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Crocus Lower Classifications

Crocus Lower Classifications

Crocus Lower Classifications

Discover the Most Beautiful Varieties of Crocuses to Plant

Crocuses are one of the earliest spring flower bulbs to bloom, their cup-shaped blooms a familiar and welcome sight after the dark days of winter. But did you know that there are also fall-blooming varieties of crocus? Whether planted in pots or in beds and borders, they light up a fading garden in early fall with their brilliant colors.

Crocus Flower Classifications: Spring Blooming Varieties

Crocuses originate in Turkey, Iran, and Crimea; they grow from small, wrinkled bulbs known as corms. Plant them in groups in fall and they will bloom the following spring. They come in shades of purple, white, lemon and orange, and pollinating insects love them. Plant a group of a single color or choose one of our specially selected combinations for a dazzling effect. Opt for the pure white Jeanne d'Arc crocus with a brilliant yellow center, or bring a warm glow to your spring garden with the deep brown streaks of the Orange Monarch.

Crocus Flower Classifications: Fall Blooming Varieties

Perhaps the best known fall-blooming crocus is Bieberstein’s crocus. This variety produces eye-catching silvery-blue blooms and multiplies rapidly to form large groups. Cloth of Gold crocus is another popular choice - its deep yellow star-shaped blooms have a distinctive dark brown stripe on each petal. Crocus pulchellus is a pale mauve variety with a yellow center, embellished with veins of dark violet.

Crocus Flower Classifications: Saffron Crocus

Saffron crocus is a fall-blooming variety with fragrant, lavender-colored blooms. As well as looking beautiful, they also produce the world's most valuable spice. Harvest this by carefully plucking the three red stigmas from each bloom; use them fresh or dry them carefully before storing them. Saffron crocus is perennial and must be also planted in fall to bloom the following year. Once established, saffron will bloom for up to 6 seasons.

With two seasons of color, it's easy to see why crocuses are such well-loved flower bulbs. Now all you need to do is decide which varieties of crocus to plant! Explore our crocus collection for more inspiration.

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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