All the Major 'The Vampire Diaries' Characters

Updated March 15, 2024 22.9K views 67 items
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48.7K votes
3.7K voters
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All minor and major characters from The Vampire Diaries. Vote for your personal favorite characters from the show, regardless of how beloved they are by others.

Who is the best Vampire Diaries character? Here's our full ranked The Vampire Diaries characters list with photos and character bios when available. List contains all The Vampire Diaries main character names and features lead The Vampire Diaries roles. If you're looking for the most famous The Vampire Diaries characters then you're in the right place. This The Vampire Diaries main character list includes pictures of The Vampire Diaries characters and features useful character information like the names of actors or actresses who play the characters. The Vampire Diaries character roles from every season are included, along with the characters' gender, occupation and more.

The list you're viewing is made up of characters like Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore.

This list answers the questions "what are the The Vampire Diaries characters called?" and "who are all the characters in The Vampire Diaries?"

You can click each image for a larger picture of the character, and in some cases you can click the character's name for a more detailed description. View the list of The Vampire Diaries character names as an info list or customize your view by switching to slideshow or blog mode. If you're looking for more minor The Vampire Diaries characters, then they should also be on this list, but if not feel free to add them below.


Most divisive: Anna
Over 3.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of All the Major 'The Vampire Diaries' Characters
  • Klaus Mikaelson
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    2,061 VOTES

    Klaus Mikaelson

    A compelling and unpredictable original vampire, Klaus is known for his ruthlessness and power grabs. As an immortal hybrid, he struggles with his humanity throughout the series, making for captivating character development as he grapples with his relationships and family dynamics. The complexity of Klaus' emotions keeps viewers intrigued and adds depth to his storyline.

    2,061 votes
  • Caroline Forbes
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,878 VOTES

    Initially introduced as a high-strung teenager, Caroline experiences one of the most compelling transformations in the series after becoming a vampire. She gradually evolves from superficial cheerleader to compassionate friend and leader while maintaining her signature humor throughout her journey. Caroline's resilience, empathy, and friendships provide viewers with moments of levity amidst darker storylines.

  • Damon Salvatore
    Photo: user uploaded image
    2,133 VOTES

    This older Salvatore brother carries a devilish charm and sarcastic wit that often masks his deep-rooted emotions. While Damon's initial agenda revolves around personal gain, he eventually discovers his capacity for love and redemption, making him a memorable and relatable anti-hero. His tumultuous love story with Elena Gilbert adds another layer to his enthralling story arc.

  • Rebekah
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    1,551 VOTES


    As the feisty yet vulnerable original vampire sister, Rebekah brings a unique perspective to the series as she consistently searches for love and acceptance. Often acting fierce and impulsive, her sensitive side brings a sense of vulnerability to her character development. Rebekah's quest for a sense of belonging adds an emotional dimension to her story.

    1,551 votes
  • Lexi Branson
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    1,496 VOTES

    Lexi Branson

    An old friend of Stefan Salvatore's, Lexi provides much-needed support and guidance throughout the series as a centuries-old vampire. Her tough love approach endears her to both Stefan and the viewers while providing a refreshing contrast to some of the show's more intense characters. Despite her limited appearances, her presence is felt even after her departure from the series.

    1,496 votes
  • Elijah Mikaelson
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,595 VOTES

    Elijah Mikaelson

    The picture of elegance and sophistication, Elijah embodies the perfect gentleman to a fault. His moral compass often directs him toward selfless acts in the face of adversity, despite his vampiric nature. This unwavering loyalty to his family heightens the tension in every scene he graces, making him an indispensable character within the show.

  • Bonnie Bennett
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    1,684 VOTES

    As one of the most powerful witches in the show, Bonnie showcases immense strength and determination in the face of danger. Constantly striving to protect her friends and family at any cost, her sacrifices often have significant consequences on both herself and others. Her unwavering loyalty and sense of duty make her an essential character throughout The Vampire Diaries.

    1,684 votes
  • 8
    1,703 VOTES

    The younger Salvatore brother embodies heroism through his relentless pursuit of redemption for his dark past. Despite his struggles with his bloodlust, Stefan remains steadfast in his devotion to his loved ones, which makes him an enormous audience favorite. His multi-faceted character arc is filled with heartbreak and romance that keeps viewers enthralled.

    1,703 votes
  • Katherine Pierce
    Photo: Metaweb (FB) / Fair use
    1,534 VOTES

    Devious and cunning, Katherine serves as the ultimate femme fatale with a penchant for manipulating those around her. Rooted in a tumultuous past, she continues to surprise viewers with her motivations and intricate schemes to survive against all odds. This doppelgänger's story adds layers of intrigue and complexity to the overarching plot.

  • Enzo St. John
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,172 VOTES

    Enzo St. John

    A charming yet tortured soul, Enzo's inner turmoil continually propels his storyline forward as he struggles to find comradeship and love throughout his immortal existence. This British vampire's unwavering loyalty to friends clashes with his darker side, making him a captivating figure in the series.

    1,172 votes
  • Sheriff Forbes
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,130 VOTES

    The mother of Caroline Forbes, Sheriff Forbes acts as a grounding force amidst the supernatural chaos that envelops Mystic Falls. Her dedication to protecting her town and daughter consistently challenges viewers' expectations for a small-town sheriff. Her ability to adapt to and cope with the evolving dangers around her makes her an essential character in the series.

    1,130 votes
  • Kai Parker
    Photo: user uploaded image
    983 VOTES

    Kai Parker

    As one of the most sinister and captivating villains on the show, Kai's dark, twisted humor and heinous acts keep audiences glued to their screens. His unapologetic brutality clashes intriguingly with his charming demeanor, creating a unique and terrifying character that viewers can't help but be entranced by.

    983 votes
  • Alaric Saltzman
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,373 VOTES

    Alaric Saltzman

    Throughout The Vampire Diaries, Alaric serves as a loyal friend, mentor, and father figure to the main characters. His expertise in vampire lore and history is invaluable as the series unfolds, and his grounded presence balances the more supernatural elements of the story. Overcoming personal tragedies, Alaric consistently displays strength and resilience during times of great difficulty.

    1,373 votes
  • Jenna Sommers
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,082 VOTES

    Elena and Jeremy's caring yet unwitting guardian, Jenna brings a sense of innocence and vulnerability to the show's darker moments. Thrown into circumstances she cannot control or understand, she teaches viewers never to take anything for granted in life while also serving as a beacon of normalcy during times of chaos.

    1,082 votes
  • Hayley Marshall
    Photo: user uploaded image
    751 VOTES

    Hayley Marshall

    Introduced as a werewolf with a hidden past, Hayley evolves into a strong leader and devoted mother over time. Her fierce determination to protect those around her makes her an empathetic figure within the series. As she navigates complex relationships and supernatural threats, she remains tenacious and resourceful.

    751 votes
  • Jo Laughlin
    Photo: user uploaded image
    607 VOTES

    Jo Laughlin

    This resilient witch-turned-doctor quickly becomes an indispensable character after being thrust into Mystic Falls' supernatural drama. Her kindness and dedication to saving lives make her an endearing presence on screen. Jo's tumultuous family history sheds light on previously unexplored aspects of the show's mythology.

    607 votes
  • Sheila Bennett
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    896 VOTES

    Sheila Bennett

    Bonnie's wise and powerful grandmother provides guidance and assistance as her granddaughter navigates the supernatural world of Mystic Falls. A character who is both loving and formidable, her sacrifices for the sake of her family carry significant weight within the series, creating a lasting impact.

    896 votes
  • Kol Mikaelson
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    1,055 VOTES

    Kol Mikaelson

    The youngest Mikaelson brother is initially portrayed as a reckless and impulsive original vampire, though his character develops substantially over time. His struggles with feeling overshadowed by his siblings add nuance to his motivations, while his unpredictable nature keeps audiences wondering what he'll do next.

    1,055 votes
  • Rose
    Photo: user uploaded image
    735 VOTES


    An ancient vampire plagued by consequences of her past actions, Rose becomes a memorable character due to her complex emotions and desperate search for redemption. Her strong connection with Damon Salvatore adds depth to their respective storylines, ultimately making her an essential part of The Vampire Diaries' narrative.

    735 votes
  • Jeremy Gilbert
    Photo: user uploaded image
    1,036 VOTES

    Elena Gilbert's younger brother often finds himself caught in the crossfire of Mystic Falls' supernatural chaos. Despite numerous setbacks, Jeremy exhibits strength and growth throughout the series as he learns to protect those around him. His resilience in dealing with loss and danger make him an empathetic figure throughout the show.

    1,036 votes
  • 21
    1,461 VOTES

    The focal point of The Vampire Diaries, Elena embodies a compassionate and resilient young woman thrust into a world she never imagined. Her journey from high school girl-next-door to central heroine of this intricate universe captivates viewers through her relationships, heartbreaks, and personal trials. As she navigates love triangles and supernatural forces, Elena remains an unwavering emblem of hope for those around her.

  • Lizzie Saltzman
    Photo: CBS Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Distribution
    195 VOTES

    Lizzie Saltzman

    Intelligent and emotionally volatile, Lizzie struggles with understanding her place in the world as a siphoner witch and daughter of Alaric Saltzman. Despite battling insecurities and mental health issues, she displays incredible bravery as she confronts the supernatural threats facing her family. Lizzie's journey is filled with growth and self-discovery that captivates viewers.

    195 votes
  • Nora Hildegard
    Photo: user uploaded image
    553 VOTES

    Nora Hildegard

    This enigmatic vampire and Heretic initially emerges as a fierce antagonist; however, her character evolves into a more sympathetic figure whose redemption becomes an integral aspect of the show. Nora's complex relationship with Mary Louise adds another layer of interest and depth to her storyline, making her more than just a typical villain.

    553 votes
  • Josie Saltzman
    Photo: CBS Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Distribution
    167 VOTES

    Josie Saltzman

    Lizzie's twin sister, Josie, represents a stark contrast to her sibling: gentle, nurturing, and empathetic. Despite her unassuming demeanor, she possesses immense power and determination in protecting those she loves. As she grows throughout the series, Josie's journey involves finding her own identity and strength separate from her twin.

    167 votes
  • Anna
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    856 VOTES


    Initially introduced as a seemingly innocent vampire seeking her mother's release from captivity, Anna quickly reveals herself to possess greater knowledge of Mystic Falls' supernatural history than her peers realize. Despite moments of darkness and manipulation, her romantic connection with Jeremy Gilbert offers viewers glimpses into her more vulnerable side.

    856 votes
  • Silas
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    825 VOTES


    Introduced as one of the most powerful and ancient vampires, Silas brings an enigmatic presence to The Vampire Diaries. His manipulative schemes and insatiable hunger for power serve to heighten tension throughout the series. Viewers remain captivated by his mysterious motivations, making him a formidable addition to the array of villains.

    825 votes
  • Liv Parker
    Photo: user uploaded image
    497 VOTES

    Liv Parker

    A powerful witch with an entangled past connected to Mystic Falls' supernatural activity, Liv eventually forms strong bonds with characters like Tyler Lockwood and Jeremy Gilbert. Her tough exterior belies an underlying vulnerability that emerges over time, making her an intriguing character who pushes the boundaries of traditional expectations.

    497 votes
  • Tyler Lockwood
    Photo: user uploaded image
    917 VOTES

    Initially a brash and hot-headed high school jock, Tyler undergoes a transformative journey once he discovers his werewolf heritage. His newfound supernatural abilities force him to confront deep-seated anger issues and develop into a protective and loyal friend to those around him. His character evolution throughout the series remains one of the most significant within the show.

    917 votes
  • Tom Avery
    Photo: user uploaded image
    554 VOTES

    Tom Avery

    A human doppelgänger of Stefan Salvatore, Tom is introduced as a compassionate doctor at Atlanta Metro Hospital. His few appearances on the show are significant as they showcase how the existence of doppelgängers affects the central characters. Tom's story serves to reveal deeper layers of the show's mythology.

    554 votes
  • Valerie Tulle
    Photo: user uploaded image
    467 VOTES

    Valerie Tulle

    Introduced as a member of the Heretics, Valerie's character quickly distinguishes itself from her companions. Her tragic past with Stefan Salvatore adds depth to both their storylines and stirs up painful memories for the audience. Valerie's journey towards redemption and newfound friendships allow viewers to witness her growth over time.

    467 votes