
Baking Day With Anna Olson: Recipes to Bake Together: 120 Sweet and Savory Recipes to Bake with Family and Friends

Autor Anna Olson
en Limba Engleză Hardback – 29 oct 2020
In this new cookbook, Anna Olson encourages you to spend time with your loved ones, baking along with her easy-to-follow, delicious recipes for all your favourite treats. This is a cookbook to bring family and friends together, and to bond over quality time spent baking. With over 120 recipes for all skill levels, there is a baking project in Baking Day for everyone.
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ISBN-13: 9780525610953
ISBN-10: 0525610952
Pagini: 328
Ilustrații: 8
Dimensiuni: 124 x 286 x 28 mm
Greutate: 1.57 kg
Editura: Penguin Random House Group
Colecția Appetite by Random House
Locul publicării:United States


In this new cookbook, Anna Olson encourages you to spend time with your loved ones, baking along with her easy-to-follow, delicious recipes for all your favourite treats. This is a cookbook to bring family and friends together, and to bond over quality time spent baking. With over 120 recipes for all skill levels, there is a baking project in Baking Day for everyone.