Lamb Loin Chops Sizzled with Garlic


This easy lamb chop recipe comes together quickly. The sizzled garlic balances the richness of the lamb and pairs nicely with the lemon-parsley pan sauce.

Active Time:
10 mins
Total Time:
20 mins
4 servings

If you've never cooked lamb chops, this recipe is a great place to start. It comes together in just 20 minutes and delivers big, rich flavors from the lamb and sizzled garlic along with lemon, parsley, and crushed red pepper flakes in the pan sauce.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I purchase lamb chops?

Lamb loin chops come from the most tender part of the animal; shop for them at a butcher, farmers market, or grocery store. You'll likely choose lamb from the United States, which is usually grain-fed and mild in flavor, or from New Zealand or Australia, which is grass-fed for a more intense, pastoral taste.

How are the lamb loin chops prepared?

This 20-minute method keeps it simple: Season each lamb chop, cook with garlic in a pan on the stove over medium-high heat until browned, and flip both ingredients to brown the other side to medium rare in about 2 minutes. Make a pan sauce with the cooked garlic to spoon over the lamb before serving.

Notes from the Food & Wine Test Kitchen

Thyme imparts a natural earthiness with the seasoning, and the flavors come through beautifully with the right Cabernet. Serve these lamb chops with roasted potatoes, salad, or bread to soak up the sauce.

Suggested pairing

Lamb chops are wonderful with a robust, dark-fruited California Cabernet.


  • 8 (1/2-inch-thick) lamb loin chops (about 2 pounds fatty tips trimmed)

  • Kosher salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Dried thyme

  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

  • 10 small garlic cloves, halved

  • 3 tablespoons water

  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

  • 2 tablespoons minced parsley

  • Crushed red pepper


  1. Lamb Chops with Sizzled Garlic

    Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen

    Season lamb with salt and pepper and sprinkle lightly with thyme.

  2. Lamb Chops with Sizzled Garlic

    Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen

    In a very large skillet over medium-high, heat olive oil until shimmering. Add lamb chops and garlic; cook over moderately high heat until chops are browned on the bottom, about 3 minutes.

  3. Lamb Chops with Sizzled Garlic

    Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen

    Turn chops and garlic. Cook until chops are browned and garlic is fragrant, about 2 minutes longer for medium-rare. Transfer chops to plates, leaving garlic in skillet.

  4. Lamb Chops with Sizzled Garlic

    Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen

    Add water, lemon juice, parsley, and crushed red pepper to pan and cook, scraping up any browned bits stuck to bottom, until sizzling, about 1 minute.

  5. Lamb Chops with Sizzled Garlic

    Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen

    Pour garlic and pan sauce over lamb chops and serve immediately.

Lamb Chops Sizzled with Garlic
Photo by Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Emily Nabors Hall / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen
Originally appeared: February 2005

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