by: Melanie Farley   

According to a 2018 AARP report, by the age of 65, an astonishing 96% of people will be grandparents. Grandparents help keep us connected to our heritage and are an excellent source of emotional support for the family. But grandparents who stay connected with their grandchildren also live more meaningful, active lives, and they experience many other health benefits.

Read on to learn more about how grandparents can benefit from spending more time with their grandchildren!



Time with Grandchildren Boosts Lifespan

The American Heart Association suggests that quality time with grandchildren can boost older adults’ lifespans and improves cognitive development. The research shows that grandparents who spend about one day a week watching grandchildren will see these benefits, but more extensive time can increase rates of depression, chronic fatigue, and more.

So, as with many aspects of life, moderation is key.


Increases Opportunity for Physical Activity

With their high energy and zest for life, grandchildren give older adults plenty of opportunities to stay active and healthy. Many adults struggle to stay physically active as they age, and grandchildren can provide the incentive to do just that.


Provides Socialization & Sense of Purpose  

For older adults who are feeling lonely and isolated, grandchildren can be a breath of fresh air. Grandchildren can help grandparents get out and experience new activities and even form friendships with other adults.

Grandchildren also give older adults a sense of purpose, especially when they are retired or no longer working. Sharing their wisdom with grandchildren can be a deeply rewarding experience that gives life meaning.


A Final Word…

Older adults experience myriad benefits from quality time with their grandchildren. A strong bond with a grandchild can even boost the grandparent’s lifespan! Additionally, grandparents will benefit from the increased socialization, physical activity, mental stimulation, and the sense of purpose it brings to their lives.  

Just remember, moderation is key. If grandparents spend too much time with grandchildren and they begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed, many of the health benefits begin to dissipate.

So, while it’s important for older adults to maintain strong relationships with grandchildren, it is equally important that they have adequate time to decompress between visits.

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