Nailing It

ASAP Rocky Is Our New Nail Art Inspiration

The rapper's Instagram is filled with manicure inspo.
ASAP Rocky black blazer blue and white nail art fashion show
Peter White/Getty Images

A$AP Rocky has long been a trendsetter in men's fashion — most recently when it comes to his love of nail art. Fans of the rapper are consistently treated to manicure inspo on his Instagram, where he sometimes shows off his cheekily adorned nails.

The entertainer has tried out emoji-inspired smiley faces and hearts on his fingers; other times, he's worn checkered-printed nails or got patriotic with American flag designs. Sometimes, he lets his nails speak for him — literally. In early September, Rocky had the words "F*CK" and "OFF" painted onto his middle fingers and proudly showed them off following his release from Swedish jail.

Although the stigma surrounding men rocking manicures is slowly fading away (also thanks to stars like Harry Styles making them more commonplace), Rocky wants men who paint their nails to be further accepted, within and outside of the fashion community.

"I feel like men should be able to do nail art without feeling feminine," the rapper recently told Vogue, and we couldn't agree more. Makeup, including nail polish, doesn't have to adhere to societal expectations of masculinity or femininity, and Rocky proves just that.

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Vogue writer Luke Leitch also revealed that at the time of the interview, A$AP Rocky had a Prada-inspired mani — complete with broken hearts and a Frankenstein — in honor of the designer's Paris Fashion Week show.

"Yeah! This lady, who is really, really good, drew Prada on my nails when I was shooting my Prada collaboration, and she did my nails for the photos," A$AP Rocky added. And we can't wait to see which designs he experiments with next.

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Read more about the latest nail trends:

Now, watch this guide to seven different nail shapes:

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