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07th Feb 2012

Website to waste time:

Do you like stuff that looks like other stuff? We bet you do. Check out this week's website to waste time, the aptly titled


Do you like stuff that looks like other stuff? We bet you do. Check out this week’s website to waste time, the aptly titled

The premise of this website is pretty simple. Find something that looks like something else and then post it on the internet. People will judge your comparison and vote on it if they think the resemblance between Sarah Jessica Parker and a horse (see above) is just uncanny (we think it is).

The best thing about this website? You can compare anything! You can compare a celebrity to a body part, animals to food, objects to people, places to toilet seats – anything!

You’d think that after a few clicks a website like this would get boring. If you are of this mind set, prepare to get sucked is severely addictive. In fact, after a while you’ll start to compare EVERYTHING to something else. You’ll be caught in a vicious circle. It’s probably best to not start surfing this website when you’re at work because you WILL get nothing done. Again. Ever.

Anyway, just what can you expect from Feast your eyes on THESE…

Amazing, right?

With over 700 pages of stuff that looks like other stuff, you’ll find yourself wasting HOURS on this website just clicking the ‘next’ button over and over and over again.

You might reach the last page only to snap out of your ‘stuff-that-looks-like-other-stuff’ coma to realise that you’ve been sat at your computer for the past two weeks, you stink pretty bad and you’ve lost half your body weight because you’ve forgotten to eat.

Not bad for a website that is made by the creators of the highly-annoying – the website that puts stupid captions on pictures of cats and spells everything LyKe DiZzZzZz.

Thankfully the grammar (and spelling) is a lot better on although if you’re there and taking note of such things, you’d probably be better off wasting an hour by reading, y’know, War and Peace by Tolstoy or something. Or single-handedly making a plan for world peace.

You can even, if you’re brave enough, compare a picture of yourself to something else and see if people agree with you. So if you’ve ever had a burning desire to figure out if you really are the spitting image of that broken old leather arm chair you own, you can now find out. Awesome. the perfect place to waste an hour (or twelve) when you’re bored online.
