
Anna Olson's Baking Wisdom: The Complete Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Make You a Better Baker (with 150+ Recipes)

Autor Anna Olson
en Limba Engleză Hardback – 16 mar 2023
Inside Baking Wisdom lies the answer to every baking question you've ever had (and many you haven't yet), plus over 150 perfected recipes - both savoury and sweet - for bakers of all skill levels. Get inside Anna's baking brain, as she shares a career's worth of experience to build a true masterclass in baking. In this incredible baking compendium, you will learn the hows and whys of baking through her flawless techniques, patient advice and literally hundreds of photos. This is an all-encompassing guide, guaranteed to make you a better baker. Whether you want to perfect your pie dough or dedicate your weekend to assembling a masterpiece Torta Setteveli, there is a recipe in Baking Wisdom for you: ESSENTIALs; PIES & TARTS; PASTRIES; CAKES; CUSTARDS & CREAMS; CONFECTIONS; COOKIES & BARS; BREADS. Within each chapter, Anna's triple-tested recipes are grouped together by commonly shared technique or principle, so you can see how one foundation recipe can be built upon to create many more
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ISBN-13: 9780525610977
ISBN-10: 0525610979
Pagini: 464
Dimensiuni: 223 x 285 mm
Greutate: 2.16 kg
Editura: Penguin Random House Group
Colecția Appetite by Random House
Locul publicării:China

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