While diamonds are the most popular stones in the jewelry industry, they are not the only treasurable and rare stones out there. Among these scarce yet exquisite gems are emeralds. But, are emeralds rarer than diamonds?

In contrast to other crystals, emeralds are green gems. Although, it varies from slight bluish-green to a medium to medium-dark toned green. 

In case you want to explore or broaden your taste in jewelry, high-end emeralds are worth checking out. Before doing so, let us analyze whether emeralds are rarer than diamonds by looking at their differences and valuation.

What Is An Emerald?

Emeralds are gemstones that are a variation of the mineral beryl and possess a green color due to the traces of vanadium chromium. Most emeralds are populated with inclusions, making them less favorable on the toughness scale. However, they are appealing to the eye, and thus are classified in the ranks of Diamond, Ruby, and Sapphire. 

Are Emeralds Rarer Than Diamonds?

If you thought diamonds were the only rare and expensive gemstones, then here is a fact to change your thinking. At approximately 20 times rarer than diamonds, emeralds cost more in price. 

Even though diamonds pose as the rarest and most expensive gemstones, the fact is contrary to this notion. Emeralds cost more than diamonds, as they are 20 times rarer. Therefore, it is ideal for anyone willing to expand their jewelry budget. Another added advantage is that they are larger than diamonds while weighing the same carat because they are less dense.

How Do You Grade Diamonds and Emeralds?

The best practice before buying diamonds or colored gems is to learn how grading is done. For diamonds, Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is used; whereas, for colored gems, Gemological Laboratories (AGL) is the most preferred. Nonetheless, both gemstones are graded using the same system.

A gemologist examines all colored gems according to 4Cs: color, carat, clarity, and cut. On the letter grading scale for diamonds, D represents the highest quality (colorless), while Z is the lowest.

On the other hand, gemstones are graded based on the previous diamond letter-grading scheme. The letters include AAA, for the richest grade, followed by AA, A, B, and D for the poorest quality.

Why Are Emeralds Scarce In Jewelry Stores?

The reason why emeralds are scarce in jewelry stores is that most mines producing emeralds, sapphires, and rubies are closing down. With growing demand and low supply, the price of emeralds has rapidly increased.

Emeralds have high consumer desire due to their aesthetic value, and it is difficult to find high-end ones.


Emeralds are very rare gemstones, more than diamonds. Their demand is higher because of their beauty, size, and scarcity. 

We offer various types of emerald jewelry designed by Martin Jewelry. Contact us or browse through our product page for more information.