Palatul Parlamentului - stock photo

This building is unquestionably the most famous landmark in Bucharest and Romania and is known as Parliament Palace, Palatul Parlamentului or Casa Poporului. It was built during the darkest days of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime. It stands 84 meters above ground level and has 12 floors. It was originally designed to house all the organs of the communist state. Today it plays host to the parliament, a conference centre and a museum.
This building is unquestionably the most famous landmark in Bucharest and Romania and is known as Parliament Palace, Palatul Parlamentului or Casa Poporului. It was built during the darkest days of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime. It stands 84 meters above ground level and has 12 floors. It was originally designed to house all the organs of the communist state. Today it plays host to the parliament, a conference centre and a museum.
Palatul Parlamentului
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Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
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