. s., & ROSE,_. (1956) Rpt, Scllool of Aviation Medici<1e, t;. S. Air Force (Harc:h), "Ocular findings on electroaica •

390 FLAX H. J., KILLER, R. N., & IIORVAIB, s. H. (1949) Arch. of Pbysical lied. 30:63Q-637, "Alterations in peripheral circu-
latton and • tissue temperature following loc:al application of short wave dia ther111"

391, FLEMING, H. (1944) Electrical Engineering 63(1):18-21, "Effect of high frequency fields on micro-organisliiS (bacteria)"

392. FLDIIHG, J., JR., PINNEO, L., BAilS, R., JR., & Hc:AnE, I. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the Biological Effects
of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, M. F., ed,), PP• 229-249, ·~~crovave radiation in relation to biolugical ayst~
neural activity"

393. FOFANOV, P. H. (1966) Klinicheakaya Heditaiu ~(4):111-22, (JPl!..S 36301, n-6(>..32733), "Features peculiar to hemodynaaics
in persons working in conditions of protracted electroaaanetic high !reque~cy radiation"

394. FOFANOV, P.M. (1966) Probl. Endokrinologii i Gormonoterap11, ~acov 12(5):16-17, (In Russian), (JPRS-39265), "On
functional changes of the thyroid gland in peraoa. exposed to the effect of Dicrovave irradiation (preliminary report)"

39S. FOFANOV, P. N. (1968) So•1etakaya l'..editaiAa E (9) :107-110, (ln Ruaaian). "Clinical picture of continuous action of SIIF-UHF
electromagnetic radiation on man"
396. FOFANOV, P. H. (1969) IC.ardiologi.ya 2_(4):124-126, (JPRS 48481, July 1969), "HI!IDOdynamic changes in individuals working
under aicrowave irradiation"
397. FOLLIS, R. 11., JR. (1946) Amer. J. of Physiology ffi:281-283, (Also,,Proc. 4th TTl-service Conf. on the Biological·
Effect• of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, K. F., ed.) pp. 229-249,/ Studies on the biological effects of high frequency
'UiiTO'WaV.s (radar)" 1961),

398, FORTUNATOW, E. (1968) Report, ATD 6&-105-108-9~ l\68-33037; MJ 671436. "SoYiet Radiobiology"

2783. FOSTER, 'K.R., & FINCH, E.D. (1974), Presented at the Biophysics Soc. Meeting, Minneapolis, Minn., 4 June 1974, "Micro-
wave hearing• Thermoacoustic stimulation of the human auditory system by pulsed microwaves".

2784. FOSTER, K.R., & FINCH, E.D. (1974), Science, 185(4147):256-258, (19 July), ~icrow~ve hearing: Evidence for
thennoacoustic auditory sti100lation by :Julsed microwaves."

399. FR.At:llltEL, G. (1937) Archives Dee Sciencu Biolosiqua ~(3):115-132, (Arkh. Biol. !lauk), (ln Ruasian) "A s~ry of our
studiee in the electric field of ultra-hiih frequency"

400. FRANKE, V. A. (1957) In: Proc. of Jubilee Scientific Seeaion of ln.titute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diaeae.. of
Acadeay of Medical sciences of tbe USSR, Koacow, PP• 71-, "Keaaur... ot of electric and magnetic components of a high-frequency
field in the i-diate vicinity of radiation sourcu (ill the induction &one) ill the range 100 l<.Jiz - 300 KHz"

401. F~l<E, V. A. (1958) ln: Protection .!.!£!.!!!!, ~.!!! Electroupetic !!!!!!, ~ El~>etric ~ in Induatry. Leningrad,
p. 64-, Measurement of electric and magnetic ca.ponente of a higb-frequaney field in the frequency range 100 kHz to 3 KHz, and
the design of equipment"

402. FRANKE, V. A. (1959) In: Summariea of report&, Labor Hygiene and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electro-
magnetic Wsvee, Moscow, "Depeno~ence on the. frequency of tbe absorption of energy by a buzao in an electr01118gnetic field"

1989. FRANKE, v. A. (1960) In: Collection .!!1, Scientific Paj?IU .2!!!!!, !£ill Institutes .!!1, Industrial Safety, Leningrad, 3:36-45,
(In Russian) "Calculation of the absorption of energy from an electrooagnetic field by ceans o! semiconductor models resembling
the human body"

1990. FRANKE, V. A. (1961) In: l!igh-Fnquencz Elec:trothenYl Appautua, Leningrad, pp. 138-144, (In Russian) "Problems of
safety vhen working vitb RF and UHF installation• in industry"

403. FRANKE, v. A.,~ al, (1962) Circulation Reaearch !£:87o-, "Study of bi&h-frequeaey cosponenta in electrocardioaraaa by
power epecti'UOI analyais"

404. FRANKE, v. A., & USIII~SKAYA, 0. (1962) Arbeitaoekonoaik und Arbeitsacbutz (Labor Economy and Occupational Safety) ~(1):
65-71, (In German) "Personnel safety prob~.- confrontilla operators of (Kl' and VHF) radio frequency equip~~ent"

405, FRANK-KAKENETSKIY, D. A. (1961) Maulta 1 Zhho' (7):88-90, (Abstr. ill: .!J!! 'Biological Ef!ects of Electro.agnetic. Fields -
Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept. P-65-17 (Apr. 1965)), "Observations by pbysica (electra.agaetica)" [Use of electromagnetic
field• in bioloaical studies)

406, FRANK-KAMENETSKIY, D. A. (1961) Doklady Akad. Sci. USSR~(2):476-~78, (ln Ruaaian). (Also Transl. in Soviet Physics
Doklady (in English) ~:91-92 (1961)), "PlaslliB effects in aeadeonduc:tora, and the biological effect of radiovavea"

407. FRANKLIN, P. (ed.) (1969) MicrovaYtB 8(9):1)-14, ~c~ve eafe ezpoaure 1...-1 scratinizad"; p. 14, "Low lev.l aicr~
atop froas' hearta"; (1969) p. 16, "Monby death& denied 1'11 U' Ho-teate at Sanders"

408, FRASER, A., & FREY, A. H. (1968) Biophysical J. 8(6):731-734, "Electromagnetic ~salon at micron wavelengths from
active nerves" -

2381. nEJ>EIUCK, C.L. (19??), Rept., 66 pps., Ref?, "Effects of electromagnetic energy on 111Bn".

409. FRENCKEL, G. L. (1941) Arkh. Biologii Nad, Archives Du Sciencu 3iologiques 61(1):147-156, "Urgent problema of high
frequency therapy and their experimental accoaplishment"

410. FRENKEL', G. L. (1937) In: All Union Institute for ~~erimen~al Y.~d!cine, Moscow, pp. 115-137, alsop. 410, "Some
characteristics of the biological effect of VHF-!!:"

411. FRENKEL', G. L. (1939) ~ Electrical (1Jn"Y-VHF-HF) Field (Ultras'-.o:::t >:aves) in~ and Experimental Hedicine, Vols. 1
and II; Vols. III and IV (1940) ([le~tric~eskaye pole ul'travysokoy c~as:oty (ul'trakorotLiye volny) v biologii 1 eksperimental'noy
meditsine ,Hedgiz, Hoscow, Leningrad)

412. FRENKEL', G. L., & KUPALOV, P. S. (1937) 1 See Kupalov and Frenkel' (1937)

413. FREY, A. H. (1961) Aerospace He d. 32(12) :114o-1142, "Auditor-; s;1ste:3 response to radio frequenc:y energy: technical note"

414. FREY, A. H. (1961) Presented at Aerospace ~edical Assoc. l1eeting, A?ril, (Also at 4t~ Internat. Conf. on Medical Elec-
tronics, 20 July, Cornell Uni v. , Ithaca, S. Y.), "Auditory system res;xmse to =dula ted radio frequency energy"

41'. FREY, A. H. (1961) In: Digest of.!!!=_ 1961 Internat. Conf.!?.!:!. ~Electronics, 4th, (Froml!ler, P. L., ed.), p. 158 only,
"Human auditory system response to nodulated radio frequency energy"

416. FREY, A. H. (1962) J. of Applied Physiology ll(4):689-692, ·~u=an auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic

417. FREY, A. H. (1963) Amer. J. of ~edical Electronics !(1):28-31, "s~ effects on h~n subjects of ultra-high frequency

418. FRE.Y, A. H. (1963) Naval Research Revi2'Js 16:1-, "Hu::>an respoase to very-low-frequency (VLF) electrocagnetic energy"

419. FREY, A. H. (1965) Psychological Bulletin 63(5):322-337 (Also R?t. ~64-01, Institute for Research, State College, Pa.,
(47 pages), AD 11606961), "Behavioral biophysics"-

420. FRLY, A. H. (1967) J. of Applied Physiology -~(6):984-988, (AD 678943), "Brain steo evoked responses associated with
low-intensity pulsed UHF energy"

421. FREY, A. H. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health l;::plications of ~crowave Radiation" Symposium,
(Cleary, s. F., ed,), Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rept. Xo. 70-2, PP• 134-139. (AD 698195; N70-20352),"Effects
of microwave and radio frequency energy on the central nervous systeo"

1991. FREY, A. H. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special Issue on Biological Effects of Microwaves)
~(2): 153-164, "Biological function as infJ uenced by low-po-•er oodulated RF energy"

2383. FREY, A. H. (1971?), Rept., Ref ? , 6 pps., "Cardiac and neural effects of radar wavelengths".

2159. FREY, A. II., & EIC!![RT, E. E., III (1971) P.andor>line, Inc., (\."ill= Grove, Pa.), Rept., 63 pa~:es, "On the nature of electro-'
sensinr, in the fish"

3448. FREY, A.H., & FELD, S.R. (1975), J. of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 89(2):183-188, "Avoidance by
rats of illumination with low power nonionizing electromagnetic energy."

2785. FREY, A.H., FELD, S., & FREY, B. (1974), (In Press), "Modification of brain barriers' permeability by in~ il-
lumination with microwaves •

2786. FREY, A.H., & MESSENGER, R., Jr. (1973), Science, 181 ( ) :356-358, "Human perception of illumination with pulsed ultra-
high-frequency electromagnetic enercjy".

2382. FR~Y, A., MESSENGER, R.: & EICHERL E. (1972), Final .. Rept. to U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Res. & Dev. Ctr.,
Ft. 8elv01r, Va.; from Randoml1ne Inc., W1llow Grove, Pa., A psychophysical study of the RF sound pehnomenon"
[A study of the RF parameters relevant to the preception of sounds when the head of man fs irradiated.] [AD i747684]

422. FREY, A. H., & SEIFERT, E. (1968) Ufe Sciences l (part II) :503-512, (AD 678942), "Pulse modulated UHF energy illumination
of the heart associated vith change in heart rate"

2384. FREY, J.,& BOWERS, R. (1972), IEEE Spectrum, 2_(3):41-47, "What's ahead for microwaves", [Contains section on micro-
waves as health hazard.)

2160. !"R.LY, .1., & BU>iJ:RS, I:. (1972) Spectruo, Inst. of Electrical & Electronics En:>ineers, Inc., _2.(3):41-47, '''s ahead
for microwaves" [includinp. research on health hazarrlsl

278 7. FREYSZ, T., SCHWARZ, H., & HOSSLI, G. (1967), as quoted in RESTALL, C.J., LEONARD, P.F., & TASWELL, H.F., ~~.,
Anesth. & Analg., 46( ) :625-628, "A microwave blood warmer: Preliminary report".

2788. FRICKE, H., SCHWAN, H., KAM, L., & BRYSON, V. (1950?), Rept., "A dielectric study of the low-conductance surface
membrane in !· coli".

423. FRICKER, s. J. (1957) Proc. 1st Tri-service Conf. on Biological !i.azards of !-!icrowave Radiation (Pattisball, E. C., ed.)
_!:77-73, "Biologically meaningful units of R?' ceasurement and dosicetry development"

424. FRICKER, s. J. (1957) Proc. 1st Tri-service Conf. on Biological Hazards of ~crowave Radiation (Pattisball, E. G,, ed.)
_!(Appendix C) :104-108. ''Summary of results of UHF radiation hazard experU!ents at Lincoln Laboratory, }liT"

425. FRICKER, S. J. (Hoderator) (1957) Proc. lst Tri-service Conf. o-. Biobgical Hazards of :ticrO\Iave Radiation (Patt1shall
E. G., ed.) .!_: 79-88, "Hicrowave exposure discussion" •

2385. FRIEDENBERG, Z.B., HARLOW, M.C., b nRIGHTON, C.'f. (1971), J. M lraunta, J.l00):883-88'), "Healing of non-union of
the medial malleolus by means of direct current: A cast' repnrt 11 •

2789. FRIEDENBERG, Z.B., ROBERTS, P.G., DIDIZIAN, N.H., & RRir;HTON, C.T. tl971). J. of Bune & ,Toint Surq, S ()
"Stimulation of fracture healing by direct current in th~ r<,bbi t fibula". · )-A :1 400 - 1408 •

3449. FRIEDMAN, H., BECKER, R.O., & BACHMAN, C.H. (1967), Nature, ~_l:)_(5079):949-956, (Mar. 4), "Effect of magnetic
fields on reaction time performance."
3450. FRIEDMAN, H., & CAREY, R.J. (1969}, Physiology & Behavior,!( ):539-541, "The effects of magnetic fields upon
rabbit brains."

426. FRIE!ID, A. W., JR. (1970) Report, ~loore School of Electrical :....,gineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania, "Some research results
concerning the effects of AC electric fields and pulses on the Giant )..=eba, Chaos chaos"

427. FRIEND, A, w., JR. (1970) (A Report proposal for a course at C-:1!v. of Pe:~nsylva~ia, !-lay), "An investigation of motion
of living cells and related electrical, cechanical, and optical phe~~~a, usi~g giant aooebae and the techniques of micro-

2161. FRIEND, A.W., Jr. (1972), Naval Medical Res. Inst. (Bethesda, MD), Research Rept. No. 6 on Project MF12.524.015-000lB),
(AD 1752451), "Low frequencies. motile cells, measure<c,ents, and models: Part I. The effects of low frequency electric fields
on amoebae and their uses as tools for studying cellular structure."

31?2. fRTF:ND, A.W., Jr., l'INl'H, E.D., [SCHWAN, H.:P. (L--.·:J), ::- iF'J,', !tr'~·~: ·'d:
[l Hz - 10 MHz) electi'ic fiehl-indu,:ec! changes in the :~.i lit-~.-~ t Jr.

2790. FRINGS, H. (1952), J. of Econ. Entomol., 45( ) :396-408, U.lept. 29), ''Factor:::. detennininq t.hc effects of radio-frequency
electromagnetic :fields on insects and materials they infe ·>t".

428. FROLOVA, L. T. (196)) Gigiena Truda i Professional'n;:e Za~0leva.::iya e~os~va) (Labor Hygiene and Occupational Disease)
_(2):27-29, (JPRS ~9068, pp. 6-9, OTS 63-21756, 1>64-118~8), "Hygienl.c <?valuation of the working conditions in work with high-
frequ~ncy currents

429. FRC:.IHER, P. L., (ed.) (1961) Digest of the 1961 Internat. Conf. on ~~edical Electronics. Plenum Press, New York,
Biological Effects of Hicrowaves, .!. (Athe=al ~)

430. FUCHS, G. (19 52) Wiener l!edizinische \;ochenschrif t 102: 583- 'iSS, (In Geruan) "The co::lbined short-.:ave and x-ray therapy
of malignant tumors"

2H>2. rLf.ITT, C. 1:. (1960) Office of ':aval ?:esearch (L<>~-'"") ~.,..,t.,

Conference on the I:iolor:ical Effects of "!icro\." n..arlic1rion"

431. FUKALOVA, P. P. (1964) Trudy :ai Gigiena Truda i Pre>fzabole!niya,t:SS~, _(2):78-lJ, (J?".S D34,96J) "The effect of short
and ultrashort waves on body temperature, and the survival rate of er;eri=ental ani::>als"
432. FUKALOVA, P. P. (1964)/Biological Effects of Radio rrec."ency ::lectrccagnetic Fields, lnst. of Industrial Hyp:iene and
Occupational Diseases, Academy of lied. Sci., USSR. (Trudy :;ti GigiFr."' 7nu!a i Profzaoolevaniy, Hoscow, USSR, _(2) :144-148)
(In Russian) "Sensitivity of olfactory and visual analyzer> in in;liv!c:oals exposed to continuously generated short and
ultrashort waves"

433. FUKALOVA, P. P. (1964) In: Biological Effects of Radio Freque~c7 ~ectroma~netic Fields, lnst. of Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Diseases, Acadecy of lled. Sci., t;SSR, ~!oscO\I (!rudy :;i! Gigye~a Truda i Profzabolevaniy _(2) :158-163) (Transl.
in: The Biological Action of Radio Freoue<1cv Electrocao:~etic ~), ·~:'ygieae characteristics of working conditions with
sources of shortwave and ultrashort waves at rac!io and televi;ion sta:ions"

434, FUKALOVA, P. P. (1966) Gigiena i Sanitariya, USSR, 31(2):3C&-YJ3, (TI 6&-51160/~-6, in English), "Effectiveness of pro-
tection against shortwave and ultrashortwave electromagnetic fiel~s at racio and TV s:ations"

435, FUKALOVA, P. P., & S~ruROVA, YE. I. (1962) In: S~ries of reports, Questions of t~e Biological ~ffect of a SHF-UHF
Electromagnetic Field. Kirov Order of Leaio !Ulitary ~tedical Acace=y, Leningrad, pp. 57-53, "Changes in the functi;,nal condi-
tion of some analyzers (sense receptors?) in persons expo sea to s;;F-<.~-0' fields"

436, FUKALOVA, P. P., TOLGSKAYA, N. S., :i!~OGOSYAt;, S. V., KITSOVs,;.AYA, I. A., & ZE:;r;;,, I. N. (19&6) Gigiena Truda i Pro-
fessional'nye Zabolevaniia (1-!oskva) USSR, lO(]):s-9, (AT'l Rpt 66-126, J7P.S 33,66) (16 :;ov. 1966), AD 644)37), "Research data
on the standardizaticu of electromagnetic fields in the short a;1d u.! tra...c;~ort. wave ranges"

2386. FULK, D.W., & FINCH, E.D. (1972), Naval MPdi~dl Resear'h lnstitutP Research Report#) on Project H MF51.015-0001BDIX,
(AD #752452), "An examination 01 certain blood serum cne:->ti ttHcr.ts in the rat following microwavE irradiation''.

437, FUREDl, A. A., & OHAD, I. (1964) B~ochicica et Bio?hysica Ac~a 71:1-8, "Effects of high-frequency electric field$ on the
living cell: I. Behavior of human erythrocytes in high-frequency eleccric fields a~d irs relation to their age"

438. FUREDI, A. A., & VAlEl;TI~E, R. C. (1962) Biochi:o.ica et Bio?hys~ca Acta ~6: 33-4Z, "Factors involved in the orientatio~ of
microscopic particles in suspensions influenced by radio-frequency f:e:cs"

439. FURMAN, S., PARKER, B., KRAl!THA:·IE.R, M., & ESCHER, D. J. W. (19&8) of Thoracic Surgery 2_ (1): 90-95, "The influence
of an electromagnetic environment on the performance of artificial ca~iac pacecakers"

3451. GABOVICH, R.D., MINKH, A.A., &MIKHALYUK, I.A. (1975), Vestnik Akademii Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR, (3):16-22,
(in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Eledromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976)-;-pp. 33-42,
"Effects of superhigh frequency fields of different intensity on the balance and metabolism of copper, manganese,
molybdenum and nickel in the organism of experimental animals."

2791. GABRIBL, E., et al. (1967), Confinia Neurologica {Basel), 29( ) o213-2l9, "Radio frequency pulsed coagulationo An
improved method for COntrolled thermoelectrode tissue denaturatiorlof electrical and thermal conductivity changes".

2163. CALA!:Ill, N. F., POLYAK, B. L., VOL 1-:0V, V. V., KRlCHAGI::, V. I., & •rr::JVf.!)f.V, V. I. (1?56) \'oennomed 7.h. (9):25-3!, "l:orl<-.
conditions for rndar set ooe-rntors and. ti.e possihle ~reve:1.tivc neasur~s ap::tinst ~eneral fati~uco and ~VP f.Jti"'ue"

440. GALE, c. K. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy ~:271-277, "Pe~atrative a~d selective heat effects of short and ultrashort
waves. (An experimental study with unicellular organis::>S and with electrolytes)"

3193. GALIANA, H.L. (1969), Rept. No. MV:....S-69-l of the Man-Vehicle Lab., Mass. Inst. ,-)f Tech., C'arT1bridge, MA, "lonizjn~
radiation and magnetic flelrls: \review of their effects on the nervous system!!.

)194. GAf:' , R.I., i, HARRTS, ,T.f. (lq73), Scientific American, 228(5):94~100 i, p. 1.?0, (May), "':'he infrare-d ,.e<C<;<cu,rc. of
~-;nnke:~: ':,n_· snakes of two li:trge families have sensitive organs that-can detect the l'H:a.t radia:_~on by pr·ey.
Th·-~ performance of these detectors is investigated with the aid of an infrar'ed lasPr".

2792. GANDHI, O.P. (1973?), Proc. of IEEE, 62(8):1171-1175 (Aug. '74), "Polarization and frequency effects on whole
an1. .1 absorption of RF energy.•

2793. GANDHI, O.P. (1974), (In Press), IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering (?), "Or1entat1onal and frequency effects
on whole anf1111l absorption of RF energy."

Jl95. CANDHI, O.P. (1974), Proceedings of the IF:E£, 62(8):Jl71-ll7S, (Aug.J, 11

Poldri_z:ation ar~,i frf~quenc,r effect::; on whol<::
animal absorption of RF enerv,y". [See also citation 712792, this F<iblio.]

3452. GANDHI, 0. (1975), IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory & Techniques, MTT-23(12):1021-1029 (Dec.), "Conditions of
strongest electromagnetic power deposition in man and animals."

3453. GANDHI, O.P. (lg75), In: Digest of Tech. Papers, Microwaves in Service to Man; International Microwave Symposium
(Palo Alto, CA), May 12-14, 1975, (A75-36461, 17-33), pp. 282-284, "Resonant electromagnetic power deposition in man
and animals."
3454. GANDHI, O.P. (1975), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME- ( ):536-542 (Nov.), "Frequency and
orientation effects on whole animal absorption of [RF] electromagnetic wa~

441. GI\PEYEV, P. I. (1957) trudy Voenno-ceditsinskoi akade::rii i'ras::O>i Arnii ioeni S. "!. Kirova 21:152-, "The effect of SHF-tn!F
fields on sight organs"

3455. GARFIELD, E. (1975), Current Contents, 18(25):5-6 (June 23), "Openmindedness in science and medicine" [suggests
a possible relat;onship between "depression" and electrcxnagnetic radiation].

442. GATEV, S. (1965) Voenno Meditsinski delo 20(3):3D-35, (In Russian) nTreat~nt of tenovaginitis with microwave (radar)
and hydrocortisone phonophoresis"

3196. GAVALAS, R.J., WALTER, D.O., HAHER, J., & ADEY, ifi.R. (1970), Brai.n Kesearch, 28( ): 4 91-SC2._, nE:ffe(:t of low-le·hl,
low-frequency electric fields on EEG and behavior in Macaca :~·emestr>ina 11 •

2794. GAZIVODA, N. (1970), Vojnosanitetski Pregled, ~( ) :542-545, (In Slovak(?)), "Comparative electroencephalographic and
clinical neurological studies in radar operators".

2795. GEERAB'l'S, W.J. (1969), Sightsaving !leV., 39( ) :181-196, "Radiation effects on the eye",

443. GEL'FON, I.A. (1964) In: Biological Effects of P~dio Frequency Electro~gnetic Fields, inst. of Industrial Hygiene and
Occupational Diseases, Academy of ~~d. Sci., CSSR, ~scow, pp. 68-69, ·~e effect of 10 em low-intensity electromagnetic waves
on the histamine content in the blood of animals"

444. GEL'FON, 1. A., FEDOROVA, V. I., & PATt:SHINSKII, r.. I. (1965) Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye 7.abolevan11a (~!oskva)
USSR, 9(5) :28-33, (In Russian), ((JPRS 31877, English su=ary), "Effect of Vl!F-HF thera?Y on connective tissue proteins of th•
lungs in experi!!lental silicosis"

445. GEL'FON (1960) trudy Nii Gigyena Truda i Profzabolevaniy, USSR _(1):46-49, (In Russian),(A.lso an article with similar
title: ibid. (2):133-136 , (1964); (Also in Biological Action of L~?, Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, Z. V., (eds.), Acad~my of ~~dical
SchnceS"iJssi, Hoacow, (OTS 62-19175), (JPRS 12471, pp. 42-46)-;-"PrO'tein fractions and hista::>ine of the blood under the infl\lence
of SHF-UIIF and HI' radio waves"

2Hi4. r.r.LLill, r., 1\, (l'l71) In the "ucstions ~~swt>rs sectior. of .T. ,•:er. ::ed. t,ssoc. 216(ll'):ll\)] only, "Hfect of .,icro-
wolve oven on facial rodiodernatitis"

446. GEI'!BITSKIY, n:. v. (1962) In: S=aries of reports, Questions cf tne Biological <:ffect of a SHF-VHF Electromaf;netic Field.
Kirov order of Lenin !!ilitary Nedical Acade:::y, !...eningrarl, ?P· 14-15, "v.zterial on the clinical aspects of chronic microwave

447. GEXBITSKIY, s. v. (1968) Honvedorvos (2)(Apr-Jun) :114-115, "oe=-e proble:::s in the area of the biological effPcts of high-
frequency electromagnetic fields"

448. GE~ffiiTSKIY, n:. V,, KOLES!HK,. "·A., & HAl.YSH~"V, V. l!. (1969) \·oyenno-~!editsinsk~y Zh. (~!ilitary Medical J.) _(5):21-23,
"Changes in the blood system during chronic exposure to a superhi~c-:re;uency field"

449. GENTILE, N. (1934) (In Italian with English s~ry) Abstracts of the 1st lnternar. Congress of Electro-radio-biology,
Cappelli, t., (ed,), Bologna, Italy, pp. 356-359, "Induced hw:>an radiation"

450. GERNSBACH, H. (1959) Radio Electronics _(?) :29-, "Lethal radio ~o~aves"

2387, GERSHMAN, L.C. (1972), Naval Medical Research lnstitute (Bethesda), Report No. 3 on Project HF12.524.015-0004B,
"Effects of microwave irradiation in vivo con rab>bit blood sen;m".

451. GERSTEN, J. W., WAKIM, K. G., HER.'l.ICK, J. F., & KRUSE.'<, F. H. (1949) Arch. of Physical !-led. 2Q_:7-25, "The effect of micro-
"ave diathermy on the peripheral circulation and on tissue temperature in can"

452. GERSTEN, J. W., WAKIH, K. G., & K..'l.USDI, F. H. (1950) Arch. of Physical }~ed. l!_: 281-286, "A method for decreasing reflec-
tion of microwaves by tissue"

2796. GETMAN, E.G. {1972), K11n. Khir., _(8) :82-84, (In Russ.), "Experience with microwave treatlllent of diseases of
the organs of locomotion."
3456. GHELETA, K. (1976), Microwave Systems News, §.(2):13-15 (April/May), "Moscow microwaves: Lethal intrigue."

453. GHETTI, B. (1934) (In Italian with English sUQmary) Abstracts o! the lst Internat. Congregs of Electro-radio-biology
Cappelli, L., (ed.), Bologna, Italy, pp. 360-366, "Report on tests to dete~e the possible influence of very short elect;o-
znagnetic waves (2-3 m) on seed germination and plant development"

3457. GHOSH, S.K., & DASGUPTA, A.K. (1974), Health Physics, _gz_(6):616- , "Pennissible levels of exposure to
microwave radiation."
1197. GHOSH, S.K., & MUC, A.M. (1972), Proc. of Microwave . [Internat. ~:crowave P~w~r In:·t., ~anad·'], (~~·:)~
p. 25-28, "The biological effects of electromagnetic waves ctnd rf:'lationsh.!.p to I' Canddian regtL~at.ic:w: 11 • l '(-'t~
dlso citation #2629, this Biblio.]

2797. GHOSH, S.K., MUC, A.M., LECUYER, D.W., & DIOTTE, M.P. (1974), Health Physics, 26(4):360-362, "A proposal ford
microwave radiation warning sign".

2798. GIAROLA, A.J., & KRUEGER, W.F. (1974), IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory & Techniques, MTT-22(4) :432-437, (,
11 Continuous exposure of chicks and rats to electromagnet~c fieldsH, [smaller adrenal glands observed in chicks exposed at
880 MHZ at "-'1.0 mW/cm 2 , and growth depression observed in r~~Ls under same conditior1s. No change in adrenal weight of rats,
however spleen and thymus weights were higher}.

2799. GIBSON, R.S., & MORONEY, W.F. {1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab., Pensacola, FL, Rept. No. NAMRL-1195, "The
effect of extremely low frequency radiation on human performance: A preliminary study".

3458. GIBSON, R.S., &MORONEY, W.F. (1974), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Rept., Pensacola FL
(AD #A005-898), 24 pps. (Aug.), "The effect of extremely-] ow frequency radiation on human perfonnance: A pre 1iminary
study." ,

454. GIESE, A. C. (1947) Quarterly Review of Biology 31_(4):253-283, "Radiations and cell division"

2800. GILBERT, H. (1970), Amer. Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J., ll< ):772- , "A study of microwave radiation leakage frc,1i
microwave ovens".

455. GILL, s. J. (1959) Univ. of Colorado, Progress Rpt. to Office of ~~val Research (Nov.), (AD 229625), ~gnetic suscep-
tibility of single biological cells"

456. GILLES, E. (1944) Comptes Rendus 123:546-547, (In French) "Lethal effects of ultrashort waves on microorganisms"

457. GILLES, E. (1944 Comptes Rendus 123:565-567, (In French) "Fungicidal and bactericidal effects of ultrashort vaves are a
consequence of selective thermal &ctionunder certain conditions"

3198. GINSBERG, A.J. (1934), Medical Record,_( ):pp ?, (D.::c. 19), "Ultrashort radio waves as a therapeutic ag€:nt'~.

2801. GINSBERG, A.J. (1961), Internat. Record of Medicine, .!._2!;2) :71-74, (Feb·.), "Pulsed short wave [27 MHz, electromagnetic
radiation] in the treatment of bursitis with calcification".

458. GINZBURG, D. A., & SADCHIKOVA, M. A. (1964) Trudy nii Gigyena Truea i Profzaboleaniy, USSR, _(2):126-132, (Abstr. in:
The Biological Action of Radio Frequency Electramaguetic ~. Moscov), "Changes of the electroencephalo~rK~ ~der contiauoua
action of radio waves r--

2388. GlORI, F., & ENGLER, P. (1972), JAAMI, 6:167- , "Techniques for testing performance of medical electronic devices
in the presence of radio waves".

459. CIO~I, F. A., & WINTERGERBER, A. B. (1967) Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 1:291-308, "Remota physiological .aaitor-
ing using a aicrowave interferometer"

3459. GLASER, P.E. (1975}, Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Society, "Space Shuttle
Missions of the 80's," Denver, CO, (27 Aug.}, 26 pps., "The satellite solar power station-a focus for future space
shuttle missions [collecting and converting solar energy to microwave power, transmitting it to earth, then converting
it to electricity; with some consideration of effects to b1o-systems of microwave exposure (p. 20-21}]."

2389. GLASER, Z.R. (1972), Naval Medical Research Institute (Bethesda) Report No. 2 (Revised) on Research Task
MF12.524.015-0004B, "Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena ('Effects') and Clinical Manifestations Attributed
tc Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation", [AD #750271].

2802. GLASER, Z.R. (1973), Electromagnetic Radiation Project Office, Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, Dept. of Navy (Washington,
DC), Rept., (June), "Fourth supplement to Bibliography of reported biological phenomena ('effects') and clinical mani-
festations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation", (NTIS No. AD 770-621).

3199. GLASER, Z.R. (1974), Electromagnetic Radiation Project Office, Naval Medical Research i. Development Command
(Nat'l Nav. Med. Ctr., Bethesda, MD), Rept. (-July), (AD N784-007), "fifth supplement to Bibliography of reported biological
phenomena {'.effects') and clinical manifestations attributed to mjcrnwave and radio-frequency radiation".

3460. GLASER, Z.R. (1975}, Rept., Electromagnetic Radiation Project Office, Naval Medical Research &Development
comnand (Nat'l Nav. Med. Ctr., Bethesda, MD), (June), (AD #A015622), "Sixth supplement to Bibliography of reported
biological phenomena ('effects'} and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation."

460. GLASER, z. a., & HEIMER, G, M. (1971) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Trans. on ~~crowave Theory and
Techniques, (Special Issue on the Biological Effects of Microwaves), MTT-19(2):232-238, "Determination and elimination of
hazardous microwave fields aboard Naval ships" ·

:?165. r.LA~t:r., z. r..., & m:r'f?., r.. :·t. (1972) f.ioenviroi'Ment"l Safetv ~(1): 10-15, (.Tan), '"'et<"rr.:inat1.on ancl elininatil')n of
hazardous microwave fields ahoar<l r:aval ships"

2390. GLASSER, 0. (1950), Year Book Publisher~ Chicago; see esp. pp. 710-712, in Vol II, Medical Physics.

2803. GLENN, W.W.L., HAGEMAN, J.H., MAURO, A., EISENBERG, L., FLANIGAN, S., & HARVARD, M. (1964), Ann. of Surg., 16 0( ) :
338-350, "Electrical stimulation of excitable tissue by radio-frequency transmission".

461. GLEZER, D. YA. (1936) Fiziologicheskiy Zh., SSSR 20:5-, (Abstr. in: "The Biological~ of Electromaanatic ~ _
Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rpt P-65-17 (Apr. 1965)) [Title not given]

462. GLEZER, D. YA. (1937) ln: Materials of the Leningrad Conference~ VH~-HF ~. Leningrad, pp. 5-18, (Title not given]

463, GLEZER, D. YA. (1940) Referaty rabot uchrezhdeniy otdeleniya biologicbeskikh nauk za, (Abstracts of Studies by the Depart-
ment of Biological Sciences for 1940), ~ioscov- Leningrad, pp. 318-, (Ahatr. in: ~Biological~£! Electromagnetic Fields
Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965) [Irradiation of the heads of dogs with 7.7 c electromagnetic waves]

464, GLEZER, D. YA. (1940) Nauchnyi Institut ieen' P. F. Lesgaft, Leningrad Izvestiia, 22:5-146, (In Russian with German
summary pp. 142-146) {Abstr. in: The Biological Effects of Electromagne~~c ~- Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rpt P-65-17,
1965), "Ultra short wnves and their effect on the organs of the circulatory system"IT

465. GLEZER, D. YA. {1940) Referaty nauchno-issledovatel 'skogo uchrezhd, 03:;A.'i SSSR, Leningrad, "The effect of ultra abort vavea
on the higher nervous activity"

~lL&. r.ttlTOVI\, "· V., & S.\DCHI!:OVA, :r. :; . (197'l) r.;.,iyena Truda i ~rc: es5ior.i11 'r.•.-v" ~~···~ i ev;miv", ·rn:;co'', (7): ~4-2 i. (In
JPl!S 51238, t:70-391tf15), "Developr::ent and clinical course of cardiovascular cl--.anPeS aftP.r chronic exoosurC" [';;f hu!'lan!ll to
micrm.;ave irradiation"

46&. GLOTZ, H. C. (1951) Archiv fur Physik.alische Therapie 1_:45-SO, "The increase in fluid production during ultrashort wav•
irradiation of the head"

2804. GNEVYSHEV, M.N., & NOVIKOVA, K.F. (1972), J. of Interdiscipl. Cycle Res., ~(1) :99-104, "The influence of solar
activity on the earth's biosphere: Part I", [heliobiology].

467. GOFF, L. G. (1957) Proc. Tri-service Conf. on Biological Hazards of Microwave Radiation (Pattishall, E. C., ed.) !=
p. 76 only, "Remarks at microwave conference" (Pertinent to Navy's progra:1 of microwave research)

468. GOGIBEDASHVILI, V, C. (1954) Gosudars~vennyy nauchno-issledovatel's~y Institut Kurortologii i Fizioterapii, Referativnyy

Sbornik Trudov, Tbilisis, ~:151-178, (,~str. in: ~Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields~ Annotated Bibliography,
ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Concerning the participation of the nervous syste::1 in the mechanist! of I.JliF action
on the secretory function of the stoeach"

469. GOGIBEDASHVILI, v. c. (1954) Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut Eurortologii 1 Fizioterapii, Referativnyy

Sbornik Trudov, Tvilisii, 21:176-, (Abstr. in: ~ Biological Effects ~ Electrocagnetic ~ - Annotated Bibliography,
ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Influence of trdF fields on the secretory function of the stomach

2805. GOLD, J.H., & SCHUDER, J.C. (1973}, Proc. of the 26th Ann. Conf. on f:n.qint>erir1rJ ir~ :vlc~d>cin(; & Bioloq·/, 'TJ-.._~:orvt1rctl
analysis of tissue stimulation by implanting solid-state diode", [to produt~c DC nJrn:>nts in nerves by an ht' r.?.ll·ctrico_~l
field established in the surrounding tissue], p. 94.

2167. C:OLilllLlTII, !>. fl. (1966) Advances in Fooc R-eseArch .!_?_:277-)'ll, "'\.•sic pr,ncinles of r:ticrol-!aV<'~ ant: r<•cpn't cleveloprncnts"

2161'. GOI.I>BL11'1., S. A. (1967) .1. of th~ .":--er. Dietct. ,\ssoc. :>1:233-237, "~o~>ihle ar·nl!catioa• to foo,, of toni,in>. and
nonionizinr. radiations"

.. 2806. GOLDBLITH, S.A., & DECAREAU, R.V.

microwaves: !h!!!:_ properties, production, and
(1973), MIT Press,
(C~J.mbriJgt.>, Ndss.),
to !_r!.._c'i [>_£?Ct~:;in2_.
Jr,() rf .3., !~n_ annotated bibJj_~!_:_:p.!.:.;L ~~;

470. GOLOBLITH, S.A., & WANG, 0.1. (1967), Applied Microbiology, .!1.(6):1371-1375, "Effect of microwave on Escherichia
coli and Bacillus subt111s."

471. GOLD!IAN, D. E. (1960) NHRI Lecture & Revie-o~ Series, t;o, 60-6, 1959-1964, (Sept.) PP• 247-255, (Also AD 252582) "Short
wave electromagnetic radiation as a hazard to personnel"

472. GOLENDIIERG, A. D., YEVSTIFEYEVA, ~. I., GLAZ\JNOVA, YE. I., LYZ::{;:OVA, A. YA., & OSTTlYAKOVA, A. N. (1965) Voprosy Kuror-
tologii, Fizioterapii, i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul' tury (ProbleM in !!ealth Resort Science, Physiotherapv and Hedical Physical
Culture) ~loscow, 30(1) :45-47 (JPRS #29914, P?• 9-13, TT 65-30903), "Ex;:>erience vith microvave therapv"

473. GOLISCHEVA, K. P. (1937) In: Problecs of ~·~etrics ~ Dosicetrv of l.'ltrahigh Frequencv in Biology and Medicine, ~loscow,
pp. 63-74

474. GOLISCHEVA, K. P. (1937) Archiv Des Sciences Biologiques (Arkh. 3iol. !lauk), £0): 133-140, (In Russian 1.1ith English
SWIII'l4ry), (Abstr. in: The Biological Effects o! Electromagnetic Fields - .>wnotated llibHorranhy, ATD Report P-65-17) "Experimental
study on the thermal effect of the electrical ul~rahigh frequency tiel<!, Il"; and pp.l41-145, "Exp<'rimental study on the thermal
effect of the electrical ultrahigh freGuency field, III"

475. GOL1Sc:£•A, K. ?. (1933) Ar~7 pa'ologicbesLoy ~~cocii 1 ?a:~lo<icheskoy fiziologii ~:5-, (Abstr. in: The Biological
Effects of ::lecnc=;,;netic !'~e:cs- .!.;>::.c:a-.,d 3ibll.o"ra?irr, A-:J "-?t ?-{)'r-17, Apr.) [Title not given], [Irradiation of rabbits
at LiF fielC..]

476. GO:.:s::~::::-;.\, 0:.

P. (19:.1) Ar:C.:"i!. ..- r~:o1ogicbesLoi .A...~CO!llii, ':O;oc-.·, 2_(2): 119-122, (In Russian), (Abstr. in: The Biological
Eff~cts of :-,e.::t::-c!::.a:;n~::!.c nt:!lC.s- :..:1~ota.:ed Bi!;,li.Oi:!'2.:·=-.v. 1-::'J ??: ?-·_~5-17. Apr.), "The effect of the electric field of
ultr&'l:.~.. :r~c;·..:.e~cy t.:.?O:t th~:-a:.u=e =eac:ion and glyc~~=!~ c~:;:.::-::s ~n c!enervated liver in cats"

477. GC:.IS·2:.~;A, :q P.,.,; : . SJ?..ri.!.S:~:zvA, ~•. ~. (1937) l:!: :1'.-e: B~0l::.:.c~l Action£!.. Ultrahi~ Freque~~, Frenkel', G. L...
& Ku?alo·:, ?. s .. (eds .. ). A.!l t::1:!.::rt lr.s:itute for ::.X;:·e:-:=.e:1tal ~ e-::.::~::-.c, ~oscow, pp. 309-324, "The effect of ultrahigh fre-
c;,ue:tC! o~ £~ r:--~:1i.: C.ev~.!cp!:ld:!'t c: ~..-::i :e ::icc:"

478. cc:.:s~;.'., K. ? ... C. CAL'P~:;;, S. I. (19:01} B!:Jlleten' ~<.-S~>:".::e:otal'noy Biolo6ii i Heditsiny 12(5-6): (,\bstr. in:
~ 3:eo:c~ical ::::ects o! ! ?ielC.S - .•~:oo:a<:e~ 3io·Lo;:ca:>ily, ATD Rpt P-65-17) [Title notgiven]

3201. GOLOBOKIY, ~.K., & KROTC\', A.V. (1~7~), Vr2ct1e! ;,elu, (,) ?, l; ,n.l. "t_ffc·~' o: n.:.Ili')Il~?:.i.r!p (~lc·_r
maf-'netic radiation", JPRS No. 0246'2, J'..Jly l'f:'tl, C~tat;.-,n /P' ;,~ th"i~ ~) Ll_,,.,j~ !1e e' 1 ec•_ s.f ~,;,"r ·'x:
a magnetic field on the blood ~-,ediment.J.t.:_c,r. r'a>' ~:; )- .. J.l~· .,;j ,:! ~c"

3461. GOMES, A.M.F., LEONHARDT, G.F., TORLONI, M., & BORZANI, W. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, 10(3):265-270 (Sept.),
"Microwave drying of microorganisms. I. Influence of the microwave energy and of the sample thickness on the drying
of yeast."
479. C.(·SC::..!.:..c·.·;-4, :S. !\., K.~.7""~~5~i. ·~·. 3., 5 ~~\KSL~\KJ, ~- V. (l:.:-:6) Gigiena Tru'da i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia (:-1oskva)
\:SS?., ~'J(7) :lC.-13 (.J??.S ;'35653, r:~ ?.cot E-6-125), "Cccu? :.y;:~::" prob1ens in uorking: ·..rith ultrashort-wav~ transmitters
use<! 1-;-:-~· a..-.3. ::a.:!io broadca3tL"'1g"

In: Questions on work hygiene and ..occupational pathology in the chemical and mechan_i cal engineer1 n.g 1 ndu.c-1Jles, rcJ .en~ ..
the 14-18 June 1966 Scientific Session of the Institute, Khar'kov, pp. 104-106, 11 The clinLcal-hyqienic churacter :·:;t.L·J
working conditions of persons operating high-frequency equipment\', !The t;c;;.rliest and most recwlar sf.ift~-:. noted C:ur ir:·1 1.:
clinical examination of workers were those in the functional condition of the nervous system. TLls Wds cxhibi ted d~~
increased fatigue, asthenia, instability of vegetative react ions, disturbed reflexts and '·oordin,:..t iur:, cmntin:>t l d_i st;_,d ,-
ances, changes in the endocrine profile, etc.].

480. C.CSC=..L~:.t::., E. !;., & ?!."·l"C\'.A..":.£,Cl. M. A. (196!-) 3rd All ~:1!on Co-:--...:. on Radio Electronics, Tezisy Dokladov 1 Moscow. "The
e:fect c: ~i:-V:-7 elect~~e~i= fiel: on the notor rea~tio~ of =a~"

3462. GOODMAN, E.M., MARRON, M., & GREENEBA, B. (1974), J. of Cell Biology, 63(2):117- , "Long term effects of
[ELF] electromagnetic fields on Physarum polycephalum."
3463. GOODWIN, B.C., & VIERU, S. (1975), Physiol. Chem. & Phys., ?_( ):89-90, "Low energy electromagnetic [U.V. and
Vis.] perturbation of an enzyme substrate."

2391. GORIIONOSOVA, N.B.,& USPENSKAYA, N.V. (1971), Gigivena truda i nrofcssiona1' nyve zaboh•vaniya, (7):41-44. (JPR',
abstract), "Health status of ship radio operators".

481. C-O;ol'i, :... . .'.. (1143) S.oiet:.~" 1:'3(2817}:710.., "<~vity -· :.<e hoeing pigeon to the lt'.agn~tic field of th~ earth"

2169. GORTJOII, S. A., & HILLER, J. S. (1962) Interim Report (:;Ast.-r.-1.5, ::63-11540), "Cro•.:th and development of plants in eor.~­
penaated fP;ravitational, ma~>.netie, and electrical fields"

2808. GORDON, W. (1973), Tower InternaL Technomedical Inst. J. of Life Sciences, 2_(4} ol27-l37, "Use of dielectric
phenomena in measuring the capacitance and permeability of biological membranes, with special reference to chloroplast
internal -.branes", [dielectric dispersion and admittance data between 0.5 and 500kHz].

482. GO?.DCli, z. V. (195.!.) Zl:l. C!~y~ E;>ideaiologii !ill<.rob1olcg1! 1 I=unologii, Prague _(1):399-404, "Problems of labor
hygiene duriog ~ork vith cent~te= ~•v~ generators"

483. GO?.DC~, Z. V. (1955) Gigiy~ 1 S~i:ar!ya _(12):!6-19, <-~str. in Biological Effects of Microwaves, ATD P-65-68, Sept.,
1965, P?• 2-0a-Zo, entitled "!::ffec:s of centineter v10ves on the ceve.!.o;>"lent of rats ) , "certain data on the action of centi-te~


'+34. GO!OOli, Z. 'i. (1957) Gigiye::!.a 7r.J:ia i ?rofessional 'nve z..·,.,:..-.aniia (:ioskva) _(6hl4-18, "Certain problema of labor
hygiene related to the inflcence of a ~ field" •

485. G03IC~, z.
V. (1~57) L~: S~r~es of reports, ?a~ 2, Ju~il~ Scientific Sessio~ of Inst. of Labor Kygiene & Occupa-
tional Diseases !)edic.a:ed to 40t"- A::.:li.7, of the G::-eat Octobe::- Svc~:L:.stic Revolution, Hoscow, [Title not given]

486. GO?.X~I, Z. V. (1960) ~ia!lch!!o-!.ssledovatel 's:tiy b.stitut g:C;;i e::n<L i profzabolevaniya (1) :22-25 (Abstr. in: Biological
~of ~cr~Javes, A7D ?-6~a. :~?~· lg&s, P?· 21-22,; also o=:
~tavet, A. A., & Gordon, z. v.,
(eds.) (1960), pp. 18-21
(JPRS l24il) ~ 3~olo?ical ~~ ~trahigh Frecuer.cies), '~2:;:~=ic evaluation of the working conditions in the vicinitv of
UIIY genera~ors

487. GO?.DC:i, Z. V. (19-:.•J) :=e: ~ii.:. :;~;;:tena !rda 1 ?rofzaool~::!ya,CSSR, _(1):65-68 (also in: The Uiological ~of F=!St.:e:tcies, !..etavet, A. A., ~ Gor.:!on, Z. v., (eds.), ~.:..scc-w, JPRS 12471, pp. 64-67), "Investigation of the blood
?ress~re ~ rats (blccCless ~et~~) ~~er the influ~ce of sn:-~-~~

488. GD?..X:>, z. V. (1960) Trudy S:i G!.~iena Tr.u!a i ?rofzaoo>:..-:o::i:;a, USSR, _(1): 5-7, (Abstr. in Biological ~ of
~crc·..·a·::s, .;.T.J-P-6.5-63, ??• 71-12; a:so, ~str. !.:1: :-:.e 3iolc;::.:z!. Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, Letavet, A. A•• &
Gorce:~., ;:. ·1., (eds.), Aca.:!e::JY c: ~::~cal Sciences, lSS?., Y.oscc-•, o. 2-, (JPRS 12471, OTS 62-19ln), "The prohlem of the
biolo:gical of ·_-:-iFu

489. z. v. (~960) !:1: ?':.-;-sica! ?ac:ors of tbe L...~vi:--:>:-~=..::-.:. i..etavet, A. A., (ed.), p. 135-

490, GC?..::.t:.:;, z. v. (l9i:O) -':est::::.. ~=ii ::ed:hins"-!"<_.'-. ncu:< So:'', ::os>:va, _!2(4):82-86, All Union Scientific Conf. on Preble-
of lndust::-!.al E:&iene and the B!..clog~c.a.l Acticn of Uectrc:::.agne::: ·"a~.•es

491. GCF..:•;:i, z. v. (1952) !:.: 5.=~«5 of re;>o~ts, ('..:est:!:or.s o: :':e Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Uectromagnetic Field.
Kirov Orcer of Lenin Y.i.litary ::.e~~cal A.cac=:;, 1-eni~i?~ae:. P?• lC>-~o, "Certain features of the biolop,ical effect of 11icrowaves
of va:-!.o\!5 ra.::ge.s"

492. GO?.X10, z. \'. (196!.) In: ?.!-::c~:c:al Action of ?2.:!io !'rec'":C.:c'T ::Clectromagnetic Fields, Institute of Industrial Hygiene
and Occ·.x;:a:::!:o=>al :Ji 5 ~asi!5, AcaC""'? c: :~i~ie;ce, l:SS?, 'c~s:c<.-, (Trudy l<ii Gi>:iyena Truda i Profzabolevaniy, USSR, _(2):
pp. ji-6:). "'7ne efie~t of :n!crC'"..-~--:e..s O:'! blocd ?ress\.:re lev~l !..:! :est: a~i~ls,.

493. GC?.:o:;, z. v. (l9b-') l:l: ~de:::!.ya ::e.Oits!.r.s;;.ib na"-'-'• :-es:::~:.: • .!2_(7):42-49, (Abstr. in:~ Biological~ of
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2170. C:ORlJOi:, Z. V. (1970), In: f.rponorcics & Phvsical t;wironnental ?actors, (Vol. 21 of the Occuoational Safety and l:ealth
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3464. GORDON, Z.V. (1974), Transl. in JPRS #63321, 268 pps. (30 Oct.), "Biological effects of radiofrequency electro-
magnetic fields." ..
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500. GORDON, Z.V., LORANOVA, Ye.A., KITSOVSI<AYA,' I.A., & TOLGSI<AYA, M.S. (1963), Medical Electronics and Biologir..1l
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501. CORDON, z. V., LOBANOVA, YE. A., KITSO'JS'<.AlA, I. A., f. TOLGSKAlA, ~. 5. (1969) Biulleten Eksperimental'noy Biologii
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2810.. GORDON, Z.V., LOBANOVA, E.Aq K.ITSOVSKAYA, T.Aq & TOLi,;SKAYA, M.S. {1969), Bulletin uf Experiment.:1l Biulugy dnd
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504. CORDON, z. V., & LOBANOVA, YE. A. {1960) Trudy Nii Cigiena Truda 1 Profzabol~niyapSS~, (1):59-60, (Abstr. in: The Bio-
~Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, Z. 'i., (eds.), JPRS 12471, pp. 57-59), "Tell!Jlerature reaction
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2811. GOROON, z.v., & TOLGSKAYA, M.S. (1971?), ref ?, "Mo'rphophysiological changes due to the effect of electromagr::t•tic
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507. CORDON, z. V,, TOLGSKAYt H. S., & ALEKSA!:DROVA, L. S. (1963) Abstr. of the Conf. on Industrial Hy~iene and the Biological
Action of Radio Frequency Eleetrocagnetic ~ields, Institute of Industrial Hyciene and Occu?ational Diseases, Academy of t!edical
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508. CORDON, z. V,, & YELIStlrEV, V. V. (1964) Trudy Nii Gigiena Truda i Profzabol~niJ'GSSR (2):151-157 (ATD abstr., JPRS
34,963), "Devices for protection against S!IF-UHF radiation and their eH~ctiveness" • -

509, CORDON, z. V., et al, (1957) In: Sumoaries of reports, Part 2: Jubilee Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene
and Occupational DiseiUies-nedicated to the 40th Anniv. of the Great Oc:ooer Socialistic Revolution, Moscow, '~lorphological
changes i .. animals under the action of ultrahigh frequencies"

510. CORDON, z. V., ~ !: .. .' (196.3) Biol. i !-'.edits, Elektronil<.a _(6):72-, "On the biological action of cicrowaves of various

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2171. GOJ:O!JF.TSKA, S. F., USI:lA, G. G., & p_\J'O?O:tT, H. B. (1969), Fizio!odchnii Zllurnal .!l:SrJS-811, (In tlkrain.), (Abstr.
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512. CORODETSKAYA, S. F. (1960) FidologicC.e3kiy Zh. nauk UKR S5SR, 6(5') :622-628, "Tne effect of centimeter-band radio
waves on hematogenic organs, reproduction, and the higher nervo\1.3 activity"-

513. CORODETSKAYA, S, F, (1961) Fiziologicheskiy Zh, Akad. nauk UD 555!!., 1.0):672-674, "Th~> effect o! 3 em radiovave·: on toe
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514. CORODETSKAYA, S. F. (1962) Fiziologiche;.l-.1.;. c': Akad. nauk l!KR 5SS?., !!_(3):390-3961 (Also, FT~TT-62-1361/1+2, AD #292205),
"Norpbological changes in internal orgaas when the CJ<:;_,u .Bo is exposed to the effect of centiaeter tJaves"

515. CORODETSKAYA, S. F. (1962) In: Sw.:::oarles of reports, Questions of the Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electromagnetic
Field. Kirov Order of Lenin 1111itary }ledical Aca::!emy, Leningrad, "The effect of SHF-UHF on reproductive organs"

• 516. CORODETSKAYA, S, F. (1963} Fiziologicheskiy Zh. Akad. nauk IJ"hR SSSR, 9(3):394-39~ (Also, JPRS 21200, OTS 63-31815, and
N6l-22588), "The effect of centi.l!leter radio -waves on !!lOUSe fertility.. -

517. GORODETSKAYA, s. F. (1964) Fiziologicheskiy Zh. Akad. nauk UK!!. SSS?, 10(4):494-500 (Abstr. in:~ Biological~
.2!,Electr01118petic .!!.!!2- A."'lnotated Bibliograph;r, ATO Rept. P-65-1_7, Apr. 1965), (Also, JPRS 26990, N64-33486), "Effect of a
SHF-UHF field and convectional heat on the estrual cyclea of mice" '·

518. CORODETSKAYA, S. F. (1964) In: Prohlell1S ~ ~ aiophysl!:!, ~~of~.£!. Radiation, (Also, JPRS 34963) 0 pp. 7Q-74 0
"Characteristics of the biological effect of 300 em radio vaves on ani=ali"

519, GORODETSKAYA, s. F. (1964) In: Biological Action of Ultrasound~~-~ Electromagnetic Oscillations, Gorodetakiy, A.A.,
(ed,), Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physiology, iceni A. A. Bogo=olets, Kiev, L~R SS~, (JPRS 30860, Abstr, in: Biological
~of ~licrowavea, ATD-P-65-68, (1965), PP• 53-54, and 1165-28706), !'?• so-n, "Effect of a SHF-UHF electromagnetic field
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520, GORODETSKAYA, S. F., & KJ::ROVA, :<. (1966) Fiziologicheskiy Zh. Akad. nauk Ln SSSR, _g_(2):246-253, "Changes in SOllie func-
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521. GORODETSKIY, A~ A. (ed.) (1964) Acaceny of sciences, Institute of Physiol. imeni, A. A. BoRomolets, Kiev, UKr. SSR, 120 pages,
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522. CO'!!Y, A. A., YE'IOOUMOY, I. R., iCDU:S!il, V. M., & Sli.EV:KO, G. N. (1967) Fiziologicheskiy Zh. 13(2):230-2Jl, (TlelelJ

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524. GO~~~~~. T. I. (1964) Materia!s of the 1st Sc!enc;fic Conf. of the Central Scientific Research Lab, (Tomak), "Changea
1o the ll.::lp !.:lduced. by altcrn£tin~ electrC>~tagnetic tields

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2812. GQURNAY, L.S. (1966), J. of the Acoustic Soc. of Amer., 40( ) :1322- , "Conversion of electromagnetic to acoustic
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526. G?-.G.:.:i, G. !l. (1S35} Arch. of Physical The:-a?Y ,!i:741-742, "De.siccation of hemorrhoid.s"

2813. GRAHAM, R.B., & HEMPHILL, J.M. (1972), USAF Radiological Health Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Rept. No.
72W-Sl, (16 May), "Preliminary evaluation of the Narda Model 8300 power density meter".

527. C?-.!.!;'3'!33.!, li. M., & ;A!iES, J. ~. (l963) J. of Bone ud. Joint Surgeey 45A:773-777, "The lack of effect of microwave
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3465. GREENE, F.M. (1975}, National Bureau of Standards, Technical Note 658, "Development of electric and magnetic
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2816. GRIGOR'IAN, D.G. (1969), Vop. Kurort .. Fizioter., 34( ):52-55, (In Russ.), "A study of blood serum and myocardial
proteins in animals following exposure to microwaves".

535. caiC-OI'I..Alf, D. G. (1969) Voprosy XuronologU !'izioterapii i Lechebnoi F1zichesko1 Kultury (Problema in Health Resort
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536. l:aiwi.'YE'lA, 1'. A. (1937) Biolog:l.cheskoye deystviye U'!Ch. Sil:::;>ozium. (Biological effect of u'ltrahigh frequencies.
Syapos!u::o), ~c:ov, pp. 137-, (Alls;:r. b: 1!!.!. ~ .2!, Elec:tr01118gnetic ~-Annotated Bibliography, ATD ll.ept
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537. ~L~}-~, A. c. (1959) Kazanskiy ~~. Zb. 5avy tSSa, !Q(4):59-61 and/or 6J-65;~~PRS 2802), "VHF-HF the~apy in certain
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2817. GRINEV, M.V., et al. (1970), Vopr. Kurortol. Fizioter. Lech. Fiz. !CUlt., 35( ):424-421>, lSept.-oct.), "Role of UHF
therapy in the complutreatment of chronic osteomyelitis".

1992. CRISHCHINA, K. F. (1958) Blofizlka 3:358-362, (In Russian) ~Significance of certain methodological conditions in a
reaction to the local action of centiceter-vaves"

538. G?.lS:i!XA, K. F. (1958) iliof!.zi.U ]1(3):~58-362 (Pergamon Press Tranal.), "The importance of certain procedures in the
local res?Onse of tissues to ee~ti=ete~ vaves

539. ;?.lS~L~. K. F., & ~OVA, A. A. (1963) Leningrad (Transl. ~f some sections are in ~RS 21725, OTS 63-41061), 320 pages.
Techn!=..:es a:!d ~ ~ Conduct:!.!l2 r.:...siot~erneutic !'rocedures

540, ~?.IS:~. F. I. (1959) FiziologicZeskiy Zb. }~d. nauk ~1CR SS~, 5(1):31-38, (Abstr. in Biological Abstracts, No. 33058
1964), ·~~e effect of an ultrahiS3 electromagnetic field o~ the reflex activity of the spinal cord with differing ea and K con-


3467. GRISSETT, J.D. (1971), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab. (Pensacola, FL), Technical Rept. No. NAMRL-1146,
"Exposure of squirrel monkeys for long periods to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: Central-nervous-system
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3468. GRISSETT, J.D., &de LORGE, J. (1971), Naval Aerospace Medical Res. Lab. (Pensacola, FL), Technical Rept. No.
NAMRL-1137, "Central-nervous-system effects as measured by reaction time in squirrel monkeys exposed for short periods
to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields."
2818. GRISSE'l"l', J .F. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Pensacola, FL, Rept. No. NAMRL-1177, "Technique for
reducing the ambient electric field generated by inductive voltages in low-frequency magnetic field generators".

541. ;:;;.c_".:;, ? • (1937) ACTA of lst I::te=at. Congress of Shortvaves, Vienna, "Shortwave therapy; a specific heat therapy"

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543. ';::.C'SS, E. (1:169) Science l> (25 Oct.) 96(17) :382-., ''Microwaves and health effects"
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1993. CRUSZECKI, L. (1964) Przeglad lekaraki, Cracow, 20:336-338, "Influence of microwaves radiated by a radar transmitter
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B94. GR!ts:::J:, J., i:!:'!'..:.SZU, F., ,; ?}_'\.A:lalo"Sr;I, z. (1950) .-.c.

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2820. deGUILLEBON, H.F., & ELZENEINY, I. (1970), Arch. of Ophthalmology (Chicago), 83( ):489-503, "Electrical impedance of
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during the movements o~insects, birds and animalsO:

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Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, H. F,, ed.), pp. 99-115, (Also, Deichmann, II. B.,!:_£~·· (1959) Section in: ~ticr~adiation "
Research), "The effect of microwave radiation (24,000 !'!c) on the oale endocrine system of the r3t"

553, GU~~. S. A., GOULD, T. C., & ~\~E~SO~, II. A. D. (1961) LaboratorJ Investigations 10:301-314, (Also in: Deichmann, w. B.,
~· (1959)1 Section in: Microwa·:e !'.adiation Research), "The effect of mcrowave radiation on morpholop:y and function of rat

554. GUNTER, R., ~ al. (1958) Arch. of O;>hthalmology 60:437-442, "Sol:le effects of diathermy currents on eye tissues"

555, GURYEV, V. N. (1962) In: S=ries of reports, Questions of the Biological Effect of a Sril'-UHF E1ectrocagnetic Field.
Kirov Ord<Or of Lenin ~tilitary Medical Acade!:l}', Leningrad, Pi'• 20-21, "Soue problems of the adjustment of people to SHF-UHF
effects under industrial conditions"

556, CURYEV, v. N. (1965) Ekspertiza Trud i Tru.d Pri nerv 1 Psikhicheskikh Zabel. 18(18):121-127, (JPRS 3&,164), "niencephalic
disorders in persons exposed to SHF-~1iF electracagnetic fields for prolonged periods-of tice"

3203. GUSAROV, D.V. (1971)~ Voen. Med. Zh., _(J):bl-6l~, (I;-· ~'....:s'::.), 11
E:~:'='~ :,c'~; 0r, -+-~,,- ~~!";~-
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_._. · : :.' / hr":=-./1·"-'_," ;_.,r~t'.,_')!'f'lC~
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2394. GUTKIN, V.S. (1966), Materialy. In: Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia. Materials of the All-Union Symposium
on Problema of Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia [Electronarcosis], Dedicated to the 20th Year of the Electrosleep
Method, pp. 59-60, (In Russ.), "Morphological changes in various sections of the brain during electroanesthesia".

2395. GUY, A.W. (1961), Nat'l. Acad. of Sci., Nat'l. Res. Council, U.S. Nat'l Commit~ee, Internat. Union of Radio
Science, Spring Meeting, April 8-10, "Quantification of electromagnetic fields and their effects on biological media".

557. CUY, A. W. (1971) IEEE Trans, on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special Issue on Biological Effects of Microwaves)
HTT-19(2):205-214, "Analyses of electraoagnetic fields induced in biological tissues by theroographic studies on equivalent
phantom models"

558, GUY, A. W. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwav~ Theory and Techniques (Special Issue on Biological Effects of Microwaves')
MTT-19(2):214-223, "Electromagnetic fields and relative heating patterns due to a rectangular aperture source in direct con-
ta'C't"'With bileyered biological tissue"

2396. GUY, A.W. (1972), Report by ANSI C.95 Sectional Committee on Radio Frequency Hazards, Subcommittee IV on safety
levels and/or tolerances with respect to personnel, "Research needed for setting of realistic safety standards".

3469. GUY. A.W. (1975), In: AGARD Rept. entitled "Radiation Hazards" (Rept. #1\GARD-LS-78), Aug., "On EMP safety

2397. GUY, A.W., HARRIS, F.A., & HO, H.S. (1971), Presented at the Internat. Microwave Power Inst.(IMPI) Symp., Naval
Postgraduate School, May 26-28, Monterey, Calif., "Quantitation of the effects of microwave radiation on central nervous
system function".

2823. GUY, A.W., JOHNSON, C.C., LIN, J.C., EMERY, A.F., & KRANING, K.F. (1973), Un1v. of Washingtoc, Seattle, Report (for
the period 21 Aug 72- 18 Jan 73), on Contract No. F41609-73-C-0002; 7757-01-30, (Doc. # SAM-TR-73-13), "Electromagnetic
power deposition in man exposed to high-frequency fields and the associated thermal and physiologic consequences".

2398. GUY,A.W., & KORBEL, S.F. (1972), Presented at the Internat. Microwave Power Inst. (IMPI) Symp., Ottawa, Canada.
May 24-26, "Dosimetry studies of an UHF cavity exposure chamber for rodents".

2399. GUY, A.W., & LEHMANN, J.F. (1966), IEEE Trans. on Bio-Med. Eng., BME-13(2):76-87, "On the determination of an
optimum microwave diathermy frequency for a direct contact applicator".

2400. GUY, A.W., LEHMANN, J.P., McDOUGALL, J.A., & SORENSEN, C.C. (1968), In: Thermal Problems in Biotechnology, ASME,
New York, pp. 26-45, "Studies on therapeutic heating by electromagnetic energy".

2824. GUY, A.W., LEHMANN, J.F., & STONEBRIDGE, J.B. (1974), Proceedings of the IEEE, g(i\:55-75, (Jan.), "Therapeutic ap-
plications of electromagnetic power".

559. GUY, A. w.,
6 LEHMANN, J. F. (1967) Digest of the 7th Internet. Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering (Jacobson,
B., ed.), Stockholm, p. 396 only, "Determination of electromagnetic heating patterns in huoan tissues bv toermographic studies
on phantom modele"
2401. GUY, A.W., LIN, J.C., & HARRIS, F.A. (1972), Presettted at the Internat. Microwave Power Inst. (IMPI) Symp., Ottawa,
Canada, May 24-26, "The effects of microwave radiation on evoked tactile and auditory CNS response in cats".

3~04, GUY, A.W., LIN, J.r., K~:AMAR, r.r)., & EMERY, A.f. (:!_q?4),_ llniv. \·,f Washin~.ton~ Sci~nt;f. Nu. to 'Iff i, of
Naval Research, (Jan.), "Quant itation of microwavf' radiatio:~ efff"cts on the eyes (~f rubbit·- dt and g18 ~~Hz".

.. 560. CVOZDIKOVA, z. ~1., ANAN'Ye'V, V. ~., ZEYINA, l. N., & ZAK, V. I. (19&4) Biulleten Eksperimental'nov Biologii i Meditainy,
~~acow, 58(8):63-68, (Abstr, in~ Biological~£! Electromasnetic ~- Annotated Bibliograohy, ATU Rept P-6~-17,
1965; aliic) abatr. in Biological Effects of ~crowaves, ATD-P-65-68, 1955, pp. 45-47), (JPRS 26,725, 11 64-419b2, Oct. 1964,
pp. 31-, N64-32782), 11 SensitivitY""'fti\erahbit central nervous sysuo to a continuous (non-pulsed) ultranigh frequency electro-
magnetic: field"
561, CVOZDIKOVA, z. K., ZENINA, I. :l., & ZAK, V. I. (1964) Trudy :at Cigiyena Truda i Profzabol'l'aniyaA.'IN SSSr., _(2):20-25,
(Abstr. in: :!!!!, Biological ~of ~ Freauency Electromagnetic ~. Moscow), "The effect of continuous SIIF-UHF electro-
magnetic fields on the central necvoua syste::a11

5b2, HAASE, w., & SCHLIEPIIAKE, E. (1931) Strahlentherapie 40:133-158, (In German), "Investigations concerninl! the influence of
short electrical waves on the growth of bacte~a" ---

563, IIADUCII, S., BARANSKI, S., & CZERSKI, P. (1960) Lekarz \lojskowy (Army Surgeon), Poland, Jb(2):119-125, (l'ransl. NASA-
TT-F-8143), "Research into the influence of high frequency electrooagnetic fields on the human body"; ibid,, 36(8):792-803,
(FTD-TT 61-379-1, AD 270774), "Biological effect of c:m and dm electromagnetic waves" --

564. IIADUCII, s., BARANSKI, s., & CZERSKI, P. (1962) In: H~.~~~~&n Problecs £!Supersonic and ltvpersonic: Fligllt, Barbour, A. B.,
& Whittingham, H. F., (eda.), Pergamon Press, pp. 449-454, 11 The influence of ultrahigh frequency radio waves on the human

565, HAGGIS, c. H., BUCIIANA.~, T. J., & !lASTED, J. B. (1951) Nature ill,: 607-608, "t:stimation of protein hvdration by dielectric
meuureaents at aicrowave frequencies"

:!173. IIAWt:S, C. F., JR., & IIATCli, T. (1952) Heating and Ventilatin?, c:ove:nber), pp.?, "Industrial heat exp011Ures, evalua-
tion anJ control"

3470. HALBERG, F., CUTKOMP, L., NELSON, W., & SOTHERN, R. (1975), Rept., Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis Chronobiology
Labs, (AD #A019-958), (28 Aug.), 66 pps., "Circadian rhyttwns in plants, insects and ma11111als exposed to ELF magnetic
and/or electric fields and currents."

566, HALL, G. A., & SCIILEGEL, w. A. (1967) Arch. of Ophthalmology ~:521-, "Relative bursting strength of rabbit sclera
after cryosurgery and diathermy"

567. HALL, w. w., & WAKEFIELD (1927) J, of the U.r. l·1edical Assoc. !!:177-182, "A studv of ex:peri.,ental heat stroke"

2825. HALLENGA, K. (1972), Thesis, Groningen (Netherlands), "The dynamics of hydrophobic interaction: A microwave dielectric

3471. HALLGREN, R. (1973), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-20(6):470-472, (Nov.), "Inductive neural

568, HALPHEN, A., & AUCI.... IR, J. (1933) Arch. of Physical Therapy 14:69-71, "A new form of D'Arsonvalization; the short waves"

2826. HAMBURY, H.J., WATSON, J., SIVYER, A., ~ASHLEY, D.J.B, (1971), Nature (London), 231( ) :190- , "Effects of rnicroamp
electrical currents on bone .!!!.. vivo and its measurement using strontium-as uptake''.

2174. HAMER, J.R. (1968), Report• Spa<·e Biology Laboratory, Brain Research Institute, Un1v. of Calif., Los Angeles,
(N68-16115), (NASA CR or TMX Cl-92700-04, AF496381387), •Effects of low level. low frequency electric fields on
ractfon tf~~e.•
2827. HAMID, M.A.K., & BADOUR, s.s. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, !!_(3/4) :267-273, "The effects of microwaves on green algae".

2828. HAMID, M.A.K., !!_ al. (1968), J. of Microwave Power, l(3): "Control of grain insects by microwave power".

2402. HAMID, K.A., BOULANGER, R.J., HODGSON, G.C., KONDRA, P.A., SMITH, K., & BRAGG, D.B. (1969), J. of Microwave
Power,~( ):253-256, "The effect of microwave radiation on the growth and reproduction of chickens".

3205. HAMID, M.A.K., BOULANGER, R.J., TONG, S.C., GALLOP, R.A., & PLRF:IRA, R.k. (lq69), J. of Microwave Power,
~(4):272-277, "Microwave pasteurization of raw milk'' .

3472. HAMID, M.A.K., MOSTOWY, N.J., & BHARTIA, P. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, !Q(l):l09-114 (Mar.), "Microwave
bean roaster."

2080, ~~LD. M. A, K., SOL\~, W, M., & TONG, s. C. (1970) J. of ~~crowave Power 1:44-46, (Abstr, in: Non-ionizing Rad. !(4 ):
193 oaly, (1970)), "Microwave irr~atioa of potato-waate vater"

2081. ~~lD. M, A. K., & BOL~~tA. l. J. (1969) J. Microwave P~er 4:11-18, (Abstr. in: Non-ionizing Rad, 1(2):102 only, ( 1969 ),
Abatraet #40), "Sew method for eoctrol o! aoiature and insect in!eatationa of grain by microwave power"

2829. HAMILTON, R., KETTERER, 0., HOLST, H. I., & LEHR, H.B. (l96R), Cryobiology, .±_{5): , "Rapid thawing of frozen canine
kidneys by microwaves".

2830. HAMRICK, P.E. (1973), Radiation Research, 56(2) :400-404, "Thennal denu.tural1on of DNl1 exposed to 24SO MHz cw micro-
wave radiation".

2831. HAMRICK, P.E., & BUTLER, B.1'. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, .§_(3/4) :227-2_U, "Exposure of bacteria to 2450 MHz micro-
wave radiation''.

569, IIANDELSHAN, M. (1951) Proc. of Tri-service Conf. on Biological Hazards of Hicrowav" Radiation (Pattishall, E. G., ed.)
1:23-31, (Abstr. in: Naval ~ledical :-.ews Letter 30(11):36-, 1957, '~!icrrn•ave radiation hazards"), (1\r• 115603, ARDC-!R-58-51),'
"Future r.•icrowa~>e radiation hazarc!s"

3206. HANKIN, N.N. (1974), Office of Radiation Programs, J.~. En·viror;nen1aJ ['rot••(_'' ~nn ( :2;j lver :~pring, f-1IJ 2u'HU)
Report No. EPA-520/2-74 .. 008, (Dec.), "An evaluation of selected satellite c·Jrnmuni ..·a~ 1·1] c:ystf-'rTi5 as sour·r of
environmental microwave rarliation". [With commer;ts on ;-'Otencial and reali~,t_jc l,iJ~o;< :·.-;.~d~; r·valuationJ

3473. HANKIN, N.N., TELL, R.A., & JANES, D.E. (1974), Health Physics, 27(6):633- , "Assessing potential for exposure
to hazardous levels of microwave radiation from high power sources." -

572, HANLON, J. J. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biolosical Effects and Eealth Ii:>plications of mcrowave Radiation" Symposium,
(Cleary, S. F., ed. ), Bur, of, Health, Div, of Bio, Effects, Rept. :;o. 70-2, pp. 116-121, "Cellular effects of microwave

3207. HANNAH, S., (1974), Eh~....:tronics Letteis, 10(14):Ji4-_'/6, "Cont inuc''l:'~ 'Tl•Jf,itur ot- ,~J:J)-J,t_rnu.c lev(•l·. rnicrnw 1v•

573. HANNE~IAN, G, D.· (1967) Aerospace ~ed. _:275-277 :, "Changes produced in urinarv sodium, potassiu:r., a:~d calcium excretion
in mice exposed to homogeneous electrooagnetic stress

2832. HANSEN, T.I., & KRISTENS, J.H. (1973), Scandinavian..,, of Rehabilitation Medicine, 5(4):179-182, "Effect of massage,
shortwave diathermy and ultrasound upon Xe-133 disappearance rate from muscle and subcutan€0us tissue jn human calf".

574. HARDEMAN, L. J. (1970) Microvavea 2_(2):p. 17 and P• 24 (Feb.), ':~icrowa·1e oveo le•ir.age: Federal regulatioDil aooo"

2U56. 1 1 ,\Rlll::,;~•• L. J. (cu.) (1911) ·:icro1-"aves 1J(<>):9-12, (,\uf.), ":·.::rc:·"a,·e i:ca;:b.> heci's F:..:. foil hijackers"

575, HARDY, J. D. (1961) Report to 0~~ froa Univ. of Peana., Moore School o: Llectr1cal Engineering, (4 pages~ (AD 615472),
"Phyaiological effects of heating the skin with microwave and infrared radiatioo: final report"

576, HARDY, J. D. (ed,) (1968) The~l Problema in Aerospace ~edicine, Tne Advisory Group for Aerospace Rea. & Develop.,
NATO, Techoivtaion Services, Maidenhead, England TIDcluding cicrovave radiation effects]. (~s. ~. N69-25051)

577. HARDY, "'• D., & MURCATII.OYD, D. (1958 or later) ref.?, "Responses of :oan to high intensity thermal radiation"

1995, ?.AJ'~'!S::::!i, ;:_ (1953) >.rch. phys:l:.. 7.'>era;>. 1_:331-335, (ln Cennan), "The lethal effect of meter vavea on insecta"

1995. ~~-'!S~, E. (195~) Arch. ~78· 133:278, (In Ge~n) •en t~e oiological effect of ultra-short waves of low field strength
on. :at&"

3208. HARRIS, r.A. (1969), Biomedical Engint'ering Societi· Task, force Re~,t. ~ "A recommendatior: conc:ernin.~=; thF: im~hJrtance
of quantitative studies of the effect of microwave irradiation on the central n•~rvou~ 2yc.tem".

2403. HARRIS, J.F., & CAMOW, R.I. (1972), Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 2_:187-189, (May), "An analysis of heat
receptors by means of microwave radiation".

3474. HARRIS, P. (ed.) (1975), Microwaves, J.i(6):24 only (June), "Biological effects of micr:owaves probed by OTP [Office
of TelecOIIJilunications Policy]."

3475. HARRIS, P. (ed.) (1976), Microwaves, ~(4):19 only (April), "Soviet jamming prompts new health questions: Recent
news accounts that the Soviet Government is beaming high-level [non-ionizing electromagnetic] energy at the U.S. embassy
in Moscow to jam American listening devices is prompting a second look here at the dangers of microwave dosage to health."

2833. HARRISON, E.A. (1973), National Technical Information Service (Springfield, VA), Search No. NTIS-WIN-73-070, Document
No. COM-73-11720, (Oct.) , "Biological effects of microwaves: A bibliography with [authors] abstracts".

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TTY D.W. & WAGNER, N.K. (197~), Naval Research Reviews, (Hay/June), (NAVSO-P-510), n. 12-16,
3209. HA RT ' A• R• ' McQUI , ' • II
"RF susceptibility of aicro-electronl.c components •

HARTE, c. (l949) Chra.osoaa 1(5):44~447 0 "Mutation activity through ultrashort vaves"

) Chromosoma, 30( ):123-128, (In Ger.), "Mitosis in root tips of~~·
2834. HARTE, c., 5 ZINECKER-BRAUER, I. (1970 • radl.'o waves and the variability of relative mitosis frequencies".
III.Corralations betwaen the solar radiation of .

580. HA!lTMAN, F. W. (1937) J. Of th ~ ,_

~ •_.r, Medical Aasoc. _109:2116•2121, "Lesions of tha brain following fever therapy:
etiology and pathogeneaia"
• HARTMAN, F. w. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-servica Conf. on the Biological Effects of Micro:ave Energy (Pattishallo B. c •• '
Banghart. F. w•• eis.~ !:54-70, (AD 131477, ARDC-TR-58-54), "The patho~ogy of hyperpyrexia
• HARTMAN, F. w. (l959) La presse 1Udical§l:l51-, (tD Prench), "BiolOgical _effeeta of nltrashort eleetroaapat:l.c radio vavea•
• HARTMUTH. z. (l954) Zh. Natu:rforsch. 96:257- 0 (In GeriiWl), "The electrical characteristics of biological substancea at
wavelengths of about 1/10 meter"
584. HARVEY. A. p, (1963) Microwave Engineerina. Acadeaic Press. Nev York

1997. :=.J..::."lE:'!, A.. 1. (1%0) ?roc. o~ t:-.~ Ir.. t •.of Electrical Eogin~ers 107:557-566, "Industrial, bioloaical, and medical aspects
of eiero~ve raii~tion"

3476. HARVEY, W.T., & HAMILTON, J.P. (1964), Thesis, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, Air U.
(Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio), (AO #608889), GE/EE/64-11, 56 pps., "Hearing_sensations in amplitude modulated radio
frequency fields."
1998. :'ASC~, "E. (l94G) ! ,!:613, "The action of short waves on tiSIIue"
1999. F.ASi:i::, J., & !HKO!...UCZYi:, z. (1'100) Polski Tygoenik teltarski ,!1:817-820, (In Polish), "lt~t.,ntion of suaar, choluterol,
a::c! lipi.:.S !:: tl::e blood ot" dia~e:ics 1.::uie~ the it:flue:::ce of short va·~es"

3477. HAUF, G. (1974), Dissertation, ETZ 26 Heft,!£( ):318-320 (Munich), "Investigations on the action of technical
energy fields on man."
2835. HAUF. R•• & WIESINGER, J. (1973). Intemat. J. of Btc.eteorot. • .!Z.( ):ZU-215. •atologfcal effects af technical
electric and elect~gnetfc VLF fields."
2404. HAWKINS, T.D., GROVE, H.M., HEIPLE, T.W., & SCHROT, J. (1973), Rapt., Dept. ~f Microwave Res., Walter Reed Army
Inst. of Res., 35 pps., "Some biological effects of microwave irradiation on the rat , [Lethality studies at 3 GHz, and
studies of behavioral performance decrements].

2175. 1~\ASI, 0, (1938) Acta Soc. Ophthal~. Jap. 42:1747-1758, (ln Jap., vith Ger. su~rv), (Abstr. in: Zentralb1. f. d, 2es
Ophth. 42(12):591 (liar 21, 1939)), "r.xperioental iiiVestiJ;!ation on the effect of ultrashort waves on the eye. Report I, Ufect
on the viscosity and the refractive index of the aqueous and the vitreous humor"

2176. IU\YASI, 0, (1939) Acta Soc. Ophtha1n. Jap. 43(7):1727-1736, (In Jap. with Ger. sumr4rv on pp. 101-102), (Abstr. in:
Zentralbl. f. d. r.cs. Ophth. 4 7 (2): 25 (Sept 30, 1941)), "Cxperit:~ental investhation on the influence of ultrashort waves on tne
eye. P.eport Il. The influenC'e' of the te;,perature on eye tissues"

585. RAYWOOD, A. L. (1960) Wright Air Developaent Technical Rpt #6Q-551, (Oct. 1960) 0 "Radar radiation hazards in the near
field of aperture antennas"

3478. HEALD, C.M., MENGES, R.M., & WAYLAND, J.R. (1974), Plant Disease Reporter, 58(11 ):985-987, "Efficacy of ultra-
high frequency (UHF) electromagnetic energy and soil fumigation on control of renirorm nematode and common purslane
among southern peas." '

586. HEALER, J. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Bioloaica1 Effects and Health !.p1ications of Micravave Radiation" Symposium•
(Cleary, s. F•• ed.). Bur. of Rad. Health. Div. of Bio, Effects. Rept. So. 7o-2, PP• 9Q-97, "Review of studies of people
occupationally exposed to radio frequency radiation"
2837. HEALER, J. (1973), Presented in Seminar on Prospects for Research on Biomedical Effects of Nonionizing Radiation,
held by a National Research Council Ad Hoc Committee, (21 Mar.), "Research into biomedical effects of nonionizing radia-
tion and the current government-wide program".

• 2838. HEALER, J. (1973), In: Environmental Exposure for Nonionizing Radiation: Session Proceedings, (Annual Meeting of
the American Public Health Assoc.), published by the EPA, Doc. No. EPA/ORP 73-2, (May), "Federal program on biological
eftects of electromagnetic energy" •

. 587. HEALER, J. • & POLLACK, H. (1967} Allied Research Assoc., Inc. (Ccncord, Mus.), Final Report No. liRA 348-1. "Review of
information on hazards to personnel from high frequency electromagnet~c radiation"

S88. HEALD, J. 0 & SMILEY, ll. (1967) Allied ba..rch A..oe. o Inc. (Co:1cord, ~.Aaa.), bpt. No. loJA 319-3-1 (38 pa...). •~t~tu­
araphy on bio1oaica1 effecta of microwave rediatioD - a aamp11ng of ~e world literatere•

589. HEALER J., & SMILEY, Jt. {1968) Allied baearch Allaoc., Inc. (Coacord, Mass.), lept. No. AltA 376-l, •s- biolo&ical
effecta of radio-frequency radiation"

S90. RIALft, J., & SMILEY, lt. (1969) Allied lueareh Allaoc., Inc:. {Ccneord, Mua.), Su:=ury lapt. No. AltA 9061P, ia thr•
voluaes, {~ 704712), "Bibliography on biolosieal effecta of radio-fre~uenc:y electroaagua~c fields"

2840. JIIALBK, J., & SMILEY, R. (1969), Final Tech. Rept. III, Contract DADA17-69-<:-9021, U.S. Anly·Medieal R5D Colaan4,
WaahJ.ngton, DC, Doe. No. ARA 9G6ll", (AD 1706 236), Allied Rea. Auoe., Inc., concord, Ma. . . , "Citation index for foreiqn
language report& on biological effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields".
2839. HEALER, J., a SMILEY, R. (1969), Ftnal Tech. Rept. I, Doc. No. ARA 9GIS1f, Allied Res. Assoc., Inc., (AD 1706-851),
"&.rol-ution of a prototype data retrieval sysu. for literature on bfologkal effects of radfo-frequenc:y fields. •

S9l. HEA!UI, G. E. {1965) Thais, Baylor Univ., 77 pasea; aud BEA..~>'i, G. !., & TBOMPSO!I, w. D. (1968~ In preparation (!),
"Effects of UHF radio fields on visual acuity and critical flicker fusion in the Albino rat" , "
592. HEARON, J. z. (1964) (Part of Ely and Goldman's (1964) report entitled "aeating char~cteriatica of laboratory ant.ala•
exposed to 10 em microwavea"), IEEE Trana. on Biomedical Engineering , SM::-,!!(4):135-137, SO!!Ie math-tical conatderat~

2836. HEASTY, D., & HEIMER, G.M. (1973), Naval Ship Engineering Center Rept., (Dee.), "RF-burn voltmeter study".

593. HEDEfUUS, P. • ODEBLAD, E., a WAHI..STR04, L. (1966), Current Therapeutic Research. 8(7): 317-321. •5o11e prelf•inary
fnYestfgations on the therapeutic;: effect of pulsed short .-aves fn .inter~~ittent claudication. •

3210. HEDRICK, H.G. (1964), In: Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields, (BARNOTHY, M.F., (ed.)], Plenum Press NY,
(Citation #63, this Biblio.), pps. 240-245, "Inh~bition of growth in homogenous fields". '

594. UEDVIG, P •• & ZENTAI, G. (1969) The Chemical Rubber Pub. Co., Cleveland, Ohio (Tranal. from Bunaarian), 462 paaes,
Microwave Study .!!! Olemical Structures ,!!!!! R.eac tiona

2405. HIERING, H., & van OSCH, P.K.M. (1971), lept. MBL-8, Bibliography, Bioloaical effects of microwave radiation,
Part 2, The Hague - Netherlands. 55 pp.

2406. BEEitlNG, H., & van OSCH, P.M.M. (1971), R.ept. MBL 1971-7, Biologtcal Effects of Microwave Radiation_ Part 1 ,
The Hague-Netherlands, 40 pp.

3479. HEFCO, V., HEFCO, E., & BIRCA! C. (1969), R~vue Roumaine de Biologie-Serie de Zoologie, 14( ):79-85, "Influence
of the magnetic field (MF) on glycem1a, pyruvic ac1d (PA) and lactic acid (LA) in white rat blood:''

595. HEIMER, G. (1966) Unpublished Report (Naval Ship Engineerins Center, Washington, D. c.), ~avy radio frequency radia-
tion hazards prosr8111"

596. HEIMER, G. M. (1967) (Classified) "Report of shipboard (USS DECA!UR (DDG-31)) eleetrosasneti~ radiation baaard ....ure-
-nts" (U)
(llintv; Issue)
597. HEIMER. G. M. ( 1970 ) Fatho• ( Surface Ship & Submarine Safety Review); U. s. Navy Safety Center, pp. 5a-60J Sblpboaid
RP' burn ha;:arcla"

598. HEIMEll, G., & HEASTY. D. (1969) Naval Ship Ensineering Center. ;laahington, D. c•• "Report of IF burn investiaation
{on the) USS WICHITA (AOR-1)"

599. HEIMER, G., & BOWARD, K. (1961) Safety Rerlew ll(4) :11-, "Navy radio frequency radiation hazards prosr. ."
600. HEINLE, R., & PHELPS. R. (1933) Aoer. J. of Physiology 1Qi:349-, -rhe effect• of short radio-vavea on perfnaad eats

2407. HEINLE, R.W., & PHELPS, K.R. (1933), American J. of Physiology, 104( ):347-348, "The effect of short radio waves
and heat on the elasticity of the aorta".

601. HEINMETS, F., & HERSitlAN. A. {1961 l. Physics in Med. and Biology, 5:271-288. •considerations of the effects produced
11,1 super~t111p0sed electric and .agnet1c fields 1n biological systea and electrolytes. •

602. HELLER. J. H. (1959) Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. on Electrical Techniques in Med. and Biology, Digest of"Tech. Papers,
(Levie Winner, pub., New York, Nov.), p. 56 only. "The effee.t of electro::agnetic f:!.elc!s on uni-cellular organis111S
603. HELLER. J. H. (1959) Radio Electronies_(6):6-, "Effect of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on micro-orgaais..•

3126. HELLER, J.H. (1960), Qf~!!!!!_and Molecules: "A research scientist tells the story of his challenging, vastly
exciting work at the frontiers of medicine", Charles Scribner's Sons Publisher, N.Y., (contains a chapter describing
research on biological effects of RF/microwave radiation).
604. B!l.l.D.. .J. 1!. (Bill) u. S. Pat. 3,095,359, "!!ipfrequeocy tnat-nt of biological matt•:r·•

E05. liD.ILi. .J. E. (1969) ?r~CDted at t.'le !!uarcla aDd OtUity of !licrovavu and R.lldio,;an" Seadnar, (Heller, J., Clua. ),
11-12 Dec •• ao.t.oo, "Cb.airaan'a re::aarit.a .. ; "Areaa ot .,..t1Du&l ud illduatrial con<"ern - no:cioua and beneficial"; aod "Future
reaurc:b re<;uir_u ..

606. l!n.l.!3, J. ll. (1970) lo: ?To<. of tbe " E!fecta a:n;! i!ultb t.plica~ioos of Microwave Radiation" Sympoaiua,
(Cleary, s. ?., ed.), 3a::. of il.acl. Bu.lth, Div. of !io. !theta, le;>t. So. 7o-2, pp. 116-121, "Cellular effects of lllicrovave

3211. HELLER, J.H. (1970), Proc. ot the Internat. MiC'rowave Power Inst. Symp., Scheveningen, Neth~rlands, (Oct.), 11
thermal genetic effects of RF".

3212. HELLER, J.H., WILKINS, D.J., & fREEBORN, J.f. (1963), Nature, 197( ),997-998, "Effect of radio-frequency ti<'lcls
on the zeta-potential of a colloidal suspension".

607.~-u.::ll, J. il., &. !!ICUT, c. a. (19!!1) Di~eat of the 4th Inter-

...u. Coaf. on Medical Elet::tronics (July), p. 152 only,
"Son-the~ effect.s of radio frequr.>cy in bioloJi<:&l systeM ....

608. ~. J. 11 •• 6 niX! nA-P~. A. A. (1958) &e:i:ulo-la.dotbalia1 System Bulletia ~: 10-11, "Futher investigatioo into
radio freque~cy e!fecta vbieh ~r to be acti?e on the retic~~:halial system in whole-body irradiation•"

609. E::I..I.n, J. s., 6 n!XE"Uit-PDi'!O, A. A. (1959) Sature ill,(4.b65) :905-906, "A new physical 111ethod of creating chromoaoaa1

3480. HENDERSON, H.M., HERGENROEDER, K., & STUCHLY, S.S. (1975), J. of Microwaore Power, !Q(1):27-36 (Mar.), "Effect
of 2450 MHz microwave radiation on horseradish peroxidase."

610. ~~!l, E. (1959) Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. on Elictrical Techniques in Ked. and Biology, Digeat of Tech. Papers,
~·~inner, pub., ~York. 1o-12 Sov.), p. 37 only, ..Sooe observation& regarding teaperature sensations due to

611. ~u:i, !.. (19')8) In:~ mble. ~ Aeros:>&ee Medic!..::e. (Hardy, J. D., ed.), The Advisory Croup for Aeroapace
Jtuearci> & r.-~nt, &A!O, l'.ai<!e:uuaad, t::.J!,aA.S, p. 14~161, "cctceoua receptor respoase to l:dcrovava irradiation"

612. ~"DU3., !., & a.uDY. J. D. (1960) l:»titute of J.adi.o En~•·~ 7(3):143-152, (PTeseoted at 12th Annual Conf. on Ele-c-
trical !ech:t!q-. in Mad. and Binlos:r. llo?. 1957, Pb~lpb:!.a, Pa.), •tafrared and llicrowave effects on akin heating and te.para-
ture aeuaation•

570. HCID!.ER, E., 6 HARDY, .J. D. (1961) Federation Proceeding& l.Q.(Part 1) :401-, '':1icrowave neating of the human skin" 1 (Sea
4th l 1613,
571. HE'H>!.ER, E., 6 IIARDY, J. D. (1961) l>igeat of/Internat. Conf. on ~.edit::al, pectronics, Biological Eff:cts of Mit::rowaves,\ thia
.! (Atherma1 Aspects), (Frolll&lt!r, P. !.. , ed.), Plenum Press, !lew York, !'P• 192-, 'Heating of hucan skin bv m1.crowave radiation 1 Bihlio

613. I!.!SDU3., E., & BllDY, J. D. (1961) See c.itat.ioa So.. 570 & 571; Ulcorrectly liated under BANDLER

614. li:DU)u:i. E•• B.AA:l!, J. D., 6 ~. D. (1963) In: T~e:a:cre-.,!!! Meaaure~:~ent ~ ~!:!, ~ ~ Induat!:I,,
3, Pan 3, Qu:;>t. 21, l!.eUlhold Pub. eo •• Sev Yorlt, p. 211-230, us~ heating and temparature sensation produced b) infrared aa.d
'id.crovave i~tian•

2841. HENNEB!RG, G., & JORDANSKI, H. (1972), Zentralblatt fur Bakteriol. Hygiene, I. Abt. Orig., A-221( ):386-397 (In Ger.),
"~xperiment on the effect of cells and tissues. Part III: Effect of irradiation with red-light an~rowaves on ~ino­
~..,;yt"-31~ in FL cell cultures.,.

2842. HENNEBERG, G., & JORDANSKI, H. (1972), Zentralblatt fur Bakteriol. Hygiene, I. Abt. Orig., A-221( ) :398-416, (In Ger.),
"Experiment on the effect of cells and tissues. Part IV: Effect of irradiation with red-light and microwaves on the react-
ivity of the chorioallantoic membrane".

615. ~~'Y, C. C., '!ASST. !!., VJ.L, A. 11.., \IAT!'S, B. !1., ir CA.'!l'u..:.:.;~::. R. (1970) Io: ?roc. ~r the "Biologi.::al Effet::ts and
l!ealt.'l !3plic.at1Dua of ~crovave !!.ad.iatioo" Sy:spoaic:a, (Cleary, s. ? •• ed.), !lur. or Rad, Health, Div. of Bio. Effects~ Re!>r.
Ilia. 7o-2, ill'• 6~9, •studies of biolosic:&1 h-ard& frow high-pove:: z:! band tranSllitters"

616. li!:SJ.IQC"'t.S. ?. C., .TR.. (1947) Arch. of Pat!lolos:r !1,:48~-502, ,.Stueiea of thenoal injury~ V. n1e pretl!ctaHHty and the
aipifi~u of oe~ly-iod..eed rau proce. . ea le.adi:li to irrenn!ble epidermal injury"

!~~=~". IIBPPNER, F. (1965), Medical Clinic, 60(22): p.?, "Brain-surgery experilllents concerned with the nature of electro-

3213. HEP!,AN, W.A., & BASSEN, H. (1975), Dept. of Hedlth, r::Jucation, and Welfare, Bureau of Rddiological Health Publica-
tion (fDA) 75-8028, (Mar.), T';--I<:cise microwave power df'nsity calibration method using the power equation techniques~~.

20 6 4 • lii:I:I:I:I:U, &. (1969) i\rner. J. of r;1Vsiol. 217:40)-l,lO, ''P.adio-fre:•"e:.c:.--current an:! c!o<ect-current lesions in the vtntro-
t1e<lial hypothnlamus"

617. R!R1ICX, J. ?. (1952) ?reaent.C at In~titute of i&dio Eu~ee~s Sational Conveation, New York, "Applit::ation of microwaves
in physical ~d!cine•

618. f!EniCX, J. (19S8} Proc. hd 'rrl-seniee Couf. on the lUologieal Effects of Microwave Energy (Pattlahall, E.G., 6
Janghan, 7. w., e~.l 2:3a-96, (..U.O, Digut of Papers, 12th Annual Cont. on Electrical TecbDiquea 1n Heclic:iae
ancl Bioloc (Se::nrc, R.-P., Om.), (195~), Lev1a ililmer, Pub., !W!v '!orlt, p. 60 only), "Pearl chain fol'llation"

619. URitlO::, J. F., .n:LA.'liS, D. c., 6 LEE, G. H. (19.50) Federation Proceeclinga !:60-, "Dielectric properties of tiaauea ~
portaut in llicrowave di.atheny•

620. EZUIO:, J. P., i JI:AUS!:.'C, 7. B. (1952) Pqer pruutecl at A:Mr. wtitute of Electrical Engineers s - r Heetilllo IUanea-
polu, Millll., J~me, (..U.O, ,!!:239-244, (19S3)), "Certa1n physiologic ancl patbolo&ic effects of .S.crovavea•

621. I!!UICX.. J. 1., & DDS!:.'C, r. B. (1956) :XU.titute of lladio E:!gineera TTau. on Medical Electronics, PGHE-Iul0-12 (aDCI
SJ111Podu:a oa P'byaiologic: and Pathologic Effects of Microwaves (Kruam, F. H., Chill.), Mayo Clinic, Sept. ifis)"'lfprobl- vbic:b
are eballe:1i1-:l1 i:rvestigaton 1a 11edic:iae"

622. BD3.!0:, J. ?., ~Di, c., i:RVS:t:tr, F., & lli.I:nf, lt. (1950) He<l.ic:al ~ys1c:a._:2 (Vol. or p.'l), "Pbyaicalllecliclne: .S.crov-

623. ~. A. (1957) Proc. of lat TTi-aerric:e Couf. ou 31.olog1c:al Hazards of Microwave llacliat1on (Pettishall, E. c.,
eel.) .!:1-4, "I:ltroeoetiOII to biological effec:ta o~ l!lic:rowa?e ra.d.iat!o::t conference"

2177. \IEUllER, R. (1961) Electrome<!, ~:193-209, (Transl. as NJ 0467645-L), "The biological effect5 of microwaves"

2li'B. Hr:r:s. H., & n.ANDALL. r.. (19j2) E.lecc. En;::ine~!". 71:319-E?l, "Pc-ss!ble in·.!ustr:1~ hazarr!s in the use of cticro•..:ave radiation"

2082. HE\"D:::!t"R.EICii, A. (196?) A.."'be.its:.41&:l.n - So&ialloediziu - Arbeiuhniane, c;tuttaart), 4:28D-284, (Abatr. ln: Non-ionizing
Rae. l_(l) :44 ouly, (1971)), "R.acii.atioo-i!!Oac:ed eye leaio!IS" -

20C-o. H!GAS:n. J:. (1948) Scie::>ee (J<~;>&:.) g::.6/-468, "Denaturation of protein by ultra-short waves"

624. HIGASI, J:. (19S0) Monograph ~nes of the llesearch Institute of Applied Electricity, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Jap811 , !:7-19,
" ;orlc~i;>la:s of ultra-abo~ vave therapy a:ad ot.'ler high fre~uency applications"
(in Polish), (A6~803S2),
625. RIGIO., J., & llJ.ll.'>SU. 1J, (1967) Via~ei Leltarskie 20:1433-1438,/"Examillatio!IS of the &eaital organa aDd atucliea of
the me:lBt:rual cycle 1a wv..a 'lo'Orlt!.."li 1a the field of l!lic:rcvaveratiation"

2001. Elt.n:ai'~1Ji", t. (19H) Arcl:.. ex;>. patil. Phar:al:.. 197:148-160, (In German), "Histamine in the blood ancl tissue under the
influence of short waves, ~iathe~. 2nd fango ~ paeL."

626. HILL, r. (195o) J. of the )~r. Cheaical Society (8):2142-, "Some possible biological effects of an electric: field acting
on nucleic: aciC.S o.- ;>rotei:lS" -

3481. HILL, G. (1975), The New York Times, Monday, Nov. 10, Pages 1 and 61, "Ultrahigh-voltage lines studied as
possible peril [to humans and animals]."

3482. HILLS, G.A.~ KONDRA, P.A., & HAMID, M.A. (1974), Canadian J. of Animal Science, 54(4):573-578, "Effects of
microwave radiations on hatchability and growth in chickens and turkeys." -

3483. HILMER, H., & TEMBROCK, G. (1970), Biol. Zbl., 89( ):1-8, (in Gennan), "Investigations on the locomotor activity
of white rats under the influence of 50 Hz high tension-alternating fields."

3214. HINDIN, H.J. (1974), Microwaves, .!2(10):10 only, (Oct.), "New theory proposed [by FOSTER, K., & FINCH, E.] for
hearing microwaves".

2843. HINDIN, H.J. (1974), Microwaves, !1.(2):9 only, (Feb.), "Do you hear what I hear?", [Describes results of the 'RF-Hear-
ing' experiments conducted by A. FREY).

3484. HINDIN, H.J. (1976), Microwaves, ~(3):10 & 14, (Mar.), "Microwaves probe for cancer cells."

3485. HINDIN, H.J. (ed.), (1976), Microwaves,l~(l):24 only, (Jan.), "Controversies persist over biological damage
[resulting from microwave exposure]" [comments on recent paper by CZERSKI, P. (citation no. 3421, this Biblio.)].

627. RISES, H. ~. (l958!)State t~iv. of Iowa, College of MedicL"le (A? Rept. 41(657)-113), "Effects of 3, 10, and 12 c.
radiation 1.70"::1 t.:e n-aac:ular hollow vi.scera of dop"

628. !USES, E. !!.., IY.IG, C• .!., ;, TBC!'.AS05, J. D. (19~8) Proc. o! tbe Society of Ezp,rimental Biology ancl Meclicine !!_s382-
336, "Testicular <!e;;el)erati.on aa a result of llicrovave ra<!iati="

2002. E!!o!:S, B.·~ •• & iU.!\DALL, J. E. (1952) E.lectrcnic Engir.:eering 71:879-881, "Possible industrial hazards in the use of
aicr:y.r•ve ra.C.ia:ioD" - ...
629. HIRSCH, F. G. (19S2) HAS! Conf. on lDduatrial B.ealtb, Ciaciaa.ati, Chlo, April, "Microwave c:a~aracts"

630. HIRSCH, F. C. (l9S6) IDstitute of ll.adio Eogilleers Trans. cr. 'l'·''cal Electronics, I'Q{E..4:22-24 (and s:-:q..:.~.t, _OJ: >'hfa:lo-
logic: and Pathologic: Effec:ta of Microwaves. {ltrua&n, P. H., Cbs.). l'.ayo CHnfc, Sert. 1955), "n.e use of biological a'--leata
1n eati.JIIatiag the dose of microwave enerc"

2179. HIRSCII, F. G. (1970) Lovelace Fot:ndation for :-!edical Education and Research, A-lbuquerque, N. '1., l1 pages, "Hic:rovave
cataracts - A case report reevaluation"

631. Hili.SCii, F. C:, (1970) Paper preaented at 4th Midyear Topical ST-'J)Oiiua, Health Pbya:l.c:a Soc:., Electronic: Product
Radiation .!.!!! !!!! Hualth Pb:raic:bt, Louisville, ~y., 28-30 Jao.; lluraau of lladiatiOD Health, Div. of IUec:troDlc: l'iociiiCta'"'liport
No. 70:26, PP• 111•140, 11Mic:rova't'e cataracts"

2409. HIRSCH, F.G., & BRUNER, A. (co-chan.) (1970), Proceed. of the Tecbaical CoordinatiOil Conference on EHP (Electro-
aaaaetic Pulle) Biological Effects, (July), Spon1ored ~y the Lovelace Fouodation for Mad. !ducat. & Rea., Albuquerque, N. Hex.
2410. HIRSCH, F.G., & BRUNER, A. (1972), J. of Occupational Hediciaa, .!!,(5):380-386, "Ablence of electromagnetic pulse
effects on -mutys and dogs".

2411. HIRSCH, F.G., McGIBONEY, D.R., & HARNISH, T.D. (1968), Interaational J. of Biometeor., 12(3):263-270, "The psychologic
consequences of exposure to high density pulsed electromagneti~ energy".

.. 2003. HIRSCH. F.G •• & PARKER, J. T. (1952), ANA Arch. of Industr. Health, 6(6):512-517. •anateral lenticular opacities
occurrfng fn a technfcfan operating a •fcrowave generator. • [Abstr. fll: o;htit.. Lft •• !(7):913 (Mar. 1954)]

2844. HO, H.S., GINNS, E. I., & CHRISTMAN, C.L. (1973), IEEE G-MTT Transactional SymposiWII Issue, _( ) : , (Dec.),
"Environmentally-controlled waveguide irradiation facility".

3486. HO, H.S., & GUY, A.W. (1975), Health Physics, 29( ):317-324 (Aug.), "Development of dosimetry for RF and microwave
radiation---II: Calculations of absorbed dose distributions in two sizes of muscle-equivalent spheres."

632. HO,; H. s.,

GUY, A. w., SICELMA.'Ill, 11.. A., 'L!IIMANN, J. F. (1971) IEEE Tr8!18, on Microwave Theory end Tecbniquaa (Spec:ial
Iaaue on Bioloet~al Effecta of Microwaves) MTT•l9(2):224-231, "Microwave beating of aiaulated huaan liaba by aperture eoureea•

3487. HO, H.S., & YOUMANS, H.D. (1975), Health Physics, 29( ) :325-329 (Aug.), "Development of dosimetry for RF and
microwave radiation---III: Dose rate distribution in tissue spheres due to measured spectra of electromagnetic plane

633. BODCE, D, M. (ed,)(l968) Report of u:

S, Dept. of Health, Education, aad Welfare, Public Bealtb Service, Pro-
tection aad !Dviro-tal Health Service, EDrl~tal Control Main. 0 Bueau of Radioloaic:al Baalth, Rockville, Kd., s-ry
Report Jan. - Dec., "Radiation blo-effecta•

2180. HOilGJ:, D. !1. (ed.) (1970) for Jan-:Jec 1969, Div. of Bio1o!tical Effects, Sur, Rad. Health, !li1EW (P.ept. No, DBF. 70-1),
(NTIS Rept. No. PB-190-110), 213 pao;es, l'.adiat1on Bio-Effects ~ !'.e?ort
2181. HODGE, D. It, (ed.) (1970) for Jan-Dec 1970, !liv. of Biolodcal Effects, Sur. !tad, P.ealth, Dl!n/ (Peot. No, DRH/DBE 70-7),
267, Radiation Bio-Fffects ~ ~

200•. EOtcca, S., ~~~Sll, s., & CZ!2S~I. P. (1960) Acta ph7aiol. pol, !!:717-719, "Effect of microwave radiationa on the
b u::a:l 0 r g.c! S1lem

634. HOEFT L. o. (1965) Aaroapace Medicine 36(7):621-622, (AMRL TR-64-127, AD 624036), "Microvave beating, a etudy of the
critical ex;osure 't'ariable• for aan and expert.entel an1aa1a•
2412. HOFFART, H.M. (1968), Electro-Technology, ___ ( ):52- , (November), "EMC [electromagnetic compatibility] and radiation

2845. HOFMANN, Von D., et al, (1969), Zbl. Gynaek., 2!_( ) :593-607, (May), "Experilllental studies on the implantation of
32P and 35S in the genital organs of the rat, and its dependence on abort wave irradiation•.

2413. HOLM, D.A., & SCHNEIDER, L.K. (1970), Experientia, ~:992-994, "The effects of non-thermal radio frequency radiation
on buaen lymphocytes in vitro", (Increased incidence of cbromoaoaal brea~s at 27.1 MHz; high power density (10 W?); no
doaimetry indicated].

3215 • HOLT, J.A.G. (1974), Australasian Radiology, 18(1):15-17, (Har.), "The,cure o~ cancer: A p;,eli~ina:;y hypothesis",
[using microwave radiatio~ :herapyJ,.and, ibid •• 18(2);~90 only, (June 1974), Editor~al hypotheses , [~n l~eu of the
promised second article g~v1ng techn~cal ana-cl~nical ~nformation).

2414. HOLZAPFEL, w. (1964), Dissertation. Medical Academy, DUsseldorf, "Investigations for obtaining objective data on
63S. J!OLZ!II., w. (1934) (In GeruD, with !D&liab s-ry) Abetracte of the 1st IDteJ::DAt. Collgreaa of Electro-Radi-B1oloSY 0
(CApelli, L., ed., Bologna, Italy), pp. 367·368. "A apatial .odel for the theralc eftecta of electrical vihratloaa 1D therapy•

2182. HOOD, 0. r.,, KESIIISI!lAN, J. '1., S'!lTil, :;, P. fl •• POOOL.-\K, r.., EOFZY.A..'l, A. A., & &'.Kt:'t, ~i. R, (1972) Aerospace ~ed.
,.. 43(3):314-322, "Anti-hijackiny, efforts ar.d cardiac: pacerakers- Re;-ort of a clir.ical study" [usin~ an external electromay,netic
field (at 239 lffiz) from a weapons detector}
Z416. HOPFER, s. (1972), IEEE Trsnsa~tions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-21(4):416-424, "The design of broad-band
re1istive (microwave) radiation probes •
636. JIOPJ:lNS, A. L. (1960) .Annals of the S.V York Aceda.y of Scieaca 85 (~11, paae?) • •Radio frequellcy spectroacopy of
frozea biolopcal aaterial: dielectric h•at:I.Da md the atucly of boand -car

3127. HOPKINS, C.D. (1974), ArnerlC:an Sc1ent1st, t<:{4):l.f26-~J7, (LTul.-l\llq.,, ''I:lec'.:rlc corrununicat10n in fish: Certain
species of fish produce electric s1qn.Ji.s lhat are--.J.scd for Ldcntificdtlcn, -:v>;rcgat.loJt, and disrer.sal".

637. HORN, c. (1965) Autoaaz. Automat. 9:5-, (to Italian) ~e passiv~ electrical characteristics of biological syateae"

638. HORNO\ISKI, J. (1965) Polski Tygodnilr. uk.arslr..i ( ',Jarsav) lQ_:dOf,-1907, "Cru:;; of akin burna by microwaves"

1 -,._ ~
21!\3. IIOR!\O',:Sf;l, .!., & f\.\R' .. , !'. ·.i: • , •; r it . :
(";-. r.1l._1, {/-.hstr .. ~','\~R-~.1420}, "C:lin·ical
ohserv.ltious t·onc-f'rnlnv the e~·ft•< t ,. ; ;-"'/,'t:

639. !IORNOWSKI, J., MARKS, £., & CH~liRKO, £. (1966) Hedy>yn., l't.YV 1._?_:cl3-2l7, "Studtes on the pathog~nic effect of adcro-
waves in men"

640. HORTEN, E. (1947) Kli~ische Wochenscnrift 24-25(25/2o):J92-3}6, (In Ge~n), "TI1e effect of electr~gnetic short wave
exposure of the addbrain on the vegetative functions of"

641. HORVATH, S. M., MlLL!!R, R. N., & !:!UTI, B. K. (1948) A:>er" J. o' )"J>d.:' Scie,-.ces ill:430-435, "nesti~g of hu:un tiuuaa
by adcrowave radiation"

642. HORVATH, s. M., HILLIOR, R. N., & !lt~, B. K. (1948) i'ed..rat~cn :·ro~"edi:lgs 7:58 only, ''Heating of human IIZUacle tissue
by micrcnosves"

643. ROS!:!IKO, M. s. (1970) Proc. 3rd Annual ~atioual Conf. of t~e ~euco-Electric Society, "!3e nervous systea and electric
currento", (Wulfsohn, N. L., & Sances, A,, Jr., eds.), (2}-25 Har., !.<:s \'ega3, Plent:m !'Tass, ~""York), P?• 85-88, "t:lectro-
stimulation of hearing" [RF]

2418. (1972), (llept. of "R.dr'. !L.ology & Bioph_•;sics, ;:,(h~c·l nf '"!ed., \ 1 of ~:,~chestt.:;r) Critical analysis of papers
by Sadchikova, N.,& Orlova, A. (1Cl5Fi-l9f·O), (rf::'L 1HJ86 & J387. ·-lus ~Htlio,), cntitlf'd: "Changes in the nervous system a~
a result of exposure to micrtHYaves".

.p-:-cs~-~.-:_e ">·(~lc:>L ·:o~>.JC •• ~' ·-

c- ~:-:. , .. ·.--->..c't~ -~ c!. o::~Li::.::.-

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2417. HOUK, W.M. ([1 MlCHAELS!_'N, S.~L,-

(t;U2), Thesis, f)(~partment ,;.f Pc.lJi2tio') :Holo.t!v and Bj<·~)hysic8. The t:n:iversity of
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wave radiation in an hea1th er.vinmT.el!t".

2848. HOUK, W.M., & ~,1TCHf,r:L.(;oN, ~: .r-1. {1',74,, Pr•.; :t•:,tvd -~+
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2847. HOUK, W.H., MICHAELSON, S.M., & LONGACRE, A.• Jr. (1973), The Phys1olegfst, }!(3):347 only, (Abstract), "Thermai
regulation fn Long-Evans rats exposed to 2450 MHz microwave radiation."

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(2880 M.c) irradiation"

645. EOWL.~~D, J. W., & MICHAELSON, S, (19~9) ?roc. 3rd Tri-se~l~~ ':Ouf, on Biological lffects of Xicrc~ave Radiating Equip-
meats, (Susskind, C., ed.), 2:191-238, (1ADC-TS-S9-99, ~ 212110), "s~~Gies on the ~iological effects of microwave irradiation
of the dog and rabbit"

646. HOWLA.'ID, J. W., & MIC!!A.ELSON, S, (H64) Indll.!ltrl'll !-led. and Surge::·• _l]_:SOO-, "The effect of micr<Nave on the biological
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1285 and 2HOO ~k/!:if'C pulsPd ~;~~crt .:;vt· >·,-,~.s ~

647. HOIII.ANO, J. W., MICHAELSON, S. H., !R<J:i.SOS, R. A. E., & H2R}l>.GE:l, H. (1962) Rept., Untv. of Rochester, RADC-TDJI.-62-102,
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64S. HOWI.AND, J. II., THOMSON, R. A. E., & MIC!!AELSO!l, S. M. (1951) !'nx:. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the Biological !ffec:ts
~Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1 (Peyton, M. F., ed.) pp. 261-284, "Bio3edical aspects of nicrowave irradiation of mamm•l•''

649, HUBNER,.J (1950) Munchener Hedl zl.niscbe Wochenschrift ~1_L7 /1B): 1S~6 only, (In Germao), "Bedside ultra•horc: vave treat-ot"

2005. ~~~. R. (1961) Ele£traBeCizin ~:193-209, (ln German) "The biological effect of microwavea"

2006. Htl~'i-::3., :t. (l!7S2) Sc~.reizer :!'.asQinfti:Urkt £:39-42, (In Cena&D) "The effect of powerful radar beama"

650. BULL, A., TIZARD, H., 'LEDEN u. (1947) Britiab J. of Phyaical l'.ed • .!Q.:l77-184, "Preli::a.iaary atuclies on the healing
and circulAtory effects of microw~ves (radar)"

651. HUNT, A. G. (1969) Non-ionizing &ad. !(3):105-112, "Non-ionizing radiation: phyaical relatioaahip between typical aourcea
and human targets"

2849. HUNT, E.L., & PHILLIPS, R.D. (1971), In: Progress Report Abstracts, ONR Rept. ACR-175, Pages 70-71, Work Unit No.
NRlOl-809, Contr. N00014-70-C-Ol97, Battelle-Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA, "Effects of exposure to pulsed micro-
waves (radar) on central nervous system excitability in laboratory animals [Abstract]".

2850. HUNT, E.L., & PHILLIPS, R.D. (1971), In: Progress Report Abstracts, ONR Rept. ACR-175, pps. 72 & 73, Work Unit No
NR 101-811, Contr. N00014-70-C-0332, Battelle-Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA, "Effects of microwave radiations on
.. physiological and behavioral factors related to the performance capabilities of laboratory animals" •

3217. HUNT, E.L., PHILLIPS, R.D., & KING, N.W. (1974), Final Rept. to Office of Naval Research, Contract No. N000l4-7G-C-
0197, Battelle Memorial Inst., Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, (Pacific NW Lab Project No. 211800144),
(Oct.), Approx. 52 pps., "Effec ; of exposure to pulsed microwaves (radar) on central nervous system excitability in lab-
oratory animals".

2419. HUNYOR, S.N., NICKS, R., JONES, D., COLES, D., & HEATH, J. (1971), Med. J. of Australia, !:653- • "Interference
hazards with Australian non-o;:ompetitive ('demand') pacemakers".

2851. HURT, W.O. (1972), USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Rept. No. SAM-TR-72-36, (Aerospace Med. Division (AFSC),
Brooks AFB, TX), (Dec.), "Cardiac pacemaker electromagnetic interference (3050 MHz) ".

652. HUTT, B., MOORE, J., COLONNA, P., ' HORVATH, s. (1952) Amer. J. of Physical Mad. 31:422-428, "Influence of microwave
irradiation on body temperature in dog and 11&11" -

653. HUTTON, c. C. (1962) Se~ret Report, AD 332918, "Biologicai effects of microvavea; an ASTIA report bibliography"
SYKORA, J. (1966) Pracovai Lekaratvi, Prague, 18(3):10Q-108, (ATD Abstr. A66-81307), "Examination of workers in the Weat
Bohaada Region exposed to electromagnetic vavea-oae meter and longer"

655. HYDE, A. s:, '

FRIEDMAN, J. J. (1968) In: ~Problems~ Aeros~ace ~~dicine, (Hardy, J. D., ed.), The Advisory
Group for Aeroapace Research & Development, NATO, Technivision Services, Maidenhead, England, pp. 163-175,/"Some effecta of
acute and chronic microvave irradiation of mice" (Abstr. A69-20678),

3218. HYME~. A.C., et al. (1973), Surg. Forum, 24( ):447-449, "Electrical surface stimulation for control of acute post-
operative pain".

6S6. UIDV!LE'fA, H. I. (1968) Bial.let• ~ul'DQY 31ol.op.i Meditd.ay !!(9):9-11, (Ia l!.uaeian witb PDaUab a-rr),
"'lha atudy of iapalaation in poet-sanaHoo:d.c ~thatic fibera under the influence of a auper-bf.ala freq~ elactro-
-gnetic field.• (.Uao c1t.d u 11822, thi8 libliosraPby, aa 'LUOVL!VA)

657. UIDVLEVA, M. I. (1968) Zla. boUnt..~i lioklWIU i Fiziolop.i (Akadeaiia Nauk SSSR), KDec_, .!.(5):437-442., (Ia
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2852. IAKOVLEVA, M.I. (1968), Zh. Vysshei Nervnoi Deiatel'nosti imeni I.P. Pavlova, Moscow, 18( ) :418-424, (In Russ.),
"The effect of ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields on the conditioned ref~ex regulation of cardiac activity and

658. I.UOVLIVA, H. I., Slii.U.l'D. To P., ' HVHiliU,. I. P. (1968) 'lyalh,li ._rmoi Deyatal'aoati i - i i p P..,loYa, USSR.
18(6) :973-978, (ln Ruaaiaa ritb !Agllah &Ntract), "'D CODdit!DDed cardiac reflexea and the func'tional aDd morpboloaical atate
or the cortical aearou ~ the a.ct.ioD of uectro~Mp&tic fiel.U of avperhigh frequ.eaciea" (Alao ~itecl . . 11824)

3219. IASHINA, L.N. (1972), Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol., 16( ):53-56, (In Russ.), "Effect of a low-frequency impulse magnetic
field on the activity of oxidation-reduction enzymes in albino rat liver: Histochemical study", [pulses of 300-900 oe at
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3488. IASHINA, L.N. (1972}, Gigiena Truda Professional'nye Zabolevaniia (Moskva}, 16( ):53-56 (Feb.), (in Russian},
"Effects of pulsed low-frequency magnetic field on activity of redox enzymes in thea'lbino rat liver: Histochemical
659. IAl'SEnO, M. I. (1966) l"idoloJic:!leNll Zll. (UeY) 12:377-381, "Effect of llicr-avea on the absorptive capacity of the
knee joint aDder the effect of atrop!De and carbocboline.--(Alao cited aa #1831, thia Bibliography, ea YAtSEHID)

660. L\I'S!liXO, M. I. (1966) Voproay Eurortoloa11. l"i:d.otarapii i Lechabaoy Fidcheakoy J:ul'tury (Probl- in Health Reaort
Scicce, Phyaiotherapy, aDd Kedical ~ical CQltv:re), ~- • .a.:~48, "The abaorption capacity of the knee joia1: follov-
ina aaveraac• of the f-ral aDd aciatic ~. aDd the effect of llicravavu"

2853. IATSENKO, M.I. (1970), Vopr. Kurortol. Fizioter. Lech. Fiz. Kult., 35( ) :420-430, (Sept.-Oct.), "Effect of an UHF
electromagnetic field (microwaves) on the temperature and rate of blood flow
in a joint".

661, IJDALL, .t.. s. (1959) Pnc:, Jrd rrt-.arYtce Con£. ou, !iolosie&l Effects of Microwave Radiating Equip•.nta (SuaaldDCI, C. •
ed,), 3:136-160, '"BuuD body u &ll i:lcoaat&at beat ~ce aDCI ita relation to clothu insulation: 1. Descriptive aodela of
hut .c1aca, 2. !':l:perlMDul i.JnoHtip.t.iDG into t!1.a ~ca of the aoure•"
2854. IIDA, H., KO, S., MIYASHITA, Y., SAWEDA, S., MAEDA, M., NAGAYAMA, H., KAWAI, A., & KITAMURll, ''· (19'>6), J. c,f Kyut-o
Pref, Med. Univ., ~( ) :5.61-564, "On electric callus produced by alternating current".

2083. IlZL"XA, t. (196?) laport (Al> 667729) .t..va1l. ft'OIII DOC Cluring llouae, "Photographing 11icrowave fialda"

2187. IKEDA, 11. (1966) Nippon Acta Racial. 2&:284-288, (.-\67-8109~). " on b:!.olcdcal effects of r>icrOY~ve radiation
(second report), Inveati~ation of shielcin~-effect of concrete, La~an, and ~lass a~ai~st ~icrovave radiation

3489. IL'CHEVICH, N.V., & GOROOETSKAYA, S.F. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, _(14):92-94, (in Russian), Transl.
In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 5-7, "Effect of the chronic
applicatton of electromagnetic microwave fields on the function and morphology of the reproductive organs of animals."

662. D.'DI, B. I., lo lO!IOLEV, V. C. (1964) Vo~ J:urortoJ.osi.i., !'izioterapii i Lec:hebnoy Fizic:heskay Kul'tury (Probl. . . in
a.altl:a bMn: Sc1aace, Pb'JIIiotbar'apy, mel lW1.c&l Pbya1c&l Culture), Moseov, !2_(2):172-, (JPRS 25121, pp. 2o-21; OTS-64-
ll.500),. •tnac-t of peo4al h::rpet!Jydroai.a vith a ca:r field"

663. Il.LlliG11. L a. (1970) ID: Pnc:. of tba "tiolop,cal Uhcu ud llaalth lJiplicationa of Kic:rova- Radiatioo" SJ111P0111,.,
(Cleary, s.
F., ad,), Bv:r. of Baaltb, DiYo of 'Bio. Ufecta, !Lept. No, 1o-2, pp. 112-115, "Molecular . .c:huiaa for llic:ro-
vaYe aheorpUGia in biolosical .,.ac-e"
664, DCIC, c. J,, lo S!.Alll.l, <0, W. (19.58) Proc. 2!Wl Tr1-11arrlc:e Collf. oo Biological Eftecta of Kicrowave EDergy (Pattiaball,
&. c., lo B&llahart, F. v., ecla.) .!:142-253, ~- of the-n. ccmd.acted at State Univ. of Iowa"

665. nne, C. J,, lo SEAKL!, C. 'II. (1959) 1:1: IJr<oatiptora' Conf. on 'Biological Effeete of Elec:trooic: Radiating Equi~ts,
beld at Patric:lr. llr Force !ua, Florida, 14-1.5 Jm. (UDC-'n-59-67, Proj, 5545, pp. 3-5; AD #214693) • "Report fr011 State
UDiv. of Iova, Dept. of Pbyaiology"
666. IMlG, c. J., & S!AiL!, c. V. (1962) Report, iADC TDR-62-358, AD 287160, 188 pagea,"Reviev of work conducted at State
UDJ.v. of Iova" f "Studt. . ou orpn1.8aa a:;lOaecl to 2450 woe ev aicrowrt"e irradiation"

667. nne, C. J,, ~. J. D., & BI!ZS, B. M. (1948) Proc:. of tbe Society for Experimental Biology sad Medicine 69(2):
382-386, "T•tioalar de,eoeratiott u a result of aiCT"CNa'ft irradiation"

668. IliGAl.LS, C. E. (1966) R.eport frooa l:lterlerenc:a ecn.ultmta, Inc. (Preprint of paper, New York J. of Med. !1.:1992-
2997 (1967)), "the aeaaation of h~& in el&ctroakgnecic fiel~"

2420. lNGELMAN-SUNDBERG, A., & ODEBLAD, E. (1965), Amer.J. of Obstet. & Cynec., 92:592-600, "Attempts to localize a carcinoma
of the endometrium with the use of short radio waves".

2188. HICLIS, l.. F. (1969) In: Record, llrh Electro=,_r.etic Co.,pati'o::lity SVTJposho, I;,s:, of flectrical and Electronics
[ngineers, Asbury Park, ~;. J., pp. 7-11, (',bstr. f.\69-42216), "Tr.e co-=3:ibilitv of ""'~ in the micro•.tave environnent" [human
responses; thermat ~ nonthermal effects, eye d~~ce, & info~tion sto~a?-el

2189. INGLIS, L. r. (1970) Int If.E[ Record of Internat. S}~pos. on :lectro~gnetic c~~~tibiltty, Anaheim. Calif., pp. 168-172,
(.\bstr. l'A71-38442), "lo.'hy the double stancard 7 - •' critical reviet: a: ;'.ussian '-'Orl-. on t'le hazards of microwave radiation"

2855. INGRAM, M., & PAGE, L.J. (1953), Proc. of the Soc. of Applied Bact-eriology, 16( ) :69- , 11
The survival of microbes
in modulated high-frequency voltage fields".

669, DIMA!I, a. A. (1970) RASA, Ma:rahall. Spa~ rugbt Cent•r, H=t5rtlle, Ala., (N7o-33065, NASA-TM-X-64523), ''RF radiation
h&zard.iol to ~rpaca atati01l peraotmd•

670. IUSOU, B. A. (1968) Vut:nilt A'ud..,.,ia llauk SSSll_(l0):63-n, (1:1 Ru. . iau~ "ExperimeiiCal tec:luliques of aub.Ulimeter
vave ~•~ta·

2190, IR~HN, D. D., RUSH, S., EVERI:;c, R., LEl'ESCI:YV:, E., ~lOIITCO'~::o·:, J. B., & •,,::r.GtL, ?., J.· (1970) EC" Trens, on '1a!>;neti~s,
~IAG-6(2): 321-322, "Stimulation of cardiec ::>uscle by a ti,-:e-varyir.g ""'"'":ic f!elc"

2421. ISKANDER, M.F., & STUCHLY, S.S. (1972), IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-21(4):425-429, "A
ti~~e-doaain technique for measurement of the dielectric properties of biological substances", [At RF.and microwave t requencies

671. ISKIJLOV, !. SR. (1966) VMtxdk Leninsn4akoso tl!li-nitet.a ~riia Biologiia 2(9):147-149, "Effect of lllicrovaw• on
Opalina~" -

3220. ISMAILOV, E. Sh. (1971), Nauchnyye Doklady Vysshey :)hkoly; Biologicheskjye !'iauky, (3\:pp ?, (Trrtr 1 ~l. i11 'Tf-ff_'ct
of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation", JFRS #62462, Ju.:y 1974, Cit.:itior: .111114 this BihiTo., ~·ps. 45-':'L 11 The t·tff-·ct
of microwaves on erythrocyte potassium and sodium :ion permenbility".

2422. ISMAILOV, E.Sh. (Daghestan State ll., USSR), (1972), Abstr. of Fourth lnternat. Cong. of the lnternat. Union for
Pure end Applied Biophysics, Moscow, (Aug.), p.434-435, "Changes of red cell membrane permeability under the action of
microwavea, and their mechanisms", [Studies on human red cells led to conclusion that microvave radiation supresses active
tranaport, and increasea the diffusion rate of I(+ and Ns+, and from studies of urea "intrusion", increase the effective
pore volu118 of the m. .brane. The change in cell membrane permeability is linked to a hreakdovn of the water structure
within the ..mbrane].

3490. ISRAEL, H., & I<ASEMIR, H.W. (1951), Annales de Geophysique, ?.J ):63-6B, (in German), "The shielding effect of
butldings on the changes of the atmospheric electrical field."

672. IVA.~, A. I. (1962) In: Saaaaries of reporcs, Questions of ~e Biological Effect of a SHF-UHP Electromagnetic Field.
Kirov Order of I.euLn ~J.licary Medical, Le:ai.ngrad. pp. 2.!;.-2&, "Changes of phagocytic activity and mobility of neutro-
pbUs wder the Wlueuce of Jdcrovave fielc!.s •
673. IVANOV, v. I., et al. (1957) In: S~ri_. of reports, Part 2, Jubilee Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor
Hygiene ancl Oc:cup.atioiiil.-DUe.ues. Dedicated to the 4(}t.'l .Amliv. of the Great October Socialistic Revolution, Moscow, pp. 52-53,
"Biodlnical ehanse- in the blood under the chronic influenc,. of radiation"

2423. IVANOV-MUROM5KlY, K.A. (1966), In: l::_onfer_~ 9!1~ !\.!_f.<'_rt_s o~ D_i__[!II~~ .. El_t'ctr_l_c_<1l CO'_r_r_e~:. on J1'l'.''~l_o_lo!Lic!!_~~ .'\eci1an_lsf,!'
with Application to Electroanesthesia and Electrosleep, Vol. ~~~· Milwaukee, PhyslologJr,tJ meci>~nisms of electroane•;ttH·:;uJ .

2424. IVANOV-MUROMSKIY, K.A. (1966), Kiyev, Naukova dumka, 221 P·. (In Russ.), (JPRS 42,233), "Electrical anesthesia and
electrosleep of man and animals".

674. r.IAI, y. (1965) EM tor, Digest of.!!:!_~ Intemt. ~· ~ ~ Electronics ~ Biological Engineering, (Tokyo,
22-27 Aug.) ( of Progr- an.d ?ubli.eati.OD of tile ~ttee) • OkUIIIUra Printing Co., Tol<yo

2425. IWANOVSKY, A., & DODGE, C.H. (1968), Foreign Service Bulle~in, FSB-4(3):1-64, Aerospace Technology Division,
Library of Congress, "Electrosleep and electroanesthesia- theory and clinical experience".

675. l.ZAR, c., & MOR!Tl'l, P. (1933) ltiforsa !'.6d.ic:a .!2_:16ll-, Cn Italian), "On the biological action of short electr0111agnetic
vaves; Note 7. Action on enZJ'!'IE'S"

676. JACISC»J, A. s. (1935) Arch. of ~deal tbttaPY _!i: 3-42-344• "'l'hysical therapy in general surgery"

3491. JACKSON, S.J. (1975), National Library of Medicine (Bethesda, MD) Literature Search No. 75-19 for the period
Jan. 1973 - Oct. 1975, 94 citations, "[Biological] Effects of microwave radiation."

677. JAClSON, w. (194~) Trana, of the ?araday Society 42A:91-, "!be representation of dielectric properties and the principles
underlying their ~ure;~~anta at centi.Mter

2191. JACOI)S, S. E., THOR:ILEY, N, J., & ~1..\.t:RIC'., P. (1950) Proc, oE ~:.e ~.oc, for A'>;>l!ec Bacteriolo·~y _(2):161-169, "The
:survival of bacteria in high-frequency electric fields"

681. JACOBSEN, V. c., & HOSOl, ~. (1931) Arch. of Pathology 11:744-759, ·~rphological changes in animal tissue. due to
beating by UHF oscillators"

678. JACOBSO~, B, (1967) Editor, Organizing eo.adttee for tbe 7tb lnternst. Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering,
Stoclthol.a, 14-19 Aug.

679. JACOBSO~, B. s., PRAOS~!Z, S. B., & SUSSilXD, C. (1959) lnatitute of Radio Engineers Trans. on Medical Electronies
_:p.?, •rnvestipt.icD of ba.l.a.:lee in -..-u by -=a o! llic.rowne radiation•

680. JACO?.S011, 11. S., t, SCSSU!ID, c. z. (1958) h-oc. 2::ld Tri-serrtce Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy
(!'Htis:,.aJ.l, z. G., & B;w,ghart, ?. 'tl,, eC...) 2::3-~241, "?.eviev o! :he work conductad e.t Univ. of California; Effects of lJ.icro-
va7e 1:-Tl:i:..•tion on i:J.:e':'"il.U tesp-ara:u.r-e &.~ rla..bili=y in a.ici!"'

2856. JACOMB, R.P. (1971?), Rept., Carnarvon Tracking Static,n, Western Australia, "A 1:art1al listing of reference;:; on the
biological effects of microwave radiation and magnetic fields".

2857. JAGADEESH, P., NEWMAN, P.P., HARRIMAN, D.G.F'., & WILSON, D.H. {1972?), Annals of the Assoc. for the Advancement of
Med. Instrumentation, _( ) : , "Effects of a non-thermal, pulsed electromagnetic field on the regeneration of pel' ipheral
nerves in rats (electrophysiological studies showed resumption of (median-ulnar) nerve conduction B.days follow 1 ng surgery

in treated~animals].

2426. JANES D.E. HANKIN, N.N, TELL, R.A., & CHRISTIAN, J.G. (1972), Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation
Programs Rep~., 69 'pps., "Radiofrequency and microwave radiation program"

682. JANES, D. E., LEACH, W. K., MILLS, W. A., MOORE, R. T., & SHORE, ~. L. (1968) Radiatioq aio-Effecta, (Bodse, D. K., e4.),
bport, U. S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health, P?• 89-/ "Effects of atcr-aye r.adi-
tion on Cbineas h..aters" 93,
2084. J,l.!'ES, D. £., LEACH, W. K., ~US. 'tl. A., ~itE, a. T., & SliCR£, K. L. (1969) l'on-ionhing Rad. l(3)112s-130 "Effect&
of Z450 XHz a1crcvawa on protein .,...ouia and em chroeoao,.. in Olinue hauters" - •

2427. JANKOVICH, J.P. (1971), Rept., Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana, RDTR No. 187, 36 pages, (AD #73010S),
"Effects of low intensity microwaves on performance".

2428. JANKOWSKI, W., & MEYER, J. (1972), Patologia Polska, Q(2):263-268, (In Pol. with Engl. summary), "Patho-mechanism
of crust formation in burn WOUnds of the skin in rats following primary Or Secondary microwave irradiatir>P", f 80 mW,
2980 MHz, pulses used).

1S1. KISOSl'IA. H. (1963) J. of tbe Faculty of Science, Toityo t'niv., _!:137-, "Electrical sticulation of parameei1111"

758. KISOSI'i"A, H. (19o~} J. of the Faculty of Science, Toir.yo t.:niv., 2_:1-, "Electrical pot,.ntials and ciliary reaponse in Qpa1ina"
~e:--.J:a. I...':;_. :;:..~.(.,-E., ::.- Ca:-pc:::~r,_ R. -~ ..
759. KISOSHI:A, J. !!.,/(1966) Docu::c:>ta C!>htllab>ologica, ';e;:nerlanns, 20:91-103, "Biochemical changes in microwave c:atarac:ta"

760. KillCH::V, K. l. (1937) !'.oskovsUia o<:> k.ll.n!.ka fiziches' oetodov lecheniia. Trudy, Moscow, 1:211-, "In-
fluence of t.:i? e!eurlc:al fields (6.5 111) on the blood vessels of tbe isolated rabbit's hearL"

761. Jtl~CH::V, i:.. K. (1937) Trudy III vses. siesc!a !1zioterap., Kiev, Pi>· 24'>-, "On the problem of the influence of ultra
ahort-vaves on blood vessels 1n the rabbit•
(ITTL~V, , & c-~, _)
762. KIR~::V, K. J:.., et al:-/(1962) !'Toe. of the 5th lliod:e.ll!cal Congr>'ss, Section 14-28, "Bioche~aic:al changes
1D the IIUSc1ea and !:>lood of ""bite ra~ due to nicrowaves"

3509. KISELEV, R.I., & ZALYUBOVSKAYA, N.P. (1975), Voprosy Virusologii, (5):617-620, (in Russian), Transl. In:
"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb.l976, pp. 71-76, "Study of the inhibiting
effect of superhtgh frequency millimeter wa.ves on adenovirus."

763. IUTSOVSll\YA, I. A. (1959) In: St.CD~tartes of r~rts, l.abor Hygiene and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency E1ec:-
tr01:18gnetic \Oaves, ~.oscov, "Otanges in the highe-r nervous activity of rats exposed to chronic: effects of radio frequency (c:entl-
:eter) waves"
7b4. KlTSOVSll\YA. I. A. {1960) TruCy ~~ Gigiyena Truda 1 ?rofzabol~iyaAMS SSR, _(1):75-80 (Also in:~ Biological
~of Su~er~i~ Frecuencies, Letavet, A- A-, & Garcon, z. v., (ees.), (1960), Moscow, JPRS 12471, pp. 75-82; Abstr. in:
~ Biologi::L. ~ of Electro:>ametic F!el<!s - kl.-w~ated Biblioua~nv, ATD Rpt. P-65-17, Apr. 196'>), "Investigation of the
i..""lterrelations:Ups be~en the basic neural. processes in rats unc!er tie influence of SHF-UHF of various intensitie;s"

765. KlrSOVSll\YA, I. A. (1964) Gig!ena !ruea 1 Profassiocal'nye Za~~levaniya (Moskva) !(6):14-19, (JPRS 31047, N65-28357,
Tr-6'>-31545), "The effect of cent!::eter ..-a?e-S of varying inte::u;ity o:. the blood and helllOpoietic organs of white rats"

766. KlTSOVSll\YA, I. A, (1964) Trudy 511 Gig!yen. Truda 1 Prof~ol~iya~~ SSSR, _(2):39-42, (In: The Biological Action of
Ultrahigh Frec·~e::~cies, Letavet, A. A., C. C-ordon, Z. V., (ec!s.}, (19'>0), Y.oscow, JPRS 12471}, "Comparative evaluationOfthe-
action of c.fcrO"aves of various va...,leng-..::..S on dle nervot:S syste::1 of rats susceptible to sound stimulus"

3234. KLAINER, S.M., ARDEN, W., & HIRSCHFELD, T. (J974), f'inal R~pt. to Brooks F'orce Ba~e under Contract f40609-7J-C-
0024, by B.lbck Engineering Inc., (19 Blackstone Street, Can1hridge, MA O:?l:Jr:3), (Jan.), AI,#~--· "The detection of Rf
d.dmage to btological molecules using Raman spectroscopy 11 .

767. KLASCIU~. A.F. (1971), Jet Propulsion Lab. Rept. {8 pages), [Evaluation of the Navy's] "Microwave radiation
protective suft.• (Also: Amer. Indust. Hygiene Assoc. J., 32{11):771-774 (Nov.))

2872. KLASCIUS, A. (1973), Amer. Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J., 34(3) :97-101, (l'tir. ), "Microwave radiation hazards
around large microwave antenna."

~235. KLEINf.R, A.A. (lg?4), Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabc·.l., _(2):_2S-l8, On Ruse:;.), "Gastrcint2.::;Linal f-unction in worker5 '-"X~U.'~ed
to the effe~~ts of electr-omagnetic fields in the 'Jltrnhigh :·rr~quency rangP". lAt ~\ t:, lD times the max. 'Russ.
lev~ls (for up to 10 years), of the nervous an,~ cardic..,ra:~,:.-ulur sy::ot.em, '!gastrointestinal d
liver function (among other changes) were noLeC in occupat ": onally expose~.~ workers j

3510. KLEYNER, A.I. (1974), Gigyena Truda i Professioanl 'nyye Zabolevaniya, (2):15-18, (in Russian), Transl. In:
Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976). pp. 87-89, "Digestive system in workers
exposed to the effects of UHF electromagnetic fields."

3511. KLEYNER, A. I., ABRAMOVICH-POL YAKOV, D. K., MAKOTCHENKO, V.M. , & others (1975), Vrachebnoye Del o, ( ) :133-137,
(in Russi:!.n), Tran"l. as JPRS #66434, 22Dec 75,"Clinical aspects of the effect of metric range electromagnetic fields."
Transl. In:'Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532), p. 52 only, "Utilizing nonlinear properties
of semiconductors which show up on strong electric fields for detecting emission in the millimeter and submillimeter
768, KI.L't.;;)VA-D:::L"!SOiOVA, E. (191>3) 1:>: 'l'r=sl. of tzechcslova.Lia.:~ Seurology', ~(3) :184-189, (FTI>-TT-64-267, pp, 22-,
Aug. 1964; AD #450604), "Effect of (;"OWliV'") radiad.on on hu=n !:~"

769. KL~OV.\-~E~iSCP.OVA, E., C. ~. B. (1953} Electroe~ce?halogra?~Y and Clinical Neurophysiology ll(l):170 only, (Abstr.
17 of Meeti:tg of Czec:h ErG Cc=:i.ssion, B.A:JE.C DA.LO>:., Czech, ..!une 1962), "The influence of a high frequency electromagnetic
field on the h~ EZG"

770, iCL~OVA-DEt.i'SCP.OVA, E., & Rcr::!, 3. (1953) lotenoatior1al Arc':~i-: C..,-o~erbepathol Gewerbehyg 20(1) :l-10, "The effect of
electro::agnetic vaves 0::1 the nervo~ syste'll - a.:::t elec~roence?hal.ogra;:t.ic study" -

111. KLL'1XOV.\-DE:.."rSC'ci0'7A, E., & Ra::i, 3. (1963) Cheir.hcslovats<.oe ~eC.tsinskoe Obozrenie 2_:254-, "The effect of radiation o::t
the hu::an ecce-phal.ogra:~"

3513. KLIMOVSKAYA, L.D., & SMIRNOVA, N.P. (1975), Space Biology and Aerospace Medicine,1{3):18-22, (JPRS #65301),
"Some autonomic reactions in rabbits exposed to a permanent magnetic field."

772.. KLING, D. H. (1935) Arch. of ? TOlerapy .!£.:88-95, "Res:.tlt"' of short vave and ultrashort wave therapy (radiather.-y}"

773, L~L~, c. M. (1957) Proc. lst Tr1-service Conf. on Biological ~ards of Microwave Radiation (Pattishall, E, C., ed,)
1:34-46, "ProgTl<ll for tile investigation o: tbe biological e!fects o! electromagnetic radiation at the Rome Air Development
Center"; Also, A;>pendix A, P?• 89-93, "lc..,-est.i;;ation of tbe biologic•! effects of electromagnetic radiation; status report"

774, KXAuF, G. M, (19)8) Proc. Tri-service Ccnf. on Binlogical Effects of Microwave Energy (Pattishall, E. C., & Banghart,
F. w., eds.) 2:3-8, "Outline and pur?Ose of mee~ng"; Also, pp. 4~-53, (AD 131477, July 1958), "New concepts in personnel pro-
tection"; also, P?• 124-125, "Revi!!'.r of ti:.e biological effects progra::> (abstract)

775, K.'iAL;F, G. !1. (1958) A.".A Arch. of Industrial Health 17:~~52, (?resented at 106th Annual AMA meeting, New York City,
June 1957), "::he !l!ological effects a; :I.!crO"Wave rad!~~io;-on ,\ir Force personnel"; and ibid. !1.:383-388, "Industrial medical
probleiOS in an electron!c researcil center"

776, IC~I:F, G. !1. (1?59) (C:,a~n:a::), Tec~41ical Report, ln·;est!ga:ors' Conf. on Biological Effects of Electronic Radiating
Equip:oents (~.eld at PatriU. Air Fo~ce Florida, Jan.), (?_.\DC-T?.-59-67, AD 214693. July 1959, 4S pages

777, L~r. G, ~. (1959) Digest of :e~;. ?a~rs, Proc. of the 12:~ -~~~cal Conf. on Electrical Techniques in Medicine
and Biology (Scl:!wa=.. H. P., ed.), ;;. }4 cnly, "Biological effects of :rlcrowave radiation: A research progress report"

778. K!~;L7, C. !1, (1951) Proc. 4t~ Tri-sarvice Co~~. on the Bio!o2~:al Effects £I Microvave Radiation, Vol, 1 (Peyton 0 M, F.,
ed.~ pp. 9-12, "Cha1.,.-....u's r~.a~s."

779. l(!;Al!', G, !1. (-196-)) A:>er. J. of Pl;.Olic :::ealth 50(3):3-6.\.-3ci. ~tcro'->ave exposure and missile propellants as occup-
tional "eal th pr;>llle:25"

780, KNAUF, C. H. (1960) Aerospace Med. 3_!(3) :22S..228. "The bio-effects of radar energy"

781, KNAUF, C. H., & SPENCER, J. L. (1957) Proc. 1st Tri-service Conf. on Biological Ha~ards of Microwave Radiation
(Patthhall, E. C., ed.) !(Appendix B) :94-103, (AD 115603, RADC-TR-53-Sl), "Bihliography of biological effects of radio
frequency energies, 1940-l957"

782, KNAUS, H. (1940) Hinerva Medica ]!: 322-323, "Tbenaa.l sensitivicy of testes and spenaatozoa"

783, KNICKERBOCKER, G. C., KOUWENHOVE!I, W. B., & BARNES, H. C. (1967) IEEE Trans, on Power Ap;>aratus and Systema ~(4):
498-SOS, "Exposure of !Idee to a strong AC electric field: An experl::::e~tal study"

784, KNORRE, K. C, (1959) In: Summaries of reports, Labor Hygiene aad the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electro-
magnetic Waves, Moscow, p. 22 only, Title?
785. KNORRE. K. C. (1960) Trudy Nii Cigiyena Truda i Profzabole,loni;:aA.'!!l SSSR, _(1):11-21, (Also in: The Biological~
£I Ultrahigh Frequencies, Letavet. A, A., & Gordon, Z. V., (eds. ), :V-"lsccr.·, JPP.S 012471. (%~-11902. TT-62-19175}, "Parameters
of SHF-UHF fields determining th2 hygienic evaluation of vorking conditions and the problems of their measurement"

786, KNORRE, K. C. (1963) R~ferativnyy Zh., Elektronika i Yeye pri=e~eniye. _(3):11-21, (Also in:~ Biological Actio~~
Ultrahigh Frequencies. Letavet. A. A., & Gordon, z. V. (eds.), ~sc~•. JPKS 12471, pp. 5-17). "Parameters of L~F fields deter-
Dining the hygienic evaluation of wor:ting conditions and the pro!>le= of their measure:oent"

787. KNORRE, K. G., & BELITSKIY, B. X. (1959) In: Sucmaries of reports, Labor Hygiene and the Biological Effect of Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Waves, Moscow, p. 36 only, Title?

788. Y~ORRE, K, G., & GORDO~, z.

V. (1960) In: Elektro~!ka V Medirsine, Berg, A. 1., (ed,), Moscow- Leningrad, pp. 374-382,
·~ethods of measuring SHF-UHF field parameters which determine the iygienic estimate of l~hnr condition' during work vith

789, KWJDSON, A•• & SCHAIBLE, P. J. (1929) Abstr. of Coccunicat!o~ to the X!Ilth lnternat. Physiological Congress,
held in Boston, Aug., pp. 147-148, "Cheaical changes in the body resulting from exposure to L'EF field. I. Blood chemical find-
ings in the dog. II. Acid base balance in the plasma of dogs"

2011. ;;:!>i.--::SC•S, L, C. SGAI3LE, P. F. (1931) ArC!. of ?ath. Q:72~i43, "Physiological and biochemical changes resulting from
e.x?Cs~re :o a:::1 :.Utra!li~,-fr~uen'-1 !ield"

2437. KNUTSON, R.C., HAGFORS, N.R., & MATTHEWS, J.H. (1966), ln: First International ~P?~um on Electrotherapeutic Sleep
~ Electroanesthesia, Graz, Austria, (12-17 Sept.), "The effect o{ various electrodes and electrode placements upon the REG's
of dogs during electroanesthesia".


790. KOBAK, D. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:171-173, (Editorial), "Priority in short wave therapy"; Also, ibid.
16:430-431, (Editorial), "Urologic electrosurgery10

791. KOCHERGA, D. O. (1940) Universitet. Instytut fiziologii, Sbor.:h statei, Dr!epropetrovsk, _(3): page? ,"The effect of
SHF-UHF fields on spinal cord functions"

2873. KOCK, W.E. (1959), Proc. of the Inst. of Radio Engineers, 47( ) :1192-1201, "Related experiments with sound waves and
electromAgnetic waves".

2874. KOCK, W.E., & HARVEY, F.K. (B51), Bell System Technical J., 30( ):564-587, "A photographic method for d>splayinq
sound wave and microwave space patt:erns".

3514. KOENIG, H., & ANKERMUELLER, F. (1960), Die Naturwissenschaften, 47( ):486-490, (in Gennan), "The effect on man
of extremely low frequency electrical processes in the atmosphere." -
3736. KOGAN, A.B., SACHAVA, T.S., DuROZHKINA, L.I., PAVE~KO, V.M., f~ GOL'TSEVA, •.N. (l'•'ll), (In: KHC:!.OD'!V, Yu.l.. (p,J.),
Influence of Magnet#c fields~ Biological Objects, pp. Jl-64, "The Tt.f"chanism of bioloEical el ft·ct~. of ,j coJJ:..;tont maen"'t ir.
field". [Citation 3230 , this Hiblio. I

792. KOGAN, A. B., & TIQIONOVA, N. A. (1965) Biofizi;.a .!2,(2):292-296, "Tne effect of a constant c.agnetic: field on the l'IOVe-
ment of paramecia"

2012. mii!..!R, :. ?., r. l".AC'LL,"KE'Y, c. c. (1;'>5) J. of t..':;, }'cr. ~Cical Assoc • .!21:855-, "Cardiac: pacemakers in electrosurgery"

793. KOIWA, H. (1939) Tohoku J. of Experioental l".edicine 37:202-215, (In "Influence of short wave irradiation on
the gl.otnerulary filtration and the tubular resorption in the r.or--...a: a::d in the denerved kidney"

794. KOIQIANOVICH, N. P. (1941) Fizioterapia, Moskva, 3-4:47-49, (!:l Russian), (Abs•.r. in: The Biolodcal Effects of Electro-
magnetic Fields- Annotated Bibliograo'>y, ATD Rpt.P-65-17, Apr. 19S5), Title? [lr:-adiation-of dogs with UHF radiatio_n_J_ __

2875. KOLDAEV, V.M. (1970), Biull. Eksp. Biol. & Med., 70( ) :69-70, (Nov.), (In Russ.), "Effect of UHF electromagnetic
fields on rats during changes in the rate of oxidative p;;-cesses in the organism".

3237. KOLDAEV, V.M. (1971)~ Vopr. Kurortol. Fizioter. Lech. Fiz. Kult., 3b( ):24f.,-248, (In Pus~ .. ), "Eftect of antiDxidants
•;;·~ protein metabolism {in rdt::;) after microwave irrarl:idtion", [at a level-zf 150 m~1 /cm:1 ].

2438. KOLDAEV, V.M. (1972), Farmakologiia i Toksikologiia, 35:505-507, (Jul.), (In Huss.), "Use of chemical substances during
UHF electromagnetic irradiation: A review of the literature~

2439. KOLDAEV, V.H. (1972), Patologicheskaia Fiziologiia i Ekesperimental'naia Terapiia, 16:7]-73, (Mar-Apr), (In Russ.,
with Engl. sUIJIIII8ry), "Effect of microwaves on rats subjected to the action of gaseous mediawith an altered content of oxygen
and chemical agents of antioxidant action". [Studies of the resistance to 150 JIN/cm 2 irradiation at 2400 Mllz during inhalation
of various gas mixtures; comments on muscle redox potential, and alteration of life span].

2876. KOLOAEV, V.M. (1973), Biull, Eksp. Biol. & Med., 76(9):27-28, (Sept.), (In Russ., w/Eng. Summary), "The effect
of stiMUlators of the central nervous system and of the aarenal hormones on the outcome of acute irradiation of mice
w1th super high frequency field." [Survival of irradiated (wave length 12.5 em, 62! 5 mW/cm2, 16 min. exposure) albino
•ice doubled for hydrocortisone-treated animals, and was 3/2 times greater for noradrenalin and strychine administration.]

2877. KOLDAEV, V.M. (1974), iluill. Eksp. Biol. & Med., 77(3):79-31, (In Russ., w/Eng. swnmary), "The effect of ephedrlne
and cordiamine on the outcome of microwave exposure of mice", [Chronic as well as acute extension of 1973 paper; survival
increased for pre-treatment with cordiamine; no positive effect noted with ephedrine].

3515. KOLDAYEV, V.M. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532), pp. 42-45,
"The effects of ephedrine and nikethamide on microwave-exposed mice."

2878. KOLESNIK, F.A .• & KOMOGORTSEVA, N.A. (19?3), Voeno. Med. Zh., (3):63-64, (Mar.), (In Russ.), "Change in the
quantity of total sulfhydryl groups in the blood of persons in contacr-with UHF radiation generators."
795. KOLESNIK, F. A., & MALYSHEV, V. H. (1967) Voenno-oeditsinskiy Zh. (GSSR ~litary ~edical J.) _(2):28-29, ACSI J2103).
"to;omenc:lature of disorders caused by electromagnetic waves of ultr.Ui;;h frequency"

796. KOLESNIK, F. A., & MALYSHEV, V. H. (1967) Voyenno-meditsinskiy Zh. (USSR Military Hedical J.) (4):21-23. (Abstr. in:
St>vie~ Radiobiology, ATD 068-lOS-108-9, June 1968, pp. 77-78; AD :071436), "The proole!:l of clinical observation of injuries
Ci!U:!ed !>y SHF electromagnetic fields"

797. KOLESNIK, F. A., MALYSHEV, V. M., & MURASHEV, B. F. (1967) Vo; Zh. (t:SSR Military Medical J,) (7):
39-41, (Abstr. in: Soviet Radiobiology, ATD 68-105-108-9, June 1963, Pp. 78-79; AD 671436), "Disturbances of the endocrine
system by chronic action of a super-high-frequency microwave fielc!" .

798. KOLESNIKOV, V. 11. (1969) Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zaveden!y, Priborostroyeniye, Russ., ~(7):9-12, (JPRS 49239),
"New measuret>ent techniques in studying the effect of superhigh fre<;uenc:y fields on biological subjects"

799. KOLIN, A. (1959) Proc. of the 1st National Biophysics Conf., !,: 125-137, "Sorting of oacrooolec:ules and lllicro-oTganisms
by means of electromagnetic: and electrokinetic phenooenon'"

800. KOLIN, A. (1968) Physics Today _: 39-50 (t;ov.), "Magnetic fielc!..s io biology"

801. KOLIN, A. (1969) Final report, May 1960- Aug. 1969. Univ. of Los Angeles, Calif. (SO!;R 233-(64), NR 136-505), "Zlectro-
magnetic: separation of biological particles"

3516. KOLIN, A., BRILL, N.Q., & BROBERG, P.J. (1959), Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med., ~( ):251-252, "Stimulation of
irritable tissues by means of an alternating magnetic field."

2879. I(!)LIUKII, G.D., ~ al. (1971), Gig. Sanit., 36( ) :113-114, (Nov.), (In Russ.), "ExFenmental unit for studying the
biolO<Jical ettect of electromagnetic impulse fields(IEMP)".

2880. KOLODUB, F.A., & EVTUSHENKO~ H.I. (1972), Ukrains'kyi Biokhemichnyi Zhurnal.(K~ev~, 44( ):30?-311, (In Russ.~
w/Eng. su11111clry) "Characteristics of nitrogen metabolism [NHz formation and renoval] 1n the rat bra1n under the act,on
of a low freque~cy [7KHz] pulsed electromagnetic field." (*or YEVTUSHENKO)
2881. KOLODUB, F.A., & EVTUSHENKO~ H.l. (1972), Ukrains'kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev), 44(4):492-496, (In Russ., .
w/Eng. abstr.), "Peculiarities of carbohydrate energy metabolism in rat brain under the effect of pulsed electromagnetlc
ffelds of low frequency." (7 .KHz] (* or YEVTUSHENKO)

3518. KOLODUB, F .A., & YEVTUSHENKO, G. I. (1972). Gigiena Truda i Professional 'nyye Zabolevaniya, _(6): , (Moscow),
(in Russian), (Engl. transl. as JPRS #56583 (1972)), "Biochemical aspects of the biological effect of a low-frequency
pulsed electromagnetic field."
3517. KOLODUB, F.A., & YEVTUSHENKO, G.!. (1972), Vrachebnoe Delo Nauchnyi Meditsinskii Zhurnal, 6( ):131-134, (in
Russian), "Significance of some biochemical blood indices in early detection of lesions due to pulsed low-frequency
electromagnetic fields."

3238. KOLODUB~ f.A., E. YEVTUSHENKO, G.I. (1972), Vrachebnoye Dnlo, ( ):lJ!-134~ (.June F;), (In Russ.), "~_;ignjficance of
some biochemical blood indices in early detection of lesions due to Pulsed lc:w-trt;quency <:>lectromagnetic fields", [ex-
periments with rats chronically exposed to 7KHz radiation witl: pulses of 13tl ms<;r:·, 10 sec. between pulses].

3239 KOLODUB r.A. & yr;VTIISW :KO, G.I. (1973), IJkrayim:'kyy Biokhimichnyy Zhurnal, _(3):356-361, [Trans. in "Effect of
non~ionizing eiectro~agnetic radiation, JPRS No. 62462, July 1974, (cita::ion_#3134, th~s Piblio.), pp. 6-1~], "The effectG
of low trey'" :mcy e1 ec-rromagnetic field pulses on skeletal muscle metabol1sm 1n the -rat , [marked decrease 1n cone. of
creat inP.: phosphate].

3519. KOLODUB, F.A., & YEVTUSHENKO, G.I. (1974), Gigiyena Truda i Professional 'nyye Zabolevaniya, (2):11-15, (in
Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiationh(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976}, pp. 83-86,
"Metabolic disorders and the liver function under the effect of a low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field."

3240. KOLTA, P. (1973), Acta Physiologica Academiae Scient:.3rum Hungaricae, Tomus, 43(1):89-94, "Strong and permanent
interaction between peripheral nerve and a constant inhomogeneous [static] magnet .i c field {of 580 Oe ]".

802. KOl~OVA, L. A. (1967) Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lec~ehnoi Fizicheskoi Kulturi _(1):9-13, "Mechanism of
action of superhigh frequency magnetic fields (microwaves l"

2882. KOMAROVA, L.A. (1968), Vop. Kurort. Fizioter., 33( ) :503-506, {In Russ.), "Changes in arterial pressure and external
respiration of animals when subjected to an ultra-high~requency electromagnetic field (microwaves)".

803, KO:;C!lALOVSKAYA, N. M., KID1ARA, S. ll., & GLOTOVA, K, V. (196~) Trudv Nii Gigiyena Truda 1 Profzaholeaniy A.'1N SSSR,
_(2):114-118, (A.bstr. in: The Biolo~ical Action of l'ltrahigh Frec~2:1cies, Letavet, A, A., & Gordon, z. V., (eds.). Moscow,
JPRS 12471), "Condition of the cardiovascular systee~ unde~ the actio" of radio "'aves of various ranges"

3241. KONDRA, P.A. (1973), Canarlian J. of Animal Science. ~)3(4):771, "Effe.cts of microwaves on chickens".

2440. KONDRASHENKO, V.T., ONDZULIS, P.A., & KORPS, Ya.K. (1963), In: Grenzach-Baden, Deutsche Hoffman- La Roche AG,
pp. 251-254, "A ne\1 method of electrosleep therapy",

3520. KONIG, H. (1971), J. Interdiscipl. Cycle Res., 2(3):317-323, "Biological effects of extremely low frequency
electrical phenomena in the atmosphere." -

3521. KONIG, H.L. (1962), Zeitschrift far angewandte Bader und Klimaheilkunde, 9(5):481-501, (in German),(Transl:
Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories AF19(628)-3880, Jan. 1965, T-G-232), "Environmental effects of atmospheric
electric processes of very low frequency."

804. KONIN, P. H., FRANKE, V. A., et al. (1960) In: Elactronika •:. l"editsine, Berg, A. I., (ed,), tloscow, Leningrad,
(FTI>-TT-63-1200, AD 600581), pp. 383-392, "Electronics and indust-;:-~a! s<l.fety"

805. KORBEL, S. (1966) Report, 4 pages, "Behavioral effects of ultra:,:=.rr frequency radio vaves: abstracts"

806. KOlll:::L, S, F. (1970) In: Proc. of t":le "Biological ?:if acts and Eealta It~plications of ~cro..,ave Radiation" SYIIIPoSiWII
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2::·3. :...\:-7~~. P.. G., & 5RICr:E.?.., S. (:?iJ) !:1~ ?-.a.Ciat:io:-!. !:io-Sf!'e.:ts Sur:narv P,cnort, Hod~e, n. ~t., (ed .. ), for Jan-Dee 1970,
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2898. LAVINE, L. (1973), To he presented at Symp. on "The Injured Child", Session ent1tJed ''SpecL1l Problr::'!ms of r:hlldhood
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2899. LAVINE, L.S., LUSTRIN, I., SHAMOS, M.H., & MOSS, M.L. (1971), Acta Orthop. ScanJinav., ~( ) :305-314, "'fhe influer:ce
of electric current on bone regeneration i-.22. vivo".

2900. LAVINE, L.S., LUSTRIN, I., SHA.!'-105, l'l.H., RINALDI, R.l\. 1 & LIBOf"F, A.R. (1972), .'_,cH·nce, 175() :lllH-1121, (}ll MJr.),
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8b0. LA~~~-v~ a. I., *

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861. I...Ailit:..-..cE, J. C. (1'168) British J. of ;:;,.e..-crl&l. ~d. 2.S:223-22a, "U!ect of ldcrovaves at X-band on guinea pig akin in
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862. ~:C:, J. C. (1969) Ncrn-loni:i.::t& !tA<liation _!(2):BG-84, "Effect of pulsed microvaves at X-band on skin metabolisa"

863. ~CE, L. G, (19&9) Electrollics World 82(4):25-28, "El.ectro:rlc.s and the living plant"

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2901. LAZAROVICH, V.G. (1970), Buill. Eksp. Biol. Med., ]_Q( ) :44-46, (Oct.), (In Pus:.,.), "Effect of VHP ~ lectromagneUc
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3526. LAZAROVICH, V.G., & GRITSULYAK, B.V. (1975), Nauchnyye Doklady Vysshey Shkoly, Biologicheskiye Nauki, __ (3):39-42,
(in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), 7 Jan. 1976, pp. 19-24,
"Influence of super high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the capillary bed, parenchyma, and some biochemical properties
of rat testes."

220;, L;.:?J..:.L"S, !:. D., & LE':t:1).!_Y.l., ~- ::. (l'i5~) C. S. A:o::Jic :,er~:: Cc,.,ission, Rept. t;o. TID-3912 (Biol. & 'ted,), F.sp. section
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866, LAZELL, J, A. (1900) !'.e.altb Fhys!.u .!2.:525-, "?.at..iation Control !or ::iealth and Safety Act of 1968"

2902. LEACH, W.M. (1973), In: Fifth Annual Natjondl Conf. of )~CidLlti<>n 1 o1:Lrol, l'r·_f!.LHI·i, .r·. '-lull, ~~d'/ 6-·l(,, Dq'l. of Hc,lltll,
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867. U.UT, f. (1959) <.lectronic.a 32(8):43-53, ~surchiog lllicruvave "::e.altb haurda"

868. LEAVY, 1. M. (1935) Arch. of ~orsie&l ~era71 16:145-1~9, "?hys!cAl therapy in chronic diseases: With special refer-
~r.ce to pert;>hera.1 dileue and u.lce!'ationa"[diat;,~nry)

869. LE:li:::D~nT, A. V. (1937) ln: t'.ater'J.l.s of tbe Leni.OJgrad Ccnf. on ..-::?-!!? Waves, Leningrad, pp. 45-54, "The physiologi-
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870. LD!DD&SUT, A. V. (1940) Pervo:re &e-.--shc-iye po voprosaa pr~ya KV i UKV v meditsine. Trudy. (Tra!Ut, of the
lst Conf. on probla- of the appllc&tio-ta of sbo~aYeS and oltrasbor.: ••a~s in medicine) Medgiz, pp. 121-129, (Abstr. in:
~e Biological Effeeu of !lect~g:>e~ic: r_.eli.a - Annotated Bl.bliogra:.e-., AID Rpt. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), Title? [Discuaaea the
ei?o•ure o! h~tni? electroooag;oe:ic: !ielC.•)

2450. LEBOVITZ, R.M. (1972), The Rand Corp. Rept. R-983-RC, 28 pps., "The sensitivity of portions of the human central
nervous system to 'safe' levels of microwave radiation".

3245. LEBOVITZ, R..M. (1973), IF:J.:E Transactions on Biome<1ical En~:ineering, B~,[-)G(?):l} LL?r:-., "a::..,":-ic vestiJ-)ular -1iFPJ-
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2903. J,EBOVITZ, R.M. (lg73), ,J. of Theoret1cal Biulogy
derived from low level UHF-microwave irrad1r1t-ion of the "ti:tuluti(:n".

29 04. LECHOWICH, R.V. {F~G9), Appl. ~1icroV!ol., ~l2_( ):lC•(,~l~::, (Jan.}, "Pr-JCcdUY' ·~y- L'-~'>J..'l.ting cf!:t::CL2:, ui ~:,,:5''
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871. LED~, ~. M., ~1~, J. F., -~~. ~ G., & KRES~, F. R. (1147) 5ritish J. of Physical Med. 10:177-184, "Preliminary
studies on the heati:lg and circulatory e~:ec::s of >rlc:rO'olaves - 'Radar••

2906. LEHMANN, ,T.F. (1971), In: H<1ndhook •)f Physical i~·:::!dicir.e and Reh.lbJlJtaticr:, (}:I<..USLL;, l.H., t·t ._.ll. (cd::,.}), ',J.I:.
Sdunders Co., Phila., Chapt. 11, _Pr;~~J9-l~,- "~1icrowa~ dl.::-,.t:·~c~rr.y-,~----------

."!907. LEHMANN, '-T.F., et ul. (1965), A1ch. of Phys1cal :>1cd. s. Rehab., i.2_() :307-:H~, "Col":'lpo.rlson uf deep heatir,g Ly r~,_:_crowaves
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2451. LEHMANN, J.F., DeLATEUR, B.M., & STONEBRIDGE, J.B. (1969), Arch. of Phys. Med., 50:117-123, (Mar.), "Selective muscle
heating by shortwave diathermy with a helical coil".

2452. LEHMANN, J.F., GUY, A.W., DeU.7EUR, B.J., STONEBRIDGE, J.B., & WARREN, C.G, (1968), Arch. of Phys. Med., 49:193-198,
(Apr.), "Heating patterns produced by short-wave diathermy using helical induction coil applicators".

872. LE:~~. J, ?., GL~. A. M,, JO~~. V. C., BR~~~. G. D., & !~, J. W. (1962) Arch, of Physical Med, 43:69-76.
" of r~l•ti.., beA~ing'1 ;>roCuced in tusues by ex;>os,re to .Ucrovave energy at frequencies of 2,"450 and 900

873. L~'"• J. F., et a!. (1964) A~c~. o! ?hysical ~d. 45:555-563, ~~ificatioo of heating patterns produced by micro-
vaves at tbe fr~ue,c!es of 2456 and 9•Xl JoiC ~7 ?h::r .. iologic factors !:o t.=.e :.uaan"

2453. LEHMANN, J.F., GUY, A.W., WARREN, C.G., DeLATEUR, B.J., & STONEBRIDGE, J.B. (1970), Arch. of Phys. Med., ~:143-146
and 151, (Mar.), "An evaluation of a microwave contact applicator".

1246. LEHMANN, J.I'., STO~LAki, .T., WARREN, (.. G.,~ DLLATL~R, B.,J. (lg·7~), Archives or Physica! ~eJicine ~Rehabilitation,
~(S):2l3-217, "Muscle he. 1 ~Lnr; produced in ho£1". S]'Primens l·v micrc•wuvt.·:· at 9LS Jnd 43'.'< MHz''.

874, LEir-~, F. L., i SXl~lSA, L.A. (1;51) ~iulleten Eksper13ental'~! Biologii i Meditainy (Moskva) 52(12):47-50,
(Bulletin of ~rt::lental 3:!.ology and !!led. 52(12):1>87-13'1-J, 1961), (r.:>-TI-62-277, AD 281159), (lo Ru.aaian), "The effect of
!dcrowavea on the ho1'li0Clal activity of t::O.e cortex"

a75. LE~~O, J., W.~~!~S~I, !., & M~, Z. (1~&6) Polski !ygodni~ Leo~rski 39(21):1475-1477, "Studies of the effects of
!!l:ic:t'OWAVU of lOY P"""'r !la:x denaity 00 t...--.~ :esticle.!l of raobita"

876, L~"'iA!I, I. (1931) ArC:.. of Physical T~'!rii'7Y _!l:l'3-, ·~e heati::g ef~ect of 1hort radio-vavea"

3527. LENOX, R.H., GANDHI, O.P., MEYERHOFF, J.L., & GROVE, H.M. (1976), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory &
Techniques, MTT-24(1 ):58-61 (Jan.), "A microwave applicator for~ vivo rapid inactivation of enzymes in the central
nervous system."

877. LESSml, p,, Jl:D.llC.X, J,,& nt:SD, :r. (1950) Arch. of ?hysical~. ~:687-695, "Temperature• produced in bone urrov,
"oe, and adjacent r.!.lauea by diatherz:r: u:;>er'..Mneal atuty"
2908. LEONARD, P.F., RESTALL, C.J., TASWELL, H.F., .!:! (1971), Anesthesla and Analgesia, 50( ):302-305, M~crowdve warming
of bank blood".
878. Ltmt"TOVICB, A. v. (1937) l'iziologic!:>es£:!y Z!>. SSSB., SecheDO"f', 22(3,4) :377:385, (Abetr. in: .'!:!:!!. Biological,~.!!!.
Uec:tt'O::a&Fetic ~ - .t.:uouted lli!>liosn~o.,., AJ.""D !I.e;> C. ?-65-17, ~r. 1965), the proble111 of nerve excitation

2016. w::~. "· W'. (1948) !Hoc~~. z. 318:15-43, (ln Ger=n) "Electrical short "aves and serum proteins"

3528. LEPOFF, J.H. (ed.) (1975), Digest of Tech Papers, Internat. Microwave Symposium sponsored by IEEE, 377 pps.,
"Microwaves in service to man," held in Palo Alto Calif., May 12-14, 1975 .

, LEIMAN, s.
(1962) M, T. State J. of Medicine 62(19):3075-3085, "Radiation cataractogenesia" (ioniziDs and non-ioDiziDs
radiation] (Out of place, should foll~ citation 1878)

2 LESZCZYNSKI B. (1973) Wiad. Lek., 26( ):149-153 (Jan.), (in Polish), "The effect of amplitudes of fluctuations
of 9
35 m~gnetic field intensity o~ the frequencyof accidents at work in the light of own investigations."

879. LETAVtT, A. A., & GOiDO~, z.

V,, (tea.) (1960) Institute of Labor ~giene and Occupational Diaeasea, Acad, of Medical
Sc:.ieoce, tssa, !!mlcov, 142 ;.ages, (Jl'RS 12,471, 19~2), (A:>str. in: ~ :.:()logical~ of Electromagnetic Fielda - Annotated
Ubliosraj>h•, AID it;lt. P~5-l7, Apr. 1965), ~ :!l:!.ological ~ of rlt~u1gh Frequencies

88(). (LE""....AVZT, A. A., & GOi.X'!i, z. V. , ?), (19&0) 1.:>: The Biological~ 2!_ Ultrahigh Frequencies, Letavet, A.A., & Cordon, z. v••
(ecl8.), pp. 123-125, (J?ltS 12!71• 1962); (A.bstr, iD: The Biological ~of ElectromAgnetic.!!!!.!!.!- Annotated Bibliography,
.L."'"D Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), Rec~t1.::11l.a for c:onciacting prel..i.:linar;r a=~d periodic medical exa:ainations of "'orkera using UliP'

3530. LETAVET, A.A., &GORDON, Z.V. (eds.) (1968), Proceedings of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Radiofrequency
Fields of the Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, No. 3
Moscow, "Biological effects of electromagnetic radio frequency fields." [unable to verify] '

881. LEVlTlNA, ll. A. (1964) Biu.lleten D:a;> 'noi B!olosii 1 Mec!iuiny (Moskva), 58(7):6~-69, (Abstr. in: Biological
~ 21. ~c:rovaves: CoE>llation 21. A!>a:rac~a, 1965, p. 44 only, "E!!ec:t of pulsed UHF on cardiac rhyth:R") (Also abstr, in:
.!!:!.!. lliological ~ ~ llectro::aape:!c ~ - A:Qotated 3iblio~ra:>t;, ATD llpt. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), '"Effect of microwave•
Clrl cardiac rbythlt o! rabbiu ciurtns loc:&l i:rra.ciati.on of bOdy areu

8a2. ~'"VlTUlA, !. A. (1966) Author'a al:str. of ~te's Disurta::!.on, Moec~, "An investigation of the nonthermal action
of llicr-avu on the bean rate"

8a3. L!VITL'lA, ll. A. (1966) 3iullete:t U..poer'..-lltal'no1 Biolosii i silly (Moskva), g(l2) :64-66, "Non thermal action of
llicrovaYU on the cardiac rll)'tlm of t!>e frog'"

2909. LEVY, D.D. (1971), J. of the Electrochem. Soc., !1:.§_( ):1438-1442, "Induced osteogenes1.s by electrical stimulation".

2910. LEVY, H. (1961), Western Medicine, ~( ) :246,248,250, (Jun.), nPulsed short wave in sinus and allied condit1ons i;;

2210. LEYTES, F.L., & SKIJRIKHINA, L.A. (1961), Biull. Eksp. 81ol. Med., 52(12):47-50, "The effect of microwaves on the
hormonal activity of the adrenal cortex," (FTD-TT-62-277/1+2+4, Transl. or-WP-AFB, Ohio, 27 Apr. 1962).
1. LI, J., & NEURATH, P.W. (1969), IEEE Trans. on Bio-~led. Erogineering, BME-16(1) :96-98, C:an.J =1cctric a. mc,,,.:etlc
fields near a circular loop at 27 MHz", [and discussion of absorption of the energy by biologicctl tissue].

2017 • ._., r-c. (1961) C."licese J. of Surgery _(11):733-72-4, (J?F.S 44,037), "Study on treatment of abscess and cellulitis with
ultra s~o~t vaves"

8S4. LI3BO., L. x. (1970) Bioscience ~(21):116~1170, "Extru>ely l001i freqtl<!nc:y electrO!Jiagnetic radiation biological research"

2454. LIBBER, L., & ROZZELL, T.C. (1972), Naval Research Revie..,s, (Feb.), pp.l-11, "A study of the possible biological
effects of (Project) SANGUINE", [At frequencies below 100Hz].

2211. LIB::!::T, P. (lS3S) Biology a::.d ::~erapy, ~:osco..,, "Sho:-t and ultrashort waves"

a85. LICHT, S. B. (Ed,) (1958, Physical ~!!cine Library, Vol. 2); (1?67, Vol. 4, 2nd Edition), E. Licht, pub., New Haven, Conn.,
wol. 2, !hera,eutic ~ ~d ~; Vol. ~. :hera>e~~ic Electricitv ~ :ltraviolet Radiation

886, L!CRI, s. B. (1367) Cha;>t. 1 in: r~era"~~t!c: !le:tricity ~ ~l~ra...!olet Radiation, Phvsical Medicine Library, Vol. 4, 2nd
!d:!.tion; ::. Licht, puh., Sev Raven., ??• l-70, "!iiscory of elec~ro~::era?y

5) British Medical J. _1(5449):1513-1518, "Radio-frequency hazards vith cardiac

887. LlCHTKR, 1., BORRlE, J., & MILLER, W. M. (196

2016. Ll~~TL~. ?. (1,6&) Sth~eiz ~d •~cben5chr 9&:&6i-, ~Disturbances of cardiac pacemaker by radio frequency currentsk

888. LIDMAN, B. I., & COHN, C. (1945) Air Surgeons Bulletin !:448-449, "Effecrs of radar emanations on the he.atopoietic ayatea"

889, LIEBESNY, P. (1934) Abatr. of the 1st lnternat. Congress of ~lectro-Radio-Biology, (Licunio Cappelli, ed., Boloana, Ita~).
pp. 369-382, (In Get'llall vith English Stmaary), "Biological effects of Hertz ian shortwavu"

890. LIEBESNY, P. (1935) Urban and Schvarzenberg, pub., Vienna, (3ook Revtev in: Arch. of Physical rherapy ~:306 only, 1935),
~ .!!!!
Ultrashort ~ ~ Biology and Therapy
891. LIEBESNY, P. (1938) Arcb. of Physical Therapy 19: 736-740, "Ather::tic short wave therapy"

8~J. LIKHTERHAN, B. V. (1933) Byull. Goauderwtvennogo Taentral'nogo lnstuta imeni Sechenova, (Bull. of the State Central
Institute of Sechenova), ~(10): "The effect on attending personnel of work with high_ frequency electromagnetic equip..nt"

894. LtKHTERMAN, V, B., BORODINA, H. A., LINCRENKO, V. M., & ORL07, L. M. (1936) S~astopol'. Goaudarstvennyy Tsentral'nyy
Nauchno-1saled-:.vatel 1 aldy Institute Zicheskikh Metodov Lecheo1ya. !zvestiya 2_(3, 4) :pp. ? , (Abstr. in: .!!!.!. Bioloaical ~
of Electrosapatic ~-Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "The therapeutic use of short waves"

324"7, LIN, ,J.C. (lg74), The J. of fllicrowave Pow"·r, ~(2):6l-b7~ (June)~ "A cavity-backed slot radiator for biological
effects research".

3531. LIN, J.C. ll975), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 22(1 ):74-76, "Microwave properties of fresh
mallll1dl ian brain tissue at body temperature."

3248. LIN, J.C. (1975), lLU: Tt'dns. on l~lectromagnet.ic Compatibility, [!"'C-l}( ;)·q3-r:<',, (May), "Ir.~<?ractic;n CJf <:..:J::·~"::rc·-
magnetic transient rddiation with biological materjal'~"-

2912. LIN, J~C., c;UY, l\.W., & JOHNSON, C'.C. (1973), IEEE Tra.nsactiu11s 0:1 :1icrow.:1ve Theor~." & 'lcchnl·:;_uc.
Power deposition in a spherical model of mun exposed to l-2U MHz elect.roJT\a.gnetic fH.dd' .. ''.

"913. LIN, J.C., GUY, l\.W., & KRAFT, G.E. (1973), J. cf Microwave Pm·:er, ~(3/4) :".:.7';-28(~,

3249. LIN, LJ.C., & LI, c.r. (F171), J. of Microwave PowE~r. ~-( l) :4~>-48, "1-'.icr···...;avE: ,t ril.i.zat-:.c-n L< oranges in r,lass-pack".

3532. LIN, J.C., WU, C-L., & LAM, C.K. (1975), Proceedings of the IEEE (Proceedings Letters),_( ):1726-1727 (Dec.),
"Transmission of electromagnetic pulse into the head."

895. LINDEMANN, A., et al. (1964) Zeitschrift fur Gesa.te lnoere ~~dizin und 1hre Grenzgebiete, Leipzig, 19:705-711, "Effect
of short waves on ao~fuoctiona of the liver"

896. LINDQUIST, R. J, ? Reference?, 20 pagea, "Short wave diathe~~

897, LINUQUIST, R, J, Reference?, 19 pages, "Galvanis:a"

898. LINKE, C. A., LOUNSBERRY, W., & GOLDSCHMIDT, V. (1962) J. of Crology 88(2):303-311, "Effects of microwaves on normal

899. LION, K. S. (1947) Arch. ·of Physical Med. 28:344-347, "The effect of the presence of metals 1n tissues
subjecl:ed to d1athenny treatment"

2'Jlt. !.ITVINOVl\, L.I. (1972'f, Vrachebnul! Delo Naucf:uyi r·1edit::-,ir!c·kli .~nuu:d, ~~( ) :J n-J , (InFu::~s., ::oupu11ary), "1\n
c.,..pE::L"ir!l~ntal st.uC.-y uf che biological effe,'t ,_,f a lov-: i.nten~o-' ty 1 : hcrt.-·v·.'c~Ve f.··lcctrc.·r·~•r;r •. ~.. j i·,'d".

3533. L!U, L.M., ROSENBAUM, F.J., & PICKARD, W.R. (1975), Rept. from Washinqton Univ., St. Louis, MO, "The relation
of teratogenesis in Tenebrio molitor to the incidence of low level microwaves" [200 microwatts in a waveguide].

900. LIVANOV, M. N. (1944) Acade.y of Medical Sciences, USSR, (Eiol.) (6), "Cerebral cortex electrical reactivity curves for
lll8ll and animal under normal and pathological conditions"

901. LIVANOV, M. N. (1960) Biulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii 1 ~ditsiny (Xoskva) ~(5):478-481, "Influence of electro-
magnetic fields on the electrical activity of rat cerebral cortexa

902. LIVANOV, M. N., TSYPIN, A. B., GRIGORY'EV, YU. G., KRUSHCH~¥, V. G., STEPA.~OV, S.M., & A.~AS 1 YEV, V. M. {1960) Biulleten
Eksperimental'noi Bioloaii i ~~ditsiny (~skva) 49(5):63-67, "The effect of electromagnetic fields on the bioelectric activity
of cerebral cortex in rabbits" -

903, LIVENSON, A. R. (1959) Novoati P.edits1nskoi Te:c.hniki, USSR, _(1): 31-44, (JPRS 9409), "The use of SHF-uHF electromagnetic
fields in medicine"

904. LlVENSON, A. R. (1960) (In Russian) In: Electronics in ~~dic~~e (Electroniki V Meditsin), A. I. Berg. (ed.), Moacov,
Leningrad, pp. 233-238, (Abatr. in: The Biological Effects-of Electro~znetic Fields - Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rpt P-65-17.
Apr, 1965), "High frequency therapeutic apparstus 11 - - - - - ----

905, LIVENSON, A. R. (1960) Meditiaiosk.aya Gazeta Navy t:SSR _(5): 57-63, "The use of !rlcrowaves in physiotherapy (The Luch 58

ftU A• R• (1962} Proc • of the 2nd All-Union Conf. on the tse of Radioelectronics in Biology and Medicio~, •~acow,
906. LIVEN Sun, "
pp. 25-, "Dosimetric: methods in lllicrovave therapy

907. LIVENSON, A. a. (1963) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo lnstituta Heditsinskikh lnstrumentov Oborudovanii·
_ll:l2-, "Dosimetric aethoda in centLoeter and decimeter-wave thera?Y"

908. LIVENSON, A. a. (1963} Meditsinskaya Promyahlennost, USSR ~~d. lodustry, _(11}:10-17, (JPRS 23167, N64-l4920),
"Doaimetry methods in microwave and decimeter wave therapy"

909. LIVENSOH, A. R. (1964} Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii 1 Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kulturi _(5):450-, "Questions of
occupational hygiene relating to the operation of equipment for Ricrovave therapy"

910. LIVENSON, A. R. (1964) Meditsinskaya Proayshlennoat, USSR Hed. Industry, 18(6):14-20, (JPRS 26191, TT-64-41450,
N64-28092}, (Abstr. in:~ Biological~ of Electrooagnetic ?ields -Annotated Bibliography, ATD apt P-65-17, Apr. 1965),
(Alao in: Biological~~ Microvavea, Co!p~lat:!.on ~Abstracts, ATD P-65-68, 1965, pp. 82-90}, "Electrical parameters of
biological tissue in the lllicrowave range; Part l

911. LIVENSON, A. a. (1964) Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost, USSR Medical lnduatry, 18(7):10-17, (JPRS 26429, TT-64-41687},
(Abstr. in: ~Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields - Annotated Bibliographv, ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Electrical
parameters of biological tissue in the :dcrovave range; Part 2, r~thocs of gauging electrical parametera of biological tiasua"

912. LIVENSON, A. a. (1966) Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost, USSR Medical Industry, _(10):17-24, (Transl. by Trans!. Div.,
Foreign Technology Div., WP-AFB, Ohio, Document I FTD-HT-23-232-68, May 1968), (In Russian) "Determination of the coefficient
of reflection for multilayered ayate.a of biological tissues in the microwave range"

913. LIVENSON, A. a., & FREh~, A. A. (1966) Meditsinskaya Promyshlennost, USSR Medical Industry, 20(4):13-24, (JPRS 36332,
July 1966), "On the problea of dosimetry of the energy of decime~rlc v•ves"

914. U~<li. A.. it., ' GA7Rli.:LS, V. A.. (191)4) Se<:tion in: R.ecen: Developments in !'.edical Instruments, State Sci. Inst. Sci.
Tech. Info., ~~ov, (J?RS 25567, ~-6~31859, ~~~)396), "An apparatus for synchrooiz~d treatment of biological objects with
aod ..Ute:! 2! e f'CIIo'&Ve5 ( 5 bllroillpul.a)"

3534. LIVESAY, D.E., &CHEN, K.M. (1974), IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-22(12):1273-1280,
"Electromagnetic fields induced inside arbitrarily shaped biological bodies."

915. Ll'I':>C:I'!S, ll. s. (1947) Akac!e::dya :>a~ SSSR, ?iz.iologichesJU:- lnsti~'lt. '::n·dy, 2:64-, (Abstr. in: The Biological~
of Electr~3?!tic ?ie1c!s- Annotated 3~lio&rapbY, AID Rpt P-65-17, ~r. 1965), "Visual adaptation to c!arkoess under the action
Of S!iF-L!iF !ieles .;;;o:;the occipital rei,!o::>"
917. l.:·;sE!!$, 5. s. (1954) DUserta:.!.cn, l'mlcov, (Ahstr. in: The iliological ~ .£!. Electromagnetic ~- Annotated
Bibl1o3!a~?. A:J ?~t ?-65-17, Apr. 1965), ~e effect of an ultraiig.~ frequency el~ctric field and ionizing radiation on the
917. ~1~53:75, ~. s. (1957) Biofiz~ IC3):3Si-389, (In Russian), (5iophysics ~(3):372-374, 1957, (In English)), (Abstr. in:
The >toloz1~&1 ~of Electro-_ai?eric ~-Annotated B~liorraohy, ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965); (Also Abstr. in:
BioloAica: ;:~ec:s of ~c~a7ea: Co~ila~ion of ~s:racts, ~-o ?-6~3, 1965, p. 68 only, "Review of the role of the nervous
ayste:l !=, r~ t~ i..-a"}, Tha !"O!e of CeOervous syst~:~ in reac::!ons to UHF electromagnetic fields"

918. :.r.-s::r:s, !1. ~;. (1957) Bio!iz.i.La ~(2):197-208, (A!ls:r. in: 'r.le ilio1ogical ~of Electroma11netic Fields- Annotated
Bibliog!a~?. A!J R?t ?-65-17, ~r. 136~). "Condi:ioned reflex activity in dogs under local influence of a~ field upon
certaij zo~es o! the cerebral cortex"

919. Ll7S3l7S, M. s. (1957) Dok1ady Aiaeem11 Nauk SSSa ~:1145-1147, (Abstr. in: Biological Effects of Microwaves: Comoila-
~ .!:.[ ;.!>s:racta, A'm ~.>-68, 1165, ;>;>. 27-28, "Z!fect.s of t:H!' on conditioned reflex activit~so abstr. in: Til'eiiTO!oa!-
~ o~ <"'e"::-e:Npetic ~- J..:.:>otated 3~lio~r~<ohz, .L"M Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Conditioned reflex activit'Y'Of
dogs du:ri:lg ex:;x>aure to the c:erebell.,. :.o ,-ti1-La::? fields

920. LIVSHITS N. N. {1958) Siofizika 3{4):409-421, {also in England 426-436), {Abstr. in Biological Effects
of Microwaves:' Compilation of Abstracts, ATD P-65-68, 1965, pp. 70-71, "Review of the effect of UHF fields
on the functions of the nervous system"), (also, abstr. in: The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields,
ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "The effect of an ultrahigh-frequency field on the functions of the nervous system"
2915. LIVSHITS, N.N. (1958), Biophysics, ~{ ) :409-421, "The effect of an ultra-high frequency field on tbt: function~ r,f t;-;,"-'
nervous system", (Engl. transl. of citation #920, this Biblio.).

3250. LLAURADO, J.G., SANCES, A., JR., & BATTOCLETTI, ,J.H. (1974), Biologic ::nd Clinical Effects'?.!_ Low-frequency !'\agnetic
,and Electric Fields, 343+ pps., Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL, (ProcePd. of WoPkshop/Conf. held feb. ::0.8-24,
1973, Aspen, co-;citation #3362, this Biblio. ).

921. LC3ASCYA, ~. A. (1959) Gig. 3iol. Deyatviye, ~aeov, (In: S~ries of Reports, Labor Hygiene and the Biological Effect
of Radio ?r~~cy E!ee:romagnetic ~aves, Koacov, P?• 45-47), "Changes of the conditioned reflex activity in animals (rats
md ra.bbi:.s) an:S.r eon~inuous exposure to centi.:3eter vav-..s"
922. ~3A!;ci'A, '!<:. A. (1960) Tnldy !iii G!,;iyr.u• !~a i>ole,O.~i,eAMN SSSR, _(1):61-64, (Abstr. in: Biological Effects
of ~crovave5: ~ilat!~ ~ Abatract3, ~-n P-6~a, 1955, PP• 30-31, "Survival and development of mammals in UHF fields''),
(.U..o vs:r. in~ ::;:!..e:oJ!cal ~ o! L"lrrah!p :'requ.eneies, Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, Z. V., (eds.), Moscow, JPRS 12471 0
PP• 60-63), "Surrlval &:ld developaent o! ex:;x>aed to varlo!UI ~ntensities and durations of pulsed SHF-liHI'"
923. LOilJ.SOVA, TZ. A. (1964} Trudy Si~ Gigiyen.ll !ruda i Profubole.l..:tiyaAMN SSSR, _(2):13-19. (Abstr. in:.!!!.!!, Biological
~ o! ~ fT!S,cc:y Electro-pet.ic ~. lnst. of lnduatrlal Hygiene & OecupatioiUll Diaeasea, Acad. of Med. Sciences,
tiSSl, ~::ow). "01.-:>ge.a in ~dition.ed reflex ac:irlty of anUa.ala e%p0Sed to various rangea of microwaves"

924.'I'A. 0 TZ. -~· {1964) Tl"UGy Sti Gigy-- Truda :!. Profzabole.b!yaAMN SSSil 0 _(2): 75-77 • (Also in: .!!!!. Biolosteal ~
Ef ~ ~ecu.e:1~ t..O.e::tro:aasnetic ~. In.atitute of Industrial ::Ygiene and Occupational Diseases. Academy of Medical Science,
t:SS!l. !'.cscow) • 11 Study ot ru.etion of ani=».la to the e:!ects of Dlicrowaves of various vave ranges"
Trudy Sii
925. i.D!A.'''·''VA. r::. A. (1966)/ T=Ca ! ?'nye ZVolevaniya (Moskva) USSR• 10(10}:7-12. (JPRS 39820) 0 "Effect
of chro-..ic U?OI'Ure to ?ulaed and non;nu.sed 10 CD vavea on the conditioned reflex activity Of vhite rats"
Trudy Sii
926. LC!A.'ic<TA, TZ. A. (1968)/Gigiena !r..d& i'nye Zaholevaniya (Moskva). USSR. _(11):23-27. "The probtem of
establ!.sh.i~.g !lt&:>c;ards for peri<><!!.c ttict'O<o"av• ra-iiAt:h, ,exposure: An expericental study"

2917. LOBANOVA, E.A. (1968), Rept., Lab of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, Inst. of Occupational Hygiene & Diseases,
Acad. of Med. Sciences, Ukranian SSR, l< ) :151-155, (Abstr. in Referativniya Zhurnal Biologiya, #7N50, 1968), "A study of
the biological effect of con~inuous and pulsed radiation by microwaves in acute experiments".

2918. LOBANOVA, E.A., et al. (1971), Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol., 15( ):29-33, (Jan.), (In Russ.), "Study of the conditioned
reflex in animals (whiterats) under the influence of ultrashort and short wavesu.

3535. LOBANOVA, Ye.A. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532), p. 46 only,
"Investigation of the sensitivity of animals to microwave (MCW) radiation with administration of pharmacological
927. LC3A.~07A, !!. A., & GORDOS, Z. V. (1960) Trud7. Nii Gigiyena :Tuda i .Profzabo1~niY\ AMN SSSR 0 _(1):52-56. (Alao in:
~2l ptrahigh ?'rec~::1ciu, Let.avet. A. A., & Gorc!on, z. v.• (eda.). Moscow. !960. JPRS 12471 (1962).
1l!.!, 3iclog:!cal
pp. 50..56. ), (.USO &bs:r. in:.!!!!. 3!.o1o{!eal ~Ef ZlectrO&\~r.:~etic !!!!.2- Annotated B1bl1osraphz.• ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr.
1965), "Inns:!gat!.oo of the olfactory ae.uitivi ty in persona su':>jected to the influence of SH1"-UHF 11
928. LC3A.W7A., TZ. A., & TOLGSIJJA, M. S. (1960} l'Tudy Sii Gigiye:u Truda i ProfzabolJani~ AHN SSSR. _(1) :69-74. (In Ruaaian) ••
(.Abstr. b: ~ 3!.o1ogical ~ 2.! t'l:reup ?recuanchs. Letant, A. A•• & Gordon, z. v•• (eds.). Moscow. JPRS 12471. (OTS-62-
1917.>-i-816), i'?• 6&-); (.uao &bstr. in: ~. 3io1oP:cal ~of ~lectrougnetic ll!.!!!!.- Annotated Bibl1osrephy 0 ATD Rpt
P-65-17. A?;•
196S) • wo. (.Abatr. in: 3!.ological ~of liicrowues: CoJ:ilation 2.f Abstracts. ATD P-65-68 0 Sept. 1965,
pp. 31-32. !!feet of i:";il' on nervou.s activity &M inter-neuron co=ectiona 11 • 11 Change in the higher aervous activity and.
inter-neuron c.o::nect!.o:>a in the cerebral CDrtex of ani.ll&ls 'llllder the i.nfluenc11 of SHF-UBF"

2916. LOBELL, M.J. (1962), Clinical Medicine, 69(8): p. ?, (Aug.), "Pulsed high frequency [electromagnetic radiation] and
routine hospital antibiotic therapy in the management of pelvic inflammatory disease: A preliminary report".

929. LDGA, s•• & ZACIU, a. (1966) Fi:!ologia 5oraala Patologica 1!:395-402• "Determination of the electric parameters of bio-
loaf<:al &yste:as at aicrovave frequencies•

3251. LOMBARDO, S.S. (1959), Presented at Symp. given by The Dr. Abraham J. Ginsberg Foundation forMed. Research,
New York, NY, (June 29), "Treatment of decubitus ulcers", [using pulsed, high frequency :lectromagnetic radiation].

2919. LOMMATZSCH, P., BOHNE, B.-D., ULRICH, W.-O., & KUHN, R. (1973), Albrecht v. Graefes Arch. Klin. Exp. Ophthal.,
187 ( ) :201-214, (In Ger., w/Engl. summary) , "Morphological examinations of 8 mm microwave coagula lions in the rabbit
eye", (application to retinal detachment surgery].

3252. LONG, D.M. (1972), Minn. Med., ~( ):564- , "New methods of pain relief", [including use of EMR].

3253 , LONG, J.C. (1963), Amer. J. of Op~thal1110logy, ~6( ):108-133, "Electric cataract: A clinical and experiMRt&l study",
[Discussion of cataracts observed follow~ng contact.w~t? low frequency (DC to ~0 Hz) voltages; comparison of effects of
D.C. and 60 Hz currents; and considerat1on of.poss1b1l1ty of cataract productlon by the therapeutic use of electricity,
i.e., electroshock therapy and electroanesthesla].

2920. LORDS, J.L., DURNEY, C.H., BORG, A.M., & TINNEY, C.E. (1973), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques,
MTT-21(12) :834-836, (~c.), "Rate effects in isolated hearts induced by microwave irradiation", [Turtle hearts exposed to
~z (cw) irradiation (in Ringer's soln.) experienced decrease in heart rate (bradycardia), in contrast to the tachycardia
usually produced by generalized heating].

930, LOS":!.U. A. TA. (l9S3) In: ArtatiO!I a::>d ~Medicine. Paria, V. v•• (ed.). Acade111)' of Med. Sciences. USSR, Mo•c-.
PP• 292-2'15, (!'ra:al. 1.:1: liASA rr-?-228. li~.>-13729). *Labor hygiene and occupational patholoi!O' involved ia the vork vith centi-
•t•r.vave pnaraton ill the Civil Air neet•

931. LOSaAI. A. !A. {1965) Gigi&n& i Sanitariya, CSSR. _(6):18-22, (Abatr. 1a ArD Preas. Special Iasue "Bio-.dical Microwave
lleaeuch•: ';ol. 4 (43) PP• 9-10; Tra;:a8l. in: C7S'!'I T!-66-51033 0 4-6; also JPilS 31280, and N6s-29246), "The effect of cliaatic
conditiot:.a d:rr!.!lg chro!lic irradiation vith Sln'-~'H? eneT7J"

932. l.OSli.•.J:, A. TA.. {!966) In: Probla8 E!_ ~ !ieciicine. Moscov. pp. 262-263. (ATD Rept. 66-116). "The probln of the collbined
bioloaical e!fec:t o! x-ray and !1HY 1rra4i.atioa

933. LOS"..AX, A. YA. (1968) Gig1e::18 TruC.a 1 Profeuional'nye Zabolevaniya (Moskva) USSR, _(5) :15-18, "Radio frequency irra-
diation fro~ aircra!t ~!cation ayattaa aa a health hazard"

934. LOS":'-"--.::, A. !A., a ~-·,:~'Y!:CU..X!S, '!"r. :. (19S-") <:;igi."'e:>a 1!y3, USSR, _(7):39-44, (FTD TT-55-345/1 and 4, AD 618635,
~3-32:31), (>~ 3 :~. in: 3~oloaz:al ~:fe:~ o: ~~cr~•7es: ~iia:!~n o: ,\Ostracts. ATD P-65-6?. Se?t• 1965, pp. 21-22.
'VorUna cocdit:!....-.a ar;~m:; Civil A!~ Uda-r atatio!lS"); (Also ~atr. in: !,h! Biological ~ 2.! Electromagnetic ~­
Anno~aac! 3'-!>l!.oJ!&::>~"• A~ P-65-l'i, ~r. l96S). ":1:-taluation of vorking conditions of civilian airport radar inatallatiou"

3536. LOTMAR, R., &RANSCHT-FROEHSDORFF, W. (1968). Zeitschrift fOr Angewandte Bader und Kltmahei1kunde, ]1( ):1-10,
(in German). "Problems of climatology." [Atmospheric impulse radiation felt to be connected with observed change in
rabbit skin respiration.]

& GUY A w (1975) Univ of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle (Proceedings of the 1975 IMPI
3537. LOVELY, Rs.H., ' Ontario 'canada 27-30 May 1975), (Citation #3124, this Biblio.), "Conditioned
Microwave Power ympos 1um, , • • . "
taste aversions in the rat induced by a single exposure to m1crowaves.

93 ~. LUBIN, M., CURTIS,

of Industrial Health 21(
G. W., OL~LEY, H. R., BIRD, L. E., DALEY, P. F., COG~~. D. C., & FRICKER, S. J. (1960) AMA Arehivea
) :555-558, "Lffects of ultrahigh frequency rad!.ation o:t ani=ls"

2 921. LUCHKOV, v., etal. (1971), Ortop. Travmatol. Protez., 32( ):65-68, (Sept.), (In Puss. w/Engl. abstr.), "ComiJ~lrative
evaluation of the effect"; of ultrasound and microwaves on fracture healing 1.n rabbit.',".
9)6, LUUFORO, J. F. (~port), ·(unpublishe~ Issuin& Agency?), 17 pages, "Status of the field of biological effects of radio-
frequency radiation"

937. LUDWIG, F., & RIES, J. (1944) ~natschr. F. Gebrutsch Gymak 118:291-298, ·"Influence of short electromagnetic wavea on
embryonic development"

3538. LUDWIG, H.W. (1968), Int. J. Biometeor., 12(2):93-98,- "A hypothesis concerning the absorption mechanism of
atmospherics in the nervous systems." -
3539. LUDWIG, H.W. (1971), Biomedizinische Technik, .!§.( ):67-72, (in Gennan), "The effect of electromagnetic extremely
low frequency alternating fields on higher organisms.
3540. LUDWIG, H.W. (1972), Z. angew. Bader-u. Klimahei1k., ]1( ):15-17, (in Gennan), "Weather influence [including
ions and electrical fields] on organic tissue: A theoretical consideration."

3541. LUDWIG, H.W. (1973), Int. J. of Biometeor., .!1.(3):207-211, "Shielding effect of materials in the ULF, ELF and
VLF region."

3542. LUDWIG, W., & MECKE, R. (1968), Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl.(Ser. B),.!§.( ):251-261, (in German), "Effect of
artificial atmospherics on mammals."
3543. LUDWIG, W., MECKE, R., & SEELEWIND, H. (1968~, Arch. Met. Geoph. Giokl. (Ser. B),.!§.( ):237-250, "Electroclimatology."

3544. LUDWIG, W., PERSINGER, M.A., & OSSENKOPP, K.P. (1973), Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl. (Ser. B), £1( ):110-116,
"Physiological effects of electromagnetic fields in the ELF region: II. A review."

2212. v. t.::.:;oss;-, G. (1942) !Ui:t. 'C=l •.•.n.,er..'l. 10o:319-328 (:'.ay/Ju-,e), (In Ger.), "Effect of diathen:~y on the eye"

2213. Ln:c::, L., & u::::::r.s, G. (15'>-)) Uin, ::1>1. Au!<enl> • .DI.:232-233, (In Ger.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Ophth.
g(5): 295 c::ar 1961)). "7he sclera a::er n::>n-perforati:le electrc-<:ca!<ulation"

938, LUKYA.~OVA, s. N. (1967) Zh. Vyqshei Ne~oi Deyatel'nosti imeni i Pavlov, USSR, l!(4):722-729, "The effect of a perma-
nent magnetic field on the bioelectric activity of various brain formations in rabbit"

2455. LUND, E.J. (&Collaborators), (1947), The U. of Texas Press, Austin, (including "Bibliography of continuous bio-
electric currents and bioelectric fields in animals and plants", by Rosene, H.F.), Bioelectric Fields and~·

2922. LUTSENKO, S.M., et al. (1970), Ortop. Travmatol. Protez., 31() :76-78 (In Russ.), "Effects of electromagnetic ultra-
high frequency waves on-therevascularization of free skin transplants". '

354~ .. LU!~KER, L.S. (~974) •. 0ftal;,mologicheskiy Zhurnal.. {4):249-251, (in Russian), Trans1. In:"Effects of Non-
Iolll~lng L1ectromagnet1c Rad1ation (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb.l976, pp. 50-53, "Microwave therapy and drug electrophoresis
in treatment of central serous chorioretinitis and toxoplasmosis."

939. LUZZIO, A. J. (1965) In: t:. S. Anry lied, Research Lab. Progress Report, pp. 37-38, (AD 470368), "I=une mechanhma
(Athermal biological effect of RP energies)"

2923. LYAXH, L.A. (1973), Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, __ (6) :23-26, (In Russ.), (Transl. as JPRS
No. 59690, 6 pps.), "Investigation of the alkaline phosphatase [a.p.] activity in persons dealing with electromagnetic
emission generators of high, ultra-high, and superhigh frequency", [observed increase in a.p. of neutrophils, depending
on field strength, but not on freq., over range HF, UHF, SHF].

940. LYALINA, O. V. (1937) dlons:•~eltryU~1on lnst. for Experimental Medicine, Moscow, '~yperglycemic reaction to ultrahigh fre-
quencies in connection with ~

941. LYSINA, G. G, (1965) Gigiena i Sanitarlya, USSR, _(6) :95-96,, (ATD Press, Special Issue "Biomadical Microwave Reaearch"
Vol. 4(43), PP• 4-5 sAug, 1965); also in: C?STI TT-66-51033/4-6), Changea in the morphological cOmftftsition of bl 0 oc1 d •
influence of SHP-UHF -r- un er the

3546. LYSINA, G.G. {1975), Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, 20{11):50-54, (in Russian), Transl. In:uEffects of Non-Ionizing
Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 41-49, "Clinical physiological changes caused by job-
associated radiation and radio waves."
(or LYSCOV?)
942. LYSTSOV, V. N./, FRANX-~~ENETSKI, D. A., & SHCHEDRINA, M. V. (1965) Biofizika 10:10>-109, (In Russian), (Biophysics
101114-119, 1965, In English), "Effect of centimeter rad!ovaves on vegetative cells, spores, and transformins DNA"

943. L!VDIDVSL\YA. ll. C, • • loi.EltSEYDiJt01 N. TU. (19S6) Katariale on Evolut1onary rnyno.I.OJD', S)'llll0811111 1 Masc-Len1n&H4,
~.!! Electrousnatic Fidda - Amlotatad Bibliouaphr. ATD Rapt P-6S-17 1 Apr. l96S) 1 'l"ltla
!r183-. (Abecr. iDa .!!!!, Jloloaical
DOt &1- (Deale with u:poaure of IIUacla to I1Hl' r..tiationJ

944. LYUTOV, A. I. (1964) In: .!2!! P'roblna .2!, Phydolosical Biophysic•. Voronezh. Izd-vo Vororfezh 1 Univ,, pp. 92-98 1 '"Dyaami"
of excitability and efficiency of apinal cord motor neurone during brain inciaiona at varioua lavale. and the action of aound
and Rl elec:t.._.n.tic oacillationa upon the CNS"
3547. MAASS, J.A •• &ASA, M.M. (1970), IEEE T,rans. on Magnetics, MAG-6(2):322-326 (June), "Contactless nerve sti~~a.~lation
and signal detection by inductive transducer.
2068. !IACCIOL1 1 J. T. (1971) Bioenvironmental Safety Newsletter, pp. 3-5, (4th Quarter), "RF health hazards and 110nitorin,t
oetera -- Recent Notes"

2456. NACCIOLI, J. (1972), Bioenvironmental Safety, (3~72), (of U.S. Havel Safety Center), !(3):6-7, "RF burna from radio
fraq.,aacy radiation".

2214. ~~cG?-"GO?., J. r.. (1970), (~str. f571-14482; AD 712694). "A brief survey of literature relatin• to the influence of lo~
intensi~y :icr~a~es 03 nervous f~ction"

2215. MacGREGOR, R. J. (1910) The Rand Corp. Rept. P-4398 (25 pps.), AD #708815} "A direct mechanism for the
influence of microwave radiation on neuroelectric potentials"

959. KACHABELl, H. YE., KHUBUTIYA, V. A•• & CBINCHALADZE, J. J. (1957) Cigiena i Sanitariya ~(11):81-83 1 (In Rusaian), "working
conditions and the atata of health of \IOrkera employed 1n radio frequency inatallationa"

960. HACKL!, w•• & LANDEEN, K. (1959) Proc, 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipaaata
(Suaskind, c., ed,) 1:11 only, "The effect of repeated cic:rowave exposures on the formed eleaenta in tha blood of rata"

961. MACKAY, R. s. (1960) lnat. of Radio Engineers Trans. HE-1:111-113, "Some electrical and radiation hazards in the laboratory"

962. HACLEOD 1 J., & HOTCHKISS. R. s. (1941) Endocrinology !!: 78G-784, "The affect of hyperpyrexia upon spermatozoa counta in man"

963. M..\CML-:u.t.J. L~ C. (1958) Proc. 2Dd Tri-ervica Conf. on Biologic:al Effecta of Mic:r-ava Energy (Pattiahall !
Bausbart, '1. il,, eda.) ,!:79-87, (AD 131477) 0 ''l'.icronYa radi.ation haz.arda problema in the u. s. Arwf" • • c•• '
964. HAO!l.'l.L\I • L. C. • D~"i, £. J., & OCct.'lD, a.. B, (1958) u. S. Artry Environmental Hygiene Agency, Tech, Pub, • "Health
haaarda usocuted vith aicrovava ra.!i.ati.on"

965, ~..A::>SOS, 1, A., C:OR:l.I.AO, J. T., J:ILL!Jl, It, L., & VOEI.n:R, G. E. (1970) USAF School of Aerospace Medicine Rept. SAM-TR-7o- ,
"Effects of ~rowa~ on bacteria in frozm fooca" 87

2924. MAFRICI, D., et al. (1970), Radiol. Health Data Rept., !!_( ) :667-670, (Dec.), "Nassau County microwave ovens study:
June 1969 - March 1970•:-

2925. MAGIN, R.L., & BUIUIS, C.P. (1972), Proceedings of the IEEE 1972, Region 3 Conferenca, (Apr.), "Determination of bio-
logical tissue dielectric constant and resistivity from 'in ~· impedance measurements".

3548. MAGIN, R. L., LU, S. T., &MICHAELSON, S.M. (1974) Rochester Univ. NY, Rept. No. UR-3490-671, 8 pps.,
•Biological effects of locally applied-microwaves on the thyroid gland of dogs.•
3254. MAIOROVA, I. S. (1972), Vopr. Kurorotol. Fizioter. Lech · Fiz. Kult., 37( ) :448-450, (In Russ.), "Effect of inducto-
thermy on heart function in patients with systemic scleroderma", ["therapy reduced pain in the chest, alleviated dyspnea,
and made tachycardia disappear"].

~216. :ttJr::sr~-., K. (1968) Polish ~:eGio:al J. V!I:989-994, "Tmresti!lationa on the effect of microwaves on the eye"
, eta
966, ~.A.'C.UOV, P. 0, (1967) Veatnik Leu.!DJTadekDao Seriya Biolog1i, USSR, (21):150-152 "On the resonance and
•elective absor;>tioa o! :licrovavu by the Fl.&ae.Lt.ata ~ .!.!!!!n!!!" - •
967. ~\:~.s~. G. A., & 1GtTtl'lOVA 1 I. X. (19~6) Biofizika .!_:201-205, (lD Russian) "Study of the mechanism of heat and maaa ex-
cha.,ge 1n aee.:.S of planta grown vith best prvvidad by 8!\ r! electrical field"

968. ~~~V, A. s •• ~~tHOV. A. s •• & ~v. YU. YA. (1965) In: Bionika (BIOMICS), GAAZE-RAPOPORT 1 H. C,, 6 Yakobi. V, E••
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969. ~.Al.\13)7, A. !1, 1 itO!iA.'IOV, !, v•• S!!I.~iOV, YU. V., & UL'YJ.!'OV, M. YU. (1965) In:~ (BIONICS), Gaaze- Rapoport, M. G, 1
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970, ~~. A. s., ~'IOV 1 YU. v •• & CL'TASOV, K. YO. (1963) Y~teriala of the 3rd Povo1zhakaya Conf. of Physiologists. Bio-
chaa.i.sts, 8Ild '?h<lr.ucologi.ata, Cor'idy, ~. Sl:i?-UH1 electrmoagnetic field as a signal factor 1n the conditioned reflex of white
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971. ~.AI.lJ.lU), J. 1. • & '-'liN, o. c. (1967) Sature (London) 213:28-30, "Di.electric absorption of lllf.crowavea in human tiaauae''

972. y~, J. 1,, & lr:HTTL'>GI!AM, T. A. (1968) liature (I.Dndon) 218(5139) :366-367, "Dielectric absorption of lllf.crowavea in
h u:ll8l1 t is• ........

2457. MAKOW, D., 6 GRICE, H. (1963), Nature, 200(4911) :1120-1121, "Influence of radio frequency heating on sperm".

3255. MALONE, W.F. (Ed.), (1974), F:lectrosurgery ~ Dentis~IJ:::_: I_h_:_ZE.Y_ and Application~ ~-dciJl !2:._~tice. LIW pp~:>.,
Charles C. Thomas, Pub., Springfield, IL.

2c:o. :".n:.·!s:::E"o·, v. Y.., 1o tous:;rK, r. A. (19&8) Izc-vo ""Meditsina", Leningrad, ~of sur Electromagnetic Fields~~
973. ~JL\JELTSVAYG, TU, S. (1962) He~ita~kaya Radiolog!ya 7(8):100-101, (JPRS 15553), The second all union conference on the
uaa of ra:Ho-elec:troaic:a io biology a:.d ::edic:ille -

973, ~'~L~, F. B. (1934) Abstr, of the 1st Ioternat. Congress on Electro-Radio-Biology, Cappelli, L., (ed.), Bologna, Italy,
PP• 543-552, "Soce aspects of c:ochined ra<!i.ation therapy"

2458. MANGANELLI, L.A. (1972), Report No. GW BSCP-72-04R of Geo. Washington Univ. Medical Ctr. (Biolog. Sciences Communi-
cation Project), performed under NASA Contract No. NSR-09-010-027, (Feb.), 195 pages, "Biomagnetism: An annotated bibliography".

3549. MANOYLOV, S.Ye., GURVICH, G.I., MANOYLOV, V.Ye., GUSEVA, T.F., & CHISTYAKOVA, Ye.N. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects
of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532). p. 48 only, "Possibility of using electromagnetic radiations
of the millimeter wavelength to intensify the biological properties of blood proteins."

974, ~~~SFl~, ?. B. (1966) kcer. J. of ~dical Electronics 1:61-65, "On interference signals and pac:ecakers"

975. ~-~\!A£Hrs, YU. A. (1967) Gigiv~~ 7ruda i ?rofess!onal'cyye Zaoolevaniya (8):47-49, (AD 671436), (Abstr. in: Soviet
Radio~iolo?j'", .!.J.ll 65-105-108-9, pp: 80-31, June 1968), "Disturbance of aromatic:-sadno-add exchange products excreted with urir.e
in persons ex;osed to 1:.-.,e action of E? at:d L1-:::r el.ectro:::apetic waves"

976. ~'2-£~, :;, (1959) Pracovni i..ei<arstn, ?rag-.:.e, 11:401-4:)3, (In Czech.) "Protective ceasures against the effects of centimeter
radiation <>O be b = orga:>is.,"

2217. ~~'3.C:.•71I, V. ~!. (1972) J. o: :~.~ ~:J~~. I!lst. of :Oor-:eC> ~5(1):7-20, ("to be cont'd in June '72 issuo>"), "The minirt"-,, a::.:! :,'~etis::J: Sc::>e c.o:lt~::;::a.:-; =-o::ce;>ts" ["interes:i:-..z'' (?) reading]

977. K>..~. K. (19b3) !'racovni Lekarstvi, Prague, 15(6):23g..242, (L"> Czech.), (AD 460316, FTD TT-64-898, N65-35916, AD 618466;A64-80C
also A7D ?.e?t• 65-56, July 1965); (~str. in:~ B!olo~!cal ~ffects of Electromagnetic Fields- Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept.
P-f>S-17, A?r• 1965), "Certain experi:oental observations of tl:e effect of a high freGuency electromagnetic field in vivo and in vitro"
978. !"_.u:::.A, ;(., (1953) ?racovni Lekarstvi, Prague, 1:>:387-393, (ln Czecb.) "Biological effects of rf electromagnetic: waves"

979, !"JL~\, I. (1963) Final Report of t~ Institute of lodustrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague, (In Czech.).
''Complex theory of the ::ecbanism of the effects of electro-..Agnetic fields on the organism"

980. ~.A3-::.A, l.. (1967) U, s. Govt. ites. & Dev. !l.e;><>rts, 25 pages (;,:J 642029) (Summary of Unclassified Report), "Biological
effects of h!t:-freq~cy e1ec:tromag:>etic va?eS" (Ira~sl. o! ite~ fr~:o (above))

931, !".A:'-'i.\, K. (1970) l::t: Proc. of t!le "3iolog1cal Effects and Eealth I::plications of Micr01o1ave Radiation" Symposium, (Cleary,
s. F,. ec,), ?:·~r. of ?.ad. iiealth, Div. o! Sio. Effects, ?.e;>t. :->o. 70-2, Pl'• 188-196, ''Maximl.Illl admissible values of I!F and UHF radiAtion at vork pl..aees 1n Cze<"

2::1. ~. .;:~.;A, ;;. (1971) I~~ :iro!ls. c= ~_:c!"C'Jave 7beory and Tec:.'1~i<;ues (Special IssuP. on Biological Effects of Micro1o1aves)
~-1_!(:):16>-1~2., ·~~c:·c.'"..-.lvo! :-aCiat:i::n safe::y sta:'!C3:-:.s in Eastern Europe"

982. ~-\?-~, !C •• 5o :W.USIL, J. (1962) SlvO?roudy obzor 2.:409-413, (Io Czech,) "Measurement of the power density at centimeter
vavelen;;ths for health purposes"

983. ~·2A, l.., ~"SIL. J,, & TUliA, H. (1963) ?racovni Lekarstvi, Prague, 15(9):387-393, (In Czech.); (ATD Rept, 66-92; AD 642029),
(A!>str •. !n: T~e 3iolol<:!cal Effects of Uectromarnetic ?:elcs - A."lnotated Bibliography, ATD Rpt P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Biological
effects of li.i~ ir~ueney eleccro-_a~~!c ~.·aves 11

984, ~~~~. l.., ~SIL, J., & TU~.A, g, (1968) (In Czech.), State Eealth Publishing House, Prahs, Czechoslovakia, 138 pages,
(Trans!. S3!i 911302-13-7, Pub. by San PTess, lac., 1971), Electromagnetic Fields and the Living Env~_;_

3550. MARINO, A.A., BERGER, T.J., BECKER, R.O., & HART, F.X. (1974), Experientia, 30(11):1274-1275 (Nov. 15),
"Electrostatic field induced changes in mouse serum proteins."

985. ~-'-"-!($, E., & EO:L'iC'.iSKI, J. (1958) Set:rologia i Seurocbirurgia ?clska 2(1):25-29, (In Polish with English summary)
"Clinical o;set"Vations concerning the e!:ect of trlcrCNaYes on t.l-te ner:ous sYstem'~

986. ~-"Li($, J., CA?.7V., E. I., SCA.<.?E:.LI, :>. G., 6 EISE.'i, J. (1961) Ohio State Medical J. ~(3) :274-279, ''Microwave radia-
tion :o the ..:::erior "'"'dias:!nu::> o! the C:cg: I. E.!.sto1og1c and electrocardiographic observations"; pp. 1132-1135, "II. Then:>al,, res?1~atory, and blooe <:Uy::>e observations"

3256. MARONCELLI, H., & FLRRARO, G. (196'1}, La Clinica Otorinolaringoiatl'..;_ca, 3( ):249-262, (Ir 1 Itol. w/ Engl. summary),
"A new method of physical therapy {pulsed high frequency electromagnetic ra<~ ia.tTon] for· ttw tred Lment of chronic '-:.impl··
otitis' 1 •

3551. MARR, M.J., RIVERS, W.K., &BURNS, C.P. (1973), Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta) Final Report prepared
for Office of Naval Research (28 Feb.), "The effect of low energy, extremely low frequency (ELF)• electromagnetic
radiation on operant behavior in the pigeon and the rat."

987, ~.A..'U'.:0-:7, LA. (1964)!i::al Service J. of C<tnada 20:51•6-552, "Three cases of appaTent ehemical burns of the hands
follaving co:~:act v:!.o a magnetron tube''

988, !'.ARS!iAL:., it. (196j) Tradex - 0 a>d )!, .!_!(2) :p;>.' "Safety notes on r.icr<Y.;ave generation hazards"

989, MARTIN, E. J., CO'l~TANT, P. C., JOnS, B. L., FARGO, E. T., & CARTI.'RIGHT, E. G. (19&2) Final Report on Bureau of Shipe
(Navy) Contract INobs-77142 (June) by Midveat Research Institute, KanGas City, Mo., "Survey of radio frequency radiation hazaraa"

990, MARTIN, C., 6 ERIKSON, D. (1950) J. of the Allier. Medical As•oc. ~:27-30, "Medical diathermy"

991, MARTIN, G,, 6 HERRICK, J. (1955) J. of the Aoer. Medical Assoc. ~:128&-l287,."Further evaluation of heating by mlcro-
"'"ves and by 1.nfrared radiation as usee! cl.inic:ally"

992, MARTIN, C., RAE, J., JR., & KRUS21, F. (1950) Southern Medical J, !:l:518-524, "Medical possibilities of microwave

2926. MARTIN, H., et al. (1973), Fortschr. Zool., ~( ):211-228, (In Ger.), "Orientation in the terrestrial magnetic field".

2459. MARTIN, J.A. (1970), Rept., Stanford Research Institute, Contract F29601-69-C-0127, SRI Project 7995 _Work Order . ,
3 4
(Tech. Memo. 6 of 30 June), "Biological effects of fields of the Siege array", [Results suggest no hazardous effects to mar.
from the electromagnetic pulse device].

993. MASOERO, P., et al; (1965) Minerva Ped!atrica _!2:1133-, (In Italian) "Prelimir.ary Report: Influence of electrostatic
field!l and of 1 activated water on "'eig.'"lt increase"

994, MASON, J. F. (1959) Electronics _:3~-35, (Dec. 1), (P~so in: Digest of Tech. Pa?er>, Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf.
on Electrical Techniques in Medicine e:od Biology (Schvan, ll. P., Ch:l.)), "Ge~gas electro::~ic [radiation] detectors"

3552. MATSUCHITA, S., & CAMPBELL, W.H. (1967), Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena, Vol. II, Academic Press.

2927. MATSUMOTO, G., & YAMURA, T. (1971), J. of the Electrical Society (of ,Japan), 91(4) oSSB-596, (In Jap.), "The Liolor;ical
effects of J'licrowave irradiation".

995. MATUZOV, N, I. (1959) Biulleten D:s~rioental'noi Bio1ogii i ~ed~tsiny (~oskva) ~(7) :27-30, "Changes in the excitation
of the optic analyzer in man by t:dcro.,aves"

(1972}, Aviation Week & Space Technology, • Letters to the Editor' sec-:. ion, ( ) :64 only, "Elt'Ctroma.gnetism"
2928. MAXEY, E.S.

2087, ~Y, K. S. (1969) J. P~c~~ve ?over 4:54-59, (~&tr, in: ~n-ionizing Rad. l(3):1Sl only, (1969), Ab•traet 167), Appli-
catioru of :Uc:rowave energy in prr,:.araei<>n oT
poultry c:cnvenience foods"

996, MAY, L., KAHHLE, A. B., & ACOSTA, I. P. (1970) J. of P.embrane Biology 1:192-200, "The effect of electric fields on brai~
cephalin and lecithin filtlS"

2460. MAYER, GLASTON; PRIORE, A.; MAYER, GUY; & PAUTRIZEL, R. (1972), Compte! rendus des seances de 1 'Academie
des Sciences, 274( ):3011D-3014D, (29 May), (in Fr.), "Action of magnetic fields associated with electromagnetic
waves on the rabbit trypanosomes"
3553. i~AYEi<, J. (1975), The Washington Post, Sunday, Dec. 28, p. C6 only, "Ulcerative colotis, cures and treatment."
[Comment in the "Nutrition" section on the safety of microwave ovens.]

997. MAYER, 0. (1954) Science Ne"'slett~r ~: 296-, "Effect of radar "'aves studied by Ar.oy and Navy"

2929. MAYERS, C. P. (1970) , J. of Clinical Pathology, 23 ( ) : 273-27 5, "Histological fixation by microwave heatingn ·

2930. MAYERS, C.P., & HABESHAW, J.A. (1973), Internat. J. of Radiation Biology, 3.i_(5) :449-461, "Depresslon of phagocytosis:
A non-thermal effect of microwave radiation as a potential hazard to health".

ti 00 of the harmful effect of microwaves

998. MAZURKlEWICS, J. (1968) Lekarz liojskovy _(3):1&5-170, (ATD &8-129), "Class ifi ca
on man"

945. McAFEE, R. D. (1959) Proc, 3rd Tri-service Conf. oa Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipments (Susskind, c.,
ed,) l= 314-331,"Neurophysiological effects of t:dcrovave irradiation"

946 • 'dc.AFEE, R. D. ( 1961) Amer. J. of Physiology 3.Q_

0(2) : 192 - 194 , ":;,.uro"h"siological
r J e!'fect of 3 Ctl microvave radiation"

2461. McAFEE, R.D. (1962), Rept. from Tulane University School of Medicine, (Feb.), pp. 374-378, "Physiological effects
of 1:hermode and microwave stimulation of peripheral nerves".

947. lf:AFEE, a. D. (1963) AIDer. J. of Phyaiolozy ~(2):374-378, "Phyaio1oa1ca1 effecu of thermode and microwave stilllulation
of peripheral nerves"
948. McAFEE, a. D. (1963) Biomedical Sciences, Instrumentation !:167-170, ·~crovave stimulation of the syapathetic nervoua
949. McAFEE, R. D. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Bioloaical Effects and Health Implications of Hie~ovave Radiation" Symposium,
(Cleary, s. r •• ed.), Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rapt. No. 7o-2, pp. l5o-153, The neural and hormonal response
to microwave stt.uletion of peripheral nerves"

2019. ~cJ..:F-4, 3.. :>. (1971) HIE Tra::a. on ~.!crvwa.,. T.:aory and Tech11iquaa (Special Issue on Bioloaical Effects of Kicrwavea)
~(2):251-252, "l.:laleptic effect of :Ucrovave irraciiatioa on &r,l&ri:&e~~tal animals"

2931. McAFEE, R.D. (1972), J. of Microwave Power, 7( ):83-85, "Low power density behavior effects of microwave irradiation
of experimental animals: Real or artifact?". -
950. McAFEE, R.. D., BERGER, C., & PIZZOLATO, P. (1960) Proc. 4th Tri-service Conf, on the Biological~ of HicrowU'=
!:ad:lation, Vol. 1, (Peyton, H. F., ed.) PP• 251-260, "Neuro1oaical effect of 3 ca microwave irradiation

a257. McAFEE, R.D., BRAUS, R., JR., & FLEMING, J., JR. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, 8(1):111-116, "The effect of
[chronic 1 2450 HHz microwave irradiation on the growth of mice", [lack of growth stimulating effect).
3258. McAFfE• R.D., CAZENAVETTE, L.L., & SHUBERT.• H.A. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3) :177-180, (Sept.), "Thennistor
probe error in an x-band microwave field", [absence of coupiing of a stainless steel hyjiOdennic needle containing ather-
mistor with the electric field in application such as measuring the temperature of biological tissue at 9.3 GHz).

3554. McCLEAVE, J.D., ALBERT, E.H., & RICHARDSON, N.E. (1974), Univ. of Maine, Final Report prepared for Office of
Naval Research (31 Jan.), "Perception and effects on loconotor activity in AMerican eels and Atlantic salmon of
extremely low frequency electric .and magnetic fields."
241;2. McCOll, A.S. (1967), The Kansas City Star, p.3, (Oct. 7), "That stanae buzz uy be radar".

2932. McCULLOUGH, J., POLESKI, H.F., NELSON, C., & HOFF, T. (1972), Anesthesia and Analgesia, llll) :102-106, (Jan.-Feb.),
"Iatroqenic hemolysis: A complication of blood waraed by a microwave device•.

3555. McELHENY, V.K. (1975), New York Times (Oct. 10), p. 40 only, "Electricity transmitted by radfo beam on [west]
coast" [at microwave frequency].

951. !!cELHANEY, J. B., & STALNAlCER, ll. (1968) J. of B:!.omecbaoics !:47-52, "Electric fields and bone 1oaa of clbuae"

952. MciLWAIN, H. (1953) BiocheD. J. 55:618-624, "Glucose level, metabo1isa and response to electrical impulse ia cerebral
tissues from aan aad laboratory a11imals-w

2933. McXAY • D.H. (1971) • EID Electronic Instrumentation • ,7.(12) :14-17 • (Dec.) • "Electromaqnetic pollution measurement".

2463. MclAY, R.D. (1970), Rept., Fairchild/Electro-Ketrics Corp. (Burbaak, C&lif.), (Aua.), 12 pps., "Current status [of)
electro.aanetic pollution manageaent and measur-t".

2464. KcKBRCBAR, W.D., & KING, W.M. (1972), J. for the Advan. of Med. Inatru.entation, f:l78-179, "Electromagnetic
auaceptibility teat reaults of heart pacelllllkers".

2934. McKIRLBY, G.M. (1930), Trans. of the Pennsylvania Acad. of Science,!< ):43-46, "Some bioloqical effects of high
frequeacy electrostatic fields". 1

2935. McKINLBY, G.M., 'MURRAY,--· (1935), Univ. of Pittsburg Bull., ~(2):183-188, (Biol. Abstr. 113576), "The ultrahigh
frequency ..qnetic-electric field in biology".

953. HcLAUGBLill, J. T. (1957) California HecU.ciAe ~(5):336-339, "Tissue clestruetioa and cleath fr~ microwave radiation (radar)"

2069. UcLAUGIILill, J. R. (1962) \.'estern ~ledicine -3:126-132 • (April) , '"~ea lth .nazar~s
.. f rom cdcrowave radiation"

954. McLEES, B. D., FINCH, E. D., 6 ALlllliGHt, M. L. (1971) Naval t'.aclical Research Institute Report (Rept. No. 1 on Project
HF12.524.015-0001B), "An e:umination of reaeneratiAa hepatic tlaaua followiDa .!!!_:!!!!!_exposure to llF radiation" (Also: J. Applied
Physiology ,1!(1):77-85 (1972))
955. McLEES, B. D., & FINCH, E. D. (1971) Naval Medical Raaearcb Institute Report (Rapt. ~. 2, on Project MF12.524.015-oOOlB).
"Biblioaraphy on the huarda of artificial cardiac pacaaaker exposure to radio fraqueacy fielda ancl electric shock"

956. McLEES. B. D., 6 FINCH, E. D. (1971) Naval Kadical Research Institute laport (Rapt. Ho. 3 on Project HF12.524.015-0001B).
"Analysis of the Pbyaioloaic Effects of Kicrova.,. Redf.ac1oD" (Alao: aae dtatio11 #2086, this Biblioarapby)
957. McNALLY, E. M., 6 BENCHIMOL, A. (1968) ~r. Heart J. (Part I) 75:pp? (Kar.); (Part II) ]1:679-695, (May), "Medical and
phya1oloa1cal considarat1o11a in the uae of artificial cardiac paciAa~Paru I and II
958. McNALLY, J. B., NUNN, A. S., CICBOM. J. V., 6 RICIIAllDSO!I, A. V. (1962) Faderatioa Proceeclillaa .!!,(2)11-255, "Microwave
effacta OD alucoae absorption and transfer in the rat"

2465. MeRlE, D.I. (1971), Health Physics, 21:763-769, "Thresholds for lenticular damage in the rabbit eye due to single
expoture to CW •icrowave radiation: An analysis of the experimental information at a frequency of 2.45 GHz".

2466. McREE, D. I. (1972) Environmental Health Perspect., 5(2): 41-53, (Oct.), •Environmental aspects of
•icro.tve radiation"
2936. McKIE, D.I. (1973), Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Aasoc., June 24-28, Paper No. 73-9,,
"Biological affects of aicrowave radiation".

3259. McREE, D.I. (1974), Health Physics, 26(5):385-390, "D'.termination of the absorption of microwave radiation by a
biological specimen in a 2450 Mriz microwavefield", (using the time-temperature profiles of distilled water; applicable
to in vitPO studies of small, homogeneous biological specimens].
3260. McREE, D.I. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, ~(3):263-270, (Sept,), "Determination of energy absorption of microwave
radiation using the cooling curve technique".

2937. Mc.m, D.I., & IIIILSH, P. (1971), Rev. of Sci. Instruments, 42 ( ) :1860-1864, "Microwave exposure system for biological

999, MEADE, It, (1959) Tha Ellginaar'a tlijlest (U, s. Coast Guard Pub.) CG-133, 1118, (Sept.-Oct.), p. 42, "ltadio frequency
radiation hazards"

1000. MEAHL, H. R. (1956) Institute of Radio Engineers Trans. on Medical Electronics, ~:16 only, (Abatr. froa Symposium oa
Phyaio1ogic and Pathologic Effects of Microwaves (Krusen, F. H., Ch~.), 23-24 Sept. 1955, Mayo Clinic), "Protective . .asur..
for =icrowave radiation hazards: 750 .to 30,000 Kc"

1001. HEAHL, H. R. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the Biolo£ical ~~Microwave Radiation, Vol, 1, (Peyton.
M, F., ed,) pp. 15-22, "Basic problet:~e 1n neasuring RF field strength"

1002. MEAHL, H. R. (1961) Digest of the Internat. Conf. on Medital Electronics, Biological Effects of Microwaves I (Athermal
Aspects), (Frommer, P. L., ed.) pp. 229-, "Ion orb omnidirectional, fixed level, visual indicator o~radio frequency field

2938. MI8INA, M.A.,~ al. (1973), In: Proceedings, Federation of American Societies for EXPerimental Biology, ) : pp. ?,
"NAD levels in rat brain following tissue fixation by microwave radiation".

3556. MEDINA, M.A., JONES, D.J., STAVINOH, W.B., & ROSS, D.H. (1975), J. of Neurochemistry, 24(2):223-227, "levels
of labile intennediary metabolites in mouse brain following rapid tissue fixation with microwave irradiation."

2939. ~· V.P. (1973), Gigie~a Truda i P:ofessi~nal'nyye Zabolevaniia (Moskva), ~(3):6-9, (Mar.), (In Russ., w/Engl.
summary), Car~iov~scular diseases 1n persons w1th a ~1story of exposure to the effect of an electromagnetic field of extra-
high frequency , [ •.. study of 80 male workers with h1story of exposure to em-band microwaves (& 80 controls); including
medical exam, ECG, and blood lipids. Microwave workers had significantly higher incidence of ECG disorders, dyslipidemia,
ischemic heart, and hypertensive disease •.• ').

1003. MELLON, R. R,, SlYMANOWSKI, W. T,, & HICKS, R. A, (1930) Science ~:174-175 (Aug. 15), "An effect of short electric wavea
on diphtheria toxin independent of the heat factor"

3557. MELVILLE, D., PAUL, F., & ROATH, S. (1975), Nature, 255(5511 ):706 only (July 26), "Direct magnetic separation
of red cells from whole blood." -

2467. MENCHINOV, G. (1971), Sovetskaya Rossiya, No.272 (4696), p.4, (21 Nov.), (CIRC abstract), "Magnetic therapy for
cardiovascular patients".

Fishery Indust. Res., 4(7): pp. ?, (Mar.), Preprint.No. 70, u.s. Depart. of the Interior, u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Bureau of COIIIIDercial Fisheries, Wash., DC, "Opening oysters and other bivalves using microwave energy".

3558. MENGES, R.M., & WAYLAND, J.R. (1974), Weed Science, 22(6):584-590, "UHF electrOIIIilgnetic energy for weed control
in vegetables."

3261. MENNIE, D. (1975), IEEE Spectrum, ( ):34-39, (Mar.), "Microwave ovens: What's cooking? 'Only your roast' say
most experts on nonionizing radiation, butconsumer advocates and some researchers express doubts". [Discussion, among
other items, of 'safe exposure levels', and work of IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR), and U.S. Office of Tele-
communications Policy (OTP).]

1004. MEOSSIKINE, B. (1948) Rev. Korrel 60:364-366, "Rapid modification of local temperature following application of abort
waves and its clinical significance•• -

2468. MERCKEL, c. (1971), Calif. Med., 117(1):2Q-24, "Microwaves and man: The direct and indirect hazards, and the

1005. HERJANIAN, s, v. G., & SCHWA.~, H. P. (1966) O~R Tech. Rept. :~. 42, and M.S. Thesis of S.V.G.M., Moore School of Elec-
trical Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania, "Optim:z:ation study of an electrical method for the rapid thawing of frozeu blood"

1006. MERMAGEN, H. (1959) Digest of Tech. Papers, Proc, of the 12th Annual Conf. on Electrical Techniques 1n Medicine and
Biology, (Schwan, H. P., Chm.) p. 41 only, "Studies on the behavior of phantoms in electro~gnetic (rAda~) fields"

1007. MERMAGEN, H. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-servtce Conf. on the Biolo~ical ~ of Micr~ave P~diation, Vol. 1, (Peyton, M. F.,
ed.) pp. 143-152, "Phantom exper:lloents with c.icrowaves at the University of Rochester"

1008. MEROLA, L. o., & KINOSHITA, J. H. (1951) Proc. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the Biolo~ical Effects of Microwave Radiation,
Vol. 1, (Peyton, M. F., ed.) PP• 285-291, "Cllanges in the ascorbic a de! content in lenses of rabbit eyes exposed to microwave

1009. MERREY, J. L. (1963), AD 415814, 11 pages, "Some biological aspects of tlicrowave radiation"

1010. MERRIMAN, J. R., HOLMQUEST, H. J., & OSBORNE, S. L. (1934) ~er. J. of ~~dical Science 187:677-, Title?

3559. MERRITT, J.H., MEDINA, M.A., & FRAZER, J.W. (1975), In: Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and .
Phannacology, .!Q.(4):751-754 (April), "Neurotransmitter content of mouse brain after inactivation by microwave heat1ng."

1011. MEYERS, G. H. • PARSONNET, V., ZUC!C::R., I. R., 6 LE'.IIN, G. (1968) Medical Research Engineering 2:13-16, "An experimental
radio-frequency carotid-sinus pacemaker"

221~. ~:-_z~:c~:.!.., 'i., &: sy::EK, V. (!.97C.) ?-:'a::; ..r-i le:'..arstYi ~2(1):1-S, "£:valuation of ir.:portant factors influencinl! F.EG findin~s
in ?e":"s;::s. -..d::t ~ .!.o~~-tem eX?cs::.=-e t= i:-. the neter t..rave band"

:!21~. ~~=-=::.-__]V~-..., ~.- .. ., ST":i'"E::, V., & lr":'"!-!~-;.-_l., j . (197 ;) ?':-2cov-::i le~-~!'5~Vi Q(l):S-7., "The effect of the elect'COMa~netic radiation
in ~ete!" ·..-ave banC. on c·~e =:.:::G fre~-1.~-=: S?ec:!"l-.--= of ex;>osed :>ers.:J":-:5"

1012. MIALE, J., 6 LANDEEN, K. (1964) To:rlcology and Applied Phan:>acology ~: 71-77, ~'Effect of tlicrowave radiation on the hemo-
poietric system of the rat"

1013. MICHAELSON, S. M. (1958) Comounicatioo at the 2nd Tri-service Con£. on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy, July 1958 0
Univ. of Virginia, reported by Balcl-...-in and Bach, "Dogs turned tO"olard 1:he bea::~ at 2800 Mllz"

1014. MICHAELSON, S. M. (1968) Report !;69-25298, UR-49-1012, 28 pages, "The effect of 2800 XHz tlicrowaves on the eye of rabbits
and dogs"

1015. MICa\ELSON, S. M. (1969) J. of Y~crovave Power ~(2):114-119, ·~crowave hazards evaluation: concepts and criteri£"

222J. ~~rc:-:.!..2..5·:'~;, s. ~!. (1959) P:-~se-:::e::: 2t !:!cl. ~:eurcl. ro:-c!'., ?:-a~ue, (Abstr. :::;70-1:!450), "'~icro,,...nve standards - a
r. -: : .
co-.;J.::-~::!\·e .:.:'lal~--sis" ~~e~~ce~ 5 ?::ssia o: ~<..2:lt!.::cat!o:t o: :::.olopical rrsnonses1

1016. MICHAELSON, s. M. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biological Effectg aac! Health Implications of Xicrowave Radiation" Symposium,
(Cleary, S. F., ed.), Bur. of Rad. P.ealth, Div. of Bio. Effe~ts, Re?t• ~o. 70-2, PP• 35-58, "Biological effects of microwave

2088. MICr~o~. s. M. (1970) ~¢e-i~izi~g 3Ad. 1(4):169-176, "Pathophysiological aspects of ~icrowave irraolatio", Part 1 -
' ef!ects"; Pnt 2, ~· (1971) l(l):Z7-3a-;- "Critical a.nalyai• of the literature"

2221. MICHAELSON, S. M. (1971) AmeriCan Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J. 32:338-345, "Bi0111edical aspects of microwave exposure"

1017. MICHAELSON, s. M. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Special Issue on Biological Effects of Micro-
';.f:J.:es) 1-!TT-1_1(2):131-1.46, .. The !ri-Ser-ric~ ?rozr~t:n- A tribute to :-e:):-g~ ~".. K...... J.uf, L'SA.F (~~:::)"

3263. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1971), ~L of Microwave Power, ~(3):272-276, "Response to 'Comments"'.

2469. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1971), Journal of Microwave Power, ~(3):259-267, "Biological effects of microwave exposure --An

2470. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), Journal of Microwave Power, ]..(2) :67-73, "Cutaneous perception of microwaves".

2471. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), Proc. of IEEE (Inst. of Electrical & Electronics Engineers), 60(4):389-421, "Human exposure
to nonionizing radiant energy-- Potential hazards and safety standards".

2472. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), Amer. Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J., 11(3):156-164, (Mar.), "Microwave exposure safet>
standards --physiologic and philosophic aspects".

2941. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), Rept. UR-3480-103, Univ. of Rochester, New York, "Relevancy of experimental studies of micro-
wave-induced cataracts to man".

2942. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1973), In: Hearings before the Committee on Commerce, U.S. Senate, Mar. 8-12, 1973, on Public Law
90-602, entitled "Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968", Serial No. 93-24, p.l36-l68, "Biomedical aspects of
microwave exposure".

2943. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1973), In: Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the Internat. Radiation Protection
Assoc., Sept. 9-14, (Wash., DC), "Biologic effects and exposure standards for non-ionizing electromagnetic energies".

2944. MICHAELSON, S. M. (1973), In: Proceedings of the Internat. Symp. on Biologic Effects &Health Hazards of
Microwave Radiation, Rept. No. UR-3490-317 (Warsaw, Poland), Oct. 15-18, "Thermal effects of single and repeated
exposures to microwaves: A review"

32 64. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1973), Industrial Medicine & Surgery, 42( ):9·13, "Are your workers exposed to non-ionizing
radiant energy?", [Occupational '.,>ects of exposur e to radio-frequency, microwave, infra-red, visible, and ultraviolet
radiation; t~resholds and standards].

2945 MICHABLSON. S.M. (1973?), world Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Pub. No. EUR0-3170, "Potential
ha~e and eafety consideration in human exposure to non-ionizing radiant energies".

3265 _ MICHAELSON, S.M. (1974), Environmental

Health Perspectives, !(·"'):133-156, (Aug.), "Effects of exposure to micro-
waves: Problems and perspectives •

3266. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1974), Federation Proceedings, Fed. of Amer. Soc. of Experimental Biol., 33(3):461-
"Physiologic adjustments to microwave exposure".

2946. MICIIABLSON, S.M. (1974), In press, "The relevancy of experimental studies of microwave-induced cataracts to man".

3267. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1974), The J. of Microwave Power, ~(2):147-161, (June), "Review of a program to assess the
effects on man from exposure to microwaves", [Comments on presentations made at the Warsaw Symposium held Oct. 15-18, 1~7'8,
citation #3114, this Biblio.].

3560. MICHAELSON, S.M. (1975), In: AGARD Rept. entitled "Radiation Hazards" (Rept. #AGARD-LS-78), Aug., "Protection
gutdes and standards for microwave exposure. •

lOlS. MlC.:L\El.SO!i, S. H., & DODGE. C. II. (1963) 21et Ann-....a.l. Conf. oc Engineering in Ked. and Biology. 18-21 Hov •• CAlao. Jlept.
N69-Z.5367, n--19-976), "Soviet vievs on tile biologic effecu of aic:-owa•1es"

1019. !UCF..AZLSOS, S. ~ •• & DODGE, c. B. (1971) Health Physics (i.D ?ress), "Soviet views on the neural effects of ld.crovavee"
(!xpo.:1:!ed ~citat1011 #2057)
20$7, HICHAELSot:, s. M., & DODGC, C. H. (1971) Health Physics !..!_:108-!ll, "Soviet vievs on the bio1op,ical effects of mtc~o­
vavcs -- An analysis"

2473. MICHAELSON, S.M., & HOOK, W.M. (1972), Presented at the "7th Midyear Symposium of the Health Physics Soc. on
Non-Ionizing Radiant Energy in the Healing Arts", San Juan, P.R., 11-14 Dec., "Exposure criteria for non-ionizing radiant
energy in the healing arte-- Product emission standards and personnel exposure standards".

2947. MICHAELSON, s.M., HOUK, W.M., LEBDA, N.A., LU, S., & MAGIN, R. (197+1 ,(In Press), N.Y. Academy of Sciences Symp.
Proceedings on 'Biological Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation', (Feb. 12-15, 1974), "Biochemical and neuroendocrine aspects
of exposure to microwaves".

2948. MICHAELSON, S. M., HOWLAND, J. W., & DEICHMANN, W. B. (1971) Indust. Med. & Surg., 40(5):18-23, "Response of the
dog to 24."000 and 1285 MHz microwave exposure"

1020. ~.1CF.;.!J.SO:>, S., !!~'L\..\1>, ~d

J. \i,, & D\.1\'DEl!O, ll. (1958) hoc. Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of 1'.1crovave
Ener;y (?att!s~&!:, ~. c. & Banghart, ?. w., eds.) 1:175-189, ~ev of work conducted at University of Rochester (USAF epon-

1021. l'!lC:'.k.-:SOS, s. !'!., HOIILA.,l>, J. ll., TE~.SOS, R. A. E., & ~v_....:;!:!;, 1!. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Bioloaical
£ffec:s o! ~..!c:ro••Tle Radiating Equi?::.e::>ts (SU3$ldnd, c., ed.) 1_:161-190, "Comparison of responses to 2800 Hllz and 200 Hllz micro-
waves or i~c:reasec! e~viron3ental te=?l!rature"

3561. MICHAELSON, S.M., MILLER, M.W., MAGIN, R., & CARSTENSEN, E.L. (eds.) (1975), Fundamental and ~ppli~ AspeSts of
Nonionizin~ [electromagnetic and ultrasound] Radiation, 470 pps., Plenum Press (New York). [Proceed ngs o the eventh
Rochesternternational Conference on Environmental Toxicity, 5-7 June 1974], [Program listed as citation #3120, this

2474. MICHAELSON, s. M., & MOSS, A. J. (1971), J. of the Amer. Hed. Assoc., 216:2006-2007, "Envtror.mental influence
on implanted cardiac pacemakers"

:222. ·:ICL'.::!.S":;, s. '!., ~ SE7"ti, :'. S. (::.9~5) J. of f'ccc!lational '-!edicine 2.:43?-442, (Ahstr. 1'!1.65-82061), "~!icrowove

3562. MICHAELSON, S.M., & SUESS, M.J. (1974), IEEE Trans;, on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 22(12):1301-1302,
'' Internattonal program for microwave exposure protection.

~, v ~ M. Y., S~, B. S., & HOW!JuVD, J. ~. (1964) Aerospace Med, 35(3):824-829.

1022. X-!C!Lill.SO:S, s. ~ .• r::~.sos, il.. A. E. • ... -'!~!A..,_., . (Abetr. No. A64-80830)
ttThe ~e:.atolog::!c e!!ects of nicr:N"ave e%?"

OMSON RAE HANSEN C L Jr & HOWLAND, J.W. (1960), Radiation Research, Abst. No.l08,
i~ ~~; 6 _4~C~!~N ~e~M~ff!:ta of 'to~i~i~~ radiation' i~ 'th; dog", ["The most marked abnormalities have occ~~~~~ foll~"!ng
St;ess with electromagnetic irradiation in the form of 2800 megacycle microw~~e (rad~ri. tima~k:d susce~~e obs=~=~ s s
to induced hyperthermia with altered hemodynamic response, letha1it¥ and inc enc~ o oca z urns.
reactions are best explained by alterations in the vascular snd/or nervous system),

1023. ~!CF~. S. M., THOHSO~, R. A. E., & ~~. J, W, (1959) Oige&t of Tech. Papers, 12th Annual Coaf, on Electrical
Tech:U~-.,ea 1:1 Mee.!d!le ud Biology
'Schvan, B. P., Cui,) PI'• 38-31, "C..racterization of the therul reaponae aoaa animal..
&X?CSe; to aicrova..s or increased envirouaantal t~ra:ure"
1024. !Uc:!A!!.SOS, S. M., T"d~li, a. A. E., & 8:)1l(A.-."D, J. V. (19'>0) Proc. 3rd Internat. Conf. on Medical !lectroalca arul
Bioloaic:al fA~rlng, pp. 399-400, ".aio..edical aspects of uicrCN... e irradiation of ma::aala"

102S. MJCE.Ul.S;)!i, s. M., 11KMSO!i, R. A. E., & BOIIU.'U>, J. v. (19&1) ~r. J. of Phylliology 1Q!.{2):351-3S6, "Phya1oloaic aapacu
of !Uc~an i n-a4!..atioa of aa:aa1a"

1026. MICEA!LSOJ, S. M., THOMSON, R. A. E., & ~~. J. W. (1952), Radiation Research 16(4):476-, "The potential influence
of !Ucrovaves - UjL.'l"l' and recovery froa radiation"

1027. MICHA!l.SOS, S. H., TH~.SOS, R. A. E., & ROII'~ID, J. IJ. (1955) Aerospace Mad. 36:1059-1064, "Comparative studin on 1285 aaAl
2800 ~ pulsed %!!crovrns"

1028. MICl!AnSOS, S. !!., T!!OMSO!i, R. A. E., & HCYwl..'-SD, J. w. (195&) In: Proc. of the SympositD on Bi011edical Eng1oaartn1 ,
(Sancea, A., Jr., ed.), (held at Xarquatte Liliv., ~lvaukee), .!_:21.5-:!18, "Microwaves in biomedical investigation&"

1029. lHCEA!l.SOS, S. l'-, TdOMSO!I, R. A. E., & EOii!...'-""D, J. W. (1957) RoDe Air Developcent Center Tech, Rept. Ho. R.ADC-n-
67-461, Se;>t •• (.0 82!.142L;/ (Also in Senate Eear<_cgs), "BiDlogic: e!fects of microwave exposure"; Final Rept. 1958-1965 [Studies. on
S5$-35S50; & 1~8-12450) bone marrow, thyroid function. & CNS}
1030. :-IIC:t-\!l.S·JS, S. ~., Tnot!SO:>, a. A. E., 0..-\.SA'lAG!:, \i, J., C>.:I~:..A!i, V. J,, & HOWI.A.-."D, J. W. (1961) Digest of the lntemat.
Conf. on !iel!!cal !lectronics, Biolodcal ~ of ~..!cnYWa<es I (.l.::ien:>al ~), (Frocrmer, P. L., ed,) PlenUIII Press. Mev
Yor~, ??• 13~, ~e biolo~ical effects of Dicrowa7e irradiation~

1031. ~I~~o~. s. ~ •• ~SON, ~. A. E., OJLk~~. L. T., ~~~~~. J. w. (1963) Aerospace Ked, 34(2):111-116 0 "The influence
of aicr~~aves en ~onizi~g radiation eX?Qs~re"
1032. XlC::'.A::I.SOS, S. ~ •• Td~SOS, R. A. E., & QCI:OLA!l, Y. J., .n:. (19&7) Aerospace Med, 38(3):293-298/ "Effects of electro-
cagnetic ra~a~io~ on ?hysiologic responses"

1033. !iiC:t\.."''..SO!i, S., _!! al. (19&1) Industr!a.l !ie:i. and Surgery }}:218-, "Tol'!rance of <!nes to microwave exposure under various
cond1:!or..s 11

3268. MICKEY, G.H. (1963), Abstr. in Genetics Today,.!:_( ):72 only, from Proc. of the 11th Internat. Cong. of Genetics
(1963), "Crossing-over in males of Drosophil-a [fruit flies] induced by radio frequency [20 MHz] treatment".

1034. ~!CC!, C. H. (1963) !iev Yor'.c. State J. of ~d • .§2.(13):1935-~:::?, "Electromagnetism and its effect on the organis•"

1035. ~C~, G. a. (1969) Presented at the P~rds and Utility of V..!crovaves and radiovaves Secinar. (Heller, J., Chm,).
11-12 Jec., ::Os:::-:<, "::::::ects of ll.!crovaves il!ld ra.diOYaves on pla.:H a::::d anical cells; hu:oan genetic and somatic damage"

2949. MICXEY, G.H. (1971), Progress Report Abstracts, Office of Naval Research, Report No. ACR-175, pps. 74-75, Work Unit
No. NRlOl-756, Contr. N00014-69-C-Ol-76, "Non-thermal hazards of exposure to radiofrequency fields".

l03c. xrc~-r. G. g,, & ~-LL~. J. E. (19~) 1 "?-aCio fre~~e~cy ~redtment for breaking dormancy and controlling virus infectiona
of pla::::s" Tra::u. of ti:e }~r. Soc, o~ .~ricultural Engineers 1.(4):398-401

3563. MICKEY, G.H., HELLER, J.H., & SNYDER, E. (1975), New England Institute (Final Report to Office of Naval Research
for the r,eriod 3/l/69 to 11/30/74), 46 pps., "Non-thennal hazards of exposures to radio frequency fields: Microwave
studies. '

1037. ~lC~-r. G. 3., S !W"STD;G, L. (1970) liewsletter of tJ::e :::.:Ov!r::~ntal Mutagen Society, No. 3, PP• 25-26, "Chromosome
brea.i<age 1:1 C:L'1ese ha::ster cells i:::duced by raciio-frec;:.oe::cy treatment"

1038. XIK!iAiu;VA. R. I. (1966) Sto:=.atologiia (!'!os<:va) 45:49-53, "!:."Cperience with microwave therapy in stomatology"

2950. MIKOLAJCZYK, H. (1970), Medycyna Pracy, fl(l ):15-20, "Corneal cell mitoses in experimental animals exposed to
microwave radiation"

2951. MIKOLAJCZYK, H. (1972), Medycyna Lotnicza, 39( ) '9'>-104, (In Pol.), (Engl. trans!. avail. as, JPRS 59709, dated 3
Aug. 73, Transl. of eastern Europe scientific affairs), "Curn_,nt research results und future efforts on the problem of the
biological effect of microwave radiation in the department of physical injury at the lnstitute of industrial medicine".

2952. MIKOLAJCZYK, H. (1972), Patologia Plska, ) : pp. -, "Length of survival in a microwave radiation field by normal
rats and rats with removed pituitary gland".

2953. MIKOLAJCZYK, H. (1973), Patologia Plska (Warszawa), 24 (2) d25-132, (In Pol. w/Engl. sunanary), "Survival periods of
normal and hypophysectomized rats exposed to acute microwave irradiation".

2954. MIKOLAJCZYK, H., & HOLWEK, A. ,(1972), Medycyna Pracy, ): , "Effect of acetylcholine, epinephrine, histamine
and serotonin on length of survival of rats exposed to microwave radiatlon, as well as on the water content in certain
tissues of these animals".

2955. MILAM, J.D., SIPEN B., REEVES, A., ~ al. (1971), Presented at t..he 13th annuaJ meeting of the South Central Associ-
ation of Blood Banks, Hot Springs, Ark., "Blood warming using radio frequency induct.iun".

1039. MILCZA.iU:l, B., Z.U.EJSU, 5. 0 6 ~"'II!lo'lC:Z, J. (1967) Pol1ki T)'aodDik IAkaraki, Polud, _!!11924-1927 1 •aaa..,. ill the
aeno11111 sys:- :1.:1 1Dd1'11'1duals VDrkiAI v1tl\1D tbe 1'8D. . of .tc:rovaYe radiation"

1040. MILI'::S~. v. A. (1937) Tnac!y III ...... S'iud.a flziotarap •• Ofauograph), lt1ev, pp. 199-, (Abatr. inr '!he Effect!
of EJ.eetrcr...apetie Field• - Annotated llf.hliosraphy, AID !apt. P-6S..l7, Apr. 1965), "Prvbl. . of uaiaa abort=-aad iiltra-ehort
Iii :aeC!ieine 11

MIL!:S::!i, v. A. (1938) Fb1oterap1ya. MDakYa, _(1): "'!he first international eoagr..a on SHF-UHF radiation"'
1042. ltiLl'::Sl!i, v. A., lo VOr.IAYA, 1.. ts. (1957) 1"1zioterapiya, ~na, _(2)r33-43, "'!he iafluellce of chronic action of ultra-
hip frGGURCY (1a - • c!osu) oa tbe sorpholos:r of the b1oo4, baato;.oiatic, ud ratieulo-enclothellal 8y8t-•
1043. ~!L.l.AL:), J. 3. (19SS) ADaal.ll of Physical ~· _(2):248-252, "Chaaa.. ia tiasue durance of rac!1oact1Ye aoc!i- froa akin
and =o.:.~ele d1.T1D1 hut1ng vith sllor~:~Jrra dhther.,..

2476. MII.LD., 11. (1971), Aviat1oa l#eel: and Space Taclmoloay, _{ ) :14-16, (Peb. 15), "Soviet radar expertise exp~nds.
Radar c!evelopaent plays tntesral role 1u USSR a1litary strate&Y; aaara parity, surpasses U.S. tachaoloay •
[Di~~c:uaHa frequanciu, pulse-repetition rates aDd -tdth 1 , _ r outputs, etc. of current equip~~e~~t).

2956. MILLER, B. (1971), Aviation Week & Space Technology, __ ( ):42-50, (Feb. 22), •soviet radars disclose clues to
doctrine", (see also citation 12476, this Biblio. for the lat article in this series).

2957 • MILLER, J.P. (1974), Human Behavior, ~(8):16-23, (Aug.), "Relax! The brain machines are here", (reviews the status
of hu.&n 'cerebral electrotherapy', electroslesp).

10~. ~i:.U.!:.'1., J. ;; •• & ~£.!\t:SlCY, r. M•. (Co-Olainen), (19!>9) Cc-...f. en Federal-State Implementation of Public r.- 90-602,
"!l..a&!J.atiO!l Ccr-trol :!or Health·& S&fety Act of 19!>8" • held 111 lWatgcmeey, Alabama, 24-28 Mar., U, S. Dept. of Health 0 Education.
anc iO"el!are: ?-~:ic r.uit:h ·Service; aureau of a.4i.ation Health, h?t· #Ol\0 69-4, {Sept.)

2958. MILLER, L.A. (1973), u.s. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Rept. No. DHEW Publication (~DA) 73-8035, (Mar.),
''Federal/State radiation [ionizing & non-ionizing) contr.ol legislation 1972".

2477. MILLER, H.W. {1973), fourth Quarterly Proarosa Rept., U. of Roch.. ter, H.Y.,Dept. of Radiation Bioloay and Biophysics,
{Mar.), "l!ffect of extr-ly 10'11' frequeucy alec:trOIIIlgnetic radiation oa chroso-a".

2959. MILLER, S.J., & SHEl""!'MAN, F.I. (1968), J. of Occupational Med"., 10(3) :141- ?, (Mar.), (AD #260 947), "Evaluation of
three microwave densiometers".

2221. ~:ILI..S, L. F., & SE:CA!., P. (1970) !:!v. o! Biololtical Effects, Bur. Rad. Jlealth, DI!EW, (Rept. No. BRII/DBf 7o-6), 55 pps.,
"?~~~a:!c~ !~=i~e~ts re~~str: repor: l~;G" [a~rox. 15~ of the total nU2ber of incidents reported {133) involved microwave
andio!' ra':!it) !rec:;l!e::c~· ec:·Ji?:---entj

1:~3. ~:::s. -.: . .~. (:?~~) Co:1f. o:> Fec~~a!-St.ate I=lr-oe:::ta~ion o! ?.!.. 90-602, "Radiation Control for llealtb &·Safety Act of
1:1~3'', ·~~.!::e':", ;. ·n., ~ Ce!"'.lS:,;:y, 7. ~ •• C....--C"c::a.), :lel:i 1::1 ~~n=~~~r:.. , Ala., U.S. De?~. of H E w p H C"
iO~,;; ~9-•, (S~?:.), ??• lJ-25, "~!o~.!:ects of :>On-ionizi:::;~ elec;r~!c product radiation" • • ., • • ~., B. R. H., Rept.

2478. MILLS, W.A. (1971), J. of Microwave Power, !(2):141-150, "A prosr- to study tbe effects of llicrovav radiation on
biological ayateaoa" • e

2961. MILLS, W.A., TELL, R.A., JANES, D.E., & HODGE, D.M. (1971), In: Proc. of the Third .
t1on Control, sponsored by the Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare;-Food & D Admn Atu.Jal Nat1on~l Conf. on Radia-
Rockville, MD, nNonionizing radiation in the env:tronment". rug ·' & Bureau of Radl.ological Health,

2223. '!I'!..".Ct.:", r. C. (!972) ?rese:!~ed a=: AerosJ>ace ·~edical .\ssoc., 43rd Ann. '!eetinr, 11-11 •rav, IIRrbour, rb.,
"~:ec!"ce~Goc!'!.r:.e ef7ect:s of nicr0\o-a7e :-~!..!.rion"

2224. :tr:.?.OY, t;. c., C. !~C!l..'.ELSC!:, S. n. (1~72) Aeros!'ace ·~ed. ~{1):67-75, "~!icrowave cataracto~eenesis: A critical review
of the literature"

2479. MILROY, W.C., & MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), Aerospace Medicine, 43(10):1126-1131, "Thyroid pathophysiology of micro-
wave radiation".

2225. MILROY, W. C.•. &MICHAELSON, S. M. (1972) Internat. J. of Environmental Studies 4:121-125 (1973), (In Press,
Sprtng, 1972). "The m1crowave controversy•
2225 MILROY, N.C., & MICHAELSON, S.M. (1973), Internat. J. of Environmental Studies, !< ) :121-125, "The microwave
controversy", (listed in third Supplement, this Biblio. with only partial citation).

3269 • MILROY, W.C., O'GRADY, T.C., & PRINCE, E.T. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, !!_(3):214-218, (Sept.), "Electromagnetic
pulse radiation: A potential biological hazard?"

3564. MINAYEV, V.V., ZHDANOVICH, N.V., UDALOV, Yu.F., &BAZILEVICH, 0.1. (1975), Gigiyena i Sanftariya, (3):11-14,
(fn Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiatfonu(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976),-pp. 77-82,
"Effects of SHF fields on enzymatic activities and pyridoxine levels in the organs of white rats."

222:. :~!::!:o:::r, t. (l959) ~ledyc;r.a ?:-a:: l,£Cl):5i-58, (b Pol,), "!'7'ienic imoortance of electrical currents of hiah and
ult:-a!:i :-:-."

2229. :::::::c;::, t. (1951) ~:e:!yc:y:-.a F:-z.~ {?o!acc) g: 337-344, (:!D-~-61-380), "The health of persona elQ>osed to the effect
of. !ii ;:~ f=e~:.le~c:; e!eccrc::-.a~etic :!~lC.s"

1046, KINECKI, L, (1961) Kedycyna Prac:y 12(4):329-335, (In Polish), (AD 271865):, (FTU-TT-61-380/1, Dec, 1961, PP• 1-8), "The
health of peraons exposed to the effect of high frequency electroaagnetic fields

1047. MINECKI, L.• (1962) Rept. of the 6tb Polish Con£. of Occupational ~.adicine, "The thenoal effect of microwave radiation";
and "Changu in activity of cholineateraae in mice subjected to single and repeated action of microwaves"

1048. MINECKI, L. (1964) Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju 15(1):47-55, (In Polish), (Delivered before the lat Yugoslav
Congress of Occupational Medicine, S..ograd, Nov. 1963), "Critical evaluation of maxim= permisaibl~ levels of microwave radiation"

1049. MINECKI, L. (1964) Ked, pracy Q:307-315. (In Polish), "Effect of microwave radiation on the sight organs"

1050. MlNECICI, L. (1964) lied. pracy 15:391-396. (In Polish), "Effect of an rf electro:oagnetic field on embryonal development"

1051. MINECKI, L. (1965) Medycyna Prac:y 16:30G-304, "Clinical sy::<;~tO"CS in workers exposed to the effect of high frequency
electromagnetic fields"

1052. MINECKI, L. (1966) Kedycyna Pracy 17(2) :134-136, "Critical evaluation of the healdl protetction of personnel occupationally
exposed to high frequency electroCiagneticradiations"

1053, KINECKI, L. (1966) llaraav, (In Polish), Electromasnatic Radiation: Biological~~ Safesuardins.!!!,.!!!!.!!!!.
(Public Health)
1054. MlNECKI, L. (1967) Zcrav PubliczDAt/_(2):213-220, ''High fraqcency eleetroi!IBgnetic fields, a nev environmental hazard"

1055. MINECKl, L., & BILSKI, R. (1961) Hedycyna Prac:y 12(4):337-344, (In Pol1ah) 0 (AD 271865), (FTD-TT-61-380/1, Dec. 1961,
pp. 9-15), ''Histopathological changes i~ tbe internal organa of nice exposed to the effect of J:dcrowavas (S-Band)"
1056. MINECKI, L., OLUBEIC, K., & ROMANIUK, A. (1962) Medycyna pracy ~~255-264, (In Polish), "Changes in the activity of con-
ditioned reflexes of rata under the influeace of the action of mic~avas (5-band): 1. Single exposure to lllicrowavea"

1057. MINECICI, L•• & ROMANIUK, A. (1963) Kedycyna Pracy 14:355-360, and 361-372, "Changes in conditioned reflexes of rata
under the influence of 5-band microwaves (I, and II)" -

3565. MININ, B.A. (1974), Microwaves and Human Safety, Moscow, (in Russian), 349 pps., (Translation as JPRS #65506,
Part I and Part II (20 Aug. 1975)).

2962. MINTS, S.M.,~~· (1973), Biol. Neonate., .!:,!::£( ) :46-49, (In Russ.), "Effect of a ultra high frequency electro-
magnetic field on the level of metals and metalloproteins in animal organs and tissues".

3567. MINTS, S.M., & LAZAROVICH, V.G. (1975), Gigiyena Truda i Profess. Zabolevaniya, (2):54- , (in Russian),
Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation•(JPRS #66512),(7 Jan. 1976T, pp. 1-2, "Effect of
microwave emission on the content of iron, copper, cobalt and metallic proteins bonded with them in organs and tissues
of test animals."
3566. MINTS, S.M., PADALKA, Ye.S., LAZAROVICH, V.G., &ZHIBAK, Ya.D. (1975), Referatfvnyy Zhurnal, Biologicheskaya
Kht.fya, (2): , Abstr. No. 2Fl482 Summary (in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic
RadiationN[JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976), p. 93 only, "The effect of microwave radiation on the metabolism of trace
elenents, metalloproteins, and some indicators of oxidation-reduction processes in the organism."
1058. MINTZ. H., & HEIMER, C. (1965) IE!E Trans. on ElectrOIIISgnetic Compatibility 7(2):179-183 "Nev h
radiation hazard IIOidtoring" - • tee Diques for lllicrowave .

1059. KIRAHORIAN, L. (1934) (ln French vith English SUIIIIUiry), Abstr. of the lBt Internat, Cougreas of Electro-Radio-Biology
(Cappelli, L., ad.) Bologna, Italy, PP• 383-386, "The possibility of clinical diagnostic differentiation of mutations due t~
elactromapetic enerl)'"

1060. MIRAULT, M. (1950) Praxis, Switzerland, l!:927-931, "MicrowaYes (radar) in electrotherapy"

223:i. :::~.I:~...:;.:;:F, ;.., (1927) P..evue G-e::.. :l'~:.c. 1!_:97-119, (Ir. :r,), "Diathermy in ophthalrnoloo:y"

1061. KIRO, L. (1962) Revue de l'.edicine Aeronatique, Paris,.! (4):15-17, (In J:lrench), "Hematological modifications and cliDical
disorders observed in persons exposed to radar vaves"

2963. MIRO, L., ATLAN, H., ARNAUD, Y., DELTOUR, G., & LOUBIERE, R. (1965), Revue de Medecine Aeronautique, 4(16):21 only,
(4th quarter) , (In Fr.), "Report on the microwave-protection of bacteria exposed to gamma irradiation 11 , [froiii" a ca60 source].

2480, MIRO, L., DELTOUR, G.,& PFISTER, A. (1968), In: AGARD Pattern Recognition. Body Armour and Aircrew Equipment
Assemblies. Curre~t Space Med. Probl, Aeromed. Evauation, 7 pps. (In Fr.), [Abstr. in STAR 7(20):3725, ss N69-3477e,
(Oct. 23, 1969)], Influence of magnetic field variations on the growth of certain mi<·roorga;isms".

2072. HIRO, L., DEJ.TOUR, C:,, PFISTER, A., & KAISF.R, R. (1970) Revue ce !:ec!ecine AeronauCiQ·.Je et Spatiale, t:o. 33, pp. 7-f!
(in French), "Difficulties involved in describin!' the dangerous zones fer personae! worki:~z near radar antenna 11"

1062. MIRO, L., LOUBIERE, R., & PFISTER, A. (1965) Revue de Medic~e Aeronatique, Paris, ~:37-39, (In French~ "Research on
visceral lesions observed in mice and rats exposed to ultrashort vaves: ~pecial study of the affects of these waves on the
reprod\lction of the animals"

1063. MIRO, L., LOUBIERE, L., & PFISTER, A. (1966) Revue de Medic~e Aeronatique, Paris, 5:9-13, ·~orphological and meta-
bolic changes observed experimentally under the influence of high fre~uency electromagnetie fields"

1064, MIRO, L., LOUBIERE, R., & PFISTER, A. (1967) In: Proc. of ~~e 2nd Internat. Sycposi~ L~ Basic Environmental Problems
of Man in Space, (Bjurstedt, H., ed.), held in Paris, June 1965,, S?rL~ger Verlag, p~lisher, pp. 288-297, "Effects of
high frequency electromagnetic fields on the uptake of methionine 5-35 by the spleen and liver of mice" (A65-26302)

1065, MIRO, L., LOUBIERE, R., & PFISTER, A. (1968) In: Thermal Pro~le~ in Aerospace ~Ac!icine, (Hardy, J, D., ed,), The
Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development, NATO, Maidenhead, England, pp. 177-183, "Visceral lesions observed in
mice and rats exposed to ultrashort vaves: special study of the ef!ects of these vaves on the reproduction of the animals"

1066, MIRO, L., ATLAN, H., A.'tNAUD, Y., DELTOUR, G., & LOUBIERE, R. (_?_) Ref? "A note on the :-sdio protection experienced by
bacteria exposed to ultrahigh frequency vav.. "

1067. MIRUTENKO, V. I. (1962) Fiziologii Zh. Akadeoiya Nauk tr~ ssa, 8(3):382-389, (AD 292205)1 (FTD TT-62-1361/1+2), "Inves-
tigating local thermal effect of electromagnetic (3 em) waves on ani:ifs" ,

1068. MIRUTENKO, v. I. (1964) In: ~Biological~~ Ultr&So~d ~ Super-high-Fr•guency Electromagnetic Vibrations,

Naukova Dumka, Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. lnatitut Fiziologii, Kiev, pp. 62-79, (Abstr. in Biological Effects of Microwaves:
Compilation of Abstrscu, ATD P-65-68, pp. 92-93 (1965), "SHF dosi:::atry and nonthe'I"CCSl threshold deterci.nation11 ) 1 'lrthe thermal
effects of aSHF electroaaagnetic field on animals, and some proble:=s of SHF-field c!Qs:l:etry"

1069. MIRUTENKO, V. I. (1964) Fiziologii Zh, Aksdemiya Nauk L~ SSR 10(5):641-646, (JPRS 2?,375~ (Abatr. in: !h! Biological
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields - Annotated Bibliograohv, ATD Re?t• P-65-17, Apr. 1965), Effect of blood circulation on the
diStribution of heat, and the magnitude of the theroal effect duricg action of a SHF-L~ electromagnetic field on animals"

2231. MIRUTENKO, v. I. (1964) In: Problens of the Bion:.·:sics and ~ec~anism of~.£!. Ionizinll Radiation, Kiev, Zdorov'ya,
pp. 79-82, "Heat distribution in the orgaas anJ tissues of ani.,~ls ex-;osed to UHF electrorna~netic field 1'

1070. MIRUTENKO, V. I. (1965) (In Russian), In: Problecs in Biooh .. s:tcs and the Mechanis::o of Action of Ionizing Radiation, Kiev,
Zdorovya, i>P• 79-82, "Heat distribution in the organs and tissues of ani::als exposed to a L'EF electromagnetic field"

2964. MIRUTENKO, V.I., & BOGAC, P.G. (1972), In: Gigiena truda i biologiceskoje dejstvie electromagnitnyh voln radiocastot
[Labour hygiene and the biological effect of electromagnetic rad~o frequency waves 1, Moscow, ( ) :60- , ''Effect of VHF
electromagnetic fields on the membranous potential of nerve cells of isolated mollusc ganglions".

3568. MIRUTENKO, V.I., & BOGACH, P.G. (1975), Fiziolohfchnyy Zh., 21(4):528-531 (in Ukrainian), Transl. In:"Effects
of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"{JPRS #66512), {7 Jan. 19i6), pp. 7-13, "Changes in the membrane potential
of nerve cells of isolated ganglia in the mollusk Planorbis~ under the influence of a UHF electromagnetic field."

2965. MIS, M. (1973), Klin. oczna, 43( ) :1039-1040, (In Pol.), "Magnetic cryoapplicator".

1071. MISCHENKO, L. I. (1969) Biulleten Ekaperimental'noi Biologi1 i ~editsiny (Xoskva) 68(7):56-58, (In Russian vith Enelisn
Summary)1 "The influf:nce of an ultra high frequency electro:oagnet1c: field on the carbohydrate aetabolism in the brain of rau"
2966. MISHCHENKO, L.I. (1972), Gigiena Truda i Professional'nxe Zabolevaniia (Moskva), ~() :48-50, (In Russ. no Engl.
s\lllll\ary), "Effect of UHF electromagnetic fields on enerqy metabolism in animal tissues".

2967. MISHCHENKO, L.I., & FRENKEL, S.R. (1972), Ukrains'kyi Biokhimichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev),~( ) :483-486, (In Russ. w/Engl.
summary), "Metabolic changes in nitrogenous substances [NHz, glutamine, glutamate, protein amide N, AMP, and AMP-deaminase]
in animal [rat] nerve tissue [brain] under the effect of an ultra-high frequency electromagnetic field".

1072. MISHIN, V. v. (1964) Vsesoyuznoye Fiziologichesko7e Obs~chestvo. Voronezhskoye Otdeleniye Nekotoryye Voprosy Fiziologii
i Biofiziki, Trudy Otdeleniye. Izd-vo Voronezh Univ., PP• 40-46, "Change of lability of the neuromuscular system under the in-
fluence of electromagnetic oscillations in the audio frequency r&:~ge"
2481. MITCHELL, J. & BONNEY C. (1972), J. of the Assoc. for the Advancement of Hed, Instrumentation, ~:179·leo, ".!!!:!!!!!,
testing of cardisc: pacemakers in electromagnetic radiation fields".

2482. MITCHELL, J.C., RUSTAN, P.L., FRAZER, J.W., & HURT, W.D. (1972), (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB,
Texas), Presented at the IEEE Int'l Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Arlington Heights, Illinois, July 18, as
"Electramagnetic compatibility of cardiac pacemakers".

1073. MITCHELL, J. P., & LtJMB, C. !i. (1960) Proceed1ng9 of the R.:lyal Society of Me.:icine 53:348-354, "Hazards of diathan11 in
uroloi;:y 11

1074. MI'I'1'1.ZlU)I!, It. (1961) Dipn of IDtanat. CO'Df. oa Meclical tlectradca, Biological .!!!!s9..!!.
~), ( r r - r , P. L., ed.), Pleoe~~ "'"-a, s- ton, pp. 193-, "?.elationahip between heat aenaat1oa and
M1crowti3 f,'feCIIUIIIC1

3270. MITTLER, s. (1972), Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, Final Rept. (AD #7119-959), (Sept. 15), "Low frequency electro-
magnetic radiation and genetic aberrations".

3569. MIZUSHIMA, Y., AKOAKA, I., &NISHIDA, Y. (1975), Exper1ent1a, 31(12):1411-1412 (Dec. 15), Effects of magnetic
field on inflanmation." -
2483. .MOAYEII., K. (1971), Strahlentherapie, ill(5):609-614, (In Ger.), "Morphological chances in the placenta under the
influence of abort-wave irradiation". [Rata, at 27KHz; observed marked histological alterations.)

2484. MOCZULSKI, W., & JAKUBEZYK, A. (1972), Paychiatr. Pol., 6(2) :111-116, (In Pol.), "Diagnostic and forensic problems
in cases of so-celled 'microwave neuroses'", [discusses etiology-of mental changes "brought about by high frequency electro-
ugnetic radiation") •

1075. l'lOG~'OOVICH, H. a. (1937) !iulletao !Uper'...-ntal'noi Bioloaii i Heditainy (Moskva) 41246-, (Abetr. ill: The Biol:e;cal
.!:!!!ill.~ D.ectrou.apatic ~ - An:::oute4 Bibllova»z. AID lle))t. P-65-17. Apr. 1965) t Title not liVen, (DiiC'iieaea nsea
ill conductivity of nerves upon ez;,osure to L"El']

2232. MOHR, G. c., & CASIIIN, J. L. (1970) Aerospace ~~ed. Res. Lab., 'ft-:ight-Patterson A'FB, llept, AMRL-TR-68-32, "Bicmagnetic
response of simple biological systems and the ioplications for lon~ duration space misaions" [results indicated no ai~nificant
effect on the two biologic systems studied!

1076, MOLC'.!A.'!EV, r:. (1944) 3iulleten EU?&ri'-Dtal'coi 31ologU 1 l'.editsiny (Giesen) ,!!:1-20, "Bactericidal effect of ultrashort
waves on ::.icroflora of oetallic foreign bodies: RZ;Jeril>ental st..:d.iu"

3271. MOLCHANOVA, N.S., & GEMBITSKIY, Ye.V. (1973), In: Voyenno-Polevaya Terapiya, (Military Field Therapy), Chap. 5,
pps. 198-206, (In Russ.), (Transl. in JPRS No. 62942, Sept. 12, 1974, pp. 14-22), "The effects of superhigh frequency
electromagnetic fields (SHF-EMf) on the [human) body".

2485. MOLNAR, G.W. (1966), In: First International Symposium on Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia, Graz,
Austria, (12-17 Sept.), "Electronarcosis and the breathing rate in the rabbit".

1077. MONAYENKOVA, A.M., & SADCHIKOVA, M. N. (1966) G1gyena Truda 1 Professional'nyye Zabolevanfya 10(7):18-21,
(JPRS 38663; ATD Rept. 66-123, Oct. 1966), (AD 644 533) "Hemodynamic indices during the action of super-high frequency
electromagnetic fields"

2233, MONBRUN, A., & CASTERA.'l, H. (1927) J. d'Opht. "ed, Franc. ll:136 (April), (In Fr,), "Diatherzy in ophthalmology"

2234. MONCREIFF, W. F., COULTER, J, S., & HOll!f'UEST, ii. J. (1932) ~~r. J, of Ophth, 15(3):194-205, (Abstr. in: Zentralbl,
f. d. ges. Ophth. 1ZC7):406-407 (1932)), "Experinental studies in diathermy applied ro-c:he eye and orbit, A. Thermal effect
of diathermy"

2235. l!ONCREIFF, 1<. F., COULTER, J. S,, & HOL'fi'UEST, H. J. (1933) A.'"!A!.r. J. of Ophth. 16(3):193-199, (Abstr. in: Zentralbl.
f. d. ~es. Ophth. 29(6):347 (1933)), "EX!)sri::i!ntal studies in cliather:cy apr>lied to theeye and orbit. 8. Comparison of
thermal effects of diathermy, infrared radiation, and an electric hea:ing pad"

2968. MOORE, R.L., SMITH, S.W., CLOKE, R.L., & BROWN, D.G. (1970), In: Proc. of the 4th Annual Midyear Topical Symposium,
the Health Physics Soc., Louisville, KY, 28-30 Jan.; Bureau of Radiological Heafth, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education &
Welfare, Rept. No. BRH/DEP 70-26, (Oct.), pps. 423-429, "A comparison of microwave detection instruments", (in connection
with hazard surveys], (also listed in BRH/DEP Rept. No. 70-7 (Apr.)).

1078. MOO:U:, 3.. r. (1969) ?resented at the E.azards & Utility of !'.!c-:awaves & lladiowaves Seainar (Heller, J., Clua,), Boston,
11-12 Dec., "Gove~nt relations: probl~ and plans"

1079. ~OC'li, w., J3.. (1968) Report TS::.-"...3-4, 25 pages, u.s. Dept. of llaalth, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service,
Consu::><!r Protection & Enviroru:oeut&l Bealth Service, Enviroru:~enul Centro! Admin. • Bur. of Radiation Health, Rockville, ltd.,
"Biological as:>ects of :::icrovave ra.d:Lat!.on: a reviev of hazards"
1080, t'.OOS, ll. (1964) Aerospace :!'.<!d. 35:374-/ "A prelinin&ry re;>on: on the effects of electric: fields on aice"

1081. ~OOSSIXINS, B. (1948) Rev. ~rrel 60:364-366, "ia;>id ::.odiiieaU.On of local temperature followillg application of short
waves and it.S c:linical significance" -

1082. MOE!.I.Ih-r, li., & L~. F. (1943) A!>str. only in: Zentralblatt fur die geaamte rad1olog1e, p. 216 only, (ln Cenlan),
"Effect of s:Wrt waves on the vegetative nerroua system"

1083. ~~SI, W. J. (1964) ~e~tal Cell Research 33:240-253, ~rtality patterns of mouse sarcoma-180 cella resulting
from direct and chronic nicroo.;noe inadi.ation" -

1084, ~.O!!CA.'I, W. E. (1960) A.'!A Ar::h. of !ndcstrtal !lea.lth &:57()-5i3, (.Uso, Safety Maintenance _:16-, July 1959), "Microwave
radiation hazares"

1085. ~R?~, ~ M. (1959) Diges: of 7e::h. Pa?ers, l2tn AnnUAl Cocf. on Electrical Techniques in Medicine and Biology (Schwan
H. P., Ch:::a, ~ P?• 32-33, "Radio tel~tr:r of ""!lo1e-nerve action pote=.tials"

1086, HO:G:VS3.. :a., & OS30R!iE, s. I. (1935) J. of the N:Dier.!.ca! Assoc • .!Q!_:l413-1419, "Tiasue heating by short vave
diatharuy: sc~ bi~logic observations"

1087. MOSES, P. (1951) Medectne A.e~L;ue, Parts, !:143-144, "2-eceat investigations on the biologic effect of radar"

1088. MOSI%0., !f., & BISS9JP, C. (19!>0) c. r. seances soc. biol. :il!ales associees 154:1016-1017, (In Fretrch), "On the
histological reactions irrad!.a~ion of i.ntratissular pieces by microwaves"

1089. MOSKAU:!\XO, YU. YE. (1958) aio!i:tl:..a 1_(5) :619-62&, "The I!Se o! SHF-UHF fields in biolo{l!ical research"

2969.. MOSKALENKO, Iu. Ye .. (1960), Biofizika, ~(2) :225-228, "Application of centrimetre radio waves for non-contact rer: 1 )rdiw
of changes in volume of biological specimens".

1090. !1:05~1[0, YU. YE. (1960) in: "'ec•r~ ~ Med!tsine, (3er 0 , A. I., ed.) Moseow, Leningrad, pp. 207-218, (Abstr. in:
~ Biolosical ~!?.!.. ElectrO"'-ar...e::i: !ie.!.es- }..n::oto.te<! !li.:Ol!.::rra:.hy, ATD Rept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Clinical and biological
application of Sli?-~d? electrc--a~etic !ie~··

1091. liOSL!J.E!>"lD, J. E. (1961) !iov. --:. ucio. Moslcva, _:79-88, (!..:> Russian), "Some of the possible biophysical mechanis1118
for the interacti.on of the energy of m electromagnetic field "J!t!l liv"'-ng structures"

1092. ~OSKALT:X, A. 1. (1949) Avtoref. Ian~~sertation (Au:hor's ~street of dissertation, Candidate), Leningrad, "Latent
refln period u an indicator of 53::-1-::F field effec~"

1093. XOS:;:.a.LTtlt., A. 1. (1957) Tr. ~!.1 (~?Ort of Mil!::.ary !'..e<iica..!. "Order of Lenin", Akad. imeni S. M. Kirov) 73:13.3-, "Effect
of a Sl:iF field on ox:!.c!atio::. reductio::. proeeans in some ral:>bit tis.s"u" -

1094. MOS!Gl.\ 0 v., .!E. !:!• (1965) IoSl:IOS-Seri.a A !liologia _:277-234, (J?RS 33,500), "Biophysical effects of a constant 1118 gnetic

3272. MOSLAK, T. (1974), Approach Magazine (Navy Aviation Safety Magazine), ) :6-9, (Aug. ) , "Hazards [including
bioiogical] of high frequency radiation".

1095. !'.D':'S!iYl, P. E. (1936) I>De-;>ro-pet~k, t:uiversitet. Sauc!u::vn Za?iski ~:4-, (Abstr. in: The Biological Effects of Electro-
cagnetic ~- An:lotated !liblio:gTa-:>::-.-, A'D Rapt. P-65-17, Apr. 1?55), Title not given, (Discusses altered respoii:Se"inliiUScie
followiag·~i? eX?Qsure)

1096. ¥.0Yl'lEL, c. (1950) l!evue de Me~ec!.:>e &: 39-40, "3iologic ef:ect of electromagnetic radiation (short vave) on isolated

1097. ~cu. v. (1951) O;>htha!Qolog:!.ea (B&se!) .lli:41-43, "L1.tra SUlrt vave therapy following eztra capsular cataract extraction"

3570. MUHLEISEN, R. (1967), Zeitschrift fllr Vergleichende Physiologie, 54( ):20-25, "Measurement of electrical fields
inside of animal cages." -

3571. MUKHARSKIY, M.S. (1975), Vrachebnoye Oelo, (1):118-121 (in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing
Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1W6), pp. 56-59, "Hygienic evaluations of the medium wave range
electromagnetic field in conditions of populated areas."

2486. MULDER, J.B. (1971), Laboratory AniiiBl Science, 21(3):389-393, "Animal behavior and electromagnetic energy waves".

1098. ~~"!.LZR, H. (1949) Arch. of ~~ys~:al Med. !!:765-769, "Ez?er'~cta1 lenticular opacities produced by microwave irradiations"

1099. ~..:L.UR., H. (1950) ADI!r. Scieo~i.s: l!:33-.59, "ita.diation ~;e to the genetic caterial"

1100. ~~D. w. E. (1956) Bell [7e!.e:;:ho::>e) Labs. ?regress Re;>t. il7, "Hazards to personnel near high power UHF transmitting

3273. MUMFORD, W.M. (1969), J. of Microwave Power, ~(4):244-252, "Heat stress due to Rf radiation". [See also citation
#1102, this Biblio.]

1101. ~"!U"Oi'-"l, w. •· (1961) Proc. o! t.:e wtitute of lladi<' En~eers .!1<2):427-447, "Some technical aspects of microwave
radiation hazards"

1102. ~~0?..), ;.·, ;;, (19!>9) ?roc. :Ji ~:-., :!.:o:s:!c:::e o: ::':!ec:~!=~! ; :O:lectron1cs FJ\gineers 57(2):171-178, "Heat stress due to RF
rad~a:io:-:•· (.Uso: ::.-on-:o-o~&ln~ ?.a~ • .!_Dl :ll-"'-ll> (l95:l)) -

1103, HUKPOID, w. w. (1970) In: Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health Implicatiooa of .. Hicrowave Radiation" Sympoaiua,"
(Cleary, s. r., ad.), Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Rept. Mo. 7D-2, pp. 21-34, Beat stress due to RF radiation

2058. MtmFORD, 1.·. l·:r (1971) Presentation at ~reetinl!; of N. Y. Acad. of Sci., 6 Oct., "Racio-fre<~uency radiation hazards"

1104. MUNGO, A. (1962) Folia Medica _(2):156-, (In Italian), "Racar: Technology, pathology, and prevention"

110.5. KUIASHOV, a. r. (1966) V~enno Meditaioakii Zh. (Moa~a) _(6):82-83, "The lingering effect of an ultrahigh frequency field
on the hypophyseal II)'St-: the cortex of tha adrenal glands

2487. MURATOV, V. I., &TURAYEVA, A. P. (1972) Voyenno Med1ts1nsk1y Zhurnal, (1):22·24, "Changes tn the cardiovascular
systel under the influence of the chronic action of UHF" - ·
2970. MUROFF, L.R., ~SAMARAS, G. (1969), In: Radiation Bio-Effects: Summary repor~ Jan.-Dec. 1969, BRH/DBE 70-l, (HODGE,
D.M. (ad.)),"Prolongation of life io a microwave field by means of an environmental chamber".

1106. MURPHY, A• .J., PAUL, 'II, D,, & Hit."ES, H. M, (1950) Arch. of Physical Ked. ,ll:lSl-156, "A c0111parative atucly of the tempera-
ture changes produced by various thel"'I!IOgenic agents"

2488. MURPHY, R.L.H. , BLOCK, P., BIRD, K.T., & YURCHAK, P. (1973). CHEST, 63(4):578-581, (Apr.), "Accuracy of cardiac
auscultation [transmitted] by microwave". [Use of the telestethoscope to detect heart murmurs, and to permit cardiac
consultation by the physician when remote from the patient].

1107, MURPHY, R, M., KLAUSEN, .J._ .JUSIESEN, D. R., & Pnt"DLETO!l, R. B. (1967) Scientific Proc,, Amer, P.ycbiatric Asaoc, 123(1):
201-202, "Enhanced relearning following electroshock and fibrilla (:icrowave) induced convulsiona"

1108. MURR, L. (1965) Nature 206:467-, "Biophysics of pla:1t growth in an electrostatic field"

1109, MURRAY, .J. L. (1963) M. S, Thesis, Dept. of Radiation Biology, Univ. of Rochester, School of Ked, and density, Rochester,
New York, 12 pages, (AD 415814) • "Some Biological Aspects of MicrO".tave Radiation"

lJ.iO, MURRAY, R • .J. (1959) Safety Manual, Sperry Gyroscope Co., "l'.icrovave safety precautions"

1111, MURRAY; R., ABRAHAM, .J. D. R., Cll.\!iBERS, J, H., ELLIOTT, P.M., FFRENCII, G. £., GILBERT, P. R,, BOLDEN, H., o HUIRBEAll, Ao
(1969) tlon-loniz:ing Radiation !(1): 7-8, "How safe are cdcrowaves ?"

2236. HUSIL, J. (1970) Ceskoslovensu hyS!iena 1.5(9-10):315-320, (In Czech,), "Values of field intensity in the surroundings
of high frequency industrial ~enerators"

1112. MUSIL, J,, & MARHA, X. (1963) Final Report of the Inatitute of Induatrial Hygiene and Occupat:loaal Diseaa•, Prasue, (In
Czech.) 1 Measurement 2f !! Field Intensity .!!! 'Work .!!!!! According ~ the Guidelines ~ !!!. .!h!, Surgeon ~

1113. MUSIL, .J, (1964) Final Report of the Institute for Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diaeaaee, Praaue, (In Czech),
Reflection and Absorption of ElectrO'IIIaguetic Energy in .!. ~ ~ .E!_ l!ody

1114. MUSIL, J., & MARHA, K. (1965) Czech. pat81lt No. 115-714, "'iide-band device for meuurina the inteaaity of an electro-
cagnetic field for health purposes"

1115. MUSIL, J. (1965) Final Report of the Institute for Induatrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseu•, Prasue, (In Czech.),
The ~ of Clothing .!!!!. .EJ:!!. Absorption 2f Ulll' Energy in !!!!_ Ors&:~is:a

1116. MUSIL, J. (1965) Slaboproudy Obzor, Pr~gae, 26(7):391-397, (In Czech.),"Effect of the constitution of the body on the
absorption of electromagnetic vaves" -

1117. MUSIL, J. (1965) Sdelovaci technika 13(4):145-146, (In Czech.), (ATD 68-129), "Meaaurement of the intensity of ao
electromagnetic field for hygienic purposesn-

1118. MUSIL, .J, (1965) Final Report of the Institute of Industrial Bygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague, (In Czech,),
Possibilities of Using ~ Measureaents of Power Density of El~trccagnetic Waves for~ Purposes

1119. MUTH, E. (1927) Kolloid:Zeitschrift 41:97-102, (In German~ "Concerning the appearance of the (string of) pearl chain
formation of emulsion particles under the effect of an alternaticg field"

1120. MUTSCHALL, V. E. (1969) Foreign Science Bulletin, library of Congress, ~(2):13-36, (ATD Rept. #66-92), tAD #642-
029), "Biologfcal effects of high frequency electromagnetic waves" (Thts bib11o. translation of citation #977).

1121. HUTSCIU\LL, V. E. (1969) Foreign Science Bulletin, Library c! Congress, 1(6):18-55, (AD 689769; N69-33390), "Response of dhe
nervous system to microwave radiation"

2971. NADASKI, ~1. (1961), Orthopedics, f<S) :336-338, "Inhibition of experim.. nta1 arthritis by athermic pulsating short
waves in rats".

1122. NADEL, A. B. (1961) General Electric Co., Technical ~~litarj ?lanning, Santa Barbara, Calif,, Report IR.~ 61TMP-29, 21 paaea,
"Selected biologic: effects of microwave radiation"

1124. NAGELSCHMIDT, F. (1935) Arch, of Physical Therapy 1!:457-465, "The condenser field: an imp~oved method of application"

3572. NAHAS, G.G., BOCCALON, H., BERRYER, P., &WAGNER, B. (1975), Aviation, Space, & Environn•ntal Medicine, 46:1161-1163
(Sept.), "Effects in rodents of a 1-month exposure to magnetic fields" [200-1200 Gauss].

1123. NAKAMURA, H., OKAMURA, H., & TA.'-'KA, X. (1938) Cann (.Japanese .J, of Cancer Research) _li:294-300, "Short and ultraaho~t
waves, their effects on glycogen, Vitamin c, glutathione, c:alciuo and potassium contents, and on cytochrome oxidase reaction

.1125. NALIVAVKO, G. T. (1939) Dnepropetrovsk. Univerdtet. Institut Fidoloaii. Sbornik rabot, ,!:2-, (Abatr. in:. The Biolosical.
Effects £! Electromagnetic: ~ - Annotated Bibliography, ATD &ept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), (Title not given) (Discuases alteration
in muscle response folloving mtF irradiatioa)

2972. NASH, A.G. (1973), Letter: Brit. Med. J., !< ):783 only, "Diathermy burn hazard".
2489, N!'.ALEIGH, R.C., GARNER, R.J., MOitGAN, R.M., CROSS, H.A., & LAMBERT, P.D. (1971), Journal of Microwave Power, 6(1) :49-54,
"The effect of microwave on Y-maze learniag in the white rat", [Perfor.ance of rats in a Y-.aze learning task was altered by
exposures of 2.45 GHz microwaves at a measured level of 50 .v/ca2].

1126. NEIDLINGER, R. W. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech i
waves) ~(2):250-251, '~icrowave cataract" n ques (Special Issue on Biological Effects of Mirco-

1127. NElFELD, H. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:544-549 "S ff

(Diathermy) -- ' one e ects of electric currents on human respiratory movements"
1128. NELSON, D. J., JR., & SOLEM, D. L. (1969)/Bureau of Radiation P~alth Rept. fORO 69-4 (C f
of Public Law 90-602, (Miller, J. ~ •• ~ Ceruaky, r. H., co-ch~.)), ??· 54 _ 56 , "Laser and mi~raw~~e·p;~bi:!:~al-State Implementation

3274. NELSON. S.O. (1962), Transactions of the Amer. Soc. of Agricultural EnginePrs, 5(1):20-21; t, 30, .. (Non-ionizing
electromagnetic] Radiation processing in agriculture".

2237, NELSON, S, O. (1966) Fam, Ranch, & Ho::e <>uart., ~;o. 13Z, pp. 15-16, (S=er), "~;.,..,.ways to control insects" [includln&
usc of r-f radiation) ~

~573. NELSON, S.O. (1966), Trans. of the Amer. Soc. of Acoustic Engineers, 2_( ) :398-403 & 405, "Electromagnetic and sonic
energy for insect control".

2974. NELSON, S.O. (1967), In: ~ ~- Biological, Physical, and Selected Methods, (KI!..GORE, w.w., &
DOUTT, R.L. (eds.)), Academic Press, NY, pp. 89-145, "Electromagnetic ;n;rgy".

3275. NELSON, S.O. (1972), Cereal Science Today, 17(12):377-378 & 387, (Dec.), "Insect control possibilities of electro-
magnetic energy".

3276. NELSON, 5.0. (1972), J. of Microwave Power, 2.(3):231-240, "Possibilities for controlling store-grain insects with
RF energy".

2975. NELSON, S.O. (1973), Bull. of the Entomol. Soc. of Amer., ~(3):157-163, "Insect control studl'es with
and other radiofrequency energy." microwaves

2978. IBLSON, S.R. (1973), Radiation Research, 55( ) :153-159, "Effects of microwave irradiation on enzymes and metabolites
in mouae brain".

2976. ISL&OM, S.O. (1973), Trans. of the Amer. Soc. of Agricultural Engineers, ~(5) ;902-905, "Microwave dielectric proper-
ties of train and seed".

3277. NELSON, S.O. (1974), IMPI Newsletter, 3_(3):19-21, (Aug.), "Agricultural microwave applications research".

2977. NELSON, S.O., & CHARITY, l.F. (1972), Trans. of the Amer. Soc. of Acoustic Engineers, !i(6):1099-1102, "Frequency
dependence of energy absorption by insects and grain in electric fields."

3278. NELSON, s.o., & KANTACK, B.H. (1966), J. of Economic Entomology, 59(3):588-594, (June), "Stored-grain insect control
studies with radio-frequency energy".
3279. NELSON, S.O., & SEUBERT, J.L. (1966), In: Scientific Aspefts of Pest~· Pub. No. 1402, Nat'l Acad. of Sciences-
Nat'! Res. council, Wash., DC, "Electromagnetic and sonl.C energy or pest control".

3573. NELSON, S.O., & STETSON, L.E. (1974), IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 22(12):1303-1305,
"Possibilities for controll ;ng insects with microwaves and lower frequency RF energy."

• NELSON, s.o., STETSON, L.E., ~RHINE, J.J. ~196&), Transaction~ of_the Amer. Soc. of A~ricultural Engineers, 9(6):
_ t "Factors influencing effect1veness of rad1o-frequency electr1c f1elds for stored-gra1n 1nsect control".
809 815
1. NELSON, s.o., & WHITNEY, W.K. (1960), Transactions of the Amer. Soc. of Agric. Engineers, ~(2):133-137 & 144, "Radio-
328 11
frequency electric fields for stored grain insect control •

2490. NESMENIANOVA, E.l. (1972), Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi t<ul'try, 3~(4):345-347, (July-Aug.),
"Microwave therapy in the complex treatment of patients with acute pneumonia."

1129. NETREBA, H. 1. (1963) In: Aviation! Space !{edicine, (?arin, V. V,, ed.), Acad. of lied. Sci., USSR, Moscow, (NASA trans!.
TT-F-228, pp. 321-324; N65-13739), 11 1he sanitary aspect of the \.'Or;.cin3 conditions around SHF-UHY generators"

2491. NEUMANN, E., & KATCRALSKY, A. (1971), In: Eur. Biophysics Congr., 1st, held in Baden, Austria, (BRODA, E., LOCKER, A.,
& SPRINGER-LEDERER, H., eds.), Vienna, Wiener Hedizinische Akademie, pp.91- , "Hysteretic conformational changes in bio-
polymer& induced by high electric fields,-- Model for a physical record of biological memory".

1130. NEWMAN, H. F., & WILHEUI, S. F. (19.50) J. of u..-ology ~(2):3~3-352, "Testicalar temperature in man"

2979. III~YBI\, H.J. (1972), Presented at the Societe Francaise d'Electrotherapie, 24 Apr., "Electrophysiology and non-therm,.~
pulsed elactromagnetic energy in tissue healing".
1131. NlEPOLOMSKl, w., & SMIGLA, K. (1966) Polish ~~dical J. ~:j16-~0S, (Also, Patologie Polska (~arszawa) 16:129-139, 1965),
"Viscernl p:tthomorpho!(J~~y of f';cperi:ue~:ta: a.-t!o.rtl5 ;j;.,,"J~>:!c:c•J :o r·.-:~ :s:!:0a o~ 10.7 .:-,;tz e!.~ctro:-.agr:etic fields"
, SlES~, R. 7., ~c al. (1957-1>51) ?rogre&$ Reports (!al~e cn~v.) on Investigations of the Biological Effects of Microwave
lrradia~i~: (l~56, AJ-:l~9"46; l>S~, }~ 22S"09 and 22533i; 1959, ~ 214?93, AD 230822, RADG-TR-59-67-21.5, and -311; 1960, AD 229023.
& aa:tpart,
19 1
~ • !'~'-l>G-T?..-<>1-65): {>: ?roc. 2n:i 'iri-set"'7i=e Conr. on :S~ological Effe~ts of Mic:~owave Energy {Pattishall, E. G.,
?. ;;. , e~.), (1953), P?• ZJ"-214, "i(;!·t~e-w o!: .. the wo..-k ~":::C.ucte<! at Tulane t;niversiry ) and (~nve&tigato..-s' Conf. on
:Siological ~!~cts of Electronic Rad~aci!lg '4'-li!h"":>:s, (.t.!la:.:.f, G. --·• (chc.), RADC-TR-59-67, PP· 6-11), Neural effects of m1c:..-o-
wave radiation

• NIJtOGOSIAN, s.v. (1970), Zh. Eksp. JClin. Med., 10( ):lOB-110, (Jun.), (In Russ.), "Sanitary-hygienic studies of
working conditions during hiqh-frequency heatinq".

1133. NlKOGOST~. S. v. (1959) In: S~rles of repor~s. Labor ~iene and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electro-
aa~et!c 'I/ aves, ?· 51 only
lll!o. !il.KOGCSYA..'i, S. V. (1960) :ruey ~l:U G!giye"-'1 :'ru<!a 1 !'ro:~a:::ol ... ni;,aA:-!N, SSS~, _(1):81-84, (~lao in: The Biological~
of Ultra:>! ~to~ Frecur.>, Letavet, A. ~-, r. Gor:!o:t, z. ,. . , (ec.s.), ~..oscov, JPRS 12->71, pp. 83-88, Influence of UHF on cholineBter--
ase ac;:i·.rity in ~he blood senm ar.~ J:ry':hrocytes"); (A::lstr. in: I::_! ;,:.ological ~of Electromagnetic~- Annotated~
ogra~~y. A.O Rep:. P-65-17, Apr. 1~55i; (Also, a;str. ~: o!olo;:!cal ~~ ~icrowaves: Compilation of Abstracts, ATD Rept.
Se?t, !95> o:>. 3}-34, "E!!e~;: o! tu on ;;,loo<!-ser...o c·:>o:Jl!C~~<Sterase ac~ivity ), (In Russian), "Influence of SHF-UUF on
the choii:lesterase a~ti;,ity in 6e '::l:Kld sen::>, a:u! 0:1 the organs of anioals"

1135. ~ili:OCOS:.'A..'i, s. v. (1962) In: S·.=rles of reports, Qo,:estio::LS o! the Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electroaaagnetie Field.
• Kirov order of Lenin ~litary ~~~ical Aea~e~, ~i~g~ad, ~e ef::ct of centimeter and decimeter waves on the content of protein
anci protein fractions in the blood ser= of arli=ls"

1136. !;J:KCGOSYA..'i, s. v. (1964) !r.o~)' 311 Gigi:;ena Truea i ?rof"~leeni)B A..'CI, SSSR, _(2):43-48, "A study of cholinesterase
activity in the !:>lood ser= ar.d or_,~ of a:rl::.als subjected to tile c.'1ronic effects of microwaves"; ibid., pp. 66-67, "Effects of
10 = va·Jes on the content of nu.c:leic ad:is: 1:1 anica.l organs"; ~-o!.:i,, Issue 9~ pp. 56-, "Effect of 10 em wavea on amount of
protei~ frac:tiocs !nan~ ~!ood se~; (Also in:~ 3!o!o~!cal ~~ ~-Freouency Electromagnetic~. Institute of
lnd...strlal Eygiene and Occu.,ational ::l!seases, AcadeliY of Hadical 5-::iences, USSR, Moscow)

1137. ~~KOGCSY~~. S. v. (1967) B!~le:~ EL3per_aantal'noi 3iolog~ i Meditsiny (~oskva) 64(9):56-58, (Abstr, in: Soviet Radio-
b1olo31, k<D 68-105--103-9, pp. B!-32. J~e 1968; }~ 67li3o), "~-~~es in protein cetabolism-under chronic exposure ~em low-
int<!~lty ~.:c:ve.e ..

3574. NIKOGOSYAN, S.V. (1970), Doklady: Akademiya Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, 10(6):108-110 (in Russian), Transl. In:
"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512),(7 Jan. 1976),pp. 90-92, "Sanitary hygienic investigation
of working conditions during high frequency heating."

2492. NIKOGOSYAN, S.V. (1971), Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevanl.ya, (7) :49-51, (JPRS abstract), "Analyzer
function in persons exposed to radio waves".

113S. l\n:oGOSYA..'I, S. V., & KI!SG'.'5l:.A!~, 1. A. (1968) Cigiy~:::a Trx.a 1 Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (Moskva) (5) :!'»l-55, "Changes
in th~ acti7ity o: cholineaterasa ~o :~a c~tral ~ervo~ sys:e3 o: ani~ls with different functional conditions under the action
of low int~ity ~eci=eter vaves"

1139. !:IKC~VA, E. !1, (1953) S"<>ern. :Jos?• 1:!.1:1. Se:lrolog. (V.onogra;>b), "On experioental basis of use of UHF currents in medical

2981. NIKOLAEVSKAYA, V.P. (1971), Vopr. Kurorto1. Fizioter. Lech. Fiz. Kult., 36( ) :423-426, (Sep.-Oct.), (In Russ.),
"Changes in the temperature of the tj11ftpanic cavity and maxillary sinus under the action of magnetic, electric, and
electromagnetic fields".

1140. !IIKOLO'iA-TROYZVA, L. (196.1.) Yo;::~osy Iurorcologii, Fizio:era?i:!. i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul 1 tury (Problecs in Health Resort
Sci., Ph:•sio:beraDv and H<!dical P:tys:!.~li Cclture), ~Ds:c-• 1 29 (3): 2 3?-242, (JPRS 26038; N64-276 70), "Results of microwave treatment
of so-..e"

1141. :a;:G-~;QVA, K. V. (1960) Gig:ie:-..a :rda i ?'nye :z·cole·,an:!.ya Cioskva) (1):9-12, "The hygienic characteristic of
labor co:>ciitioc.s c!urlng vor:.: "-itb h!._;: fre~uency heatizg i:J :he e:!.c.:trovacuU!ll industry"

11~2. !OlKCliCVA, K. V, (19'>0) Ir:: p·c,.-,!.cd ~ o: ~ U:viroc-=c:>:, Letavet, A. A., (ed.), pp. 163-170, "The problem of labor
hygi~.-:e c!u:-!ng •-or;.: \ high f:-:~::a~C) ge:1erators .i:J c.he elcc tro-·•:!Cu;.r:::J industry 11

1143. !'!KOSO\'A: K. ':': (1963) ~c~~Cc.::dicate'olJ:ss:;a::!on,_~.cs~",'"• (Abstr. in: I!!! Biological~ of Electromagnetic
Fielcs - A:::lOtca.<>d :0'-.:llio~raoh,., A--' 2?:. ?-5:>-17, ""r. 196)), "..aterials on the hygienic assessment of high frequency electro-
O>ape:ic :Oielcis bee~= an~. lo:1g ·.-a·.·"-')"
1144. :;r.;:.c:;ovA, K. \'. (1964) 1rx: ~;:_:_ G~gi:;ec.a TruC-2 i ?ro:za>o:~i)S A:P.I, SSSR, _(2) :49-56, "Effects of high frequency electro_.
cagnetic !ieles on the fu11ctiocs o: t:c" r:ervous sys~= .. ; ibid., ??• 61-65, "EffPcts of high frequency electromagnetic fields on
OlooC. prassure and boCy te=peratur2 ... _ ~X?eri::.e~;:al ~=i::.a.:..~"; ~.~5-: ~;1: ~Biological ~of Radio-Frequen~y FielJb. Inscitute
of I::1Cus:rtal F.:r&ie~e and Occu?a:ic-::.a: J!..sea.5es, c:o: ~~ec..:.c-a_ ~~iences, USSR, Hoscow) ---

llt'•. :;nc.;;cvA, ;::, '.",, & F"Cr;;;.r.t;o:.., ?. ?. (1962) Gig!en2 Tr-.:Ga i ?ro:'essional'nye Zabolevaniia (~!oskva), 6(3):8-13, (JPRS 13920;
:;62-1261;), "P.ygienic evaluation o: ~~r.~ing co~cicions and t~e e::ec:iveness of protective (safety) measures during the induction
heati::g of ~tal using ~ieh fre~·.;e~cy o:t0e genera:ors~·

3575. NIKORYUKINA, I.P. (1975), Vrachebnoye Delo, ( ):40-43 (Dec.), (in Russian), Transl. In: Effects of Non-Ionizing
! Electromagnetic Radiation*(JPRS #L/5787), 26 Mar. 1976, pp. 19-23, "Use of inductothenny and microwaves in integrated
treatment of patients with chronic colotis."

1146. srz~;:K, G. v. (19;6) lb. c>:> 3!ologii, "..c-;cO\I, !2.(!.):311-316, "Viability changes in sexual cells of male rabbits
and ~ce ~Cer the ac:ion of \~~-~ :~~!~"

2493. NORTHROP, R. B. (1967), IEEE Trans. on Bio-Medical Engineering, BME-~(3): 191-200, "Electrofishing".

1147. ~;Q':,>X, J. E. Cerny, V. (1963) ~O?is J...ekaru Ces<.ych, ?r.;;o-ce, 102,496-497, (In Czeci\J "Influence of a pulsed electroma~~:netic
field on the h~ organisn"

2238. NOVITSKIY, Yu.I., GORDON! Z.V., PRES~N, A.S., & KHDLOOOV, Yu.A. (1971), (176 pps. Transl. of Chapt. 1, Vol. 2,
Part 1 of Osnovy Kosmicheskoy B1ologii i Med1tsiny (Foundations of Space Biology &Medicine), Moscow, Acad. of Sciences
USSR (1970), 288 pps. fromRuss.), NASA TT-F-14,021, Radio Fregu~~ and Microwaves: Magnetic and Electrical Fields.
3282, NOVITSKIY, Yu.I., STREKOVA, V.Yu., & TARAKANOVA, G.A. {1971), In: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. {ed.), Influence of Magnetic
~~Biological Objects, {Citation f3230, this Biblio. ), pp. 65-8'>, "The influence of constant magneticfields on the
St'Owth of plants".

1148, :2:.~iOitl, S., & tOR!tiS!, "S. (lS3~) }.::oer. J, of ?h;.~ie&.l ?'e.r-a?Yo _(9) :130-, "A specific effect of high frequency electric
currents on biolo&ieLl objects ; a~d ~!d, _(11):102-, Ultra-ni~ frequency electromagnetic vibrations: their effects upon
livi:l& org.a:dsr.s"

3576. NUCCITELLI, R., &JAFFE, L.F. (1974), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 71(12):4855-4859
"Soontaneous current pulses through developing fucoid eggs" [c0111110n seaweed eggs studied us1ngextra-cellular'
vibrating electrode]. ·
1149, !>1?.0?, J. E. (1946) :;ature !57(3976): 51 only, (12 Jan.), "A specific effect of high-frequency electric c•ITY'enta un bio-
log!cal o':!~ec:ts"

2982. Oll'l'l!:S, W.H., Jr., SNELLINGS, D.D., Jr., & WILSON, E.F. (1973), l\mer. J. of Public Health, g(3) :193-198, "Microwave
oven survey results in Arkansaa during 1970".

2983. OBERG, P.A. (1973), Medical & Biological Engineering, ~( ) :55-64, (Jan.), "Magnetic stimulation of nerve tissues",
[using a stationary magnetic field (1kHz to 1 MHZ)].

115\l, O' 3Rl:::N, c. K., RICHA..~S.J!i, A. "'., & J<A?:..A!;, E. ~. (1971), (cO\ler International Technomedic:al Institute)/ J. of Life
Sciences .!,(1) :l-8, "l!i.sto?at;,obg.!c c:.a:~gas in ra: liver follavi::g 2.:.50 MHz tdcrowave radiation"

1151. C3::<0SO'J, .\, li, (1960) 1:1: ~'eO:tr:>=:!ki !• !'fedi:!sin, !!erg, ~.• I. (ed.), Moscow, pp. 197-206, "Basic trends in the application
of elec:tro:~ies in p!tysiothera;>y"

1152. C3,.oso·;, }.• :;. (1963) Proc. o! lst ::!e;>ubl!can Conf. of ?h:s!otherapists and Health-Resort Specialists of the Ukrainian
SSR, i<.!e·.r, ??• 23.0- 11 "A pulsed :.-:-:: f!.eld - a nr" t;,erapectic factor"

1153. 03,.050\', A. !;, (19&7) In: ~e~&~~~tic Elect~!c!t 7 a~d cl:ra71olet Radiation, Licht, S. H., (ed,), E. Licht, Publisher,
=:.:r!::io:1, (";:.-: • .:. :>: ::--:e :::-.·:;:.:a: :~e~~=-~ ~), Cha?t. s. pp. 179-1A7, "Electrosleep therapy ..

1154. OBROSOV, A. N,, & KROTOV, A. (1966) Meditsinskaya Gazeta, Savy, USSR, .P• 3 only, "VH?-HF pulse therapy"
1155, OBROSOV, A. H., & SKURIKHIXA, L.A. (1964) Klinicheakaya Meditsina !!:(4):139-144, (JPRS 25235), "Experieac:e in the
treatment of patients uaing microwaves"

1156, OBROSOV, A. N., SICURIKHI!W\, L. A., & SAl'IULl~IA, S. N. (1963) Voprosy ICurortologU, FizioterapU i Lechebnoy Fizicheakoy
Kul'tury (Problema in Health Resort Science, Physiotherapy & ~edical Physical Culture), Moscow, ~(3):223-229 0 (JPRS 21067;
N63 22435), "Effect of microwaves on the cardiovascular systeo of a healthy person"

1157. OBROSOV, A. N., & YASNOGORODSKI, v. c. (1961) Digeat of tbe Internat. Conf. on Medical Electronics in Biology and
Engineering, p. 156 only, "A new method of physical therapy: pulsed electric fields of ultrahigh frequency"

3283. O'CONNOR, N.F. {197'>), Maval Aviation News, (Nov,), pp. 22-27, "Lig~ng• (and thunderstorm hazards).

1158, ODlNTSOV, YU. N. (1965) Tra.-u;, of the Sci. Conf. Central. Sc:i. Lab., TOMSK, No. 2, pp. 382-386, "The effect of an AC
magnetic field on some immunobiological indices in experimental listerellosis"

2494. ODLAND, L.T. (1971), U.S. Air Force Radiological Health Laboratory (Wright-Patterson AFB) tech. Rept. No.71W-29,
"Evaluation of ophthalmological findings in former military personnel whoae work involved use of radar". [This report
contains case histories snd results of medical examinations. Distribution is restricted to USAF medical personnel.)

2495. ODLAND, L.T. (1972), J. of Occupational Medicine, 14(7):544-547, "Observations on microwave hszards to USAF personnel".

2984. ODLAND, L.T. (1972), USAF Radiological Health Lab. (AFLC) Wl'ight-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Rept. No. 72W-25, (Mar.),
"Consoli. .tad report: Observations, opinions, and recoamendations1 u.s. medical service program for control of radio-
frequency hasarda".

2915. ODLAIID, L.T., PENIXA$, V.T., 'GRAHAM, R.B. (197~), Industrial Medicine & Surgery,£( ):23-26, (Jul./Aug.), "Radio-
fr~ency energy: A hazard to workers?", [A •tatistical summary of results of ophthalmological examinations conducted on
individuals wbose occupations provided a potential for exposure, and controls].

2916. QIILBNSCIILAGER, G., URGER, I., li GRUNO, w. (1972), Biomedizinische Technik, !2_(2) :60-65, (In Ger. w/Engl. abstr.),
"Studie• on influencing the activity of cellular enzymes by irradiation with high-frequency electromagnetic waves".

3281;. OHLSSON, T., BENGTSSON, N.E., & RISMAN, P.O. {19711), The J. of Microwave Power, !!,{2):129-11;5, {June), "The frequency
and temperature dependence of dielectric food data as determined by a cavity perturbation technique".
1159. OLDENDORF, W. H. (1949) Proc:. of the Society for Experi.cental Biology and lied • .z!:432-434, "Focal neurological lesions
produced by micr-ave irradiation"

2067. OLIVER, R. (1970) Phys, l!erl. Biol. ,!2:217-, "health physics in ~el>tion to the use c£ no!'l-ioniZln~ radiations"

2239. OLSEN, c. H. (1965) Food Endneerin:< li_: 51-S.S, "'·!icro·,:aves iL"irit hrea~. role"

2240. OLSEN, C.M., DRAKE, C.L., & BUNCH, S.L. (1966), J. of Microwave Power, .!_(2):45-56, "Some biological effects of
microwave energy."

3577. OLSEN, R.G. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, lQ.(3):281-296 (Sept.), "A theoretical investigation of microwave
frradtatfon of seeds in soil."
3578. OLSON R.G., DURNEY, C.H., LORDS, J.l., & JOHNSON, C.C. (1975), (Proceedings of the 1975 IMP! Meeting at
waterloo, Ca~ada), (Citation #3124, this Biblio.), University of Utah, "Low-level microwave interaction with isolated
mantnal ian hearts."

1160, ONCLEY, J. L. (1942) Che.Ucal Revievs 2£:433-450, "The investigation of proteins by dielectric measurements"

1161. OPREAN, R. (1966) The Health Worl<er, Bucharest, _:2-, (JPRS :>-'>,639), "The b1ological effect of electrostatic and magnetic

3285. ORINGER, M.J. (1974), Electrosurgery in Dentistry, 2nd Edition, 1150 pps., W.B. Saunders Co., Phila., PA.
1162. ORLOVA, A. A. (1957)/Summaries of reports, Part 2, Jubilee Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene & Occu-
pational Diseases Dedicated to the 40th Anniv. of the Great October Soc!Alistic Revolution, Moscow, p. 65 only, "The action of
ultrahigh and high frequency fields on the internal organs"

1163. ORLOVA, A. A. (1959) In: Sucmaries of reports, Labor Hygiec~ and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic
Waves, Moscow, pp. 25-26, (Abstr. in: ~ Biological Effects £I Llectr~2netic Fieles - Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept.
P-65-17 • Apr. 1965), "Clinical aspects of changes in th~ internal or5ans during ex;>o.sure to radio,.a•Jes of various frequencies"

1164. ORLOVA, A. A, (1960) In: Phvsical Factors of the Environ::e::t, Letavet, A. A., (ed.), pp. 171-176, "The condition of the
cardiovascular system during exposure to S:iF-t.1!F andhlgh frequency fields"
1165. ORLOVA, A. A. (1960) Trudy 1;11 Gigiyena Truda i Profzabole:Sni:a A.'-'::1, SSSR, _(1): 36-40, (Also in: ~ Biological Action
of Ultrahigh Frequencies, Letavet, A. A,, & Gordon, z. '1,, (eds.), ~scO"J, JPRS 12471, pp. 3Q-35); (Abstr, in: The BioiOgTCal
Effects ~ Electromagnetic Fields - A.'l.,otated Bibliog"<"~, ATD ?.e?t. P-65-17 • Apr. 1965), "Clinical aspects of-changes in the
internal organs caused by exposure to t;'dl'"

1166. OSBORN, C. M. (1959) Technical Rept., Investigators' Conf. on the Biological Effi!cts of Electronic Radiat,_ng Eqt'i\lll!e!'\ts,
pp. 20-,

1167. OSBORN, R. R. (1943) Lancet 3_:277-, "?indings in Z62 fatal accide,ts"

1168, OSBORNE, S. L., & BELI.ENGER, .1, (1?50) British J. of Phy!'icd ~!ed. _!2: 177-180, '"rleating of human ~!!aXillary sinus by
microwavi:s 11

1169. OSBORNE, S.L., & FREDERICK, J.N. (1948), J. of the Amer. Medical Assoc., ill(12):1036-1040, (Also, Quarterly Bull.
Northwestern Univ. Medical School, 23:222-228 (1949)), "Microwave radiations: Heating of human and animal tissues by means
of hfgh frequency current with wavelength of twelve centimeters (the Microtherm)."

1170. OSBORNE, S. L., & HOL'IQUES1', H. J. (1944) Charles C. Tho:::as, (?ub.), Spri.:tgfield, Ill., 799 pages,~ of~
therapy ~ ~ Physical ~ Physiological ~

3579. OSBORNE, S.l., H~LMQUEST, ~.J .. (1944), ~of Elestrotherapy and* Phfical and Physiological Basis,
Charles c. Thomas, Publlsher, Spr1ngf1eld, Ill1no1s. IConta1ns chapters on b1o-ef ects of direct current electrical
muscle stimulation, and HF, RF, and microwave-radiation physiologic studies.]

2987. OSCAR, K.J. (1,72), U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Ctr., (Ft. Belvoir, VA), ~ept. No. 2048,
(Classified), "Analysis of microwave for barrier warfare(U) ".

3286. OSEPC'lfUK, J.M. (l1J7l), J. of Microwave Power, ~(2):185 only, "Microwave power and cardiac pacemaker".

2496. OSEPCHUK, J.M. (1971), Presented at the IEEE lnt'l Symposium In Electromagnetic Compatibility Phila June lj-15,
"Comparison of potential device interference and biological exposure hazards in microwave leakage fieids" . . ,

2241. O~!.:Pt;llUL, J. ", (1'171?) :<aytC\eon Co. P.e:.orc, (Abstr. ·~72-1L"32), "r 0 ,.r~rison of ootential
and biological exposure hazards in roicrowave fields" device 1nterf'2renc-.e

2497. OSEPCHUK, J.M. (1972), Microwaves, 11(6):77, Letter to the editor, (Also, letter by MICHAELSON, S.M.) "[Microwave]
radiation [exposure] standard off [by] 10 dB". '

1171. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1952) Gigiena i Sanitariya, USSR, _(6):22-23, (Abstr, in: The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
~-Annotated Bibliograohv, ATD Rept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965); U~str. in: Biological~.!!.!. !-'J.ct"owaves: Compilation.£!_
Abstracts, ATD P-65-68, Sept. 1965, pp. 3-4, "Biological effects o~ ultrahigh freque,.cies under industrial conditions"),
TI1e effect of VHF-HF under industrial conditions"

1172. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1952) Vrachebnoe nelo nauchnyy ceditsinskiy zh., Kharl<.ov, _(11):1018•1020, "High frequency currents fr~m
the standpoint of occupational pathology"

1173. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1953) Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie Kirdzii _(2):44-47, "Dispensary serv!c~t offered workers engaged in work
with high frequency currents"

1174. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1953) Cigiyena :1. saitarla ,!:39-42, (In "Indw:t:l.on. beat:l.n.g of metala by hi&h-fraqueDC)' curren.ts
from the health point of v:l.ev"

1175. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1954) Papers of the 2nd Leningrad Coaf. on Industrial Use oC High Frequency Currents, HDscov, pp. 26-31,
"Labor hygiene prob1UI8 in the :l.adustrial uaa of high frequency currnta [f:l.elds)"

1176. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1955) Vrachebaoe Delo aauchnyl meditainski:l. zh., ~arkov, _(4):345-346, "Potential oraanic le~iona
during work with high frequency eurreata"

1177. OSIPOV, YU. A. (1965) Izd. Houae, Leningrad, 220 pages, Occupational ~and the Effect of Radio
Frequency Electrougnetic !!!,!2 ~ ~; PP• 78-103, "Biological effect of radio frequency electrollagnetic7ielda11 ; j)p".""'IQij::
144, DOcC\Ipat:l.onal hygiene and the health of workera e>C;)O. .d to radio frequency radiation"; and PP• 156-202, (JPRS 32725,
TT:65-33 21 3, Nov. 1965; and l\66-11812), ~aaurea of p!!'otect1oa, therapy, and prophyl&XU to be taken during work with radio-
frequency oscillators" [Deacribaa ''Microtheru.l Effects")

11'18. OSIPOV, YU. A., & ICALYADA, T. 'l. (1962) S~aUries of Reports, Questions of the Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electro-
m.:ognetic l'~P.ld. !::!='· r Order of Lenin :-!:l.litary Medical Academy, leningrad, "Results of an experimental study into tbe effects of
low intensity centimeter waves on can~'

1179. OSIPOV, YU. A., t. KALY!wA, 7. •:. (1963) Gigiyena i Sanitariya (;iygie:1e anc! Sanitation), ~!oscow, _(10):73-78, (JPR.> 23287,
Feb. 196 4; OTS 64-2159~; & ~64-15335), "!eQ?erature response of t~e skin during irradiation with cdcrowavea of low intensity"

ll:lu. <l$11'\•\'. Yl'. ·'·• K/J.Y,\LIA, T. \'., 6 IWLIKOV!'I(.\Y.\, n:. 1.. (l'Jbl) Haterials of the sdentfftc Seaainn c:oncr.rned with the
~<':oul t" ,,{ ;;.,r;, (on.Juct".! by th•• l..,.n1n~r.1.i lnstitut" <>f Industrial r!ygiene and Occupnt tonal lliaeaaea for l9S9-1960, Leningrad,
p. : ... -. "rrobl-..::. o1 ind\,;:it rl3l hy,.:!"•nt! la work vit!• «."&;nlltDCter r:adiowave measuring E'']uipmcnt 11

11:!1. <'Sll'l"i, n; •.-\., 1\..\LYA:M, T. •;., ~ K'l!LIKOVSiU\Y.\, Yr•• !., (1962) Gi~iena i Sanitartya, Ho!lcow, (6):81-86, (Ahstr, in: The
lHolo.·:.:.ll H: <"ct,; of Electrot>.lsn.etic ~ - Annot3t"c! Bibl1oc:r:J:>'•v, ATU Rept. P-6S-17, Apr. 1965), (.JPIIS 15644), "Observations
''" ~"~t.1!, funcr.i.m.ll ..:nanl'es which occur in peo;>le ex,"'<>sed to irradiation with centimeter electromagnetic- waves durinR work"

llS~. <'Slr\)';, YL. '··· Kt:LI;;.ll\.SMYA, ¥~. L., 6 J.;A!.Y,\.!JA, r. v. (l962} Gigiena i Sanitariya, Moscow, E(2):100-l02, (JPitS 13691),
"Conditions o: S:•F-UH. electrol:>al"!et ic field 1 nadtat io!l of those ·• on the tuning and testing of radio engineering instru-

1153. l'Sl?VV, ¥~. A., v~'L!'.'VSM'L\, R. ~i., ASA.'iu\·.\, I. i'., KL1.1K8\"S;:AYA, YE. L,, KALYADA, T. V., 6 SIICIIEG!.OVA, A. V. (1963)
C:i~ie:-:31 ~anitar!v.1, ~:Osc:o..,, ~S(~): 3S..3S, (J?RS 20~72; 1'063-2069:>), "Concerning the problem of the combined effect of a MF-LF
ele~tr<> ii~!d a;,d X-rayirr.aJiation under bdi.OStrial conditions"

3580. OSNOS, P. (1976), The Washington Post,(Monday Feb. !i p. C4 only, "[Non-ionizing] Radiation bugs Moscow
embassy [of u.s.]."
3581. OSNOS, P. (1976), The Washington Post,(Wednesday, Feb. 11), p. A25 only, "[U.S.] Embassy admits [non-ionizing]
radiation exists."

3582. OSTROVSKAYA, I.S., YASHINA, L.N., & YEVTUSHEfiKO, G.I. (1974), Vrachebnoye Oelo, (9):139-142, (in Russian),
Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electranagnetic Radiation"(JPRS 166512), (7 Jan. 197b), pp. 51-55,. "Changes in
the testes due to the effect of a low-frequency pulsed alectromagnetic field on the animal organism."

us.:.. .v:-r, V. R., ;r5C:-i, D., & R<:t::-s:..~•co, 8. (19oo:-) Arc:<>. of Ph:.-sical TI1erapy (Leipzig) 18:1-17, "Experimental and clinical
st\.:.~1-es •·it:"l deci::.etcor •..tav~.:i" -

1155. cV:E?...._;.:;, !-!. S. (1959) t;, S. :"'val Proving Grounc! Iec."lnical !'_.::orandwa No. W-3/59, Jan., ''Microwave radiation hazards to
person;,el fro:: 3:.treau o! Ordnance (:iavy) radar"

113o. .:>>:::.'"_;:;, h. S. (l9bl) ?roc. '-t.ll Tri-ser.vic:e Cont. on the 3iological ill!£!!. of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1, (Peyton. M.
F., e:i.) P?• ~i-54, "Q-J.!.ck fo=ln for radar safe ciutancea"

1187, PAC.:o..QVA, L •• & l:iYTI'.A, H. (1952) Pnlgue. p. 219, (In Czec~.), .!!!t ~~.!!!!.!!!!!!,Applications in~ Technology

llBS. PACELLI, ~. (1959) Annal:!. di ~4e!c~ Savala e Tropicale ~:533-, (In Italian) "Oa the biological effects of lllicrowaves"

1189. PAFF, G.H., BOUCEK, R.J., & DEICHMANN, W.V. (1961), Anatomical Record, 142(2):264- , (Also, Section in: Microwave
Radiation Research (1960), pp. 42-47; Univ. of Miami Annual Report, RAOC-TR-61:¢2, AD #256-500), "The effects of microwave
irradiation on the embryonic chick heart as revuled by electrocardiographic studies."
1190. PAFF, G., SOUCEK, R.J., NIEMAN, R.E., &DEICHMANN, W.V. (1963), Anatomical Record, 147:379-386, "The embryonic
heart subjected to radar. n

3583. PAHARICH, A. (1974), Impact of' Science on Society, 24(4):353-357, "What happens when radio waves penetrate the
human sktn."
~ GOSHEV, It. (l9&6) VoeDAO MadJ.tsinsko Delo !!.(4):34-41, "EKC changes occurrin& under the effects ot a SHF-
1191. P.U.I'!Vl, !. • a
Lor electro--ag~etic field"

& v.•"'·~~r'"'~, R. s. (1959) tn: Summaries of reports, Labor Hygiene and the Biological
' " •"1':,
1192 • P""'w- - A. M,, S?ASSKAYA, 1. ~. • "ave•, "'"""'""' '-"
u.:osc~, "Oa the health of wcmen working around 1 ntermedi a t e f requenc:y gene r a tors"
Effect of Radio :re~u~cy Electro--a~ti~ ~ • v•

.• s. (1952) ~~usherstvo i Gin;ekologiya (Obstetrics and Gynecology)

" • ,.., •._:;, A. M., 5?.\SSKAYA, I. :!. • & YA.'XBO'/ Ic0 •
1193• ?.~~ th s;>eci!ic f~ctions of women working wit h generators "
~(4):~9-7~, (In Russian), "The effect ~f SHF-~dF oa e

1191., ?A.L:!:5A.."0, ll. A., & Pi:CZ=:!iT3., .t•• (1965) !-'.ilitary ~ledicine ill: &ll-618, "Some considerations of microwave hazards exposure
c.t·i t.eria"

i.19S. P.~;o•;, A. G., ?OR'D>O'.I, A. A., U:3Z~, V. S., ;, POLYAK, V, ?. (1966) Voenno Meditsinskii Zh. {Moskva), _{12):12-lS,
'~ie"ce?hali: asthenic conditions"

1196. PA!;c·;, A. G., & i:YAGr:;, :;, V. (1966) Voyem1o ~ed, Zh. (Military Med, J,), USSR, _(9):13-16, "Sympt01113tology classifica-
tion a:-1d e4:1~rtise o! S:-:7-L-tff after-ef!ects co the hc:.a:l organis:::."

29fil8. PAIISE, J. (1954}, Monatsschrift fur Unfal.lheidkun<le une Verscherungamed, ?I..< ) :225-239, (In Ger.) , "How much are health
injuries affected by electromagnetic waves?".
. 2989. PAPPAJOHN, L.D., DAVIS, K., ii PLAN!El"...S, I.M. (1962), Fed. Proc., .?.!_(Pt 2): ?, (Sept.-Oct.), "Bibliography of the
bioloqical effects of magnet;.c fields 11 ~

1197. ?.-\.'-:z;;.;:;.ozc:, s-::. !:.

(1954) "i'":v:si.s, Collected Aostr. of: Pa?P-!"S froo the Research Institute of Spa Therapy and Physio-
ther'!?.~ of ~he Georgia:! SSR 21:19S-, (.,\;:sr:'<. in: 701e 3!.oloz1cal E:!':.:!cts £!.Electromagnetic Fields.- Annotated Ribliography,
A'!"D Re?t P··o5-17, Apr. 196.5), "The :::ec":-..m.:is" of action cf H:F-'•1!: e:es:romagnetic fields on the organism

1193. ?.:.:it~:;, (1963) .'-"a::e=J.;:a Mec.its:!.::sid•.l:.h SSS;{, ~oscov, (:J.SA-TTF 228), "Aviation and space medicine"

1199. PARI:;, V. •:., r. DA\T.XJV, 1. :;. (1?.:00) In: f!?ble~ of PhvsiotherapZ ~~Science£!.~~. Collection,
Sverdlovsi<, pp. 173-121, "The influence of a l"hr f!eld o<> experil:>ental hypertension,----

1200. PA?~"'-:t, E., n?){,\.'>, s., E. E:SCt:::!t, D. J. w. (1959) Annals of t~e N. Y. Acad. of Science lli:823-, "Input signals to
pace=.a;,.ers in a hos?it;!l en•nson::.ent''

2499. PARKER, G.S. (1972), New England J. of Medicine, 286(19):1058-1059, (May 11), "Diathermy survey". Also see:
HOUK, W.M., MICHAELSON, S.M. (1972), N.E.J. of Med., ill(l8):938, (Nov 2), Letter to the Editor, "Safety of microwave
devices", and the reply 'rom PARKER, G.S.

2498. PARKER, LN. (1971), ERMAC Compilation of Federal Program Reports, N.I.R.E. 1971- Research Performed, pp. 185-188,
"Suppression of thyroid functio'l and adrenoll'.edullary activation by tow-intensity microwave irradiation", [A preliminary rept.
of this work was presented et the Internat. Microwave Power Inet. Symp., 26-7.8 May 1971, Monterey, Calif.)

2990. PARKER, L.N: (1973), American J. of Physiolo\i!Y• 224(6):1388-1390, (June), "Thyroid suppression and adrenomedu11ary
activation by low-1ntensity m1r.rowave radiation." L2.45 GHz nt 15 mW/cm2] ·

2991. PAAR, W. (1970), Symposium Chmn., Proc. of the 4th Annual Midyear Topical Symposium, the Health Physics Soc.,
Louisville, ¥Y, 28-30 Jan., BurBau of Radiological Health, u.s. Dept. of Health, Education, & Welfare, Rept. No. BRH/DEP 70~6,
(Oct,), "Electronic product radiatl.on and the health physicist".

2242. I'ASCA, N. (1934) Studi Sasser., ~ec. 2. 12:R"7-Rl2, (In Ital.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f. d. '"es. ();>nth. J4(3):137 (l'lJ'>))t
"l'.esearch on the possil:-ili tv of !'roGuci:-to: a c.:t\:.';;rc:ct h·•: :ru:-.s-scle~.::: r!iat~~cr.y 11

1201. PAT!:SF~L. E. G. (ed.) (1957) ?roc. (lst)i:r1-service Conf. on Biological Hazards of Microwave Radiation, !• (15-16
Jul~), (A?.:X:-73.-53-51; AD 115603). 3?:~.s.:-:-ec ~ •.- ~.:.r ".esca::-cc ~ J .. ·.-~~:o;o::ent Cornrr.ancj f.dqs., L'. 5. Air Force

1202. PAT::S:-'..!J.L, L C., lo s....:;c;,:..A?.·:·, f. W., (eds.). (1953) Proc. 2nd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy,
2, (8-l'J Julv), S?o:tsored by Rooe Air J..v. Ce-:lcer, Air ;tes, & Dev. Co=and (Knauf, G. M., Chm,), 2&4 pages, .(ARDS-TR~58-54;
An 131"- 77) •

2500. PATZOLD, J. (1940), {In Germ.), Wissensc:haflich Veroffentlichungen aus den Siemens- Werken, (Berling), 19(2):1-31,
"Studies of the absorption and focusing of short-electromagnetic waves in electrolytes and biological tissues as basis for
the medical application of radiation fieldo"

1203. ?AL"I.':', H., ?AC~:;t, I.. , & ScF..-AS, !!. P. (1960 l J. of Biophysics & Biochemical Cytology 1.(4) :589-, "Electrical properties
of :ll!oc~or:~rial c::.e..::±ra::es"

2992. PAIJ'l'RIZEL, R. (1966), Comptes Rendus !\cad. of Sci. (Pi\ris) , 263 ( ) :579-582, (Aug.) , "Influence of combined electro-
magnetic waves and magnetic fields on the immunity of mice infested-;ith Trypanosoma equiperdum".

2501. PAUTRIZEL, R., PRIORE, A., BERLUREAU, F., & PAUTRIZEL, A.N. (1969), Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des
Sciences, 268( ):1889D-1892D, (9 Apr.), (In Fr.), "Stimulation, by physical methods, of the defenses of the mouse and the
rat againstthe experimental trypanosma".

2502. PAUTRIZEL, R., PRIORE, A., BERLUREAU, F., & PAUTRIZEL, A.N. (1970), Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des
Sciences, 271( ):877-880, (In Fr.), "Action of a magnetic field combined with electromagnetic waves on the experimental
trypanosomesof the rabbit".

2503. PAUTRIZEL, R., PRIORE, A., DALLOCCHIO, M., & CROCKETT, R. (1972), Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences,
247( ):4880-4910, (17 Jan.), (In Fr.), "Action of electromagnetic waves and magnetic fields on lipid modifications brought on
1nthe rabbit by the administration of an a1 imentary hypercholesterol regime."

3287. PAVLOVICH, S.Z. (1971), In: KHOLOOOV, Yu.A., (ed.), Influence 0:!. Magnetic Fields~ Biological Objects, (Citation
#3230~ this Biblio.), pp. 36-50, "The influence of magnetic fields on -micro-organisms".

2993. PAWLUK, R.J., & BASSET'l', C.A.L. (1970), Calc. Tiss. Res. (Suppl.), !< ) :120-121, "Electromechanical factors in healill;J
cortical bone defects".

3288. PAY, T.L., BEYER, E.C., & REICHELDERFER, C.F. (1972), J. of Microwave Pow~ 7(2):75-82 "Microwave effects on
reproductive capacity and genetic tr&n&llission in DzooiHlphi'Uz mfiZanogastao". ' - '

12~4. PA~~. J. S. (1961) P~oc. 4:~ 7ri-service Cor.!. on the Bioloz!cal Effects of ~icrowave Radiation
J ) 31'1 J•• "S l , .-. , Vol. 1, Peyton, M. F.,
e:· ~P~· • ~ •J• !:i ariti~s ar.c :~ffe~e~e~ ~2tvee~ the tech~ical as~f-che Navy HERO (Hazards from Electromagnetic
Rol .. ia.tcn .o .,rc!ca.<tce) j)rogra:: for orc::uc::e Me: t~e personnel 1-.azard program"

2243. PA:'!Ili::P.OVA, J. (196S) Praco\-ni lekarstvi 200) :447-~57, On <~ze~:,.), (Tranol. b:; A. ''.aro>~i, (cd. by F. r.. 1'.11-sc:o'a),
J.nvclan.J Found. for 'led •. Fducation and Res., .>lhucueroufl) • "Fffects r>f electr:n.arnctic radiation of the order of ccntinctcr
nnd meter wnvclenrth on hu~:~an's health"

2994. PAZDEROVA, J., FISCHER, R., FORMANEK, J., JOHN, J., LUKAS, E., & STYBLOVA, V. (1969), Pracovni Lekarstvi, 21(8):346-361,
·~th state of workers exposed to long-term electromagnetic radiation of the order of meter waves." --
3584. PEAK, D.W., CONOVER, D.L., HERMAN, W.A., &SHUPING, R.E. (1975), Div. of Electronic Products, BRH, DHEW Publication
(FDA) 76-8004, July, 19 pps., "Measurement of pc;Wer density frm marine radar."
12:15, p:::.;J;,::, ;;, 1!. (195~) Ohio State i."uiv. Col\ltilu., AI 33H6t:!5S, (AD 417869), "The interaction of electromagnetic waY.!s with
sc:a ~atural s~rfa~es"
lZ:ii. P£A.:U..V.A!;, ~ •• & SA!.t'~"I!;, M. (1!' ), (rtlf?; P?· lSi-leo, "£X?nioental designs in the study of biological effects during
ra::!.o !t'9t:;·..:e:t~ tra~s:::!ss1c~" -
2504. PEOIUOII, P.D., Jr., & BLOMQUIST, A.W. (1967), A:lr Force A~nt Lab, Eglan AFB, Fla., Tech. Rept. AFATL-TR-67-196,
(AD #838754), "Microwave appl1ut1ons".

u-di 1 e b Surgery _33:866-~63, "The hazards of lov voltage radiation"

1207. PELIS, L., JR. (1964) Induatr i a 1 •• c n
224'•· i'f.~ll!ET~S. s . c.J966) • - h 1 ' ••
r.1~:i..yena Truda f T'rofeE>si~nal n~·ve /,a r-_e":a:-.-~... ,., ···osc:cv, -:1i'
• v-- •
· ·- •
'' indic"s durinP the action of sc;>err.iv.h frecuenc,• elect!"c::-.a<!nctic field!!

1208 • PENNOCK, 8 • E., & scHW~. H. P. (1967), (Ph.~· Thesis), (C~~ Te~~. Rept. #41), (Electromedical Div., The Moore School of in
Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Pa., (Rapt. §6~l))j ~AD 655127), ":be ~easurement of the Complex Dielectric Constant of Prote
Solutions at Ultrahigh Frequencies: Dielectric PYopert~es of Hemoglobin Bound Water"
PIPERSAC~. J.F. (1970), Bruxelles Medicale, ~( ):243-247, (In Fr.), "A new industrial danger: Centimeter waves".
• PEUOEL'SKII, A.A. ( 195 6), usp. Sovr.' Biol., !!.( ) :228-245, (In Russ.), "The problem of electrotechnical measures
for caabatting harmful insects" •
. ) Co tes Readus Acad. Sci. 197:1124-1125, (In French~ "Oscillatory chemical mechanics: modificatioa
1209. PEREI~\, ~. A. ~der theinfluence of uaveguide millator circuits"
of chemical re~ctions
( ) Bloch•=· z. ~:53-58, (In French~ "Or. the effect of electromagnetic waves on enzyme syateaa"
1210. PERF-IRA, F. A. 1935

. PERSINGER, M.A. (1969 ), Developmental Psychobiology, 2(3):168-171 (July), "Open-field behavior in rats exposed
prenatally to~ low intensity-low frequency, rotating magnetTc field."
• PERSINGER, M.A. ( 1973 ), Internat. J. of Biometeorol., !L(3):263-266, "Possible cardiac driving by an external
rotating magnetic field."
3289. PERSINGER, H.A. (ed.), (1974), ~~~Electromagnetic~~' Plenum Press, NY. (fiSBN-0-307-3082606)

3586. PERSINGER, M.A. (ed.) (1974), ELF and VLF Elect~etic Field Effects, Plenum Press, New York. [Includes
chapters on behavioral, physfological:hfStO'!Oifcal, b1oc 1ca1 iiiii'Circadian rllytM studies.]
3587. PERSINGER, M.A., &FOSTER, W.S., IV (1970), Arch. Met. Geoph. Biokl. (Ser. B), 18( ):363-369, "ELF rotating mag-
netic f1elds: Prenatal exposu1-a and adult behavior." -
3588. PERSINGER, M.A., GlAVIN, G.B., &OSSENKOPP, K.P. (1972), Int. J. of Bia~eteor., 16( ):163-172, "Physiological
changes fn adult rats el!posed to an ELF rotating •gnetic ffeld." -
3589. PERSINGER, M.A., LUDWIG, H.W., A OSSENKOPP, K.P. (1973), Perceptual and Motor Skills, 36( ):1131-1159,
(Monograph Supplement 3-Y3G), "Psychophysiological effects of extremely low frequency electi"OIIIIgnetic fields: A review."

2998. PERSINGER, M.A., &OSSENKOPP, K.P. (1973), lnternat. J. of Biometeorol., 17(3):217-220, "Some behavioral effects
of pre- and neo-natal exposure to an ELF rotating magnetic field." -

3590. PERSINGER, M.A., & PEAR, J.J. (1972), Developnen~Psychobiology, 5(3):269-274, "Prenatal exposure to an ELF-
rotating magnetic ffeld and subsequent increase in conditioned suppression. •
2999. PBJITIOVSXU, A.I., et ..1. (1969), Pat. Fiziol. Bksp. Ter., 13( )•64-66, (In Ruaa.), "The effect of an ultrahigh
frequency electrcaagn~tic fieid on the course of expert.ental atheroscleroata•.

1211 , PERVUSHIN, v. YU. (1957) Siulleten Ekaperi~ntal'noy Biolog~i i y~;;tsiny ~Mos~va), !1(6):87-92, (Abstr. in Biological
Effects of Microwaves: Comoilation ~Abstracts, A~O P-65~68, (116)), ??· -6-27, Chanzes in the cardiac nervous mecha i d
to SHF"):-"Changes in the cardiac nervo<a mechanism durifl!! !:x;Jc&ure to an ShF-UHF field" n sm ue

1212. PERVUSIIIN, V. YU., & TR.llil'!FOV, A. V. (1957) Trans. M.ilit. ~ec. Acad. it:>eni S. M. Kirov, (USSR) VMOLA, ll:l41-151, ''Morpho-
logical changes in some organs of rilbbiti subje~ted to the action of a S:ii' field"

1213. PETERS, W. J,, JACI<SO!l, R. W., r.l."--.;o, 1<., 1, 6R.OSS, A. E. (19iJ) ?resenteg betore the r·~ yor k Aca d emy of Sciences, 4 Nov.
at the Symposium entitled, "Efhct gf Controlled Elec;r~=agnetic E~e'~ on BiolOBical Syst~ , 11 pages, "The effect of ~cro­
wave electromagnetic radiation on tho ar~th l)f ~!iao i:!'llS iH t~5~US eultu'l'e"

3591. PETHIG, R. (1973), J. of Biological Physics, !(4):193-214, "Microwave Hall effect measurements in bio-rnacromolecular
3000. PITRISCU, A., et al. (1967), Digest of the 7th Internat. Conf. on Medical & Biological Engineering, (JACOBSON, B., (ed.)),
Stockhola, Sweden, Augustl4~19, 1'67, General Session 30-13, p. 405, "Change in the morphology and infectivity of influenza
virus by exposure to a hi9h trequency oscillating magnetic field".

1214. PETROV, F. P. (1929) New Findings in the 1'-efle"!!l!iiil!' 1!!14 rily;;tol0&1 of the Nervous System, l:pp?, }foscow, (In ll.ussian),
"The effe~t of electromagnetic fields on nerve atiCNlation''

1215. PETROV, F. P. (1935) Ins Piw:i.!~chet:dcal ~of Higher~ Activitv, J..eni:~grad, pp. 97-, "tffect of an electro-
magnetic field on isolated organs"

1216. PETROV, F. P. (1952) Trudy Institute fiziologii iceni I. P, Pavlova, Akademiia nauk SSSR, ~~skva, !:369-376, "Effect of
a low-frequency electromagnetic field on higher nervous activity"

1217. PETRDV, I. R. (Ed.), (1967) ~LA iJa. S. M, !Cirov Puhl< Bouse, (USSR), >!edical-Bioloaical Probleu of~ Radiation

2245. PETROV, I. r... (1968) Transl. (fro;:, i":uss.) of citation ··12E !~;,is Siblio.), (:te:>L :;o. 'i]()-.304&4, m,L-Transl-2629-
(9022.81)), "Aetiolor.y of ultra-hhh frequer.c:y e:oq>osure" f co·:-;oined ~::ects of ,..icrcn:ave radiation and rarified at::~os1>here on
imnunization reactions of huran orranis~sl
(In Russ.)
1218, PETROV, I. R. (1968) Voyenno !-led, Zh, O!ilitary t!ed. J.), t:SS::t, _(5):21-24/ "Factors involved in the etiology of iujurles
due to SHF-UHF electromagnetic energy"

2246. PI::l'ROV, I. R., (ed,), (1970) (In P,uss.), "~!editsina" Press, '.cningrad, (::.\SA Transl. :.:o. TI-F-708, (1971)), Influence
of microwave Radiation £!!_ the Organisn of ·~n ~ ~

1220. PETROV, I.R., & SUBBOTA, A.G. (1964), Voenno Meditsinskii Zh., (2):16-21, (ATD Abstract(?) I-9841, pp. 21- ),
(AD 1744-870), "Effect of electromagnetic radiations of superhigh frequency range upon the organism" (Review of the
1219, PETROV, I. R., & SUBBOTA, A, G. (1964) Voyenno Med, Zb. (Mil~tary ~ed. J.), USSR, _(9):26-31, "Mechanism of the actiou
of !!!IF-UHF electromagnetic radiation"

1221. PETROV, 1, R., & YAROKHNO, N. Y. (1967) Voyenno Meditainsidi z::.., USSR ~!ilitary !1ed, Journal, _(7) :26-30, (Abstr. in:
~ Radiobiology, ATD 68-105-108-9, Jrme 1968, pp. 83-84), "The CC!X>ined effect on anioal organisms of SHF-UHF electromagnetic
waves, and breathing of a gas mixture with low oxygen content"

1222. PETROV, I. R., & YAROKII~, N. Y. (1967) Voye:mo-~ditsinsi<iy ~., t:SSR !!ilitary !-!ed, Journal, (4) :2o-21, (Abstr. in:
~Radiobiology, ATD 68-105-108-9, June 1968, pp. 82-83), "Increased resistance to SRF-L~ irradiation under conditions of
systematic IIIIJScular activity"

Kazanskiy Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, 56{2):59-61 (Mar./Apr.), (in Russian), Transl. In:''Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic
Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan.l976), p. 94 only, "Microwave therapy of inflanmation of the genitals."

1223, PEYTON, M. F. (ed,) (1961) Proc, 4th Tri-service Conf. on the 3iological Effects of ~crawave Radiation, Vol, 1. (Knauf,
c. M., Cbm.) held at !lew York Univ, Medical Center, 16-18 Aug. 1960, (Plenu::o Press)

1224. PEZZI, G. (1954) Annali di Medicina Navale e Tro;>icale 59:473-, "Radar waves in t.'lerapy"

1225. PFLOMM, E. (1931) Archiv fur Klinische Chirurgie 166:251-305, (!n Ce~n) 1 "Experinental end clinical investigations con-
cerning the effect of ultrashort electrical waves on infla=atio:J"

3001. PHOTIADES, D.P., AYIVORH, S.C., RIGGS, R.J. (1970) • Proc. of the 6th Internat. Cong. on Cybernetics~ Namur,fBel~ium,
sept. 7-11, "Control mechanisms and the action of weak electric currents in.the.acceleration.o: wound heal~ng and rae ure
union", [' ••• very weak de is the stimulus. This is produced directly and prunar~ly by. electr~c~ty from a battery or by
electrost~tic fields, whereas in the case of athermal pulsed high peak power alternat~ng electro~gnetic ~nergy, the t 0 and
fro very rapid oscillations generated in molecules and dipoles will lead to the secondary product~on of.m~nute de. The end
result is approximately the same in both cases, namely the speeding up of wound healing and fracture un1on by a process of
accelerated collagen deposition, and a faster calcification and ossification, .. -'].

1226. PICCARDI, G, (1959) Ricerca sci. 12_:1252-1254, "The structure of "ater and the influence of low-frequency electromagnetic

7• PICKET • J • • & SCHRANK, A. (1965) Texas J • of Science .!1.= 245-, "?..esponses of coleo?tiles to magnetic and electric fields"
1228, PICKERS, B. A., & GOLDBERG, M, J. (1969) British Medi~~l ~
vi t h monitoring equipment by radio-frequency transmissions" - J • .:.:504-506, "Inhibition of a de:.and pacemaker and interference

2505. PICIHAH, A., TIMOF!EYF-RESSOVSKY, N.W., & ZIHMER, K.G. (Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research, Berlin), (l J5),
Strah1eatharapia, 56:488-496, (In Germ.), "Investigations with Drosophila melanogaster to see whether the mutation rate
cauaed by x-ray an~aamaa rays ia changed by the use of a high frequency field (shortwaves), or under the influence of ether
narcoala". [A vavalanath of six meters was used, and the results show that there was no statistically significant rise in
.utatioo. rata, nor was increased sterility in the F2 generation seen.]

1229. PIESLAK,,W. (1967} Ochrona pracy, Warsa.~, 1lC8):22-24, (In Polish), (English abstr. in Nuclear Science Abstr
149597, 1968), Protection from the effects of high frequency electr~gnetic radiation" • ~( 23 ):

1230, PINAKATT, T. L., COOPER, T., & RICHARDSOS, A. W. (1963) Aercspace Hed, 34(6):497-499, "Effect of onabain on the
tory response to microwave hypertheroia in rat" - circula-

1231. PINAKATT, T. L., & RICHARDSo!;, A. w., (1963) Federation Proceecings 22(2):176-, "Eff t 0f b i
response of the rat to microwave hyperthermia" ec s ona a n on the circulator/

1232, PINAKATT, T. L., RICHARDSOS, A. lo,, & COOPER, T. (1965) Arc3ives Internationales de Phart:~acodynamie et de Therapie,
Belgium, 156(1):151-160, "The effect of digitoxin on the circulatory res;>onse of rats to c:icrowave radiation" Gand,

1233. PINNEO, L. R., BAUS, R., McAFEE, R. D., & FLEMI!:G, J. D. (1952) Su=ary rept., Tulane Univ., New Orleans, La., pages,
(AD 277684; RADC-TDR-62-231), "The neural effects of microwave radia:ion" 24

1234, PINNEO, L., SPEAR, V,, & FLEMISG, J. (1961) In: Dig~st of r~:ernat. Conf. on ~edical Electronics Biological Eff f
~licrowaves,! (Athermal Aspects), Fro:oer, r. L., (ed.), P• 227 only, "?.elationships involved in consid;ring effects ofe:sro-
vaves in the central nervous systec" c 0

123S. Pio:;r..ovsm, I. A. (1936) !iauclt I;..,roui.J<a GliT, Mcsc=, (2), pp7 "The effect of ultrashort waves on reflex excitability"

3002. PIONTXOVSICII, I.A., ~ ~· (1970), Patol. Fiziol. Eksp. Ter., 14( ),33-38, (Mar.-Apr.), (In Russ.), "Embryologic and
genetic effects of electromilgnetic oscillations of ultra-high frequency".

1236. PIC~T..:O'ISUY, I. A., & YA..'iC.SH~i.AY_l\., i. 1:. (1944) l'..oscow, {b "'.'-llisian)1 Physical !1ethods of Frostbite Therapy

1237. PIR!l'i.>,..~, A. (1934) In: Proc. o! t.'le lst Congress of Electro-Radio-Biology, (Cappelli, L., ed.~ pp. 134-144,
(In Italia:> \o'itb E.,slisb St=ary)1 "Interaction o! electro<:>agnetic: f!.elc!s with biological materials"

1238. PIS~, G. ~ •• STO~-y, Y. a.,·~~!, :., & RDL:~~rz. w. (1959) rSAF Report RADC-TR-59-81, (AD 216431), (Also in: Proc. 3rd Tri-
service Co:>!. c:> 3iological Effects of ~cre!wave RaC.iati;:g Equip::.e=>::S, S..ssldnd, C., (ed.), pp. 251-270), and (In: Investigators'
Conf. on J;iolo~ical Effects of Electron!<: ?.ad!atin~ ~ai;:,:u~:>ts, A.:l.e-.:i, G. ~. , (chc.), P?• 33-36), "A prelit>inary investigation
of the applicAtio~ of :agnetic resoea:>ce ab&Or?tion S?eetroscapy :o the study of the effects of microwaves on biological

1239. PISIC.~VA, V. G. (1957) Gigie:~.a !=& i Professi=a..l'nye Za:.O~cvaniya (Moskva) _(6):27-30, (In Russian), "The health of
vorkars eX?Osed to higb frequency electro~gnetic fields•

1240. !'ISY.l.~G'.'A, V. G. (1958) Sborn" ?.ahot i ..\vtoref ?o ~oprosa.:> Gig. Tr., Kharkov, pp. 144-146, (Also in: Papers of the
Scienti!ic Sessiocs of t.~e Institute on Questions o! I:lcustrial Eyg~ene in Mining, Ch~cal, and Machine Construction Industries,
Khar'kov, (H~6), pp. 45-46), "The he.alu of wrkers ex;>esed to hie;:. frequency electro:nagnetic fields"

1241. PIT:E:;no, I. V, (1962) In: Sc::rcarte:s of repor~. Questions of :..."'e Biological Effect of a SRF-UHF electromagnetic field.
Ki=ov O'rder of Le:lin Military !ledical Au;!e:rJt!, Len!;tgrad, I'?• 36-38, '"?atl)ological and anatomical c)\anges in animal organs and
tissue• dur'~g en• influence of a sa:-t~ elect~etic field"

1242. PI~~~. 1. v., & Su~30TA, A. G. (1955) Biulleten Ekspe~~'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Moskva, 60(9):55-59, "On the
develop11e1t of gutrlc ulcer in rvl>!ts !ollov' irrat.i.ation of the epigastrium witb ultrahigh frequencyradiatton"

1243. PIVIVA.~. M. ~ (1962) In: Scaaarles of repo~. Questions of the Biological Effect of a SHF-URF Electromagnetic field.
Kirov Order of Lenin Military Academy, Leningrad, ":he ef!ect of ~~ave fields of lev intensity on some physiologic 'detectors'"

U44. PIZZCUI'O, P., BERGER, C., & MeA.:~, R. D. {1961) Digest of ~e Intemat. Conf. on Medical Electronics, Biological
Effects of !!!cfO'IIa-...... I (Ather.:al .\s~ects), (From:oer, P. L., ed.), ?le:tuo Press, New York, pp. 196-, "Tissue injury frOID micro-
vaverad'iac!oo - -
1245. PL£l:IL'~V, G. F. (1965) In: 31~ Ga.a.ze, &a;><>;>ort, M. G., i Yakobi, v. E., (eds.), Nauka Publ. House, Moscow. pp. 273-277,
('1166-24170; Jl>RS 35125; TT-66-31.562~-;;::;terlal on !.:lterpretat:.OO of information by living systems"

1246, P~~. G. F., & ~EDYCSELU~, 7. v. (1966) ~. 7yssbei Se~oi Deyatel'nost! imeni i p Pavlova, USSR, 16(1):34-37
(N66-26926),•ttaooratioD of a vascular condit!ooed reflex in oan ~o a ~~ange in the intensity of an electromagnetic field of
high frequeocy (Efface of an E!!F 011 l=aa:> reflexes]"

2090. PLAAX, K., Stl~S, V., 'SCRL~ZA~A. J, (196!) Vojeoake &dravotnicke listy (Prague), ]!(1)17•9, (Abstr. in: Non-ionizing
RaG. !(4)11'94 011ly. (1970)), "r.a&&rc.a ~tM vitb rdcrovav"• and preventive examination» of reoar er>~,etalhu"

2091, PLlSCnK£, t, V,, 'WOLFF, V, F, (196!) J, ot the A=erican Soc, of. Safety En~1neera ~(6)112-15, (Abatr. tn1 Non-1onlaln~
F.aci. lCl):l.l only, (1971)), "Tw1e1 ln or turn.ed on- r,f, raciiatio:. atucly"

2247. PLI'IAS, P. s. (1935) Sovet. \'estn. Oftal. 7(4):442-447, (In ".t>Ss.), (.\!>str. in: Zentralbl. f. d. ~ea. Ophth. 36(1):
23-24, and Ar.1• J. of Ophth. 19(5):449 (!'!Ay l'l16)): "'!edification of the visual or~an unc'er the influence of ultrashort radio
vaves 11

1247, ~L~l~, G., S~~c-~LY~~U, E., JOLY, R., & :?~~ET, J. (!966) Comptes Rencus des Seances de la Societe B1ol, 0 Parle,
160:597-599, "I~fluence of elect~gnetic ratiatico emic:ed by raear on the phagocytic function of cells in the reticulo endo-
thelial sys:e:!l o~ ,Uce"

2506. POCTA, J., POKORNY, J., LEBEL, M., ZDENEK, K., HANKA, R., & VESELY, F. (1967), Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy,
36(2) :59-61, "Autonomic reactiona of the organism to exp.erimenta1 electroanesthesia".

1248. ?OKO?~!, J., & JELL~~'• v. (1>67) ~eoplasma 14(5):479-1.85, "I~vestigations of the effect of combined electromaanetie
. fields o~ ~ec?lastic calignancy gr~•h - A ca3tributfon to the pro~l~"

\249. ?OKO?S!', J., & ELI:~. V. (1958) Caso;ds I.ekaru Ceskych lli_(l6):474-482, "The effect of coherent electrougnetic field
on neoplastic =ali~t processes"
1250. POL, 'J, (1952) Le:U.rz llojs:C.0..7, Poland, _!:313-327, (AD 433133; ~TT-63-1070), "Effect of microwaves emitted by radar
trans::Utters on the origin of cataracts"

1251. ?OW-•~, E., & ~ER, J, (1957) Institute for Defense Analys!s, Research & Engineering Support Dlv., (Internal Report
lio. ~451;! "itevifl"J of infor.:ation on hazares t.o pet"S=el fr= :U;;'::.-:"requency electrocagnetic radiation"
II:A/BQ 6 7-6211) ,
3003. POLSON, P., JONES, D.C.L., KARP, A., & KREBS, J.S. (1974), Stanford Res. Inst., (Menlo Park, CA), Final Tech. Report,
Prepared for u.s. Army Mobility Equipment Research & Develop. Ctr., (Ft. Belvoir, VA), under Contract DAAK02-73-C-0453,
(Jan. 1974), AD II 774 823, "Mortality in rats exposed to CW microwave radiation at 0.95, 2.45, 4.54, and 7.44 GHz".

2507. POLYASHCHUK, L.V. (1972), Doklady Adademii Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, __(8):754-758, (In Russ.), (Trans. as JPRS #58203),
"Chana•• ln permeability of histohe118tic barriers under the effect of microwaves". [Using p32, in rabbits, at 2307 MBz].

1252. ?0~~~.\..?.ZV, A. \', (1940) In: ~ ~ t!le .£!.!of~- a~d ~J.t.ra-short ~ _!.!! ~edicine, Medgiz 0 }loscow, pp. 90-.
"Action of L~-:: on !:licro-organis::s =C. on ~iolog:.ul processes"

1253. PC~>O~"-".£\', A. V,, 6o KA.'ffiA?.C7A, 0. I. (1937) !:a: E!olosical .>~:ion of Ultrahigh Frequency Ultnshort Waves, pp. 193-,
(Abstr. io: ~ ll!olosic:al Effects~ -=-tectrc--Acet:..!.c r:.elci.s - J.:.:>c:ated Bibliograohv, ATD Rept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), •tntluence
of ll!f on tl:e nervoua.s:ste::t in i=ization react!:nu;-n---

1254. P0?07, S. A., CUBA.~, F. A., \'}~~A, M. A., & ~~LEV~~~~. J. T, (1940) Trudy State Sci. Res. Inst, Fizioterap.
!:314-, (~.oscow Gosudantveony nau.:bno-!sslec!.ovatel 'skii institut fizioterapii), (Abstr. in: ~ Biological Effects of EJ.ectro-
nagnetic ~-Annotated 3iblioua::>::7, AID Rept. ?-65-17, Apr. B55), "On local action of diathermy and iiiifDilthe ao::carrect
vegetative ce:>ters of the brain"

1255. PO?O';, s. A., & MA.:u<O'n<IKO"TA, ~. ? • {1940) B!.ulleten S.S;>er'...:ental 'noi Biologii i Meditsiny (~loskva) 6{1) :pp? • (Abstr,
in: .!h!. ll:!.olo£c&l ~of Electrcr-..... T.:!etic !'iel:!s - }-::wtatee 3:':l!o~raphy, ATD Rept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965),-"The problema of
the effect of a !ligh frequency!.c fielc! on t~e vege:a:!.ve cerebral centers" [Discusses reduction of bloo4 sugar
level !>y irradia:ion of the head. of eop vith L-2}

3004. PORTELA, l\., Vl\CCARI, J .G., & LLOBERA, 0. (1974), In: Internat. ~· ~Biologic ~and Health ~of ~­
wave R;odiation, (CZERSKI, P., et al. (eds.)), (Warsaw, Poland), Oct. 15-18,1973, "Transient effects of low level radiation
Onbioelectric muscle cell properties and on water permeability and its distribution".

JENERICK, H. (1975), Studfa Biophysfca, Berlin, 53:197-224, "Transient effects of low level microwave irradiation on
muscle cell bioelectric properties, water penneabnity, and water distribution."

2248. POSCH, N. A. (& KOI.I:l, A.), (1970) Ph.'l. Dissertation, r. o: ralif., 145 pp. (::71-36484), "Studies on Magnetic field
exposures of Drosophila nelanogaster a::d Pelvetia fasti~iata"

3594. POSTMES, T.J., NACKEN, G., & NELISSEN, R.G. (1974), Experientia, 30(12):1478-1480, "Electronic method for
measuring heart frequency of Waterfleadaphnia pulex."

3290. POTAPOV, S.L., SEVAST'YANOVA, L.A., & VILENSKAYA, R.L. (1973-1974), Biologicheskiye Nauki, (3):46-49, (In Russ.),
"Sestorative processes of bone marrow under the effect of super-high frequency irTadjation" ~ [stu.d7-on mice of combined
effect of x-ray, anti-tumor chemotherapeutic agents, and (6-8 mm) microwave radiation].

3595. POTAPOV, S.L., SEVAST'YANOVA, L.A., & VILENSKAYA, R.L. (1975), Transl. In: "Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic
Radiation"{JPRS #64532), pp. 1-6, "Restorative processes in bone marrow in response to superhigh-frequency radiation ...

1256. i'CITL~. R. R. (1961) U. S. Naval ~ea;>ons ora:o'7• !ecl::.::.ical ~corandum No. w-2/61 (Jan.), "Proposed
• _

design requ!.r=ents to precluee haza!'C.s :r= env;.ror-::.eo:a;. elec:!'cr--2petic fields" Naval weapons

1257, P~n:r~:_-. \'. A. •. !YAGIS, N: r., & G?B::S::3C2\""!l:O·.-A, A. ~. (1961) Biulleten Eksperimental'noi Biolo i _
~.osltva, :>1()):10:"'"109~ (.-'>.:lstr, ic: .oiological ~.!>stracts, E• so. l2a7!o (1962)), "The influence of SHF g i i lleditsiny,
field on co~ce?t~on and the course o! ?regncocr 1~ ~~ite :ice" *in ~glish Trans!, 1!• pp.
(l~~~~:d electromagnetic
1258, PCI.T..:., c. C. (1959) k:ter. J. o! ?cl>Hc !lealt1 .:1_:!-9, "".2-cinion hazards"

2059. POI·IELL, C, II., & ROSE, V. E. (1970) A.Cter, Industrial l!y~icne Asso:. J. }_!:n~-361 ('~y-June), "HeAlth surveillance of
microwave hilzards"

3291. POZOLOTIN, A.A. \1971), ln: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. (ed. >: Influence of Magnetic~~ Biological Objects, (Citation
#3230, thic liblio.), pp. 85-94, ''The influence of magnet1c fields on radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in plants".

1259, POZCS, it. S., RIC?.A?..JSCN, A. li., ;. K.'2V.,'I\, :!. ~. (1959) ?roc. of the''Biologica1 Effects and Health Implications ;,f Micro-
'-'2'te ?.ac:'.at:.c::"ST'!Xsb.::, (Cleary, S. :., ec.), Y"'cii:::al C.:oll•ge o! ':a., Richmond, 17-19 Sept., Bureau of Radiological llealth/
Di·.-!sio:; :); :=.::· :.::;;:t3, ???:• ~··o. -:'':-2, ;?• ;~J- 7 j. ··~;o:-:-;.:::::c7::1 biophysical ::eatin(.?. ui:h oicro·.raveg"

1260, PRATT, C. B., & SHE.\RD, c. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:258-271, "Therl!la1 changes produced in tissues by local
applications of radiothermy"

1261, PRATT, C. B., & SHEARD, C. (1935) Protoplasca 23:24-13, '7he e!fects of intravenous injection into rabbits of strains
of streptococci which have been exposed to the high-fre<;uenc:y field"

1262. PRAUSNITZ, S., & SUSSKIND, C. (1959) PToc. )rd Tri-service Con£. on Biological Effects of Xicrowave Radiating Equip-
menta, (Susskind, C., ed.) 1= 33-45, "Te::parature regulation io laboratory anioals irradiated with 3-cc t:dcrowaves"

1263. PRAUStllTZ, S. & SUSSKDiD, C. (1952) In: "Sonthen:al Effects of ~..icro..,ave Radiation", Scientific Rept., Institute of
Engineering Research, Univ. of Calif., Bo!rkeley, Series ~. 60, Issue ~•o. 478, (Also, Institute of Radio Engineers Trans. on
Bio-lledical Electronics, B~!E-~:104-10!!), "Effecu of chronic cicro·.·e.-e irradiation on t:dce"

1264, PRAUSNITZ, S,, SI!SSKil>D, C,, & \'OGEUf'~"'', P. 0, (1961) Proc. 4th 7ri-service Con!. on the Biological~ of~
~ Radiation, Vol. 1, (Peytcn, M. r., ed,) ,/"Longevity and cellular studies vith t:dcrowaves"
PP• 135-142
1265, PRESMAN, A. S. (1954) Gosenergoizc!at, ~~scow, Centiceter ~

1266, PRESMAN, A. S, (1954) In: Annotations.!!! Scientific \lorks of £!~of l".edical Sciences of ~ ~. Moscow,
pp. 479-, "An instrument for ceasuring :...'le intensity of irradiation cf lQ-centiceter waves in industrial conditions"

1267, PRESMAN, A. s. (1956) Gigiena 1 Sa:Utariya, USSR, _(9):32-37, "The electromagnetic field as a hygienic factor"

1268, PRES~IAN, A. S. (1956) Uspekhi Sovre:oen..'lOy lliologii, I!SSR, (Progress of Hoderu Biology) 41(1) :4Q-54, (Abstr, in: The
Biological~ of Electrocagnecic :iel~s- Annotated Bibliogra~~~. ATD P~pt. P-65-17, A?r.-r965),(0TS-59-21107), "Physical
aspects of the biological action of cent~oeter waves

1269. PRESMAN, A. s. (1956) Siulleteo. 'E:<.speri:>eo.tal'noi Biologii i ~.editsiny ~skva) 43(2) :51-54, "Temperature changes of
the human sltin irradiated with lov intensity waves several canticete..-s in length"

1270. PRESMAN, A. s. (1957) lliulleten ELsperimental'noi Biolngii i ~ed!tsiny, ~~skva, !,1(2):51-54, "Change in the huaan
body and skin temperature due to irraclia"ion with low-intensity electrOQagnetic waves several centimeters in length"

1271. PRESMAN, A. s. (1957) Gigiena i Sa:litariya, USSR, _(1):29-35, (CT5-59-2110l, H-3825), ·~ethods of evaluation of the
ef'fective energy of the electromagnetic field under ind!lStrial condH!.o::lS"

1272. PRESMAN, A. 5. (1957) Proc. of the Jubilee Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational
Diseases, Moscow, PP• 72-, "The hygienic evaluation of high-frequency electromagnetic fields"

1273. PRESMAN, A. s. (1958) Biofizika 1(3):335-338, (Ahstr. in: Bio:o~ical ~of ·Microwaves: Comnilation of Abstracts,
ATD P-65-68, 1965, pp. 69-70, "Methods of irradiating ani:lllls with :.-=..: fields"), (Also, Ahstr. in: ~Biological!!.!!~ of
Electromagnetic Fields - Annotated Bibliogra~hy, ATD Rept. P-65-17, A?r. 1965), ·~ethods of experimentally irradiating small
animals with centimeter waves"

1274. PRESMAN, A, S. (1958) Gigiena i Sanitariya, USSR, ~{1):21-27, ·~ethod of protection fro~ the action of radio fre-
quency electroaagnetic fields ~der industrial conditions

1275, PRESMAN, A. S. (1960) In: Physical Factors of the Enviranoent, (Letavet, A. A., ed,), pp. 142-151, "A hygienic evalua-
tion of high frequency electromagnetic fie~

1276, PRESMAN, A. s. (1960) In: Elektronika! Y.editsine (Electronics i~ ~~dicine), Berg~ A. 1., (ed.), pp. 219-227, (Abetr,
in: Biological~ of l-!icr=aves: Co=ilation of Abstracts, ATD ?-65-68, pp. 72-74, The use of microwaves for therapeutic
and biological purposesW), (Also, Ahstr. in:~ Biolo3ical ~~ Electrncagneti~ Fields- Annotated Bibliography, ATD
Rept. P-65-17, Apr, 1965), "Microwaves in physiotherapy and biologica! investigations

1277. PRESMAN, A. s. (1960) Novosti Meditsinskoi Teldtnilti, Moskva, _(4):51-55, (Absu·. in: ~Biological~ of~
magnetic Fields - Annotated Bibliographv, AID Rapt. P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "An experimental device for the dosed irradiation
of rabbitiiWiti\ microwaves in the 10 centimeter range"

1278, PRESMAN. A. S. (1961) Biofizika!(3):37D-371, (In Russian~ "2x?aricental apparatus for microwave irradiation of prote1n

1279. PRESMAN, A. s. (1961) Nauka i Zhim' (7):88-89, (Abstr. in: I!= Biological~£.!.. Electro,..agnetic.!.!!!!!!.- Annotated
Bibliography, ATD Rept. P-6:.-17, Apr. 1965), ~re intricate methods of investigation are needed"

1280. PRESHAN, A. s. (1962) In: Sucoarie.s of reports, 2nc! All Unio!l Conf. on the Application of Radioelectronics in Biology and
Medicine, Niiteir, (Publisher?), pp. 21-, "Problems concerning t~e ~G~anism of the nontheroal action of microwaves"; and pp. 21-,
"tlethods of measured irradiation "ith microwaves in biological exper:.::.ents"

1281. PRESllAN, A. S. (1963) Biohzik.a !{l) :138-140, "Excitability ito par=eciUIII stil!nllated vith DC and AC pulses"

1282. PREStlAN, A. s. (1963) Biofizika !(2):258-260, (Abstr. in: The 5:ological Effects of· Electromagnetic~- Annotated
Bibliography, ATD Rept. P-6:.-17, Apr. 1965), "Effect of microwaves c:1 paramecium" (Letters to the Editor)

1283. PRESMAN, A. s. (1963) UspeO<hi Sovre!:lennoy Biologii (Progress of !lodern Biology) 56(2):161-179, (Abstr. in: Biological
Effects of tlicrownves: Com>Uation of ,\!lstracts, ATD P-65-65 (19&5), P?• 78-79, "Review of the mechanism of the biological effect
Of"iiiicrowaves"), (JPRS 22580, Jan. 1964; OTS 64-21190; :;!>4-1235 7), "Probleos of the mechanism of the biological effect of micro-
1284; PRESMAN, A. s. (1963) Biol. i Y.ed. Elektronika (5) :5!>-, "A ::ethod of deten:rlning the excitation thresholds of the neuro-
• IIIUScular apparatus of ani~:~&ls"; and ibid. (6): 76-, "A eethod of co::;:>arative irradiation of protein solutions vith microwaves and
infrared rays"

1285. PRESMAN, A. s. (1964) Zar,bez~naya Radioele.lttronika _(3):63-, (Part I), and _(4):67-, (Part II), "Investigation of the
biological effect of microwaves"
1286. P~.A:I. A. s. (1964) B!ofiz!.k.a .2.(1):131-134, (In ::tussia::>), (A!>str. in: ~Biological~ of Electromagnetic
Fields - A:>::Otated 3ibliograobY, A..-:> ite;>t. P-65-17, J..;>r. 1965), (A!.so abstr. in: Biolodcal ~ of Microwaves: cmiletion
. Of":\S&trac:s, ATil P-6>-68, (B65), P?• Sl-82, ~e role of electr01113goetic fields (U!F) in living processes"), (AD 2 857;
ii66-18SH; l'STC 3Sl-'I6s-601), "The role of electreoupetie fiel.Cs 1:1 living processes"

1287. ~. A. s. (1965) !Oaul<.a i ~i=' _(6) :az-as. (Jl'F.S 31501; TI-65-31997; N6:.-31004), "Effect of electromagnetic raclia-
tioos 0:1 l i neg org&::lis:s"

1288. P!!.ES~•.!O, A. s. (1965) t!s;>Uh:i f!D.chesl<.ildl tlal:k, Moaccv, 86(6): 263-302, (In: Soviet Physics Uspekhi 8(3) :463-488; AIDer.
lost. of l"~s~.cs), (Jn.S 330~; !>6&-12294; T:-65-33.S31), "The ac:Ton of microwaves on living organisms and biological

1289. P~.A.'i, A. S. (1366) Proc. of Sy::;>os!a:D oa ?roble::s of Se~ocybernetics, Moscow, pp. 41-, "Electromagnetic fields in

1290. ?::U:S~!.~I, A. s. (1966) ?roc. of Ceo!. on the "Effect of M.apetic Fields on Biological Objects, Moscow, pp. 59-, "s- gener.u
1:18t.>,.ocio1ope&l questi- of bioeleetl'O'IIagnetic :Ltrtatig.atioo.s"

1291. P~~. A. s. (1967) In: Q::estious £.!.. ~~· ~. Moscov, pp. 341-, "Electromagnetic fields and regulation process•
ia biology"

1292. P~-"'-'~• A. s. (1967) Byull.eta Moskcvs:kogo O:.sboestva lsptatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicbesldi, USSR, B:l49- 0 "The
role o! electrm:agnetic fields 1D evolution aDd the vital activi.r:< of organisms"

1293. PaES)'~, A. S. (1967) ?roc. of S.r-o;>osiu:a on ?.lysic.s a::d 3iolcr.-, Moscow, pp. 13-, "The interaction of pbysic:a and bio1osr
iD the invescigation o! tbe biologie&l effect. of electroeagnetic f!elci.'J"

1294. PA!:S!'~, A. S. (1968) I%4-'1'0 Nacir..a, !k:seov, 287 pages, ( Transl. in: USSR Sci. Abstr., Bio-Medical Sciences
£:49-52 (1968)), (In !l.ussim), .-1ectl'O'lt&petie ~ ~ ~ ~ (See also cltatiOil 11295)

1295. P~.A!i, A. s. {1970) {Trz:1.51atec! fl'Cil lhssian by Sinc:l.a:ir, F. L). Brovn,' F. A., Jr., (ed.), Plenum Publ. Co., Rev York,
332 paJU, Uectrcr.>apetic ~ ~ l:!.f!.: ~ ~ ~~Living Organisms ,(Transl. of dtat101l #1294)

1296. P~.A!i, A. s., & L\.'!ESSKIT, YU, I. (1961) S!ofizilta 2_(2):231-233, (In Russian), "Experimental apparatus for studying
the excitability of neurOJ:U.Sc:u.lar prr,..arations during irradiation ';y cicrowaves"

1297. P?~~~~. A. s., ~~SKIT, YO. i., & ~7Vl~ N. A. (1961) CS?ekhi Sovremennoy Biologii 51(1):82-103, (In Russian),
(JP:tS 3451), {Al:lstr. in: Bioloric:al ~of ~c!~a..-av-..s: Cc=ilat!c:s £.!..Abstracts, ATD P-6:.-68(1965), pp. 74-76, "Review
of tbe biological effects of mcr-<o--aves"), "3!ologi.eal effect of :::.crowaves

1298. PP~~~~. A. S., & LEi~~. s. A. (1962) Part I. Biulleten ~?erimental'noi Biologii i Heditsiny 53(1):41-44; Part II.,
ibid., l!(2):39-43, (1962), (to ~si~), (?art 1. 3ulletin of ~ri::.ental Biology & Med, ~:36-39 {!962}; Part II., ibid.,
S3(2):;?.? (1963), "Soothe~ action of tticr~aves on cardiac rhyt~: Communication I. A Study of the action of continuous
::liCl'O'nVes; Co=ication II. 1'!:e ac:icn o~ pulsed :::i.crovaves"); (?art I: AJ) 288404; F'TD-TT-62-278-1, 2, & 4; Part n: AD
283882); (,>bstr. io: 3io!orical ~ of ~cro~>TTes: Co=ilati:r.J o: Abstracts, ATD P-65-68, (1965), Part I, pp. 38-39;
Part::::, Pi'• 4D-41, "!io::tt=:.eml e::ect c: pulsed C.crt>iJa•,es on = ! i a n cardiac reaythm"); {Also abstr. in: The Biological
~of FielC-3 - A=Ot.ated Bi~l!or.a:.hv, .\..'1> ?.e?t:..?-6:.-17, Apr. 1965), "The nonthermal effect of mcrowayes
on the systolic rhy::!-.::t of ~- ~?Ort So. 1, ~::~e effect of norr-?u.lsed microwaves"; Report No.u, "The effect of pulsed

1299. !'~1.\S, A. S •• ;, LEVITI!'4 N • .i.. (1952) Jla.llo":>iolog!ya 2(1):17Q-171, (In Russian), (AEC TR-5428, PP• 258-; TID-3912,
pp. 447-), "Influence of nonthenta.l Jl:icrcn.-ave r&eution o:> the surr..-,ability of ga=a irradiated ani1118ls"

1300, P~'i, A. s., & R.-\PPEPO:S::, S. "!!.. (1964) l!.:!.ologicbes!tie !;2:'"...>-.i (formerly Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly 8iologicheslde
:;ac:.!) i.:SS?., _(1) :!.8-, "!;ew c!ata on tl:e existence of = exci1:~le sys:e::~ in paramecia. I. Reactions of par8lllecia to direct current
pulses"; i!>id. _(3) :4!o-, "II. ?.e.a.:tic!:.S of ?BT.aJ:oec!.a to ac pulses•

1301. P?~...\.'f, A, S., & RAP?E?On, s.:!!.. (1965)'~iulleten El:.sp&r..l>l!nl:al'noi Biologii i Meditsiny (Moskva) 59{4):48-52, (In
P..I!SS!2.!1); {In :English, aulletin of ~eri.Joen!:al. 3iology and ~dici.:l.e 59{?) :pp.? {1965)), "Effect of microwaves on the ex-
cit~le (sensory) syste=s of par~cia"

2508. PRINCE, J.E., MORI, L.H., FRAZER, J.V., &MITCHELL, J.C. (1972), Aerospace Medicine, 43(7):759-761, •cytologic
aspect of RF radiation in the monkey."

1302. Plta!!OVA, T. li. (1956) Vyuhe1 Jlernlot Dayatel'aosU tiiCii 1 p Pav1ova, USSR, 6(6):846-854 (Alao ta P.,choloatcal
Abstucts ,EC3), No. 2398 (1958)), "tha affect of a cODtiJauous t'-.:? elactrical field oi the hip/aervous ect1vtt:r of clop
under aor-...J. and patbolosic&l c:oaditic:s"

2249. PUCLlSI-~rri, G. (1935) Boll. Ocu1. 14:383-445, (ln Ital.), CAbstr. tn: 7Amtralbl. f. d. au. Opbth. 34(3):177-178)~
"LestoDS due to the diathermic coaaulation of the vitreous rumor"

1303. Pti!L\aiCB, B. 1.. & LliiU:5C!, J. L. U964) !apon, 77 paras, (AD 459956; IWlC TDa-64-18), "Electro-sti.alatioa techaiq-
of hearing"

1304. ?l-.:::!0'.7, v. A. (1965) Pat~ologi:!:ask&la Ftzi.ologia i Eksteri.Mntal'nata Teraptia (tto.Jcva) ,!(6):72-73, (JPU 36,906),
"S!!Z-l.l:? electro::aguet.!c: vave effects on :tee ~ 1.Jaduced cbal:lges of the functional state of the central nervous s:rat-"

300 5. PIJH'l'El8IBY, D.G., VETTBR, R.J., IIEEICS, W.L., ZIBIIE"R., P.L., 'BORN, G.S. (1974), J. of Mic~ve Power, 2_(1):39-45, (Mar.
"Microwave dost.etry using electrochemical effects".

2250. PUNTErltiEY, I., & OSBOlU:£, s. L. (1939) Arch. Op!ttn. (Chtcagol 22(2):211-227, (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f. d. pea. Ophth.
45 (3) :148 (Apr 30, 1940)), "Temperature changes and changes in cali!:erof retinal blood vessels after short vave diathei'IIIJ''"

1305. Pl:SC:Ea, !1. (1966) Sprtnger-Verlag, 5el Yon, 337 pagu, Eutins ~Microwaves - 'P'unclamentals, Collpcments, ~ ~

2S09. PUTAN, G.A. (1966), In: Electrosleep and E1ectroaneathes:la. Materials of the All-Union SJIIPOsi- on Probl- of
Electrosleep and Electroaneathes:la (Electronarcosis], Dedicated to the 20th Year of the Electroeleep Method, pp.255-256,
(In Rues.), Moecov (13-lS Oct.), "Uae of intefereuce curreats aa neurotropic therapy in treating hypertonic patients with

3596. PYE, M. (1975), Sunday Times (London), Sept. 21, p. 14 only, "WOlfgang Guettner's cancer cruise• [using microwave
radiation as hyperthermia treatment].

13:>6. ~t,;O!i, r;. c. (B!S-:l) U. S. !iavy !!adical Sei."S Letter ~(10):2~34 (18 Nov.), (Originally in: Industrial Med. & surgery Z!_:
315-315 (July), "Ea.u-:-cs o! cicroo;ave radiatiou"

2510. IABICBJV. L.U. (1971?) Soviet Patent Bo. 272486, [Describes a non-contacttns electrosleep apparatus (LIDA)].

2511. IABICIIBV, L. Ya. (1966), Pediatriya, _(6):7-10, "Sleep and electrosleep in children".

2512. IABICIIBV, L. Ya., & IL'IKA, T.G. (1966), In: Conference on Effects of Diffuse Electrical Currents on Physiolosical
Hech•nf- vitlr Aej!1icatton ~ Electroanesthee:la and ElectrosleeP-" ""VVO:"4,1itlvaukee, pp.25- , ''Therapy Mcahni- of

3292. RABINOWITZ, J.R. (1973), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, MTT-21(12):850 only, (Dec.), "Possi)>le
mechanisms for the biomolecular absorption of microwave radiation with functional iepllcations".

l~i. ?.A!, J., J3.., :iE?3.IClt, J. F., ';i.A.~, lt., 6 J::?.US~, F. (!94;) Arch. of Physical Mad. 30:199-211, "A coaparative atudy of
the ta::;:-eruures ;-roc!cced l>y ltic-rao;ave a::1d shortvave Cia::berc:r"

1308. RAE, J., JR., MARTIN, G., TREAMOR, "II., & !OtUSEN, F. (1950) h-oc. of Staff Meetings, Mayo Clinic, ,!!:441-446, "Clinical
experience with microwave diathermy"

2251. RA~"AILA, E., LAtlCRA:;JA:I, i.., P!'.EDA, N., POPESCO, 1'. • l!OVD"!A, A., & Tt:COIJLESC0.1 D. (1970) In: Ergon-ics and Phsical
Environmental Factors, (Vol. 21 of the Occupational 5afety anG Healt!t Series), Internet. Labour Office, Geneva, (IR Fr~,
PI'• 175-177, "~hes conceminv in the oraanism in persor.neleaployed in radar installations"

3293. RAI, P.S., BALL, H.J., NELSOR, S.O., 'STETSON, L.£. (1972), Annals of the Entomological Soc. of ~r., 65(~):807-810,
"Lethal effects of radio-frequency energy on eggs of f'-bJoi.o ., fColeoptera: Tenebrionidae)".

1309. RAICHILSON, R. R., • EMERY, E. (1951) Lockheed Aircraft Cofll., California, Rept. Ell.'l S2l7, "Deleterious affects of the
radar beam"

1310. RAJE"IISKY, V., & SCh"WAN, H. (1948) !iaturwissenschaften .!Q_:315-, "The dielectdc constant and conductivity of the blood
at ultra-high frequencies"
3006. RAJO'l"l'E, R.V., OOSSETOR, J .B., VOSS, W.A.G., & STILLER, C.R. (;974), Proceedings of the IEEE, 62 (1) :76-85, (Jan.),
"Preservation studies on canine kidneys recovered from the deep frozen state by microwave thawing".

2513. ltAllllAL, J. (197 ), The (Wash., D.C.) Bvenin& Star, in the Waahington Close-up ColUim, ''VA shuns dying ex-servi.c_ ...
[Describes a1leaed 'microwave cataracts' froa chronic exposure to microwave radiation].

1311. RANDALL, B. F., IMIG, c. J., b EHii::S, '1. H. (1952) Arch. of ?hysical Med. ~:73-81, "Effects of some physical therapies.
nn blood fl01o1"

3597. RANSCHT-FROEMSDORFF, W. (1968), Acta Medicotechnica, 8( ):320-322, (in German) "Electroclimate simulation
apparatus for 'weather radiation'." [A carrier freq. of 10-lOO kHz modulated at 1-1000 Hz and amplitude 10 mV/m to
10 V/m.]

3598. RANSCHT-FROEMSDORFF, W.R. (1962), Z. Angew. Bad~r und Klimaheilk., 5( ):462-477, (Nov.), (in German), "The
influence of low frequency changes of environmental factors on nerve information."

3599. RANSCHT-FROEMSDORFF, W.R., & RINCH, 0. (1972), Z. Angew. Bader und Klimaheilk., 19( ):169-176 (in German)
"Electro-climate phenomena of the 'Fohn' (correlations of agglutination of blood and simu-lated spherics programs)>

1312. RASSADIN, A. M. (1965) Trans. Sci. Conf. of the Central Sci. Lab. TotL~k, _(2):357-359, "Dependence of morphological
changes in the kidneys on their f~nctio~al load under the action o: a low frequency electrocagnetic field"

1313. RAWLS, O. B., GRAYSTON, C. ~ •• C. ~coo:;.u.o, B. !1. (1959) 1 (A.:"o!TC-r.;-59-4 (C)), (Classified) "RF radiation hazards; Air
Force ~lissile Test Center Ordna.,ce - Bio-effects - Fuel"

1314. RAWLS, 0. B., STILWELL, R. J., 6 :!cDO!iALD, B. M. (1961) RCA Service Co. report, 103 pages, (Wo-047832) (AD 260721; AFMTC
TR-61-14), "RF radiation hazards: fuel, ordnance, and bio-effects" 1

329~. REBY, H., ~HAZMI, M. (1963), General Practice, 26( ):pp?, (July 12), "Diabetic ulcer of the foot. A new approach
to treatment: Preliminary clinical report". [using pulsed. high frequency electromagnetic radiation].

2514. REFSHAUGE, W.O. {1971), (Letter to the Editor), Med. J. of Australia, 1_:498 only, "Microwave ovens: A potential
risk to patients with cardiac pacemakers."

1315. REIINBERG, G. L., ~IOGHISSI, A. A., 6 P:EP?J:R, E. ll. (1969) Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health Implication& of
Microwave Radiation" Symposiuo, (Cleary, s. ?., ed.), !tedical College of Va., Rich,..,nd, 17-19 Sept., Bure~u of,Radiologic:al
Health/Division of Biological Effects, ?.ept. ~. 7D-2, pp. 101-103, "iffects of cicro~aves on optical act1vtty

2516. REIDER, D.R., EPSTEIN, D.L., & KIRK, J.M. (1971), U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, Tex.,
Aera.edic:al Review #3-71, (AD #730922), "Possible cataractogenic effects of radiofrequency radiation", [No cataracts were
fo~ in the eyes of rhesus monkeys exposed at 19.27 MHz for 4 hours to 180 mw/cm2 • Eyes examined by slit-lamp biomicro-
scope over a period of 8 months shoved no lenticular changes].

3600. REILLE, A. {1968), J. Physfol. {Paris), 60{1):85-92 (in French), "Evidence that pigeons are sensitive to
magnetic fields."

1316. REINS, u. 11.., & WEISS, r.. A. (196?) l:ork Order ::o. 523-003-!u, ~;avy Clothing a:>d Textile Researc:, Unit, .Xatick 1 Mass.,
''Physiological evaluation of effects on personnel wearing the micrO"ave protective suit and over-gannent"

1317. ~lNER, S. (1967) ln: Theraoeutic Electricity and Ultraviolet Radiation, Licht, S. H., (ed.) 2nd edition, Lic:bt, E.,
Publisher, New Haven, Conn., (Vol. 4 of P:tvsical :teclicfne Librarv), O:a:>t. 2, pp. 7D-104, "InstrUMentation for electrotherapy"

1318. REITER, P. J. (1936) Zentralblatt fur die gesamte ~;eurologie and Psychiatrie lli:382-4ll4, (In German), "The biological
effect of shortwaves on the brain and i::1vestigation of a therapy for chronic brain diseases"

3601. REITER, R. {1960), Heteorobiology and Electricity of the Atmosphere, (in German), 424 pps., Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig.

3602. REITER, R. {1970), Heizung, Luftung, Haustechnik, 21(8):258-262 & 279-285, (in German), "Is it necessary to
consider air-electrical properties as components of· the bioclimate?"

1319. r.EITER, T. (1933) British J. of Physics _!!:119-, "Soce investigations of. short waves"

2252. REMII.RK, D. l;. (1971) US!JHE\.'/PHS, Bur. of Health, (Pub. ::o. BP.E/IOF.RHL 71-1), 38 paj:!es, "Survey of diathermy equip~~~ent
use in Pinellas Count)', Florida''

3603. RENO, V.R. (1975), Nava 1 Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Rept. No. NAMRL-1216 (May), "Some considerations
.;oncerning the use of magnetron generators in microwave biological research."

3007. RENO, V.R., & BEISCIIER, D. E. (1973), Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Rept. No. NAMRL-1183, {Jun.), "Microwave
reflection, diffraction and transmission by man: A pilot study".

3604. RENO, V.R., de LORGE, J.O., PRETTYMAN, G.D., EZELL, C.S., & GRINER, T.A. {1974), Naval Aerospace Medical
Research Laboratory (Pensacola, FL), {11 Sept.), (AD#A003948), "A primate restraint chair for use in microwave
radiation studies."

3605. RENTSCH, W. (1967), In: WAGENDER, F.M. ,& ST. SCHURY, . {eds), Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electro-Anesthesia.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Graz, Austria, 12-17 Sept. 1966, ~sterda~. Excerpta Medica, pp. 161-168,
"Nagneto-fnductfve transmission of stimuli to the brain." I

3008. RBS'l'ALL, C.J., LEONARD, P.F., TASWELL, H.F., et al. (1967), Anesthesia and Analgesia (Cleve.), 46( ):625-628, "A
llicrowave blood wa.,_r, Preliminary report".

1320. REVIGLIO, G. ~!. (1934) Ahstr. of en" 1st lnternat. ,:onr,ress cf :::1ectro-?.adio-Biology, Cappelli, L., (ed.) Bologna,
Italy, pp. 387-3'15, (In Italian Yith ~r.~l!s!l sw:mary) ;o:t the to?lC of s!lort wave diathemic generators" '

1321, REVUTS 1 KYY 1 YE. L. (1964) /~'<ad~::.~va r."uk Ul(?.SSR. Fi ziologic:_-,:~: Zh, 10 (3) :636-640, (JPRS 27932; N66-1505), (Abstr. in:
The Biological Effects of Electroc-.a:zn»:ic ~- Annotat~d Bi!>liozra:>hv, ATD Rept. ?-65-17, Apr. 1965), "The effec:t of high-
frequency (13.5~o 41, and 2375 ~c) electrocagnetic oscilla::o~s on the ootor function of the human stomach"

1322. REVUTS 1 li.'YY, YE. L. (1965) A.'<.acie::Uya nauk LK!t SSK, Fiziolo~ic;,n:.-v Zh., 11(3):3!J-384, (Abstr. only in ATD Press, Special
Issue, "Biomedical Hicrowave Research", !:_(43), Aug, 196S), "T:1e e!'fect of !iF ,'T1!F, and L1!F radiation on the secretory and ex-
cretory functions of the hUI!lan .stocach"

1323. REVUTS 1 KYY, YE. L., & EYDEL 1 !!A.'I, F. !\, (1964) Fiziologich:>:7 Z."'l. A.<.adeciya nauk UKR SSR, 10(3):379-383, (Abstr. in
Biological ~ 2! }!icrowaves, ATD ?-1\5-68, Sept. 1965, 1'?· 14-13, "Effects of meter and centimeter waves on human hemo-
dynamics"), N64-31540; (Also, Biological nbs tracts (Biophysics Sec:::.on) ~:430, (196_), 05407), "Effect of centimeter and
meter waves on the content of biologically active substances in h<=a:l blood"

3606. REYDER, B. Sh., AFANACYEVA, L.R., & ANTONOVA, E.F. (1973), Voprosy Pitaniya, 32(4):77-78 (July/Aug.), (in Russ.),
Transl. In: "Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation" (JPRS #66512), (7 Jail:" 1976), pp. 43-46, "On the effect
of the ultrahigh frequency field on certain pathogenic microorganisms."

1324. REYNOLDS, M. R. (1961) !'roc. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the B!olodcal Effects of :ucrowave Radiation, Vol. 1, (Peyton, tt. F ••
ed.) pp. 71-84, "Development of a gar.:>e.nt for protection of person~el vorking in high-po·Jer RF environments"

1325, REYZIN, H. S., & HOTS!."YI, P. E. (1939) Dnepropetrovsk, t:niversitet, lnstitut Fiziologii Sbomik rabot, 1,:21-, (J\bstr. tn:
The Biological Effects of Electronagnetic 'ields- Annotated Bibliozraohy, ATD Rept.P-65-17, Apr. 1965), (Title not given),
l)J.;als with induced changes in nerve U?OD t1!? exposure]

1326, REZNIKOVA, L. (1937) Biologiches~oye rleystvive ~/Ch, Simpoziun, (Biological effect of ultra-high frequencies. SymposiuaJ
Hoscow, pp. 373-, (Abstr. in: The 1holodcal Effects of Electro:::~a2Cl~tic Fields - Armotated 3ibliography, ATD Rept. P-65-17,
1965), (Title not given), [Dis~ses bioche~cal analysis of UH? irraciiated tissue]

2253. RllEli., R. \,, (!9721 L'. s. '!edicine ~(5): pp. 3 & 23 c:ar 1), [Describes =rk of D. R. Justesen on rats and mice), "Hicrowaves
inhibit tumor induction'"

1327. RICCIO!ll, ll. (1934) In: Abstr. of the lst Internat, Congress of Electro-radio-biolot;Y, Cappelli, L., (ed.), Bologna, lta1)1,
pp. 152-229, (In Italian with English st=ary), "O:t the increase in grain production by the preliminary electrical exposUTe of
the seed"

1328. RICHARD, w., & Loo:ns, A. (19~7) Proc. of the !\ational Acac!e::;y of Sciences 15,587-, ''Dielectric losses in electrolyte ,..,t ..-
tions in hir,h frequency fields"

3009. RICHARDS, V., ., ST0FER, R. (1959) . .""':IJrgecf, 46( ) :H4-':JL, "The ~.tlmulation of bone growth by internal heating".

1329. RICIIAI:!JSO:-:, A. J. (19)4) J. of E'oysical 'led. 33(2):10}-107, "Effect of nicrowave induced heating on the blood flow broul";,
peripheral skeletal muscles"

1330. RICHAIUJSO:;, A. H. (1955) bri cis:o .: • of Physical :led. 18( 7): 1~ l-, "The effectiveness of microwave diathermy therapy as a
hyperthermic agent upon vasculariz~d a:":d ava:;cular tissue"

1331. r.It.:IL\RDSO!l, A. H. ( (197) ?roc. lst Tri-service Con f. on Biological Hazards o! ::icrovave Radiation, (Pattishall, E. G.; ed.)
1:109-110, "Abstract of report on patholoRic effects of three centioeter cicrO'IJaves of l~J ma~nitude, and demonstration of doal- '
Dieters to assay accuoulated rdcro·.Jave e-:1ergy"

1332. RICHARDSON, A. W. (1956) Proc. 2:1d Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of !:icrowave Energy, (Pattishall, E. G., 6o
Banghart, F. w., eds.), I:l69-174, "?.evie"' o:' the wori< conducted at L'niversity of St. Louis (I.:SS sponsored)"

1333. RICHARDSON, A. w. (1959) Blocci _!i(ll):l237-, "Blood coagulation changes due to electromagnetic microwave irradiations"

1334. RIC~~SON, A. ~. (1959) In: ~•esti~tors' Conf. ou 3iological !ifects of Electronic Radiating Equipaenta, (Knauf, G. H.,
Ch 3 , ) , (~-Ti-59-67, pp. 37-41; AJ 2l46;J; Also? AD 131477), "?~?iev of •ork conducted at St. Louis Univ. Sc:hool of Medicine"

1335. aiCEAAJSO~. A. w. (1959) ?roc. 3rt ~i-service Conf. on 3iol~cal Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipmenta. (Suaskiad 0 c.,
ed.) 1_:244-2.>a, (it.\!IG-T?.-59-140; AD Z:>!o 7?:8) • ":iev mcrowave dosi=letr;r a:>d the phyaiolo(lliC need"

1336. Ric:'....AlDSC!i, A. w. (1966) St. Lo..U.S Qo.iv. Scl>ool o! ~edicine, (~C:i\-130402) • (AD 484726L), "Studies concerned vith the
biologic effects o! aicrovave irra.!ia=io-..s of di:fere:>t freque:.cies"

1337. ltiC:!:.E.!lSO!i, A. w. (1963) Scientia 0-..ila:~) 103:447-453, (Abstr. !.~: :;uclear Science Abstracts 11.<19):3978, 138860• 1969),
"Biologic effects of non--ionizing elect:roaag~:~etic~iaUona"

1338. RICl!.ll:JSO:i, A. w., Dl'A.!i"£, 1. D., r. E!I!\L.S, H. X. (1948) Ar~. o: ?"nysical Med. li(H): 765-769, "Experimental lenticular
opacities pro<!uced by l:!crovrte irra<i!.at:.~·

1339. RlCt!ll!JSO!i, A. W,, OCJSE:, 1. D., ~ aiNZS, H. M. (1951) ber:. ~~cal Assoc. Arch. of Ophthalmology 45:382-386, •Experimental.
cataract prt><!aoced cy tllre.o cent.:i.::Jete-r: pU:.S~ rlcrova'I'B irradiations"

1340. itiCRAJL."SS!!, A. w., ~c. c. J •• n;:;or:r, s. L., & I!Do'"ES, B. M. (1950) AHA Arch. ?,f Physical Med. 1!,:19-25. "Tbe relatioo-
ahip betveen c!.er,. tissue te:.;>eraturt a:::>d !)lood n- ciuri:~g electromag:::.etlc irradiation

1341. lUCHA.~. A. v., LOH.\X, D. a., nCBOLS, J., & GEUi, H. D. (19.52) AIDer. J. of Ophthalmology 35:993-, "The role of eaergy,
pupillary di.Ditar ~ al.l.Dxan diabetes 1:1 U>e procloction of oc:ular da:lrage by microwave irradiations"

1342. 1UCRA3.JSON, A. v., et al. (1969!) ?roll: Syste::s !.1:16:ineering c.! Consultant Corp., Tulsa, Oklaho-. "Microwave/radar
racliaUoa ~~ ina~t(advaneed :f..l1fo~ti«<)"

1343. lU~. P. D., & lo!liT!, J. a. (1957) In: Dipat of t!>e 7::!1 lnternat. Conf. on Medical and !liological Engineering,
(Jaeoba011, B., ad.), Stocltho:U., p. 398 cr-l:;r, "Ihe res;>ot:.Se of beman sd" to localized heat sources"

3295. RICHMOND, E.L. (1970), J. of the Amer. Assoc. of' foot Specialists, ( ): , (June), "Results of pulsed high
frequency electromagnetic energy in the treatment of foot disorders and surgery".

1344. lUCH!t!t, W. a. (1%4) t;. s. A..-::::y ~cal Researc!l !.a!:>oratory ?.e;>t. 600, (AD 440272), 12 pagea, "Effects of RP' energy on
tissue cultures"

1345. Rn-~. :. E. (1953) Industrial Me~~ & Surgery 23:328-, "r=?~ed radio wave diathermy at place of work"

3607. RIESEN, W.H. (1971), Technical Memorandum #3, IITRI Project E6185, Contract N00039-71-C-Olll, (Aug.), "A pilot
study of the interaction of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields with brain organelles."

2254. RlFFENilUF.GII, R. s. ( 1953) l:. s. Arr.c;d Forces ~:cd. J. !_(1): il-72, "Ocular fativue in t'oe radar operator"

3608. RIOCH, O.M. (1974), Institute for Behavior Research, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD), Rept. 151 (15 Oct.), (AD #A004024),
"Effects of microwave irradiation on· embryonic brain tissue: Final report to Army Research Office (15 Oct. 1973 to
1346. '!t.IVI!li 0 H. R.., PUO!!!., A., 0. SEA:..~. F. (1964) ~tes ~ acad. sci. 259:4895-4897, (In French) "Effect of elec-
tro:ugnetie fie1ds en i::;>l=ted 'I"-8 t::::DO~ !.:> the rat•

1347. IU'llill, M. a. • PllO:RE, .\,, & 3:::£!J...--,'"&D• F. (1965) Ccl!rpte.s ~"'= acad. sci. 260:2099-2102, (Also. Semaine dea Hopitawc
lnfortUltio:>S, ?ari.s, 1!:5-,) "Effect of e.leeu·oaagne::ic fie1cis on t:ra:::s?lantable lymphoblastic sarcoca in the rat", (In French)

1348. RIVU:E, M. R. i'iUO~. A., & 3::::r:l-~, '!'. (1965) Se::a.i:.e des ::.O?itaux Informations Paris, 11:3-. (In French), "Action of
elactrOlloagnetic fields co skU graft: o! :-a tt.=10r in t!le rat"

1349. R~, H. R., PllOR.E, A., & 3!Z..:3.E.AD, F. (1965) Colllptes 3.e::~ acad. sci. ~:2639-2643, (In French), "Regression
pheaooenon o~served on th• skio gra!ts o: l~bosar~ in Qice e%?0>~ to ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation"

2255. ROBF., K. (1966) Food Processin~ and '!arl:etlng .~z:84-86, "Ir~~o·:ed flavor of pasteurize<! T>roducts [cooked with microwave

1350. ROB::::US, A. M. (1969) Sat:ure (!..=am) 223(5206) :639, "::f!eco; of electric fields on lllice"

1351. R03E3!S, A.~. (1970) J. of ~~eore:ieal 3iologr l!(l):97-105, ~;ion of Paramecium in static electric and magnetic fields"

1352. P.03uTS, J. E., & COOl., B. r. (H32) British J. of Ap:>lied ?"n:s!cs 1:33-40, ''¥.icrawavea ia medical and biological research"

3010. ROBERTS, P.C.B. (1972), Abstr. in J. of Sci. Food Agriculture, 23(4) :544 only, "Viability studies on ascopores and
V@l9&tative cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae exposed to microwaves at 2450 MHz".

2517. RO!liNER, l.S. (1966), In: Conference .!?!!. Effects of Diffuse Electrical Currents .!?!!. Physiological Mechanisms with
Application to Electroanesthesia and Electrosleep. Vol. 4, Milwaukee, pp. 18- , "Clinical application of electrosleep and
a physiological mechaniBlD of its development".

13S3. ?.OCX, J. (1969) Medical As?Kt$ o! Etmall Sexua.l.i~ 1(9) :45 o,::.: • "Scrotal te::~?erature and fertility"

3011. ROCKWAY, J.W., & HANSEN, P.M. (1973), Rept. #TR-1872, Naval Electronics Laboratory Center (San Diego) • 24 Apr.,
"Calculated near fields of Navy HF whip antennas: Establishes preliminary guidelines on the size of personnel- and
ordnance-radiation-hazard zones", [with a discussion of radiation hazards to personnel].

1354. RO~!~~A, z. K., GI"ELZO~, I. :., ~ TE?SKOV, I. A. (1965) ~re=5. of Sci. Cunf. Central Sci. Lab., TOMSK, (2):319-322,
(The Biological Effects o: Electro-~~eti: r~elds), "The effect of ~-S~nt electric and alteraating electromagnetic fields on
the biosr->~;,esi.s ot clllore1la dcri:>t; ccr-:!.!louocs culture"

1355. ROTFO, A. E., JR. (1934) In! ~~s~. of the Internat. Congress == Z!ectro-radio-biology, Cappelli. L., (ed.). Bologna.
Italy, pp. 2>~242, (In Fren~; ~~; ~gl;3h s~ry), ·~~fication o: electrocardiographic results produced by the application
of high freG~cy elect~gnetic !ieles~; ibid., pp. 396-414, "Zel~t:~n of hi~~ frequency electromagnetic fields on cellular
cultiplieation of in vitro tiss~ cul:~~n; a=d i~!d., p~. 415-43~, ~}_c=ion of high frequency electromagnetic fields oa photo-
dyna:Ucs o! coloredaater"ials in the bur.: of ~actei=fa" -

1356. aoG:35, s. J. (1969) Proc. of ::be ""Z.iolo; Effects ll!ld ~:::, l::plications of Microwave Radiation" Sympoaium, (Cleary,
,. S. F., Ed.), ~edical College of Vir~~a. 2i~ud, 17-19 Sept. 1959, 3t~eau of Radiological Health/Division of Biological Effects.
llept. No. 70-2, ?P• 222-232, "Radio fr<>;;e:lcy radiation ha.:.ards to pe!"SO:mel at frequencies be~av 30 MHz"

2092, RDCDS, S, J,, 'Kll>C, 1., S. OHO) !~ioehinJ !tad, ,!.(4):178-189, "Radio huarda in the •,f,/h,f, band"

1357, RDGOVAYA, T. z.,

!PJJI!StiT, S. A., & LASE~~. S. S. (1959) ~; S~ries of reports, Labor Hygiene and tha Biological
Effect of Radio Frequency !:lectro:aS""'~tic '.t.-vea. ~cow, p. 34, w:be state of health of vork,.rs hnving long contact vith
high frequency el,.ctrot:.agt>,.tic equi~:·

2518. ROGUSSKIY, S.S., ULITSKIY, L.A., BARTSEVICH, B.N., IL'YIN, A.V., & KRIVENKO, V.N. (1970), Voyenno-Heditsinskiy
Zhurnal, (6) :39-40, (Jun.), (Transl. IIJ-8892 for Army Intelligence, pp. 47-50), "Results of dynamic observation of persons
working near UHF fields".

3609. ROHL. D. (1975), Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 100(1 ):26-29, "Biological effect of microwaves-possible
health hazards via broadcasting transmitters, television tranSiiiTtters, and radar t~ansmitters."
361fl. ROHL, D., LAUN, H.M., HAUBER, M.E.T., STAUCH, M., & VOIGT, H. (1975), !SA Transactions, .!!(2):115-117, "The
effect of radar on cardiac pacemakers."

1358. RDES~""ZID::R, W. (1955) ~ch. Me:!. wschr • .22= 33-37, "?!:!.at!::> c!a=3e and protection for th,. eye against radiation"

1359, ?~L~I:2, •· L. (l95a) ?roc. ~d :ri-&ervice Cccf. 0:1 3iolo3ic~l Effects of Microwave Energy, (Pattishall, E. G,, &
Banghart, F. ;;., e::S.), l:254-26!., ~""' o£ the ,;or<. co=.Cu.ctec. a: Sc•ot.:...-est Research Institute on the use of electron para-
cagnetic reso~e co e\~luate cr.~ ~h~~ and/or ph7sical ~~~~ges :~ t~e lenses of eyes irradiated by micr~aves (USAF sponsored)"

1360. ?.OL.:;rc~. H. C. (lB5) Aro. o: ?h; Thera?7 12.:391-333, ns:a:::s of electrosurgical prostatic resection"

1361. R~-~;. J. (19S5) ?roe. 2~d :~~-s~ce Con£. on B:olc51ca: L::•cts of ~~crowave Energy, (Pattishall, E. c., & Banghart,
:. W., eds .. ), .3_:7~7.-:,. "?.J~C.l.o freqt.:c::cy ~rcis abo~rd na7al s:.ip:;"

1362. ROMAN, J. (1959) The Engineer's Digest, CG-1J3, No. 118 (Sept.-oct.), P?· 39-, MCalculating pow,.r densitiea in the vicinity
of radar antennas"

1363, ROMANOV, v. I. (1940) Trans. of the 1st Conf. on Problen9 in the Ae~lic~tion of Shortvavea and Ultrashort Wav,.s in Medicine,
Medgiz, (Abstr. in: .!!!! lliological Effects~ Electromngnetic Fields- A.->:lotated Biblioenphy, ATD Rept. P-65-17, Apr. 1965),
"High frequency fields as a method of stU<!ying =lecular structures"

3611. ROMERA-SIERRA, C., HALTER, S., TANNER, J.A., ROOM!, M.W., & CRABTREE, D. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, lQ(l ):59-70
(Mar.), "Electromagnetic fields and skin wound repair."

1364. RONALD, K. (1962) Canadian J, of Zoology 41(2):197-217, "The effects of physical sti~i on the larval stage of tenanova
decipiens. III. Electromagnetic apect~ galvanotaxis"

1365. ROSE, D. L., & ~lEAD, S. (D43) Arch. of Physical ~dic1ne 19:637-642, "Electrical tests of sensatioa" (Voltage-duration
curves of tactile sensation and pain)

~256. ROSL, V. E., GCLLI::, G. Environ~ental Foctors, (Vol. 21 of the C:1.fct"' ::1\d i:c·-~~~;, ":-·.•alu:;.tiC':: a:"':~ol of expo5ut"es
-:_:; rcr::".) i..H' rti~·r:o..-,l"e dV.._~:--.. ,''

2093, i'..CS~. \", 'E,, G!:UIN, G, A,, ?ct.:::.t, c. H., & BOL?SE, H. G. (1969) Amer, Industrial llyr;iene A~!toc, J, 1,2.:137-, "Evaluation
ana contrc: o! e"1'o6uu.;; in :-epa!r1ot r.iC!"O\o'an o·~!a"

2257. ?.OS:, \'. ?~, ff•)i::l.L, (. ~- .. , ~c.~·.:=:,~- !:., ~ S\·;.~:StJ~t, J. i\. (l'Ji0) In: rrr.or.omics and Physical Environ~ental Factors,
C:,:~l. :.1 o~ t~c '·ccu:--,t;:".or.:!l :::!:~:-· z.:-.: -:=:e:a:.:;: ~~ries), l~te:-r..a~. : ..a':.our Office, C:e;,eva; ~ 1R6-, 11 1\ review of U. S~wave
ex;osur-e c:-.:.:c:·i::"

2023. ROSENSTEIN, M., BRILL,~. A., & SHOWALTLR, C. K. (1969) Report ~o. OCS 69-l, Bureau of Radiological Health, Depa~tment
of Health, Education, and ~elfare, Rockville, "!'.d., "Radiation exposure overviev- c:J.crcvave ovens and the public"

1366. l:OSENSTEIH, II,, BRILL, 1-1. A., l. Sl!Oio/ALTER, C. K. (1969) U. S. De?t. of Health, Education, and Welfare; Public Health
Service: Consumer Protection & Environ:oeotal Health Services, Environoental Control Adnin., Bureau of Radiological Health, Rock-
ville, Hd., Rept. No. OCS 69-1, "Radiation exposure overvie-J: :licrovave ovens and the public"

2259. ~,tJS;.:';-:;iA!., ). S • ., 2~:.":-.- ~. r. (l9'0b) J. o• t!\e f.-e~. ''ecical Assoc. 205(4):105-108, "llypr>ronadbr. after microvave
ra~i<J.ti ~~:;·j

22SS .. ?.'J::..:~~t.:·-..:.., ~. ~; . (197,-·~, :-.: :.-:-:--: .. of :-~c-:7~;riz:1 :_c.-;.:::. o: cci., & Sci .. ~0c. for Te1ccm:·•-'"1unic.1.tion, C.oJloq. on 'licrovJave
Co:::::rur.i::::a:.ic::, !, :..~o.:!a?est, (:-- .. =~-::., ~'J- ), (_".">~:~. ·"_'-.iJ.--.45~~ )., 11 C)afetv standa:-d5 J.~rl L~olor-ical effects of microwavP.

2024. ROSENTHAL, s. w., (Chm.), (1971) "Biological Effects of !ion-Ionizing Radiation", Session of the IEEE lntemat. Convention
and Exposition, N.Y., (22-25 Mar)
3296. ROSENTHAL, S.W. (1971), ,J. of Microwave Power, 6(1):55 only, "More r·esearch on biologicol ef:er:ts of microwaves

2519. ROSENTHAL, S.W. (1972), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-12_(4) :299, "Introduction: Biological effects
of nonionizing radiation".

1367. ROS~m!AL, s. W., JnRENBAlll'l, L., GROSOF, G. 11., & ZARET, ~1. :1, (1967) Digest of tae 7th lnternat. Conf. on lledical and
Biological Engineering, (Jacobson, B., ed.), p. 399 only, "A study of the cataractoF:enic effect of microwave radiation"

1368, ROSENTIIAL, S. W. (!1oderator), FRLY, A., L~TER, F,, BOW!-W>, R. R,, R£CHEN, H., OSE:PCHUCK, J., & M!Cl!AELSON, S. (1969)
Proc, of the "Biological Effects and llealth I.mpllcations of Microwave Radiation" Symposi~m, (Cleary, S. F,, ed.), Medical College
of Virginia, Richmond, 17-19 Sept., Bureau of Radiological Health/Division of Biological Effects, Rept. No. 7G-2, pp. 233-247,
"Panel Discussion I: tlicrowave meaaurementa method am' standards for biological research and hazard surveya"

3612. ROSHCHIN, A.V., & NIKONOVA, K.V. (1974), Gigiyena i Sanitariya, (11):111-113, (in Russian), Transl. In:
"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan-:1976), pp. 73-76, "International Symposium
on 'Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation' (Warsaw)."

2520. ROSS, N.L. (1973), The Washington Post, March 8, page ElO, "Hot microwave debate". [Microwave oven leakage levels).

2521. ROSSI, G.F., & ZATTONI, J. (19 ), Excerpts, Medical Interntional Congress, Series No. 128, "Obtaining deep sleep
by electrical stimulation of the brainstem and derebral cortex" •

• 1369. ROTH, E. tl. (Ed.) (1968) Colllpellc!i\a of Huaao to the Aerospace l!DviromMnt 1(1) :1-22, (Doc1ment I NASA Cll-120S(l);
N-69-12435~ "Microwave radiation"; (Also, "Magnetic Fields", Section 4, pp. l-7, N69-12438)-

1370. llOTIIMEIEll, J. (1970) Proc. of the 3rd An.aual National Conf. of the Neuro-Electric Society, "The Nervoua System ncl· Elec-
tric Currents", (Wulfsohn, N. L., & Sancu, A., Jr., eds.), 23-2S Mar., Las Vegas, Plenlllll Press, New York, PP• S7-69 0 "Effect of
llicrovave radiation on the frog sciatic nerve"

2522. ROTKOVSKA, D., & VACEK, A. (1972), Folia Biol. (Praha), .1§.(4):292-297, "Effect of high-frequency electromagnetic
ffe1d upon haematopoietic stem cells in mice." [59Fe incorporation, spleen cells, bone marrow, spleen-colony assays]

3297. ROTKOVSKA, D., et !.!.· (1973), Physiol. Bohemoslov, 22(4):359-363, (In Engl.), "Non-contact determination of temperature
changes in mice during microwave irradiation." [using an infra-red camera]

3012. ROWE, W.O., .JANES, D.E., & TELL, R.A. (1973), 1973 Telecommunications Conf., Atlanta, GA, (Nov. 26), "An a~se~~­
sment of adverse health effects of telecormnunications technology".

1371. ROYER, R.., WAJCIM, r. •• LEVESTEOil. s., & JCRUSE.~. F. (1950) Arch. of Physical Medicine l!:SS7-S66 0 "Influence of llic-ve
cltatllenDY on nellins and t r i a - resultias fro. odcmtectoiB)'"

1372. llOZANOYA, o. s. (1939) Fizioterapiya (2):pp.? "Significance of the frequency factor for the bioeffecta of a IF-VHF
electric field" -

1373. llOZENBERG, P. A., & GELFON. I. A. (1966) Cigiena Truda i Professional 'nye Zabolevaniia (Moakva) _(S):S2-S3, "tbe effect
of VHF-HH therapy on the silicon content in the lungs and bifurcated l~h nodes during experimental silicosis"

3298. ROZZELL, T.C., JOHNSON, C.C., DURNEY, C.H., LORDS, J.L., & OLSEN, R.G. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3):241'-249,
(Sept.), "A nonparturbing temperature sensor for measurements in electromagnetic fields", [electro-optical fiber optic/
liquid crystal probe).

1374. llUBIN, A. • • ERDHAN, w. J. (l9S9) ~.Dar. J. of Phya. Med. 38:219-220, "Microwave ezpoaure of the h._n f..ale palvia
duriDa early preaa-cy ancl prior to coocepticm" -

137S. llUBDI 0 L., & VOROG'TEV, I. (1936) ICurortoloJii i Fizioterapii .!_:11-, (Abstr. in: .!!!.! Biological ~.!!!, Electro-
. .IDetic Fields - Annotatecl Bibliosrapbr, A7D Rept. P-65-17, 196S), (Title not given~ (Deal• with temperature riae~presaion
of nervoU8 excitation of !!, .:!!.!.!!!. frog auscla]

1376. RUDGE, A.W., & KNOX, R.H. (1970), U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service Publication
No. BRH/DEP 70-16, 69 pps (limited distribution), "Near-field [electromagnetic radiation] instrumentation."

2523. llUDOLP'SSOM, c., JOELSSON, I., INGELMAN-SOUNDGERG, A., & ODEBLAD, E. (1972), Acta Obstet. Gynec. Scand., 51:137-141,
"The radiofrequency field distribution surrounding coils for intrauterine diagnostic procedures: I. Geometrical factors".

3613. RUGGERA, P.S. (1975), U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, DHEW Publication (FDA) 75-8032 (April)
"Changes fn radiofrequency E-ffeld strengths within a hospital during a 16-month period" [resulting from externally- '
located radio and TV transmitters].

2524. BUGGERA, P.S., & ELDER, R.L, (1971), U.S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare Rept. No. BRH/DEP 71-5,
"Elactroupetic radiation interference with cardiac pacemakers".

2260. ~t:Gf.!:?..'., P. :.., & f'-='7.?., ~. :.. (1?71) rs::;~-:/pJ S, i\ur. of ".1<:!. l~calth (Pu!>. :lo. 71-~), 2'\ pa~cs, "Electr0!11nP.netic
ra:.liatio~ ir::te~~-!lrene(! vit:t car.:::'i.C r:z::e7.akers"

3614. RUGH, R., GINNS, E.I., HO, H.S., & LEACH, W.H. (1975), Radiation Research, 62( ):225-241, "Responses of the
muse to microwave radiation durfng estrous cycle and pregnancy." -

3299. RUSINOV, V.S., & EXROI<HI, V.L. (1967), Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deyatel, im. I. P. Pavolva, 17-( ):911,7-955, "Possibility of
ephaptic interation of neurons through an electric field generated by them".

2251. -,:.:::-.: 1 .. r" :~ r:.:..·.-:'.!., -. ~>""2' ~~:-:et:: ?.s::-::"-:--l.--~-- ··.- ..- -_:l ·,<; .. -~~-2~..-~. ''::io':"".:l\':"'!£:tic- phcno,.,en~: ~orne implication
for c;:e b~:~a.vior:!! .:::-.: ~ct.:ro--<·w.=:)~~·t_:--_~ s.::c:-:ce3 11

3013. RUSTAN, P.L., HURT, W.D., & ,.,~:·!' .: l, ~. ( l} : ·,- _;__gp :1,:'. -ALFJ.), "!!.J('' (•'..' .. 1\'1'
oven interference w1th curJjac !J.ll'<."'m,d·:L·r

1377, RUTKOWSKI, A. & CHRlSTIA:ISON, C. {1955) Progr<>ss Pept. l, >a.-dt ft:':pli~d Science Lab., Brooklyn, "Development of a radiation
hazard protective suit and RF measuring t"chni·;ue~··
3014. SAAD, T. (1969), Tht. ~1icn>w<tn ,!., I ) :. t\!1
radiation", (Editorial).

1378. SACCHlTELLI, c., & SACCHITELLI, F. {1956) Folia l'•·d<ca, Napl~s, l 0 :lG17-, (In Italian), "The action of radar Jllicrowavea
on plasma lipaaes and serum amylase"

1379. SACCHITELLl, G., & SACCHITELLI, F. (1958) Folia H<-dica, Naples _4_!.:3.4'>-·, (In Italian), "On the behavior of blood glutathione
following irradiation with radar aicrovaves"

1380. SACCHITELLI, F., & SACCHITELLI, C. (1960) Folia l~dica, Nap!es, ~:1219-1229, (In Italian), (FTD-TT-65-1497/1+3+4, Jan.
1967), "On the protection of personnel exposed to radar e.~crovaves"

1381. SACCHITELLI, F., & SACCHITELLI, C, (1960) Minerva fiziotera". ~:201-2~3, (In Italian~ "On tha analgesic effect of radar
microwaves on caisson disease"

1382. SADCHIKOVA, M. N. (1957) In: S~ries of reports, ?ar~ - Jubile~ Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene
and Occupational Diseases, Dedicated to the 40th Anniv. of the (-c.:: Octcr~r Socialistic Revolution. Moscow. (Title not given)
1383, SADCHIKOVA, M. N. (1960) Trudy N11 Gigiyena Truda i Profz..~!,ol./•.ni:a A~-1::; SSR, _(1):32-35, (Abstr. in: The Biological
~of Electromagnetic~- Annotated Bibliogra:>h·,, A'~D P.e:>~. ?-65-17, 1965); (Also, Abstr. in:.!!!! Biological~
~~. CLetavet, A. A., & Gordon, z. V., eds.), ~~scow, PP•. 25-29, J??.S 12471), State of the nervous system under the influence
of SHF-UHF fields"

1384. SADCHIKOVA, H. A. (1960) In: Physic~~ of the Enviror.::>e'1t, (Lctavet, A. A., ed,), PP• 177-183, "State of the
nervous syatem under the influence of SHF-UHF fields"
1385. SADCHIKOVA, M. N. {1964) Trudy :iii Gigiyena Truda i Profzabolooni;.a Al-a-< SSSR, _(2):110-113, (Abstr. in: The Biological Action
of Radio-Frequency Electrooagnetic Fields, Hoscow), "Clinical :~spects cf chan£es vitbin the nervous system induced by the act~
of radio waves of various frequenciesn--
2525. SADCHIKOVA, M. N•, & NIKONOVA, K. V. (1971}, Gigiena Truda i Prof •'•sioc>al' aye Zabo1evaniya, 15 {9): 10-13, "Comparative
evaluation of the health of personnel working under conditions involving exposure to microwaves ofdifferent intensity".
[Adverse effects, primarily cardiovascular and in th~ nerv~us system, Geen in 2 groups exposed at different intensities;
asthenic syndrome and vegetative-vascular dysfunction].
1386. SADCHIKOVA, 11. N., ~ ORLOVA, A. A. {1958) Gigi~na Truda i Prflfessional'nye Zabo1evaniya {HOSKVA), 2(1):16-22, (In
Russian), (JPRS Ll451D; cr:~-59-11437), 'iCl1nical ~,i,:·.ure ("'f t:~e C:lr~-1~(" '·::ec"' of electromagnetic centimeter waves ..
2526. SADCHIKOVA, H., & ORLOVA, A (1'!'>8, 1960), (Kefen·•.ccs 135~, ~nd !787, c: b Blh:to.), entitled: nanges in the
nervous system as a result of exposur~ t:1 micr0·~.-l'/t,.'

1387. SAXP.I;:(,7A, ~. !i., ; C':U.OV.-\, .•.• ;,.. (1960) :.a"c:'ln<>-l,.sle~cr;at··~·,~,, ,<~1tut g1g1yeny truda i profzabolevaniy, Trudy (10):
2>-29, (.U:str. ~n: ~ 3!oln1cal ~_:_::_::.:: ?~ 1.-.":, (Leuveo, A • .\., o ··~~::co, :. "J., eds., ~!osco"• JPRS 12471); (Also, Abstr. In:
.!!!! 3iolc~ica1 ~ .S ~cr"'"""""': 5:=.:::;>.:,~ <:!, :":"..2.'.r~c.::_:;_, ;.. :: '-·,:.- l:O, (1~6'>), p. 9 only, "Effect of UHF on the human
nervous syste::~"), St.a.te of the ner.--::-"~ ~7s t.e:J t::ader :~e 1:1£ lL?.:lC.\"' f ~- :-:' •

1388, SA.."JSO'I, YL ::>., P?.OVCJ.O:WV, 'i. "., YAI.lY.i:!-KDV, L. !., & L:Oc., ·;. ~!. {1967) Eiulleten Eksperimental'noy Biologii i!itsi:JY ~(9) :lll-113, (A.""J Ahst~. 3(oi;..J.)), n~tc.od of record:. :.;; :::e ::.:.petic field of a heart-magnetocardiography"

3615 SAGALOVICH, B.M., & MELKUMOVA, G.G. (lq/4), Ve:.tnik otorinciarin~ologii, _14):3-8, ~ransl. ln:~Effects of
Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiationn(JP'\S li64532), 1975, rr .. 23-3;J. "Resear':h on the ;ct10n of ~upe~hlgn-frequency
electromagnetic waves on evoked potential'> of auditory centers 111 conr,ectlon w1th prospects for us1ng 1nadequate
auditory stimulation."
"• SArro.~···
" :a. 5 ~ .,. •:i • ? • (1 ., ~·
...,_•... .n...;,, "'·oc .........
... _ • • ~
• •h Tr<-s ~iol~inl Effects of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1,
•rv'c< co.''. '·" t:.e ~.--
138 7 - I:: • ._ • - - - - - - -

(Peyto:l, X, F., ed.) ;:>;>. 85-97, "T:e t:c!:l! co::.stants cf pearl-rha.::"" ;or-...attcn

1390. SAITO, M., SC3/A!i, !:l. P., !. s:::::r.;2.:, G. (l9o6) 3:c;:.<:;is:-<'- -~, 5): 313-327, "C:esponse of nonspherical biological part.ic:les
to alternsti:lg elec:rtc ~ielC..S"
, SAITO, M., S~, r.. c., & s::::,;g;, 'i. P. (1961) Di;est of J:-.:,• -- .. ~. CoDf. on lledical Electronics and Medical and Biological
Enginee'<'ing _!:154 only, "3.? field-i::c:.>c~ forces on c.icro~coplL ?art: ::es"

, S.u..A'Zl, o. ~. (1959) In: :r:-...s:.ia:.ors Canf. on ::::: .. cts of Electronic Radiating Equipments, (Knauf, C.,
a.:..), PatricL Fore« Base, n 0 .,-:.::;.,, !"-1:> ja:n., RADC- T'R-S~6 7, ~:Uy 1959, pp. 26-JO, (AD 214693), "Hicrowava absorption

1393. SALA!I, 0. l!., A!C."E, A., & ,::;::.:.o, ti. P. (.19"2)

• Electro-:Uc I:;:t.J..,;tries, (:\ov,) _(11) :96-101, "Radio frequency radiation
• SALATl, o. M., ~ s~~. H. ?. (!;53) Proc. Jrd Trt-service ec~f. on Biological Effects ~f Microwave Radiating Equipment&
(Susskicd, c., ed.\1:107-112, "A c~~ for relative ab&ot"?t1cn cress-section detercination

1395, S.U.EY, A. P. (1964) Voronezh, 1z12-ro Voronezh. Univ., ??• ;;o-:>3, "The effect of the energy of an electrcmagoetie field of
varytna freq_.ncy on the aec:retioo of the salivary glands"
1396. S.U.lsa:.:~Y, II. W., CLAllX, J. 'i., i al'!>"ES, A. ll. (1948) Coll~,~ iiadio Co., (Report tfCER-153, Rand- P-58), 14 paau, "Phyaio-
1oaieal da:oqe due to t:ic:rownlt!l"

1397, SALIS!(.1tY, V. ~ •• CI.ARK, J. ll., & :0::1\ES, H. M. (1949) Electro::.ic:s 1!:66-67, "Exposure to microwaves"

1398. S~T:I, A., & r!Q~'I, ?, (1934) ?roc:. of the 1st Internat. Co3&ress of Electro-~adio-Biology (Cappelli, L., ed.),
Bologna, Ita!r, P?· 44<>-444, (In 1~&:1 ...tth U.glis'!l s=ry), "?.es·....::s of research on the influence of microwaves of wavelength
6G-70 =
on plants"

202~. SAMARAS, G. K., KUROFP, L. R., & Ah~EBSOS, G. E. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tec:haiquea (Special Iaaue
on lioloaical Effect• of Microwaves) ~(2):245-247, ''Prolongation of life during high-intensity microwave expoaurea"

1399. S.-\SC!S, A., JR., !i LA.'tSOl<, S. J. (D55) Digest of 6th I::.t.,r:-.o:. Conf. on ltedical Electronics and Biological J::ngineering,
(Iwai, Y• • ed.) Pi'• 113-11!., "Elect:-oto..:.c solution of rectac:gular ::ectrical ancs thesia currents applied to codel neurons"
:300, SAMCES, A., JR., & LARSON, S.J. (1970), In: Biomedical Engineering Systems CLYNES M & MILSUM J H (eds)
Inter-University Electronics Series, 10, Chap. 8), McGraw-Hill Book Co., Hew York: "Elect;.,-~~esthesia ;...s~,.;.~h". · '
2~27. SANCES, A., ZUPERKU, E., & LARSON, S.J. (1966), In: First International Symposium on Electrotherape ti Sl
Electroanestbesia, Graz, Austria, (12-17 Sept.), "Effects of sinusoidal and biased rectangular anesthetic u c ~~
.,okeY. visual pathways" • currents on

~6El 6. SANDLER, S.~., SMITH, G.S., &ALBE~T, E.N.

1 ectromagnetic f1eld effects in nerve t1ssue."
(1975), Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 46(11)·1 414 _1417
' - · •
1400. SA::T"~, A. (1968) Eonvedorvcs, (.!.;>r-Jc), _(2) :193-205, "I=:-.·cstigaticns on the relations betueen the biological effects
of ion1ziD6 raCiat~on ~ electroca~e~:3~"; "?art 2: Jo~t e:fect c: ionizing radiation and electroaagnetism on the growth of
the root of ~ Tea"

3301, SANTOLINI, B.M., NAI FOVINO, P.L., & ROSSON!, L. (1971), Minerva Ortopedica, 22( ):459-462, (In Ital.) "Change•
[decrease} in intraleukocyte [WBC] peroxidases in intraarticular exudates after irradiation with radar microw;ves"
[therapeutic application (to reduce inflammation)of humans suffering with rheumatoid arthritis]. '

1401. S.;?..:::I., ~., et al. (1961) Zei>:schr:.ft fur die g~sa::te Ey:;;ie:oe =d Ihre Grenzgebiete (Berlin) !_:897- 0 (In German~ "Con-
c:eming c:.e effec:oil!!ectnr....agnetio: raezr waves <= "'avele:~gth) o:: che nervous system of 1'18n"

226:!. !=.•.:-:~en, 1.., & OSTROI:S::.l, >::. (~)Eo) !.~er. J. of ?hysical :~e<iicine £:225-234, (.\69-!10117), "•:on-tltc!'l'lal rffcct of
nicrcr.:ave !'3Gi3tion ~ ~ o:l ::e~:..t:::~l 7..ast cells of the rat"
1402. 5.\;ll!;S;::.'.., .!.., 3IZLSh:I, J., ;. ;o_<J..J.S:LJ'".OSKI, A. (1967);: ;.uarski, Cracow, b!,:742-744, "Health conditions of workers
at radio i!!lt! t.elev'..sion stations ex;>oset! to t!le high fre«ue=>cy elec;:~r...agnetic field"

1403. SAZC'~;c•;;., ;:. Y:t:. (1964) >'es~ !.e::ti.ngrac!sitogo l.'ni'l'!!rsite~=-, oer:!.ya lliologii, USSR, 19(3):109-11~, "Effect of low frequency
electroc.agnetic fields on the cotor ==c:.::.on of ani=ls (lliol. Se,-. ~~- 1)"; and~·· .!.2_(15):82-86, The effect of a high
gradient lov freqt'e:>cy ale-::tro=.a~:~c :~eld on the efficiency o! a:: altered motor structure (Biol •. Ser. No. 3)"

1404. 5.-\ZO:;C'IA, T. Y::. (1964) Au~r' s £>st:r. of Candieate 's DisH:r.:at:ion, Leningrad, "Functional Changes in an Organism Due to
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1405. SCU.S!, 3. (1957) aa.diotera;>ia F,ad.o!>iologia !"isica Me~ca lZ:~3.>-, ,pn Italian), "Thermogenesis by ultrasound and ultra-
high freque:>cy eleo:tro=pletic ( ;;aves oa organic, not-ll.v:.:o;; ::::.sstll!s
1406, SCH.U.::::t, R., & SC"'r;~~;, a. (B-43) A:malen Physik ~:99-135, (!n German), "Concerning the question of selective heating of
s!lall particles in the ultras:tort v;n-e c=Ce:::ser field"
1407. SCHAEFER, H., & SCHWAN, H. (1947), Strahlentherapie, 77:123-130, (in Ger.), "Concerning the question of selective
overheating of single cells fn biological tissue by means of ultrashort wave ~rrents."
1408. SCI!.\F7r3, H. b. (19&2) Report (t.a.::e-P-2558-1), 38 ;>, "-:he :;!:en:tal response of amall snimala to microwave radiation"

1409. SCr'.ABL.E, J. ?., e. f::!;.-:JS2\, A. (1:29) Reported at 13th Ir.:er:..;.~. Physiolop:ical Con!!rcss, "Chemical changes in the body
resulting fr0::1 ex;:osure to ultra-h:g" :re«cency fielc!s"
!n>dy C>.a:r'bDYslto&o l'.editsillsltogo !latituta,
lUO. SC:-'_:,5~;.~::·;;, ? • r. (1955) I:::/ C>ol::c:icn of Scie;,tific .,.o.,.;cs o: ;:,aricov :-!edi cal Institute), !11 pp. 17Q-, "nle effect
of S;<F fielc!s c:> r..icroorganis='"
1~11. sc:-_-'S::t.!·.~·A. ? .. i. {195i)/7.r-i.y'~ovs1c..ogo ~~di:S1.;'.s:~~~ l::s~l":cta, uss~. 15:?39-, "The effect of electTomagnetl.c waves
of S:.lj)err:.;.g:~ fr-?r,.:.:e~cy on -::ucrc.arg.m.:.s:::s"'

1412. SC;'_;s:;;_,·;.;, p. I. ~1953) !r·.;C:=- r:-..u 'i<:.o75:,:0ogo ~'editsi :-1s;:og-:- I:.s: i t uta, t;SSJ:., .!£_: 359-, "The effect of SIIF radiowaves on the
colo:t :ac:ll-.;s"

3015. SCHECHTER, D.C. (1970), Bull. of the N.Y. Acad. of Med., 46( ) :932-951, "Application of electrotherapy to non-
cardiac thoracic disorders". -
141:3. SCIIEIJ;, II. G., & Jt:r:OHE, B. (1949) ,>.ner • .1. of Ophto>alnolo:;y 3~:6U..78, (June, pt. 2), "Electrocoagulation of the sclera:
reduction in ocular volul!le and pat!mlog:c changes proJuccd" -

1414. scm:JU:SCHEt·:SJ:Y, J. 11. (1926) PuO>lic Eealth Repor::s _41:1939-, "~·ne ph'.ISlolo"ical effects of currents of very h"1 h f
(lJS,OOll,OOO to 8,300,000 cps)" '-' & requency

1415. SCIIERESCHJ:\ISKY • J. IL (1923) Pul>lic Health Reports .::1_(16):927-139, "Tile action of currents of ver"J high frequt>ncy u;>an
tissue cells, A. Upon a transplantable =.oo.;s~ sarcoc.a"

2263, $~;, J. 1:. (BJJ) P-.±llc Eealth <Ce;>orts ~:844-553 (July), "Ilea tin!! effect of very hil'h fre<1ucncy condenser
fiel~s on orzanic fluids ~d tiss~s"
3016. SCHILLER, E.A., PRATT, D.E., & REBER, E.F. (1973), l\mer. Diet. Assoc. J., 62( ) :529-533, (May), "Lipid changes in
egg yolks and cakes baked in microwave ovens".
2264. scr:-c..::rn:;, L. (1939) Disse.,-~at!:m, rra:lkfurt a. ~ •• 18 paves, (In Ger.), (Abstr. in: Zentralbl. f. d, Or>hth. ~(11):
336 (rel: B, 1941)), "Results of :,isto~!ic:al stueies usin~: short .., radiation"

1416. SCIILII:PHAKE, E. (1935) Actinic Press, London, (Authorized Englis~ transL of Znd and enlar@'ed German edition), 238 pages,
~~therapy - !!!.!_ lledical ~ of <:lectrical High Freguencies

1417. SCIILit:PIIAKJ::, E. (1950) Rritish J, of Physical Xedicine _!l:lL.>-152, "Supersonic and ultrashort vaves"

1418, SCHLIEPIUU{E, E. (1952) Stuttgart, (In German), Short-~ave Therapy

1419. SCHLIEPIIAKE, E. (1960) Zbl. Chir. ~:1063-1066, "Endocrine i:lfluence on bleeding and coagulation time"

2128. SCHMIDT, D.E., SPETH, R.C., WELSCH, P., & SCHMIDT, H.J. (1972), Brain Research, 38:377-389, "The use of aicrowave
radiation in the determination of acetylcholine in the rat brain".

2529. SCHMIDT, M.J., HOPKINS, J.T., SCHHIDT, D.l!., & ROBISON, G.A. (1972), Brain Research, 42:465-477, "Cyclic AMP in
brain areas: Effects of amphetamine and norepinephrine assessed through the use of microwave-radiation as a means ot tissue

2265. Sa::~:JT, ~. J., S~:I!lT, ;:. E., & ROliSON, r.. A. (1971) <:cie.,ce 173:1142-1143 (17 Sept) "Cyclic adenosine
in !::rai" areas: ~licrc-.-zve irraetit:i::rn as a :neans of tissue fixatio:J." -- ' IIIOnophosphatt>
3017. SCHMIDT, M.J., SCHMIDT, D.E., & ROBISON, G.A. (1972), Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research: Vol I - Physiology
and Pharmacology£! cyclic AHP, Raven Press, NY, (GREENGARD, P., ROBISON, G.A., & PAOLETTI, R., (eds.)), pp. 425-434,
Cyclic AMP in the rat brain: Microwave irradiation as a means of tissue fixation".
3129. SCHMIDT, P. (1964), u.s. Army Medical Research Lab (Fort Knox, KY) Res. Rept. 1603, 24 pps., (31 Mar.), "The effects
of radio-frequency energy on Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium~ toxins", {To determine changes in toxicity
and antigenicity of exotoxin& after exposure to microwaves. 'Cl. ~· type A toxin was not affected by radio-frequency
exposure, as determined by human serum opacity and mouse lethality studies. The toxicity of £• diphtheriae toxin was slightly
reduced, while no change in antitoxin combining capacity or antigenicity was apparent.').
3018. SCHROT, J., 10 HAWKINS, T.D. (1973), Walter Reed Army Inst. of Research (Unpublished rept.), "Lethal effects of 3000
MH.z radiation on the rat".
3617. SCHRADER, D.H., & McNELIS, D.O. (1975), J. of Microwave Power, .!Q(lt:77-92 (Mar.), "Microwave irradiation of
roots in soil."
3619. SCHUA, L. (1953), Natruwissenschaften, 10( ):514-516, "The flight reactio:Jn of hamsters from electrical fields"
[900 V/m at a "few Hz" were used]. -
3618. SCHULMAN, J.H. (1975), European Scientific Notes (Office of Naval Research), 29(12):546-549 (31 Dec.), "Hazards
of non-ionizing radiations." [C011111ents on the Fall 1975 AGARD Meeting on "Radiation Hazards"]
3019. SCHULTEN, K.H., BALDUS, 0., ROHRIG, F.R., & von SMEKAL, P. (1972), Dtsch. Med. Wschr., 97( ) :1539-1541, (In Ger.),
(short wave electromagnetic radiation] "Interference of implanted cardiac pacemakers".
1421. SCHULTZ, c. A., GRAY, 0. s., S.-\.'iD::RS, :1., & FI:LLOWS, 0. :1. (1371) Presented before the New York ,\cademy of Sciences at
the SytDposium entitled "Effect of Controlled El.ectromagr.etic Energy on Biological Systecs", (l'ovJ, 5 pages, "the effect of elec-
tror..agnetic controlled energy on viruses in human blood"

1422. SCIIULTZ, F, v., BURGE!:ER, R. c., & KI:;c, S. (1958) Pro c. of the Institute of Radio Engineers ~:476-, "Measurement of
the radar cross section of a man"

l4:D. SCHVARTS, J. I. (1945) Frunze, .!:_?cal~ Changes ~ ~ Influence~~~~.!!!!!:~~~~

thoracic Secrments p_r_ the Soinal ~
1424. SCHWAN, H. (1948) Zeitschrift fur Xaturforschung (Tubingen) 3B:361-367, (In Gertan), "temperature de~en~ence of the
dielectric constant of blood at loo.t fre<;uencies"

1425. SCHWAN, K. (1950) Ann. Phys, 6:253-, "Resonance =thod for t:.e determination of coa;>le:x resistances of substances at
decimeter vavelengths" -
2256. sc~:::.•_::, n, P. (1952) Abst::. b ::~era.~ion ?roceeein~s !!_:1!.2 only, "Electric:tl properties of blood at ultrahil!h
1426, SCHWAN, K. (1953): Amer. J. of Physical Hed. 32:144-, "Electrical properties of blood at ultrahigh frequencies"

1427. SCHWAN, H. (1953) Zeitschrift fur Xaturforschung (Tubingen) £3:3-10, (In German), "Measurement of electrical constants
and complex-resistances in biological caterials"

1428, SCHWAN, H. (1954) Zeitschrift fur l'aturforschung (Tubingen) 2_3(8) :245-251, (In, "The electrical characteristics
of muscle tissue at low frequencies"

1429. SCHWAN, H. P. (1955) Institute of Radio t:ngineers, Trans. PG1~:75-83, (Also: Tech. ?~pt. PlS, Univ, of Pennsylvania, to
Office of Naval Research, 23 pages), (AD 55691), "Application of ~i"!'edance measurinp: tecl-.nioues in biophysics"

1430, SCHWAN, H. P. (1955) Insdtute of Radio Engineers, Trans. oa :·:edical Electronics, 2_:32-46, "Electrical properties of bodv
tissues and impedance plethyscography"

1431. SCliWAN, H. P. (19 ) Electr~edical Lab,, }~ore School of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania, "Survey of micro-
wave absorption charactertstics of body tissue"

1432, SCHWAN, H. (1956) In: Handbook of Biological Data, National ?.£!search Council, l.'as:.i:>gton, !J. C,, "Electrical properties
measured with alternating current: body tissues''

1433. SCHWAll, II. P. (1956) J. of the Ao:er. Y.ecica1 Assoc. 160:191-197, "The biophysical basis of p!>ysica1 medic1ne"

1434. SCIRVAN, II. P. (1957) Final Rent. froo liniv. of Penn;;. on o:;?. Contract (1 July 195~ to 30 June 1957) 12 pages, (AD 149~35);
"Influence of electromagnetic rac!iati.on on biological oaterial"

1435. S<.:UWAII, II. P. (1957) Proc. lst :"ri-service Conf. on Biolos,:cal Hazards of Hicro·.:ave Radiation (Pattishall, 1::. C., ed,J, :!_:
60-63, "TI>e physiological basis of RF injury (Abstract)"

1436, SCHWAN, II. P. (1957) In: Advances!!!_ Biological and :!eGical ~. 2_, (Lawrence, J. H., & Tobias, c. A., eds.), Academi<
Press, Inc., New York, pp. 147-209, (.~ch. Rept. ;;20, [aiv. of ?e:c.~a.), (AD 132533), "Cle-ctrical properties of tissues and cell

1437. SCIIWA!I, II. P. (1958) Proc. 2nd Tri-service Conf. ?n Biolog:Ocal Effects of :!icr<n-,ave Energy (?attishall, E. G. I. Banghart.
F. W., eds. ), ~. 4{mae Air Dev. Center, A?.DC-IR-58-54, P?• 126-1~5 (.G-1314 77); (Also: o:;R Technical Rept P25) • "Survey of tdcro-
wave absorption characteristics of body tissue"

1438. SCHWA.'!, 11. P. (1958) Annual Pro!!:ress Rept. on o:J!. Contract, Cniv. of Penna. (AD 20746e), "Properties of biological

1439. SCHtlAN, H. P. (1958) Proc. 2nc! Tri-service Conf. on !liolo:;:cal Effects of lticro.,ave Ener~;y (Pattishall, 1::. G. & Ban!!hart,-
F. w•• eds.~ ~:33-48, (,Uso, O:lit Technical Re?t• ;124 of the [niv. o: Penna.; AD 220125), ":!olecular response characteristics to
ultra-high frequency fields"

1440. SCHWAN, H. P. (1958) In: Thera!>eutic, Physical ::ecici~" Library, 2, (Licht, S. H., ed. ), Licht. E., Publisher,
New Haven, Conn., Chapt. 3, pp. 55-113, (Also:Tech. :<ept. ''21 fro:o [niv. of Penna. to o:;a, AD 149534), "iliophvsics of IJ1atherm:,•

1441. SCHWAN, H. P. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Biolofical Effects of Hicrovave Rac!iating Equip:::ents (Susskind, C.,
ed.) 1:94-106, (RADC-TR-59140; AD 234788), "Theoretical consicerat::.o;,s pertainin!! to dose neters"
1442, SCHWA.~. B. p, (Conf. Cba.) (1959) Digest o! 7echnical Pa~rs, 12th Ann. Conf. on Electrical Techniques in Med. & Biology.
let Edition, lQ-12 Sov •• Sponsored by Institute of Radio Engineers, Amer. Institute of Electrical Engineers. and Inatru.ent Society
of Amer. • \ii=er. L. • publbber. ~- York
1443. SC!ttA.'(• B. P. (1959) Proc. of the Institute of Radio Engineers £:1841-1855, "Alternating current spectroscopy of bi-
loJical subs~es"

1444. S~AS, B. P. (1960) In: ~Gical Pbvsics. 3, (Glasser, 0., ed.~ The Year Book Publishers. Inc •• Chicago. pp. 1-7. "Absorp-
tion and e::tergy trans!er of lldcro;av;;-~..Ound in tissues: characteristics"

l44S. SCh~;~.~. H. P. {1963) In: Ph~sical Te~~i~~ ~ Bioloo:ical Research, (Nastuk, w. L., ed.~ Academic Preas. New York. froa
Vol. 6 • Part ll of "Electrophysiological Meth~ • • pp. 323-407, "Deten:lination of biological impedances"

1446. SCEA.~~. H. P. (1964) Final ~~t. (!rom 8aiv. of Penna. ~~der OSR Contract, (AD 600263). 13 pages, "Non-thermal effects
of alternating fields o<~ biological structures"

2267. SC!C..:A.'l, R. P. (1965) Tec.'u:.!~ ?rc-;ress Report (AD #615661, ;:6.>-28329), "Non-thermal effects of alternatinv. electrical
fields on biolo~!cal seruc•ures"
1447. SC",ni,C;. II, P. (1968) In: l!!.crO'I'"ave Power Engin~rino:, (Okress. E. C., ed.) Academic Press, N, Y•• 2:215-243. "Radiation,
biology, C>edical a?'l'lic.atioe.a. and radiatiOU"ii:&zards" ' -
33Q2. SCHWAN, H.P. (1968), Naval Weapons Laboratory (Dahlgren, VA), Technical Report TR-2199, (Aug.), (AD N842306),
"Electrical impedance of the human body" [in the 1-30 MHz range).

1448. S~~~. II. P. (1969) J. of Son-Ionizing Radiation ~(1):23-, "Effects of Microwave radiation on tissue- a survey of basic

1449. SC!r.IA.'l. H. P. (1969) Proc. of the "3iological Effects and Health Implications of ~licrowave Radiation" Symposium (Cleary.
S. F •• ed,), Mec!ical College of Virginia. Rich:cnd. 17-19 Sept •• Bureau of Radiological Health/Division of Biological Effecta 0
Rept. :So. 1o-2. PP• 13-21. "Interaction of llicrowa.,. and radio fr~uency radiation with biological systems"

1450, SCH'JA..~. 1!. P. (1970) Final ~t. oa O:l'R Coutract. Mar. 1964 - Dec. 1969, Univ. of Penna •• "Non-thermal effects of
alternating electrical f1eldll on bi.ological structures"
2026, SCHWAN. H. P. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microvave Theory and Techniques (Special Issue oa Biological Effects of Microwaves)
~(2):146-152. "Interaction of microwave and radio fTequency radiation vith biological systems"

2027. SCHWAN. H. P. (1971) Proceedings of the "Biological Effects of Son-Ionizing P~diation" Symposium, IEEE Internat. Con-
vention & Exposition. N. Y., (Rosenthal. S. w•• chm.), (22-25 Mar), ''Biological effects of cicrowave radiation"

2268. SCHWAN, H.P. (1971), Naval Weapons Lab. (Dahlgren, Va.), Tech, Rept. TR-2713, "Hazards from exposure to ELF
electrical fields and potentials."
253 0. SCHWAN, H.P. (1972), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-19(4):304-312, "Microwave radiation: Biophysical
consideratiou and staadards criteria".

3020. SCHWAN, H.P. (1973), Rept., Moore School of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania, (Apr. 12), 30 pps., and
J. of the Franklin Institute, 296(6):495-497, (1973), "Nonionizing radiation hazards".

3620. SCHWAN, H.P. (1974), Rept., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (AD #AOOl-558), 10 pps. {Oct.), "Effect of
microwaves: local 'hot spot' heating by microwaves."

1451. SC!ll:A!i, H. P., .\!<!\1:, ,\., & S";;i:::3., L. (1966) D'. S. ~>aval Air Ulgineering Center, Philadelphia, Pa., Aerospace Crew Equipment
Lab •• Re?t• 1 :~c-ACEL-53~;,-i.ea:in& of living tissues (by aicrovave irradiation to deteraina threshold sonaationa of varmth);
(AD 479192l.; & X6~1668S) Final Rept. 1963-1965"
1452. SC~A.'\ 0 H. ?., & C:..~re<S::Y., E. L. (1953)1 {Trans. AlEE preprint, Paper 5:J.-137, Winter General tleeting. Electrical
Techniques in ::.ed. and Biology), AILE Tr2ns • .zl:l.::.;-, "Ap;>lication of electric and acoustic iopedance 10easurinc techniques
to proble::s in dia~her::y"

1453. Sc;;.;.-.::, !i. P., C.\.!'..ST<::;s~;, -· L., & LI, ;.:. {1°53), (Al~E 7ec. ~ical Paper 53-206, AlEE 5Ut:!111<'r r.eneral "eetlng) 0 El<'c-
trical Tec:~nique.s 1" ::ediciae an<! 3iology, AlES 7rar:s. 23_:48).-, ",:eating of fat - muscle layers by electromagnetic and ultra-
sonic diat::,er.:y"

1454. sc::>.o.-'.:;. a. ?., C.Altsn:::s~. -· L•• b LI, K. (195~) EleCtrO:OlCS l2_:172-175, "Electric and ultrasonic deep heating dialherw,('

1455, Sc:-..·,u.:;, ii. !'., C.G.51E;s;::;, -· L., & LI, K. (1954) :.rcc1. of Physical :led. and P,ehabilitation l?_:l:J.-19, "Cooparative [valu.\- •
tion of electro:zgnet:c and ultrasc~ic diztherty"

1456. sc:;.;:,;;, R. P., :, w."i, c. :, (1SS7) >..;o:~als o: t!le ~>e-• Yor~: ;.cadeny of Science 65(6):1007-HllJ, "The conductivity of living
tissuas" ...
1457, sc;:.;.;:;, ::. P., & LI, K. (E53) ?roc. of c;,e Institute of ::Cdo Engineers 41(12):1735-1740, "Capacity and conductivity of
body tissues at u.ltruigh frec;ue"-cies"

1452, SC!O".iA!;, H. ?., (, LI, K. (H55) 7rar.s. of the AE:: (Cc=t;nications and Electronics) 16:60).-607, "Neasurements of Jnaterials
vith higit dielectric co:lStant an:i coodi!Ctivity at u.l::rahirh freque:>ci<'s"

1459. SC£".i.>...'>, H. P., & ,Ll, K. (1:;.5.5) Uectronic Engineering .z!!.:51.-, ":!easurement of materials at ultra-high frequencies"

1460. sc~•-~;, P.. P., & LI, K, (1955) Arch. of Physical ~d. & R~1abilitation ~:363-370. "Variations between measured and bio-
logically effective ~cr~a7e dietne~ dosage"

1461. scr~..-A..._, H. P., & LI, K. (1956) fustituce of l'.adio Engineers Trans, on Medical Electronics PGt!E-~:45-49. (Also, Tech. Rept.
vl6, v::R Co:-:.tract, Li:iv, of Pex:.a., A:l 80164; Also, ?resented at S]1:I!>osium on "Physiologic 6 Pathologic Effects of ftlcrowaves, ·
aayo Clinic, Sr,>t. 1155) • "The'lanis-:> of aC:>sorption of ultraiagh frequency electromagnetic energy in tissues. as related to •
the proble:: o! tolerance dosa;;e"

1462. sen;.-.;:, H. ?., & Ll, ~. (1956) ?roc, of t\e Institute o! Radio Engineers 44{11):1572-1581 0 (Also Tech. Rept. 119. Univ. of
Penna. on o:OR Contract, AD U2467) 1 "Euards cue t" total body irradiation by radar"

1463. SI(F..i.-\..'>, :1. ?., & Ll, K. (1')59) ?roc. of tile 1st ~iational B:ophysic.s Conf., Columbus, (Quastler, H., & Horowitz. H., eds ••
Yale t:ni{!j~S~e>~ !i.a·;ec) • pp. 355-356, "Dielectric properties of he::oglobin at ultrahigh frequencies"

1464, S~~A.~;, :!. ?., 6 ~~CZLlK, J. (1959), ?roc. of the lst ~ational Biophysics Conf., Columbus, (Quastler, H., & Horowitz. H.,
e.:!s,, Yale Lhlv. ?ress, Se-J P..ave:>), ??• 346-355, "Electrical rela=tion phenomenon of biological cells and colloidal particles
at lcr..r freque:>cies"
2531. SCHWAN, H.P., PATZOLD, J. (and others) (1948), In: FIAT Reviev of German~ (1939~1946), Biophysics, Part II,
ppa. 1-62, (In Ger. ), "Biological and therapeutic effects of high frequency electric fields ·

1465. SC~.iA!;, ~. ?., 6 ?AL~Y. :;. {1,59) ~igest of Technical Papers, Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. on Electrical Techniques in
~cicir.e ~~c Biology (Sc~an, H. P., en:,), p. 54 only, "Dielectric constant and conductivity of the interior erythrocytes and
pearl c~ain !or--atio~ in blood"

1466, Sc£.;;..:;, :;. ?,, & p;.:.~Y. H. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Hicrowave Radiating Equipments
(Suss~inC, c. • ed. ~ _!:lll-123, "Zle.:trtcal scbstitutes for :; tissue"
1467. sa;.;.;,!;, ii. ?., ?At-1.! 0 H., :-,;!s:::a:, J., 6 GUZO, 1. (1358) First Annual Progress Rept. to Air Force. Univ. of Penna.
"Effecc.s of =.ic.rC"Y..-aves o:t ""'a""!ic.1=td'
1468. SCIIWAii. a, l?, • & PIERSOL. G. M. (1953) Arch. of. Physical 1-'.ed. ]l: 34-. "Absorption of electromagnetic energy 1n !>ody
tissue; review and critical analysia"

1469. SCHWAN. H. P •• & PIERSOL, G. M. (1954) Amer. J. of Physical Med. 33(6):371-404, "The Absorption of Electromagnetic Energy
in Body Tissuea: A Reviev and Critical Analysis. Part 1, Biophysical Aspects": Part II. Amer. J, of Physical Med,. Internat.
Reviev of Physical Med •• ~(3):425-448 (1955), (AD 83453), "Physiological and clinical aapecta- physiological effects' of micro-
wave diathermy"

~470. SCHWAN. H. P •• SAITO• M•• & SCHYARZ, G, (1966) Biophysical Journal i:313-, (Also, Tech. Rept, 149 of Univ. of P•nnaylvaoia~
Response of non-spherical biological particles to alternating electric fields."

1471. S~AN. H, P •• & SALATI. 0, M, (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipaents.
(Susskind, C. • ed.) 3:107-. (Alao: Rept. RADC-TR-59-140), "A technique for relative absorption cross-section determination"

1472. SCIIWAN. H. P •• SALATI 0 O. M., A..'"!:E, A•• & SAITO, II, (1960) Univ. of Penna, Progress !!Apt to Air Force. ltADC-TN-60-158,
(AD 241768), 17 pages. "Effect• of microwavea on mankind"

1473. SCHWAN. H. P •• SALATI 0 o •• PAULY. H•• ANNE. A., FERRIS• C. D., & TWISDOH, J. (1958) L~iv, of Penna. Rept. to Air Force
(RAJ)c-TN-59-199, AD 217618). 42 paa... "Effecta of microwaves on canlU.nd"

1474. SCHWAN. H. P,. & SUER, L. D. (1967) Univ. of Penna. Progreaa ?~pt. co O~R,(AD 656736~ 8 pagea. "Non thermal affecca of
alternating electric fielda on biological structure•"

147S. SCHWA.."f 0 H. P •• SUER, L. D., & ME!UA.'liAN. s. V. (1967) Proc. of the 20th Annual Conf. on Engineerina in Medicine and
Biology • (Also. Univ. of Panna. Tech. Bapt. 51) • "Optimization atudy of an electrical method for the rapid thavina of .froaen blood•

1476. SCHWAN, H. P., & SIUJl, L. D. (1969) In: Dielectrophoretic and De':>Osition, (rohl, H. A., & Pickarcl, W. ~.,
eds.), The Electrocbeaical Society, Inc., New York; pp. 107-126, ~ectrostatic field-induced forces and their biolosical impli-

1477. SCHWAN, H. P., & SHER, L. D. (1969) .J. of the Society: Reviews & llcvs lli(l):22C-, "Altematins-current
field-induced forces and their biological implications"

1478. SCHWAN, H. P., & SHEN, D. w. C. (1959) Digest of Technical Papers. Proc. of the 12th Annual Cont. on Electrical Techniquea
in Medicine and Biology, (Schwan, H. P., Cha.), Sponsored by the Institute of Radio Engineers, the Amer. Institute of Electrical
Enaineers, and the Instrument Soc. of "-r., (Nov.), "Relaxation paruoeters of a suspension of 1:1embrana covered ellips~ida"

1482. SCHWARZ, G. (1963) J. of 0\emical Physics 1!(9) :2387-2388, "General equation for the oean electrical energy of a dielectric
body in an alternating electrical field"

1483. SCHWARZ, G., SAITO, M., & SCHWA.~, H. P. (1966) J. of Che~ical Physics 43(10):3562-3569, (Univ. of Penna. Rept.),
(AD 631617), "On the orientation of nonsphertcal particles in an altertlating electrical field"
,. 3021. SCHWARZ, H.F., BOSISIO, R.G., WERTHEIMER, M.R., & COUDERC, D. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, .!!_(3/4) :303-322, "Micro-
wave curing of synthetic rubbers".

1480. SCHWARTZ, R. F. (1966) Electronic Industries (June), pp. 88-95, "Precision microwave power ~eAsurements, a survey"

1481. SCHWARTZKOPFF, J. (1950) Die Vogelwarte 15(3):194-196, (NRC Transl. TT-1161; N65-28815), "On the question of the perception
of ultra-shortwaves by migTatory birds" -

2532. SCOTT, J.B. (1970), MicroWaves, 9(11):14 only, "Can microwaves deliver Power? Electricity from solar power
satellite proposed. Project deemed posslbl<>, but requires major advances in technology".
1484. SCOTT, J. (1971) Microwaves 10(1)·:9-14, "Is today's standard for microwave radiation safe for bumana"
3022. SCOTT, N.W. (1973), Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3-Part Series entitled: Microwaves: A health hazard". Part I, Dec. ~8,
entitled "OVen damaged her eyes", pp. 1, and "Microwave ovens are potentially harmful" pp. A-10. Part II, Dec. 29, ent~tled
"Radar apparently a source of peril" [case history of veterans]. Part III, Dec. 31, entitled: "Lawyers, not doctors, may
resolve problem [an interview with Dr. M. Zaret]".
33C~. SEAMAN, R.L. (197~), Ph.D.dissertation, (with WACHTEL, H.), Depai'tment Of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University,
(prepared under contract FDA 73-35), "Neuronal effects of low level microwaves".

1485. SEARLE, G., DAHLEN, R. W., IXIG, C. J., 'WUNDER, C. C., TilO!ISC!i, J. D., Tilot!A.S, J. A., & MORESSI,·W, J. (1961) Proc. 4th
Tri-aervice Conf. on tbe Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation, Vol. 1, (Peyton, H. F., ed. ), pp. 187-199, "Effects of 2450 me
microwaves in dogs, rats, and larvae of the COiamon fruit fly' 1

1486. SEARLE, G. w., !MIG, c. J., & DAHLEN, R. w. (1959) Proc. 3rd !Ti-service Conf. on Biological Effects of Microwave ladiatins
Equipment& (Susskind, c., ed.) 1_:54-61, "Studies with 2450 Mc(cw) exposures to the head of dogs"

4533. SEBRANT, Yu.V., & TROYANSKII, M.P., (1969), Biologiya, Seriya 4, Moscow, 31 pps., (Nat. Res. Council of Canada Tech.
Transl. #159, (1972); (N72-18073); and Izd-vo "Znaniye", 32 p. {JPRS 53265), "Radio waves and the living organiSIIl".
1487. SEDLACEK, J., & MACEK, 0. (1966) Sbornik Lekarsky, Prague, ~:28-35, "Attempt to analyze the substance responsible for the
high frequency impedance of cerebral tissue"
1488. SEDUNOV, B. I., & ~~-KAM~~KII, D. A. (1963) Uspekhi Fizicheskikh/ Moscow, 79(3):617-639, (Amer. Institute of Physics
Transl. !(2) :279-293 (1963))1 "Dielectric constants of biological objects"

1489. de SEGUIN, L. (1947) Comptea Rendus Rebdomadaires des Seances de l'Acadegfe des Sciences 225:76-77, (In French~ "Reversi-
bility of lesions observed in small aniaals exposed to ultra high frequency radiation (wavelengt~of 21 em)"

1490. de SEGUIN, L. (1949) Comptes Rendus Bebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 228:135-, (In French) "Laws of
beat distribution in tissues of organises irradiated vith ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic fields"

1491. de SEGUIN, L. (1949) J. de Radiologie et d'Electrologie 30:458-461, (In French~ "aiophysical bases of therapeutic application:
of microwaves"

1492. de SEGUIN, L., & COSTELAIN, c. (1947) Comptes Rendus Hebdo~daires des Seances de l'Acadeoie des Sciences 224(23):166:-
1663, (In French), "Effect of ultra high frequency waves (wavelengths of 21 =>
on te:::perature of soall laboratoryanimals"

1493. de SEGUIN, L., & COSTELAIN, G. (1947) Comptes Rendus Hebdo=daires des Seances de l'Acadet:ie des Sciences 224(26):185o-
1852, (In French), "Anatomic lesions observed in laboratory anicals e:90sed to ultrahi&h frequency radiation (wavelenzt:1 of 21 c.}"

1494. de SEGUIN, L., Lel'ABVRE, J., & POLIETIER, ll. (1949) J. de Radiologie et d 'Electrologie 30:566-568, (In French) "Specific
action of microwaves on tissue cultures" - '

1495. de SEGUIN, L., et al. (1948) Co;-:ptes Rendus Hebdooadaires des Seances de 1 'Acade::Ue des Sciences 227:783-, (In French)
"Increase in the grovthrate of tissue cultures irradiated with ultraC\ig>, frequency electro;:,agnetic radiatiOn (wavelength 21 .:'t~)"
3621. SEIDEL, D., KNOLL, M., & EICHMEIER, J. (1968), Pflueger Arch. Ges. Physiol., 299( ):11-18, "Excitation of
subjective light patterns (phosphenes) in ~umans by sinusoidal magnetic fields." --

1496. SErPE!., J. H., 6. MOR30W. R. ::>. (!S6o0) J. of th.e l> J..c.a.C.'=J ::>f Sciences _50(6):1-4, "Th i fi ld
neuronal activity: a n- ~:~etilod for :..."le study of t::e ne'rVOl.:S syst.=• e -gnet c e accOIIlpaoying

1497. S~~V, A. I. (1962} Izd-vo ~s£Jvskogo Universitet.s, ~k~a, ~· 1-254, (Abstr. in: ~Biological Effects of .Electro-
magnetic Fielc!.s - A=::lo::.aced 3iblicpa:>;;-., AD Re-pt. P-65-17, ..t,;>r. l:i?S), "Theory of electromagnetic waves" - - - - - - - - -

1498. s~;oV, A. t. (1965) )i.ullet.-'noi BiologC i ~itsiny (Hoakva) 60(7);64-66, (Abstr. in: o\TD Press,
Special Ias~ ~~i~cal Microva._ iasee&&rth" ~(43):6-7 (1965)), ~.influence of the SKF-UHF electromagnetic field on the tem-
perature in r~bit feaoral tissues"
1499. s~-;ov, s. v. (1965) li.ulln.., ::U;> 'not ltiologi.:i i l"ec!itsiny (Moskva) ~(4): 17-19, (FTD Tranal. TT-65-31496;
JPRS 30998; :S6}-28l.l.O), ~l.illinatioo of l!?;>othenaia in C.op by ~_, o! high frequency currents"
~P:ssi~l~ Zen~e\~ch:i
lSOO. S!::.l(:.""'VEC11, A. 1:1 (1959) Su::.aries of reports. wor l!ygit:~e c.d the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic
Wavu; HDsc:ov, p. 6 011ly, (Title not gift:!)
1501. SDO., J., et a1. (1961) Sbo~ lledeckyo i'raci I..eunu FU::L!.ty Karlovy t:niversity, Czechoslovakia, ~(4}:427-440, (Also
z. gea. liyg. L:S974\!7, (1961), (1.:1 Gerun)), "O.. the effect.s of ca e!.ectrcr.oagnetic w~ves on the nervous system of man; radar"
3622. SERDYUK, A.M. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, (14):95-99, (1n Russian), Transl. In:''Effects of Non-Ionizing
Electromagnetic Radiationn(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 8-12, "State of the cardiovascular system under the chronic
eFfect of low-intensity electromagnetic fields."
2534. SERGEYBV, G.V. (1965), Moskva, izd-vo Keditsina, 226 pps., (In Russ.), Electrosleep Therapy of Patients with
Hypertension Under Controlled Study of Their Higher Nervous Activity.

2535. SERGEY!V, G.V., IL'INA, L.I., 'KOSTYUKHINA, N.A. (1966), In: Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia. Materials <>f the
All-Union Sywpoaium on Probleaa of Electrosleep and Electroanestheaia [Electronarcosis], Dedicated to the 20th Year of
the Electrosleep Method, pp. 154-156, (In Russ.), Moscow, (13-15 Oct.), "Selection of a mode for treating hypertonia
patients as a function of the type of CNS· conditions".

2536. S!RVAMTIE, B., BERTHARION, G., 'JOLY, R. (1971), Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de Biologie, 165(2):376-37$,
(In Fr.), "Influence of electroaagnetic radiation of very high frequency on the sensitivity to the triiodoethyl salt of
galliP and to the hexuoethyl iodonium salt on the white rat".

2537. SERVAMTIE, B., BERTHARION, G., & JOLY, R. (1971), Coaptes rendua des seances de la Societe de Biologie,
165(9-10):1952-1956, (In Fr.), "Influence of high frequency electroaagnetic radiation on the sensitivity to pentetrazol
(Fr. T .M.) of the white 110use".
73-17 of Centre D'Etudes et de Recherches Bio-Physiologiques Appliquees a la Marine. (Toulon, France), "'Pharmacological ef-
fects of a pulsed microwave field".
2538. S!RVANTIE, B., JOLY, R., & BERTIIARION, G. (1971), J. of Microwave Power, 6(1):59-62, "Experimental studv of the
biological effects of microwave radiation on the white rat and mouse". -

2539. SERVIT, z., BURETS, Ya., BURESHOVA, 0., & PETRAN', M. (1953), Cekhoslovatsksya fiziologiya, £(4).337·346, (ln Russ.),
"The problem of electronarcosis and electrosleep".
[thermal & nonthermal]
1502. S::7H, !!., s., & )!ICH.Ail.SC:!II, s. (1164) !aroa~ Mltdic.ine ~ (3): H4-739, "Micro·.tave/hazards evaluation"

1503. SETri, B. S., & !!!~ON, S. !'!:. (1955) J. of Occu;>ational ~cine 2.(9):439-442, "Hicrowave cataractogenesis"

1504. SET:~. L. R., ~~'fELY, D. R., >~~. D. L., & VA-~ w1E, R. !. (1969) U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health ?ul:lllenion lio. 999-:G-35 {}.;ori.l), 17 J>BiU (ll::::itec :iistribution), (Also in: "Senate Hearings''. pp. 1216-1296);
"Regulatioz, st.a:l<i.u"c!.s, and guic!es !or :nicrowaves, ultra-violat rc.:..ation, and radiation from lasers and television receivers -
an annotated b~bliograpby"

1505. SI:V~AliOV, v. v. (1965) Voy~·v ~diui.Daki.i ~ •• USS?.. !'.U::.zr; ~.ed. Jour, _(7):21-25, "Measurement of SHF-UHF electro-
mapetiC: intensities an<! t.h;> ;oroble:~ of their l:ygir..ic a;»;resal"

1506. SEVASTYA-~. v. v. (1969) 7oy~ ~t.ains~i ~ •• USSR !'.U:~ry Med. Jour., _(1):54-55, '~isual recording technique used
in the asaess"-:::.e::>t o! S".:i?-liE: effects = a:n or~"
3523. SfVASi'Yi<iiO'I, v.·w. (1974), Voen. Med. Zh., _(12):53-57 (in Russian), Transl. In: Mil. Med. J., (12):53-57
(Dec.), "A rapid method of visualizing the structure of an extremely high-frequency field" [using heat sensitive

3624. SEVAST'YANOVA, L.A., & VILENSKAYA, R.L. (1974), Biologicheskiye nauki, (6):48-49 (in Russian), Abstr.· In:
Neuroelectric News, 5(2):4 only (July 1975), "Reaction of marrow cells of miceto parameter variations of SHF irradiation
in the millimeter-wave range."

3625. SEVAST'YANOVA, L.A., & VILENSKAYA, R.L. (1975), Transl. Jn:"'Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"
(JPRS #64532), pp. 7-9, "Mouse bone marrow reaction to altered UHF millimeter irradiation parametric variation."
2540. SHACKLETT, D.E., TREDICI, T.J., & EPSTEIN, L. (1973), (U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, Brook< AFB,
Texas), Presented at 44th Ann. Scientific Meet., Aeros ,:ace Hedical Assoc. , May 7-10, Las Vagas, Nev., "Microwave let". icular
effects in the United States Air Force".
3626. SHACKLETT, D.E., TREDICI, T.J., & EPSTEIN, D.L. (1975), Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 46(11):1403-1406,
"Evaluation of possible microwave-induced lens changes in the United States Air Force." -
2541. SHAJCBBAZOV, V.G., CH!P!L, L.M., ZKILINA, G.E., KOTENKO, L.V., GRlGORIEVA, N.N.,& POPEL, A.T. (Kharkov State liniv.,
USSR), (1972), Abstr. of Fourth Internat. Cong. of the Internat. Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Moscow, (7-14 Aug.), •
114-115, "Effect of magnetic field, ultrahigh frequency fields, ultraviolet radiation and extreme temperatures upon inbred
and hybrid organisms". [Genetic studies on plants and animals indicate that genotype peculiarities show differences ln
reaction of organisms to the physical agent.]
1507. SrJ:A3, H. ~. (1~61) ~ealth ?:ys!cs ~:15>-159, MS!gni!icacce ~f health physics evidence in the trial of a case of radia-
tion persocal i.:ljary"

2028. SHAPIRO, A. R., LUTOMIRSKI. R. F., & YURA, H. T. (1971) IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tecbniquea (Special Iaaue on
Biological Effecta of Hicrowavea ~(2):187-196, "Induced fields and heating within a cranial structure irradiated by an
electromaanatic plane wave"

3627. SHAPOSHNIKOV, Yu.G., YARES'KO, !.F., & VERNIGORA, Yu.V. (1975), Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny,
53(8):116-llB (Aug.}, {in Russian), Transl. In: "Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615),
TO Feb, 1976, pp. 2?-32, ·:Hist~morphological investigation of regeneration of wounds in animals exposed to the long-
tenn actfon of low-1ntens1ty m1crowaves" [4 mW/cm2, freq. ? , guinea pigs].
1508. SHARMA, R.C. (1967), Nature, 214(5083}:83-84, (Apr. 1), "Mechanism of characteristic behavior of cells in an
alternating electric field." -

.. 3024. SHARP, J.C., GROVE, H.M., &GANDHI, O.P. (1974), IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory
(May), "Generation of acoustic signals by pulsed microwave energy."
&Techniques, MTT-22( ):583-584,

2542. SHARP, J.C., & PAPERIELLO, C.J. (1971), Radiation Research, 45:434-439, "The effects of microwave exposure ''
Thyaidine-'H uptake in albino rats". [Ten-minute exposure at 32 mw/c;T to 2450KHz decreased thymidine uptake in ovarian
and intestinal tissue; at 16 mw/cm2 , change noted in ovarian but not in intestinal tissue. Changes not noted in lung,
liver, kidney, or heart.]

1509. S<L~. T., & •cn~LE. J. (1950) J. of ~~lied Physics 21:956-, ~~cruJave techniques for measurement of the dielectric coo-
atant of fibers cd films of high polyt:•ns• -
3025. SHAWVER, L.J. (1973), Science News, 104(13):202-204, (29 Sept.), "Science focuses on a 'light of life': Kirlian
photography, controversial and poorly under~oOd. nevertheless could become a valuable diagnostic tool"; and cover, and
p.l95 "Light from the edge of science: The strange world of Kirlian photography".

1510. SECEEGWV.!., (1961) Cigiena i Sa:U.t:.ariya, t:S,:,li, ~(5) :18-22, (.i?:?.S 23898), "On the combined action of a high frequency
electrooa.g:ne:ic !1eld cd x-ray ill in:!-.:stry"

1511. SH~, A. Y!. (1933) ai~et~n Gosudarsrvecnogo Isencral'~c~o Instituto Sechenova (Bull. o! the State Central Insti-
tute of sechenova) • _(2-3) :pp.? "irom t."'..e his~ory of the scientifi= li:e of the Sechenov Institute"
3304. SHEALY, C.N. (1972), Surg. Forum, 23( ):419-421, "Transcutaneous electroanalgesia".

3305. SHEALY, C.N., & MAURER, D. (1974), Surgical Neurology, 2( ):45-47, "Transcutaneous nerve stimulation for control
of painu.

2269. S!!a.DO~:. L. (19!,.4) 3ure<i<> o: v,c,i. (;:. S, ~;avy) ::e•JS Lecter l_(l0):3Q-31, "Radar operation not harmful to the eyes"

3628. SHEMETILO, .I.G., &MALLABIU, G.A. (1975}, Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterappi i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury,
_(4):369-370, (in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation .. (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976,
pp. 58-60, "The treatment of patients with epicondylitis of ihe ann by novocain electrophoresis using a rectified
stnusotdal medium-frequency current and by centimeter ranoe microwaves."
1512. s::.~V.NJ\7, s. I. (1955) Voye=o ::!editsinskii Zh., t:SSR Hili:.ary !'.ed. Jour., _(5):79-83, "Certain data of medical observa-
tions in radio technical statio:::s"

1Sl3. s:2;, i>. ·,;. c., & SCE".i.;:;, E. P. (1959) Digest of Tech:;ical ?~rs. Proc. 12th Annual Conf. on Electrical Techniques in
Medicine~ 3iology, (Schvan, H.?., ~.), Sov., p. 55 only, "~tion parameters of a suspension of membrane-covered

1514. S!i::?., L. :;:. (1970) Pa?er pr~e:o:~ at 4th Annual ~dyMr Te; Symposium, Health Physics Soc., Electronic ~
Radiation ~d tha ~ealt~ Physicis~, Jan., Louisville, KJ., Bureau c: ?~iation Health, Div. of Electronic Products, Rapt.
No. 7D-2o,"?P."431-.:.62, "Interact~= o: ::xicro<.rave a:td &:: energy o:> ·;io!.ogical material"

1515. s~. L. D. (1970) ~~dical ~earch Engineering i(l):!2-16, ~S:=?Dsium on biological effects and health implications of
microwave radiation: a revirJ"

1516. SEER, L. D., iG.!:SOi, E., & SGoll, H. P. (1970) Diophysical JO<!Illal 10(10):97Q-979, "On the possiblity of nontharmal
biological effects of pu.lsec! electroma;:tecic radiation"

1517. S~~. L. i>., & SCh~~;, H. ?. (!;?)) Ph.D. thesis of L.D.S., and Tech. Rept. #37 to ONR, the Hoore School of Ele~trical
Engineering, Lniv. of ?enna., {~str. :n IE!Z ~16:1, 1969), ~ec=~ical Effects of AC Fields on Particles Dispersed in a
Liquid; Bio!.ogical I:::;>lications"

1518. S~E?., L. D., sc:-~~\, H. ?., ~~ ~-~CZL~. J. {1965) Digest o! 5~ lnternat. Conf. on Medical Electronics and Biological
Engineering, (Ivai, Y., ed.) A~ •• ~· ~7-548, "The electrical i=?~ce of frozen blood and applications to electrical
methods of thaw~ng"
1519. S:iE!'.<:S!iEVS:.CAYA, L. {19!'>6) "iest::i<. Oftal.:Dol/ _()):s-9, "Centi.J:eter-band therapy of distropby of the macula lutes and

1520. S~!:'iCE.ll, F.,~ ~:.H:.RL', 'i. (H65) 3iofitil<.a 11(3):1.41-!.45,(.1..-rD 66-55) (Abstr. in: ATD Press, Special Issue, "Biomedical
Micro<.~ave ?.esear&." ~(43):1-3, C:'1E5)), "Co:plex c!ielectric per:::i:i•rity of solutions in the centimeter wave band"

1521. Sii::-.;:-...,::YJ., A. 5. (1:;39) S:or::ii: tr.>dav lnstit:uta F!~iolc,;ii :-r:e?ropetrQvak. Universitet., 1937-1940, (Subseriea of the
t:niversi :y' s "!~e~C:-,n:;:e l<l;>isOc.i", :r:c:>o;-:-a::ih), I: 31-, "l:~flc~ce :Jf ·.-::.? fields on heart action in the frog"

1522. s:-.:::-:v;.s, 'I, B., & ZL?~.?;o·;. ;.:. }.. (1953) !11!<!. 3h. L:zoek, _ (: i: 12-15, "Biological effects of electromagnetic fields; elec-
tron nicros:o?iC re.searc..;,"
1523. SHEYVEKHMAN, B. YE. (1949) Proble!D}' Fiziologicheskoy Akustik.i, USSR, .!,:122-127, (Abstr. in: The Biological~~
Electromagnetic Fields- Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept. P-6>-17, Apr. 1965); (AD 281129; FTD-TT-62-491/1+2), 11 Effect of the
action of a VHF-HF field on the aural sensitivity during application of electrodes in the zone of projection of the aural zone
of the cortex (lamella of teurporal bone)"

3026. SHIFFMAN, M., & SAFFORD, F.K. (1943), Physiotherapy Rev., ~( ) :235- ?, "Pulsating high voltage short wave: A preli-
minary clinical report".

3027. SHILYAYEV, V.G. (1970), In: Influence of Microwave Radiation on the Organism of Man and Animals, (PETROV, I.R., (ed.)),
Leningrad, USSR, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Meditsina Press, "Effects of micr;;;;v;-ra:diation on the visual
1524. SHIMKOVICH, I. S., & SHILYAYEV, V. G. (1959) Vestn!..k Oftalmol/, l'.oscow, EC4):12-16, (Abstr. in Mammalian~. A Litera-
~ Survey.~ by Lazarus, H. B. • & Levedahl, B. H., TID-3912, DTIE-, C. S. Atoaic Energy Cocnission, Oak Ridge, Tenn., l9~
PP• 447-), Development of cataract of both eyes as a result of brie! exposures to hig~ density SHF-UHF electromagnetic fields"

1525. SHINDRYAYEV, A. A. (1969) Voyenno-~ditainski Zh.,(USSR ~litary ~~d. J.), _(5): 87-88, ''No:'IOgram for determining radii
of radar set danger zones"

15:6, SHINN, D. H. (1958) Nature 182(4652) :1792-1793, "Health hazar<is !rotl p<l'lerful radio transmissions"

1527. SHINOWARA, G, YE., & HORAVA, A. (1962) Inst. of Conte~orary acssian Studies ~(3):7-8, "The biological action of ultra-
high frequencies"

1528. SHIPP, L. H. (1965) J. of Occupational Medicine 1:423-430, "E.lectronics and cedicine"

3306. SHISLO, M.A. (1971), In: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. (ed. ), Influence of Magnetic Fields of Biological Objects, (Citation #3230,
this Biblio. ), pp. 20-35, "Influence of magnetic fields on enzymes, tissue respiration, and some aspects of metabolism in
an intact orgauism 11 •

2270. S!:!".7"LY, J. :;. (1970) ;:n: ?..c~:::::on 3ic:--E:'::ec:s S=carv ",e:;ort, l!od~~;e, D. X., (ed,), for Jan-Dec 1970, Oiv. of
lo\'!cal !:'fects, :!:;.:-. ?.ad. !, >::'5, CX?t. ::o, :::::=~~. 201-203, "A pilot study of effects of micro>~ave exposure
on oc:o}!oenesis" [usi:l~ 2 - 3 C.zy c1~ ==zs~
1529. SHLYAFER, T. P., & YAXOVI.EVA, M. I. (1969) Fiziologicheskiy Zh., SSSR, 55(1):16-21, (In Russian with English summary),
"The effect of SHF-UHF electromagnetic fields on the pulsed activity of cerebrO:Cortical neurons"

1530. SHMELEV, V. P. (1964) In: Sooe Questiou of Physiology and 3io:>h7sics, Voronezh, pp. 89-, "The effect of an electro-
magnetic field of the audio- and radio-frequency ranges on the reflex activity of the spinal cord"; and ibid., pp. 98-, "The
state of electric activity of the brain due to action of electromagnetic vibrations of the audio• and ra~frequency range on the

1531. SHNEYVAS, V. B., & ZUFAROV, K. A. (1968) AID Press, Aerospace !ecbnology Division, Library of Congress 1(10):4-5,
(S..-ry in: USSR Science Abstracts _(62) :48-, (1968)), "The biological effect of electromagnnic fields (electro~croscopic

1532. SHORE, H., & LEACH, W. (1969) In: Conf. on Federal-State Inple:entation of Public Law 9Q-602. (Hiller, J. w., & Gerusky,
T. H., Co-Chm.), Bureau of Rad. Health Rept. ORD 69-4 [LDso Studies oo rats & hansters; changes in protein syntheaia; chromosomal
atudiea following exposure to electromagnetic radiation}
3629. SHOSTAK, A. (1975), Naval Research Reviews, ~(12):1-12 (Oec.}, "Navy telecorrmunications past and present [with
cooments on the SANGUINE system]."

3630. SHTEMLER, V.M. (1974), Biologicheskiye Nauki, (10):52-55 (in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing
Electromagnetic Radiation•(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976). pp. 60-66, "Effect of microwaves on blood serum butyryl
cholinesterase activity 1!!. vivo."
1533. SHTOL'TSER, v. R. (1958) Problemy ~tologii i Perelivaniia Krovi, Y~skva, 1(3):178-183, "Changes in the activity of
heiiK)atatic blood preparation& caused by the electromagnet.ic field"
3028. SHTRIKMAN, S. (1974), Personal Communication, (Dept. of Electronics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel) • "Remote
detarmination of respiration rate usinq a 3 GHz microwave interferometer to measure the instantaneous relative distance
bet:.ioioor;. the chest wa!!. and the instrument

3307. SHUL'PEKOV, A.A. (1971), In: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. (e1.), Influence of Magnetic fields·on Biological Objects, (Citation
H3230,this Biblio.), pp. 175-186, "Peculiarities of methods and methodology of magnetobiological experiments".

2543. SHURIDHINA, ·.. A. (1970), Rept., 9 pps. (JPRS H659. , "Pulsed microwave therapy".

1534. SHVARTS, YA. I. (1945) Fl'unze, ~ ~ !~~ _shaoges ~!£_Localized~~ .!!!,-.Y!.!!, ~ ~ Cervicothoracic
Segments !!, !!!!, Spinal ~
1535. SIDDoNS, B., & SOWTON, E. (1967) Cbas. c. Thomas, Publ., Springfield, Ill., pp. 99-102. [see especially P• 100 for a
diacuasion_ of experimental effects on cardiac pacemakers of various rjpes of RF/microvave/diathermy, etc. equipaent ), ~
Aerospace Medicine, 45(10):1143-1145, (Oct.), "Health Surveillance of personnel occupationally exposed to microwaves:
Part II - Functionaldisturbances", (See citation #3029, this Biblio. ).
Aerospace Medicine, ~5(10):1146-1148, uHealth surveillance of personnel occupationally exposed to microwaves: Part III -
Lens translucency", \See citation N3030, this Biblio.).
Aerospace Medicine (In Press), "Analysis of occupational exposure to m1crowaves: Part II Funct>onal disturbances
3030. SIEKIERZYNSKI, M., CZERSKI, P., ZYDECKI, S., CZARNECKI, C., DZIUK, E., & JEDRZEJCZAK, W. (1974), Aerospace Medicine,
(In Preas), "Analysis of occupational expsoure to microwaves: Part III Lens translucency".

1536. SIEMS. L. L •• KOSMAN. A. J •• & OSBOR..'iE, S. L. (1948) Arch. of P"nysical Medicine 29(12):759-764. "A c0111parat1ve study
of short wave and microwave diathermy on blood flow"

1537. SIGEL, M. M•• & BURNSTEIN, T. (1959) In: Annual Rept. of Microwave Radiation Research, Univ. of •ttaud.,(AD 232925).
"Effect of microwaves on mammalian cells grm.m io vitro"

2271. SIC~·:.~'\. S., t. FRI::J~0·:..!..:.:), : . S. (l'j54) .\.~.A. Ar~~. 0: ,..,~:h. 52(1):46-57, (Abstr. in: Ophth. • .!!_(3):356 (Har 1955)) 0
":~itotic a::d '"~ot:.:::i hea!..!:l~ acti·.·~:ie:s e;f t:~e cc!"!':ea~ e~-::~eliu~.• :::ffect---;)f sensorv denervation"

1538. SIGLER. A. T •• LILIENFELD 0 A. M., COHE!'I, B. H•• & IIESTI.AKE, J. ::. (1965) Bull. of Johns Hopkins Hospital ill(6):374-400 0
"Radiation exposure in parents of children with Mongolisc (Dovns S::ndro1:1e)"

1539. SILVER. S. (1959) Proc. Jrd Tri-service Conf. on Biological Effects of MicrO'.Jave Radiating Equipments 0 (Susskind. c••
ed. ),1:22-32 0 (RADC-TR-59;..140; MJ 234 788) • "Physical aspects of nicr""ave radiation"
2544. SILVERBERG, G. (1973), The Sciences (of the N.Y. Acad. of Sciences), 13(3):6-10, "Unreasoning radiation: Do micro-
waves pose a hazar~ to mind and body?"
2272. ~IC.','E:?-!~~•. C. (1970) In: ?.z~:Ca:!= ~!o-Ef:ec::s ~ ~. P.odge, D. H., (erl.), for Jan-Dec 1969 0 Div. of llio-
lo,::ical ~::ec:s, Bur. ?.ad. Eeal:::, ~-:~. (?.e;>t. ::o. "30: 70-1), "· 22 only, "Parental radiation exposure and llown's syndrome

2273. SIL7Z?.!t'~:. c. (1970) b: ''=~==~::::~ 3!o-E:fec:s ~ ~. l!od!(e, n. ~ •• (ed.), for Jan-Dec 1970, lliv. of
lo<;:cal :::.,c:s, Bur. ?.ad. Ee.a!:::, :)~•. (?.e?t• ::o. B?2-i:13E 70-7), ??· 22-23, "Parental radiation exposure and llown's syndr0t1e
C=o~?:olis:-tl"; a::d Pi'• 4~46, "!c!..l:"'lo-·-7 s::OCy of ra.:iar ...,.~:-kers"

2545. SILVERMAN, C. (1973), J. of Epidemiology, 97(4):219-224, (Apr.), "Nervous and behavioral effects of microwave
radiation in humans".

1540. SILVERS. L. J. G. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy 16:671-673, "Control of pain and hemorrhage in electroauraical tonsil-

1541. SIMMONS. A•• & EMERSON. W. (1953) Tele-Tech and Electronic Incustries _(7):pp.?. "Anochoic chambers for microwaves"
1542. SIMON. C. w•• & ANDERSON. L. E. (1956) Presented at 8th Annual ~eting of Flight Safety Foundation (Hughea Aircraft Co.).
(AD 144744). "Potential ground hazards of high performance radar"
1543. SIMONELLI, M., & RIZZINI. V. (1951) Giornale Italiano di Oftal!>Ologia i(l):l-., (In Italian), "Action of microwaves 00
eye (preliminary note)" (Abstr. in: ZeAtralbl. f.d. ges. Ophth. 59(7):344 (.July 1953))

2274. s:·:;:;::ur, !!., & ?.I<:ZI!;I, 7. (:S52) Giorn. Ital. Oftal. .2,0):190-196 (Nay/June), (In Ita1 •• with Fr., rT\1! •• &
su,-:-..arias), (&str. i~.: Ze::tral::c. f • .:!. f!:&S. Q;l!'tth. 5}(1):55 C~2r 1953)• and Ophth. Lit. 6(3):263 (Dec 1952))• "Further con-
triC~tio:t to tf.e stuCy o: t?te ef:cc: c: lt.ic:-~Aves on ~he ey~" -
1544. SINGATULLINA. R. G. (1961) Biulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii 1 ~editsiny E~oskva) 1!(7):69-72 1 (la Russian~ "The
effect of ultrahigh frequency currents on blood serum protein fractions"

1545. SINGATULLINA 0 R. G. (1961) Biulleten Eksperimental' noi Biologii i Meditsiny C!oskva) 52 (7): 812-815. (Alao, Biolosical
Abstracts 1!!,(5636) • (1962)) • "The effect of UHF currents on protein.s in blood serum fractions"

1546. SINISI 0 L. (1954) Electroencephalogy r. Clinical l:europhysiology i:5.35- 0 "EEG [huoan) after radar application"
3310. SIVORINOVSKIY. G.A. (1973), Vorposy Kurorto1ogii, Fizioterapii i lechebnoy Ku1'tury. 38(3):222-227. (Trans1. fn
"Effect of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation." JPRS 162462, July 1974, Citation #3134 this Biblio •• pps. 32-40].
"The biological action of ultrasonic sound and super high-frequency electromagnetic fields in the three-centimeter range.•
3311. SIVORINOVSKII, C.A. (1973), Vorp. Kurortol. Fizioter. Lech. Fiz. Kult., 38( ):222-227, "Mechanism involved in the
biological action of ultrasound and superhi;h frequency electromagnetic fields in the 3-cm range", [oxidative phosphorylation
studied in rat liver and kidney mitochondria at exposure levels between 25 and 100 ~W/cm2 for 10 min].

1547. SKAGGS 0 G. A. (1971) Naval Researc:b Laboratory ~.ecorandum Re;>ert 2218, 11 pages. "High frequency exposUTe chaJDber for
radiobioloaical research"
2546. SKIDMORE, W.D., & BAUM, S.J. (1973), Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, Md., Scientific
Rept. #SR73-10 (June), "Biological effects in rodents exposed to pulsed electromagnetic radiation".

3631. SKIDMORE, W.O., & BAUM, S.J. (1974), Health Physics, 26(1'):391-398 {May), "Biological effects in rodents
exposed to 1o8 pu 1ses of e1ec tromagnet i c radiation. "
2094. S~~~SKY, B•• SEDBAL 0 J. 0 & ZAXOVA, L. (196!) Prac:ovnl lekarstvi ~:363~366 0 (Abstr. ln1 Non~1o"1alna
Rad. !(3)152-153.
(1969)), (.'.lao CIS ahtract 362-1969), "Shte of hu1th of vorkera expoud to udiofrequeney radiation tn tndlllitrtal establish-
~nttt at I;mo"

2547. SKRIPKIN, Yu.K. (1967), In: Neurodermatitis: Problems of Etiology, Pathoaenesis, and therapy, Izd-vo Meditsina,
pp. 108-116, (JPRS 42,899), "Tr.eating neurod,..titis patients with electrosleep and hypnosis'.

1548. SKURI~IINA, L. A. (1961) Voprosy Kurortologti. Fizioterapii 1 Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury (Problems in Healtb Resort
Science, Physiotherapy & Medical Physical Culture), Hoscw. _(4):333- 0 "The therapeutic application of microwaves (SHF electr-
lllllgnetic fields)"

1549. SKURIKHINA, L. A. (1962) Novosti ~editsinsloJTekhniki, lloskva, _(3) :9-, "Clin1ca1 and physiological bases of llicrowave

1550. SLASOS?ITS~!Y, A. A. (1964) In: 3iol?Jical ~£f Ultrasound and Sl~-~ Electromagnetic Osci1lations 0 (Gorodetskiy 0
A. A., ed.), Lc:~e:y of Sciences, I:.t!tate of ?h!siology, i:e~ A. A. Bogomo1ets, Kiev. UKR SSR, (JPRS 38060; N65-28707) 0
??· 92-lJ7, ":'!te proble111 of lllicr,..,ave lesion.s of the sun"

1551, SWUS?I!Sm, A. A. (1964) !D: Probl- of the lliopb•aies ud Kocle of Action of lladiation, Zdorovya Publ. 11oun a.,
pp. 8~9.:., ('I'Ta:~~~l.
of ~•tr., ~. 31ol. U9>. (oet:-19&.)), ,\;,str.l'9-P-37'3TJPRS""34963), 11 Horpholoaieal c:luuaau 111 tho•aida ~f
wbi ::e rats Vo:Lu e!QOIIIII to cati:lllta'r res• r<llAiio "'""''"
1552. Sl..A.iiJS?I>SK.I'! • A. A. (196.5) !":l.:iolopcheP.i)' Zh. sssa• .!!_(2):22S..231, "'Ihe meehanba of action of llicrwavu on the akin"

1553, SLA'."!SKIT, c. l'- (1937) Sevutcj)Ol, ~tr. ~..D: ~ 111oloa1cd Effects·!!. ElectrOII&anetic Fields - Aluaotated liblioarap!ay.
Aii:l ilejlt. ?-6}-17, Apr. 1965), !:!!. !s::-ert.:~tal YCIICM!&t!om .!t ~ ..:ave 'rilerapy
155.:0, s:...o.~·sm, G. ~ •• 6o lli.1l.'>J.!;. L. So (193.5) ~uU. Goeut&uc:ve:cogo Tsentral'noao Naucbno-1saledovatel 1 altoao Iut, iaelli
Secbeno•,a (~7): "'rba pr.obl.el:i cwe.l'll1s:s ~N~t!Mlor;ical catoa:l.ca1 C::.angea occurriaa in the oraana and u ..u . . under total exposure
to short vr:as"

155.5. SU?:::c-JoA, .:., SLIV01.!A, A., ~~~. o., • l.A.?U'Ul.OVA, !. {1967) Pracovni Lekarstvi, Praaue l9:s-u, "The effect of
e!ectro=aptic r&l!iaC1CID in f:ho G!ll;.s>: ~naU. em operators gf s!:lore-ave radio tranaaitters" -

2:!75. ~u:::::, !l. fl •• & PA!..'!I~io. v. A.. O.'to1) A=] £nv:l.rOD::enta1 i!ydene t.aency Rept. (;ot67-l2384, liD 652701!), ":licrow:~ve
h:!.zarc!s ~i!Jlio5:~a~~y''

1558, S!'..L'UiOVA. :t. I., & SAOCII~.A, !f. !1. U96Z) S\1211Ca>:iu af rtt;10rta. Qu•tiona of the Bioloaic:al Effect of a SBF-UHF Elec-
trooapetic: ?illlc;, liroY Order gf ~ M:Uf.~ ~dii:Al Aeac!II:IY. Leningrad, (Title aot pvea)

1559, s~n:r:, E. r:. (H28) U. s. ~~cal ll~t~o li:479-302 0 "'Heat atroke, a tbenDreaulatory inco.petency"

1560. s~rra. G. c. (19.50) ilrttial:a !Wi=l. J. • ll<o. 4668. (JI.Ily 1~21) • pp. 1466-1467 • "Effects of diatheny currents on -tal
il:!p1cts in ~he bociy vall"

1561, ~n. G. c. (H!i8) Kedic:al J. of AmtrG,lla ~:3!3-315, "l1Kiation hazards 1u industry"

2548. SMITH, R.H. (1963), !l.tctrical AueatMII:Uo., Cbarla.a c. Thollas. Spdqfield, 54pps. (LC: 62-21J27).

3031. SMITH, s.w., r. BROIIM, D.G. (197·3), IEEE Tr:ana. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, BHC-15(1) :2-6, "Nonionizing radia-
tion levels in the washington, D.C. area". ---
1562, ~!.USOV • A. A. (19!;7) Sci.. \ion l..llt iAro:I..Ui1"at1 Y.:Uitary Naval llospital, pp. 56-65, "''he effect of high frequency pulaed
field c~ the vegetatiw uttrvo.w 1]111~-..

15&3. SMI.;w'i.-\, YE. 1. (1959) S~n of re;oorts. }AbQ:r Bystene and thll Biological Effect of Radio Frequancy Electroaainetic
IOavea, ~co-.~. "Occt:;~aticmal bygie:~e 01r:K11a::zs 1D .u-.M vllere XF-1.: c:urrents are used"

1564, SMi.?.CiVA., n:. I, (1966) Gig!oma 7'l'U<i."l i 'ny<! Za:>ole~~"aniya Oloskva) .!!!_(1):17-, (JPRS 35648; TT-66-32083),
'~ealth e-~ractedstics o! coudit!~ for ~~ pcrsc~~el •~rk~nz ~~tn sources of radio frequency range electromagnetic: fields"

156.5, S~!i.O::'lA, YE. 1. (1967) Ci;)i.e:la 1 S...""Utariya, tSS?., _E(6); Ji-41, (TT-67-51409-2); (Also Abstr, in: .!!!!!!!. Radiobiology,
A'!D 68-lOSo-108-9, ??• 84-85) (AD 6711,36). "'~pw 1.1:1 tile phago~ic and bactericidal function& of the blood in ani-la exposed
to rad!o fr~uency electro:a~stic f~~~~

1566. SY-i..'?.C7A. '!E. 1 •• !:tOC0'1AYA, T. z., -.rADI:i."SKKY, A. S., US:!Cli!:!i:<D, N. S., 'MELNIICOVA, Ill, D, (1962) Giaiena Tru4a i Pro-
fessiollal'c:• ~tov.a;nya {Moskva) !<5):22-'.<3. {XP. iWl~Ji@). (J?!'.S 14925, N&2-14907), "Probl... of occupational bypene and
health stat-.& of U?er;ators ezpoSI..-: to t:'lll .,);;:ecu of high frequent:: currents"

1568. S!'!i.!i.U'fA, !<:. 1., ?.!Y'v!JVATA, •. Z, • 'lA.lO, I. L. • .0 J:ROI!SiUY, S. A. (1966) bzan:ldy Heditainskiy Zh, £_(2) :82-84,
"General!l 01lS WC>rld.llg trl,.l;h ~ 9 t:=:: • a VR1 Jlml!rators 1.11 pbysiotbUapy -Chine&
2549. SMYTH, N., KESHISHIAII, .l., ROOo, 0,, HDJfl'MiN, A., FOOOI.AK, 1!., & BAKU, N. (1972), J. of the Assoc. for the
Advancement of Mad. InstrUNentat~oc, 6:192- , "Efrecta of Rctiva --.netic fieldR on pe~nantly t.planted triggerec
pac-kers". -
3032. SMYTH, N.P.D., lCESHISHIJIIII, J .M., HOOO, O.C., HOP'Ji'lol.l\l!, 1\ ..... , PODOLIIK, E., & BAlCER, N.R. (1973), Medical Instrument-
ation, 7(3):189-195, (May-Aug.), "Effects of active aagnetic fields [frequency of 100Hz to 450kHz, field strength 0.5
to 1. 35-gauss] on permanently illplanted trig<jered pac<>l!:la.kers", [no iJ.l effects noted fran weapons detectors].

3033. SMYTH, N.P.D., PARSONNET, V., ESCHER, D.J .W., & FURMAN, S. (1974), J. of the l\lller. Med. Assoc., 227 (12) :1412 only,
(Mar. 25), "The pacemaker patient and the .electromagnetic environment".
2551. SlffDD., J .J., & GLAZIER. p • .1. (1966), In: !!!!!!. International SY!J!Odua ~ Electrotherapeutic r,1eep and !!!£!!2_-
auestheeia. Graz, Austrie, (12-17 Sept.), "Bo~e release during application of low-intensity currant •

1569, S~;rt::::R, S. 'a. (1970) Azwul S~m~~&ry bjlort, Johns; Bopi<.:l.t:n tuiv. (AD 710005), .June 1960 to May 1970, 18 paaea, "the
effect of l:licrgow;rve :l.rratiAticm Ql:l the ~:r rate of !ilerotoni.Jl a:::d uorepinephri1le in rat brain"
2550. SlffDD, S.H. (1971); r~ llopt. (tf2) to ABPA, fr011 Dept. of Pbamac:ology, Johns Hopkins Univ., School of Heel.,
(AD 1729161), '~e effoct of microwave irradiation aa the turnover rate of serotonin and norepinephrine &1ld tbe effect
on .aaoeai1l8 aetabollaina qnz~"·

1570. 503~~~;, M. A. (1~65) Digest of the 6th Interuat. Conf. on Y~ical Electronics and Biological Engineering, (lwai, Y.,
ed.) p. 65~ only, "In!ra-red radiation froa the body surface (radio epigastrica) as an index of the atate of the stomach

1571. SvKC~~I~7, 0. I. (1937) 7r, IIi ~ses. sye"da fiziotere?.{Trans. of the Third All-Union Conf, of Physical Therapists},
Kiev, ??• 2:i6-, (~str. in: The 3~olc£:ieal ~of !lectro-...aznetic Fields - Annotated Bibliography, AT[l Rept. P-65-17,
Apr. 1965), "::,e ci-Aracter of biccil=ic.ti. dislocatio::u in the organism W'lder the effect of HF and UHF waves"

1572. S0KC~•. 5, J, (1967) PatolcgiC:askaya fiz!ologiya 1 eks;>er~ntal'naya terapiya 11(3):69-70, (Abstr. in: Soviet
ttac::.c;,iolov, AD !:3-l:i5-103-9, ??• 85-36, (AD 67:436), ";.nti-infla.=atory effect of a constant magnetic field"
15i3. S;)Kc:..c·;, \", V,, & ARIYE:VIC:i, M. ~~. (136Q) !rudy !iii G:!.gi7e:1.a Truda i Profzabole4u.i.yaAMN SSSR (1):43-45, (Abatr, in:
"ir:e 3iolo;:~cal ~of 'C:-::F, (l..e:avet, A. A., & Corc!on, Z. 7,, ees.), pp. 39-41, (JPRS 12471); "Changes in the blood under
the ir.:~'-'""·;e of S::.:?-~-:.;:: on t!'te org.a:US':I"
157.'.. .s.:;:::.,c·,-, ,-, ·:. & t.'1ii.:LI~>A, ''· A. (B~) Trxy !\i.i G::giyer.a :ruda i ProfzaboleAniyaAI'!N SSSR (2):122-125 1 (Abstr. in:
Tn!!_ ~gioal ,:S~ .c:f ~ Fre<:·.:.e:ccv Ele-etro:::.a_ES ?iel<!s, (:ecavet, A. A., & Gordon, z. v,-; eds.), JPRS 12471 (1962);
{.;??.5 3~ ·~s;;; "?~r:.:;J>.ar:a:. ·::::.o0C co,_--::-; :=tCer ::1e ac-:., oi raO:io . ..-a·,-!s of vurious wavelengths on the organism"

1575, SOKOLOV, v. v.,

et al. (1962) Sumoariaa of reports. Questions of the 3iological Effect of a SI~-UHF Electroaa&Datic
Field. Kirov Order of Linin ltl.l:l.tary Hedical Academy, Leningrad, p. 48 only, "The effect of centi~:~atar waves of varying intanllity
on blood"
3632. SOKOLOVA, I.P. (1975), Transl. In:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532), p. 49 only,
"The effects of combined exposL1re to SHF electromagnetic fields and soft X-ray radiation on the peripheral blood."
1576. SOLI:li, D. L., RE?IARX, D.. G., MOORE, R. L., CRAWFORD, R. E,, R::C<'..E!i, 11. J, L, (1968) U. S. Dept, of Health. Education,
and Welfa·~e. Public Health Service, Enviroru:>ental Control Admin., Technical Service Branch Staff Rept., TSB No, 5, "Report of
preliminary measuret.,ents of eleetromagnetic radiation fields near oicr""ave ovens" (Also: No-IoniziDg !lad, !(2) :88-94 (1969))

1577. SOLOV'EV, N. A. (1962) In! Proe. of the 2nd All-Union Conf. on the Use of Rad1oelectronics in Biology and Medic~na 0
Moscow 0 pp. 29-, "Differentiation of the action of an alternating magnetic field and the emfs and currents induced by it in
living organisms"
1578. SOLOV'EV, N. A. (1963) Truciy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-lssledovatel'skogo Institute Meditsinskikh Instrumentov.Oborudovanii,
USSR, 1:120-. "Responses of the entire living organism to an electroaa~etic field"

1579. SOLOV'EV, N. A. (1963) Doklady Akadamii Nauk SSSR 149:438-, ·~~Chanisrn of the biological action of a pulsed electro-
magnetic field" --
3633. SOLOV'EV, N.A. (1%3), Ooklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1.12.(2)~438-441 (Mar.), (in Russian), "On the mechanism of the
bfological action of a pulsed magnetic field."
1580. SOLOVTSOVA, K. M. (1965) Fiziologiche.skii Zb. Akad. Nauk UKR SSSR 11(4):489-503, "Effect of electrOIIIagnetic high-
frequency oscillations on the functioning of the liver in persons with a normal or moderately pathological functional state of
this organ"

1581. SOHMER, H. c., & Von GIER.l<E, 11. E. (1964) Aerospace Ked. 35(9):834-839, ."Bearing sansationa in electric fields"

1582. SOROKINA, YE. 1. (1965) Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii i Lechebaoy Fizichaskoy Kul 1 tury (Problema in Health Resort
Sci., Physiotherapy & Medical Physical Culture) 30(1) :40-45, (JPRS 29n4, pp. 1-8; TT 65-30903 (1965)), "Experience in the uaa
of microwave therapy in patianta suffering from sympathetic ganglionitis and radiculitis of the thoraco-carvical se..-at with
a cardiac pain synciro-"
3634. SOUTHERN, W.E. (1973), Northern Illinois Univ. Final Report prepared for the Office of Naval Research (31 Dec.),
"Orientation behavtor of ring-billed gull chicks (larus delawarens1s) exposed to Project SANGUINE's electric and
magnetic fields." -------
1S83. SOU1'HWORnl, c. (1937) J. of Applied Physics !:66()-664, "New a:;>eril:oantal methods applicable to ultrashort wavea"
1584. SOWTON, E. • GRAY • K., & PRESION. T, (1970) British Heart J, E:62D-632, "Electrical interference in non--c011petitive

1585. SPALA. M. (1961) Sbomik lekarsky 63:34~370, "Dosimetry of t!lenogeDic effects of au rf field and its tolerable dose"
in the rabbit" (h• Czech.) -

1586, SPALA, tl •• Rlh1>EL. o., & KACL, J. (1962) Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 101:791-795 1 {In CzecbJ "Effect of the rf field oa
the -tabolism of bon• tissua in the rabbit: Incorporation of ostheotropic radioisotopes"

1587. SPARXS, R. A. (1961) Digest of the lnternat. Conf, on Medical ::lectronics, Biological ill!£!!.!?!, Microwaves .! (Athermal
Aspects), (Fr011111er:, P. L., ed.) Plenum Press, New York, pp. 230-, "X-radiation hazards from high power traveling wave ~ubes 11

1588. SPASSKIY; V. A. (1956) Voyenno ~ditaillskii Zh. (USSR Military ~d. J.) _(9):25-28, (Abstr. in:.!!!! Biological~
£!.Electromagnetic: ru!.!!!. - Annot.ated !l1bliography 0 ATD Rept. P-65-17, 1965), "The objectives of the study of work conditions
and hygienic facilitiea for the personnel of radar stations"

1589. SPECTOR, N. (1969) Medical College of Virginia Quarterly 1_(1) :20-, "Thenaodes and theories"

1590. SPEICHEK. H. w. {1958) AMA Arch. of Induatrial Health 17:546-555, "Soe~e factors to be conaiderad in a protactioa pTograa
for use of radiation 11ources" -

1591.. s.-ENCER, J. L., & KNAUF • G. ~~. (i957) Proc. 1st Tri-service Con!. on Biological Hazards of Microwave llacliation 1
(Pattishall, E. G., ad.) !:52-59, "Exposure of Air Force personnel to ionizing radiation produced by radio frequency ganeratora ~

3635. SPIEGEL, R.J., &JOINES, W.T. (1973), Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 35( ):591-605, "A semiclassical theory
for nerve excitation by a low intensity elect~gntt1c field." --
2552. SPILLER, l.R. (1950), (In Ger. ), nlektrotechnischa Zeitschrlft, (Berlin), 71:27-30, (Jan. 15), '~ltra-sbort wave
therapy with daciMtre aud ceni:S.Otre wav••". --

3636. SPITTKA, 0., TAEGE, M., &TEMBROCK, G. (1969), Bfol. Zbl., 88( ):273-282, (in German), "Experi.antal investi-
gations on the operant drinking behavior of rats in the 50 Hz hightension alternating field. •
3034. SPLITTER, S.R. (1966), Delaware Medical J., 38(3):83-84, (Mar.), "New approach to the manaqement of subacute sinusitis
[uainq pulsed electr0111agnetic "lnergy) •. -
3314. STAMM, M.E., liil!TERS, II.D., MORTON, D.L., i IIAJUU:N, S.L. (1974), Oncology, 29(4):294-301, "Microwave characteristics
of human tWDOr cells", [Microwa,•e en..rgy (between 76 and 86 Gllz) has been used to !ifentify differences between human tumor
cells and nol'lllll cells gi'Own in tblliue culture. Unique d3.fferential transmission spectra were deponstrated when various
t:tPes of cultured malignant cells mare COOlpar<od to thek a1.1tologous com1terparts ).
3035. STl\NLEY, J.L., BENTLEY,, 'DENTON, M.S. (1973). Rept. No. 2 for Office of Naval Research on Contract N00014-67-
A-0209-0019, Task No. NR-051-549, from Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Ariz. (Tucson), AD *759 720, (Mar.), "Radiation exposure
considerations when employing microwave-excited Gpectroucopic sources".
3036. STAPLES, P.J., & GRINER, P.F. (1971), N~ England J. of Med., 285(6)1317-319, (AUg. 5), "Extracorporeal hemolysis of
blood in a microw11ve blood warmer". -
1592, STAJI.liCOVA, M. N. (1959) Soveukaya Meditl'lins _(3):66-68, "the use of a ni!V physical factor - The pulaed VRF-RF electric
field in casu of acute infl.-tory infiltr~tu ond lyap'lladtm1tu"

1593, STARMER., c. F. • WHALEN. R. r. •• 6< H&:I!n'OSH 0 !>. Do 0.964) Amer. ,;. of C.rdiolou _!!:537-546, "Hazara of electric llhock
in cardiology"

3037. STAVINOHA, W.B., MEDINA; M.A., & DEAN, A.P. (1973), Univ. of Texa~ Mad. School, San Antonio, Final report under AF
~ntracts F4l609-71-C-0035 & F4l0609-7J-C-008, "Neuroch9Mical alte~ations in specific brain areas in rodents exposed to high
1ntensity fields".
2553, STAVIROHA, W.B., PEPELZO, B., & SMITH, P.W. (1970), The Fba~colosiat, 12:275 only, ''Microwave radiation to
inactivate cholinesterase in the rat brain prior to analysis for acetylcholine".
3038. STAVINOHA, W.B., WEINTRAUB, S.T., MOOAK, A.T. (1973), J. o£ Neurochemist~, 20() :361-371, "The use of microwave
heating to inactivate cholinesterase in the rat brain prior to analysis for acetylchOline".
3315. STEFANOV, B. (1973), Higiena i Zdra" ->pazvane (Sofia), (5):507-513, (In Bulgarian), "The biological action of super-
high frequency electromagnetic "aves". --
3316. STEFANOV, B., ~LATAROV, I.,' SOLAKOVA, S. (1973), Higiena i ~raveopazvane (Sofia), (5):~~3-~46 1 (In Bulgarian),
"A study of the action of electromagnetic waves at various regiou of the radio band on sOIHfunctional indices in workers".
3637. STENZLER, M. (1975), Electronic Enginee1"ing Times, (Monday, Feb. 24), p. 2 only, "[Electronic cardiac] Pacemakers
designed to counter [non-ionizing electromagnetic] rad1ation."

3317. STENZLER, M. (1975), Electronic Engil)e.rivg Times, Hon., lfu>ch 2,., p. 7 only, "[Collaborative] U.S./Soview (non-
ionizing] radhtion studies pending".
3638. STENZLER, M. (1975), Electronic Engineering Times, (Nov. 17), p. 12 only, "Americans, Soviets sign [non-ionizing]
radiation pact."
1594, STEPHENS, F. H., JR. (1959) In: lnv~r::ls~tou' Con£, on Biological Effects of Electronic Radiating Equipments, (Knauf.
G, M., Chm,) PP• 42-45, (AD :U469:?.}, "Equip~»n!: and ...a!:hodli ~~D~ployed in the exposure of experimental animals to adcrowavu at
24,000 megacyclea"

1595. STEPHENS, F. H., JR. (1961) Induacrtal Mad, & s~~~~~ 30:221-228, "Microwave radiation of lQ mw/cm and factors that
influence effll!cts at va.ricus power. den•itiu" -

1596, STI::PHEliS, F. • & J..ANDEF.N, K. (1963) .To of Occupattot:l&l Mad •.~:418-425, "Effects on dogs of chronic exposure to microwave

1597. STEPIN, L. D, {J.965) M,l,T. Pnss, ~ntum ~ Prequen!"I, P'nydcs

2554. STZMART, H.F., P~, ~.W., & VAN PILT, W,F. ,(1970), Scutbwestern Radiolosical Health ~boratory (Rept. ISWRHL~84),
Environmental Health S4rvicea, ~ublic Health Sll!.vice, lJ.S. Dept. ot Health, Education & Welfare, 'Microwave hazard evalua-
tion (A field survey fora)~.
1598, STIEBOCK, L. H. (1935) Arch, of r.~ysicml The~apy ~,657-661, "The fundaaentals and indications of short wave therapy,
fulguration and coagulation"

1599. STILLWELL, G. K. (1967) In: Vol. 4, Therapeu:ic !lectriciSt and ~ltraviolet Radiation, Physical Medicine Library,
(Licht, s. H., ed,), Licht, E., Pub, • t;w liaven, Conn., 11 Clinic:al eleCtric &tiaulation11

1600. STOCKHAN, H. E. (1969) Elect•·on;.cs (Nov. 24), _:llo-, "Seeing 111 the dark is aim of r-f holography"
3039. STOOOLNIK-BARANSKA, w. (1967), Natu::e, ~.< ) :102-103, (Apr.), "Lymphoblastoid transformation of lymphocytes .!:!l ~
after microwave irradiation".
1602. STOW..JX. J. A. J., & B.UD!, .J. P. {1%5) !apt. So. DASA-15&0, "'Skin aDd subcutaneous te.perature chaosu dudq
exposure to il>t_. tl>er.ow>l. radiac:ioG"
2::!i5. s:J:::;~, E. (1951) Arc~. ;;; :'!':ys!:::al '!b:!1cine _J!:40B-416, '':":'l.e effect of J:ticrOt.-ave radiation on the periPhcr:tl puls"
vol~.e, di~ital skin t~erat~~e. ~~ c!£!:al blood flow in ~•n"

160), STO?Czn:.. li., 6 ?~ux. M, (19&8) ?ollib Arch. ~. w,..Jn 41:773-782, (In Polish), "Diagnosis of the cauae of stimula-
tion disorders in patients vitb i:>:pl.=ted ~n sti=l.ators vith c:o:oHA:lt rhythm"

1604. STO<;E!J., R. E., A."'-'iOLD, ~. A., C:::w3L.L""'I', P. J., !A:U.SJD'.A, 5., 1?.cYP, B. F., & YOIJI;G, D. E. (1960) Armed Forces Institute
of Pathology ?rogresa R.e?t, (.D H1Jl4), (llio 19;;!. hogr<>ss ie;oon), "Biological and biochemical effects of microwaves"

1605. sro;;::.w., R. E., AR.'\OLD, E. A., 1'}.173, G. C., G3.l!?T:I, J. L., > ·;cc;c, D. E. (1965) Anned Forces Institute of Pathology
Annual Progress Re~t., ?P• 98-117, (;~ Li0416; ?.C5-~DE-288), "3lol:,:cal and biochemical effects of microwaves and other
physical agents"

1606. STRASS3L'3GE3., A., & San.Ii??_-U.!:, l. (1935) Arcbiv fur i'.x:;>er::C=t~lle Pathologie u. Pharmakol. Q~:l-17, (In German) "The
influence of ultrashort waves on t~e hea~ regulation of rabbits"

2555. STRAUB, K.D., KENDRICK, J.Z., & JACKSON, H. (1972), Naval Air Development Ctr., Rept. NADC-72126-CS, "Effects of
low frequency electrical current on various marine animals", [The current density which produced "startle" or "avoidance"
response was determined at frequencies between 10 and 7500Hz].

1607. STRAO. k. D., 6 LT!-11 0 'II. S., orR. (1963) Fed.erat.:.oa Proc. 22, .!.:>st.r. No. 2763, p. 623 only, "Effects of oxidizing and
red=ing agents and A-c curre::1t on frog s:.t:i.:J" -
2556. STRAUS, B. (1966), In: !!!!! International Symposium on Electrotherapeutic Sleep an~ Electroanesthesia, Graz, Austria,
(12-17 Sept.), "Electrical induction of sleep II".
3318. STRELKOVA, N.I., & ZEYNALOV, R.K. (1973), Zhurnal Neuropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S. s. Korsakova, 73( ): pp. ?,
[Trans!. in "Effect of nonionizing electr·omagnetic radiation", JPRS No. 62462, July 1974, Citation #3134, thiSBiblio.,
pp. 25-31], "The problem of correlating biochemical data to the coudition of the neuromuscular apparatus of Parkinsonism
patients subjectel'to decimeter wave therapy".

3639. STRUMZA, M.V. (1970), Archives des Maladies Professionnelles de Medecine du Travail et de Securite Socia~e
(Paris), T.31 (6) :269-276, (in French), "Influence on the human health of close electric conductors at high tens1on:
Medical inquiry result."
3040. STUCHLY, S.S. (1973), The J. of Microwave Power, ~(3/4):211 only, "Editori Instrumentation & measurement 11

2'277. 0:?.~?:-:~,, 1-'., & !Ul'', L (:C,55) :;.;,r. ctsc:.. •h' 5°:361-31\3, (in, (,'.bstr. in: ··entralbl. f. d. Pes.
(lp~~t:l. • £3 '.::): 3,5 ~- 359 ('Jet 1955)) 9 ~·I7<! al te!'atic:-.s in rz.b~its Cue iTiic:.rovaves and eddv currents"
(~SS~ ~~licary ~ed~ca: J.)
1608, S'tYK.\S• o. A. (1%7) Voyea:co Zh./_(7):36-33, (k"J :J>str. 8(6/51)), "Problem of radiation-genetic effects of
the electroaic:-vac:uua apparat,.. i.n radar sta.t!ona"

1609. Sl..'z.30i'A, A. G. (1957) Tru<ty Voye=o MecH.caki.nskii Uad""lii i Xirov, USSR, 73:35-37 (Abstr. froa Zh. Biol. No. 46203,
1959), "Ihe effect of S;n>-{;ii? electrc:sa:o;:aC.c fields u;>on the ! ~rvous activity of dogs"; ~·• pp. 78-83, (Abstr, fro•
Zh. Biol. lio. 59927 • 1959), "Changes i:l respirauon, ~ rate a:>d 3e:neral blood pressure during irradiation of animala with
SHF-v~ ibid., P?• Lll-115. (Abatr. froa ~. 3iol. so. 59926, 1953). -r~e effect of a SHF-UHF field on heart function and the
lumen of'VeSsats•; ibid •• pp. ll7-1J2. (.l..betr. froa Zll. Mol. No. 59r.!2, 1959), "Effect on the blood of animala of exposure to
a strong SHF-t:'d:F field"; Clid,, P?• 16>-, "Solie ti.saua re=C.ons due ::.o local exposure to a SHF field"

1610. SU3lWTA, A. G. (1958) BiW.l.ate:o ::Ls;>er--atal'noi 3iologii i l'Jeciitsiny 46(10) :5>-61. "The effect of pulsed
SHF-tiH? electrODag:DAJ;ic fieles on the cervou.a of dogs ..

1611. SL'1130L\• A. G. U959) In: St:!lll& of re-poru. Labor Hyg:.e=.e a::wi the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency E1ectr011agnetic
Waves, ~c.ov. (Title not given)

1612. SU3~~. A. G. (1962) In: S~r-ea of reports. Questions o: ~e Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electromagnetic Field.
Kirov Order of Lenin MiUtary A.c.a.Ge:my. Leningrad, l>P• 49-.51, •s.c~:~e problems of adjustment and accumulation under
mull;iple ex;>05ures to td.crovaves"

1613. St:B30"'"-.A, A. G. • 6 GREll~'U!Nl., A. li. (19&7) In: l-!edical ~ Biological Problems of SHF Radiation. (Petrov, I. R..,
ed.) (Title not given)

3640. SUGARMAN, R. (1976), Electronic Engineering Times, (Monday, Apr. 26), p. 10 only, "NY state . . . investigates
biological effects of 765 kV lines." [Part of a "series of articles concerning the interaction of man, electronics,
and the environment."]
2557. SUKHAYEV, G.V. (1971), Voyenno Meditsiskiy Zhurnal, _(4):pps? , "Assessment of injuries caused by SHF fields".

3641. SUNDERMANN, H. (1954), Archiv far Meteorologie, Geophysik and Bioklimatologie (Ser. B),~( ):258-282, (in German),
"On the possibility of biotropism in atmospheric electrical phenomena."

3642. SUNDERMAN, R., & FAHIDY, T.Z. (1976), .J. of Applied Electrochemistry, 6(1 ):89-92, (Technical Note), "On. the
generation of electrolyte flow by alternating. electric and magnetic fields."-
1614, Sv?O!iTI'SL\'U, F. M, (1933) 3.yull. 7se::ltr. !iU Fiz. HetodoT LeCle:.:!JII 1m Sechenov
(6-7):244-, (Abstr. in: The Biological Effects
of Electrcmapnic ~ - Annotated :SSliography, ATD Re;>t. P-65-17. 1965) ,-(Title not given)

1615. SL:WVIEC. B. J. (1967) Arch. of Z-~roaoenta1 Health 14:469-412, (Also in Senate Hearings, pp. 1359-1362), ·~~crowave oven
radiation hazards :in food vending est~li..shments" -
1616. SUSS<-rsn, C. (1958) Annual Scie::~:i!ic Rept. (1957-1958); (~~c ~-59-298; AD 226735) Institute of Engineering Research,

·- llniv. of Cali.£. (3erlteley), Ser. So. ::..:>, !'..,, 205, " ef::'ec:.s of tdcrowave radiation"

1617. suss.u..-w. c. (1959) Annual Scie::~:liic Rept. (1958-1959); (AAX n-59-181; AD 227847), 45 pages, Inat. of Engineering
Research, t!zliy, of Calif. (Barkele;r), Ser. No. 60, lio. 241. "Cellular and longevity effects of microwave radiation"

1611. SUSSt:Cm, C. {1959) IDa lllftatipton' Coat. OD liolosical !!facta of Elect-roaic Radiatins Equipmenta (KIIauf, C. H.. 1 Cha.)
{RADC n-59-67, p. 18 ODl.;r; AD 211693), •s-:ry of tbe mcrvvave ~-rch pe-rfo~ at the Uaiv. of Calif."

1619. SUSSEISD, c., (ed,) {1959): (i.AllC n-59-140, tlD1,.

of Callf., onkelay, AD 234788) 335 paaaa, "l"roc. of 3rd Amlue1
T-ri-eemce eoaf. oo B1o1osf.eal Effacta of ~e Wi.ltiDI Eqm,.nta"

1620, SUSSJ:Do"'D, c., et al. (1960) batitote of EllaiD•rtns Iaure, tuh. of Calif., Berkaley, Seri. . No, 60, Ito. 285,
(RADC n-60-122; AD 2'U'514) 39 pas-, ~- -ra.liatioa u haaa-rd and tool"

1621, St:SSlWil), c. <•

Staff) (1961) A=&l Scietific !8pt. (1960-1961): (RADC-TR-61-205; AD 269385), Inet. of Ensiaeerioa
Reaearch, t:u,, of Calif., IITka]Jiy, Sart. . Jio, 60, No. 382, 28 paps, "tonaevity study of the affecta of l-ea mc-row.,a radia-
tioll on aica"

1622. St:SSID"!I, c., <•

Staff) {1962): (UDC-~2-624) 111:11.,. of Cal!.f., Be-rkeley, S'uiea No. 60, No. 489, "Nontbenal effect
of :Ue-rovave -radiation"

1623. St:SSll'SD, c., • PRAtsnn:, S. (1959) hoc. of cha l"rd l'ci-serrtce Conf. on Biolosical Effects of Mic-rowave Radiatins
Equip~:>enta,(Suaakilld, c., ed.) ,!:33-, (3.ADC-t1l-59-140), "Ter,>C"ratt:re rasulation ill labo-rato'r)' animala inadiated with 3-C111

1624. St:SS~'D, c., ' VOGEl.llliT, :P. O. n959) Proc. of the )rd >'ri-seTVice Conf. on the Biolosical Effecta of Microwave lladi-
tins Equi;~=-ota, (Suaakind, c., ed.) ,!:40-53, "Analytical cd e:c;>er....-ntal investi&ation of unicellular organiau with 3-cm

1625. St:SS:U:i!>,c., !o VOGt'LiiUt, :P. 0. (19.S9) Digut of ?a;.era, Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. on Electrical Tech-
ni~uea in ~c!iciee and !liolor (~. 1!, P., Om.), P• .53 only, •A:!AlyUcal and expe-rimental investigation of unicellular
ot'ganir.:s u:~der :zicrowave irriU!iation"
1626. SUSSKIND, c., • VOGLLHUT, P. o. (1961) PTeaented at the Conf. on Mict'owave Measurement Techniques held by the Inat. of
Electrical Enaineere in London, Sept •• (Institute of Engineering Research, Luiv. of Calif., Berkeley, Series No. 60, No. 489,
1962, p. 19-); (Also in: Proc. of the Institute of Electrical Engineers 1098, Suppl. 23:668-669, and 682-685 (1961)), "Cavity
perturbation acaaureaent of the affect• of Dicrouave radiation on proteins"

1627. SUSSKIND, C., 'VOCEUIUT, P. O. (1963) Amwal Scientific Re;>t. :;a. 6.3-27 (1962-1963) Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, (AD 433659)
"Biological uaee of non-ionizina radiation"
3643. SUTION, C.H. (1974), Cryobiology, ]]_{6):584- , "Alterations in blood flow in glial tumors produced by microwave
heating and temperature gradients."
3041. sUTTON, C.H., NUNNALLY, R.L., & CARROLL, F.B. (1973), Cryobiology, ~(6):513-514, "Protection of microwave-irradiated
brain with body-core hypothermia". ·
3319. SUTTON, C.H., NUNNALLY, R.L., CARROLL, F.B., 'KUBAN, K. (197~), Federation Proceedings, Fed. of Amer. Soc. of
Experimental Biol., 33(3):621- , "Increased blood flow in glial tumors produced by microwave '-o-,~~;.6"·

1628. SUVOROVSKAYA, N. A. (1961) Patologicheakai3 Fiziologiia t Ek~perioental'naia Terapiia 1(1):38-40, (JPRS 9314),
"Investigation of the effect of electro:aglletic energy of centimeter vaves on hemopoiesia pathology"

1629. SVETLOVA, Z. P. (1962) In: Sucaari . . of reports. Questions o~ the Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electt"omagnetic Field.
Kirov Order of Lenin Military Medical Academy, Leningrad, PP• 43-44, "Changea in the symcett'ical conditioned and unconditioned re-
flexes in dop under the influence of a Sli?'-llil? field in the decil>tter range"

1630. SWANSON, J. R., ROSE, v. E., & PO'JER, c. H. (1970) Paper presented at 4th Annual Midyear Topical Symposium, Health Physics
Soc., Electronic~ Radiation ~the Health Phyaicist, Louis·r.Llle, Ky., 28-30 Jan.; Bureau of Radiation Health, Div. of
Electronic Producta Rapt. ~o. 7o-26, pp.~~Also: Acer. Industrial Hygiene Asaoc. J. 31:623-629, (1970)), "A review of
international aicrowave expoaure &uides" ---
2279. SiiiCOP.O, !ol.l. (1971), USOHEW/PHS, Bur. of Rad. Health (Pub. No. BRH/DEP 71-1), 33 pages, (PB #197-715), "Microwave
measurements and ;;e~: types of detectors for evaluation of health hazards."

1631. c. YA. (1940) Dnept'opetrovalt. tlllivenitet. Inatitut fiziologii. Sboruik rabot, 1_:103-, (Abstr. in: .!!.!!. Biological
~ .!!!.
Electromaptic.!!!.!!!!.- Annotated Biblios:aphy, ATD Rept. ?-65-17, 1965), (Title not &iven- Discuasea alteration of
reflex timea in hop exposed to ultrahiSh frequeDc:y e actromagnetic fields)

1632. SYNGAYEVSKAYA, V. A. (1962) Io: S~ries of Teparta. Questioua of the Biolosical Effect of a SHF-UHF Electromasnetic
Field. Kirov Order of Lenin Military Medical ~. Leningrad, pp. 52-53, "Some metabolic indicea ia the blood and urine of
individuals followin& their expoaure to SHF-UK? electromagnetic fields"

1633. SYNCAYEVSXAYA, V. A., ' ICl{ATYEVA, 0. S. (1962) lD: Suamaries of repo-rta. Questions of the Biological Effect of a SHF-
UHF £lectrouanetic Field. Kirov Order of 1AIIiD Military l'.edical A.c.a.W.,, Leningrad, p. 52 only, (Title not give)

1634. SYN CAYEVSKAYA, V. A., IGNATYEVA, O. S., 'PLESICENA-SU.'ENKO, C. F. (19&2) In: Sumoari.. of reporta. Questions of the
Biological Effect of a SHF-UHF Electromasnatic Fiald. KirOY Ordat' of Lenin Military l'Adical Academy, Leniaarad (Title not given}

1635. SYNCAYEVSKAYA, v. A. • PLE~S~1t0, G. F. (1959) In: Suzaar!ea of reports. Labor Hygiene and the Bioloaical Effect
of Radio Frequency Electt'omagnetic W.-s, Moscow [Title not given)

1636. SYNCAYEVSKAYA, V. A., PLESK!~Sl!~, C. F., ' IGNATYEVA, O. S. (19&2) In: S~riea of reports. Questions of the
Biological Effect of SHF-UHF ElectrOQ&gnatic Field. Kirov Order of Lenin ~~litary Medical Academy, Leningrad, pp. 51-52, "The
effect of mict"owave radiation in the oetet' and dec!Qeter vaveranges on the endocrine re~ulation of caTbohydrate metabolism and
the functional state of adrenal cortes in rabbits and dogs"

l637. SZACIINOWICZ, L. A. (1967) Pediatria Polska 42:6 79-684, "Use o~ p"ysical thera!'Y in sequelae and late cor.tplications of
infcct:U>u.~ hepatitis (Botkin's Disease) in children"

1638. SZCZUREK, U. (1963) PTzeglad \.lojskladowych, Warsaw, _(3): 5-15, "::ffect of micr<Y.~aves on living organisms"

3644. SZENT-GY6RGI, A. ( ), Life Sciences, .12(5):863-875, "Electronic biology and its relation to cancer."
3042. SZMIGIELSKI, s. (1968), Med. Lot.,~( ):89- ?, (In Pol.), "Effect of chronic microwuve irradiation on •Jronulopuit.•.:;i~;"

3645. SZMIGIELSKI, S. (1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 247:275-281, "Effect of 10 em, 3 GHz
electromagnetic radiation (microwaves) on granulocytes in vitro." [Liberation of lysosomal enzymes after irradiation
at 5 mW/cm2.], (Cited also in #3117, this Biblio.) - ----

3646. SZMIGIELSK!, S., & BIELEC, M. (1976), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cancer Treatment by
Hyperthennia, Washington, DC, 28-30 April 1975 (Radiology, Supplement, in press), "Microwaves as a tool for cancer
treatment by hyperthermia." [Cellular effects of subthermal power densities of microwaves; use of thermography for
quantitation of microwave energy absorbed in irradiated animals.]

3647. SZMIGIELSKI, S., & BlELEC, M. (1976), Post. Hig. Med. Dosw. (in Polish) (in press), ( ): , "Hyperthennia
in therapi of malignant neoplasms." [Use of microwaves for intensive (42-44°C) local hyperthennia in cancer treatment:
A review. J

3648. SZMIGIELSKI, S., BIELEC, M., & JANIAK, M. (lg76), Cancer Letters (in press), ( ): , "Effect of microwave
hyperthennia combined with interferon and/or Poly I - Poly C on development of Sarcoiiial80 in mice." (General microwave
hyperthennia (2 hrs. daily) combined with interferon and interferon-inducers leads to inhibition of tumour growth in
75% of animals.]

3649. SZMIGIELSKI, S., JANIAK, M., & BIELEC, M. (1976), Exp. Pathologie (in press), "Nucleic acid synthesis and
cyclic AMP levels in WISH cell cultures irradiated with 3 GHz microwaves." (Temporary inhibition of 3H-thymidine
and 3H-uridine incorporation after irradiation at 20 mW/r.m2.]

3650. SZMIGIELSKI, S., JANIAK, M., & KOBUS, M. (1976), Exp. Pathologie (in press), ( ): , "Effect of microwave
radiation on cells treated with membrane-injuring agents." (Substances injuring celliiiembranes-digitonine and
purtffed bacterial phospholipases-enhance sensitivity of cell cultures to subthermal power densities of 3 GHz

3651. SZMIGIELSKI, S., JELJASZEWICZ, J., & WIRANOWSKA, M. (1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
247:305-3ll, "Acute staphylococcal infections in rabbits irradiated with 3 GHz microwaves." [Weak reaction of
granulopoiesis to experimental staphylococcal infections in rabbits irradiated over 3 months at 3 mW/cm2, 6 hrs.

3652. SZMIGIELSKI, S., & LUCZAK, M. (1975), Physics in Med. & Biol., 20(5): ,"Autoradiographic analysis of
protein synthesis and measurements of nuclear volume in WISH cell cultures irradiated with 3 GHz electromagnetic
radiation." [Temporary stimulation of protein systhesis after irradiation at 5 mW/cm2 and inhibition after 20 mW/cm2.]

3653. SZMIGIELSKI, S., LUCZAK, M., &WIRANOWSKA, M. (1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 247:263-274,
"Effect of microwaves on cell functfon and virus replication in cell cultures irradiated in vitro." [Temporary
stimulation of cell function after irradiation with 3 GHz microwaves at 5 mW/cm2, and inhTbit1on of growth rate after
20 mW/cm2.]

3654. SZMIGIELSKI, S., LUCZAK, M., & WIRANOWSKA, M. (1975), Folia histochem. cytochem., 14(3/4): , "Karyometric
observations of cell cultures irradiated with 3 GHz microwaves." [Changes in nuclear andnucleolar volume after
irradiation at 5 or 20 mW/cm2 over 30 min.]
1639. SZY!IMOWSKI, W. T •• & HICKS, R. A. (1932) .J. of Infectious Oliseases 50(1):1-25, (Title?)

1640. TACCARI, E., CRESPI, M., & DDAINOTTO, F. (1967), Ressegna di medicina sperimentale, 1!(4):158-167, (in Ital.),
"Experimental contribution to the study of the effects of microwaves on the mesenteric mast cells of the albino rat."
3655. TAFLOVE, A., & BRODWIN, M.E. (1975), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-23(11):888-896
(Nov.), "Computation of the electromagnetic fields and induced temperatures within a model of the microwave-irradiated
human eye."
2558. TA.JCHBRT, J., & CUMURKO, E. (1972), Klin. Oc:zna (Eye Clinic:), 42(4):979-983, (In Pol. with Eng. summary),
"Inveatigationj of the c:ataractogenic: influence of microwaves of 10 em wavelength".
2095, !AXA."~\SHI, K., V,\SlS:iTl!, l. C., ' con, II. A. (1969) J. Hicrovave Power 4t64-67, (Abatr, int Non-1onh1np; Rad, 1(3)1151
only, (1969), ~atract 169), "l~iforD ~lr=er d1atri~ut1on in paper saturated wlth polymer aolutiona via microwave~~·
1641, TAKASHIHA, s. (1966) IEEE Trans. on Bio-Medical Fngineering, ~(1):28-31, "Studies on the effect of radio-fr"'luency
waves on biological macromolecules"

1642. TAKATA, u., & !WRASUGI, T. (1941) Biokli~:~atische Beiblatter 8:17-26, "Disturbance of the flocculation index in health.,
human blood serum: Cosmo-terrestrial s;'Ir,)ath!'" -

1643. TALLARICO, R. B., & KETCHUU, .J. (1959) Annual Report to Air Force of liic:rowavt> Radiation Researc-h at the Univ, of :·fia~:~i,
(AI) 232925), pp. 57-78, "Effects of exposure to cic:rovave and infrarec! energy upon behavior of rats"

1644. TALLARICO, R, B., & KETCHL11, .J. (1959) Proc. 3rd Tri-service Conf. en Biological Effects of ~licorwave Radiating Equip-
menta, (Susskind, C,, ed.) l• pp, 7 "Effect .of Illic:rowaves on certain be.'lavior patterns of the rat"

1645. TALUIAN, O. G, (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-service Conf. on the Biological~ of :acrowave !'.adiation, Vol. 1, (Peyton.
F., ed.), pp. 3-8, "Radio frequency envtrolllilent"

1646. TANIIER, J. A. (1966) Nature !!.Q_: 636 only, (!lay 7), "Effect of cicrowave radiation on birds"

1647, TANNER, J, A,, 6 RO:O::Ro-SU:RR.\, C. (1963) .?nd Canadian :!edici!le and Biology in Engineerin~t Conf,, Toronto, {'l-10 Sept,)
"~licrowaves vs, birds: A new approach to the bird proble~:~ in aviatio""

1648, TANlii::R, J, A,, 6 Rm!Er..o-SIEj;,'tA, C. (1969) Proc, of the "Biological Effects and Health !t:lplications of }!icrouave Radiauon"
Synposium, (Cleary, S, F., ed,), l!edical College of Va,, Richrwnd, •:a., 17-19 Sept.; (Sureau of Radiological Health/!:Jivision of
Biological l::ffects, Rept. No, 7G-2, pp. 18.)-187), "Bird feathers as sensory detectors of cicro·.,ave fields"

3043. TANNER, J.A., 'ROMERO-SIERRA, C. (1971), QUarterly Bulletin of the Division of Mechanical Engineering, Nat'! Res.
Council of Canada, Rept. No. OME/NJIE 1971(4) :37-45, "Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and pollution of the atmosphere".

1649, TAl•INER, J, A,, RotU:RO..SIERRA, C., 6 DAVIE, S. J. (1967) :;ature 216:1139 only, (16 Dec.), "i;on-thernal effects of micro-
wave radiation on birds"

1650, TAllNER, J, A,, Rm!ERo-SIERRA, C., 6 DAVIE, S. J. (1969) J. of !:icr<Nave Power ~(2): 122-128, "The effects of microwaves
on birds: preliminary experiments"

1651. TA:,':IEll, J. A., RO:OIERO..SIER.~. C., ~ V!!.L\, F. (l%9) ?roc. o: St01 bter:1at. Coa". 0:1 'fl'dioin" and Biolop;y in Engineer-
in~;; .:1nC. 22nd Annual Conf. on !:n~ineari~b in ~~eC.icine a':ld 3lolog..,, ·. -:-~C :.1 C:iica;:o, I l l a, 21 July, "Chai1ges of mu5.::le act1on ~;'1
birds exposed to a microwave field''

2559. TANSY, K.F., KENDALL, F.K., CHRYZANOWSKI, J., HOHENLEITNER, F.J., & KALL, A.R. (1971•. Experientia, 27(12):1431-1432,
(In b&l.), "Gastrointestinal .otor activity following exposure to a high-frequency electric 'ield".
2.2S"J. "!';_':J:::., ::. :... (l;..S9) ?:c::i= ·:ss!..le ;-~-~e t?t. ·::.1~u, r.a::.~.), !"'ert. T''T-T:·-f.,r)- 1 -·(t"), ":' t;tnrly ,•t n('r~H'P;<r' r:tdi:ttio··
:--.3.;;:.:-_.,.('::-- c.r~.:.:e:: ._ __ ~~l'!::::c.!
·-_:-;::"-.--:....-~:" :-.::.:-"=.r ::etsr'
1652. TAS.e=-vsny, 1, A. (1964) lll: ?roc. of Coacludi..:>s Scienti!'ic Con£. of Kazan State University, Kazan, pp. 30-, "Change
in phocosy-:>thed.c'>oe -c.bollaa a.a a .-.a;>ecific respoQSa to the action of electromagnetic factors"

1653, TA.'UA.>;, ? •.?., & Ml..lU'Ii'!, V, P •• J~. (1970) J. IJ».r. Medical Assoc. l!!!_(7):1328 only, "Cardiac pacemakers and microwave

1654, TA:U.:SOV, ll. :>. (l93a) Arkhb B!ologicbesltil:b ~'.auk. Moscow (A::6i·les des Sciences Biologique) _(2):pp.? (Abstr, in: The
Biolosical ~ ~ llect:rC'tlapetic !!..!.!.2- Am>otal:ed !ii!>liograj>OT, ATD Rept P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Electroconductivityas a
anhod o! ciaten:::i:rlng U. vi~illey of tlsa~"

1655, TA;:ML.'OV, '1, V., 6 FR-"'iXEL', G. L. (1939) ~giz, Le:Ungrad, !:2, Introcuc;tion ~~Study of Ultrahigh Frequency
B!olosic&l ~

1656. T..\t:SS!C, B. :3. (1969) .bar. Sd.entlst 1!.0):306-316, "De;ath !roa lightning and the possibility of living again"

3044. TAYLOR, E.M., & ASHLEMAN, B.T. (1974}, Brain Research, 74(2):201-208, "Analysis of central nervous system involve-
ment in the microwave auditory effect.•
3045. TAYLOR, E.M., GUY, A.W., ASHLEMAN, B., & LIN, J.C. (1973), Presented at the IEEE-GMTT Internat. M1crowave Syrnposium,
(MALEY, s.w. (ed.)), Univ. of COlorado, Boulder, June 4-6, "Microwave effects on central nervous system attributed to thermal
factors•, (Inadvertant1y omitted from the listing of technical meetings, Citation #2636, this Biblio.).

1657, TAYLD~ f, J. D,, TLO!D, C. F,, 'RAWL!S~, W, A. (1960) PToc. of the Internat. Conf, on Medical Electronics and
3io1ogical U.giceerll1&, ].: 393-398, "Some aspects of tha -Ul'ell:leOt of potentially hazardous electromagnetic fields"

3320. TAYLOR, J.R. (1970), U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (Edgewood Arsenal, MD) report (AD #748106), "Hazards
from microwave ovens and inspection guidelines".

3321. TAYLOR, J.R. (1971), U.S. ,..._y Envi.r<'1.mental Hygiene Agenl'y (Edgewood Arsenal, MD) report (AD #902853L), "Radiation
protection special study No. 42-053-7l, Mi~owave oven instrumental, Narda Model 8200 (radiation monitor]~.

2560. TAYLOR, L.S. (1972), U.S. Medicine, pp. 28-29 (Sept.l), "Current standards seem adequate as prot~ction•against
[ionising] radiation".

16~~. TEllr~P~~. A. A., CL~, J. L., 'HELLER, J. B. {1959) Investigators Conf. on Biological Effects of Electronic
Radiating Eo;-;ipii:IIICI.ts, held at Patrtclt A.??., na. 14-15 Jan. (, G. H. Chm.) RADC-TR-59-67, PP• 31-32, (AD 214693), "Review
of vork acCOIII(I~ at the !iev England IQ.stitute for Medical Research"

1659. tt:u:r:nu.-i'I~iTO, A. A •• !o'E.rt.LSU, L, L,, CUTI.ZB., J. L., & ~. J. H. (1960) Experimental Cell Research .!2_: 548-564,
''Tbe behavior of t:Dice.Uula~ or~ ill aD field"

3130. TEIXEIRA-PINTO, A.A., NEJELSKI, L.l., Jr., CUTLFR, J.l., & HELLER, J.H. (1960}, Experimental Cell Research,
20( }:548-564, "The behavior of unicellular organisms 1n an electromagnetic field." [at RF]

~::.:. lEU-•.• ,! • ( ... )7.) !-:: -~.::·.:::.::: ~.:ic-~~:z-:t~ :~:=-.~~' :::xC"e, n. ·~ •• (cf'.), for f.]n-~'(!(' l'IJ,"), '•iv., nf faoloric-:t)
:-:~··:ts, . !!a!.:~,-;~:~·. -~::.··c-.-::-:-::.:;-_. i--;), ........... i)-i7, ~adio freanP.nC'.I :tn~ T"lic-rmJPV<' r!"l~T""V :l'~o:;nrntton in tisc;u.· .. ;

<\::d ~"~:: t . .,. ) , ;-:-, :-=--:,, •"':·::r..:i~.- •..-!t'!.. r:..::.::···-:-·:''

3046. TELL, R.A. (1971), IEEE SpectrUITI, _( ) : ?, "Environmental radiation exposure from radio and television broadcasting:
A human hazard?" •.
2561. TELL, R.A. (1972.), lED Spectlla, !(8):43-51, "Broadcast radiation: How safe is safe?"

2.562.. TELL, a.A. (1972), Rept., Environaental Protection ~ency, Office of Radiation Programs, No. ORP/SID 72-3, 28 pps.,
.... fereDCe data for rad1ofreque11Cy •ission hazard analysis •

2563. TEU, R.A. (1972}, Env1rol'lllental Protection Agency, Technical Report PB 1208-233, 53 pps., "Microwave energy
absorption in tissue.•
3047. TELL, R.A., & XI!Ill, J .B. (1971), J. of Oral surg., _( ) : 7, "OCular heating during dental diathermy".

3048. TELL, R.A., & NELSON, J.C. (1974), Radiation Data and Reports, 15(4) :161-179, (Apr.), "Microwave hazard measurements
near various [commercial] aircraft radars".

3049. TELL, R.A., & NELSON, J.C. (1974), Electromagnetic Radiation Analysis Branch, Office of Radiation Programs, Enviro~­
mental Protection Agency, Rept. No. EPA-520/1-74-005, (May), RF pulse spectral measurements in the vicinity of several aLr

traffic control radards''.

3050. TENGROTH, B. (1973), Lakartidningen (Stockholm) 1 70 (23): 2314-2317, (In Swedish) 1 "Non-ionizing radiation", [general
and medical aspects of potential skin and eye hazards] •
1660. TE?LTAIDY~ s. L. (1965) Tr~. of ~e Science Con£., Central Science Laboratory, Tomsk, (2):363-364, "Clinical and
mrphological cha:lgell ill visual orga:~ 1.n guinea pigs tmder short ter.~ exposure to alternating and constant magnetic fields"

1661. TE~•·YEV~ YE. v. (1945) Xauchno-issledovatel'skiye ratoty biologicheskikh nauk za 1945 g. Referaty. (Research of
the divisioa of biological sciences for 1945. Abstracts), (Izd-vo ;~; SSSR pp. 347- (1947), (Abstr. in: The Biological Effects
21 E.lectraca:; Fiel~ - Annotate<i lliblioaaohv, ATD F-"?t. P-65-17, 196S), [Title not given; Discusses exposure of the head
of dogs to ~:: fielda (50 Maz) at ~ levels. Changes in conci:!oned reflex feeding effects were observed]
3322. TERN!, H., & LOMBARDINI, P. (1951), Bollettino dell'Istituto Sieroterapico, 30( ):134-150, (In !tal. w/Engl. summary)
"The action of micrewaves on bacteria: (of wavelength 3, 10, 142 em., on E. aoZ.i)", [anti-bacterial effect decreased with
increasing wavelength; thermal action].
1662. ~~rz. M., & LOM3ARDUl1, P. (1951) 3ollett~o Dell'Istit~o Sieroterapico Milanese, Italy, 30:134-150, "Effect of
mcroua·•es 00 !>accerta: electrODagnetic vaves of 3, 10, and 142 c:m. ·.-avelength on Escherichia coli"-

2096. !E?JtiU, J, c. (1970) Archhea of tnviron:o>ental Health .!1:25S..271, (Abatr. in: t>on-lonhlna !lad, 1(4):19~ only, (1970)),
"~~!crO"Jave.a, luera and X-raya - ~ra.e reacti~ due to occu;>at!onal e!<poaures"

::::. '.;:. ::- '

1663. TIE3.!0'r, f. ? • (1953) C'n;>uhlis;,ed s = r y of the •eonference on the Biological Effects of ~!icrowaves" held at the Naval
!iedical Research Institt!te, Bethesci.a, !-!d. • 29 April
3051. THIMIJAN, R.W., PICKENS, L.G., & MORGAN, N.D. (1973), u. of Economic Entomology, ~(6) :1269-1270, "Responses of house
fly, stable fly, and face fly to electromagnetic radiant energy".

3052. THOMAS, A.M. (1952), British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Assoc. Tech. Rept. W/T23, (Thorncroft Manor,
Dorking Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, UK), "Pest control by high-frequency electric fields: Critical resume".

2071. Tllm!AS, A., COUGET, P., & PAREILLEUX, A. (1970), French Patent ::o. 2,036,491, (!;o. 69.07475), "Procedure and techniques
for destruction of oicro-organizro.s in aqueous nediu1:1" [using lo'"' freq,.,e:::cy 01{4S to SOOO !:z) alternating clectr0111agnetic currents}

1664. TJict'_\S, J. A •• & THct'.S<Jel, J. D. (1951) Federation Proceecii:>&S 20(1):401-, (Also, Dissertations Abstr, 22(5):1696 (1961))
"The effect of Jd.crowa"l11 irradiation on SJM!r-...atogeoesis and on accessory sex organs i:> the male Albino rat"

2564. THOMAS, P.G. (1972), FDA Papers (Food and Drug Administration), §_(4):14-17 (May), "Microwave oven" Are they safe?"

3656. THOMPSON, J., (1974), Opf{cal Measurements of HigR Electric Magnetic Fields, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech.
Unfv. (May), (University Microf ms, No. 74-23,069, Ann rbor, Mich.). [Theoretical discussion and laboratory
studies on the Kerr and Faraday effects.]
1665. THcr!?SO$, L L. (1970) Presented at 4th Midyear Topical Symposium, Health Physics Soc., Electronic Product Radia-
tion and t.'le Heal~ .F.l-.sicist, Lou!sville, Ky., 28-30 Jan •• ilureau of Radiation Health, Div. of Electronic Product&itiPt.~
7Q-26:P"p-:-46~ ''Hicrovave hazarC..S s=veillance and control"

1666. TF.OH?SOS, 7. D., & BOL~EOIS, A. g. (1965) Primate Behavior ~ •• Aerocedical Research Lab. Report, (Wright-Patterson
AFil, Obio), ~:u.--:&-65-~0; AD 489245;/ 17 pages, "Effects of :ll.ict"O'or.rle exposure on behavior and related pheno~:~ena" [i.e., phyaio-
' X67-ll057) 1oaical procesaeaJ
2283. TI!U:·!PSOtl, 1:. n., & nOLR.CTC!~, A. F. (1971} In: Phar;::acolo<!ic~: e.;c<! P.ioo~vsical ~and Cehavior, Furchtcott, E., (ect.),
Academic Press, rr. Y .. , pp. 65-93, .,::on-ior..izine radintions"

3323. THOMSON, E. (1921), Nature, 107(2695):520-522, (June 23), "A novel aagneto-optical effect", [early observations on
a 'pearl chain effect' in a magnetiCfield].

1667. TdO::soti, P. (1910) Proceedings, <Wyal Soc. (Lon<!oo) 82:39&-. •A physiological effect of an alternating magnet ... aeld"

1668. TH~~. R. A. z.• MICHAELSOS, s. !f., & HOWl;L~, J. W. (1900) Federation Proceedings 1!(1):71-, "Leucocyte changes in
noroal. dogs ~ to mcrO'.ta'Y'eS•

1669. TH~S, lt. A. E., MICHAELSOS, S. ~., & Ba.1.A.'\il, J. W. (1963) Report, 10 pages, (RADC-TDR-63-352, AD 424411) • "Micro-
"'ave t!OdificaUOD of x-ray lethilitj 1n ::Uce"

1670. TF.Cf'..SOS. lt. A. :::., ~ICHAD.SOli', S. M., & BOilLAl\D, .J. lo:. (1965) i!adiation Research 1!_:631-635, "ltodification of z-irradia•
tion lethality in !:lice by DicrDIIa'l'es (~r)"

1671. THct'~, ll. A. E., MICl:L\ELSO!i, S. H., & ll01o1.A.'m, J. W. (1%6) 3lood 28(2):157-162, "Leukocyte response follovina simul-
taneous ionizi.n!l and uiCTowave (~r) irradiation•

1672. THC!!SOS, i.. A. E., MICHAEl.SO!i, S. M., & Han.A.'ID, .J. v. (1967) Aerospace Medicine 38(3):252-255, "Hicrowave radiation ancl
ita effect oa respoftH to x-radiatioa"

1673. THO!?E, B. n9S2) Trans. of the h>eTicaD Acadet>y of Ophthalaology 56:596-599, ":iicrowave diathermy in ophthalmolOSJ'. ,..
9ario,. dhtber:t:7 currents used in ophthal.1:1ology•

1674. T:AGL'i, !i. V. (1958) 11ull..:• 'aol llo1op.i 1 ~tatny (Moskva) 46(8) :963-966, "The theru1 effects of UHF
e1ec:troup:et1c fielda• (A •11f1Scace •f T!AGDI (ltJI) f1711) -
2284. TIYJIONOV, F. n. (1970) \'ocnno-" 7.hurnal :44-46, (in ':.uss.), (.\bstr. IA71-.21955), "~<•nctlonal disturbancer.
of the ~astrointeatinal tract in P•u."'lOI:: l "ub1ccts ...or kin~ in a rticr...-, field"

2565. TI~, F .D. (1970), Voye11110 Meclita:luldy Zhuru1, (12): , (Transl. No. J-9780 for Arrj Int · ·" lgence,
pp. 61-62), "Puactional dlaturbeacu in the GI tracte of people working in an SHF field".

1675. Tlli::;at;OVA, ~. A. (1948) Probl- of ~ntal Pbyaiotberapy, Collection, Tashkent, pp. 113-119 "The problem of the
action ot m electra.pwUc (UIP) f1e1cl • tbe cr0111t.ll of youna a."Ultals" '
3324. TIKHONCHUK, V.S. (1974), Ko.. icbeakiye Issledovaniya, 12(3):478-482, (In Russ.), (Transl. in JPRS No. 62942,
September 12, 1974, pp. 23-30), "The ,tfects (on aice) of coab-rned SHF (electromagnetic radiation) a~d gamma irradiation
on he~Ktpoiesis".

3657. TIKI«lNCHUK, V.S. (1975), Transl. ln:"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #64532), pp. 66-72,
"The effects of canbined SHF and giJIWI irradiation on helllopoies1s.
3325. TIMESKOVA, G.F. (1966), Trudy VMA ia S. M. Kirova, ~( ):100- , "Influence of microwave radia~ion on the human
and animal organism":

3053. TINGA, W.R., & NELSON, s.o. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, ~(1):23- ?, "Dielectric properties of materials for micro-
wave processing-- tabulated", ~including biological materials).

3054. TINNEY, C.E., LORDS, J.L., & DURNEY, C.H. (1974), (In Preas), "Rate effects in isolated turtle hearts induced by
microwave irradiation".

3658. TINNEY, C.E., LORDS, J.L., &DURNEY, C.H. (1976), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory &Techniques,
MTI-24(1 ):18-24 (Jan.), "Rate effects in isolated turtle hearts induced by microwave irradiation."
2566. TITAYIVA, M.A., • LEYZIIOVICB, E.A. (1966), In: Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia. Materials of th~ All-Union
Sympoaiua on Problema of llectroa1eep and llectroaneathesia (Electronarcosis], Dedicated to the 20th Year of Electrosleep
Method, pp. 3Q-31 (In Ruaa.}, Moacow, (13-15 Oct.}, ·~e problea of changes in the EEG frequency spectrum during various
curranta/frequancies used in electrosleep".

2567. TITAYBVA, M.A., • NARDIIOVA, L.N. (1966), In: Electrosleep and Electrosnesthesis. Materials of the All-Union
Symposium on Problema of Electrosleep and Electroaaesthesia [E1ectronarcoaia], Dedicated to the 20th year of the Electro-
sleep Method, pp. 28-30, (In Ruaa.), Moscow, (13-15 Oct), ·~e problea of the mechanism of action of a pulsed electrosleep
1676. !I~, J. s., 6 ~ETa. A. A. (1968) Aneathesiology 1!:84>-846, "Fibrillation resulting from pacemaker electrodes and
electrouuter:r l11rtna surgery"

1677. :-.::.CHz::~. n:. c., • P.U..U..U, Y. S. (1965) Trans. of Scie:.ce Conf., Central Science Lab. ToiUSk, pp. 338-341, "Changes in
the reactivt:~ of le~te~ in the per1?hera1 blood of Albino :ice sinultaneously vaccinated against anthrax under the action of
an alte~ati:~ electr~gnet1c field"
167B. r.~-.. ·;.
K., Eo P~IAllCZllii, I. I. (1953) Inst. 3iDfiz. ;!. ~"'""'- SSS:l. Sci. Ses9ion Celebrating Achievements of Soviet
Bio.,;,,.aics i:l Agrtcalture, l'?• 61-, "?e.:ul.iartt.!es <>! ~he "-iuttc;s c! electrical pro:>erties of the blood under the action of
ll!F~ '!r..!rared rays. and l:.!s-"1 ·frec;car.C')I' !i<!ld5 on ce orp!C.s~:~"
3326. TO, E.C., MUDGETT, R.E., WANG, D.I.C., GOLDBLITH, S.A., & DECAREAU, R.V. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, ~(4):303-315.
"Dielectric properties of food materials", (at frequencies of 300, 915, and 2450 MHz).

3055. TODOROV, N., & DJAGANOV, v. (1973), Patol. Fiziol. Eksp. Ter., !l<ll :53-54, "Effect of a pulsed UHF electromagnetic
field on the serum cholesterol content in rabbits".
1679. t'OLCSiV.! ... , :!. S. (1957) iSiuUea:1 :U..~!Dc:"d'no1 iSiolopi ! Y2ciitsiny (~oskva) 43(1):104-107, '"Changes in the synaptic
{or--ations C~rin~ i~tOxiCatiOft vith OCCC?a:i~ pc~scr_s•

16&J. 7CLCS~.YA~ !!. S. (195~) vo,rcsy r..u-:-orto!cdl ?1 riotera?il i :c-:~-:l!":i:!oy Fiziches~:o~· Kul' tury (Prohl ens in !1ealth nesort
Sci., ?h:.-si.::i·.c-r!:'"• &. :'.ec!ical ?O.:·"S:!.cal r:clt:D'e) _!ll:~l-:!4, (.'Cos:r. !.:-:: 3iolo;ical ~of aicrowav.,s: Compilation of
.\~s:racta, X~!. !J-;5 9 ~'P· ~8-29; .\7..:-P-'15-6~). ":jor:~:.o~)1;ica.l c':.a7:~~ i:1 a:tir..als ex?O!\ed ttt }(} c:m microwave!'"

l6Sl. IOLGS;;.;:~;.., :•. S., !io r;!;.;Li:riA, ?. ?. (1'163) Ci<;;ie::.a ':ruea i :?r':l:es;;ional'n::e 7-A:,0li.'van1ya (::oskvll) (9):Ji-40, "'lorrho-
logi~al c:1a~.~~ 1:1 eltj>eri=wr.ta.l a~J.=ls =-ier c"::le ac::o-:: of elec:r:-=:;::-.e::c fiells in tnt' tlF and VHF r.,nJ:"es"

168!. 7•.:..cs ..;.;T.\, ::. s •• a. COi'.:x>:;, z. ·;. (l95J) I:1: of r~·;r:s. La!>or Hniene ar:d the 8iolo~i<'al Effect of Radio
::r~;· ~!l!c~rc:.a~etic \:avas. ·~seC"•• ;:t;». 53-. [!'itl~ not gi. ..:e:. ..
1583. ;:J:..:;;,_\1;., :i. s., & CO?.OO:;, z. '\. (195.J) Tr.A: ::ii Gi";iye-:! '::-...:.a i ProfzaO.ol<faniyaA:I:: SSS: _(1):'19-103, On Hussian);
(In: ;;'.-.,., ~i;:ioziul ;..c;t!.on of t:n?, i.e:...,..t:, l- A., .;. :;or.:=, Z. ·;., (~es.), !·:Os::ov, ).cac!e::.;' of :·!edical Sciences USSI:, 1960,
pp. 1~~-1;.;3 (0'75 52-19U5-RT i?'i\5 1:471); (.0acr. !::: .!!!! 'Siolo~ica: :::!!ects of Electror:a~:>etic ~ - Annotated BihlioErap!.!x_,
l9b5); (.\.!s=, .~.:,s:r. ia: 3io-lo-::ical !.!!ects of ~.i::ro:"'•a-;K: Co=:Jil=.::.-:~ ~ 1\bstracts, Effect of UHF on receptor and intero-
ceptor ::>i!~c.a:::.SWI" • Sa;~t. l96S. ??· 37•3·3; A:-J-P-65-65), "Oianges :.:. c::.e receptor and in:eroce!>tor apparatus under the lnflul!nc<>
of Si!f-~:-if udiation"

1684. 70LCS:.;.-.YA, :t. S,, & GIH;)()!l 0 Z. \, (1904} Tr-..Cy .>1! Gigir=a 7:-.;.::.a i ?ro~zaboleaniy A.'CI SSR _(2) :80-88• (Biological
Effects o! ?.adio .!'raq.:eucy Uectra.apeti;: ?ielC... o! l!lcius:~:..s.l !i"Jgiene t. Occtr,>ational Diseases, .\cad. of ~led. Science!<,
Moscow), "Ccuqoarative 110rphoLopw ~ractertstics o! C:a effect o:!' :C.crovaves of various vavelengths'"

2285. TOLCSMYA, fl. S., & f'.ORDO::, 7.. v. (1971) '1editsina Pub. 1\ocse, ':Osco..-, 13) ra~es, (In ~uss.), "-lorohophysiolo!lical D•Jring the~ of Radio-Freccencv r.lectro:::.a;>:netic ~

2568. TOLGSIAYA M.S.,' GORDO•, Z.V. (1973), Pathological~ of~~· (Transl. from Russ. (see Citation
12285, this liblio.) by HAIGH, 1., Consultants Bureau, 146 ppa.).

1685. TOLCS;{.J\iA, :1. s .• GO;mo:;, z. • ., & LC3.t:iOV.\, ~:: • .\. (1957) !.:l: :5<=>aries of re;>orts. Part 2. Ju!Jilee Scientific Session
of the lnsti:~te of La~r Hygie:e & Oc~atiocal <r_seases ~dicat~c :~ the 40t~ A~~iv. of the Great October Socialistic Revolu-
tion, YDscaw, [Ti:le not giv~j

1686. !OLGSX..\YA, ~. s .• GO:cJO:;, z. V., & LC~;()VA, Y:: • .\. (1959) ·;=rcsy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy
Kul'tur y (?Toblens in Healta Resort Sc:., Pi7sioL:er~?Y. & ~£~ical :=:steal Culture) (1):21-24, (Abstr. in: Biolos1cal
Effects of ~~crov.ves: Cowmilat1on of ;~s:rac:s (1~65), ArD-P-65-~Ei, ~~r?holo~ical chan~es in experimental animals und~r tn~
actioo of te:~ cenci.~ter E:lPc.tro::a~.._et:i: •-av!'S 11

l68i. TO!..GS:<.AYA, ~. S., GCiL."'!', Z. \'., .;. WE..\..~\".'., Y!:. A. (1960) ?"c.,·sical Factors 9J. ~ Environm,.nt, Letavet, A. A. (<"d. I
[Title :>ot g!ven)
1688. TOLGS;;.;"'iA, ~. S., GC!GO.S, Z. V.,;. LC3.l~;OVA, n .. !-.. {1960) :.,-..;.:::.- ~ii Gigiyena Truda i Prohabol<jhni)llA!'tt; SSSR (1):,0-'lll,
(In !-.u.ssian); {Rostr. in: The Bi olo;:: ::a~ Actio:> of ~:=:, :..etavet, ! .• ·'··, b C-ordon, 7., L, (eds.), l'!osrow: Acad<"I:IY of ~ted! cal
Sciences l:S5R CH!:O), :>::1. 9!.-103; c-:s !:C-!9!75; JPS 12~71); (Also "-':s:r. in: Bioloeical Effects of Nicrowaves: Comollatlon ,,f
Abstracts, "Effect of ;,;use~ a:1::l ::o!l::ulsed ~ o!l :::e cr;:-anis:>", 5<!::. !965, pn. 34-37; ATi:>-P-65-68), "~orpholo~!cal chAnj!es-ln e>.-
peri::.e:!r:al a.nitr.als under the inf!.ce~ce c: :?cised a:-:C. ::o~:i~~;ous ·.--a-l:;- s;:.?-tl~F radiation"
1689. TCLGSLl.YA, Y. S., t. l<IK0!\07.'., 1. V. (B5-") Tr<>b· ~;:: _Gi?iye~.z :r.>Ca i Profza::.OlJ.Y.>i)B A.~; SSSR _(2):89-93, "Histoloric
chanpoes in t:eo or!a:l.S of \r.'hite rats c~er ccmti::luccs ~~osure to ~:?-:...7 elect:rooagnetic fields"

1690. TOLG5V.YA, :!-:. S., et al (1'157) :.,zisy Dokl.Ucv YC::ileynoy S"'-5:: Institut Gi?• Tr. Prof. 7.abol. (2):71-74, ")!orpholop1r·.1i
chanres in animals exposedlto-SF.F and t:7 fields"

1691. TOlli:..S, \0, E., & HOi!VATP., li, J. (1955) Lra~s. c! Institute :: ::zdio Fnpineers on ~\edical El<'ctroni<"~, rcm.-4:13-lS,
(See also I:rratu= in rrans. of l::se. o: Eal:!io E:>ricel!rs ?~::-7:r?' :~;~)); (PresPnted at Sytl'postull' on l'hvsiulol!'i<" and ratlwJ,. •. ,,
Lffec::s of ~iCrQ\o·aves, r..rus-en, F. H., (ct-...:.), Y.ayo Clln!c, 23-Zl. 5-:7':., 1955), "EneTFY densities of ml rClW3Vf' radlittin~ systo.rr.~"

3659. TOMASHEVSKAYA, L.A., &POPOVICH, V.M. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, (14):103-105, (in Russian), Transl.
In:•Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 17-19, "Several indicators of
the metabolic processes of organisms irradiated by a high-frequency electromagnetic field."
169:. 1Cl!'!Bi:l'.G, \·. T. (1934) Abstracts cf t"l:e lst C=~r£.5.5 cc Uectro-Radio-Bioloyv, (Cappelli, 1.,, cd.) llolo!'n .. ,
Italy, ??· 44!>-451, (I: Cer-..-sn \o'it:t :S:,~~i.sll = r y ) ""i':le S?ecifoc ::ciopical effects of short wavelenpth electrical <·n•n , ...

1693. ,,_!·::.;.?(., \'". 7. (l9~Q~ :J· "~;: ,,r ':<H:..'mical Pe;>ers, Proc. 12t': .l=ual Conf. on Electrical Techniques in Medicin• and
81oloa, (Scilvan, H. P., O.n.), ??· 55-5~. "?donep~tiVP accio:>S :of n.::ro--·aves"

1694, ~:E!:C:, V. T. (1960) Proc. 2od !nter::at. Coof. cc !:Kl<"al !...<-::ronic~, Paris, (1959), Chas. L Thomas (l•uhlisher),
Spri:ffielc, 111., pp. 401-407, "t"l tras=ic effects cm::;:are-d viti: n: :rm.-ave biological e!ff'cts"

1695. ~:?..E.PC, Y. T. (196C) In: !us:.:itr.;:t! o~ FaClo ::~r!::~Prs Icte!'"':"-~~. Conventio!1 Pecord, Part Q: lnst tume,tatlon, ~l~dit'al
Electronics a=d ~~uclear Science Sessic:.. •varied ~·iea~s· of !-~Cical !.!~c:ronics 11 , P?· 94-97, "BioloplcaJ r11crowavp hazttrds"

1696. Tf•~3i:F.G, \". T. (1960) Proc. tri-servicc Conf. on the :;;,~~~;:at Effects of ~;tcro..-av~ PadiAtlOn, Vol. 1, {r~yton, '.,
ed.) p;;o. 2n-22s, "Specific the real eEKt:s of hifl> fr<'<;uenc:r fie) ;o~i'

1697. 1f·E.:.:::c.c, \". T. (1'?61) Di1est of ! Ceo:::. en ~I!Cical :::.c-::tronics, Biolollical f.ffects of ~11rrow.w ..s, I (Athermal
Asoects) (:i"r~r. P. L., ed.) Phn= ?ress, Sev !ork, ?• 231-, "s7.. cific electrical effects of radlowav~" and their hfomPdiral
3327. TOMPK1NS, P., & BIRD, c. (1972), Harpers Magazine, ( ):90-96, (Nov.), "Love among the cabbages: Sense and sensi-
bility in the realm of plants", [communication with, and between, plants].
3328. TOMPKINS, P., & BIRD, C. (1973), The Secret Life of Plants, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, 402 pages,
[including chapters entitled: "P1ants a~ESPu, "Plantsand electromagnetism", "Force fields, humans and plants", and
"The mystery of plant and human auras ].

1695. TC"~:i:IIG':, J..• v. (1940) In: O=stior:s on the r~ cf Short ·..:av~ a~:! t:ltrashort ~ _!!!. nedicine, 1-loscow, "The effect of
HF/\nr ell!ctrcr.~rnetic fields en basal me:abOl~~----- ----- ----- ---
1639. ";"(l~iT;:.;, J.. \", (19!.1) Sborn. J"'b:rsiol. Verat. !>Prv. SystH-, :.e-::ir.grad, .!l• (Abstr. in:.!!!!_ ~ioloe!c"l ~of f.le~tro­
uornettc F:~~es _ A..~nctatl!:! Bi~Hovr- 27 ~,.... A-:!l ?-65-17, 19~5), ":':>f:-:e~ce of l'hF elPctrornarneric flelds on basal metabolism

2569. TOROPTSEV, I.V. (1968), Arkhiv Patologii, 30(3):3-12 (FSTC-HT-23-349-72), ·~orphological characteristics of the
biological action produced by magnetic fields".
17:xl. ';(PC?7St\, !. \·,, E. C:,\R(:J<~~!V. r.. P. (19f-2) :n: ':ateriz!s c: ::""All l:nion Scl. Conf., f.xp. J<urnrt<'loyy ~fndldrhysifol.<.ls
~~osc01oo· ... S-c~ ccrp!-.olegical cban!PS ~= •· ~ ..'s ~u'::'••·.
ex;>er!-.rntal a -.·.·-· "' - ~~ tc exo.osures of alt<"rnatin!' electromapn~tlc ie so tn u-
tr1a1 i=?Crta~c•"

Influence of Magnetic ~on Biological Objects, (Citation #3230, this Biblio.), pp. 95-104-.., "Pathologoanatomic
characteristics of changes in experimental animals under the influence of magnetic fields".

1701, TOSIIEV, c., NINOV, v., & TOMOV 1 v. (1964) Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury (Problema i•
Health Resort Sci., Physiotherapy, & ¥.1!dical Physical Culture) 29(2):154-155, (JPRS 25121, PP• 17-19 (1964); OTS-64-31500),
"Experience in the treatment of puerperal ""'stitis with decimetu waves"
1702, TRESKVNOVA, A. s., & SLIZSKIY, c. N. (1962) In: Summaries of reports. Questions of the Biological Effect of a SRF-UHP
Electromagnetic Field, Kirov Order of Lenin Military Medical Acad~!mf, Leningrad, pp. 53-S4, "Data· on the dispensary service offered I
to individuals exposed in their work to llicrowan fields"

1703, TRlFONOV, YU. A., & UTINA, I. A. (196~) Biofizika ~(4):646-652, (Biophysics 11:74D-748 (1966), (in English)), "Investi-
gation of the mechanism of action of cu\:rent on the L type cells of the retina"

3660. TROMP, s.w., &WEIHE, W.H. (eds.), Int. J. of Bia~eteor., 13 Supplement Biometeorology 4, Part II:127-131 (1969);
and Int. J. of Bfometeor. 14 Supplement Bfometeorology f, Part I:'2li4-205 (1970), "Proceedings of the Fifth Internet.
Bfometeorological. Congress~ld at Montreux, Switzerland (31 Aug. to 6 Sept. 1969). [Bio-effects of electric, magnetic,
and electromagnetic fields.]
2570. TROYANSKIY. M.P. (1972). Gigfyena i Sanitarfya. (Moskva). 37(8!:87-92 (in Russ.). (JPRS 157209). •t~ygienic aspects
of the effects of (SHF) 11fcrowave electrougnetic fields on the I!OaY.
1704. TROYAKSKlY • }1, P, • IOtUCLIKOV • R. 1, • ICDIUilLOV • R. tl, 0 PETROVA-GOLtiV£r:K0 0 L. II., & IW.ASHN1KOVA 0 Z. S. (1967) Voyeano-
Heditsinskiy Zh. USSR (Military t~d. Jour.). (7):30-35. (Abstr. in Soviet J.adiobtolos•, 68-105-108-9 0 ATD Press. (June 1968).
P• 87 only). "Some reaulu of'an investiat1on-of the state of healthc;{";pec:ialists working with SIIF-UHF senerators"
2571. TIWXIIAN. E.H. (1966), Biophysics, g:468-477 (In !Dal·), (Bi9fidka, 11(3) :412-419 0 (1966), (In J.uaa.)), "Detenaina-
tion of the -bility of free charaed carriers in biological c.-pounds". [Hall effect Masur-nta uaiq 3 ca wavelenath
electr-.anatic radiatf•,n].
1705. TSOU, H•• et al. (1962) 5ational t~dic:al Journal of China (7-12):531-533 0 "Observations on the clinical effectiveness
of 111icrovave therapy,.- -

1706, TutiARKlNA, L. N,, & DliBROVSKlY 0 ~ (1966.) Biofizikall(4):65J-658 (Biophysics U:75D-756 (1966), (ln English) 0 "Certain
aspects of the perception by man of al!plftud.--dulated sirnals"
2572. TUBAYEVA, V.A. (1966), In: Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia, Hateriale of the All-Union S)'IIPosiua on Problems of
llectrosleep and Electroanestheaia [Electronarcosis], Dedicated to the 20th Year of the Electrosleep Method, pp. 242-246,
(In Russ.) • Moscow (13-15 Oct.) • "The significance of electroslnp in treatina patients with ecseaa and neurodermatitis in
the psychiatric clinic".

1707. TURLYGU., s. YA. (1937) Cocptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Acad. des Sci. de l'USSS, .!1.(1):19-22. (In English) 0 (Abstr. in:
ATD Rept. P-&5-68, Sept. 1965. Biological~ .2£. Uicrovaves, pp. 1-2, "tfhc:t of centimeter waves on the human central
nervous system"); (Also, Abstr. in: The !Uological ill!!:!!. .2£. Electro=snetic !:!!.!!!!. - Annotated B1bl1ograpby 0 ATD Rept. r-65-17.
1965), "Effect of electromagnetic centiceter waves on the central r.ervous system"

1708. TUF.LYCIN. S. YA. (1942) Biulletea Eltspericoental'noi Biolog11 1 Meditsiny (Ploskva) (4):63- 0 "Irradiation of the hUIIan
organism vi th 2-11111 lllicrovaves" -
1709. TURNER. J.J. (1962), Based on a translation of The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies (Based on a transl.
of citation #879, this Biblio.). letavet. A.A., & Gordon, Z.V., Mosco~O}; U.S. Army Materiel Command, ZEUS Liaison
Office, Bell Telephone Labs., Whippany, N.J •• 16 July, 64 pages, (AD 1278-172). "The effects of radar on the human body
(results of Russian studies on the subject)."
1710. TURNER, J. J. (1962) J.ept. No. r.:-TR-62-1 (AD 273787), u. s. Anry Ordnance Missile e-nd, (Bell Telephone Labs.),
21 ~tar., 89 pages. "The effects of radar on the hWDSn body" (Buecl on a traal. of citatlo1l 187t 0 thls Blblioaupby)

17li. TURRELL. W. J. (1935) Arch. of Physical Therapy l!:278-281, "Short wave therapy"

1712. TVT11.E. W. w., & JA:;}."EY, C. D. (1948) Arch. of Physical tlad. 29:416-421, "The construction, calibration. and use of
thennocouples for measuring body tenperature" -

1713. TUVE 0 H. A., & WHlTIIAN. W. c:. (1930) "linpublished super-high frequency data"

1714. TYAGIN, N, V. (1957) Trudy Voyenno-~!editsinskaya Al<adeadya 1 Kirov (Leningrad) t:SSR, n:9-l9 0 (Abstr. in: The
Biological ~of Electromagnetic~- Annotated llibliot;ral)hy. ATD J.ept P-65-17, Apr. 1965), "Study of thetheraal
effect of SHF-UHF electromagnetic fields on various anicals using the thermometric ~:~ethod"

1715. TYAGIN 0 N. v. (1957) Trudy Voyenno-~~d1tsinskaya Al<ademiya f Kirov (Leningrad) t:SSR, 73:84-101. "Electrocardiogram
chanees in clogs affected by SHF-UHF electromagnetic: fields"

1716. TYACIN 0 N. V. (1957) Trudy Voyenno-~ledftsinskaya Ak&demiya f Kirov (Leningrad) tiSSR 0 ll:ll6-126, (Abstr, from Zh. Biol.
No. 59923 (1959)), "Changes in the blood of animals subjected to a SHF-L11F field"

1717. TYACIN, N. v. (1957) In: Summaries of reports. Part 2, Jubilee Scientific Session of the Institute of Labor Hygiene
& Occupational Diseases Dedicated to the 40th Annfv. of the Great October Socialistic Revolution, ~~scow, [Title not given]
963-966 (67-).
1718. TYAGIN, N. V. (1958) Biulletea Eksperimental'aoi Biologii i ~~itsiny (Moskva) ~(8):/ "The thermal action of a SHF
electromagnetic field"

1719. TYACIN, N. v. (1959) In: Sumcaries of reports. Labor Hygiene and the Biological Effect of Radio Frequency Electro-
macnetic Waves, Moscow, "Some probleaa of occupational hazard caused by lllicrovave electro~~agaetic fields"

1720. TYAGIN 0 N. V. (1960) Voyenno ~.ed. Zh •• (USSR Military Ued. J.). _(9):14 only, (Title not r.tven)

1721. TYACIN, N. v. (1962) In: Suaaaries of reports. Questions of the Biolozical Effect of e SHF-UHF Electromagnetic Field,
Kfrov Order of Lenin ~lilitary Medical Academy, Leninr.rad, pp. 54-55 0 "The syndrome of the chTonic effect of a mic:Tovave field"
1122. TYAGIN. N. v., & t:SPLNSKAYA, N. v. (1966) 7.1•. 1\:ervropatologU 1 Psikhiatrif f Korsakova ~(8):1112-lllf>/"Functional
.chanres in the nervous system and some other systems of the organism under chTonic exposure to SHF-CHF radiatinn"
See also TIAGIN
2573. TYLER, P.E. (1973), IE!! Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic SystdS, A!S-9(2):225-228 (Mar.), "OVerview of the
biological effects of electr-.gnetic radiation".
3330. TYLER, P.E. (Ed. and Conf. Chmn.), (1975), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, ANYAA 247, 545 pps.,
(Feb. 28), (Proceed. of a conference entitled 'Biologic Effects of Nonionizing Radiation~ held Feb. 12-15, 1974, See
Citation l¥3117, this Biblio.), "Biologic Effects of Nonionizing Radiation".

3331. UKOLOVA, M.A., KVAKINA, Ye.B. (1971), In: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. (ed.), Influence of Magnetic Fields~ Biological Objects,
(Citation #3230, this Biblio.), pp. 144-162, "Effect of magnetic fields on experimental tumors (direct and through the ner-vous
syat•)". ·

~:~~ ....~;~· .:~;c!s~VACII"A, J • (1966) Ceskoslovpnska r;.,urologi<' ~(6) :402-406, "F.EC: shifts in penonnpJ worki nr around centi-

1724. Ul.RICH, L., & FEP.IN, J. (1959) Pracovm Lekarstv1, Prarue, ll:SOD-503, (In Cz<'ch.) "The effect of working in hleh-
power transmitting stations upon certain functions of the or~anism~

2574. ULRICH, W.D. (1971), Naval Medical Research Institute, Res. Rept. No.2 on Project M4J06.01-1010BXK9, "Ultrasound
doaaae for experimental use on human beings", [This rept. is listed since ultrasound has, on occasion, been included in
discussions on "non-ionizing" radiation.]

1725, USPEr;SKJIYA, 1'. V, (1959) In: llorks of thP SC"ienttflr Session Devoted to results of Work in 1957 by th<' lnst. of Indus-
trial lfyri•ne and Occupatlonal Diseases, Lenlnrrad, pp. 63-f-7, "flinica] aspPcts of the continuous anion nf Sllf/liUF rurrE>nt""

1726. l 1SPti<SKAYt, 1'. v. (195\') In: Sur.:mariPs of rerorts. 1 1 I' · d L 1

a •OT 'Y!:II'nl' an t"e flio Of•icaJ [ffec-t of ra~io rn•'Ju .. ncy lleqr,•r:~ol.r.n..t
Waves. ~lusro"'• p. 23 only, (Tit].- not rn·rnj

1727. LSrL::SKAYA.'" \'. (1961) In: ~~terials C"f tht- ~Clt'ntifil Session C.onc-err£'d \o:ith the fesults of l.'or;, (.ondur.ted by tiac
l£ningrad Institute of !n:!ustriaJ !iyr:;,l'ne & Occt.:;--~~lcna) i'l"'f".Jsc.s ~o!" l:J)fJ-J;,·,-- .. ~<.i:o:~!"-2~, Pr'· 1)f...-]J7, ";·psults of the
observation of vorker~ t'X['OSed to Plf';nf!tH· waves H" the ce~tu:·ett-r runrc"

2575. USPENSKAYA, N.V. (1970), Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurna1, (6):71 (June), (Trans1. #J-8892 for Army Intelligence,
p. 98 only), "UHF electromaanetic waves a~d human health". -

1i2S. \"Al.FF~ •• et al. (19b4) C'P<·:!o. ~·e:PC'rol. l3:7~-. On !tali~":· •.ce spnsHivity of animal organisms to cos«l• variables
tested ·..:~t!. r~ru.l;; ~~eT' ar.c! pl(•~icall:• 'activr•~ater··

J7J.J. •;:..:.:...:::z::, E • .J. (l~C&) .~.eta :;._~..:-·.om .. Sca:-:C. 12::'!?1-:?9. '':-~.? -:~:ects of rrdcro... ·rt\"E" radlatJon em tbe ,,.~Jlular eJt•n1entf. in
tht? ;-er•~c:.::.:!.al !h::;C ar..C: ~eri;-1:?':"a1 ~::-<"'C C'~ t"-.f" ;,;:-::"

1731. ·~,\_!; !.!.!., l:.. :. (l~t6) i>~l?:-.l~-!":.:aJ ri·ll .:-scar::-. .:.}:~:~-, ::-t t".ast eel]-; - a S'lf'( i.11 rlf'pt-l" .. rdt IVf· forr. produced
by :-.l.Cf'l:"-..·a"".? Tat!tat jC':--."

2286. VALTOlii:!'o, [. J. (1967) z. ~ellforsch, ~!ikroskop •.o\nat. 80:J22-32a, "Observations on the fine structure of ~iant mast
cells produced by microwave radiation on the peritoneal fluid'.-

2287. V,\LTONEN, l. J. (1963) A::ler. J. of ?h·:s:!.cal 'ledirine 4i: 7;,-c}, '"::ffect of trcatoent with short wave diathermy on the
histamine content of various or~zns" -·
3056. VAN DE GRIEK, A., & BRITAIN, R. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, ~(1): ?, (Mar.), "Amendments to the U.S. Dept. of Health,
Education and Welfare microwave oven performance standard".

1733. •;:~. ::"•'EF.:r~:f.'S!., ;.:. ;... c. (l;3S) ~:;,derla...,c!s Tijcs:c.rifc ~·~~~ C~:->eeskunde, Amsterda!!!, ~:284-, On IJutch) "Inadiation
with ulc:ra:41g:~ fr-ec;:.! radio ,.-a-;rs"

li).::.. ·.;~. ::-'::;;.z.r!:C-!:!\, ~·. :... c. (lC:-CJ) :;eclerla!lcis 7ij~sc':!rift -:;o~; :c::eeskunde, ;\msterdact, 84:4370-4380, "~lolecular chan,es
follo-.rir.r irracH.ation vith ?.e-rtzian •-a.o:?s of a f~~c;t:e:'lcy of lE;.5·r.:::ertz"

17:;5. V.'·~· E.\"i.f.l.•l~G~;, ;.-. A. G. (l ~.:.)) ~;e::erla:>ds r; ):!sc;,ri ft \"C'Or C-.,"ees:...unde, Amsterdam, 85(29): 3094-3104, (ln Dutch), (Biol.
A!>str. 16:576-SH, ,..bstr. # 63BC (!;;.:.:;;, (:::.0. Dutch) "~:Olectolar t.::~ ;:ructura1 altPrations due to irradiation "ith 10 em
Hertz!a;-M:l".lo!'S at )(.100 ~liz fre~t.:e~c:•''

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3057. Van OSCH, P.M.M., & HEERING, H. (1972), Medical Biological Laboratory, TNO, Rept. No. MBL 1972-5, (Apr.), "Swmnaries:
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2576. VAN UMMERSEN, C.A. (1963), Ph.D. Thesis, Tufts U., "An experimental study of developmental abnormalities induced
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Exyeri::e:'!;tal t::.::ra.·a·..-e cataracts: c.~e as a factcr i:~ :nCt;c:ic~ c: :.a:aractsin the rabbit"

1740. \·p.:. ~~~.;::?-'>0.~ •• C. ;,. , & CCC'.:·, ; • C. (1~69) Proc-. of t:Oe ~3ic!.egical Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radia-
tion" Sy-.oso=, (C!z<>r:•, S. F., et.), :::.Cr. of Rae. F.ealtn, ;:r::.·.-. e::: :::.oo. Effects, Rept. ~;o. 70-2, pp. 122 only. "Effects of
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2 5 77 • VAN UNHERSEN, C.A., & COGAR, F.G. (1969), Subaitted to Arch. of Ophth., "Effects of .tcrowave radiation on the 1--·
epitheUua in the rabbit eye". -

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1743. \·~::I!;, I._ Yt... (1S64) \'oprosy ;:;,rortologii, fiz:!cten?i1 :i ~c~.ebnoy Fizicheskoy IWl'tury (Probleu of Health tteaort
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3662. VARMA, M.M., & TRABOULAY, Jr., E.A. {1975), Rept., Howard Univ., Washington, DC (AD #A013-315), July, "Biological
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3332. VASIL'YEV, N.Y., SHTERNBERG, I.B., & BOGINICH, L.F. (1971), In: Influence of Magnetic Fields on Biological Objects
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3664 VINOGRADOV, I.I., &DUMANSKIY, Yu.D. (1974), Fiziologichnyy zhurnal Adakemii Nauk Ukr. SSR, 20(3):392-394 (in
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1753. ·::...-.:::·:;.(·..;, ::. ;.., (p5:; : •:::s!r.Ba-;-a o.aoo!~•:·:a ~~-):::-~:·, "The effect of VHF-IIF electric fields on the course of
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1757. VOGELIIUT, P. o. (1962) Electronics Research Labo~atory Rept., Series l'o. 60, Issue (476), Univ, of Calif., Berkeley,
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1758. VOCELHUT, P. 0. (1968) J. of ~!icrowave Power 1_{3) :143-147, ·~:icrO'o'ave techniques in biophysical measurements"

1759. VOGELIIUT, P. 0. (1969) Proc. of the "Biological Hfects and f:calth Implications of mcrowave Radiation" Symposium,
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1763. VOGEUIAN, J. H. (1961) Proc. 4th Tri-Servic'OI Conf. on the Biolol!ical tff~cts of SicrO'.tave Radiation, Vol, 1, (Susskind,
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1764. VOGEUIAN, J. H, (1966) Proc. of the Sy:::posicm on !:io:oedica) ::..-,;:ineering, (Sances, A., Jr,, ed,) :tar'luette Univ., :-lilwaukee,
_!:204-210, "A comparative analysis of biological effects of C".icro~·a·'" en<'rt;y"

1765. VOGEUOAl·., J. 11. (1969) Proc. of the "Biolorical Effects and <:ealth I=;>lications of !!ic-rowavc Radiation" oyr:>po!lium,
(C1eary. S. r., ed.), Bur. of Health, Div. of Bio. Effects, Re?t. ::o. 70-2, pp. 7-12, "Physical characteristics n! micro-
W'ave and other radio frequency radiation"
2290. VOGT, ft.. (1912) Arch. f. Opl:th. 83(1):99-113 (Oct), (lr., "Soc:e r:1easurertents on the diathermancy of the human eye
ball, its media, and the human eyelid, in addition to observations o: :he biological effects of infrared (radiation)"

1766. VOKOVA, Yl:. P. (1947) Candidates Dissertation, Le:1ingrad, "TI.era!'y •.·it!: the t:•:r f.lpctric-a) Fie)d fot" Acute lnfla~~~~~~atory

1767. VOLFOVSKAYA, I:. ~ •• OSIPOV, YC. A., YJ'.LYADA, T, B., Ktl.l!J'\"S;:.,_::.'., F.. L., f,S::;av:., T. P., l. SilllU:r.LPVA, A. \', (1'>61)
CicienR i Sanitariya, USSR, 28(5):18-23, (In P.ussian), (JP!".S 9S95) "r--:-: t=:e coc:-.'-irP~ e.:tion ef Rf fie)d and x-radiation in
indUSU)•" -

1766. VOU:OVA, A. P., t SliL'P.OVA, YE. I. (1967) Ciciena i Sanitari:·a, '.:SS?, _(9) :1:;7-llJ, (;.b~tr. in~ r:ndinhiolO£Y,
Al'V 6!:-105-108-9 (June 1968) p. 88 only), "The effect of rac!io frco·ce;:::y electro::oapetic fields on phagocytosis, nn.: the cn\lr· ,.
of infectious inflammation in rnts" (Also: Hygiene & Sanitation 1!:451-454 (1967), (In English))
2291. VON EULER, C. (1947) Acta Physiologies Scandinavica 14, Sup"~~ent 45, pp. 1-75, "Selective responses to thermal
stimulation of mammalian nerves" -
1770. VClSIIL"RGII, B. L. (1956) Institute of !'.ac!io •:nr.ineers Trar.s. c:-: ::edical rlPctro:.ics, ~:5-7, (rrom: S)'Drosium on
Physiologic nnd Pathologic Effects of l:icrowaves, Sept. 1955, ~~yo Cl:nic:, Krusen, r. H. (Ch.:t,)), "Problems which are chanenrln::
investigators in industry"

1771. VOSBURGII, B. L. (1958) Proc. 2nc! Tri-service Conf. on the Biological Effects of ~~crcwave tnerr.y (Pattfehall, E. G., ~
Banghart, F. w•• eds.) 2:118-123, "P.ecomoended tolerance levels of nic:ro~ave enerry: current vievs of the Genet"al ~~ectric
(;ompany'l health and hygiene service"

1772. VOSS, w. A. G. (1969) J. of ~acrowave Power i(2):12Q-121, "~osure reference chart and notes on inatrlltlenta"

1773. VOSS, w. A. G. (1969) Proc. of the "Biological Effects and E~alth !mplications of ~icrowave Radiation" Symposium• (CleR~.
s. F •• ed.) 0 Bur. of Rad. Health, Div. of Bto. Effects, Rept. So. 70-2, pp. 217-221, ~icrowave hazard control in deaisn"
3333. VOSS) W.A.G. (1972), IMPI Short Course, pps. 43-64, (May), "Microwave Safety".

3334. VOSS, W.A.G., RAJOTTE, R.V., & DOSSETOR, J.B. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3):181-194, (Sept.), "Applications of
microwave t_11awing to the recovery of deep frozen cells and organs: A review". -

3335. VYALOV, A.M. (1971), In: KHOLODOV, Yu.A. (ed. ), Influence of Magnetic fields-".'!. Biologicdl Objects, (Citation #3230,
this Biblio.), pp. 163-174, "Clinico-hygienic and experimental data on the effects of magnetic fields under industrial con-

1774. VYALOV, A. H., & LISlCHKHIA, z. s. (1966) Gigiena Truda i Professional 'nye Za~olev.tniya (Hoakva) (5):39-43, "Character-
istics of some clinical and physiological changes in workers exposed to the action of dis?ersed 0 constant Dagnetic fields under
industrial and laboratory conditions"

1775. VYALOV 0 A. ~!., l l al. (1964) In: Questions of Oc:c:up.ttional Pathology, ~:Osc:cro~, pp. 169-, "The question of thP effect of
constant and variable magnetic fields on the human organism"

1776, VYALOV, A. ~1. (1967) Vestnik Akad. Med:l!:s!nsklkh ~:auk~!!': SSSR, _(8):52-58, (Abstr. in:~ Radiobiology. ATD 68-105-
108-9 (June 1968) P• 88 only) • ''1-lagnetic fields as a factor in an i:uiustrial en vi ro:tcent"

3666. VYGODNER, Ye.B., KISLINA, V.M., & FRENKEL', 1.0. (1975), Voprosy Kurortologii i Lechebnoy Fizicheskoy Kul'tury,
(5):395-399 (Sept.-Oct.,, (in Russian), Transl. In:~Effect of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation*(JPRS #L/5615);
TO Feb. 1976, pp. 61-70, Influence of pelotherpay and microwaves on the functional condition of the adrenal cortex of
peptfc ulcer patients."
3336, WACHTEL, H., JOINES, W., SEAMAN, R., & WALKER, C. (1973), Abstr. of: Society
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(Nov. 7-10), "firing pattern changes induced by low intensity microwave radiation of Isolated neurons from Aplysia caZi[or>nica'~
["Absorbed power" of between 10 and 50 mW/cm3 and frequencies of 1.5 and 7.45 GHz].

17T1. WACKER, p, F, (1969) !'Toe, o6 the "B1olor1cal Effect a and l'.eal th Icplicationa of ~:icrovave Radiation" Syapolillll, (Cleary,
s. F., ed.), Bur. of Rad, Health, Oiv. of Bio. l.ffects, Rept. No. 7Q-2, pp. 197-203, (,\lao: (1970) Report: NBS 1 Boulder. Colo,.
t::lectromaRnetica Oiv., NBS-TN-391, (N70-32534), "Quantifying hazarcocs :icrcr.:ave fielc!s: analylia"
1778. WACKER, P. F., & BO~~~. R, R. (1971) IEEE Trans. on ~icrcr.:ave Theory and Techniques (Spacial Iaaue on Bioloaical Effects
of •ticrowaves) HTT-19(2) :178-187, "Quntifying hazardous electro=a~netic fields: scier.tific basta and practical coosidentions" ·
3337. WADE, N. (1972), Science, 177( ):778 only, "Fischer-Spassky charges: What did the Russians have in mind?", [low-in-
tensity microwave radiation-produced "asthenic syndrome" during the chess match?].

2579. WAGENEDER, F .M., JENKER, F .L., & HAFNER, H. (1965), Deutsche& Medizinisches J., _(7) :pps?, "Changes in cerebral
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2580. WAGENEDER, F.M., SHUY, ., & GENSE, • (1964), Der Anaesthesist, !l(ll):pps?, "Measurements of potentials in the
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2581. WAGNER, C.F., McCANN, G.D., & BECK, E. (1941), Amer. lnst. of Elect. Engr. (AlEE) Trans. 60:1222-1230 "Field
investigation bf lightning", [Discusses wave shape and current discharged by lightening arrester~):- '
1779, WAJSZCZUK, W, J,, ttoWRY, F. M., & Dt:GAN, N, L. (1969) l'ew England J. of ~:eel. lliC1):34-35 1 ''Deact1vat1on of a demand
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1781. 'o1AltL't, ~ •• li!:U.ICX, J., & ens~, J. (1947) hoc. Centru Sode~ for Cltnic:al Research 20149-, CAlao: J. Laboratory
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3059. WALCOTT, L.E., WHELLER, P.C., HARDWICK, H.M., & ROWLEY, B.A. (1969), Sou. Med. J., 62( ) :795- ?, "Accelerated healing
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3338. WALKER, C.M.B., McWHIRTr·, K.G., & VOSS, W.A.G. (1974), J. of Microwave Power, 9(3):221-229, (Sept.), "Use of a bac-
teriophage system for investigating the biological effects of low intensity pulsed microwave radiation 11 , [2450 HHz, pulsed
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3339. WALLIS, R. (1959), Presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Amer. Public Health Assoc., Atlantic City, Oct. 19-23,
"Evolution of concepts concerning the application of high-frequency currents upon living organisms".
3060. WALTER, W.H., III, MITCHELL, J.C., RUSTAN, P.L., FRAZER, J.W., & HURT, W.D. (1973), J. of the Amer. Med. Assoc.,
E_!(l2):162B-1631, (Jun. 18), "Cardiac pulse generators and electromagnetic interference".
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3667. WANGEMAN, R.T. (1974), Health Physics, 27(6):633-634, ".!!!-vivo effects of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on
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17a5. WA3D• G. E. (1947) The Inte~e !2:347-351, e1d p. 379, (A:gcst), "Electrosurgery"

3668 . WARD, T.R., ALLIS, J.W., & ELDER, J.A. _(1975), J. of Mic~owave Power, J.Q(3):315-320 (Sept.), "Measure of
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3669 . WARNKE, u. (1973), Dissertation, Universitat des Saarlandes, "Physi~al-physiological base to the atmospheric
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3340. WARREN, S.L. (1935), Amer. J, Of .Roentgenology, _33(1) :75-87, "Preliminary study of the effect of artificial fever upon
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254(5498)·331-332 (Mar. 27), "Effect of electric
3670. WATSON, J., DeHAAS, W.G., &HAUSER, S.S. ~ ~i· ~tu~~e-afso DUNCAN &MACMILLAN, citation 13435, this Biblio.]
fields on growth rate of embryonic chick tibiae~~·
) ;26-32, "Control of insects in foodstuffs by high-
3061 • WATTERS, F.L. (1962), Proc. of the Entomol. Soc. of ontario,~(
frequency electric fields".
1. WAYLAND, J,R., DAVIS, F.S., YOUNG, L.W., & MERKLE, ~.G. (1972), ~·of Microwave Power, 2_(4): pp. ?, "Thermal and non-
thermal effects of ?HF fields on plants and seeds of mesqu1ta and beans .

;,n3 , s. J •• 'BOO'Ill, A. D. (1969) BatDTe .lli,(5199):ll99-, (2l JUDe), "Absorption of llicrovavea by llicr-rpllia•"

a. ;,e3s, s. J., 'DODOS, D. D. (1968) Xatare 1!!(5139):374-, (27 ~r.), "Inhibition of bacterial cell crovth by 136 Gc:
(1 9 7l) Science .!1!,(4004): 72-74, (l <'ct.), "~!ic:ro•o~ave a~sor;>tion by normal and t~r cells"
2060. WI:Bll, S. J., & BOOTII, A. D.
1789 • WEDLICK, L.T. (1967), Medical J. of Australia, ~(23):1050-1051, "The use of heat and cold in the treatment of
sports inJuries. •
1790. -~1, L. T. (1969) Science !!!:Z&0-28% 0 (19 Jsn.), -&Dle of r:rfaca dipolea oa azoa membraDa"

3671. WEll, C.M. {1975), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-22( ):468-476 (Nov.), "Absorption characteristics
of na.~ltflayered sphere, models exposed to UHF/microwave radiation." [heaatrs"sue dosimetry phantom]
2.582. WIISICE, w. (1963), Biooaedical Sciencee Instnaentation, Vol. 1:467-475, "Huaan sensitivity to electric fields",
[Prt.arUy at power tr~ission frequencies; however, also describes a subject "hearing" radio -vee].
1791. WEISS, J. (193S) .Ucb. of Pbysical. t'bar&PJ .!§.:95-96, "tbe fl..uher dnusoidal •chine"

1792. WEISS, M. M., ' Mt:MI'OlD, V. ii. (1961) Bealtll !'bysi~ ,!:160-!58, "Micr-ave radiation haaarde"

1793. W!:ISSDiBDG, E. (1934) Ahstracta of the lst l:ltemat. Conar•s on Elec:tro-radio-biolo&Y, pp. 4.52-4.56, (In Canan
With EDaU.:- S~). "Ufoc:ta of distaDc. oa bioloaical buarc!.ll :o au fr011 radio waves"

2.583. WIISZ, H., PICK, J., & TOMBERG, V. (1938), Archives of Physical Therapy, 19( ):79-83, (Feb),·~ problem of a
specific effect of short waves on blood vessels". -
1794. WESTIN, J.B. (1968), J. of ~cupatfonal Med., J..Q.(3):134-141, "Microwave radiation and tunan tolerance: a review. •
179.5. ~~. l. (1967) Zeitac:arift fur Vercleicbea4e Pbys!olo&ie ~:111•128, "The influsnc:e of weak electroaaaostic fields
on the ca:diac fhythll of JMD"
1796. WEYER. R. (1970). Life Sciences and Space Research (Amsterdlll: North Holla~). !:177-187. •rhe effects of electric
fields on circadian rhythmicity in Men.•
3062. WEVER, R. (1973), Internat. J. 'of Biomateorol., 17( ):227-232, "Human circadian rhythms under the influence of weak
electric fields and the different aspects of these studies".
1797. VF.ALEN,l. Eo, ST~l, C. F., & Mc:Di!OSB• R. D. (1964) Aml&l.s of the N.Y. Academy of Sc:i. !!!,:922-931, "!laetrical
ka&ar~ aaeoeiote4 vitb cardiae pa~s"
2584. WHITE, C.E. (1972), Microwave Journal, 15(12):6 & 66, (Editorial), "A problem that won't. go -ay", (Concern for
the possible biological hazards resulting from RF and microwave radiation exposure; background, and present governmental
3063. WHITEHEAD, C.T. (1973), In: Radiation Control for Health and safety, Hearings before the committee on Commerce, u.s.
senate, Mar. 8-12, Serial No. 93-24, U.S. Govern. Print. Office, Wash., DC, "Statement (on government activities to assess
the bielogical effects of nonionizing EM radiation- March 9)".

3131. WHITNEY, W.K., NELSON, s.o., & WALKDEN, H.H. (1961), u.s. Dept. of Agriculture, Marketing Res. Report No. 455, 52 pps.,
•zffects of high-frequency electric fields on certain species of stored-grain insects•.
33'12. WHYTLAW-GRAY, R., & SPEAKMAN. J.B. (1921), Nature, 107(2698):619 only, (July 1'1), "A novel magneto-optical effect",
[early observation of a 'pearl chain effect' in a magnetic-rleld].
3064. WILCH, M. (1974), The Palatine (Ill.) Herald, Feb. 11, "She's engaged in microwave research: Effects on behavior
inter eat Harper professor [describes work of S. KORBEL] • ".

1798. WILDERYANCK, A., WAKIM, K.G., HERRiCK, J.F., &DRUSEN, F.H. (1959), Arch. of Physical Med., ~:45-55, (Feb.),
•certain experimental observations on a pulsed diathermy machine.•
1799. WIU!:, !., & MC1.1.i:P., R. (1933) tolloh! z. 65:2.57-260, (In Cenwm), "Effect of electrical waves on colloids"

1800. !iiWNS, D. J., & !!El.l.Elt, J. B. (1963) J. of Chaical Physics 1,!(12):3401-340.5, "Effect of radio-frequency field• on
the electrophoreeic CIObillty of 110'138 colloiu"

1801. W!LLL\.V.S, c. (19.55) Anand Meeting of tbe I!X!astrtal i!yg!e=.e Foundation, Mellon Inst., Pittsburgh, Pa., 16-17 Nov.
"Industrial byaiene a.pects of microwaves•

1802. lo"ILLL\.'5, D. B., ' FIXO'l'l', R. 5. (1957) Pro<:. I.t '!'rt•u:'V!ee Coaf. on Biologic:al Hazards of Microwave lladiation
(Pattishall, E. C., ed.) 1:6-19, (AD 11.5603) 1 •A su=aary of the ~AF program for research on the biomedical aapecta of micro-
wave radiation". -

1803. "'"~~• D. n., & YI:XOT!, it. S. {1957) !'.edical :sews Leete: {Savy) lQ.Cl0):35-, "Biological hazards of Dlic:rowave

1804. lliLLIA.'iS, D. B., MOSA!:!.\5, J. P., !OC:!OLSCS, v. J •• & Jo.l.Di.!C2, .J. J. (1956) Institute of Radio Engineers Trana. on
Medical Electronics l'CliE-4:17-22, {i'!'C!Il: S:raposic:a OD Physiologic Cld Pathologic f.ffeets of Microwaves (Krusen, F. H. 1 Chm.)
Sept. 1955); (Also,~ Arch. ();>b:ha.l. ~!863-!74 (1955), 8J:>d bpo:t .55-94 of Air University, USAF School of Aviation Ked.,
Randol?h AFS, T~xas. Aug. 1955), (AD 8C072T; •stologic effects stcdies on udcr~ave radiation: time and power thresholds for
the prodt>ction of leca opacities by 12.3 ca atcrC'V'&?es"

1805. lliLLIJJ'.S, D. B., & liiOIOLSCS, 1/. J. (19 ) lte;>ort (Classifi-ed): Air University, School of Aviation Medicine, USAF,
Randolph A:-s, Texas, "Biological effe~ts st~es on Bicrovave ra~ia:ion" An appraisal of the biological effects potential of
current I:SJo.? •s• band ground ra<!ar traz..ndtten•

1801i. \.'!LLIA.v.s, ll. B., & CAllPDiTl:R, !1, M. {1957) ~Medical il.uearch Institute Report (by Ely, T. S., & Goldman, J). E.),
Appendix B of "Heating charac:tertatiu of .la!>oratory a!l!.%!8l.s expend to ten-centi~:~eter Dlicrowaves", NMRI Research Reports
~:124-137, "Early lesions ill cog te&tes doe to sic::ovaves"

1807. •rLLLAY.S, D. B., et al. (19 ) lnstitute of Radio ~giaeers Trans. on Medical Electronics, Ref?, "An observation on the
detection by the ear o! iTc~ave ;r~s"
3065. WILLIAMS, R.J., "FINCH, E.D. (1974), Aerospace Medicine, 45(4) :393-396, "Examination of the cornea [of rabbits) fol-
lowing exposure to microwave radiation", [at 2.45 GHz(CW) or 2.86-aHz(pulsed) of average power density of 225 mW/~.
·~iation did not appear to influence the normal cornea, ?r the healing process in the wounded cornea.'].

~!: 5 • d ~LL~, ll.J • • ' McKEE, A. (1973), llavel Medical Jlaaoarc:h Inatituta (June), aubllitted for public:atioD "Mic:rowava
uc:a ena ...,. : Evaluation by acannina and traaai.aaion electron llic:roac:opy".
1608. lliua:l, H. J., i1o Ml!.UJl, M. K. (193}) Arell. of l"!ly• 'r.:et'l!ji'J ,!!:674-677, "Phydcal therapy i11 alleraic eia...H"
2292, IUtiTER, F. C., & BOOHER, R. B. (1959) AD. J, of Ophth. 48(3)II:336-337, "Charu:ea ill corneal ut:i~tba obaervecl
followiDI! surface diathermy to rabbit corneas"
2586. WILSON, A.S., SANCES, A., & LARSON, S.J. ~1966), I11: !!!!!. Iuteraational SI!J!Oai-.!!!!. !lac:trotharuautic: Sleep !.!!!l
Elec:troanastheaia. Graz, Austria, (12-17 Sept.), lffacta of elec:troaaaathaaia o11 ac:quiaitioD aad rete11tio11 of behavior
patterns in primates".
3066. WILSON, C.L. (1970), J. of Bone' Joint surq:, ~( ):1033-1040, "Experimental att..pts to atimulate bone growth".
3067. WILSON, D.H. (1972), British Med. J., 2( ):269-270, (29 Apr.), "Treatment of ;oft-tissue injuriea by pulsed (high
frequency) electrical energy•. -
1809. WXLSOII, C, (1115}.) North Cuol1na M-Miul J. !!(1):19-23, "Treatlll8nt of fibroaitb in the neck aiUI ah0111der with llicro-
then.y (ra4ar)"
3672. WILSON, G.C. {1975), The Washington Post, (Wednesday, Dec. 10), p. AS only, " '73 Report cites biological
effects in radio projett" [SANGUINE].
1810, WILTSCBIO, W. (1968) Zeitsc:hrift fur Tlarplyc:holoaie ~:537-, (X. Ceraaa~"A study of the influence of atatic aaJD&tic
fielcla on the l'liaratory orientation of tba roflia (Er:!.th;acus rubecula)"

1811. WILTSCHKO, W., 6 MERKEL, F. v. (1966) Zooloata~her ADP.eiaer Sappl. l!:362-, (In Ceraaa), "Orientation a11d aiaratory
behavior of the robtn·in a static &a3Detic field"
1812, WIMMER, R, (1954) ~port: (ERD-CiRC-TH-5$-118) Atoaic Wa~f•re Directorate, Air Force ea.brid&e Reaearch Ceater, Air
Research and Development Command, "A survey aDd analysia of ultra-hi&h-fr.equency aeaaura..nt of doai..try tec:hniquaa"

1813. WINDLE, ~ •• & SHAW, T. (1954) J, of Cbaaical Physics 11=1752-, "DieAectr1c propertiea of wool-water 878t.. at 3000
8Dd 9 300 KHz"

1814. WINDLE, J., & SHMl, T. (1956) J. of Chetlical Physic• ~:435-, "Dielectric propertiea of vool-ater syat. . at 26,000 Mllz"
1815, \liNGO, W. (1958) Waehington Daily Newa, p. 6 ouly, (Sept. 3), "Kavy varna of a:range antenna"

1816. WISE, C. s. (1948) Arch. oZ Physic~ Ked. 29:17-21, "Effect of diatherwy on blood flov: plethyamographic studies"

1817. WISE, C. S., Cutleman, B., & Watkiaa, A. L, (19h9) J, o~ Bone & Joint Surgery, ~(3):487-, "Effect of diatharwy on
bone growth in the Albino"
1~18, WORDEN, R. E., HERRICK, J, F., nAXIH, ~. C,, & lRUSEN, F. B. (1948) Arch. of Physical Ked, l!(l2)s751-758, "The beating
effec:ta of microwaves with &nd without ischemia"
3068. WRIGHT, G.G·. (1973), Physiotherapy (British), 59(12) :385-387, (Dec.), "Treatment of soft-tissue and ligamentous
injuries in professional footballers (using pulsed, eLectromagnetic radiation)". ·
3343. WROBLEWSKI, T.E., ZARZECKI, K., & DENISIEWICZ, R. (1973), Mater. Med. Pol.,~( ):209-212, (In Engl.), "Duodenal ulcer
in persons occupationally exposed to microwave radiation 11 •
1819, WROMBLE, R. F. (Editor), (l96S) Proc, of a Heetina to Discuaa "Technical Consideratiooa i11 the Maaaureaent and !valuation
of Radiation Endasions from Microwave Ovens", ~tional Cancer for Radiological Health, U, S. Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Public: Health Service, Rockville, Maryland
1820. WUDKA, E., & LEOPOLD, I. H. (1957) Arch. of Ophcha1mology 58:829-849, "Experimental atudiea of the choroidal vesaela:
VI: Observatio1111 on the effects of physical agent•" -
3673. WULFSOHH, N.L., &SANCES, Jr., A. (eds.) (1970), The Nervous System and Electric Currents, (Proceedings of the
3rd Annual Nat. Conf. of the Neuro-El~ctric Soc., held inlras Vegas, Nev., Mar. 23-25, 1970), l84 pps., Plenum Press,
New York.
3674. WULFSOHN, N.L., & SANCES, Jr., A. (eds.) {1971), The Nervous S~stem and Electric Currents, VolUMe 2, (Proceedings
of the 4th Annual Nat. Conf. of the Neuro-Electric Soc .• ~~n ntoni~Tex., Mar. l0-12, 1~228 pps.,
Plenum Press, New York.
3675. WYCKOFF, J.M. (11973), ProceP.dings of the Annual Meeting of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (19th),
(Anaheim, Calif., 2-5 ~pr.), pp. 130-135, "tleasurements for radiation [ionizing and non-ionizin!il] safety."
3676. YADRINTSEV, V.A. (1975), Gigiyena Truda 1 Profess. Zabo1evaniya, (2):18-21, {in Russian), Transl. In:•Effects
of Non-Ionizing Electrolnilgnetic Radiation"'(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976), pp. 3-6, "Cerebral and peripheral circulation
in persons handling solirces of ultrahfgh radio frequencies based on the results of rheographic exlll'lnations."
:.!!293. YAC:l, II., (1970) :-iippon Acta Radiol. (Jao.) 30:184-204, (ln Ja;:>., with En~t. abstr., fi~t. titles, and biblio.), "Local
aplastic bone marrow induced by cic~owave irradiatiOn in rabbits; es;:>ecially histoloaical and histochemical Btudies"
2029. YAXIHENKO, D. I. (1961) Vest, derm. vener. 35:33-36, (In Russiaa) "Treatment of certain neurotrophic: akin diaeaaea with
ultraviolet radiation and high-frequency currutll 1a sull do .. •"
1821. YAXOVLEVA, M. !·
(1961,) Section in: Clap~er 8 of ~~ill Evolution £!. ~ Activity, tleditaina "Publ. Houaa,
Leningrad, pp. 202-, The functional stAte of the sympathetic-adrenal syste~ during the action of microwave electrOm&JDetic

1822, YAKOVLEVA, M. l, (19E8) Biulleten Eksperi..Ctal'noi 5iologi1 1 Meditainy (~skva)~(9):9-ll, "The atudy of efferent
impulaation in postganglionic sympathetic fi~... WD4e~ the action of a SHF-L~F electro~netic field" (Also cited aa 1656, tbia

1823. YAXOVLEVA, K. I. (1968) Zh. Vyaabei Nervaoi Deyatel'nosti i .. ni 1 Pavlova ~SSR, 18(3):418-424. (JPRS 46632~ "
N68-37285), "The effect of SHF-UlfF elec:troucnetic fields of conditioned reflex co~tro1 of-cardiae and respiratory activity
3677. YAKOVLEVA, M.I. (1973), Physiological Mechanisms of the Action of Electromagnetic Fields, "Meditsina" Publishing
House, Leningrad.
1824. YAKOVLEVA, M. I., SHLYAF£R, T. P., & TSVETKOVA, I. P. (1968) Zh. Vysshei Servnoi Deyatel 1 noati imeni i Pavlova, CSSR,
18(6) :973-978, "Conditioned cardiac reflexes and the functional and llOrphological status of cortical neurons under the action of
~F-UHF electroaagnetic fields" (Also cited aa 1658, this Biblio,)

1825. YAKAURA, I., & CHICHIBU, s. (1967) Tohoku J. of Experimental Ked. 93(3):249-259, "Superbigh frequency electric field and
crustacean ganglionic discharges" ---
3069, YAMAURA, I., & MATSUMOTO, G. (1972), Japanese J. of Medical Electronics,~( ):25-32, (Jun.), (In Jap. w/Engl. abstr.),
"Dynamic characteristics of crayfish stretch receptor for microwave radiation".
1826. YAO, K. T. s., & JILES, H. M. (1969)\Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiatio~··
Symposium, (Cleary, s. F., ed.), B~ of Radiological Health, Diviaion of Biological Effects, Rept. No. 7o-2, PP• 123-133, Effects
of 2450 KHz microwave radiation on cultivated rat kangaroo cella"
2294. VAll, tr.. :, <.,, & JILES, :1. ~·I, (1970) In: Radiation Bio-Effec:cs 5=ary P.eport, llod~te, D. '1,, (ed.), Jan-Dec 1969,
Oiv. of Biolor,ical Effects, Bur. ~ad, !'ealth, ~i!:~l': (Pent ::o, Oil£ 7(;..1), po, 185-187, "J:ffects of 2450 ''i·z microwave radia-
tion on C'u1tivated rat kan~taroo cells"
2295. YAO, K. 1, ~ .• , f, JILI:S, ~1. :r. (1?70) In: !'.ndi2tion nio-Effects !'=arv !:epor~, i!odve, il, '1., (ed,), Jlln-llec l!li '• ··1·. ·
of nio1o~ical 1-.ffccts, Bur.. Eealt:,, DH!Ji, (Rept. ::o. ii!'.E-DilE ic-7), "?· 233-23:>, ''":ortalitv o.nterns of "'icrat!llVt' ir~a.!!­
ated rat kanv.nroo cells in culture"
3070. YARRINGTON, C.T., Jr.,~ JAQUISS, G.W. (1969), Arch. of Otolaryng., ~( ):856-860, "Electrical control of bone growth
in ossicles".
2588. YASHINA, L.N. {1972), Gigiyena Truda i Professiona1'nyye Zabolevaniya, {2):53-56 {LC Abstract), "Effect of low
frequency pulsed magnetic field on the activity of oxidizing-deoxidizing enzyme~in the liver of albino rats (histochemical
3344. YASHINA, L.N. (1972), Gigiena Truda i Professiona1'nye Zabolivaniya, 16(2):53-56, (Feb.), (In Russ.), "Effects of a
pulsed low frequency magnetic field on the activity of redox enzymes in the albino rat liver: Histochemical investigation',,
[Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase in hepatic tissue of rats exposed acutely to 900 Oe fields, or chronically to 300 Oe
fields, pulse of 130 ~sec duration, 10 sec. between pulses, at a pulse modu~tion of 7 KHz). (See also citation #2588, this
Biblio.) •
1827. YASNOGORODSKIY, Y. (1959) Voprosy Knrortologii, F1zioterapi1 i Lechebnoy Fizicbeskoy Kul'tury (Probl... in Health
Raaort Sci., Pbyiotherapy, & Medical Physical Culture), Moscow, (6):563-567, (JPRS 30390), "Conference devoted to problema con-
cerning the application of radioelectroniea in medicine and biol(;gyw

1828. YASNOGORODSXIY, V. G. (1960) In: Elektronika ~ Kediteine (Electronics i! Medicine), Goaenergizdat, Leninaract, pp. 228-
232, (Abstr. in: !!!!. Biological ~ ~ Electrooagnetic Fielcle - Annotated Bibliography, ATD Repf'. P-65-17, (Apr. 1965)),
•specification& for a high-frequency therapeutic apparatus; hygienlc estimate of labor conditione clur1ng WQrk with HF generators"
1829. YASUICHI, H. (1952) J. Ole•. Soc. of Japan (Pure Cln. Sec.) .ll:644-645, ".Effect of ultra-b1gh•frequency vavea on the
cryatalliaation process of aalta"
1830. YATSEJIICO, M. I. (1965) FiziologichealtfyiAitad. Nauk U1CR SSR 11(4):516-519, "Effect of lllicrovavea on the· absorptive
capacity of the synovial membrane of the knee joint Vhen the apinar-cord baa been severed"
1831. YATSENXO, H. I. (1966) Fiziologicheak1y!Akad. Nauk UK& SSR 12(3):377-381, "Effect of microwaves on the absorptive
capacity of the knee jo'"P under the effect of atropine and carbochOlinew (Also cited as #659, this Biblio.)
1832. YATSENJCO, H. I. (1968) FiziologicheaUyiAkacl. Nault .UKR SSR .!!(2):261-264, "Effect of microwave& on the absorptive
capacity of the knee joint under conditions where adrenalin and aminazine have been introduced into the organism"

1813. YATTEAU, R. F. (1970) New England J. of Ked. ~(26):1447-1448, "Radar-induced failure of a demand paceaaker"

1834. fEFtHOV, V. V. (1942) Biulleten tk8perimental'noi Biologii i Y~ditsiny (Moskva) 14(2):61-, (Abstr. in: The Biological
~~ E1ectra.asnetic ~-Annotated Bibliogra?hv, ATD Rept. P-65-17 (Apr. 1965)), (Title not given) ~UHF field
cauaea dTovs1neea in some species of animala)

1835. YELEAZAROVA, M. P. (1940) Klinika Fizic:heskikh Metodov Lecheniya. Trudy. Mosc:ov oblast', (4):177-, (Abstr. in: The
Biological!!!!£!!~ Electromagnetic Fielda- Annotated Bibliographv. ATD Rept. P-65-17 (Apr. 1965)), "Changa ia protern-mecabo-
11- under the influence of a UHF f i e l r -
1836. Tn.IS!'R'Y, v. v. (1964) Tru4y lOU Cipyeoa Truola i Profzabol~,.A!CI SSSR _(2):94-104, "Method of an1•1 irradiation
in the eJ:?eri=-ntal atu47 of the efface. of radio freqoency electroaaanetic waves»
1837. TEI.IS!TrV.t., H. I. (1937) Biological Effect of Ultrahigh Frequencies, SyiDPOaiUII, Moscow, pp. 261-, (Abatr. in: The
lioloaical ~~ tlectroe&JDetic ~-Annotated Bibliography, ATD Rept P-65-17 (Apr. 1965)), "Glyceatc reacttoaa of
rabbite to a rEF field*
1838. Yl:lU'...UOV, Y. v. (1969) VoyelmQ Keditaia.ekiy Zh. ( CSSil Military Ked, J.), (3):42-44, "Develop•eatal mechaain of
aadaeao-vaaetatift 41sordera in cue of c!:rollic exposure to ~ fielda" -
1139. Yn'!OUTEV, n: • .t.. (1964) Voy-=-Meditsinakiy Zh. (t:SSB. Military Med. J.), (9):22-26, (Abatr. in: Bio1oaical
Effeeta of Microwaves, (A!D-P-6S-68, {S~t. l965), p~. 23-24, "laduatrial Hygiene and-Radiation Dosimetry Around UHF Sources").
"Evaluati'C& t!le U:i&er of S!F-I:BF and x-~a•iia:iou io the Vicinity of radar stations"

1840. YEZY~LAY!V, T. A., 6 KOVACE, ~. 1. (19~8) >oyec~o ~J~itai~skiy Zb., (USSR Military Med. J.), _(1):55-59, n
proble:a of :':a MCoc!.a of euiuticg ir-ra<!iation by SliF-l:"tiF radiovavea" On the

1841. YEL~LA!!V, YE. A., S~BBOTA, A. G., & CSL~V!N, B. A. (19o7) Voyenoo Heditsinakiy Zh (USSR Mil Hed J )
(ACSI J314~), ·~e de&ree of atandare!:a:!oc o! adcr~aYt raaiatioo in foreign armies - a 11t;rature revtew"• • _(l): 45 - 49 •
3678. YERSHOVA, L.K., & DUMANSKIY, Yu.O. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, __(14):89-92, (in Russian), Transl. In:
"Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb. 1976, pp. 1-4, "Physiological changes in the
central nervous system bf animals under the chronic effect of continuous microwave fields."
1842. Y.E\~~v. !. R. (1964) lc: 3!ologieal ~ of Cltrasound ~ Superhizh Frequency Electromagnetic Oecillationa
CorodetS~lj, &. J.., N;ae-r of Sciences, l:atitu:e of Physiology, iuni A. A. Bogomoleta, Kiev, "Ultraac:oustic: paraaoet • of
tbe blood in the dy--acies of acute rad!a:ion aickness" era

1843. YOU'..US, C. ll., .Ill.., B01:.7.IA.50n, G., AZ..l.ESSV()Jtil!, D. C., MAR!L'i, W. L., & DERRICK, J. R. (1969) Allier. J. of Surge,.,
,ll!:93l-937, "Uec:roaboc:k therapy ani! cardiac pac:~ra" -,
3679. YOUMANS, H.O., & HO, H.S. (1975), Health Physics, 29( ):313-316 (Aug.), "Development of dosimetry for RF and
microwave radiation- I: Dosimetric quantities for RF and iiiTcrowave electromagnetic fi!!lds."
3680. YOUNG, L.B., & YQUNG, H.P. (1974), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, ( ):34-38 (Dec.), "Pollution by electrical
transmission: The environmental impact of high voltage lines" [up to 765 KV].-
3071. YOUNG, R.G. (1964), Presented at the 26th Annual General MOtors Medical Conference, held in conjunction with the
Industrial Health Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, (Apr. 12 & 13), "Value and limitations: [in the use of] Pulsed high frequency",
[electromagnetic radiation in the treatment of injuries].

1844. ~u, A. 1. <:965) In: S?ut!o-a.s ~ '1!-.atolov. R.adiobiolon, !,!!! the Biolozic:a.a. ~ ~ Magnetic: ~. Tozaalr.,
PP• 323-, 'nle effect ot magnetic and electri~ fielu on the rate and c:hemiatry of pbotoayntheais"

1845. ZAGC~~'ID, L. T. (1948) ts?•~i ~eaenDOy biologii 25:231-, (Abatr. in: The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
~ - A;nota:ed Bibliograoby, A--n L.?t. P-65-17 (A?r. 1965)), (Title not given)-rfrposure of o~llregiona to UHF produces
a1terat1o~ i~ the cocrse of cocaecutivt viaaal iaages)
3681. ZAHNER, R. (1964), Zeitschrift f!lr vergleichende Physiologie, 49( ):172-190, (in German), "Effects of the
electrical field on the behavior of hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse)."
1846. ~~Lt. J. Y., & CHEN, c. s. (l95i) Digea: of the 7th lnternat. Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering,
(Jac:ol:son, a., ed.), Stoc:k11olll, p. 402 culy, •llac:teri&l lethality pre<lic:tiona during heating based on principles of aimilitude"

1847. ~>51IY, TE. B., & ~~!S~~. V. M. (1964) Voyeano Xeditsinakiy Zh. (USSR Military Med. J.), _(10):15-19,
(Abstr. ACS!-17232), •the c:hro~c effect of LD SE7-CF.F elec:tr~~etic: field on the human organism - review of literature"
3682. ZALYUBOVSKAYA, N.P., GORDIYENKO, O.I., & KISELEV, P.I. (1975), Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi,
20(4):31-33, (in Russian), Transl. In:•Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation"(JPRS #66512), (7 Jan. 1976),
pp. 30-32, "Action of electromagnetic fields of superhigh frequencies on erythrocytes preserved at low temperature."
1848. Z.'Sl!il, A. (1943) Zentralblatt !"Cr die ge.saste radio1ogie .ll:Zl6 only, (Originally appeared in l'.ed. Hal. ll:73-83,
{1943); (:C !tali~)), ~str. only, (i3 Ge~c), "Shor~~a•e tbera?Y in the non-expectorant bronchopneumonia in children"

1849. ~rt, H. ~. (1959) Proc:. 3r~ ::~-Se~c:e Ccuf. oo ~iologic:al Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipmants (Susskind,
C., e~.) 1= JJ.!.-335, "Co=enta on i'&~rs delivered at 'Ir1-Servic:e Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation"

1850. V.:":.:."!, H. l!. (1962) lnduJittia! ~zie~e lle-viev z:ll-, "The biological effects of nic:rowave radiation"

1851. Z.v.l!, ~. !f. (1954) l!.e;>ort, 25 ;>ages, (AD &08746; RADC TD!l.-&4-273), "An experimental study of the catorac:togenic effects
of cjc:ro•ave radiation"

1852. ZJ~:, Yo.~. (1965) In: Life in S~ac:~ra!t, Proc:. of the 16th lnternat. Astronautical Congress, Athena, (A67-30769;
Abatr. avai!~~le as Ao6-10793), "c?D:-tal~c: e!!ec:ta associated 7ith ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation fields"

1853. l:A?..:.-:', ~. M. (195!)) ;.:>nual ?r=g:-ess i(r,>o:-t (AD 61.5469), "Effects of electromagnetic: radiation on biological aysteu"

1854. ZA?2:, H. l!. (1966) Annual Prog~ess Re;>ort, Zaret Foundation Inc., Scarsdale, N.Y., 22 pagea, (AD 635943), (Also,
Progress Re?t• !or 1967, 5 pages, (J~ e;4L47; S67-&6176)), "Ocular effecta of microwave radiation"

1855. ZA?~7. ¥.. l!. (1967) Annual ?r~g:ess i&?Ort, !he Zaret Fouedation, Inc:., June 1966 to May 1967, 10 pagea, (AD 6)4~23;
N67-35S3i), "O;>bu~c haurda of :.ic:-cvan ed laser enYiro::u:.enta"

1856. ZJ~7. Y.. !f. (1969) Final ~;>ort an A!PA Project, The Zaret Foundation, lnc., (AD 856712), "Effects of iow-level
microwave irradiation on heart rate 1n rabbi:a"
2296. ZAFF'f, M. (1969) 41)th Annual Sci.. ''eetinl! of the ,\erospace ·:e::. 'ssoc., San francisco, "Orhthal,..ic hllzard< of -l~rm·
and l.oser environn,..nts"
ZARET, M.M. (l9 7 l), J. of Microwave Power, ~(3):269-271, ''Comments on 'Biological effects of microwaves- An overview'"
ZARET M K (1971) l'Toc:eedinga of the " Effects of lioo-I onizing lladiation" Sympoaiua, IEEE ~nternat, Conven-
2030 • • • ' N. T• , (Roaen tha 1 • s • w•, clua • ) • (2.2-25 Mar) • "Clinical aapecta of non-ionizing ndiatien
tioo and Expoaltloo,
2589 • ZARET, M.M. (1972), IEEE Tranaact101111 on BioMdic:al Engineering, BME-19(4): 313-316, "Clinical aspects of non-
ionizing radiation".
3072. zARET, M.M. (1973), Medical Trial Technique QUarterly, !2.,( ) :246-252, "Microwave cataracts•.

3347. ZARET, M.M. (1974), New Yorl.: Stare cT. of Medicir:1~, 74(11)::1032-LO:•s, (.let.), '~ratdracts fol '-)wing use of micrnwavi:'! oven•,
and letter:.> of comment (pro and con) from: MICHAELSON, S.~, S 0SL!'Cl1UCJ<~ ,'. (pp . .:'~!34-::035); CM [NTSR, R.L. (pp. L03:,·202b)
f:1£RRIAM, G.R., Jr. (pp. 2036-2037); DONfi:.DSON, D.D. (f)i'· L·J37); IPI'L£TC;N, P. (~,r'. 'fil'?-2C·38); H·JUC!AT, ,J ..~. (pp. 201H-2GJ9); a~d,
response by ZARET, M. (pp. 2039-2048).

3683, ZARET, M.M. (1975), Eye, Ear, Nose, &Throat Monthly (for Otolaryngologist, p. 291-294), 54:49-52 (July),
"Blindness, deafness, and vestibular dysfunction in a microwave wot·kero"
1857. :V.?.;::, !'!, Jot., CU..!..!U, S. F., ?;..S-::::?...'XACX, B., E!SD3t.::l, M., b SC!lMIDT, H. (1961) Report (RADC TN-61-226), 110 pages,
(AD 256831), •occurre~ce o! le~ticula= :~er!ections in the eyes of Qfcrowave workers and their association with environmental

1858, U.R:..-:, !'!. Jo{,, Cl.V.RY, S. F., ?.!.Sr:::?_'\.1_0::, B., EISE!3L1J, !-!,, & SCHMIDT, H. (1963) Institute of Industrial Medicine,
N. Y. lniv. Center, Final F--e?Ott (?..'.OC-'ID?.-&3-125), (A.::l 413294), 142 pages, "A study of lenticular imperfections in
the eyes o: a sa:ple of ticravave ~~r~rs ~d a control population"

1859. ~-.. ~. Jot., & E!SL\~t~, ~. (1951) Proc. 4th Tri-Service Con£. on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation,
Vol, 1, (Fey:on, M. F., ed.) P?· 293-~;a, "?relicinary results of studies of the lenticular effects of microwaves among exposed

1860. ZA.".;.'"T, ~. M., L\?~;, I. :. , &- 'Q.Y, A. ~. (1969) Proc. of the "Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave
Rad:.atic:~" Sy:;x:sit:3, (Cleary, S. :. , ec!.) 3ur. of P.a<!iological Health, Division of Biological Effects, Rept. No. 7()-2, pp. 82-8"4,
"Clin! a:.!.c~aw·•..,... cataracts"

1861. ~:-. M. M., !'.lo.JUI!;, C,, & ;_ycss, 1i. (19!>5) !'.ef?, "Investigation of hazard due to exposure to microwave radiation
fields eoco~tered i~ SAval operat~or~·
1863. ZAUBIVSKIT, S. YA., & lWlELL'I, o. N. (1966) T¥ano I!!Uitsin.aldy Zh •• (USSB. Military Med. J.). _(12):pp?, (ACSI Jl642),
"tb• aethoda of calculatiaa the protect1Ye z~ in radar station areaa•

1864. ZDECKI, S. (1967) Lekara Wojs~ (l'ohM) ~(-%):124-129, (l'TO HT-23-1500-67; ATD Abatr. 20(5/124); & AD 845280),
•s...taatioa aDd rating of the organ of visioa of persona exposed to aicrowave radiation with particular att*Dtloa to the
leuaa of tha eye"
1B65. ZELLER, E.A., WAKIM, K.G., HERRICK, J.F., BENEDICT, W., & DAILY, L. (1951), Amer. J. of Ophthalmology, 34(9):1301·
"Influence of microwave on certain enzyme systems in the lens of the eye."
2590. ZEMAN, G.H., CHAPUT, R., GLASER, Z.R., &GERSHMAN, L.C. (1973), Armed Forces Radiobiolog~ Research Institute,
Bethesda, Md., Tech. Note fTN 73-5, (June), (AD 1769-299), "Ga~~~~ta-aminobutyric acid metabolism 1n rats following
microwave exposure.•
3073. ZEMAN, G.H,, CHAPUT, R.L., GLASER, z.R., & GERSHMAN, L,C. (1973), J. of Microwave Power, ~(3/4):213-216, [absence of
chanqes in], ''Ganna Aminobutyric acid metabolism in rats following microwave exposure".

1866. ZENDLE, 11.., & GOODALE, E. E. (1959) llealth Physics _!: 78-80, •so.e unu.aual x-radiation dosimetry proble.a aaaoclated
with radar iaatallatioaa"
1867. ZENIHA, I. N. (1964) Trudy N11 Cigiyeaa Truda i Prof~aboleaniyaAMS SSSR _(2):26-32, (Abstr. 1a: ~Biological~
of~ FriJuaacy Electro..rstic ~. Iaatitate of tnduatrial !iypeoe md Occupational Diseaaes, Acad..y of Medical Science,
Hoec:ov, USS , 11 tba effect o pulsed SKF-t:l:U' fields- ou the central nerTOQS systea during aiagle and contiaao• radiatioo"
3074. ZERVINS, A. (1973), Amer. Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J., 34(3):120-127, (Mar.), "Chick embryo development in a
26KHz electromagnetic field."['The fertilized eggs developed normally in the EM field; the field did not affect the
early differentiation of the organ systeas; ••• development, growth, and subsequent survival was within bounds of control
1868. ZIIUIIIIM, V. 4. (1938) Works of the Ttlrtc--a Med. last. 2(3-4) :l.-247 • "Pathological and anatomical chana••· ia certain
uiaaltl uadar the general azposure to to1!1 electr-gnetic fields"
1869. ZBUIBIII, V. A. (1967) Tr. Nauch-bsladontel'akogo Iaat. !1zich. Metodov Lecheaiya, SSSa. _(2)J•Patho-
•rpboloaical cbaa&" occurring 1a the ceutral nervoua ayat•• of aniaal.a azpoaed to ulstrashort wavaa"
3684. ZHURAKOVSKAYA, N.A. (1975), Gigiyena Naselennykh Mest, (14):99-103, (in Russian), Transl. In:"Effects of
Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiatfon .. (JPRS #L/5615), 10 Feb.l976, pp. 13-16, "Effect of low-intensity high frequency
electromagnetfc energy on the cardiovascular system."
3348. ZHURAVLEV, V .A. ( 1973), Voen Med. Zh. _( 3): 64-67, (In Russo), "The combined effects of a super high frequency field ani

an unfavorable microclimate on the body 11 , [rats exposed to 10 em radiation at 5 mW/.-:m2 for 1 hr/day then to 4QOC incubat.or
showed increased WBC and hemogloblin content, a decrease in the no. of animals producing progeny, and in the size of the littet',
altered sex ratio (more males), and histological changes (myocardium, liver, and spleen), compared to the 11 heat-stressed-only"
2591. ZHURAVLEV, V.A., & SEVAST'YANOV, V.V. (1972), Voyenno Meditainskiy Zhurnal, _(3):pps?, "Method of exposing animals
to UHF".
1870. ZILinBEVICil, S. 1., BALOBEl, f, P., IOCDAHOVA, E. 1:., IVA!IOV, P. P., & ICDZNETSOV, YU. V. (1967) 11-dical Eha1-r1aa
!(3)1177-119, (Trauletioa of Heel. Takh. 1(3):59-62, 1967. (ID l.u.aiaa)), "Haasuriag apparatu. for bloloaical nd MCI1cal inveati-
aau- ia cnt1Mtel' raaa• of radlovaves'~~'
1871. ZIMII!Jl, II.. P., ECDR., B. A., & POPOVIC, T. P. (1971) IEEE Tr&Da. oo MJ.crovave Theory and Tecbalq~a~~a (Special Iaaue oa
Bioloaical Effacta of KicrovaY") .!!!!:::!!(2) :238-245, "Select he electroaqnetic heating of ta.~ra 1a aa1ula ta deep h)'pOthanU.a"

2297. Zl .I:J\ -~ .,
(A6!l-SII7]1J •.,!'· '' CO'""ll'Il'
·~ ' ":-1 • vo·cL-
1 \ ~-·-·n · -· -
• ' • • '-'J' •L'.T, '·• <!>·:_,._·-,I. (1~(.7) Cerc<ot !..alneol fizioltcr _:!,:la'-~~1,
)• .istochet'ical studies on SO!:le alterations of the or<!anisr_ under the action of mtcro\<aves"

1872, ZOlE, V, A., XIMIL'PEL'D, 0, D;• SCZDlLEVA, V, V,, IOBYZEVA, L. P., 6 GEh1tiNA, YE. S. (1967) B1of1aika lZ(l)tlZ4-126
(Abatr. ATD 15 (5/117h AP 7006956), Collplu 41elactric pen.itthity of h-a blood aarua 1D the 1oo-soo HB& raa.. UDder a;nal
conditione ud durias aG~& diaa&&ea"

1873. ZUBEHKD, P. K. (1940) DDapropetro?ak VDiYWraitet. tD.titut. rtzioloaii. SborDik rabot, (3):63-, (Abatr. iDt The
Moloaical ~!!. Elactroupatic .!!!!a • Aalultatad Biblioaraphr, AI'D Rapt. P-65-17 (Apr.-1965)), "Kachuiaa ofthe action
of UHF oo I&& exehaaaa*

1874. ZUJKOVA, s. K. (1967) Author'• Abatract of Caadidate'a Diaaertatioa, Hoacow, "laactioa of Excitable Syataa of Par...cia
to Kicrovave Irradiation"

187S. ZUBXOVA, S. K. (1961) Trau. of tba·Hoacow Society of llatural1ata·l!tl30-136, "!ffacta of alactroupatic fialda OD tba
resu1atioa of .otor fUDctiooe·io par ...cta•
3075. ZUBKDITA, S.M., & NIJrotiOIIA, V.A. (1969), TrU4y CNII Kurortoloqii i ll'izioterapii ,!!( ):34- ?, "Changes in the
excitability of paramecia during chronic exposure to low-level llicrowavea•. '

3076. ZUBKDITA, S.M., & NIKDNOVA, V.A. (1970), TrUdy Moalcovakoqo Obaceatva Iapytatelej Prirody, 45 ( ) :79- ? , "Study of
the possibility of a regulatory effect of microwave& on the excitability of paramecia". --
1876, ZUBICOVA-KIICRAYLOVA, ?, 6 ALElCSET!V, YU·, J. (1961} liullateo !bptlrlMDtal'ooi lioloaU i Kecltuiay (Koakva) (1)1115-118,
''The effect of electroupetic oacillatiou ia the radio frequency &JIKtr• on aauroaecretioa of the h:rpothaau aaii oo eado-
crioe alaoda"
(or ~itolcziia)
2298. 7.UFAROV, 1:. A., & Sii!:,\1\'AIS, \'.B. (1970) 7.ytolo~b~(2):1~o-:5l, (In ~us,..), ":-.,acti:>ns of thC' "'itochon<!rf:• rtf t·•
liver of u'.itc lllice to tt:e .. ction of electrOI"a""tletic fi•lds r~:·e!::~~. lvsi><, line! a-.-:e.,r .. nc!' of r-innt cc1 Js, 'It !·•.''• 1'1 ,.1
3349. ZULLI, L.P. (1968), J. of the Amer. Podiatry Assoc., ~(8): pp. ?, (Aug.), "Pulsed high frequency electromagnetic eneru
for adjunctive care of foot lesions".

ZXDECJti, s. (See ZDECU, S,)

3077. ZYDECIU, s.
(1972), Klinika Oczna (Waraaw), £(1A):411-415, (Abatr. in Excerpte Medica(Occupat. Hygiene & Industr.
Health Section), !(3):141 only (Apr. 1973)), "Ophthatmologic certification of physical fitnesa to work in the range of
microwave radiation".
2592. ZYSS, R., & BOCZYNSKI, W. (1972), Otolaryngol. Pol., 26(4):398-406, (In Pol. with Engl. Summary), '~orphological
changes in the cella of the oraan of Corti following exposure to aicrowaves", [Developmental and morphological changes
observed in the cella of the organ of Corti following expoaure of Guinea pigs to 10 em rad. at a level of 2 mw/cm2
for 4 hrs/day over 25 or 50 days. Reported are: awellin& or vacuolar degeneration of cytoplasm, pyknosis or swelling of
nuclei, decreased content of glycogen and nucleic acid, aDd congestion and extravasations in the vascular stria. The
authors suggest these changes have an influence on the decrease of bioelectric activity of the cochlea. ~e changes
regressed within 30 days followiDg cessation of the irradiation.]


1877. Opeoloa (a1141 Cloataa) Spaedl ..U b7 tbe nant at the rtr.c tteectoa of tbe s. I. 1. B. (Soc. Iatamat. af llactro-
Jadio-JioloiJ'). Abetr. of the be IaterD&t, Cent~• of !lectro-lladto-ltaloiJ', Veaice, (Cappelli, 1.., ad., lolope, ltal:r),
pp. 82-85 1 (1934) (EaJlleh Traaalation)

1171. "lboee .oat eeoeiti~ to electricic:y .~ alaock ban•, Arch. of Pby.ical !berapy ,!!s625-6Z6, (1935), (Abatr. iDa
Science MevaLetter, date?)

1879. •u1traabort • - 1D Mtliciae aa4 llioloiJ'•, Proc. of tile let Ckraiaiaa Coof• oa Sbortva•• Studiu, lebarlr.o"l, Coa. .di&dat

1880. Prob1- !!. !!!!. !!!!I!5! ,!!! Doas...m .!!! U1tnlatp PrMu&Dcy .!!. liolop .!!!! Kedlctaa, Hoacw (1937)

1881. Kateriala of tlle Lniosrad Coofal'aea 110 VIIP-10' WaYWs, LeniaarM, (1937)

1812. r ..c:eedlop of ·ftnt All-Vain C o n f - tef ftyalcias, lio!opta, ,. rh1etoloaiata) OD tile Probl- of llbe VM of
alaort aad U1tl'aahort Vafte ia Medicine, Madpa, (Moscow), (1940)

1813. •aio1opcal eod C1aerape11t1c affect of a aapatic field ull str1ct1y.par1odica1 vibratioaa", Para, Ho1otcw (1948)

1184. "Radar and cataract•"• J. '-er. Kedical·Aaaoc., ~(5)t528 (4 OCt, 1952), (Alao, Rue. Sci. Abs. !t339 (1957))

1885. "llealth ba&al'da to llicrwa•e radiattoa•, o. s. Military Air Traoeport Samca Medical IAforuttoa Lettel', No. 113,
pp. lD-12 (19S3)
1886. •eawcil oa ~ya1ca1, Medical, ud Jahabilitatioa Tberapys Wepl Oparatl- of Medical Diathara:r EqulpMDt•, J. ·Mier.
Medical Aaeoc. Y!tlSI3-, (1954)
1887. "Critique of the bioloaical hazarcla of aicrowave radlatio•"• Ceo, ~aabiaatoa VDiY., V&&hiaatoo, D. c., lept. 56-21,
(Nov. 1956)
1888. •uectrou~J:>etic radiaU.oo b.&&ar-'..a• (Cl••.....,._ .Ur llef-•• Ccuter •. Proj. 4554, (Oct. 1956)
1889, "Bio.e4ieal .upecu of aierovaft n.4iactoa•, (Clua1Ued) 0 School of Aviation Hacllcina 0 U, s. Air Force, Proj. 7713 1
(Mar. 1956)'

1890. "S1IIPO•i- - !"byai~log.ic: c.:i Pa.:.!lolosic: Effects of Hicr-.n:s•, Institute of Radio Engf.nHn Trau. OD HH1c:al llec:-
tronica ~· 52 ;>&&u, {Feb. l95.S)

1891. "bd&r death call.a for c.auti=", Cectnr.rlc:a ( &!cc), p. 26, (20 JUDe 1957)

1892. "Realtb b&za.rd.a; lofol"JUtiac 011 tt!.c:rovave ra.c!iati011 (iaclue1~~ ionizing radiation from electron.ic aqui~t)", EIIYir-
motal AAd Occ:t:;>ni~ !!.ealtb Il:.!o-=--t!..::c lAtter 5o. SB; Eea.c!ctWLr-te~s Air !Yterial eo. .Dd, Wriaht•Patteraoo A7 ..... Ohio,
(Sov. J.95 7)

1893. Conhrc=a 011 iaoiie> i:a.u..--de~ Mioutes, Syoo.sored by lia'IJ' Dept., Boreau of Shipe, Electronica Div. (Cotla 960) 0
(Aug. 1957), (Alao !'..1catu of 195a Cou!.)

1894. "Bibliography of aicrowav~~ ~d ~r biological effects", ?ra?&red in cooperation with the Directorate of TechDtcel
Senric:ea, llo- Air Defe.,.e Center; l.;>?e:t<!:i.x !, p. 111-114, ?roc. ln '!ri-Servtc:e Con!. on Biological Haurde of Microwave laclta-
tioo, (Pat tis~, E. C., ad.) !• (1557) (U 1360011, AD 115603)

1895. "The biological effect of a ~-{'.0 electroaapetic: field, !~ Vay;, Med. Akad. i Kirol 0 USSR, Lenioarad (1957)

1896. "Microwave (radar) l::.u.&res; hN.!tb precautions for ;:>~e=tion of", Bureau of Medicine and Suraery 0 'o.,ar~t
of liavy, Eulwtd J~;ouee 6260, (195a)

1897. "Radar rAC.iatton b.Aura.,, :Uect~ca (.aaatnesa Edition) _:lS- 0 (April 18 0 1958)
8 paaea, (AD 624221; SETE-210-14)
1898. "Hazarcia of lliaovanra elece~tlc ra4Ut1C?D•, Sev Yorlt Cc!v. College of EnziDeerina. H. Y. 0 /(1958)

1899. "Control of potential b.aur;!s co-b..u.}u-froto llicrowave ellerg:r", Arwy ltegulation (A.R.) No. 4G-583 0 (Sept. 1958) 0 Super-
seded by i&gulatioos of Sept. !961)

1900. "Radio freqDeDCy haz.ard.P ~"'. !lur. of A.erounttca of u. s. Air Force, T. o. 31·1-80 0 (Apr. 1958t (Revbed Jm. 1959)

1901. "Ra~rds of ftierovave elec~~t1c radiation•, Report, s. Y. t~iv. School of Eng. Sci. (AD 624221) 0 (1958)
1902. "Health E.aurda U>foraat1oa: .!".iC';"'!taft"Tadiatioo" • o. S. Air :orce J!.ept. AFP 16G-613 0 pp. 1•10 0 (Kay 1958)

1903. "Sew biological effects of 'i.-F ~atioo•, UectroGica .E_: 3-0-39, (1959), (From Proc. of the 12th Annual Conf. on Elec-
trical Tech. in ~.d. and 3iolOEY)

1904. "Lnveatigator'e Conference on !i~lQ&ical Effecta of Electr~ic !&diating Equipment•"• Tech. Report oa Proj. 5545 0
ll.UlC-Ti.-59-67 0 o\5 pagea, (All 2146;3), (:~. 1959)

1905. "i11o1ogical, CUnical, a.~ ~r.u:c:.h ~ta of the l>ev Bio-E!.ectrtcal Approach to the Treatment of the Mtole Patient"•
The Abraha:a J. Ginal>ers FoUDd.atioc, lnrtuti=al 5,-.posiu:a, Sew York, (JUDe 1959)

1906. "Medical c:onsicarations o! .-..x;>os=e·to Jlicroora-res (r..Ur), !'.Kica1 Neva Letter (Navy) _li(7)a35•40 0 (Oct. 1959)

1907. " h.u.ard.s•, ~tiona! S.a.f"t:r H"n. DatD Sheet 481, (195>)

1908. "Blood coagulation changes .:t.e :o electromagnetic llicrovave !.r::adiat1one•, J.eport 0 St. Louie Uoiv. o (DA-36039 0 S«>-
78122), CAD 2292o7), (1959)

1909. "Labor hY&iel:le lind the biolcgic:ll effKt of radio freqU£::>cy electroaasnetic·waves 0 a - r i u of reporta"o Moscow (1959)

1910. Digest of T~clu:ical Pa:-e:-s of 12~ A:ulxaal Con!. cu "Electri~J. tech.oiques in Medicine and Biolozy•, (Schwan, H. P ••
0\•.), Rc:aoe Air Develc;>czent Ce:nte~. Ji. !., n-59-227, (Spon.soree :-,. Iutitute of· Radio Enatneers, AlEE, and lut~t Soc. of
America; Phila., Pa.), (SoY. 19~)

1911. "Biological e!fectn of r....Uo f~u=c:y radiation: bibliop-a;:ay•, Prepared by llo- Air Develop-nt Center and Kiclweet
Research ln.&tittlte, La.asu City, l".o., (.UX n. 60205), (AD 244003), (1960)

1912. "Bov cianaerC>CII are aic:r~!", Ma41cal J., pp. l&i0-1421 0 (1960)

1913. Diacwsaioa on r:ltruccic:A u.d l!!=ov...,.. ia.di.a'l:ioa (at 3rd !.:l:arGat. Cont. on Medicine & Electrooics) 0 Proc. of the
Internat. Cont. oo Ked.. Electro:Uc:s il: :!!.edidlle- & JSiol • .E.ogineeri1:g 1_:459-461, (1960);

1914. "Sa!et7 preeaationa relati:6 to ~n:ecse ra4!.o-frequeacy rai~tion", Rer Majesty's Stationery Office 0 Londoo (1960)•
Reprinted in: ~diAtion Cootrol ;cr 5e~tb and Safety Act of 1~~7 (•To provide for the protection of the public health f~
radiation em!asio~•), ~ricgs ;~:ore ~e eoc.dttee oa Cocnerce, ~cited·States Senate 0 90th COnareaa 0 Second Session Part 2
Serial !Oo. 9G-49, ?P• lS7l-l5i4, t'..zy, 19:08) • •
3350. "Hi-fi and living cells", Think. (Int. Bus. Mach.), pps. ~June 31-32, 1960, [unable to verify].

2299. "J,nort,.nr areas of electronic re~<carc!1; r.o'lpilation of sta1:~:-e;-,t; by leaders ~n the fi,.ld", (.\,· :!5V>~l), (1 "f.i).

1 915. •xnteriR •t~~ea:d d~f1~1~!~ c! te~ related to radio fre1uency radiation ha~ardsn. Prepared uoder Havy Bureau of
Ships, Cootr~ct viLh !tidwest :.uearc± !::;stita~e, Ccntract So. 50~-77142, (May 1961) 0

1916. MElec:troca~etic radiatico ~~:~·. c. S. "-"

r..n g 1 ne..rin6 ''r Force L. o. -11•-!n4 " -v- 0 (0ct. 196 1 ) • Superseded by: " Grouod Electrooics
- ll:.ata1Lctioa J~e"-07 Sta.::oi.l.rd• • Tec!t. l'.&:laal, (!-Ia:!' 1;57)

3018. Raport of •near-fatalitiea ••• directly or indirectly attributed to microwave energy" (p.2), and as described on
pagea 30-34 of the General Electric Raport, Light Military Electronic& Dept., Utica, entitled "RADHAZ {RF radiation
hazard) Instrumentation•, Approx. date 1962.

1918, "Queatiooe of the Biolo&ical Effect of a SHF-UHF [1ectroaagnetic Field, Su.aariea of Reporta", KJrov Order of Lenin
H1Utary Medical Aced..,, Lantnarad (1962)

1919. Methode.!! Protection Aaainat _!!!.!.~of !lectro.. goetic Fidc!a vith the t:ae of Higl>-Frequeocy Geonatou, Hoac:ov,
(1962) (In Jtuaaian)

1920. "Bulletin on health hazards due to radar aad aiailar inatallationa and their prevention", Duaaeldorf, (1962), (In German)

1921. Ins The Bioloaical ~.!! U1trabiah Frequenciea, Letavet, A. A., & Gordon, 2. V., (~a.), (JPRS 12471), (N62-11902),
~Feb, 1962)~co.meadations for conductin& preliainary and periodic ~dical exaaination of workers uaing UHF aourcea", pp. 123-125;
Sanitary re&ulationa in work vith generators of centiaeter vavea", p~. 126-130; "Instruction• on the method of meaauring the pover
flux denaity of UHF energy at working poaitiona", Appendix, pp. \31-133; "Bibliography of biological effects of UHF", pp. 134-142

1922. ~icrowava effect• on the human body: bibliography", (AD/46950), (1962) (Not preaently avail, froa DDC; "vithdravn by coo-
trolling agency")
1 ;~~~ repor: OD bioloBtul et!ect8'"Gf !t-P ra.diatior oc u:ro.aleculea", Kelpar, Inc., Falla Church, Va., (AD 284373),

1923. "The 'Hyfrecator' for elect~o-desiceation, fulguration, and cc~gulation", Sz-poaiua on Electrodesiccation and Bi-active
Coagulation; The Birtcher Corp., Loa Angelea, 32 pages, (1963)

1924. "Neuroloaical reapooaea to external electroaagnetic energy (A critique of available data and hypothese&)", eo.pilation of
Material Preaeoted at the Coof, at the Brain &eaearch lost., ~CLA, (~Aey, W. R., Cha.), 101 pages, (July 1963)

1925. Abatracta of the Conference on "Induatrial Hygiene and the Biological Action of Radio Frequency Electroeagnetie Fields",
lDat. of Hygiene and Occup, Diae.. aa, Acad. of Mad. Sci., Moacov, (1963)
(In Russian),
1926. Protection Against,!!!!~.!! ElectroMsnetic .!!!.!2!!!! EJ.t.ctr1c ~ in Induatry, Leningrad,/ (1963)

3132. "'Wake-up wavea' [RFJ being used on bulbs", [exposed gladiolus sprout), Science News Letter, 84( ) :25 only, July 13, 1963.

2300, '''1}1c hiC'IlOricaJ ACtion nf rad.:l' #recuency clP.CCrcr."".a ... r.ctic r:_:s!~s and f'\.at:"'n('tic fields: ~ll"'"'':"""::!r'• T:!OC'T''"" nf thr "•n('~
on 'tnJ~ncti.(·. •·:utt•· r-"T'C"~"uer:.c\~, :~nd '"'t:1er Fielc! !""ffects. 'r.viror::-er.:.:l: ':2.i'Jlo~v Cn':1Mittec, ""'·'lCP ~rienc•, ~.n.1rt•, .,~-·:
(:163-~151> I), (.'" • I'll l)

1927. "Soviet& design clothing to protect vorkera fraa the effect& of electric fielda", Technical Digeat (Czech) _(9):79-,
(Sept. 1964)
1928. "Tbreahold liait values for toxic cbEaicala and certain electrasagnetic radiation", U. S. Army Report (TB MED-265),
(April 1964)
1929. "Soee biocbeaical change& in vorkera exposed to centimeter waves", Trans. of Soviet Bloc Sci. and Tech. Lit. (ATDP
6495; AD 460106), (1964)
1930. "Biological Effect of Ultrasound and t~ Electroaagnetic ~aves", Kiev, (1964), (Io Ruaaian)
1931. The Biolosical Effects ~ Electroma!(!letic: ~- ~ Annotated Bibliography" of Soviet-Bloc Literature, Aero•pace
Techno!~ Diviaion, Library of Congres~, ATD Rept. P-65-17, 45 pages, (AD 460705), (April 1965) (by DODGE. C, B.}

1932. Bio1oaical Effects of Microwaves: Com?ilation of Abarracts, (Survey of Soviet Scientific & Tech. Lit.), Aerospace
Technology Div,, L~oTCongreaa, ATD Rept. P•65-68, 98 pagea, (AD 621648), (Sepr.. 1965) [by DODGE, C. H.}

1'33. "Bia.edical microwave. reaearch", "Aerospace Technology Division Preas, Library of Congress, ~(43):pp.?, (August 1965)

1934. "&adiation hazards", California Public Health, (Berkeley), P?· 1-12, (1965)
1935. "A atandsrd method of detaraining field inteoaity and irra~iation by electromagaetic waves in the RF and UHF bands for
health purpoaea, preventive medical exa•inations of personnel and po!sibly of persona exposed to such radiation", Decree of the
Czechoa1ovak Surgeon General, (1965), {ln Czech.)
1936. "Control of hazard& to health from &icrovaye radiation", C. S. Army/Air Force, TS-XED-270/AFM-161-7, (Dec. 1965)

1937. "Effects of a-F anergy on biological macroaolecules, II", by ~~lpar, Inc., Falla Church, Va,, for U.S. Army, Edgewood
Arsenal, Hd., (AD 618472), (1965)

3079. "Radiation hazards from electronic equipment", Rapt., canadian Standards Association, CSA Standard Z65-1966, (1966).
"Sanitary regulations in vork with sources of KF-LF and VHY-K? electromagoetic fields" (USSR No. 615-66), (1966), 11 pages.

1942. "UHF eleetroaaanetic fields change behavior", Radiation ~(20):389-412, (1966)

1943. "UHF chanaea behavior•, Science News ~(2~394 ,mJv,(l966)

1944, "Do& taata increaae aicrovave concern", Technology Week, PP• 33-34, (1966) ..
1919. "Techoical aanua1 for radio frequency radiation hazards", KAVSSlPS 090o-D05-8000, Dept. of the Navy, Naval Ship Syateme
eo...nd, (July 1966)

20S2. "Electro.agnetic waves apeed up potato growth rate", Glos Wybr:e:a, (Rumania), _:4-, (29 May 1966)
1941. "Safety level of electromagnetic radiation with respect to personnel", Report of U. S. of A. Standards Institute, Spon-
sored by u. s. Navy and Inst. of Electrical & Electronics tag:oeers, (rSAS C9S.l), (Nov. 1966); Also IEEE Trans. on Biomedical
EnRineering, BKE-!i(2):pp.?, (1967)
1938. "Crouod e1ectroaagnetic interference and radiation batards", Air Force Regulation AYR-100-6, (Supersedes AFl-66-19 of
Oct. 1961), (Dee. 1966)
1949. "Report of shipboard electromagnetic radiation hazard measurements (aboard the USS DECATUR (DDG-31))". (U),
(Classified), Naval Ship Systems Command, Dept. of the Navy, (March 1967).
1945. "Electronic (RF) safety", Abstr. froa ~fety Precautions for Shore Activities; Dept. of the Navy, NAVSO P•24SS, (June
1947. "Radiation hazards", Abatr. fro.: 'Electronics Installation and Maintenance Book', Dept. of the Navy, NAVSHIPS 0967-QOG-0106,
(formerly 900,000.100), (June 1967)
1946. ''MicrowaYe equipaent", Chapt. G, p. 2S-, in: Electricd Safet-. Guides for Research; Safety and Fire Protection Tech-
nical Bulletin 113, (Div. of Operational Safety, U. S. Atonic ~~ion), (Dec. 1967)
3080. •soviet Radiobiology", Aerospace Technology Division, Library of Congress, Rept. ATD-68-105-108-9, (AD #671 436),
12 March 1968, [Contains a number of abstracts of repts on electric, magnetic, and RF-microwave studies].
2301. .. ...~solution .• R..adio-Freouencv 1'azarc!s Prot-.en!;'', r!,iet of ''.;Y21 ~erations Instructinn ('lp~:,\YI ·"'·~ ')J••l.J:;) of ?[e .,~...
1968, ("Tc Pronulr.atL• policy pertainine to the resolut1on :1f radiC' frequency hazard t"'!"o~Jens involvinf" ,1rdno1nc~, ocrsonn£'1,.
and volatile rttatC'rialh, and to assim reS'OC'nsihliitie~ ~n connectic~ therewith")
1948. "The I:UC~Ye o•m - a beoe!it &!)(j a potential baurd" • In Congaa!lional Record - Senate, (8 July 1968), pp. 8231-8234

l9SO. "?Aciatio~ ~trol for Heal:= ~~ Safety Ac: of 1967" (to F:~de for the protection of the public health from radiation
emlaaiona), ~aringa :~fore the Cc~t:ee on CcmBerce, C. S. Se~ate, 90th Congress, 2nd Sessions on S. 2067, S. 3211, and
H.R. 10i90, Part l, ZB, 2g, 30 Acg. !;57; Fa:t 2, &-15 ~AY !966, Ser. So. 9Q-49; Governoent Printing Office (Referred to in this
bibliography as "Se~te Searings. 1?51"., (l>OS)

1951. "EvalUAtion of cicrovav• rae:at:o~ hatArd ~asure~nt e~ci~e~t and techniqu@S", Georgia Institute of Technology Resea-~h
Proposal aubaitted to: S.tional c~~:~r :cr i~ciological Eealth, :e~artmeot of Health, Education, and Welfare, (Dec. 1968)

1952. "Effects of rac~r on the t~~ eoey", (AD 273172}, (1969)

1953. "lliological ef!ects of lov in:e::.s!ty :adio-frec;uency radiat~oro.sM, (bibliography), Allied Research Associatea 0 Inc.,
Concord, ~~ss. P~pt. So. A.~-5366, ::• ?2gos, (1969}
2098. "Non-ionizing raaiation- an 1::-ttroduction", t:on-ionizing Rae. !0) :5-6, (!969)

3081. "Microwave radiation called growing hazard [to man]", Electronic Design, _!!( ) :p. 28 only, (Jul. 5, 1969) .

1954. Report of Chief of 5aval ~s~r~~. ~ief of 5aval Develc?~t (~~-CSD) Te~hnical Working Group on Biological Effects of
Nco-loni:ing Radiation, De~rt~t o! :~ Kavy, (J~g. 19~9)
3082. "Radiation biology: [Information] gathered at the 'Symposium on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation•
Sept., 1969, in Riclunond, VA", Science News, 96( ) :276 only, (27 Sept.).

3083. "R-f pollution: A rising concern", Electronics, Editorial Comment, p. 31 only, Dec. 8, 1969.

3094. "Electromagnetic radiation hazard study at Site 487L, Silver Creek, Nebraska", EMC/Measurements Engineering Section,
Engineering Division, Central GEEIA Region, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, 1969.
2048. "Micro11ave conference" • Proc. of the Euro;>eao Microwave Conf. held in London Sept. 1969, 570 pages. (1969 European
Microwave Conf,, lEE conf. Publication 58, Dept. S 100, Institute of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, England)

2053. "Electronic device for treating nervous systeo diseases", Nedelya, (Bulgaria), _(7):8-, (5 Feb. 1967)

2051. "A loll field ele.ctron spin resonance study of the effect of radiation in living anicals" • Final report on Project No.
Os-1927-01, Contract No. DA-49-146-XZ-560, Defense Atomic Support Agency, ~ash., D. C., DASA-1952, (AD 816130), (June 1967)
-=--.- of Ste.nford ..:niv., If':
1961. "Safety procedures for ?.I aue .C:rC1>o-aves ,,. 0 -~i~~;;::t) ··, ~:: ;,:: . · E:.lectrical Safety Guide/"Crossfeed'; Naval Aviation Safety
Nev!!letter, Dept. of the Savy, !\.Gu;:,s ?-35, (7), ?· 2 only, (1Si0)
2594. "Industrial Heating: Putting power where i t counts economically", Ref.?, [Discusses use of microwave power, 11ith
mention of control of radiation leakage, and emission control standard.], (1970?).

2595. "Survey of radiation levels generated by equipment used on EC-121 Aircraft, and clinical evaluation of selected
crew aembers", U.S. Air Force Radiological Health Lab., (Wright-Patterson AFB) Tech. Rept. No. 70W-109, (1970}.

2596. "The radar radiation hazard", Ref?, pp. 77-78, (1970).

3086. "Microwave heating of human blood for massive transfusion", Items and Topics {Ohio M.edical.Products), 16( ) :9- ,
l '"'•-:.t-n ,w ... l·~~t~~... J
(1970) ·I
1957. "Voltag• and violets for ~ ~·. Tbe ~rld's Mc•t Soc:ali:ed Mrdicioe (~SSR}, Life (Magazine) 68(2):42-43, (23 Jan.
1962. "Radar~ng• (~} ~crovave C~e~ ~ia:icn Standares, Testi~e a~d ~lity Control", Prepared for the 4th Annual Midyear
Sy1:1p0sta::o of tbe Real~!:: ?!:ys1cs 5·o<:., (~_,_:.nille, Ky., Jan. 197)), b:r .\%lana Refrigeration, Inc.

1963. "t'.icrCNave baurcis~, !:.C,.;; S~!e:>tist !1_(6e8):Z93 on!y, (1? Feb. 1970)

2606. "Public Law No.l53 of May 25, 1972", J. of Statutes, No. 21, Polish Peoples ltepublic, Warsaw, Oune 8, 1972).
[Concerning the safety of workers using equipment which generates electromagnetic fields in the microwave range].

2607. "Can aicrowaves hurt?" Microwave, 11 (7): 33, (Jul. 1972).

2608. ''Microwaves and Pacemakers- Just how well do they go together?", J. of theAmer. Medical Assoc., 221(9):957-959,
(Au&. 28, 1972).
2609. "Anti-Sex Machines", Parade Magazine (in The Washington Post, P.7, Sunday, Oct. 8, 1972), [Report of impotencv
experienced by male employees in an Italian furniture plant that uses high frequency electromagnetic tools].
3092. "A housewife's dream [i.e., microwave oven] is sick man's [cardiac electronic pacemaker wearer} nightmare .. , The Wall
Street Journal, __ ( ):34 only, Nov. 8, 1972.

3685. "Microwave health hazard; control of," BUMED INSTRUCTION 6470.13, Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine & Surgery,
10 November 1972.
2610. ''Microwave Health Hazard; control of", Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BIJHED), Dept. of the Navy, BIJHED Instruction
6470.13 of 10 Nov. 1972. [To outline the potential health hazards associated with the use of microwave equipment, including
radar; to specify peraonael exposure levels, to provide medical surveillance guidance, and to require reporting of
microwave overexposure indidents].

2611. "llesearch and develoPMJlt sources sought on [biological and behavioral) effects of [CW and pulsed) radio waves",
Caa.erce Business Daily, No.PSA-5712, p. 18 only, (Dec. 6, 1972).

2612. "Microwaves- A public menace?", Medical World News, !1_(46):4-5, (Dec. 8, 1972).

2613. "Radio waves cut hearing loss", Research/DeveloptHnt, News Notes Section, Q{l2):8 & 10, {Dec. 1972).
3100. "Cargo hook JF-burn prevention", Fathom: Surface Ship & Submarine Safety Review (Navy), p. 7 only, Fall 1973.

3101. "Health hazards through microwaves: Dangers for [electronic) heart pacemakers", z. Allgemeinmed, 49( ):1299- ?,
(In Ger.), 1973.

3102. "We want you to know about microwave oven radiation", Food & Drug Adlnn. Rept. DHEW Publication No. (FDA) 73-8049,
[including statement on 'radiation injuries')., 1973.
2615. ''Microwave TV: Is a little too much?", Medical World News, 14(2):5-6, (Jan. 12, 1973).

2616. "Electric current sparks mammalian tissue regeneration", (Discusses work of BECKER, R.O. at the V.A. Hosp., Syracuse,
N.Y., "Using electrical stimulation, he was able to get two types of human cells (stem cells and lymphocytes) to produce
blaatocytes, showing that regeneration is theoretically possible."). J. of the Amer. Hed. Assoc., 223(5):483-484 & 494,
(Jan. 29, 1973).

2618. "Program for control of electromagnetic pollution of the environment: The assessment of biological hazards of
nonionizing electromagnetic radiation,• Rept., Office of Telecommunications Policy, Executive Office of the President,
48 pps., {"-r. 1973).
3094. "Radiation Control for Health and Safety• Act of 1968 Hearings before the Committee on Commerce, U.S. Senate, 93rd
Congress, lst session on Public Law 90-602, Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968, held Mar. 8, 9, and 12, 1973
(U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash., DC, serial No. 93-24).
2617. ''Microwave oven safety", The Washington Post, Page ?, (Mar. 10, 1973).

2619. Electroaagnetic News Report, Vol. 1, _No. 1, March/April 1973, A bi8onthly publication of R&B Enterprises (P. 0. Box
328, Plymouth Meeting, Pa., 19462).

2620. "Microwaves", In: Lifeline, The Naval Safety Journal, !(2) :9 only, (Mar.-Apr. 1973). [All outline of the hazards from
aicrowave equipment, as described in BUMIID Instruction 6470.13 of 10 Nov. 1972 entitled ''Microwave health hazards; control of",
e~d ~brief llating of safety precautions).
3095. "Techniques and instrumentation for the measurement of potentially hazardous electromagnetic radiation at microwave
frequencies•, ~erican National Standard (American National Standards Inst., Inc., New York, NY), No. ANSI C95.3-l973,
Apr. 20, 1973.
2621. ''Microwave ovens: Not reca..ended. The popular .odels we tested leaked radiation at levels we can't be sure are
hanaleee", Consumer Reports, J!-(4):221-230, {Apr. 1973).

2622. "Biological effecta, ha&ards, and medical uses of non-ionizing radiation", Short Course, Dept. of Mechanical
Bn&ineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (June 25-29, 1973).

3686. Radiation Health Protection Manual, NAVMED P-5055, Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, 4 May 1973,
and CHANGE TRANSM~, 11 PersonneliiOsTmetry requirements," 7 Feb. 1975, and CHANGE TRANSMITIAL 2, "Medical examinations,"
19 June 1975.
3096. "The u.s. Navy is experimenting with electromagnetic radiation devices which, experts say, can disrupt operations of
an ena.y warship without damaging the vessel or injuring ita crew•, from the 'Wash. Whispers' column of u.s. News & world
Report, _( ) 18 o;;yy:-;;ug. 20, 1973.

3097. (Voluntary) "Perfo~e standard on leakage froa industrial microwave systems", Internat. Microwave Power Institute
(IKPI) Publication No. IS-1, AugUst 1973.
3098. "What about microwave oven safety?", Advertis...nt of the General Electric Co. in Better Homes & Gardens, __ ( ) :116 onLy,
Septaber 1973.
3099. "Health hazards from exposure to aicrowaves•, Report (No. EUR0-3170) on an Evaluation Group convened (in Copenhagen,
22-23 OCt. 1973) by the Regional Office fo» Europe of the WOrld Health Organization on 'LOng-Term Programme in Environmental
Pollution control in Europe'.

2061. "And now, microwave pollution--An expose of the damage wrought to humans by radar, electronic ovens, and TV trans-
mission;• In: Moneysworth Magazine (In: Issue to be published, Dec. 73), (110 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018).
3361. "Effects of electromagnetic :adiation" [on b~ologi':al materials}, In: Interference Technology Engineers' Master
(ITEM)- [GOLDBLUM, R.D., (ed.)], D1rectory and Des1gn Gu1de, (Pub. by R&B Enterprises, P.O. Box J28 P1 th M • PA
191162), pp. 130-132, 1974. ' ymou eetmg,

3687. "The Navy research program in nonionizing radiation," Rept. prepared by: Ad Hoc Co11111ittee on the Navy Nonionizing-
Radiation Research Program, C011111ittee on Naval Medical Research, Division of MedTCaT:Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences,
Nattonal Academy of Sciences-National Research Council; Supported by: Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Dept. of the
A~. Contract DADA17-6g·C-9084; 44 pps., 1974.

3103. "Electric fields influence sleep", in the Research Trendletter sect.l(Jn of Industrial Research, ~(1} :15 only, Jan.
1974, [weak VHF fielda, in air, at brainwave frequencies, 'may eve~ effect ... emotions and behavior through action on
harmones'• at UCLA School of Med.].
3355. "Screening procedure [using transcutaneous electrical stimulation or dorsal column stimulation at radio frequency]
relieves chronic pain", J. of the Amer. Hed. Assoc., 223(9):968-969, (Feb. 26, 1973).

::!356. "Microwave Oven Radiation Protection Program", (Effective March 1, 1974), U.S. Army Regulation No. AR-40-44,
(Jan. 21, 1974).

3688 "BUMED radiation effects advisory board; appointment, functions, and responsibilities of," BUMED INSTRUCTION
6470:12A, Dept. of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, 28 March 1974.
3104. "ElectromagnetiBIIl and bone repair", Science News, 105(18) :287 only, May 4, 1974, [describes work of BASSETT, PAWLUK,
3105. •second report on 'Program-for control of electromagnetic pollution of the environment: The assessment of biolo-
gical hazards of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation' Offi~e of Telecommunications Policy, May 1974.

3106. "Danger: Heavy waves", [concern for non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation hie-effects), Newsweek, P· 59 only,
June 3, 1974.
3357. "Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation", BLEMR Digest, 1(1):40 pps., (A digest of current literature and a
forum of contmunication produced quarterly for the U.S. Army Research Office by the Franklin Institute Research Labs, [Science
Information Services], June 1974); Issue (2) dated Sept. 1974.

3358. "Changes in meT3bolism of nitrogenous substances in animal nerve tissue subjected to an electromagnetic fi.eld of
ultrahigh frequency", Ukra ins 'kyy Biokhir.ic!1nyy Zhurnal, _ ( 4): 483-486, 1972, [Transl. in "Effect of nonionizing electromag-
netic radiation", .JPRS No. 62462, (July 1974), citation #3134, this Biblio., pps. 1-5].

3133. "Microwaves: Hazardous to your health?", Microwaves, Q(7) :21 only, July, 1974.

3134. "Effect of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation", Transl. of curr~nt Russ. language articles in the biological and
medical sciences, JPRS #62462, 12 July 1974.

3135. "Radio waves: More harm than expected", Industrial Research, 16(8) :34 only, August 1974.

3136. "Microwave emissions in the air: Are they a biological time bomb?", [brief rept. of the Rochester "Environmental
ToxicitY" Meeting, citation i3120, this Biblio.], Medical World News, __ ( ) :22-23, August 2, 1974.

3360. "More radiation [microwave and laser] protection," [considered by British National Rad. Protection Board], Nature,
250( ):528 only, (Aug. 16, 1974).
3359. 11 How unseen microwaves are changing your life", U.S. News & World Report, pp. ? only, December g, 1974.

3689. "Health hazards from exposure to microwaves," Health Physics, 28(1):69-73 (1975).
3690. "A sunrnary of the ERMAC work session on nervous system and behavioral effects of nonionizing electromagnetic
radiations," J. of Microwave Power, .!Q.(2):127-140 (1975).
3691. "Compilation of Navy sponsored ELF biomedical and ecological research reports, Volume 1," Naval Medical Research
and Development C011111and, Bethesda, MD, EMR Project Office, 747 pps. (AD #A015068 EMPR0-2-VOL-1), Feb. 1975.
3692. "Ccxnpilation of Navy sponsored ELF biomedical and ecological research reports, Volume 2," Naval Medical Research
and Development Command, Bethesda, MD, EMR Project Office, 736 pps. (AD #A015069 EMPR0-2-VOL-2), Feb. 1975.
3693. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Electrosleep and Electroanesthesia, associated with the
Eighth Conference of the Neuroelectric Society, held in Paris, France, March 18-24, 1975.
3694. "Third report on 'Program for control of electromagnetic pollution of the environment: The assessment of biological
hazards of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation'," Office of Telecommunications Policy, Executive Office of the President
(April 1975). [See citation #2618, this Biblio., for 1st Report, and #3105 for 2nd Report.]
3695. "Microwave ovens: Caution urged," The Washington [DC] Star, p. C-3, April 2, 1975.
3696. "Effects of Non-Ionizing Electrcxnagnet1c Radiation: Collection of Soviet reports (in Russian), (Transl. as
JPRS #64532, 72 pps.), 11 April 1975.
3697. "Radiation Hazards," Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD), Paris (France), Aug. 1975,
Presented at a Lecture Series in the Netherlands, 22-23 Sept. 1975, Germany, 25-26 Sept. 1975, and Norway, 29-30 Sept. 1975
sponsored by the Aerospace Med. Panel, and the Consultant and Exchange Program of AGARD (Report #AGARD-LS-78}, 149 pps.
3698. "Laser hazards and safety in the military environment," AGARD Lecture Series No. 79 (AGARD-LS-79), Sept. 1975.

31~. (Continued)
CZERSKI, P., & PIOTROWSKI, M. "Principles for evaluation safety doses of electromagnetic radiation at the range of
300-300,000 MHz".

EDELWEJN, z. "Investigations on the effect of microwave radiation on the functional state of the central nervous

GIDYNSKI, A. "Usa of thin-layer metallic shields for eye protection [from HF electromagnetic radiation]".

KOLAKOWSKI, Z.E. "Audiometric tone perception in people working in microwave fields at various power densities".

JCOLAKOWSKI, Z.E., KRYCH, J., ZYDECKI, S., & YARECKI, R. "Evaluation of the transparency of human lenses exposed to
microwav~ radiation".

KUCIA, H. "Activity of the Central Institute for Labor Protection in the protection against electrical hazards".

KUCIA, H. "Prinyiples fo~ evaluation of safety doses of electromagnetic radiation in the range of o.l-300 MHz".

MANCZARSKI, s. "Early studies in Poland of the biological action of electromagnetic fields, and future perspectives".

MIKOLAJCZYK, H. "Endocrine reactions and changes in endocrine glands under the influence of microwaves".

MIKOLAJCZYK, H. "Results obtained and future plans for investigation into the biological effects of microwave radia-
tion, in the Department of Physical Hazards of the Institute of Professional Medicine in Lodz".

MIJCOLAJCZYK, H. "Thermal effect of microwaves on the chromogenic reaction of adrenaline in neutral solution".

SIEKIERZYNSKI, M. "The effect of microwaves on iron metabolism in rabbits".

SIEKIERZYNSKI, M., DZIUK, E., & FORGALSKI, w.·"Studies of the iron binding capacity in human serum following exposure
to microwave radiation".

SZUBSKI, A. "Measurement of dielectric penetration of fluid substances and biological fluids with the use of waveguide".

2628. Proceedings of "Third Annual Meeting of the Joint Services Ad Hoc Committee on Microwave Ocular Effects",
APPLETON, B. (Chmn.), held at Airlie House, Warrenton, Va., (Jan. 6-·7, 1972).

2629. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Microwave Power Symposium, Sponsored by the International Microwave Power lnst.,
Ottawa, Canada, (24-26 May 1972),
Session 8 - "Biological Effects of Microwaves, I", OSEPCHUK, J .M. (Chmn.):

CARPENTER, R.L., FERRI, E.S., & HAGAN, G. .J., pp. 143-144, "Lens opacities in eyes of rabbits follo,.ing
repeated daily irradiation at 2.45 GHz".

EVERTS, J.M., HERMAN, W.A., COLVIN, M.C., PORTER, C.R., & PHILUPS, C.R., pp. U9-142, "Cytogenetic
effect of microwave radiation in Chinese hamsters".

FREY, A.H., & FELD, s., pp. 130-138, "Perception and avoidance of illumination with low po,.er RF
electromagnetic energy",

GUY, A.W., LIN, J.C., & HARRIS, F.A., pp. 120-129, "The effect of microwave radiation on evoked tactile
and auditory CNS response in cats".

HUNT, E.L., PHILLIPS, R.D., CASTRO, R.D., & KING, N.W., p. 119, "General activity of rats immediately
following exposure to 2450 MHz microwaves".

MICP~SO~. S.M., pp. 145-147, "The relevancy of experiments. studies of microwave-induced cataracts
to man".

PHILLIPS, R.D., HUNT, E.L., & KING, N.W., p. 118, "Vital functions of rats after exposure to 2450 MHz

Session 10- "Biological Effects of Microwaves, II", ROSENTHAL, S.W. (Chmn.):

CARPENTER, R.L., FERRI, E.S., & HAGAN, G.J., pp. 196-197, "Perturbation of the microwave field by
experimental animal and apparatus in biological research".

FRAZER, J.W., MITCHELL, J.C., GASS, A.E., & HURT, W.D., pp. 167-168, "Exposure of biological specimens
to high power HF band fields".

FREY, A. H., & MESSENGER, R., pp. 169-177, "Psychophysical data on the RF hearing effect'".

GUY, A.W., & KORBEL, S.F., pp. 180-193, "Dosimetry studies on a UHF cavity exposure chamber for

KRITIKOS, H., & SCHWAN, H., pp. 194-195, "The differential temperature rise at hot spots generated
in lossy spheres by electromagnetic waves".

RAJOTTE, R., VOSS, W.A.G., DOSSETOR, J.B., & STILLER, C.R., pp. 178-179, "Microwave defreezing ·I
canine kidneys".

2630. Prasentatiou made at the "Microwave Hazards Measurement and Dosimet-ry Workshop", held at Georgia Institute of
Techaolocv, Atlantal Sponsored by Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and the Engineering Experiment Station of Georgia
Tech., (1 & 2 June, 1972):

IWISITT, H. L. , fc RIJDDLBSTON, G. K. (Engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Tech.) , "Design of a lllicrowave


lOWMAN, R.R.. (lkt'l Bureau of Standards), ·"Probes for meaaur-nts of electrOIUlgDetic fields".

IIUUS, C.P., & MAGIN, !l.L. (Enaineering Experiment Station, Georgia Tech.), "Potential Mdical and biological
applications of elactroMgnetic radiation".

GIOVB, U.K. (Walter Reed Array Institute of Research), "An overview of the problem of microwave hazards
-....ur-t and dosi>Jietry".

GUY, A.W. (U. of Wash:lngton School of Kedicine), "Infrared thermography in lllicrowave/biological research".

HIATT, a. i1!. , & KNOTT, I! .ll. (U. o!: Mich:Lsan) , "Use of IU' -anetic probes for measur-nt of penetration of
llicrowave ne>rgy 1n biological spac:l.mena",

!lOLLIS, J.S. (Scientific-Atlanta),, "Pitf&.tla in electrOIDilgnetic field -ur-nts".

IIOPI'Ill, S. (Gensral Microwr:v41! Corp.), "ton ultrabroad band probe for IU' radiation measurements".•

liDI'1', E.L. (B&ttelle-!lorthweat Lahoratorie(l), "Absolute dosimetry for whole animal experiments".

JUSTISEN, D.ll.. (lCanaas City VeterAns Adlll.iniatraticm llospital), "liodoeimatry, [use of anilllll physiological
or behavioral responaea 1111 indic:t<t.ions of dose]".

IJIRSl!lll, L.E. (Walter Reed l\rriry Institute of Research), 11

T911perature and electro-physiological meaeur-nte
in the presence of elec:t:r01118pet1c fields".

MEYERS, B. (Hewlett-Packard Corp.), "F.lectroaoagnetic interference effects on medical instrumentation".

3712. Proceedings of the Symposium on Biological Effects of Natural Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields
(REITER, R., Chmn.), he'ld during the 6th International Biometeorologjcal Congress at Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
3-9 September 1972 (Published in Internat. J. of Biometeor., }L(3):2•5-30B, (1973)).
BACHMAN, C.H. (Syracuse U., NY), & REICiflANJS, M., "Barley leaf tip damage resulting from exposure to high
e'ectrical fields," pp. 243-·25i.

BACHMAN, C.H. (Syracuse U., NY), & REICff>IANIS, M., "Some effects of high electrical fields on barley growth,"
pp. 253-262.

CALLOT, F., LECOEUR, J., &RIVOLIER, J. (Service M~ical, Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaise, Boulogne,
France), (in French), "Study of a varying electrical field and its pathophysiological effects on the people
wintering over in Kerguelen," pp. 233-238.

GILBERT, G.O. (Pacific Lutheran U., Tacoma, WA), "Effect of negative air ions upon emotionality and brain
serotonin levels in isolated rats," pp. 267-275.

GOMERSALL, J.D. (U. of Sheffie'ld, lihite"ley Wood Clinic, England), & STUART. A., "Variations in migraine attacks
with changes in weather conditions," pp. 285-299.

HAUF, R. (lm Gartle, F~eibu~. Germany), o WIESINGER, J., "Biological effects of industrial electric and electro-
magnetic VLF fields,'~ pp. 213-215.

KITAGAWA, N. (Saitam<i U., Japar.}, KIN03HITA, K., & ISHIKAWA, T., "Discharge experiments using du~~~nies and rabbits
simulating lightning strokes on human bodies," pp. 239-241.

KROGMAN, K.K. (Agriculture C:anada Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada), & HOBS, E.H., "Evapotranspiration
by beans durin!l low-1•olume sprinkling,'' pp. 301-306.
LOTT, J.R. (r~or·th Texas State U., Denton), & McCAIN, H.B., "Some effects of continuous and pulsating electrilc
fields on brain wave activity in rats," pp. 221-225.

LUDWIG, H.W. (D-2000 Norder$tellt 3, Postfach 1349, Gennany}, "Shielding effect of materials in the ULF, ELF,
and VLF region,'' pp. 207-211 .

OLIYEREAU, J.M. (Universite de Paris, France), (in French), "Influence of negative air ions on the adaptation of
the male rat to an anxiety-producing situation," pp. 277-284.

PERSINGER, M.A. (laurentian U., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada}, &OSSENKOPP, K.P. (U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada),
"Some behavioral effects of pre- and neo-natal exposure to an ELF rotating magnetic field," pp. 217-220,.

PERSINGER, M.A. (Laurentian U., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada), "Possible cardiac driving by an external rotating
magnetic field," pp. 263-266.

REITER, R. (Institut ftlr atmospharische Umweltforschung der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft), "Introductory remarks,"

pp. 205-206.

WEVER, R. (Max-Planck-Institut ftlr Verhaltensphysiologie, Gennany), "Human circadian rhythms under the influence
of weak electric fields, and the different aspects of these studies,'' pp. 227-232.

2634. (Continued)
Session 22. Symp. on Magnetics in Bioengineering (MAASS, J.A., Chmn.):

BATTOCLETTI, J.H., SANCES, A., Jr., LARSON, S.J., & HALBACH, R.E. (Medical College of Wisconsin), and
BOWMAN, R.L., & KUDRAVCEV, V. (NHLI, Bethesda, Md.), "NMR Detection of low magnetization levels in
flowing fluids".
COHEN, D. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology), "Technique for measuring ferromagnetic contamination
in the human body".
DRILLER, J. (Riverside Research In st., N.Y.), "Magnetic materials as biological implants - Criteria
for selection".

GRYNSZPAN, F. (COPPE, Brazil), "Relationship between the magnetocardiogram and the electrical activity
of the heart".
HORACEK, M. (Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can.), "A digital model for studies in magnetocardio-
NEWBOWER, R.S. (Harvard Anesthesia Center, Boston, Mass.), "Magnetic fluids in the blood".

WEISMAN, I.D., BENNETT, L.H. (National Bureau of Standards), & MAXWELL, L.R., Sr. (Naval Ordnance Lab.),
"In~ NMR relaxation studies of tumors".

2635. Workshop on "Electromagnetic Pollution", McKAY, H.D. (Chmn.), Rockville, Md., Hosted by: Bureau of Radiological
Health (FDA/HEW), Office of Rad. Programs (EPA), and Committee AE-4 on Electromagnetic Compatibility (SAE), (May 7-8, 1973).
3363. International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy Conference~ !'-1ay 22-26, l~.f/3, Bucharest, Romania;
Sponsored by the Internat. Committee of Mil. Med. G Pharm. and the Union Jf Societies of Med. Science (relevant pro:;senta-
OLTEANU, M. (S.R. of Romania), "Effects of microwaves on the human eye: Radar chorioretinopathy".

2636. Digest of Tech. Papers, 1973 IEEE G-MTT Internat. Microwave Symp. (MALEY, S.W., ed.), "Applications w the 70's",
held in Boulder, Colo., (4-6 June 1973):

Session 11. Microwave Techniques in Biological Research (ALTSCHULER, H.M., Chmn.):

BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., & ROMERO-SIERRA, C. (Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada), & TANNER, J.A.
(National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Can.), pp. 268-270, "Bird feathers as dielectric
receptors of RF fields".

HO, H.S., GINNS, E.I., & CHRIS~~. C.L. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, Md.), pp. 2~5-25&,
"Environmentally controlled waveguide irradiation facility".

KRAMAR, P., EMERY, A.F., GUY, A.W., & LIN, J.C. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.), pp. 265-267,
"Theoretical and experimental studies of microwave induced cataracts in rabbits".

LARSEN, L.E. (Walter Reed Army Inst. of Res., Wash., D.C.), MOORE, R.A., & ACEVEDO, J. (Westinghouse
Defense & Electronic Systems Center, Baltimore, Md.), pp. 262-264, "An RF decouples electrode for
measurement of brain temperature during microwave exposure".

LIN, J.C., JOHNSON, C.C., & GUY, A.W., (Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.), pp. 257-259, ·~ower
deposition in a spherical model of man exposed to 1-20 MHz EM fields".

TllZASKA, H., (Tech. Univ. of Wroclaw, Poland), p. 254, "Geoelectric discontinuity detector".

VETTER, R.J., ELLE, D.R., & ZIEMER, P.L. (Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.), pp. 260-261,
"Application of nonthermal effects in high dielectric materials to microwave dosimetry".

Session 15. Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation, (MILLS, W.A., Chmn.):

CHOU, C.K., & GUY, A.W. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.), pp. 318-320, "Effect of 2450 MHz
aicrowave fields on peripheral nerves".

GUY, A.W., TAYLOR, E.M., ASHLEMAN, B., & LIN, J.C. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.), pp. 321-323,
"Microwave interaction with the auditory systems of humans and cats".

BAIDT, S.J., & McTIGHE, A.J. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, Md.), pp. 324-325, "The effect
of chronic, low-level microwave radiation on the testicles of mice".

llABIROWITZ, J.R., (N.Y. Univ. Med. Ctr.), pp. 314-315, "Possible mechanisms for the biomolecular
absorption of lrlcrovave radiation with functional implications".

SCHMIDT, D.E., SCHMIDT, K.J., ROBISON, G.A., & WILSON, L.K. (Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn.),
pp. 326-327, "Microwave irradiation sacrifice: Application in neurochemical research".


2636. (Continued)

Workebop: Biological Effecta of Microwave Radiation, (ROSENTHAL, S.W., Moderator):

GIAROLA, A.J., & KRUEGER, W.F. (Texas A&M Univ.), pp. 337-338, "Continuous ., ..posure of chicks to
electr0111agnetic fields",

LilJ, L.M., SKEWES, G.W., ROSENBAUM, F.J. (Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo.), & LINDAUER, G.A.
(Emerson Electric Co., St. Louis), pp. 333-334, "Further experiments seeking evidence of
non thermal biological effects of microwave radiation".

LORDS, J.L., DURNEY, C.H., BORG, A., & TINNEY, c. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), PP• 335-336,
"Bradycardia in isolated hearts induced by microwave irradiation".

MICHAELSON, S.M. (Univ. of Rochester, N.Y.), & SCHWAN, H.P. (Univ, of Pennsylvania, Phila,),
pp. 330-332, "Comparative aspects of radiofrequency and microwave biomedical resaarch" •

.' 3364. Digest of Tech. Papers, 1973 IEEE G-MTT Internat. Microwave Symp. (MALEY, S. W., ed.), "Applications in the 70's",
held in Boulder, Colorado, (June 4-6, 1973): (presentation inadvertantly omitted from citation #2636, this Biblio.)

TAYLOR, E.M., GUY, A.W., ASHLEMAN, B., & LIN, J.C. (U. of Washington, Seattle, WA), pp. 316-317, "Microwave effects
on central nervous system attributed to thermal factors".

3365. First Prague Symposium on Rheumatology, June 13-15, 1973; Sponsored by the Czechoslovak Medical Society (relevant
paper presented):

SVARCOVA, J. "Treatment of joint diseases with microwoves".

336q. 18th Annual Meeting of Health Physics Society, Miami Beach, FL, June 17-21, 1973 (relevant presentation):
TAYLOR, J. (USAEHA, Dept. of the Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD), "Review of microwave standards".

2637. IEEE Internat. Symp. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, New York, N.Y., (relevant presentation&), (June 2G-22, 19731

Session lB. "Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)", (SHEBMAN, R., Cbmn.):

DAHLEN, G., "A survey of Swedish electromagnetic pulse (EMP) resaarch".

Session 2B. "Biological Hazards from RF energy", (ROSENTHAL, s., Cbal.):

BIGU DEL BLANCO, .J., B.(Jf!R()-SIERRA, C., & TANNER, .J .A., "Radio Frequency fields: A new ecological

KALL, A.R., "Studies of RF biological hazards from high power transmitters operating in the HF band".

RASHID, A., "Math&~Utics of interactio~ between blood and elsctroaagnetic fields".

SCHMITT, O.H., & TUClCER, R.D., "Human perception of moderate - strength, low frequency -gnetic fielo~"

Session 3B. "Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards to Ordnance EED'tt"• (SETH, C., Cbal.);

CAINE, S. , "Overview of the DoD electr-.agnetic hazards progr-",

Session 4A, MILLBR, D. (Cbal), SMYTH, N,, PLINlt, R,, MITCHELL, J ., MALIJ:, .J,, & FRAZIER, M., "BMC and the
Paceaaker - A Panel Discussion",

3110. International Symposium on Dynaaics and Controls in Physiological Systems, and, The American Physiological sOCiety 24th
Annual Fall Meeting, August 19-24, 1973, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.

APS session 53. "Hyperbaria and Radiation• (MICHAELSON, S.M., Chmn.)

HOUK, W.M.• , MICHAELSON, S.M., & LONGACRE, A. Jr. (University of Rochester, Rochester, NY), "Thermal regulation
in Long-Evans rats exposed to 2450 MBz microwave radiation".

PHILLIPS, R.D., HUNT, E.L., & lUNG., N.W. (Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA), "Physiologic
response of rats to hypothermia induced by exposure to 2450 MHz microwave radiation".

3367. International Genetics Society of America, "13th International Congress", August 20-29, 1973, Berkeley, California
(relevant presentations):
-~ MITTLER, S. (Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb), "Low frequency electromagnetic radiation and genetic·aberrations in
Drosphila mel.anogaster".

COHEN, B.H. (Johns-Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD), "Paternal radiation;-radar
exposure and mongolism".

3368. Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers G-AP Internat. Symposium and USNC/URSI Meeting, Boulder, Colorado,
August 21-24, 1973 (relevant presentations):

BELDEN, L.H. "Diode probe for detection of microwave leakage".

BOWMAN, R.R., & BELSHER, D.R. (National Bureau of Standards, Boulder), "Isotropic electric-field probes: Three new

CHEN, K.M. (Michigan State U., E. Lansing), & HOOPINGARNER, T. "Cytological damage to chromosomes of living cells
due to microwave radiation''.

CRAWFORD, M.L. (Nat'l Bureau of Standards, Boulder), "Generation of standard EM fields using TEM transmission cells".
DURNEY, C.H. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), GROW, R.W., SORENSON, K.L., & URE, R.W., Jr. "A microwave cumulative
radiation personnel dosimeter".

ECKER, H.A., & CAIN, F.L. (Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta), "Illumination systems for research on biological
effects of electromagnetic radiatio'\'·

GIARqLA, A.H., KRUEGER, W.F., BRADLEY, J.W., & SHREKENHAMER, A. (Texas AiM Univ., College Station), "Preliminary
results of the effect of electromagnetic fields on fecundity in birds".

GREENE, f.~,. (Nat'l But·eau of Standards, Boulder), & fRAZER, J.W. (USAf School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AfB, TX),.
"Development and construction of an electromagnetic near-field synthesizer for the Hf band".

GUY, A.W. (u. of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle), "Electromagnetic interactions with biological materials".

HERMAN, W.A., & BASSEN, H.I. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Roekville, MD), "Microwave power density calibration
utilizing the power equation concept".

JOHNSON, c.c., & DURNEY, C.H. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "A theoretical estimation of tissue anisotropy effects on
electromagnetic power deposition (0.1 to 100 MHz)".

OLSEN, R.G., JOHNSON, C.C. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), ROZZELL, T.C. (Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA),
DURHEY, C. H. , & LORDS, J. L. ( U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Microwave transparent temperature sensor".

3111. "Third Internat. Cong. of the Intern.tional a.diation Protection Association (IRPA), Washington, D.C., Sept. 9-14, 1973.

Session 2A. "Non-Ionizing Radiation•, (JANNBT, B. (Prance) Chan.)

CARPBII'l'ER, R.L., FERRI, E.S., & IIAGAN, G.J. (Bureau of Radioloqical Health), "Pitfalls in the assessment of
aicrowave radiation as a hazard".

MICHABLSON, S.M. (Univ. of Rochester), "Bioloqical effects and expoaur. standards for non-ionizing electro-·

SOBSS, M.J. (World Health Organization), "The long-tar. progr.... on non-ionizing radiation protection of the
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe".

Session 2A. Rapporteur Presentations, (CUIAKr, S. (USA) Jlapporteur)

IIDA, a., & m&RIJDIA, T. (Japan), "Public health and control of non-ionising radiation in Japan".

LEITH, I.S. (Australia), "A calibration facilit~ for aicrowave ~itora1 design and operating experience".
"Combined effect of ionizing radiation and a superhigh-frequency field on the body".

WUKASCH, M.C., 'THIEL, J.F. (USA), "Progress in the reduction of microwave exposure from microwave ovens,
used in commercial food vending operations".

Plenary Session. (VILLFORTH, J.C. (USA), Chan.)

~.H. (France), "Protection probla.& involved by non-ionizing radiation".

3112. International Microwave Power Institute (IMPI) "Sy.posium on Microwave Power", Sept. 10-13, Univ. of Technology,
.Lou9hborouqh, U.K.

Session lB. "Biomedical Applications and Effects" (VOSS, W.A.G., Univ. of Alberta, canada, chmn. l

ALIIIUISY, G., & MISIK, s. (TKI, Budapest, Hungary), "Deteraination of the properties of the bound water in
biological samples by microwave . .thode".

BAILLIE, B.D. (Ancoats & crumpsall Hospitals, Manchester, UK), "A liaited review of the recent biological
effects of microwave radiation".

IIBRJU, B.s., CARPENTER, R.L., & HAGAN, G.J. (Northeastem Radiological Health Laboratory, Winchester, MA),
"Use of a dielectric lens in aicrowave irradiation of animal subjects•. ...-'
GRAIIT, E.H. (Queen Elizabeth College, London, UK), "Dielectric studiea on biological IIUlterials near 1 GHz:
Biophysical and medical implications•.

3112. (Continued)

Session 2A. "Microwave Heating Applications" (Relevant to this Biblio.), (TINGA, \~.R., Univ. of Alberta, Canada, Chmn.)

KASHYAP, S.C., & LEWIS, J.E. (Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Can.), "Microwave processing of tr12c
seeds", [for germination enhancement].

Session 2B. "Biomedical Effects I", (ROSENTHAL, S.W., Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn, NY, Clunn.)

CZERSKI, P., & PAPROCKA-SLONKA, E. (National Res. Inst. of Mother & Child, Warsaw, Poland), "Microwave ir-
radiation and the circadian rhythm of bone marrow cell mitoses••.

GINNS, E.I., RUGH, R., HO, H.S., LEACH, W., GILLESPIE, L., BUDD, R., & HAZZARD, D.D.G. (U.S. Dept. of Health
Education & Welfare, Rockville, MD), "Microwave biological effects under reproducible dosimetric
environmental conditions".

ROZZELL, T.C. (Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA), JOHNSON, C.C., DURNEY, C.H., LORDS, J.L., & OLSEN, R.G.
(Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "A nonperturbing temperature sensor for measurements in electromagnetic
TOLER, J.C. (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta), "Accurate measurement of microwave fields for medical
and biological applications".

Session 3A. "Microwaves In the Food Industry" (KENT, M., Torry Res. Station, Aberdeen, UK, & DECAREAU, R.V., u.s. Army
Natick Labs., Natick, MA, Chmn.)

ALEXANDER, O.W. (US Army Natick Labs.), "Process parameters for continuous microwave sterilization".

ARMBRUSTER, G., & ECROYD, L. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY) , "The use of pulsed heating periods in 915 MHZ and
2450 MHz microwave cooking of meat".

MUDGETT, R.E., TO, E., WANG, D.I.C., & GOLDBLITH, S.A. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge), &
OECAREAU, R.V. (US Army Natick Labs, Natick, MA), "Dielectric measurements of food materials".

OHLSSON, T., & BENGTSSON, N. (Swedish Institute for Food Preservation Res., Goteborg, Sweden), "Development
of a Pilot-Plant microwave food sterilizer and results of preliminary experiments".

OHLSSON, T., BENGTSSON, N. (Swedish Inst. for Food Preservation Res., Goteborg, Sweden), & RISMAN, P.O.
(Husqvarna AB, Husqvarna, sweden), "Dielectric data of foods at 915 MHZ and 2.9 GHz as a function of
temperature: A comparison".

RZEPECKA, M.A., & PEREIRA, R.R. (Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Can.), "Dielectric properties of dairy products
at 2450 MHz".

Session 38. "Biomedical Effects II", (RICKE'rrS, C.R., Medical Res. Council, UK; & MICHAELSON, S.M., Univ. of H.ochcster,
N.Y., Chmn.)

BIGU del BLANCO, J., ROMERO-SIERRA, C. {Queen's Univ., Ontario, Cun.), & TANNEH, J.l\. (National Res. Council,
Ottawa, Can.), "Effect of microwave radiation on the nustic response of some sensitive plants".

LANGLEY, J.B., YEARGERS, E.K., SHEPPARD, 1\.P., & HUDDLESTON, G.K. (Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta),
"Effects of microwave radiation on enzymes•.

LAWRENCE, J.C. (Medical Res. Council Unit, Birmingham, UK), ''Effect of microwaves on isolated skin".

McAFEE, R.D., CAZENAVETTE, L.L., & HOLLAND, M.G. (University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA), "Screening
for cataracts".

MILROY, W.C., O'GRADY, T.C., & PRINCE, E.T .. (Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA), "Electromagnetic pulse
radiation: A potential biological hazard?".

PHILLIPS, R.D., KING, N.W., HUNT, E.L. (Battelle Northwest Labs, Richland, WA), "Thermoregulatory, cardio-
vascular and Metabolic response of rats to single or repeate~ exposures to 2450 MHZ microwaves".

Session 4B. "Equipment Safety and Interference, (OSEPCHUK, J.M., Raytheon company, waltham, MA, Chmn.)

ASLAN, E. (Narda Microwave Corp., Plainview, NY), "A broad-band isotropic probe for microwave power density
measurements" ..

McREE, D.I. (National lnst. of Environmental Health Sciences, Res. Triangle Park, NC), "Determination of energy
absorption of microwave radiation using the cooling curve system 11 •

MOBLEY, M.C. (Federal Communications Commission, Laurel, MD), "Revisions of Federal Communications commission
type-approval test procedures".

OSEPCHUK, J.M. (Raytheon Res. Division, Waltham, MA), POERSTNER, R.A., & McCONNELL, D. (Amana Refrigeration, Inc.,
Amana, IA), "Computation of personnel exposure in microwave leakage fields and comparison with personnel
exposure standards".

llll. (COntinued)
ROIIL, D., IAUN, H.M., IIADBBR, M.B.T., VOIGT, H., & STAUIICII, M. (Univ. of Ulm & ABG-Telefunken Co., Ulm, Ger.),
•susceptibility of cardiac pacea&kers to radar interference•.

VAN de GRIBX, A., ' BRITAIN, R.G. (U.S. De~nt of ...lth, Bducation, & Welfare, Rockville, MD), "Amendments
to the US De~t of Health, Bduc.tion, and . .lfare aicrowave oven perfODIIUICe standard".

Panel Discussion. "Biological Effects -Radiation Standards - Equi~nt Liaitations•, (G!U.LAGHER, J.C., univ. of
Bradford, utt, Chan.).

3113. "conference on Electrically Mediated Growth Mechani ... in Living Syateas•, The New York Academy of Sciences", Sept. 19·21,
1973, New York, (LIIIOI'F, A.R., & RINALDI, R.A., Conf. a-.).

Session I. "Biological Studies", (IIINICIII, C., Ulliv. of Southam calif., Los Anqeles, CA, Chllln.)

BASSETT, C.A.L., PAWLUK, R.J., 'PILLA, A.A. (Col~ia Ulliv., NY), "Electrical effects in biological systems".

BBCJCBR, R.(Veteran~~ Adainiatration Hospital, Syracun, IIY), "'l'he basic bioloqical data transmission and
control system influenced by electrical forces•.

IIIICJCBR, R., CONE, C.C., JAFFEE, L.F.,· PAJISBGIJIII, V.A., POIIL, H., & WEISS, L. "Panel Discuseion: The role of
electrical potential at the cellular level in growth and development".

BRICK, I., SHABFFER, B., S~R, H.,' GBNRARO, J.F. (New York Unbr..), "Electrokinetic properties and
morpholoqical characteristics of a.phibian a.bryo gastrula cells".

BRIGHTON, c . , ' FRIEDENBERG, z. (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Phila.), "Electrical stimulation and oxyqen tension".

CONE, c.o. (Eastern Virginia Medical School, Ha.pton }, "The role of the surface electrical transmembrane.
potential in no:rmal and -lignant mitoqenesia".

ERIKSSON, C. (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SWeden), "On electrically induced bone fo:rmation".

FREY, A.H. (Randomline, Inc., Willow Grove, PA), "Differential bioloqical effects of pulsed vs. continuous
electromagnetic fields of the same carrier frequency".

GENSLER,W. (Univ. of Arizona, TUcson), "Bioelectric potentials in higher plants and their relation to growth

GUZELSU, A.N. (Scientific & Technical Res. COUncil), & AKCASU, A. (Univ. of Istanbul, ~rkey), "A piezoelectric
model for nerve conduction".

HARRINGTON, o.B. (New York Univ.), "Effects of ..all ..aunts of electric current at the cellular level".

JAFFEE, L.F., NUCCITELLI, R., & ROB~NSOII, Jt.R. (Purdue univ., Lafayette, IN), "Transcellular currents, self-
electrophoresis and cell development•.
PARSEGIAN, V.A. (National Inst. of Health, Bethesda, MD), "Changes in electrostatic potential expected from
cell contact".

RIIIALDI, R.A., SHAMOS, M.H. (New York Univ.), & LAVINE, L. (S.U.N.Y. Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY),
"Uptake of tritiated thymidine during electrical stimulation of living tissue".

ROMERO-SIERRA, C. (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Can.), & TANNER, J.A. (National Res. Council, Ottawa, Can.), "Bio-
logical effects of non-ionizing radiation: An outline of fundamental laws".

TANNER, J.A. (National Res. Council, ottawa, Can.),' ROMERO-SIERRA, c. (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Can.), "Beneficial
and harmful accelerated growth induced by the action of non-ionizing radiation".

TELFER, W., & WOODRUFF, R. (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Phila.), "Electrical potential and transport across inter-
cellular bridges".

WEISS, L. (Roswell Park Memorial Inst., Buffalo, NY), "Electrical heteroqeneity of cell surfaces".

Session II. "Physical and Chemical Studies", (ROSENBERG, B., Michigan State Univ., Chmn.)

ATIIENSTAEOT, H.A. (Inst. of Physical Ch.-istry, Julich, W. Germany), "Pyro and piezoelectric properties of

BLACK, J. (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Phila.), "Strain related potentials in living bone".

DIGBY, P.S.B. (McGill Univ., Montreal, can.), "Electric fields in calcifying tissue".

FUltADA, E. (Inst. of Physical & Chemical Res., Sait.-, Japan), "Piezoelectric properties of organic polymers".
PUJCADA, E .. , LANG, S.B., MASCARENHA, S., PILLA, A., SHAMOS, M.H .. , & STANLEY, H.E., Panel Discussion: The electro-
physical and electrochemical properties of living tissue".


3113. Session :tL (Continued)

LANG, S.B. (Univ. of The Negev, Beersheba, Israel), SOREMI, E.A., & STIPANICH, N. (McGill Univ., ~!ontreal, Can.) •
"Mass transfer of bone in vitro under the effect of applied stress".

LIBOFF, A.R. (Oakland Univ., Rochester, Mich.), & FURST, fl. (Hunt<>r Collcqc, C.U.N.Y., New York), "Pyroelectric
effect in collagenous structures 11

MASCARENHAS, s. (lnst. of Physics & Chemistry, Sa.L C.J.rlos, Brazil), "The elect.ret effect in bone and biopolymers
and the bound water problem".

MENEFEE, E. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Berkeley, Calif.), "Charge separation associated with dipole disordering
in protein".

OSTROWSKI, K. (Medical School, warsaw, Poland), "Electromagnetic phenomena of normal and pathological mineralized

PILLA, A. (Electric Storage Battery Co., Yardley, Pa.), "Electrochemical phenomena at platinum junctions".

ROYCE, B.S.H. (Princeton Univ., NJ), "Field induced transport mechanisms in hydroxyapatite".

SHAMOS, M.H., RINALDI, R.A. (New York Univ.), & LAVINE, L. (S.U.N.Y. Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY),
"Passive electric properties of tissue in vivo".

STOCKEM, W., HABEREY, M., & BRAATZ-SCHADE, K. (Univ. of Bonn, W. Germany) , "Electrophysiological stud>es of
amoeboid movement".

WILLIAMS, w., & BREGER, L. (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana), "Analysis of stress distribution and piezoelectric response
in cantilever bending of bone and tendon".

Session III. "Clinical Studies", (RADIN, E. L., Harvard Univ. , Cambridge, MA, Chmn.)

BAKER, B., SPODARO, J.A., & MARINO, A. (S.U.N.Y. Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY), "Electrical stimulation
of articular cartilage regeneration".

BASSETT, C.A.L., BECKER, R., BRIGHTON, C., FRIEDENBERG, Z.B., & LAVINE, L. "Panel Discussion: To what extent can
electrical stimulation be used in treatment of human disorders?".

FRIEDENBERG, Z.B., & BRIGHTON, C. (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Phila.), "Electrical fracture healing".

HAMBURY, H.J. (Singleton & Morriston Hospitals, Swansea, UK), & WATSON, J. (Univ. College, Swansea), "Effect of
microamp electrical currents on bone .!£. ~~~.

KLAPPER, L., & STALLARD, R. (Boston Univ., MA), "Investigation into the mechanism of electrical stimulation of
bone growth".

LAVINE, L., LUSTRIN, I. (S.U.N.Y. Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY), SHAMOS, M.H., & RINALDI, R.A. (NY Univ.),
"Electrical treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis".

LEVY, D.D. (Hydron Labs, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ), "A pulsed stimulation electrical technique for inducing bone
NORTON, L.A. (Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington), "Bone growth in a controlled electric field".

ORTIZ, J., CONNOLLY, J., BAYUZICK, R.J., & PRICE, R. (Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN), "Effect of el~ctrical
stimulation on physical properties of healed fractures".

ROWLEY, B.A., McKENNA, J.M., CHASE, G.R., & WOOLCOTT, L.E. (Texas Tech. Univ., School of Medicine, Lubbock),
"The influence of electric current on infecting microorganisms in wounds".

SMITH, S.D. (Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington), "Electrically induced morphogenesis".

YASUDA, I. (Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital, Kyoto, Japan), "Mechanical callus and electrical callus".

3369. 26th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology; Sponsored by the Alliance for Engineering in Medicine
and Biology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, c:eptember 30- October 4, 1973 (relevant presentations):

BIGU DEL rLANCO, J. (Queen's U., Kingston, Ont:., Canada), 11

Active and passive properties of bird feathers: Their
role .:.s piezoelectric transducers and as receptors of micrgiiave radiation".

SCHWAN , H.P. (U. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), "Selective heating, localized heating, and scaling theory''.

STACK, D.S.. "Microwave sterilization of water".

SUESS, H.J. (World Health Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark), "Overview of stand.ards for safety from exposu-re to
nonionizing radiation".

3Ballrr5 . ~ Seventh Annual Winter Conference on Brain Research, held Jan. 19-26, 1974, in Steamboat Springs, Coloradn, sponsored by
0 ~ Nurological Inst., Michigan State Univ., and the Univ. of California at L.A. (Relevant presentations)

Session 10. "The Effects of Low Intensity Microwaves Upon the Brain", {WACHTEL, H., Chmn.~

HARNES, F.S. (Univ. of (.olorado, Bouldeor), "Threshold efff.•cts of microwave radiation on embryo ·~ll :~;y::.t.err·~.·

GAMOW, I. (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), "An anrtlysi~ of a heat sensor •.ria microwave atllnulation".

POSTOW, E. (Bureau of Medic.ine & Surgery (Navy), Washir.qton, DC)¥ ••·.rwo views oi microwave e-ffects on the CNS:
East and West".

WACHTEL, H. (Duke Univ., Durham, NC), "I~~~nediate effects of low intensity microwaves on isolated neurons".

3116. San Diego Biomedical Symposium, "Innovations in Biomedicine", held Feb. 6-8, 1974, Mission Valley, San o 1 ego, caLl oe>rr>ia,
(Relevant presentations)

EDRICH, J., & HARDEE, P.C. (Denver Res- Inst., CO}, "Thermogrdms of the human hody from millimeter wavl~~'.:!nrrth

GIAROIA, A.J., ,KRUEGER, W.F., BRADLEY, J.W., & SHREKENHAM, A. (Texas A&M Univ., College Station), "Effect un
fecundity in birds exposed t:o various electromagnetic fields".

3117. Conference on the Biological Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation, Sponsored by tJ·e ~(~W York Ac·ademy of Scl:,.~-.c(·'S, Fe!:·. 1~'-l~),
1974, New York, {TYLER, P.E., Conf. Chmn.)

Introductory Remarks

TYLER, P.E. (Bureau of Medicine & surg~ry (Navy), Wasr.~ngton, DC), "Overview '_;1 electr-)magr;et:: ran::at i
research: Past, present, and future".

Session I. "Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on the Nervous System", (ADEY, W.R., Chr.m.)

ALBERT, E.N. {G. Washington Univ. Medical Center, Washington, DC), & DeSANTIS, M.E. (Georgeto,.~·, ;Jniv. Mt"~~C'a-~
& Dental School, Washington, DC), "Do microwaves alter nervous syst.em structure?''.

BARANSKI, s., & EDELWEJN, Z. (Inst. of Aviation Medicine, Warsaw, Poland}, "Experiment.dl rnGrpf-tc_)_~oqic a,--:c··
electroencephalographic studies on microwave effects on the nervous system".

BAW!N, S.M., GAVALAS-MEOICI, R., ADEY, W.R., & KACZMAREK, L. !Brain Res. Ins!.., UCLA, Los AngPles, CA:•, "Efiects
of modulated VHF fields on the central nervous system".

GRODSKY, I.T. (Cleveland State Univ., OH), "Possible physica:L substrates for the 1nteract1on of electromagnetic
fields with biological membranes".

GUY, A.W. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), "Micro~·ave interactions with the a1...d1tory systems of humans and cats".

LEBOVITZ, R.M. (Univ. of Texas . Dallas), "Detection of weak electromagnetic radiation by the mammalian vest.ibulo-
cochlear complex".

MALCOLM, J .E. {Central Med. Entablishment, London, UK\, "A new theory of the 3ction of th,-· orqa:--. of cor t · .:,nC ,Jf
the cochlea".

M.lCH.AZLSON, S.M., LU, 5.-T., HOOK, W., LEBDA, N., & MAGIN, R. (Unlv. of Rochester, NY), "Bioclv~r-ncal :1n:~
neuroendocrine aspects of exposure to microwaves".

SERVANTIE, B., SERVANTIE, A.-M., & ETIENNE, J~ (ESSSAM-CERB/Hopital I.A. Sainte Anne, Toulon, Fr;:tncf'), '.'-~ynchro­ 1

nization of ::;or tical neurons by a pulsed microwave fie lc: Evidenced by spectrum analysis of electrnr -,·rticograiT\
of the white rat".

TAYLOR, E.M., ASHLEMAN, B.T., & GUY, A.W. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), "Some effects oi' electromagr.•..:t.i-:::
radiation on the brain and spinal cord of cats".

WACHTEL, H., SEAMAN, R., & JOINES, W. (Duke Univ., Durham, NC), "The effects of microwaves on jsolated r;EO-urons".

Session II. "Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Special Senses" 1 (DONALDSON, o.r,., Chmn.;

APPLETON, B., & HIRSCH, S. (Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC), "Experimental microwave c<H.aracr.. -

CARPENTER, R.L., FERRI, E.S., HAGAN, G.J. (Northeast Radiological Lab., Winchester, MA), "Some ':'urrent ~. '. F1.u~s
on microwave ocnlar effects".

KRAMAR, p. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle} , "Theoretical and experimental stud i.:;s c,f microwave cataracts 1.n rabbits".

3117. Session II. (Continued)

McAFEE, R.D., CAZENAVETTE, L.L. (VPterans Admn. Hospital, New Orleans, LA), & HOLLAND, M.G. (TUlane Univ.
School of Medicine, New Orleans), "Screening for cataracts •

WElTER, J.J., FINCH, E. D., SCHULTZ, W., & FRATTALI, V. (Naval Medical Res. Inst., Bethesda, MD), "Ascorbic
acid chang~s in cultured rabbit lenses following microwave irradiation".

WILLIAMS, R.J., McKEE, A., & FINCH, L.D. (Naval Medical l{c~:;. In~;t., Bethesda, MD), "Ultrastructural changes
in the rabbit lens induced by microwave radiati<.Jn 11

Session III. "Biochemical and Biophysical Effects"', (STRAUB, K.D., Clunn.)

ALLIS, J.W. (Nat'l Environmental Res. Center, Res. Triangle Park, NC), "'Discussion Paper: The effects of

CZERSKI, P. (National Res. Inst. of Mother & Child, Warsaw, Poland), "Microwave effects on the blood-forming
system with particular reference to lymphocytes".

ELDER, J.A., & ALI, J.S. (Nat'l Environmental Res. Center, Res. Triangle Park, NC), "'The effect of microwaves
on isolated rat liver mitochondria''.

FRAZER, J.W., RUPP, T., & MONTET, J. (USAF School of Aerospace Med., Brooks AFB, TX), "A comparison of thermal
and RF exposure effects on trace metal content of blood plasma and liver cell fractions of rodents"'.

ROTKOVSKA, D., & VACEK, A. (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech.), "The effect of electromagnetic
radiation on the hematopoietic stem cells of mice".

STRAUB, K.D. (Univ. of Arkansas Med. School, Little Rock), "'Effects on microsomal and mitochondria preparations"'.

SZMIGIELSKI, S. (Inst. of Aviation Medicine, Warsaw, Poland), & JELJASZEWICZ, J. (Nat'l In~t. of Hygiene, Warsaw,
Poland), "Acute staphylococcal infections in animals irradiated with 3 GHz microwaves".

SZMIGIELSKI, s. (Inst. of Aviation Medicine, Warsaw, Poland), & LUCZAK, M. (Univ. Medical School, Warsaw, Poland),
"Effect of microwaves (3 GHz) on cell function and virus replication in cell cultures irradiated in~~~.

YEARGERS, E.K. (Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta), "Effects of microwaves on enzymes"'.

Session IV. "Electromagnetic Radiation Effects on Genetics and Development", (LEACH, W.M., Chmn.)

BLACKMAN, C.F., BENANE, S.G., WElL, C.M., & ALI, J.S. (Nat'l Environmental Res. Center, Res. Triangle Park, NC),
"Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation on ~ingle cell biological systems".

DIETZEL, F. (Wilhelm-Conrad-Rontgen-Klinik, Giessen, Fed. Republic of Germany), "Effects of electromagnetic

radiation on implantation and intra-uterine development of the rat".

KRUEGER, W.F., GIAROLA, A.J., BRADLEY, J .W., & SHREKENHAMER, A. (Texas A&M Univ., College Station), "The effect
of electromagnetic fields on fecundity in the chicken"'.

McREE, D.I., HAMRICK, P., ZINKL, J. (Nat'l Inst. of Environmental Health Sciences, Res. Triangle Park, NC),
THAXTON, P., & PARKHURST, C. (North Carolina Univ., Raleigh), "Some effects of exposure of the coturnix
quail embryo to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation".

PYLE, S., NICHOLS, D., GAMOW, E., & BARNES, F.S. (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder), "Threshold effects of microwave
radiation on embryo cell systems".

WEBB, S .J.. (Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada) , "Gen~tic continuity and roetabolic regulation as seen by
the effects of various frequencies of microwaves on these phenomena".

Session V. "Behavioral Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation", (JUSTESEN, D. R., Chmn.)

FREY, A.H. (Randomline, Inc., Willow Grove, PA), "Neural function and behavior: Defining the relationship~~.

GALLOWAY, W.O. (Bureau of RAdiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Microwave dose-response relations on two
behavioral tasks".

HEEBELS, G.H. (Lab. of the Armed Forces, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands), ROBERTI, B., & WOLTHUIS, O.L. (Medical
Biological Lab. (TNO), Rijswijk, The Netherlands), "Preliminary investigations of the influence of low-
level microwave irradiation on the spontaneous motor activity of rats".

HUNT, E.L., KING, N.W., & PHILLIPS, R.D. (Battelle Pacific NW Labs., Richland, WA), "Behavioral effects of
pulsed microwave irradiation".

THOMAS, J.R., FINCH, E.D., & FULK, D.W. (Naval Medical Res. Inst., Bethesda, MD), "Effects of microwave radia-
tion on behavioral baselines ...

Session VI. "Dosimetry of Electromagnetic Radiation", (BAIRD, R.C., Chmn.)

ALLEN, S.J. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicir.e, Brooks AFB, TX), "Measurement of power absorption by human
phantoms immersed in radiofrequency fields".

BE I SCHER, D. E., & RENO, V. R. (Naval .Aerospace Medical Res. Lab., Pensacola, FL) , "Mi c:r.owave energy distr J but ion
measurements in the proximity of man and their practical application"

3117, S.aaion VI. (Continued)

BONMAH, R.R., & BELSHBR, D.R. (Nat'l Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO), "A discussion of three new'models of
isotropic electromaqnetic hazard meters".

GRANDI, O.P. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Discussion Paper: Polarization and frequency ef(ects".

HO, H.S. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Contrast of dose distribution in phantom heads due
to aperture and plane wave sources•.

HUDDLES'l'OII, G.JC. (Georgia Inst. of Technoloqy, Atlanta), & McREE, D.I. (Nat'l Inst. of Environmental Health
Sciences, Res. Triangle Park, IIC), "A pyroelectric probe for 118asurement of microwave power density under
far-field conditions".

JOIIIIJSOR, c. c. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Discu. . ion Paper: Fiberoptic liquid crystal probe for absorbed
RF power ~~easurement".

PHILLIPS, R.D., HUNT, E.L., & ICING, N.W. (Battelle Pacific NW Labs., Richland, WA), ""Field 118asure~~~ents,
absorbed dose, and· biological dosilletry of microwaves".

~CORD, M.L., BASSEN, H. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), & ABITA, J. (Johns Hopkins Applied
Phyaics.Lab., Silver Spring, MD), "A broadband, miniature electric field probe".

Panel Discussions

CZERSJCI, P., GUY, A.W., JUSTESEN, D.R., SERVAIITIE, B., & STRAUB, K.D. "Future research directions and needs in
biological electromagnetic radiation research".


3118. Proceedings of Conference on "Biomedical Aspects of Non-ionizing Radiation", held 10 July 1973 in conjunction with the
opening and dedication of the Biomedical Research Lab., u.s. Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA, (MILROY, w.c., (ed.)),
(NWL Tech. Rpt. TR-3110, Mar. 1974)

BAlM, S.J., SKIDMORE, W.o., & EKSTROM, M.E. (Arlled Forces Radiobioloqy Rea. Inst., Bethesda, MD), "Continuous
exposure of rodents to 108 pulses of electroou.qnetic radiation•.

DIACHENKO, J.A., ELLIS, R.L., LAWTON, L.B., MILROY, W.C., O'GRADY, T.C., & PRINCE, E.T. (Naval Weapons Laboratory,
Dahlgr•n, VA), "Biomedical aspects of non-ionizing radiation: An overview of the NWL effort".

MICHAEtSoN, S.M. (Univ. of Rochester, NY), "Comparative biology in aases8118nt of electromagnetic bioeffects".

RENO, V.R., & BBISCHER, D.E. (Naval Aerospace Mad. Res. Lab., Pensacola, FL), "Microwave reflection, diffraction,
and transmission by man•.

ROSE, M.F. (Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dahlgren, VA), "High power pulse tranBIIittera•.

SCHNNRN, H.P. (Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), "Some guidelines for the development of EM radiation standards".

TYLER, P.E. (Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, Washington, DC), "Where are we and where are we going?".

3370. Aerospace Medical Association 45th Annual Meeting,.held in Washington, D.C., May 6-9, 1974 (relevant sessions):

Panel: "Aerospace Medical Implications of Non-Ionizing Radiation", (PICKERING, J.E., Moderator)

APPLETON, B. (Walter Reed Army Med. Ctr., Washington, D.C.), "Ocular status of personnel occupationally exposed to
microwaves", (not presented).

BEISHER, D.E. (Naval Aerospace Med. Res. Lab., Pensacola, FL), "Results of hwnan exposure to non-ionizing radiation"

FRAZER, J.W. (U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Med., Brooks AFB, TX), "Interact:ions of man and anilllals with radio-
frequency fields".
MITCHELL, J.C. (U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Med., Brooks AFB, :TX), "Special problems of general public
exposure to RF radiation".

PICKERING, J .C. (USAF School of Aerospace Med., Brooks AFB, TX), "Overview of the problem".

TYLER, P.E. (Naval Med. R&D Command, Bethesda, MD), "U.S. and Eastern standards for exposure to electr0111agnetic
Session: "Electromagnetic Radiation", (FRIEDBERG, W., & BURNER, A.M., Co-Cbnn)

GRISSETT, J.D. (Naval Aerospace Med. Res. Lab., Pensacola, FL), "Exposure of man to magneti~ fields alternating at
extremely low frequency".
HOOK, W.H. (Naval Aerospace Hed. Res. Lab. 1 Pensacola, FL), "Metabolic and thennoregulatory responses to microwave
radiation in young male rats".

3119. Ninth Annual Symposium on Microwave Power, Sponsored by the Internat. Microwave Power Inst., 28-31 May 1974, Marquette U*iv.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (BOSISIO, R.G., Tech. Prog. Chmn.), (Bio-medically relevant presentations)

Plenary Session. (OSEPCHUK, J.M., Chrnn.)

NELSON, s.o., & STETSON, L.E. (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln), "Use of microwave and lower frequency RF energy
~r improving alfalfa seed germination".

Session B2. "Biological Effects of Microwaves", (BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., Chrnn.)

ALBERT, E.N. (The G. Washington Univ., Washington, DC), & DeSANTIS, M.E. (Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC). "Histo-
~gical alterations in central nervous system after microwave irradiation".

~. G.E., TOLLEFSON, J.J., & OWENS, J.C. (Iowa State Univ., Ames), "OVicidal effects of electromagnetic energy
at 2.45 GHz on eggs Diabrotica undercimpunctata howardi barber".

GANDHI, O.P. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "A method of measuring RF absorption of whole animals and bodies
of prolate spheroidal shapes".

GLASER, z.R. (Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, Washington, DC), "Studies on the bio-medical effects of microwave
radiation: Past, present, and future". (Invited paper)

KING, N.W., HUNT, E.L., & PHILLIPS, R.D. (Battelle Pacific NW Labs., Richland, WA), "Biological dosimetry of
2450 MHZ microwave irradiation with mice".

LASZLO, T.S., & STEPHENS, W.K. (Philip Morris (USA) Res. Center, Richmond, VA), "The effect of microwaves on the
-wbacco beetle".
Session No. A3. "Medical and Biological Applications", (BAILLIE, H.D., Chmn.)

BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., ROMERO-SIERRA, C. (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., can.), & TANNER, J.A. (National Res.
Council of Canada, Ottawa), "Colour-thermography: A powerful technique in the evaluation of microwave
field radiation patterns in biological systems. Its use as a microwave energy density monitor~.

CARTER, J.L., FLEISCHFRESSER, D.A., & ISHII, T.K. (Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, WI), "Microwave oven techniques
for biological solids determination of wastewater samples".

~' R.H. (Walter Reed Army Inst. of Res., Wash., DC), GANDHI, O.P. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City),
MEYERHOFF, J.L., & BROWN, P.V.K. (Walter Reed ArmY Inst. of Res.), "Modifications of in vivo rapid micro-
wave inactivation of enzymes in the central nervous system".

THOUREL, L., PAREILLEUX, A., THOUREL, B., & AUGE, c. (Department d'Etudes et de Recherches en Micro-ondes,
Toulouse, France), "Microwaves specific effects on beer yeast".

Session No. B3. "Microwaves in the Food Industry", (DECAREAU, R.V., Chmn.)

STONE, W.R. (Raytheon Company, Waltham, MA), "Multi-energy source cooking device (oven) with programming means•,
(incorporating 915 and 2450 MHZ microwave energy, infrared, and steam].

TO, E.C., GOLDBLITH, S.A., WANG, D.I.C., & DECAREAU, R.V. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge), "Dielectr~c
propertieB of food stuffs".

WATANABE, M. (Hitachi, Ltd.), SUZUKI, M. (Hokkaido Univ.), KIKUCHI, I. (Hitachi Heating Applicance Co.), FUKUI, Y.
(Hitachi, Ltd.), & HIRAKAWA, K. (Bunmeido Ltd., Yokohama, Japan), "A means of detecting temperature of food
in microwave electromagnetic field".

session No. BS. "Microwave Applicators", (HAMID, M.A.K., Chmn.)

HAMID, M.A.K., MOSTOWY, N.J. (Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Can.), & BHARTIA, P. (Univ. of Saskatchewan, Regina, Canl),
"Microwave bean roaster", ("to destroy the anti-tripsin enzyme (or growth inhibitor), thus facilitating safe
nutritional comsumption by humans and animals"].

3120 .. "Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Non-Ionizing Radiation", Seventh Rochester International conference on Environrneptal
Toxic1ty, June 5-7, 1974, Univ. of Rochester, Rocheste~N.Y., (Proceeding to be pub. by Plenum Publishing Corp., N.Y., NY),
(MICHAELSON, S.M., Conf. Chrnn.).

Session I. "Biophysics & Dosimetry", (BEISCHER, D. E. , Chrnn.)

BABIJ • T .M. (Technical Univ. of Wroclaw, Poland)·, "Synthesis of frequency response of electric field probes".

BOWMAN, R.R. (Nat'l Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO), "Dosimetry of electromagnetic Radiation".

DUNN, F. (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana), "Acoustic properties of biological materials".

SCHWAN, H.P. (Uhiv. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), "Dielectric properties of biological materials".

STEWARD, H.F. !Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Dosimetry of ultrasound".


3120. (Continued)

Session II. "Energy Absorption", (HARDY, J.D., Chmn.)

BLIGH, J. (Inst.·of Animal Physioloqy, !!abraham, Cambridge, UIC), "Physiological responses to heat".

LBLE, P.P. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technoloqy, Cambridge), "Ultrasonic heating of tissues".

PORTELA, A., .!!_ al. (National .Council of Scientific & Technical Investigations, Buenos Aires, Argentina), "TransieQJ:
effects of low-level microwave radiation on bioelectric properties of muscle".

Session III. "Microwaves --Biological Effects•, (LONY, K., Chmn.)

GUY, A.W., & ~· J. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), "Electrophysiological effects in animals".

LEHMANN, J.P. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), "Therapeutic heat".

MICHAELSON, S.M. (Univ. of Rochester, New York), "Review of the biological effects of microwaves".

Session IV. "Ultrasound-- Biological Effecte", (CASARB'l'T, G.W., Chmn.)

HILL, C.R. (Inst. of cancer Res., Belmont, Sutton, Surrey, UIC), "Effects of ultrasound on i.alated cells and cell

NYBORG, w., GBRSHOY, A., & MI;LLBR, D. (The Univ. of Ve:r1110nt, Burlington), "Effects of ultrasound on plant tissues"

SAVAGE, J.R.K. (MRC Radiobioloqy Unit, Harwell, Didcot, Berks, UIC), "Are chromosomal aberrations reliable
indicators of environmental hazards?".

TAYLOR, K.J.W. (The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UIC), "The biological effects of ultrasound on intact tissues•.

Session V. "Medical Applications•, !GRAMIAX, R., Cban.)

HILL, C.R. (Inst. of cancer Res., Belmont, Sutton, SUrrey, UJC), "Safety of ultrasound in diagnosis".

LELE, P.P. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technoloqy, Cambridge), "Uses of ultrasound in surgery".

MITCHELL, J.C., HURT, W.D., & STEINER, T.O. (USAF School of Aerospace Med., Brokks AFB, TX), "EMR design
effectiveness in electronic medical prosthetic devices•.

Session VI. "Occupational Aspects•, (TYLER, P.E., Chmn.)

~· P., & SIEKIERZYNSKI, M. (Nst'l Res. Inst. of MotheB & Child, Warsaw, Poland), "Analysis of occupational
exposure to microwave radiation".

ELY, T. (Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY), "Control of occupational exposure to non-ionizing radiation".

ODLAND, L.T. (wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio), "Military role in safe use of microwaves".

Session VII. "Future Applications and Controls", (TOMPKINS, E., Chmn.)

MAYNARD, 0., & GLASER, P.E. (A.D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, MA), "Satellite solar power station: An option for
----r4rge scale power generation on earth".

OSBPCHUIC, J.M. (Raytheon Company, Waltham, MA), "Prospects for expansion of industrial and consumer uses of

SUESS, M.J. (WOrld Health Organization, Regional office fo Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark), "OVerview of standards
for safety from exposure to non-ionizing radiation•.

(Presents'· underlined)

3121. "International Microwave Symposium, 1974 IEEE S-MTT", June 12-14, 1974, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,
(Bio-Medically Related Presentations) .

Special session. "Technical Forecasting and Assessaent"

GUARRERA, J.J. (Guide Scientific Inds., Sun Valley, CA), "Microwave sensors for military and civil use", (Invited).

SAAO, T.S. (Sage Labs., E. Natick, MA), "Microwave applications for material and food processing•, (Invited).

3121. (Continued)

Session 2: "Analysis and Application of Microwaves in Biology and Medicine", (ECKER, H.A., Chinn.)

BIGU DEL BLANCO, J., ROMERO-SIERRA, C. (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Can.), & TANNER, J.A. (NRC of Canada, CSL,
Ottawa), "Some theory and preliminary experiments on microwave radiometry of biological systems".

BURNS, C.P., & BURDETTE, c.E. (Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta), "Multi-frequency electromagnet1c thawing
of frozen kidneys".

JOHNSON, c.c., DURNEY, C.H., & LORDS, J.L. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake c;ity), "Liquid crystal fiberoptic temperature
-----probefor the measurement of electromagnetic power absorption in tissue".

JOHNSON, c.c., LORDS, J.L., & COOMBS, M.A. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Nerve stimulation by implanted diode".

LIVESAY, D., & CHEN, K.-M. (Michigan State Univ., East Lansing), "Electromagnetic fields induced inside of
---bTOiogical bodies 11 •

NELSON, S.O. (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln), 11

Insect control possibilities using microwaves and lower frequency RF

OSEPCHUK, J.M. (Raytheon Co., Waltham, MA), "A survey of the potential for beneficial applications of microwaves
in medicine and biology", {Invited).

Session 5. "Biological Effects of Microwaves", (GUY, A. W. , Chrnn.)

CHRISTMAN, C.L., HO, H.S., & YARROW, s. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "A microwave dosimetry
system for measuring sampled integral dose rate".

COURTNEY, K., LIN, J.C., GUY, A.W., & CHOU, C.K. (Univ. of Washington SChool of Med., Seattle), "Microwave effect
on rabbit superior cervical ganglion".

CZERSKI, P. (Nat'l Inst. of Mother & Child, Warsaw, Poland), "Experimental models for the evaluation of microwave
biological effects", (Invited).

LIN, J.C., GUY, A.W., & CALDWELL, L.R. (Univ. of Washington Med. School, Seattle), "Behavioral changes of rats
exposed to microwave radiation".

LU, 5.-T., BOGARDUS, R., COHEN, J., JONES, J., KINNEN, E., MICHAELSON, S., & MAGIN, R. (Univ. of Rochester, NY),
"Thermogenetic and cariogynamic regulation in dogs cranially exposed to 2459 MHZ (cw) microwaves 11

MICHAELSON, S.M. (Univ. of Rochester, NY), & SUESS, M.J. (World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe,
Copenhagen, Denmark), "An international program for microwave exposure protection".

WEIL, C.M. (Environmental Protection Agency, Res. Triangle Park, NC), "Absorption characteristics of multi-layered
sphere models exposed to UHF/microwave radiation".

(Presente:· Underlined)

3122. Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Radiation Measurements, London,· England, July 1-5, 1974.

BASSEN, H. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "An optically-linked telemetry system for use with
electromagnetic hazard probes".

3371. 19th Annual Meeting of lleJlth fh~sics Soci~ty, Hou~ton, TX, T~ly 7:11, 1~ 7 4 (r~levant pr~sentation):

r.t··.:H,Iil, l'i.N., TELL, ~ ..A., JA!'o~ES, D.F:. (L:>. r:nviL.'iJ"'lentai Prc·tt=·ction Silver Spri.r.g, MD), "Assessing the
rvtt-ntial for exposure hazar2c;JS lP-... els ;:E n ·',·.·ave power c;ources".

3123. Fifth International Congress of Radiation [including non-ionizing} Research, Seattle, Washington, July 14-20, 1974.

CUNITZ, R.J., GALLOWAY, W.O., & BERMAN, C.M. (Bureau of Radiolog1cal Health, Rockville, MD), "Behavioral suppression
by 383 MHZ radiation".

ANDERSEN, F.A., & PAY, T.L. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Survival of drosophila eggs exposed
to microwave energy and to heat".

EDWARDS, W.P., & HO, H.S. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Microwave cavity irradiation dcsirnetry".

3,~ / .!. nThe of Noninni_,~_lnr; RaJ.iation"; ~Ll'T1'"1er schc- l '- onterence ::>ponSnrcd hy tt',c Assoc. of fhy.sicists in
f-le(J ic .ine, U. JuJv 2l-2h~ l:('ll (l~c_!_evant rce.c:entaf_ions):

3373. Conference on "Biological Effects, Hazards, and Medical Uses of Non-Ionizing Radiation", held at the Massachusetts
Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, July 29 - August 2, 1974.

3374, "Earth Environment and Resources Conference (EERC)"; sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 12, 1974:

CORY, W.E., & FREDERICK, C.L. (Southwest Res. Inst., San Antonio, TX), "Environmental health effects caused by non-
ionizing electromagnet: ic energy".

3375. National Academy of Science/National Research Council1 1974 Annual U.S. National Committee/International Union of
Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 14-17, 1974:

Session #34- URSI Commission I, Sess. 5 (ROSENTHAL, S.W., Chmn.)

BOWMAN, R.R. (National Bureau of Standards, Boulder), "Electromagnetic field measurements for bioeffects experiments
<rnd the control of potential hazards".
GUY, A.W. (University of Washington, Seattle), "Measurement of power absorbed in the tissues of man and animals
exposed to electromagnetic fields".

DURNEY, C.H., JOHNSON, C.C., t MASSOUDI, H. (University of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Long wavelength analysis of plane-
wave electromagnetic power absc;>rption by a prolate spheroidal tissue body".

BARBER, P.W. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Electromagnetic fields in a homogeneous model of man".

3376. Meeting of the Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council (ERMAC), Executive Office of the President,
Washington, D. C., October 31 - No•·ember l, 1974:

Work Session on: "Nervous System and Behavioral Effects of Nonionizing EM Radiation".

GALLOWAY, D. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD)

BAWIN, S.M. (Brain Research Inst., UCLA, Los Angeles, CA)

FRASER, J., STAVINOHA '• & MITC''.:LL, J. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX)

GUY, A.>., & LOVELY, R. (U. of Washington, Seattle)

HAWKINS, T.D. (Walter Reed Army Inst. for Res., Washington, DC)

THOMAS, J. (Naval Medical Res. Inst., Bethesda, MD)

JUSTESEN, D. (Veterans Admn. Hospital, Kansas City, MO)

HUNT, E.L. (Battelle Pacific NW Labs., Richland, WA)

FREY, A. (Randomline Inc., Huntington Valley, PA)

SEAMAN, R. (Duke University, Durham, NC)

ALBERT, E. (G. Washington University, Washington, DC)

3377. Neurosciences Research Program of the Mass. Inst. of Tech., Boston. Work Session on "Brain interactions with weak
electric and magnetic fields", November 10-12, 1974.

3378. The University of New Orleans School of Engineering Short Course on "The Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation:
Sense and Nonsense", New Orleans, LA, February 18-21, 1975:

SCHWAN, H.P. (U. of Pennsylvania), "Biological effects of microwave radiation".

MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, New York), "The Tri-Service Conferences: Basis of the presently accepted microwave.
radiation safety recommendations of the Armed Services", "A comparison of soviet and western microwave bioeffects

JUSTESEN, D.D. (Veterans' Administration Hospital, Kansas City, HO), "Behavioral effects of microwave radiation".

CARPENTER, R. (Bureau of Radiological Health NE Lab, Winchester, HA), "Cataractogenic effects of microwave radiation".

OSEPCHUCK, J, (The Raytheon Co., Waltham MA}, "The 'microwave controversy': Congressional investigation and federal

3124. 1975 Microwave Power sympo~ium, sponsored by the International Microwave Power Institute, May 28-30, 1975, to be hel~ at
the Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

3713. Proceedings of the 1975 International IEEE/AP-S Symposium and URSI Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana,
2-5 June 1975.
CHUNG, A. (Univ. of Maryla'nd}, & SWICORD, M.L. (D1v. of Electronic Products, DHEW}, "Development of electromagnetic
modeling materials for X-band dosimetry studies.•
KANTOR, G., SWICORD, M.L., & BLAIR, M.J. (Div. of Electronic Products, DHEW}, "Heating patterns of enclosed and
direct contact microwave diathermy applicators.•
KELLOGG, R. (Univ. of Maryland}, & NEUDER, S. (Div. of Electro~ic Products, DHEW}, "A finite element method for
calculating electromagnetic fields in complex geometries.

3714. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation/Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) Lecture Series
No. 78 on "Radiation Hazards," presented in the Netherlands (22-23 Sept. 1975), Gennany (25-26 Sept. 1975), and
Norway (29-30 Sept. 1975). (In: AGARD-LS-78, August, 1975, 158 pps.)

GUY, A.W. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "Biophysics-energy absorption and distribution,"
p. 4, 1~ 14.

GUY, A.W. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "Engineering considerations and measurements,"
p. g, 1-36.

GUY, A.W. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "On EMP safety hazards," p.ll,l-7.

GUY, A.W., & CHOU, C-K. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "Microwave induced acoustic effects in
mammalian auditory systems," p. 7,1-17.

HILL, C.R. (Royal Cancer Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, UK), "Biological effects of ultrasound," p. 8, 1-4.

MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY), "Biologic and pathophysiologic effects of exposure to microwave
or ultrasonic energy-an overview," p. 1, 1-2.

MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, Roch~ster, NY), "Pathophysiological aspects of exposure to microwaves," p. 2, 1-7.

MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, NY), "Endocrine and central nervous system effects of microwave exposure,"
p. 6, 1-8.

MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, NY), "Protection guides and standards for microwave exposure," p. 12, 1-6.

MITCHELL, J.C. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "Electromagnetic radiation: effects on the
eye," p. 5, 1-6.

MITCHELL, J.C. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "Electromagnetic interference of cardiac
pacemakers," p. 10, 1-10.

WELLS, P.N.T. (Bristol General Hospital, Bristol, UK), "Physical aspects-ultrasound," p. 3, 1-7.

Bibliography, p. B, 1-22.

3715. Proceedings of the 5th European Microwave Conference, held 1-4 Sept. 1975 in Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany.

Session B6-Medical/Biological Applications

AGARWAL, R., HANNAH, S., HARTNAGEL, H., & KENNAIR, J.T. (U. of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), "A pocket-sized monitor
of dangerous microwave power levels."

DEFICIS, A. (O.N.E.R.A.-C.E.R.T., Toulouse, France), "Use of dielectric microprobes for electromagnetic fields

EDRICH, J. (U. of Denver, CO), "Microwave absorption of living human skin between 8 and 96 GHz."

GRANT, E.H., SHEPPARD, R.J. (Queen Elizabeth College, London), & SOUTH, G.P. (Bradfield College, UK), "The
importance of bound water studies in the determination of energy [absorption] by biological tissue."

GUY, A.W., & LOVELY, R.H. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "A system for quantitative chronic
exposure of a population of rodents to UHF fields."

ROZZELL, T.C. (Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA), "Measurement of temperature and microwave power using
liquid crystal/optic fiber probes."

Session A3-Invited Papers

CZERSKI, P., & SZMIGiELSKI, S. (Dept. of Human Genetics, National Research Inst. of Mother and Child, Warsaw,
Poland), "Microwave bioeffects: Current status and concepts" (p. 348-357).

3716. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Navy Occupational Health Workshop, held October 6-10, 1975, San Diego, Calif.

BAKER, _., "Medical Aspects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation."

3717. Proceedings of 1975 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatability, San Antonio, TX, 7-9 Oct. 1975.

Session 2A- II. EMC and Spectrum Management in Electro-Optics; A Panel Discussion (AASEN, M.D., & ATKINSON, J.H. (co-chmn)) ..

HAM, W.T., Jr. (Medical College of VA, Richmond), "Hazards: The effects of optical radiation on biological
environments and materials."

RICHARDS, W. (Naval Electronics Laboratory Center, San Diego, CA), "Standards: Systems, components, safety, etc."


S117, (COntinued)

Session 58- II. EMC Related Bio-Instrumen.tat1on (MITCHELL, J.C., CIJnn.).

BASSEN, H. I. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "A broadband ·miniature, isotropic electric field
measurement system."
BRONAUGH, E.L., & KERNS, D.R. (Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX), "Calibration of a multimode
microwave exposure chamber."
HOFF, R.J. (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co., St. Louis, MO), "EMC measurements in hospitals."
RUGGERA, P.S. (Bureau of Radiological Health, FDA, Rockville, MD), "Radiofrequency E-field measurements within
a hospital environment."
TOLER, J.C. (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta), "Electromagnetic interference levels in hospitals."

3718. National Academy of Science/National Research Council, 1975 Annual U.S. National Committee/International Union
of Radio Science (USNC/URSI) Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, October 20-23, 1975: (Relevant Presentations)
Session 8-la: Auditory Effects (FREY, A.H., Chmn.).
CAIN, C.A., & RISSMANN, W.J. (U. of Illinois, Urbana), "Microwave hearing in mammals at 3.0 GHz."
CHOU, C.K .. GUY, A.W. (U. of washington School of Medicine, Seattle), & GALAMBOS, R. (U. of California, San Diego,
CA), ''Microwave-induced auditory response-cochlear microphonics."
EICHERT, E.S., & FREY, A.H. (Randomline, Inc., Huntingdon Valley, PA), "RF sound: possible mechanisms as defined
by recent research." (withdrawn)
JOHNSON, R.B., MEYERS, D., GUY, A.W., LOVELY, R.H. (U. of Washington, Seattle), & GALAMBOS, R. (U. of California,
San Diego, CA), "Discriminative control of appetitive behavior by pulsed microwave radiation in rats."
LIN, J.C .. & LAM, C-K. (Wayne State u.. Detroit, MI), "A theoretical study of microwave-generated auditory
phenomena in mammalian cranial structures."
Session B-lb: Microwave Cataractogenesis (ROSENTHAL, S., CIJnn.)
AL-BADIIAIHY, K.A., & YOUSSEF, A-B. (Cairo U., Egypt), "Biological thermal effect of microwave radiation on human
eyes." (not given)
BIRENBAUM, L. (Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn), KAPLAN, I.T. (Zaret Foundation, CUNY, New York),
METLAY, 11. (Hofstra U., Hempstead, NY), ROSENTHALa S.W. (Polytechnic Institute of New York, Farmingdale),
& ZARET, M.M. (Zaret Foundation, Scarsdale, NV), Effects of 35 and 107 GHz CW microwaves on the rabbit eye."

KRAMARf P., HARRIS, C., GUY, A.W., & EMERY, A. (U. of washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "Mechanism of
m crowave cataractogenesfs in rabbits."
RABINOWITZ, J.R. (New York U. Medical Center, Hew York), "The effect of cataractogenic doses of microwave radiation
on lenticular transport."
Combined Session: (RICHARDSON, J.M., Chmn.)
JUSTESEN, D.R. (V.A. Hospital, Kansas City, MD), "A rose by another name is a cabbage."
Session B-2a: Therapeutic Applications (LEHMANN, J.F., Chmn.)
AL-BADWAIHY, K.A., & YOUSSEF, A-B.A. (Cair.o Univ., Egypt), "Steady state temperature profiles in microwave
diathermy" [paper not presented].
GORDON, G.A., LIVINGSTON, G., & DETHLEFSEN, L.A. (Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Microwave-induced hyperthermia
and radiation sensitivity of mouse intestine."
GUY, A.W., McDOUGALL, J.A., & WEBB, M.D. (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), "Shortwave diathermy applicators."
KANTOR! G., BASSEN, H., & SWICORD, H. (BRH, Rockville, MD), "Mapping of free space and scattered fields in
m1crowave diathermy."
LEfWINN, J.F., GUY, A.W., & STONEBRIDGE, J.B. (Univ. of washington, Seattle), "Physiologic design criteria for
therapeutic applicators operating at 915 MHz."
WEST, B., & REGELSON, w. (M.C.V./V.C.U., Richmond, VA), "Biologic effects of pulsed high frequency electromagnetic
radiation" [using a Diapulse Machine].
Session B-2b: Diagnostic Applications (JOHNSON, C.C., Chmn.)
LANDT, J.A. (U. of California, Los Alamos, NM), "Antenna design for a passive temperature monitoring and
identification system for livestock."
PEDERSEN P.C., JOHNSON, C.C., DURNEY, C.H., & BRAGG, D.G. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Microwave radiation as
a afagnostic tool."
SPELMAN, F.A., KINDT, C.W., BOWDEN, D.M., SACKETT, G.P., SPILLANE, J.E. (Regional Primate Research Center at ~he
u. of washington, Seattle), & BLATTMAN, D.A. (~ACOH, Inc., Seattle), "Remote measurement of respiration 1n
infant primates using an X-band doppler radar.

3718. (Continued)

Session B-3: Field Survey Instruments (BOWMAN, R., Chmn.)

ASLAN, E. (Narda Microwave, Plainview, NY), "A low frequency H-field radiation monitor."
BASSEN, H., & PETERSON, R. (BRH, Rockville, MD), "C<nplete measurement of hazardous electromagnetic fields with
electro optical crystals."
CONOVER, D.L., PARR, W.H., SENSINTAFFAR, E.L., & MURRAY, W.E., Jr. (NIOSH, Cincinnati, OH), "Measurement of
electric and magnetic field strengths from industrial radiofrequency (10-40 MHz) power sources."

RUGGERA, P.S. (BRH, Rockville, MD), "E- and H-fielJ instrumentation and calibration below 500 MHz."
SWICORD, M.L., BASSEN, H.l., HERMAN, W.A., DUFF, J.E., & BING, J.R. (FDA, Rockville, MD), "Methods and instrumenta-
tion for the evaluation and calibration of microwave survey instruments."
SWICORD, M.L. (FDA, Rockville, MD), & CHEUNG, A.Y. (U. of Mayrland, College Park), "Mutual coupling between
linear antennas."
TRZASKA, H. (Technical U. of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland), ''Magnetic field standard at frequencies above 30 MHz."

Session B-4: Cellular and Mutagenetic Effects (McREE, D., Chmn.)

BLACKMAN, C.F., SURLES, M.C., & BENANE, S.G. (EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC), "The effect of microwave exposure
on bacteria: mutation induction."
ELDER, J.A., ALI, J.S., & LONG, M.D. (EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC), "Respiratory activity of mitochondria
exposed in a coaxial airline to 2000-4000 MHz microwave radiation."
FRAZER, J.W. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "A summary of cell and tissue level events
prOduced by RF fields predicted from consideration of regional hyperthermia."
HSIEH, S.T., & SETO, Y.J.(Tuland U., New Orleans, LA), "Microwave perturbation on cellular enzymatic reactions."

LIN, J.C., & CHEN, K.C. (Wayne State U., Detroit, MI), "Effects of microwave radiation on mammalian cells in vitro."

SMIALOWICZf R.J. (EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC), "The effect of microwaves (2450 MHz) on lymphocyte blast
trans onnation in vitro."
VARMA, M.M., DAGE, E.L., & JOSHI, R. (Howard U., Washington DC}, "Mutagenicity induced by non-ionizing radiation
in Swiss male mice."
VARMA, M.M., & TRABCULAY, E.A., Jr. (Howard U., Washington, DC), "Evaluation of dominant lethal test and DNA
studies in measuring mutagenicity caused by non-ionizing radiation."
Session B-5: Exposure Systems (SHORE, M., Chmn.)
GRAF, E.R., BURKS, D.G. (Auburn U., AL), & COLE, F.E. (Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans, LA}, "A unique
electromagnetic environmental simulator."
GUY, A.W., CHOU, C.K., & LOVELY, R.H. (U. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle), "Chronic exposure of a rat
population by circularly polarized guided waves."

HO, H.S., FOSTER, M.R., & SWICORD, M.L. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Microwave irradiation
apparatus design and dosimetry."
HOUK, W.M., GRISSETT, J.D., & LONGACRE, A., Jr. (Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Pensacola, FL and
U. of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA), "Considerations of chamber design, environmental control, and microwave
field interactions in small animal experimentation."
LEICHER-PREKA, A. (Inst. Physiol. Biochem. Med. Fac., Sarajevo, Yugoslavia), & HO, H.S. (BRH, Rockville, MD),
"Dependence of total and distributed absorbed microwave energy upon size, shape, and orientation of rat
phantoms in waveguide."
LOTZ, W.G., &MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY}, "Adrenocortical response in rats exposed to

RENO, V.R., &deLORGE, J.O. (Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Pensacola, FL}, "Field measurements
for a series of behavioral studies."
Session B-6a: Behavioral Effects (Low Level Exposure}, (JUSTESEN, D., Chmn.)

CLEARY f S. F. (Virginia C001110nwea lth U., Richmond), "The effects of 1. 7 and 2. 45 GHz microwave<; on drug-induced
seeping time in the rabbit."

des Arm€es Sainte-Anne, Toulon Naval, France), "Study of the microwave-induced perturbations of the behaviour
by the open-field test into the white rat." [read by S. Rosenthal]
HUNT, E.L. (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC), KING, N.W., LOVELY, R.H. (U. of Washington,
Seattle}, & PHILLIPS, R.D. (Battelle Pacific Laboratory, Richland, WA), " 'Avoidance' by rats of a 2.88 GHz
pulse microwave field."


3718. (Continued)
MANTHEI, R.C., & GLASER, Z.R. (Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, VA), "Alterations in the sleep process of
the rabbit as a function of chronic low intensity electromagnetic radiation exposure."

THOMAS, J.R., YEANDLE, S.S., & BURCH, L.S. (Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, MD), "Modification of
internal discriminative stimulus control of behavior by low levels of pulsed microwave radiation."
[not presented]

Session B-6b: Behavioral Effects (High Level Exposure), (HUNT, E., Chmn.)

D'ANDREA, J.A., GANDHI, O.P., & KESNER, R.P. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake Citfl, "Behavioral effects of resonant electro-
magnetic power absorption in rats."

deLORGE, J.O. (Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Pensacola, FL), "ThE> effects of microwave radiation
on behavior and temperature in Rhesus monkeys."

McAFEE, R.D., ELDER, S.T., LIPSCOMB, T.J., MAY, J.G., & HOLLAND, M.G. (Veterans Administration Hospital, New
Orleans, LA), "Microwave and infrared radiation effects on an operant response in Rhesus monkeys."
MOE, K.E., LOVELY, R.H., & GUY, A.W. (U. of Washington, Seattle), "Physiological and behavioral effects of chronic
low level microwave radiation of rats."

MONOHAN, J.C., & HO, H.S. (Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD), "Microwave-induced avoidance behavior
ln the mouse."

Session B-7a: Assessment of Power Deposition in Tissues by Mathematical and Phantom Models (SCHWANN, H., Chmn.)
ALLEN, S.J., HURT, W.O., KRUPP, J.H., RATLIFF, J.A. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), DURNEY, C.J.,
& JOHNSON, C.C. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake Cit~. "Measurement of radio frequency power absorption in monkeys,
monkey pahntoms, and human phantoms exposed to 10-50 MHz fields."
GANDHI, O.P., SEDIGH, K., BECK, G.S. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), & HUNT, E.L. (Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research, Washington, DC), "Distribution of electromagnetic energy deposition in models of man with frequencies
near resonance."

MacDOUGAL, J., WEBB, M. (U. of Washington, Seattl~, & FRAZER, J.W. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX),
"Models of biologic interaction with electromagnetic fields."

MASSOUDI, H., DURNEY, C.H., JOHNSON, C.C. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), & ALLEN, S. (Brooks AFB, TX), "Theoretical
calc11lations of power absorbed by monkey and human spheroidal and ellipsoidal phantoms in an irradiation chamber."

NEUDER, S.M. (BRH, Rockville, MD), HILL, D.H., & KELLOGG, R.B. (U. of Maryland, College Park), "Power deposition
fn a multilayered spherical model of the human head."
Session B-7b: Dielectric Properties of Tissues (SCHWANN, H., Chmn.)

CHEUNG, A.Y., KOOPMAN, D.W., & SWICORD, M.L: (U. of Maryland, College Park), "Wide-band characterization of dielectric
and heat properties of simulated biotissues."
!LUNGER, K.H. (Tufts U., Medford, MA), "The attenuation function for biological fluids at millimeter and
far-infrared wavelengths."
PYLE, S.D., HU, C.L., CALDWELL, R., & BARNES, F.S. (U. of Colorado, Boulder), "Electric dipole interactions for
microwave pulses and damage to embryos."
SWICORD, M., SAFFER, J. (BRH, Rockville, MD), & CHEUNG, A. (U. of Maryland, College Park), "A two impedance method
for wide range dielectrometry." ·
~ession B-Ba: CNS Effects--! (ADEY, R., Chmn.)
ALBERT, E.N. (The George Washington U. Medical Center, Washington, DC), "Light and electron microscopic investigation
of brains exposed to non-ionizing radiation." [Read by E. Postow]
HAWKINS, T.D., & HUNT, E.L. (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC), "Reduction in sensitivity
to audiogenic seizure following a single, 2450 MHz, CW irradiation of rats."
KRITIKOS, H., & TAKASHIMA, S. (U. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia), "Nonthermal effects of electromagnetic fields
on the central nervous system." [Read by H. Schwann]
OSCAR K.J. (U.S. Army Mobility Equipment R&D Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, and American U., Washington, DC), &
RAWKINS, T.D. (Walter Reed Anny Institute of Research, washington, DC), "Electromagnetic radiation effects
on the blood-brain barrier system in rats."

Session B-Bb: CNS Effects--!! (CLEARY, S., Chmn.)

CHAMNESS F. SCHOLES, H., SEXAUER, S., & FRAZER, J.W. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "The
eff~ct ~f 1.6 GHz CW fields on trace metal content of specific regions of rat brain."
MERRITT, J.H., HARTZELL, R., & FRAZERf J.H. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "The effect of
1.6 GHz radiation on neurotransm tters in discrete areas of the rat brain."
MIKOLAJCZYK, H. (Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland), "Microwave-induced shifts of .gonadotropic
activity in anterior pituitary gland of rats." [withdrawn]
wu, c-L., & LIN, J.C. (wayne State u., Detroit, MI), "Interaction of modulated electromagnetic fields with
nervous structures."

(Cont f nued) 170

3718. (Continued)
Session B-9a: Assessment of Power Deposition in Tissues by Numerical Methods (GUY, A.W., Chmn.)

BARBER, P.W. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Numerical study of electromagnetic polljer depdsition in biological
tissue bodies."

EMERY, A.F., GUY, A.W., KRANING, K.K., & SHORT, R. (U. of Washington, Seattle), "Numerical simulation of the
effects of non-ionizing RF radiation upon the human body." .
NEUDER, S.M. (BRH, Rockville, MD), & MEIJER, P.H.E. (Catholic U. of America, Washington, DC), "Finite element-
variational calculus approach to the determination of electromagnetic fields in irregular geometry."
SPEIGEL, R.J. (liT Research-Institute, Washington, DC), "High voltage electric field coupling to humans using
moment method techniques."

UMASHANKAR, K.R., & BUTLER, C.M. (U. of Mississippi, University), "Electromagnetic power absorption in lossy
wire model of man."
Session B-9b: Polarization Effects (GUY, A.W., Chmn.)

GITHENS, S.H., HAWKINS, T.D., & SCHROT, J. (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC), "Colonic
temperature changes during microwave exposure."

SCHROT, J., &HAWKINS, T.D. (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, DC), "Microwave frequency and
E-f1eld orientat.1on interact with animal size."

Session B-lOa: Effect of ELF Fields on Biological Systems--! (PHILIPS, R., Chmn.)
SAWIN, S.M., &ADEY, W.R. (U. of California, Los Angeles), "Effects of weak low frequency electric fields on
calcium efflux from isolated chick and cat brain."
BLISS, v., & HEPPNER, F. (U. of Rhode Island, Kingston), "Effects of the field free space on the circadian
activity rhythm of the house sparrow, fill!!: domesticus, and of the song sparrow, Melospiza melodia."
DURFEE, W.K., PLANTE, P.R., MARTIN, P., MUTHUKRISHNA, S., & POLK, C. (U. of Rhode Island, Kingston), "Exposure
of domestic fowl to ELF electric and magnetic fields."
GREENEBAUM, B., GOODMAN, E.M., & MARRON, M.T. (U. of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha), "Long-term effects of weak
45-75 Hz electromagnetic fields on the slime mold Physarum polycephalum."
MATHEWSON, N.S., OOSTA, G.M., OLIVA, S.A., & BLASCO, A.P. (AFRRI, Defense Nuclear Agency, Bethesda, MD)o "Effects
of 45Hz electric field exposure on rats."
Session B-lOb: Effect of ELF Fields on Biological Systems--11 (BIRENBAUM, L., Chmn.)
MEDICI, R.G. (U. of California, Los Angeles), "The effects of.weak ELF electric fields on schedule-controlled
behavior of monkeys."
MORAN, W.P. (U. of Tulsa, OK), "Physiological basis of human electric shock threshold."
SUGIYAMA, S., & MIZUNO, K. (Kwansei Gakuin U., Hyogo, Japan), "Effect of AC electric field application upon
human visual threshold."
GREENBURG, B. (U. of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chieego), "Impact of extremely low frequency electromagnetic
fields on animals in nature."
Session B-11: Measurement of Power Deposition in Biological Tissues (ROZZELL, T., Chmn.)
BOifiAN, R.R. (National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO), "A temperature probe for RF heated material."
CETAS, T .C. (BRH, Rockville, MD), "A birefringent crystal optical thermometer for measurements of electromagnetically
induced heating."

CHEN, K.M., GURU, B.S., & NYQUIST, D.P. (Michigan State U., East Lansing), "Quantification and measurement of
induced fields inside finite biological bodies."
CHEUNG, A.Y. (U. of Mar~and, COllege Park), SWICORD, M.L., & BASSEN, H.I. (BRH, Rockville, MD), "Experimental
calibration of a miniature electric field probe within muscular tissues."
CHRISTENSEN, D.A. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), "Optical etalon temperature sensor for microwave tissue heating

DEFICIS, A. (O.N.E.R.A.-C.E.R.T., France), "Use of dielectric microprobes for electromagnetic fields measurement."
LIVINGSTON, G.K., JOHNSON, C.C., DURNEY, C.H. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), &ROZZELL, T.C. (Office of Naval
Research, Arlington, VA), "Performance of the LCOF probe in calorimetric and tissue temperature monitoring


3718. (Continued)
Session B-12: General Biological Effects (MICHAELSON, S., Chmn.)

BURKS, O.G., & GRAF, E.R. (Auburn U., AL), "Investigation of electromagnetic effects of a 1000-foot TV tower on
migratory birds."

HOUK, W.M., MICHAELSON, S.M., &BEISCHER, O.E. (Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Pensacola FL and
U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY), "The effects of enviro1111ental temperature on thermoregulatory, s~rum'lipid,
carbohydrate and growth hormone responses of rats exposed to microwave."
KINDT, C.W., BOWDEN, O.M., SPELMAN, F.A., &MORGAN, M.K. (Regional Primate Research at the U. of Washington, Seattle),
"Some developmental and behavioral factors of low intensity X-band radiation."
MAXEY, E.S. (Miami Heart Institute, Miami, FL), "Critical aspects of human versus terrestrial electromagnetic symbiosis."
MITCHELL, J.C., & HURT, W.O. (USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB, TX), "The biological significance of
radiofrequency radiation emission characteristics on cardiac pacemaker perfonnance."
O'GRADY, T.C., MILROY, W.C., & GLASER, Z.R. (Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, VA), "Long tenn exposure
studies of high peak power (HPP) pulsed electromagnetic radiation on mice."
STAVINOHA, W.B., MEDINA, M.A., WEINTRAUB, S.T., ROSS, O.H., &HODAK, A.T. (U. of Texas Health Science Center, San
Antonio), "The effects of 19 megacycle irradiation on mice and rats."
TELL, R.A., & JANES, D. E. (EPA, Washington, DC), "Broadcast radiation: A second look."
l«llLAS, K.O. (MOO, United Kingdom), "Health hazards in microwave fields."
Session B-13: Selected Topics (ALTSCHULER, H.M., Chmn.)
ALLIS, J.W., & FROMME, M.L. (EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC), "Pseudosubstrate binding to ribonuclease during
exposure to microwave radiation at 1.70 and 2.45 GHz."
CARPENTER, R.L., & HAGAN, G.J. (BRH, Winchester, MA), "Comparison of thennal effects in the rabbit eye from
microwave radiation and from external heating."
FERRI, E.S., & HAGAN, G.J. (BRH, Winchester, MA), "Chronic low-level exposure of rabbits to microwaves."
GLASER, Z.R. (Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, VA), & DODGE, C.H. (Library of Congress, Washington, DC),
"Biomedical aspects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation: A review of selected Soviet, East European,
and Western references."
GUILLET, R., LOTZ, W.G., & MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, NY), "Time-course of adrenal response in microwave-
exposed rats."
HAGAN, G.L., & CARPENTER, R.L. (BRH, Winchester, MA), "Microwave frequency as a factor in the induction of lens
opacities in the rabbit eye."
MAGIN, R.L., LU, S-T., & MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, NY), "Thyroid response to localized microwave exposure."
MASSOUOI, H., DURNEY, C.H., JOHNSON, C.C. (U. of Utah, Salt Lake City), & ALLEN, S. (Brooks AFB, TX), "Theoretical
calculations of power absorbed by an ellipsoidal model of man and animals in an electromagnetic plane wave."
MICHAELSON, S.M. (U. of Rochester, NY), "The influence of microwave exposure on neuroendocrine function in the
rat and dog."
IJJIIACA, ii.J., Jr., & FERRi, E.S. (BRH, Winchester, MA), "A study of the effects of microwave irradiation of the
rabbit testes."
SANDLER, S.S. (Northeastern U., Boston, MA), "Electromagnetic field effects on isolated nerve tissue."
SEAMAN, R.L., WACHTEL, H., & JOINES, W.T. (Duke U., Durham, NC), "The use of stripline to study microwave biological

3719. The Congenital Anomalies Research Association of Japan and the Japan Society of Human Genetics--Joint Conference,
Tokyo, Japan, November 7-9, 1975. (Presentation given by title only.)
RUGH, R., & LEACH, W.M. (Division of Biological Effects, BRH), "Microwave teratogenesis in mice."

3720. American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 16-20, 1975.
LANDAU, E. (American Public Health Assoc.), & ALBRECHT, R.M. (Division of Biological Effects, BRH), "Microwave
radiation: An epidemiologic assessment."

3721. Proceeding of the Ninth Midyear Topical Symposium, Health Physics Soc., Denver, Colorado, February 9-12, 1976.
CZERSKI, P. (FDA Visiting Scientist, Division of Biological Effects, and Dept. of Genetics, National Research
Inst. of Mother & Child, Warsaw, Poland), "Comparison of the USA, USSR, and Polish microwave pennissible
exposure standards."

3722. "Measurements for Safe Use of Radiation," Nationa 1 Bl!re.~u of Standards 75th Anniversary Symposium, March 1-4, 1976,
Gaithersburg, MD.
Session on Measurement System
SWICORD, M.L., BASSEN, H.I., & HERMAN, W.A. (Bureau of Radiological Health, FDA), "Methods for the evaluation and
calibration of microwave survey instruments."
Session on Standardization and Measurement Assurance
BAIRD, R.C. (National Bureau of Standards), "Non-ionizing radiation and standardization."
Session on Environment and Personal Protection
TELL, R.A., HANKIN, N.N., NELSON, J.C., ATHEY, T.W., & JANES, Jr., D.E. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency),
"An automated measurement system for determining environmental radiofrequency field intensities."
THIEL, J.F. (Texas Dept. of Health Resources), "Radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from portable and mobile
telecommunication transmitters."

3723. American Industrial Hygiene Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 16-21, 1976.
ALBRECHT, R.M. (Division of Biological Effects, BRH), "Potential adverse effects of exposure to nonionizing radiation:"

17. Alterations in the Biocurrents (EEG?} of the Cerebral Cortex
(in animals)
18. Changes in the Rate of Clearance of Tagged Ions from Tissue
19. Reversible Structural Changes in the Cerebral Cortex and·the
20. Electrocardiographic (EKG) Changes
21. Alterations in Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Olfactory
19. Reversible Structural Changes in the Cerebral Cortex and the --
20. Electrocardiographic (EKG) Changes
21. Alterations in Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Olfactory
12. Functional (a) and Pathological (b) Changes in the Eyes:
(a) decrease in size of blind spot, altered color recognition,
~hanges i.n intraocular__press\.1_!_~,-~lacr_imation,_ trembling of ey~­
iJAs; (b) lens opacity and coagulation, altered tissue respira-
tion, and altered reduction-oxidation processes
23. Hyocardial Necrosis
24. Hemorrhage in Lungs, Liver, Gut, and Brain } At Fatal Levels
25. Generalized Degeneration of all Body Tissue of Radiation
26. Loss of Anatomical Parts
27. Death
28·. Dehydration
29. Altered Rate of Calcification of Certain Tissue

c. Central Nervous System Effects

1. Headaches
2. Insomnia
3. Restlessness (Awake and During Sleep)
4. Electroencephalographic (EEG) Changes
5. Cranial Nerve Disorders i.
6. Pyramidal Tract Lesions
7. Conditioned Reflex Disorders
8. Vagomimetic Action of Heart; Sympaticomimetic Action
9. Seizures, Convulsions

D. Autonomic Nervous System Effects

1. Neuro-vegetative Disorders (e.g., alteration of heart rhythm)
2. Fatigue
3. Structural Alterations in the Synapses of the Vagus Nerve
4. Stimulation of Parasympathetic Nervous System (Bradycardia),
and Inhibition of the Sympathetic Nervous System

E. Peripheral Nervous System Effects .

Effects on Locomotor Nerves
F. Psychological Disorders ("Human Behavioral Studies") - the so-called
"Psychophysiologic (and Psychosomatic) Responses"

1. Neurasthenia - (general "bad" feeling)

2. Depression
3. Impotence
4. Anxiety
5. Lack of Concentration
6. Hypochondria
7. Dizziness .
8. Hallucinations
9. Sleepiness
10. Insomnia
11. Increased Irritability
12. Decreased Appetite
13. Loss of Hemory
Scalp Sensations
Increased Fatigability
Chest Pain
Tremor of the Hands
G. Behavioral Changes (Animal Studies) 1
Reflexive, Operant, Avoidance, and Discrimination Behaviors

H. Blood Disorders
(V • in vivo)
(v • Evrtr'o)
I Changes in:
f 1. Blood and Bone Harrow
2. Phagocytic (polymorphs) and Bactericidal Functions of Blood (V.v)
3. Hemolysis Rate (increase), (a shortened lifespan-of cells)
4. Sedimentation Rate (increase), {due to changes in serum protein
levels or amount of fibrinogen (?)) 4

5. Number of Erythrocytes (decrease), also number of Lymphocytes

6. Blood Glucose Concentration (increase)

1. Blood Histamine Content
8. Cholesterol and Lipids
9. Gamma (also a and 8) Globulin, and Total Protein Concentration
10. Number of Eosinophile
11. Albumin/Globulin Ratio (decrease)
12. Hemopoiesis (rate of formation of blood corpuscles)

13. Leukopenia (increase in number of white cells), and Leukocytosis

14 • . Reticulocytosis

I. Vasc~lar Disorders

1. Thrombosis
2. Hypertension
J. Enzyme and Other Biochemical Changes

Changes in activity of:

1. Cholinesterase (V,v)
2. Phosphatase (v)
3. Transaminase (v)
4. Amylase (v)
5. Carboxydismutase

6. Protein Denaturation
7. Toxin, Fungus, and Virus Inactivation (at high radiation dose
levels), Bacteriostatic Effect
8. Tissue Cultures Killed
9. Alteration in Rate of Cell Division
10. Increased Concentration of RNA in Lymphocytes, and Decreased
Concentration in Brain, Liver, and Spleen
11. Changes in Pyruvic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Creatinine Excretions
12. Change in Concentration of Glycogen in Liver (Hyperglycemia)
13. Alteration in Concentration of 17- Ketosteroids in Urine

K. Uetaboiic Disorders

1. Glycosuria (sugar in urine; related with blood sugar?)

2. Increase in Urinary Phenol (derivatives? DOPA?)
3. Alteration of Rate of Netabolic Enzymatic Processes
4. Altered Carbohydrate ~Ietabolism

L. Gastro-Intestinal Disorders

1. Anorexia (loss of appetite)

2. Epigastric Pain
3. Constipl\tion
4. Altered Secretion of Stomach "Digestive Juices"

u. Endocrine.Gland Changes

1. Altered Pituitary Function

2. Hyperthyroidism
3. Thyroid Enlargement
4. Increased Uptake of Radioactive Iodine by Thyroid Gland
5. Altered Adrenal Cortex Activity
6. Decreased Corticosteroids in Blood
7. Decreased Glucocorticoidal Activity
8. Hypogonadism {usually decreased testosterone production)

N. Histological Changes
1. changes in Tubular Epithelium of Testicles
2. Gross Changes


-··~.-. ....----~--··-·-·-~ ·--·-··
0• Genetic and Chromosomal Changes

1. Chromosome Aberrations (e. g., linear shortening·, pseudochiasm,

diploid structures, amitotic division, bridging, "sticky"
chromosomes, irregularities in chromosomal envelope)
2. Nutations
3. Hongolism
4. Somatic Alterations (changes in cell not involving nucleus or
chromosomes, cellular transformation)
5. Neoplastic Diseases (e.g., tumors)

P. Pearl Chain Effect (Intracellular orientation of subcellular particles,

~ and orientation of cellular and other· (non-biologic) particles)

Also, orientation of animals, birds, and fish in electromagnetic


Q. Uiscellaneous Effects

1. Spa!king between dental fillings

2. Peculiar metallic taste in mouth
3. Changes in Optical Activity of Colloidal Solutions
4. Treatment for Syphilis, Poliomyelitis, Skin Diseases
5. Loss of Hair
f• 6.· Brittleness of Hair
1. Sensations of Buzzing Vibrations, Pulsations, and Tickling About
the Head and Ears
8. Copious Perspiration, Salivation, and Protrusion of Tongue
9. Changes in the Operation of Implanted cardiac Pacemakers
10. Changes in Circadian Rhythms

The Outline of Reported Biological Phenomena ('Effects') and

Clinical }~nifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency
Radiation, is patterned after that given by R. Murray, et al., in an
article entitled, II How safe are microwaves", which appeared
- -
in Non-
Ionizing Radiation 1(1):7-8 (1969). Some of the "effects" were listed
in the report by s.-F. Cleary and w. T. Ham, Jr., entitled, "Considera-
tions in the evaluation of the biological effects on exposure to micro-
wave radiation", (Background document, Part I, 1969, for the Task Force
on Research Planning in Environmental Health, Subtask Force on Physical
Factors in the Environment), The discuasion and suggestions offered by
Byron McLees, Edwar~ Fi~ch, Lewis Gershman, and Christopher Dodge relat-
~ ing to the Outline are also g=atefully acknowledged.




TITLE (end Subtitle)


(Bibliographic , uCurre~hto
AND ti!!iVJ5~ SUPPL :o


Na~al Medical Research Institute Detachment
Naval Surface Weapons Center/Dahlgren Laboratory MF51.524.015-0030
T\A.h1 O"''"en. VirP.:inia 22448 ·

Naval Med~cal Research & Development Command 27 September 1976

Bethesda, Maryland 20014 13. NUMBER OF P'AGES.

. 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME a ADDRESS(tl dlflerentlrom Controlllnl Ollie•) 111. SECI;JRITY CLASS. (olthla report)

Bureau of' Medicine & Surgery
Washington, D.C • .20372

Approved for pub~ic release and sale; distribution unlimited. '

17. DIST~IBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebalrect entered In Block 20, II dlllerentlr~in Report)


Not a reprint.

19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse aide II nece . .ery and ldenllly by block number)
Biological Effects Thermogenesis
Bibliography Health Effects
Electromagnetic Radiation Bio-Effects Radiobiology (Non-Ionizing)
Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation Non-Ionizing Radiation
Radiation Effects Microwave Radiation (cont'd)
20. ABSTRACT (Continue on rever•• aide II nec•••ery and Identify by block number)
More than 3700 references on the biological responses to radio frequency
and microwave radiation, published up to May 1976, are included in this biblio-
graphy of the world literature. Particular attention has been paid to the
effects of non-ionizing radiation on man at these frequencies. The citations
are arranged alphabetically by author (where possible), and contain as much in-
formation as possible so as to assure effective retrieval of the original docu-
ments. Soviet and East European literature is included in detail.
S/N 0102- LF· 014-6601

19. KEY WORDS {cont'd)

Electric-Field Bio-Effects Pulsed Electromagnetic Radiation

Magnetic Bio-Effects Stress Physiology ,
Human Factors RadS.r Safety ·

20. ABSTRACT {cont'd)

This report is a compilation and integration of the firs-t seven supplemente, ..

and the alphabetical addenda {appended to the original bibliography), with the
revised bibliography of April 1972. The report is a successor to Naval Medical
Research Institute (NMRI, Bethesd,a, MD 20014) Research Report No. 2, completed
under Research Work Unit .MFJ2.524.015-0004B in October 1971, 'by the senior
author, ·and available from National Technical Information Service {Springfield,
VA 22151) as AD 1734-391. The original report was revised and reprinted in
April 1972, and also contains the first three supplements; N9. 1 dated October
1971, No. 2 dated November 1971, and No. 3 dated April 1972. .The r~vised report
which consists of more than 2300 literature citations, is available from NTIS
as AD 1750-271, and includes, as the first chapter, an outline of the effects
which have been attributed to radio frequency and microwave radiation. Supple-
ment No. 4 (containing 327 citations) was completed in June 1973, as an Electro~
magnetic Radiation {EMR) Project Office Report, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
{Navy), {Washington, DC 20372), and is available from NTIS as AD 1770-621.
Supplement No. 5 {containing 4gr citations) was completed in July 1974 as an
EMR Project Office Report, Naval Medical Research and Development Command
(NMR&DC, Bethesda, MD 20014), and is available from NTIS as ·AD 1784-007. The
sixth Supplement {containing 241 citations) was completed in June 1975 {also as
an EMR Project Office, NMR&DC Report), and is available from NTIS as AD #A015-
622. The seventh Supplement {containing 345 citations) was completed in May
1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #AC2. 5-354. Supplement
No. 8 {mot included in this report, but containing 331 citations), was completed
in August"1976 as a NMRI Report, and is available from NTIS as AD #ACJ2.9-430.

Relevant presentations made at technical meetings are included in a

separate section.

The "outline of bio-effects" which appeared in the original Bibliography

has been included in this report as an Appendix.

S/N 0102- LF- 014· 6601


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