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Crystal Harris apologizes to Hefner, blames Stern show

Playboy Playmate Crystal Harris has apologized for comments she made about Hugh Hefner.
Playboy Playmate Crystal Harris has apologized for comments she made about Hugh Hefner.Fred Prouser / Reuters

It was all Howard Stern's fault!

Former Playmate Crystal Harris criticized former beau Hugh Hefner's sexual abilities on Tuesday's "Howard Stern Show," saying sex with the Playboy mogul lasted "like two seconds." She went on to add, "I'm not turned on by Hef, sorry."

But now she's taking that back, saying that she was so unsettled by Stern's show that she didn't know what she was saying.

"The Stern interview scared me, he's harsh," Harris tweeted. "I was unprepared and blurted out things I shouldn't have said. I'm sorry."

Hefner accepted her apology, also via Twitter, posting "Crystal apologized for her Howard Stern interview, which I appreciated. It didn't have much to do with reality."

Hefner later Tweeted that he, at least, didn't blame Stern, writing that "Crystal shouldn't have been booked on the show at this sensitive time." So we guess he blames ... Stern's booking producer?

People Magazine quotes other Playmates defending Hefner's abilities, with one, Dani Mathers, challenging Harris' original statement. "I think they definitely had sex more than that one time and it wasn't two minutes," Mathers told the magazine. "Hef definitely has a sex life."

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