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Andrei Lucian  Drăgoi (Dragoi)
  • Str. Arinii Dornei nr. 11, bl. i9, sc. A, et.1, ap. 4, Bucharest, Sector 6, Romania
    Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
  • (+004) 0744 536 568
This paper contains a list of all my claimed world premieres/priorities in various domains: MEDICINE (plus biology and philosophy of medicine and biology), MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS and MUSIC. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s... more
This paper contains a list of all my claimed world premieres/priorities in various domains: MEDICINE (plus biology and philosophy of medicine and biology), MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS and MUSIC.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
My papers on Asea and NRF2 activators. My papers on pediatrics/general medicine (including the philosophy of medicine and biology in general). My papers on children psychiatry. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent... more
My papers on Asea and NRF2 activators. My papers on pediatrics/general medicine (including the philosophy of medicine and biology in general). My papers on children psychiatry.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Sistemele-expert medicale (SEM) sunt softuri ce asistă deciziile clinice cu rol în diagnosticul și/sau tratamentul medical (utilizate în Europa și SUA); Exemple de SEM: Aidoc (radiologie), VisualDX (dermatologie), GIDEON & Mycin (boli... more
Sistemele-expert medicale (SEM) sunt softuri ce asistă deciziile clinice cu rol în diagnosticul și/sau tratamentul medical (utilizate în Europa și SUA); Exemple de SEM: Aidoc (radiologie), VisualDX (dermatologie), GIDEON & Mycin (boli infecțioase), DXPlain & CADUCEUS & Internist-I (medicină internă), Orphanet (boli genetice rare). EPed [1] este un soft de diagnostic și tratament pediatrice asistate de calculator mult mai suplu decât SEM tradiționale care folosește conceptul de ”macro-verigi fiziopatologice” (”clustere”) pt a oferi diagnostice fiziopatologice posibile (concomitent cu diagnosticele de boală) și pt a stimula dezvoltarea gândirii fiziopatologice în clinică.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
REZUMAT/ABSTRACT Acest proiect propune perfectionarea si testarea softului propriu numit formal "Pediatrul electronic" ("Electronic pediatrician"/"EPed"), un software de diagnostic si tratament pediatrice asistate de calculator. EPed se... more
REZUMAT/ABSTRACT Acest proiect propune perfectionarea si testarea softului propriu numit formal "Pediatrul electronic" ("Electronic pediatrician"/"EPed"), un software de diagnostic si tratament pediatrice asistate de calculator. EPed se afla in acest moment la stadiul de varianta preliminara (demo). Imi propun sa perfectionez acest soft printr-un program doctoral autofinantat, atat prin update-ul consistent al bazei de date medicale (cu care lucreaza EPed) cat si prin rafinarea algoritmilor de diagnostic si tratament automate: dupa aceasta perfectionare, EPed va fi testat pe sectia de "Boli infectioase pediatrice non-COVID-19" (BIC-NC) a Spitalului Judetean de Urgenta Targoviste (SJUT), unde autorul isi desfasoara in prezent activitatea clinica, cu acordul managementului SJUT (dar si al serviciilor IT si GPDR). Testarea EPed va consta in general in a prezice (in paralel cu medicul curant) diagnostice si tratamente plauzibile pentru orice pacient pediatric (spitalizat pe sectia BIC-NC), care diagnostice si tratamente propuse de calculator (prin EPed) vor fi apoi confruntate/comparate cu cele propuse si aplicate de medicul curant: scopul cercetarii EPed este acela de a testa fiabilitatea unui astfel de soft in a ajuta constant medicii curanti ai sectiei BIC-NC (dar potential si al oricarei sectii pediatrice/UPU pediatric/BIC-NC din tara) in procesul deciziilor clinice (de diagnostic si tratament), pentru a creste (la un maxim posibil) precizia, randamentul si viteza acestor decizii clinice. EPed ar fi primul software electronic (sistem computerizat) de acest tip (cu specific pediatric) din tara si, dupa testarea in SJUT (in BIC-NC), va fi propus pentru a fi extins si in alte spitale din tara (pe sectiile de pediatrie) si chiar propus spre a fi folosit in sistemul de invatamant medical mediu si superior din Romania, ca instrument pedagogic cu o mare utilitate potentiala in antrenarea studentilor si rezidentilor viitori medici.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:

SHORT ABSTRACT/DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH: This paper presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended applicability. Keywords: “Electronic Pediatrician” (EPed); computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment; Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6);
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
REZUMAT/ABSTRACT Acest proiect propune perfectionarea si testarea softului propriu numit formal "Pediatrul electronic" ("Electronic pediatrician"/"EPed"), un software de diagnostic si tratament pediatrice asistate de calculator. EPed se... more
REZUMAT/ABSTRACT Acest proiect propune perfectionarea si testarea softului propriu numit formal "Pediatrul electronic" ("Electronic pediatrician"/"EPed"), un software de diagnostic si tratament pediatrice asistate de calculator. EPed se afla in acest moment la stadiul de varianta preliminara (demo). Imi propun sa perfectionez acest soft printr-un program doctoral autofinantat, atat prin update-ul consistent al bazei de date medicale (cu care lucreaza EPed) cat si prin rafinarea algoritmilor de diagnostic si tratament automate: dupa aceasta perfectionare, EPed va fi testat pe sectia de "Boli infectioase pediatrice non-COVID-19" (BIC-NC) a Spitalului Judetean de Urgenta Targoviste (SJUT), unde autorul isi desfasoara in prezent activitatea clinica, cu acordul managementului SJUT (dar si al serviciilor IT si GPDR). Testarea EPed va consta in general in a prezice (in paralel cu medicul curant) diagnostice si tratamente plauzibile pentru orice pacient pediatric (spitalizat pe sectia BIC-NC), care diagnostice si tratamente propuse de calculator (prin EPed) vor fi apoi confruntate/comparate cu cele propuse si aplicate de medicul curant: scopul cercetarii EPed este acela de a testa fiabilitatea unui astfel de soft in a ajuta constant medicii curanti ai sectiei BIC-NC (dar potential si al oricarei sectii pediatrice/UPU pediatric/BIC-NC din tara) in procesul deciziilor clinice (de diagnostic si tratament), pentru a creste (la un maxim posibil) precizia, randamentul si viteza acestor decizii clinice. EPed ar fi primul software electronic (sistem computerizat) de acest tip (cu specific pediatric) din tara si, dupa testarea in SJUT (in BIC-NC), va fi propus pentru a fi extins si in alte spitale din tara (pe sectiile de pediatrie) si chiar propus spre a fi folosit in sistemul de invatamant medical mediu si superior din Romania, ca instrument pedagogic cu o mare utilitate potentiala in antrenarea studentilor si rezidentilor viitori medici.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
SHORT ABSTRACT/DESCRIPTION IN ENGLISH: This paper presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended applicability. Keywords: “Electronic Pediatrician” (EPed); computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment; Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6);
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended... more
This paper presents EPed (abbreviation for “Electronic Pediatrician”), which is a demo software for computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment built by the author in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6) (VB6), a software with extended applicability.
Keywords: “Electronic Pediatrician” (EPed);  computer-assisted pediatric diagnosis and treatment;  Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6);
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper... more
This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper presents a case report on the effects of an ionized "saline water" called "ASEA redox Supplement®" (ARS) oral solution in a ~2-year-old boy with DMD from Bucharest, Romania. In vitro studies showed that ARS is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant: the studies conducted in vivo also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ARS, with no toxicity up to high doses, in contrast with the much more toxic corticosteroids. From the first months of ARS treatment all the rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found toxicity. The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) ARS has remarkable antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects and should be studied on larger groups of children with DMD under the age of 4 years old (but also on other age groups of children and even young adults), as an alternative to early corticosteroids; (2) Given its immunomodulatory effect (NRF2 selective activation and NF-kB inhibition), ARS deserves future cohort studies on its potential to replace corticosteroids and other non-steroidal immunosuppressants (at least partially) in many types of pulmonary/renal/hepatic/ articular/skin autoimmune autoimmune and even malignant diseases of both children and adults; (3) Given its very strong antioxidant effects (by highly selective NRF2 potent activation), ARS deservesfuture cohort studies on acute/chronic diseases that imply high levels of tissular oxidative stress, especially some acute/chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases like acute myocardial infarction with acute/chronic heart failure, stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma etc. of both children and adults (so that ARS may help millions and even billions worldwide). (the extensive table containing all the consults and paraclinical investigations of this child-patient)
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is severe X-linked recessive congenital muscular dystrophy and the most common type of muscular dystrophy. Long-term corticosteroid therapy (LTCT) (started from the age of 4 years) is the most... more
BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is severe X-linked recessive congenital muscular dystrophy and the most common type of muscular dystrophy. Long-term corticosteroid therapy (LTCT) (started from the age of 4 years) is the most accessible and used pharmacological therapy of DMD in Romania. Several studies showed that "ASEA® redox supplement" (ARS) (which was approved as a dietary supplement in UE) is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant, with no toxicity up to high doses (in contrast with LTCT). PURPOSE: This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than LTCT in children with DMD whose parents refuse LTCT. METHODS: Three boy-patients with DMD (of ~4, ~5 and ~3 years of age) (whose parents refused LTCT) were treated with relatively high doses of ARS 3-7 ml/kg/day (usually combined with medium doses of L-carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids for various intellectual disabilities of two patients): periodic consults and rhabdomyolysis, medular and liver toxicity markers assessment (blood count, GGT, ASAT, ALAT, LDH, CK, CK-MB and serum myoglobin) were accomplished. RESULTS: From the first months of ARS-based treatment, all the rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found medular/hepatic toxicity in all these three tested DMD children. CONCLUSIONS: (1) ARS appears to have remarkable antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects (strong NRF2 selective activation and NF-kB inhibition) and should be studied on larger groups of children with DMD under the age of 4 years old (but also on other age groups of children and even young adults), as an alternative to early corticosteroids; (2) ARS may also deserve future cohort studies as an adjuvant in many types of acute/chronic infectious/ non-infectious pulmonary/cardiac/renal/hepatic/ articular/skin autoimmune (and even malignant diseases) that imply high levels of tissular oxidative stress.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
TITLE IN ENGLISH: The remarkable effects of " >® redox supplement" (ARS) in 2 cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in children and the therapeutic potential of Asea / ARS in acute and chronic diseases with a significant component of... more
The remarkable effects of " >® redox supplement" (ARS) in 2 cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in children and the therapeutic potential of Asea / ARS in acute and chronic diseases with a significant component of cellular oxidative stress)

This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper presents a case report on the effects of an ionized “saline water” called “ASEA redox Supplement®” (ARS) oral solution in a ~2-year-old boy with DMD from Bucharest, Romania. In vitro studies showed that ARS is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant: the studies conducted in vivo also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ARS, with no toxicity up to high doses, in contrast with the much more toxic corticosteroids. From the first months of ARS treatment all the rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found toxicity.
The main conclusions of this paper are:
(1) ARS has remarkable antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects and should be studied on larger groups of children with DMD under the age of 4 years old (but also on other age groups of children and even young adults), as an alternative to early corticosteroids;
(2) Given its immunomodulatory effect (NRF2 selective activation and NF-kB inhibition), ARS deserves future cohort studies on its potential to replace corticosteroids and other non-steroidal immunosuppressants (at least partially) in many types of pulmonary/renal/hepatic/ articular/skin autoimmune and even malignant diseases of both children and adults;
(3) Given its very strong antioxidant effects (by highly selective NRF2 potent activation), ARS deserves future cohort studies on acute/chronic diseases that imply high levels of tissular oxidative stress, especially some acute/chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases like acute myocardial infarction with acute/chronic heart failure, stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma etc. of both children and adults (so that ARS may help millions and even billions worldwide).
Keywords: ASEA redox supplement (ARS) oral solution, 3-year-old boy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), NRF2 selective activation, corticosteroids
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
REZUMATUL LUCRARII/PREZENTARII (Rezumatul lucrării/prezentării)
Această cercetare își propune să descopere suplimente alimentare care pot demonstra efecte benefice comparabile sau chiar mai puternice (cu efecte adverse mai mici sau deloc) decât corticosteroizii la copiii cu distrofie musculară Duchenne (DMD). Această prezentare conține 2 raporturi de caz (în premieră mondială) asupra efectelor unei soluții saline ionizate (de uz intern oral) numite "supliment redox < >”® (SRA) la doi băieței cu DMD de 4 respectiv 5 ani, ambii din București. Studiile in vitro au arătat că Asea este un foarte potent activator selectiv al factorului de transcripție nucleară NRF2 (ce guvernează răspunsul anti-stress celular de fază B), deci un antioxidant foarte puternic (indirect): studiile efectuate in vivo până în prezent susțin și ele acest principal mecanism farmacologic de acțiune al Asea, fără toxicitate demonstrată in vivo chiar până la doze relativ mari, în contrast cu toate tipurile de corticosteroizi, care au toxicitate demonstrată pe multe aparate și sisteme. Încă din primele luni de tratament cu Asea, toți markerii de rabdomioliză (cu niveluri serice inițiale foarte mari, tipice pentru DMD) au scăzut semnificativ, fără nici un semn clinic și/sau paraclinic de toxicitate.
PRINCIPALELE CONCLUZII ALE ACESTUI ARTICOL (Principalele concluzii ale acestei lucrări) sunt:
(1) Asea are efecte antioxidante și imunomodulatoare remarcabile și merită studiată pe grupuri mai mari de copii cu DMD cu vârsta sub 4 ani (dar și pe alte grupe de vârstă de copii și chiar adulți tineri), ca alternativă la corticosteroizii administrați precoce încă de la vârsta de 2-3 ani (cu cel puțin 1 an înainte de vârsta standard de 4 ani actualmente unanim acceptată ca moment de inițiere corticoizi în DMD);
(2) Având în vedere efectul său imunomodulator (activarea selectivă a NRF2 și inhibarea factorului de transcripție NF-kB, ce guvernează răspunsul anti-stress celular de fază A), Asea merită studii viitoare de cohortă asupra potențialului său de a înlocui (cel puțin parțial!) corticosteroizii și alte imunosupresoare nesteroidiene în multe tipuri de boli pulmonare / renale / hepatice / boli autoimune articulare / cutanate și chiar maligne ale copiilor și adulților;
(3) Având în vedere efectele antioxidante foarte puternice (prin hiper-activare înalt selectivă a NRF2), Asea merită studii viitoare de cohortă în bolile acute / cronice care implică niveluri ridicate de stres oxidativ tisular/celular, în special unele boli cardiovasculare și respiratorii acute / cronice precum infarctul miocardic acut cu insuficiență cardiacă acută / cronică, accident vascular cerebral, boală pulmonară obstructivă cronică (BPOC), astm bronșic etc. atât la copii cât și la adulți (astfel încât Asea poate ajuta milioane și chiar miliarde de bolnavi la nivel mondial).
Cuvinte-cheie: supliment redox Asea (SRA) soluție orală, distrofie musculară Duchenne (DMD), factorii de transcripție nucleară NRF2 și NF-kB, activare selectivă de NRF2, corticosteroizi
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper presents a case report on the remarkable clinical and biological effects of “ASEA redox supplement” (ASEA-rs) oral solution (co-administered with L-carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids plus multivitamins dietary supplements) in a... more
This paper presents a case report on the remarkable clinical and biological effects of “ASEA redox supplement” (ASEA-rs) oral solution (co-administered with L-carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids plus multivitamins dietary supplements) in a ~3-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) from Romania. ASEA-rs was tested on both animals and humans. In vitro studies on various human cells showed that ASEA-rs is a very potent NRF2 selective activator (with transient effect): the studies conducted in vivo (on both animals and humans) also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ASEA-rs, with no toxicity up to high doses (in contrast with corticosteroids which are usually reserved in Romania for DMD children with age above 4 years, given their toxicity profile and adverse effects including immunosuppression, growth delay, osteopenia, osteoporosis and overweight) and a satisfactory bioavailability especially in the vital organs (in which NRF2 also reaches its highest intracellular cytoplasmatic concentrations), which assures the strong NRF2 activation effects of ASEA-rs indirectly observed in vivo. ASEA was clearly demonstrated to activate tissular lipases (probably also via NRF2 pathway) and to significantly increase some fatty acids serum levels that are further internalized by skeletal muscles and myocardium and used as “fuel” by muscular cells (myocytes) (and cardiomyocytes), partially sparing the glycogen reserves of myocytes/cardiomyocytes and so raising the resistance of skeletal muscles to effort and possibly the resistance and contractility of myocardium. Based on its demonstrated potent selective NRF2 activation effect, its beneficial effects on muscle effort resistance and its safety profile, I have prescribed ASEA-rs to this ~3-year-old child with DMD, with a minimal set of clinical signs at his age, but with significant biological alternations in the biochemical markers of muscular damage (rhabdomyolysis): the results (after the first 3 months with ASEA-rs, associated with L-carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids plus multivitamins supplements) were a significant reduction in the creatine (phospho)kinase (CK/CPK) and CK-MB isoform serum levels. Keywords: ASEA redox supplement (ASEA-rs) oral solution, 3-year-old boy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Romania, NRF2 selective activator, tissular lipase activator, skeletal muscles and myocytes, myocardium and cardiomyocytes, corticosteroids, creatine (phospho)kinase (CK/CPK), CK-MB isoform
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper argues that “ASEA redox Supplement” (ARS) may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular... more
This paper argues that “ASEA redox Supplement” (ARS) may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). This paper presents a second case report on the effects of an ionized “saline water” called “ASEA redox Supplement®” (ARS) oral solution in a ~5-year-old boy with DMD from Bucharest, Romania. In vitro studies showed that ARS is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant and cytoprotective: the studies conducted in vivo also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ARS, with no toxicity up to high doses, in contrast with the much more toxic corticosteroids. From the first months of ARS treatment the main rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found toxicity until present. The main conclusions of this second case report (on ARS effect in boys with DMD) are: (1) ARS has remarkable antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects and should be studied on larger groups of children with DMD under the age of 4 years old (but also on other age groups of children and even young adults), as an alternative to early corticosteroids; (2) Given its immunomodulatory effect (NRF2 selective activation and NF-kB inhibition), ARS deserves future cohort studies on its potential to replace corticosteroids and other non-steroidal immunosuppressants (at least partially) in many types of pulmonary/renal/hepatic/ articular/skin autoimmune and even malignant diseases of both children and adults; (3) Given its very strong antioxidant effects (by highly selective NRF2 potent activation), ARS deserves future cohort studies on acute/chronic diseases that imply high levels of tissular oxidative stress, especially some acute/chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases like acute myocardial infarction with acute/chronic heart failure, stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma etc. of both children and adults (so that ARS may help millions and even billions worldwide). The latest version of this preprint is available at this URL: This preprint is also available on Research Gate platform at this URL:

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper argues that “ASEA redox Supplement” (ARS) may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular... more
This paper argues that “ASEA redox Supplement” (ARS) may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). This paper presents a third case report on the effects of an ionized “saline water” called “ASEA redox Supplement®” (ARS) oral solution in a ~3-year-old boy with DMD from town Slobozia [URL2], Romania. In vitro studies showed that ARS is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant and cytoprotective: the studies conducted in vivo also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ARS, with no toxicity up to high doses, in contrast with the much more toxic corticosteroids. From the first months of ARS treatment, the main rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found toxicity until the present. Before starting adjuvant therapy with oral ARS, this boy-patient was already prescribed by his attending neurologist a combined therapy with: L-carnitine (1g/day) & Vitamin D3 (1000IU/day) & calcium-magnesium oral supplement (5ml/day) & plant-extracts hepatoprotective syrup (5ml/day) & coenzyme Q10 (30mg/day) from the last week of February 2019 (thus from approximately 5 months earlier than the moment in which ARS therapy was initiated). This previous combined therapy of dietary supplements (DSs) also showed a promising decrease in rhabdomyolysis serum markers (RSMs) (which is also an important fact with implications for other children with DMD who may potentially benefit from this combined set of DSs): however, when the calcium-magnesium oral supplement was replaced by a combination of ARS (30ml/day ~ 2.5ml/kg/day) & omega-3 fatty acids (185mg/day with a DHA: EPA ratio of approx. 5-to-1) from August 1st, 2019, the RSMs decrease was quite spectacular (when compared to the anterior decrease) when measured in December 2nd, 2019 at “Victor Gomoiu” Pediatric Hospital (from Bucharest, Romania). This paper continues the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
WORK HYPOTHESIS PROPOSED TO BE CLINICALLY TESTED: Oxidative stress is a very important physiopathological link in most infections, and the strong cytoprotection offered by NRF2-activators dietary supplements (NADS/ANSA) (via NRF2... more
WORK HYPOTHESIS PROPOSED TO BE CLINICALLY TESTED: Oxidative stress is a very important physiopathological link in most infections, and the strong cytoprotection offered by NRF2-activators dietary supplements (NADS/ANSA) (via NRF2 selective activation) against oxidative stress (demonstrated in vivo and in vitro on various types of cells / tissues / human and non-human organisms) can be effectively reproduced clinically (in vivo, by extrapolation) in the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys of human patients (adults or children) with severe infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract (including COVID-19, including patients with HIV and/or TB and/or chronic hepatitis B / C / B & D that develop such severe respiratory intercurrences), including in patients with other comorbidities (ADI, hypertension, ICC, CI, etc.), including in the post-acute recovery period. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
________________________________________ IPOTEZA DE LUCRU PROPUSA PENTRU TESTARE IN CLINICA: Stressul oxidativ e o veriga foarte importanta in majoritatea infectiilor, iar citoprotectia puternica oferita de ANSA (via NRF2) anti-stress oxidativ (demonstrata in vivo si in vitro pe diverse tipuri de celule/ tesuturi / organisme umane si non-umane) poate fi reprodusa eficient clinic in vivo (prin extrapolare) si in plamanii, cordul, ficatul si rinichii pacientilor umani (adulti sau copii) cu boli infectioase severe de cai respiratorii inferioare (inclusiv COVID-19, inclusiv la pacientii cu HIV si/sau TBC si/sau hepatite cronice B/C/B&D care dezvolta astfel de intercurente respiratorii severe), inclusiv la pacientii cu alte comorbiditati (DZA, HTA, ICC, CI etc), inclusiv in perioada de refacere post-infectie acuta.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This very short medical communication proposes that potent NRF2-activating dietary supplements (like resveratrol, sulforaphane, curcumin, “Asea redox supplement” [ARS] etc.) should be clinically tested as safe adjuvants (in various... more
This very short medical communication proposes that potent NRF2-activating dietary supplements (like resveratrol, sulforaphane, curcumin, “Asea redox supplement” [ARS] etc.) should be clinically tested as safe adjuvants (in various combinations) in all types of medium and severe cases of aggressive respiratory viral infections (including Influenza A/B/C, SARS, MERS, COVID-19, measles, avian influenza etc., including those patients who have important comorbidities like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis [TB] etc.) based on their extrapolated cytoprotective antioxidant effects (especially on the main vital organs: brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver), including the extrapolated strong cytoprotection offered by ARS on the cardiac muscle of DMD patients (which can be extrapolated to the lungs), like the author of this paper has demonstrated in past papers.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes an extension of Ataluren indications (with future deserved studies) in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) caused by frameshift mutations of dystrophin (dys) gene (dys-gene; aka “DMD gene”) associated with... more
This paper proposes an extension of Ataluren indications (with future deserved studies) in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) caused by frameshift mutations of dystrophin (dys) gene (dys-gene; aka “DMD gene”) associated with abnormal premature stop codons at distance from the site of that given frameshift mutation (which mutation may affect the dys-gene starting from exons with high index more close to 79 than to 1): some strong arguments are presented in favor of this new extension proposal; a redefinition of nonsense mutation in both stricto sensu and lato sensu are also presented (emphasizing that frameshift mutations [FSMs] and nonsense mutations [NSMs] [in lato sensu] may come in association).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts... more
This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts new types of elementary particles, including two distinct types of massless right-handed Majorana neutrinos (moving at the speed of light in vacuum), suggesting a cosmology based on an inflationary global fermionic superfluid aether. NOTE. Unfortunately, my essay wasn't among the winners announced here in May 2021:
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This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper... more
This research aims at discovering dietary supplements which may show comparable or even stronger beneficial effects (with less or none adverse effects) than corticosteroids in children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This paper presents a case report on the effects of an ionized "saline water" called "ASEA redox Supplement®" (ARS) oral solution in a ~2-year-old boy with DMD from Bucharest, Romania. In vitro studies showed that ARS is a very potent selective NRF2 activator, thus a very potent (indirect) antioxidant: the studies conducted in vivo also support this main pharmacological mechanism of ARS, with no toxicity up to high doses, in contrast with the much more toxic corticosteroids. From the first months of ARS treatment all the rhabdomyolysis markers (with very high initial serum levels) dropped significantly, with no found toxicity. The main conclusions of this paper are: (1) ARS has remarkable antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects and should be studied on larger groups of children with DMD under the age of 4 years old (but also on other age groups of children and even young adults), as an alternative to early corticosteroids; (2) Given its immunomodulatory effect (NRF2 selective activation and NF-kB inhibition), ARS deserves future cohort studies on its potential to replace corticosteroids and other non-steroidal immunosuppressants (at least partially) in many types of pulmonary/renal/hepatic/ articular/skin autoimmune autoimmune and even malignant diseases of both children and adults; (3) Given its very strong antioxidant effects (by highly selective NRF2 potent activation), ARS deservesfuture cohort studies on acute/chronic diseases that imply high levels of tissular oxidative stress, especially some acute/chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases like acute myocardial infarction with acute/chronic heart failure, stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma etc. of both children and adults (so that ARS may help millions and even billions worldwide). (the extensive table containing all the consults and paraclinical investigations of this child-patient)
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#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper brings into attention a possible logarithmic connection between Einstein’s constant and the fine-structure constant, based on a hypothetical electro-gravitational resistivity of vacuum: we also propose a zero-energy hypothesis... more
This paper brings into attention a possible logarithmic connection between Einstein’s constant and the fine-structure constant, based on a hypothetical electro-gravitational resistivity of vacuum: we also propose a zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy that mainly states a general quadratic equation having a pair of conjugate mass solutions for each set of coefficients, thus predicting a new type of mass “symmetry” called here “mass conjugation” between elementary particles (EPs) which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs to be conjugated in boson-fermion pairs; ZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating a possible bijective connection between the three types of neutrinos and the massless bosons (photon, gluon and the hypothetical graviton), between the electron/positron and the W boson and predicting two distinct types of neutral massles...
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This paper proposes a potentially viable “out-of-the-box” alternative (called “SUSYA”) to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a new type of seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all... more
This paper proposes a potentially viable “out-of-the-box” alternative (called “SUSYA”) to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a new type of seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) and named “Z-SMEC”; Z-SMEC is a new type of charge-based mass symmetry/”conjugation” between EPs which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs, EPs that are “conjugated” in boson-fermion pairs sharing the same electromagnetic charge (EMC). Z-SMEC is actually derived from an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that mainly states a general quadratic equation governing a form of ex-nihilo creation and having a pair of conjugate boson-fermion mass solutions for each set of given coefficients. eZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating the ...
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This paper proposes a universal electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism (ESM) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new... more
This paper proposes a universal electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism (ESM) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether theory (AT): this newly proposed ESM predicts a general formula for all the rest energies of all EPs from Standard model (SM), also proposing a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicting new types of EPs, including two distinct types of right-handed Majorana massless neutrinos (moving at the speed of light) that can be a plausible candidate for hot dark matter or a superfluid aether/fermionic condensate. Dedicated to the great Albert Einstein dreaming to find a unified electro-gravitational framework and evoking the famous testimony in which Einstein and his friend physicist George Gamow were almost hit by cars on the crosswalk when the last perplexed Einstein by telling him about the Pascual Jordan’s hypothesis that the positive energy of a star's mass and the negative energy of its gravitational field together may have zero total energy, an idea subsequently developed by the physicist Edward Tryon into the notorious zero-energy universe hypothesis stating that the entire universe may have emerged from a large-scale quantum fluctuation of vacuum energy.
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This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts... more
This paper proposes an electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles, offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) which states a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts new types of elementary particles, including two distinct types of massless right-handed Majorana neutrinos (moving at the speed of light in vacuum), suggesting a cosmology based on an inflational global fermionic superfluid aether.
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ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN Această lucrare își propune o sinteză-rezumat a celor mai importante aspecte legate de etilism (diagnostic și tratament), o sinteză concepută pentru a fi utilă în activitatea de zi cu zi a fiecărui clinician care se... more
ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN Această lucrare își propune o sinteză-rezumat a celor mai importante aspecte legate de etilism (diagnostic și tratament), o sinteză concepută pentru a fi utilă în activitatea de zi cu zi a fiecărui clinician care se confruntă cu această problemă în rândul pacienților săi. Se pune accent pe statistica îngrijorătoare la nivel mondial și în România, pe cele mai recente metode de screening, pe diferențele de abordare ale etilismului între DSM-IV și DSM-V, pe fiziopatologia complexă a etilismului, pe complicațiile etilismului pe termen mediu și lung. O atenție deosebită este acordată managementului step-by-step al etilismului, pentru a obține rezultate cât mai bune pentru fiecare pacient în parte.
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* ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH This paper aims to summarize the most important aspects of ethanol dependence (ED) (diagnosis and treatment), a synthesis designed to be useful in the day-to-day work of each clinician who is confronted with this problem among his/her patients. This paper particulary focuses on: (1) the worrying statistics of ED in the world and in Romania; (2) the most recent screening methods; (3) the differences of ED diagnostic approaches between DSM-IV and DSM-V; (4) the complex ED pathophysiology; (5) the medium and long term complications of ED. Special attention is paid to the step-by-step management of ED, in order to achieve the best results for each patient. Authors: Dr. Maria Roman, medic primar psihiatru, șef de secție femei cronic, Spitalul Municipal Sighetu Marmației; Competențe: psihoterapie integrativă și sistemică, hipnoză Ericksoniană, sexologie ( Coautor (documentare tehnoredactare parțiale): Dr. Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi, medic specialist pediatru (
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ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN Această prezentare își propune o sinteză practică a aspectelor esențiale de diagnostic, tratament și prevenție a celor mai frecvente afecțiuni mentale. Se pune accentul in mod deosebit pe terapiile... more
Această prezentare își propune o sinteză practică a aspectelor esențiale de diagnostic,  tratament și prevenție a celor mai frecvente afecțiuni mentale. Se pune accentul in mod deosebit pe terapiile non-farmacologice/non-medicamentoase ale bolilor psihice si pe componenta preventivă a tratamentelor în aceste afecțiuni.
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This presentation aims at a practical synthesis/review of the essential elements of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the most common mental disorders. Particular emphasis is placed on non-pharmacological / non-drug therapies of psychiatric diseases and the preventive component of treatments in these disorders.
Dr. Maria Roman, medic primar psihiatru, șef de secție femei cronic, Spitalul Municipal Sighetu Marmației; Competențe: psihoterapie integrativă și sistemică, hipnoză Ericksoniană, sexologie (
Coautor (documentare tehnoredactare parțiale): Dr. Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi, medic specialist pediatru (
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This paper proposes a universal seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether... more
This paper proposes a universal seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) (predicted to be actually quantum black holes), offering an alternative to supersymmetry (SUSY) and predicting a new type of aether theory (AT): this newly proposed universal SMEC is essentially based on an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which predicts a general formula for all the rest energies of all EPs from Standard model (SM), also indicating an unexpected profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and new types of EPs, including a 4 th generation of Majorana massless neutrinos (moving at the speed of light) that can be a plausible candidate for a superfluid aether/fermionic condensate. =================================================================== The short (halved) version of the original article (published in PSIJ) AND the original article are both available at these URLs : AND

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The main online source of this paper: ==========================================================This paper proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box" alternative (called... more
The main online source of this paper: ==========================================================This paper proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box" alternative (called "SUSYA") to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a new type of seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) and named "Z-SMEC"; Z-SMEC is a new type of charge-based mass symmetry/"conjugation" between EPs which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs, EPs that are "conjugated" in boson-fermion pairs sharing the same electromagnetic charge (EMC). Z-SMEC is actually derived from an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that mainly states a general quadratic equation governing a form of ex-nihilo creation and having a pair of conjugate boson-fermion mass solutions for each set of given coefficients. eZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating the true existence of the graviton and a possible bijective connection between the three types of neutrinos (all predicted to be actually Majorana fermions) and the massless bosons (photon, gluon and the hypothetical graviton), between the electron/positron and the W boson, predicting at least three generations of leptoquarks (LQs) (defined here as the "mass-conjugates" of the three known generations of quarks) and predicting two distinct types of neutral massless fermions (NMFs) (modelled as mass-conjugates of the Higgs boson and Z boson respectively) which may be plausible constituents for a hypothetical lightest possible (hot fermionic) dark matter (LPDM) or, even more plausible, the main constituents of a superfluid fermionic vacuum/aether, as also proposed by the notorious Superfluid vacuum theory (SVT) (in which the physical vacuum is modeled as a bosonic/fermionic superfluid). SUSYA also predicts two hypothetical bosons defined as the ultra-heavy bosonic mass-conjugates of the muon and tauon called here the "W-muonic boson" (Wmb) and the "W-tauonic boson" (Wtb) respectively: Wmb and Wtb are predicted much heavier than the W boson and the Higgs boson so that Wmb and Wtb can be regarded as ultra-heavy charged Higgs bosons with their huge predicted rest energies defining the energy scale at which the electroweak field (EWF) may be unified with the Higgs field (HF).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
The main online source of this paper: ====================================================================== This paper proposes a potentially viable “out-of-the-box”... more
The main online source of this paper: ====================================================================== This paper proposes a potentially viable “out-of-the-box” alternative (called “SUSYA”) to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a new type of seesaw mechanism (SMEC) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs) and named “Z-SMEC”; Z-SMEC is a new type of charge-based mass symmetry/”conjugation” between EPs which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs, EPs that are “conjugated” in boson-fermion pairs sharing the same electromagnetic charge (EMC). Z-SMEC is actually derived from an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that mainly states a general quadratic equation governing a form of ex-nihilo creation and having a pair of conjugate boson-fermion mass solutions for each set of given coefficients. eZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating the true existence of the graviton and a possible bijective connection between the three types of neutrinos (all predicted to be actually Majorana fermions) and the massless bosons (photon, gluon and the hypothetical graviton), between the electron/positron and the W boson, predicting at least three generations of leptoquarks (LQs) (defined here as the “mass-conjugates” of the three known generations of quarks) and predicting two distinct types of neutral massless fermions (NMFs) (modelled as mass-conjugates of the Higgs boson and Z boson respectively) which may be plausible constituents for a hypothetical lightest possible (hot fermionic) dark matter (LPDM) or, even more plausible, the main constituents of a superfluid fermionic vacuum/aether, as also proposed by the notorious Superfluid vacuum theory (SVT) (in which the physical vacuum is modeled as a bosonic/fermionic superfluid). SUSYA also predicts two hypothetical bosons defined as the ultra-heavy bosonic mass-conjugates of the muon and tauon called here the “W-muonic boson” (Wmb) and the “W-tauonic boson” (Wtb) respectively: Wmb and Wtb are predicted much heavier than the W boson and the Higgs boson so that Wmb and Wtb can be regarded as ultra-heavy charged Higgs bosons with their huge predicted rest energies defining the energy scale at which the electroweak field (EWF) may be unified with the Higgs field (HF).
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This paper brings into attention a possible logarithmic connection between Einstein's constant and the fine-structure constant, based on a hypothetical electro-gravitational resistivity of vacuum: we also propose a zero-energy hypothesis... more
This paper brings into attention a possible logarithmic connection between Einstein's constant and the fine-structure constant, based on a hypothetical electro-gravitational resistivity of vacuum: we also propose a zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy that mainly states a general quadratic equation having a pair of conjugate mass solutions for each set of coefficients, thus predicting a new type of mass "symmetry" called here "mass conjugation" between elementary particles (EPs) which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs to be conjugated in boson-fermion pairs; ZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating a possible bijective connection between the three types of neutrinos and the massless bosons (photon, gluon and the hypothetical graviton), between the electron/positron and the W boson and predicting two distinct types of neutral massless fermions (modelled as conjugates of the Higgs boson and Z boson respectively) which are plausible candidates for dark energy and dark matter. ZEH also offers a new interpretation of Planck length as the approximate length threshold above which the rest masses of all known elementary particles have real number values (with mass units) instead of complex/imaginary number values (as predicted by the unique quadratic equation proposed by ZEH). Main sources: (open peer-review history)
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Based on a plausible electro-gravitational scaling factor of nature, this paper proposes a relatively simple “digital” vacuum toy model (DVTM) based on a quantized 3D space composed of space voxels with quantized energetic states. DVTM... more
Based on a plausible electro-gravitational scaling factor of nature, this paper proposes a relatively simple “digital” vacuum toy model (DVTM) based on a quantized 3D space composed of space voxels with quantized energetic states. DVTM contains a relatively small set observations and statements (the assumptions of the model) that may generate a relatively large number of explanations (on the common origin of both gravitational and inertial masses and Einstein’s special/general relativity) and predictions “inside” and beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics: a model of movement, a Big Bounce universe and a unification pattern for all known fundamental fields. DVTM can be considered a kind of “patch” for some Loop Quantum Gravity theories (LQGTs) and for M-Theory (MT). Keywords: Electro-gravitational scaling factor of nature; “digital” vacuum toy model (DVTM); quantized 3D space; space voxels with quantized energetic states; Standard Model (SM) of particle physics; model of movement; Big Bounce universe; unification pattern for all known fundamental fields; Loop Quantum Gravity theories (LQGTs); M-Theory (MT). OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SITE LINKS:

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This article proposes a synthesized classification of some Goldbach-like conjectures, including those which are "stronger" than the Binary Goldbach's Conjecture (BGC) and launches a new generalization of BGC briefly called "the Vertical... more
This article proposes a synthesized classification of some Goldbach-like conjectures, including those which are "stronger" than the Binary Goldbach's Conjecture (BGC) and launches a new generalization of BGC briefly called "the Vertical Binary Goldbach's Conjecture" (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number of conjectures stronger than BGC, which all apply on "iterative" primes with recursive prime indexes (i-primeths). VBGC was discovered by the author of this paper in 2007 and perfected (by computational verifications) until 2017 by using the arrays of matrices of Goldbach index-partitions, which are a useful tool in studying BGC by focusing on prime indexes. VBGC distinguishes as a very important conjecture of primes, with potential importance in the optimization of the BGC experimental verification (including other possible theoretical and practical applications in mathematics and physics) and a very special self-similar property of the primes set.

Keywords: Primes with prime indexes; i-primeths; the Binary Goldbach Conjecture; Goldbach-like
conjectures; the Vertical Binary Goldbach Conjecture.

2010 mathematics subject classification: 11N05 (Distribution of primes,


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Short Research Article Drăgoi; PSIJ, 15(3): 1-19, 2017; Article no.PSIJ.34613 2 In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of... more
Short Research Article Drăgoi; PSIJ, 15(3): 1-19, 2017; Article no.PSIJ.34613 2

In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law This paper brings to attention a plausible triple electro-gravito-informational significance of the fine structure constant, with its implications in a plausible four fields unification pattern at Planck scales: this triple significance is based on the existence of a unifying global scaling factor of nature which appears in a hypothetical fine tuning of all the non-zero rest masses of the all the elementary particles in the Standard Model. Furthermore, this paper also proposes the dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH) stating that the 3D appearance of space (or the 4D nature of spacetime) may be actually explained by the relative magnitude of the photon (angular) quantum momentum (and the hypothetical graviton quantum momentum respectively) and this global scaling factor (GSF): DRH also includes a generalized electrograviton model (EGM) for any hypothetical graviton. This paper also proposes a set of strong (and very strong) gravity constants and a gravitational field varying with the energy (and length) scale, all with potential importance in the unification of the four fundamental fields. Each of these hypotheses is a potential update for the Standard Model of particle physics.

Keywords: Fine structure constant with triple electro-gravito-informational significance; unifying global scaling factor of nature; four fields unification; the standard model of particle physics; dimensional relativity hypothesis; electrograviton model.

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The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a spectrum of disorders beginning in childhood defined by the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of... more
The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a spectrum of disorders beginning in childhood defined by the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interest. ASD comprises Classical Childhood Autism (the so-called „Autism”), Asperger syndrome and the group of other Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not Otherwise Specified. Although there are many concerns about labelling a young child with an ASD, the earlier the diagnosis of ASD is made, the earlier needed interventions can begin. Evidence over the last 15 years indicates that ntensive early intervention in optimal educational settings for at least 2 years during the preschool years (from about 3-4 or lately 5 years old) results in improved outcomes in most young children with ASD. Several ASD creening instruments have been developed to quickly gather information about a child’s social and communicative development within medical settings. As there aren’t any coherent strategies of ASD early detection in Romania, the author of the present article proposes a method of early detection of children at risk for ASD. This method combines 4 major medical and non-medical „forces” (a so-called „hybrid” method)
(neonatologists, family doctors, pediatricians and parents/ families/ caretakers) and 5 useful tools: a Risk Factors Filter for ASD (ASD- RFF), a Child Development Milestones Chart, an observational long term ASD screening diary (ASD-SD) for parents/ caretakers, the Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) and the Modified checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT). Keywords: ASD, screening tools, risk factors filter

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Research Interests:
Domestic (family) violence and child maltreatment (defined as child abuse and neglect) are an acute worldwide social and medical problem. Impaired lifelong physical and mental health caused by child maltreatment and the social and... more
Domestic (family) violence and child maltreatment (defined as child abuse and neglect) are an acute worldwide social and medical problem. Impaired lifelong physical and mental health caused by child maltreatment and the social and occupational outcomes of this phenomenon can ultimately slows down a country's economic and social development. There is an (under)estimation of 31000 homicide deaths in children under 15 years old caused by child maltreatment, worldwide, every year. Romania has no coherent strategy and no sufficiently sensitive algorithms for domestic violence and child maltreatment detection , and that's why a stronger collaboration between pri-mal care physicians and pediatricians is needed to efficiently prevent and treat this social and medical rod. Pediatricians and family doctors are well poised to play a vital role in preventing child maltreatment as they often have contact with families with children during stressful and challenging times and therefore have the occasion to help prevent child maltreatment. Because of their unique relationship with families, pediatricians and primal care physicians are in an excellent position to help families enhance their ability to protect children and address factors that put them at increased risk of abuse, as they can identify family strengths and risk factors. The author of this present article proposes a coherent algorithmic method for screening and prevention of child maltreat-ment as practiced by both family doctors and pediatri-cians. This method was inspired by AAP October 2010 guidelines on the role of pediatricians in child maltreat-ment prevention. REZUMAT: Violenþa domesticã ºi abuzul infantil (definit ca abuz ºi neglijenþã ale copilului în interiorul unei familii sau în-tr-un cadru instituþional) sunt o problemã socio-medicalã acutã la nivel mondial. Deteriorarea fizicã ºi mentalã pe termen mediu ºi lung generatã de acest flagel mondial, pre-cum ºi efectele negative asupra prognosticului social ºi ocupaþional ale copiilor afectaþi pot în cele din urmã sã conducã la regresul socioeconomic al oricãrei þãri. În fiecare an se (sub)estimeazã la nivel mondial cã cel puþin 31000 de morþi prin crimã la copiii sub 15 ani se datoreazã abuzului infantil. În România nu existã o strategie coeren-tã ºi nici algoritmi de screening suficient de sensibili pen-tru detectarea ºi prevenirea abuzului infantil ºi/sau vio-lenþei domestice, de aceea este necesarã o colaborare mult mai strânsã (eventual folosind un ghid comun) între medicii de familie ºi pediatrii pentru a detecta ºi preveni cât mai eficient cu putinþã aceastã mare problemã socialã ºi medicalã. Pediatrii ºi medicii de familie au poziþie-cheie vitalã în prevenþia abuzului infantil, având contacte frecvente cu pacienþii-copii ºi familiile lor în momentele dificile de boalã. Dat fiind relaþia unicã dintre aceste douã specialitãþi medicale ºi polul familial, pediatrii ºi medicii specializaþi în îngrijirea medicalã primarã se aflã într-o poziþie excelentã de a ajuta familiile prin creºterea capaci-tãþii celor din urmã de a-ºi proteja copii ºi de a detecta ºi elimina factorii care îi expun pe aceºtia la abuz infantil. Autorul prezentului articol propune medicilor de familie ºi pediatrilor o metodã algoritmicã de screening ºi prevenþie a abuzului infantil. Aceastã metodã este inspiratã de ghidul publicat în octombrie 2010 de Academia Americanã de Pediatrie privind rolul pediatrului în prevenirea abuzului infantil. Cuvinte-cheie: violenþã domesticã (familialã), abuz infantil, neglijenþa copilului, prevenþia abuzului infantil. The potential contribution of paediatricians and primary care (family) physicians in child maltreatment prevention: A proposed working algorithm for Romanian paediatricians and family doctors inspired ...
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Research Interests:
This paper proposes a theoretical demonstration of quantum gravity based on a simple zero-energy rule of the quantum vacuum in its ground state, a demonstration that also offers a general solution to the notorious mass gap problem and... more
This paper proposes a theoretical demonstration of quantum gravity based on a simple zero-energy rule of the quantum vacuum in its ground state, a demonstration that also offers a general solution to the notorious mass gap problem and some profound explanations: (1) electric charge is actually a confined electromagnetic field, so that both charge and electrostatic field (defined as a charge-gap with negative quantized curvature) are demonstrated to be the "allotropes" of the same unified quantum electromagnetic field; (2) all the elementary non-zero rest masses (with discrete values) are actually confined gravitational field, so that both mass and gravity (defined as a mass-gap with negative quantized curvature) are demonstrated to be the "allotropes" of the same unified quantum gravitational field; (3) the total energy of the universe is zero and gravity plays a primary role in matter creation; (4) dark matter is actually composed of negative-mass elementary particles; (5) dark energy is a short-range short-life strong antigravity acting around Planck scales; #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
ENGLISH ABSTRACT This article proposes a sketch of a Profound Educational Reform (REP/PER) applicable in Romania and worldwide, based on the triads science-art-religion, spirit-mind-body, reason-emotionality-spirituality/superior... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT This article proposes a sketch of a Profound Educational Reform (REP/PER) applicable in Romania and worldwide, based on the triads science-art-religion, spirit-mind-body, reason-emotionality-spirituality/superior volition, with the main purpose of developing as many virtues as possible (a concept superior to that of competence/ability), the virtues being the absolutely necessary target-core of the future educational systems, because the virtues are actually the pillars of people’s wisdom and the only guarantee that the historical errors will no longer be repeated by the next generations of humans.// #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: // ROMANIAN ABSTRACT Acest articol propune o schita de Reforma educationala profunda (REP) aplicabila in Romania si in intreaga lume, bazata pe triadele stiinta-arta-religie, spirit-minte-trup, ratiune-emotionalitate-spiritualitate/volitie superioara, cu tinta de a dezvolta cat mai multe virtuti (un concept superior celui de competenta/abilitate), virtutile fiind nucleul-tinta absolut necesar pentru sistemele educationale ale viitorului, pentru ca virtutile sunt de fapt pilonii intelepciunii unui popor si singura garantie ca erorile istoriei sa NU mai fie repetate recurent si de catre noile generatii.
This paper proposes a mathematical demonstration that all the elementary zero/non-zero rest masses are actually functions of their intrinsic zero/non-zero electric charge, which is essentially a general solution for the notorious mass gap... more
This paper proposes a mathematical demonstration that all the elementary zero/non-zero rest masses are actually functions of their intrinsic zero/non-zero electric charge, which is essentially a general solution for the notorious mass gap problem (MGP) in physics (a millennium prize problem, as proposed by the American Clay Mathematics Institute), outside the Yang-Mills theory formalism.
This paper presents a reinterpretation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (HUP) as a common fundamental principle of both Quantum mechanisms (QM) and General relativity (GR). Contrarily to the mainstream opinion in modern physics, this... more
This paper presents a reinterpretation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (HUP) as a common fundamental principle of both Quantum mechanisms (QM) and General relativity (GR). Contrarily to the mainstream opinion in modern physics, this paper mathematically demonstrates that QM & GR are in fact reciprocally compatible (as the two “faces” of the same “coin”, a so-called physical monad), because having this profound direct connection two each other via time discreteness (TD), which TD is mathematically implied by both GR & HUP via the same common Planck units derived from GR and re-used in this reformulation of HUP in terms of Planck time. A future plausible TOE will surely and firmly stand on this reformulation of HUP based on Planck units derived directly from GR. The main implications of this newly discovered GR-QM compatibility will be discussed in a future version of this paper. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes the strongest conceivable probabilistic argument (both rational and emotional) for the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ from his tomb, based on the joint probability of N independent events. This paper continues... more
This paper proposes the strongest conceivable probabilistic argument (both rational and emotional) for the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ from his tomb, based on the joint probability of N independent events. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) other past articles/preprints of the same author in analytic philosophy and PSI phenomena. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of the laws that regulate the abortion in Romania (unconstitutionality demonstrated by medical &... more
This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of the laws that regulate the abortion in Romania (unconstitutionality demonstrated by medical & legal arguments), with the proposal to prohibit abortion after the moment of fertilization (with a few therapeutic exceptions) and with the recommendation to consistently support all the mothers from Romania (through many social, financial, medical & cultural facilities) to carry their pregnancies until their term, even if they don’t wish to carry for those unwanted born children, children who will be taken over by the Romanian state and supported throughout the process of personal growth and development, so that they are not discriminated against in any way towards the children desired by their parents. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: Abstract in Romanian: ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN: Acest document este o PETITIE CATRE CCR via-AVP privind NECONSTITUTIONALITATEA legilor care reglementeaza AVORTUL in Romania (neconstitutionalitate demonstrata prin argumente stiintifico-medicale si juridice solide), cu propunerea de a INTERZICE AVORTUL DUPA MOMENTUL FECUNDATIEI (cu cateva exceptii terapeutice) SI cu recomandarea de a sustine toate mamele din Romania (prin N facilitati sociale, fiscale, medicale, culturale etc) sa isi duca sarcinile pana la capat, chiar daca NU isi doresc ulterior sa creasca acei minori nedoriti, minori ce vor fi preluati obligatoriu de statul roman si sustinuti in tot procesul de crestere si dezvoltare personala, astfel incat sa NU fie discriminati in nici un fel fata de minorii doriti de parintii lor.
This paper develops an older proposal from a past author’s paper (an anti-abortion philosophy [AAP], the 2nd principle of AAP to be more specific): the Right to Refuse to Kill at Request (RRKR), which RRKR should be included in the... more
This paper develops an older proposal from a past author’s paper (an anti-abortion philosophy [AAP], the 2nd principle of AAP to be more specific): the Right to Refuse to Kill at Request (RRKR), which RRKR should be included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]). This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in medicine (including the philosophy of medicine and biology in general). #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of some election laws in Romania, with the proposal to implement clearly and unitarily in all the... more
This paper is a PETITION to the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) via the Romanian Ombudsman (AVP) regarding the unconstitutionality of some election laws in Romania, with the proposal to implement clearly and unitarily in all the election laws the concept of "DEMOCRATIC VOTE", with its both well-known variants of (1) THE DECIDED VOTE (pro/cons) AND (2) THE UNDECIDED VOTE (POSITIVE ABSTENTION), in the spirit of the Romanian Constitution, AND the proposal to include the “POSITIVE ABSTENTION” option on all ballots, so that any Romanian citizen (with voting rights) can express his/her vote and that vote to be counted (and considered in the total sum of valid votes when calculating the percents obtained by each candidate), even if it is politically neutral. // #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: // ABSTRACT IN ROMANIAN: Acest document este o PETITIE catre Curtea Constitutionala a Romaniei (CCR) via-Avocatul Poporului (AVP) privind NEconstitutionalitatea unor legi care reglementeaza actul de votare in Romania, cu propunerea de a implementa clar si unitar in TOATE legile electorale conceptul de “vot democratic” cu AMBELE lui variante binecunoscute de (1) VOT DECIS (pro/contra) si (2) INDECIS (ABTINERE POZITIVA/VOT ALB), in spiritul Constitutiei Romaniei SI propunerea de a introduce pe toate buletinele de vot electoral optiunea de “ABTINERE” (care optiune sa fie numarata ca vot valid, dar neutru politic).
This paper offers and analyzes a compilation of the claimed messages of Mother Mary to humankind, on the occasion of Mother Mary’s apparitions worldwide in various places on Earth, as documented (many of which were verified and officially... more
This paper offers and analyzes a compilation of the claimed messages of Mother Mary to humankind, on the occasion of Mother Mary’s apparitions worldwide in various places on Earth, as documented (many of which were verified and officially approved by various teams of priests & theologians) by the Roman-Catholic, Greek-Catholic and Eastern-Orthodox churches. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in philosophy and PSI phenomena (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest). #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper presents a short 7-steps mathematical demonstration (MD) that General relativity (GR) is actually Quantum gravity (QG), implying time discreteness (TD), spacetime quantization (STQ) in spacetime units (STUs) with non-zero... more
This paper presents a short 7-steps mathematical demonstration (MD) that General relativity (GR) is actually Quantum gravity (QG), implying time discreteness (TD), spacetime quantization (STQ) in spacetime units (STUs) with non-zero finite & non-infinitesimal length (l) and mass (m) and also implying that both the Planck (h) and gravitational constants (G) are actually functions of the speed of light in vacuum (c). As explained in the recently added 2nd section of this current version of my paper, some of the implications of this MD are huge: (1a) Time is discrete & uncompressible, with both h & G existing because of this time discreteness (TD), and being functions of c^2 and c^3 respectively; (1b) The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (HUP) becomes a quantized HUP (qHUP) which is an additional argument for TD and equivalent to TD; (2) Space is discrete and compressible (the same for spacetime implicitly); (3) c increases linearly with the age of our universe (t_u) and that generates the illusion of an accelerated universal expansion/inflation (with light accelerating in fact!), which indicates that our universe expands at a constant not accelerated rate and that “dark energy” is an illusion implicitly: the same for h & G which thus increase with t_u^2 & t_u^3 respectively; (4) The strength of the gravitational field (GF) increases with t_u^3, with the strength of the electromagnetic field (EMF) concomitantly decreasing with the same t_u^3 factor, creating a universal seesaw mechanism governing a Big-Bounce universe; (5) c will continue to grow in the future of our universe up to a finite maximum v_max’ which is both the maximum speed of light and gravity at the same time. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a toy-model of a Kerr-Newman quantum black-hole electron governed by very strong gravity, showing that matter is actually spacetime curvature at Planck scales and explaining quantum spin. This paper continues (from an... more
This paper proposes a toy-model of a Kerr-Newman quantum black-hole electron governed by very strong gravity, showing that matter is actually spacetime curvature at Planck scales and explaining quantum spin.
This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper contains a compilation of claimed appearances and revelations of Jesus Christ which are almost viral online, gaining more and more popularity with time: some of these events also contain remarkable predictions that need to be... more
This paper contains a compilation of claimed appearances and revelations of Jesus Christ which are almost viral online, gaining more and more popularity with time: some of these events also contain remarkable predictions that need to be verified in the near and medium future. The huge online amount of such revelations (including predictions) is a useful database to scientifically analyze and verify this human phenomenon called prophecy and its impact not only in the Christian world, but also in many other domains and communities.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in biology including medicine (as reflected in various articles of science popularization) and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called "Biology (including medicine... more
This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in biology including medicine (as reflected in various articles of science popularization) and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called "Biology (including medicine and its sub-domains) and biochemistry-significant news" which was officially discontinued by RG on 31.03.2023 (like all other RG projects), but was archived by the author and can be accessed from this URL:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in mathematics and physics and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called "Physics (including engineering), chemistry and mathematics (including IT)-significant news"... more
This paper contains a compilation of major discoveries & inventions in mathematics and physics and continues my Research Gate (RG) project called "Physics (including engineering), chemistry and mathematics (including IT)-significant news" which was officially discontinued by RG on 31.03.2023 (like all other RG projects), but was archived by the author and can be accessed from this URL: ***
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a short mathematical demonstration that both Planck constant and the speed of light in vacuum are actually composite constants, which predict the existence of both a composite big G and spacetime quantization in... more
This paper proposes a short mathematical demonstration that both Planck constant and the speed of light in vacuum are actually composite constants, which predict the existence of both a composite big G and spacetime quantization in spacetime units (STU) (nameable “strings”, “pixels”, “voxels”) with fixed non-zero finite and non-infinitesimal length and mass. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a toy-model of a Kerr-Newman quantum black-hole electron (with finite non-zero volume of about 10^23 Planck volumes and density of about 10^50kg) governed by very strong gravity (of about 10^30G), showing that matter... more
This paper proposes a toy-model of a Kerr-Newman quantum black-hole electron (with finite non-zero volume of about 10^23 Planck volumes and density of about 10^50kg) governed by very strong gravity (of about 10^30G), showing that matter is actually spacetime curvature at Planck scales and explaining quantum spin. Furthermore, besides the nature’s principle “no electromagnetic charge without a non-zero rest mass” (as if charge sine-qua-nonly needs mass to be “stored” on, practically implying “no electromagnetic field without a gravitational field”), we launch another analogue nature’s hypothetical principle: “no rest mass without a finite non-infinitesimal non-zero 3D volume”, as if non-zero rest mass sine-qua-nonly needs 3D volume to be “stored” on. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a 4D (toy-)model (4DM) of all elementary particles (EPs) existing in a 4D spacetime (4D-ST) in which time is actually a real additional 4th spatial dimension (with compact topology) of our universe (OU) and not just a... more
This paper proposes a 4D (toy-)model (4DM) of all elementary particles (EPs) existing in a 4D spacetime (4D-ST) in which time is actually a real additional 4th spatial dimension (with compact topology) of our universe (OU) and not just a trivial abstract dimension. This 4DM easily explains all the apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics as: non-locality of quantum EPs (QEPs), the wave-particle duality (of all known EPs and larger EP-based composite physical bodies), the quantum superposition principle, quantum entanglement, the nature of quantum fields, the quantum tunneling effect etc.
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This paper demonstrates that a simultaneous validity of both Einstein's General relativity (EGR) and quantum field theory (QFT) logically & mathematically implies a quantum gravity theory (QGT) in which our 3D space is quantized in space... more
This paper demonstrates that a simultaneous validity of both Einstein's General relativity (EGR) and quantum field theory (QFT) logically & mathematically implies a quantum gravity theory (QGT) in which our 3D space is quantized in space voxels. Furthermore, this paper conjectures that all three EGR, QFT and QGT should be simultaneously true and are all the manifestations of the same space voxel and its variable excitation states. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics.
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This paper proposes a simple hypothesis on a plausible internal structure of all the elementary particles with non-zero rest masses, a hypothesis based on gravitational and electromagnetic standing waves (similar to string theory) that... more
This paper proposes a simple hypothesis on a plausible internal structure of all the elementary particles with non-zero rest masses, a hypothesis based on gravitational and electromagnetic standing waves (similar to string theory) that may offer plenty of explanations on: (1) the shape of spacetime at very low length-scales; (2) a general mechanism (and formula) for the generation of non-zero rest mass (nzrm) and electromagnetic charge (plus an explanation of Einstein’s equivalence principle between inertial mass and gravitational mass); (3) a more profound equivalence principle between nzrm and spacetime micro-curvature. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest) and mathematics.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a simple zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that predicts a repulsive strong gravitational field (SGF) acting at... more
This paper proposes a simple zero-energy hypothesis (ZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that predicts a repulsive strong gravitational field (SGF) acting at subnuclear scales under 10^(-22)m (the upper bound of the hypothetical non-zero radius of the electron as measured by using Penning traps). This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work from older articles of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes and analyzes the simple hypothesis stating that big G is not a true universal constant, but only a variable composite parameter indirectly measuring a variable spacetime tension, which tension is also redefined as a... more
This paper proposes and analyzes the simple hypothesis stating that big G is not a true universal constant, but only a variable composite parameter indirectly measuring a variable spacetime tension, which tension is also redefined as a direct inversely-proportional measure of the global/total entropy of our observable universe.
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This paper proposes some newly defined time vectors, reference frames with intrinsic clocks (observers), a new type of colinear vectors multiplication and a “vectorial (kinetic) energy” concept. This paper continues (from an alternative... more
This paper proposes some newly defined time vectors, reference frames with intrinsic clocks (observers), a new type of colinear vectors multiplication and a “vectorial (kinetic) energy” concept.
This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a Modular Universe toy-model (MUTM) predicting all elementary particles (EPs) to be actually quantum black-holes (QBHs) (gravitational quasi-singularities) governed by self-gravity and self-antigravity. This paper... more
This paper proposes a Modular Universe toy-model (MUTM) predicting all elementary particles (EPs) to be actually quantum black-holes (QBHs) (gravitational quasi-singularities) governed by self-gravity and self-antigravity. This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes a simple redefinition of the physical time arrow (PTA) identified here with the thermodynamic arrow of time and defined as a gradient function of both the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (2LT) and inertia... more
This paper proposes a simple redefinition of the physical time arrow (PTA) identified here with the thermodynamic arrow of time and defined as a gradient function of both the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (2LT) and inertia (IN)). This simple PTA definition (combined with other two additional complementary hypotheses) offers some important explanations in quantum mechanics (QM) and also in the Standard model (SM) of particle physics. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is... more
This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is essentially a topological/geometrical toy-theory (and mainly an exercise of imagination) which tries to explain gravity as a quantum field mediated by 3 types of scale-specific hypothetical massless, heavy and ultra-heavy gravitons: BPT may be thus considered a “trigravity” toy-theory and proposes a way to (at least partially) fill the “gap” between M-Theory (on which BPT is based) and the Standard model (SM) of particle physics. BPT also offers alternative geometrical explanations for rest mass and for electromagnetic charge. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (listed from the newest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is... more
This paper proposes an M-theory(MT)-derived special type of bijective particle (toy-)theory (BPT), in which each type geometric/topological entity (brane) is assigned one and only one type of physical particle and vice versa. BPT is essentially a topological/geometrical toy-theory (and mainly an exercise of imagination) which tries to explain gravity as a quantum field mediated by 3 types of scale-specific hypothetical massless, heavy and ultra-heavy gravitons: BPT may be thus considered a “trigravity” toy-theory and proposes a way to (at least partially) fill the “gap” between M-Theory (on which BPT is based) and the Standard model (SM) of particle physics. BPT also offers alternative geometrical explanations for rest mass and for electromagnetic charge. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (listed from the newest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important consequence is that it’s impossible to destroy Shannon entropy/information without increasing the Boltzmann entropy of a system; another important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy. Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this BIDUM version 1.1), I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits (qubits) as an alternative interpretation to the (quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter, spacetime vacuum and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta and PI should be treated as a central fundamental notion in any type of TOE (Theory of Everything), together with the concept of biological information (BI) in a unified concept of bio-physical information (BPI).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important consequence is that it’s impossible to destroy Shannon entropy/information without increasing the Boltzmann entropy of a system; another important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy. Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this BIDUM version 1.1), I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits (qubits) as an alternative interpretation to the (quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter, spacetime vacuum and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta and PI should be treated as a central fundamental notion in any type of TOE (Theory of Everything), together with the concept of biological information (BI) in a unified concept of bio-physical information (BPI).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important consequence is that it’s impossible to destroy Shannon entropy/information without increasing the Boltzmann entropy of a system; another important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy. Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this BIDUM version 1.1), I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits (qubits) as an alternative interpretation to the (quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter, spacetime vacuum and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta and PI should be treated as a central fundamental notion in any type of TOE (Theory of Everything), together with the concept of biological information (BI) in a unified concept of bio-physical information (BPI).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: an important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: an important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy . Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this essay (which is a short essentialised summary of the author’s Bio-IDUM (BIDUM) version 1.1, I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits (qubits) as an alternative interpretation to the (quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important consequence is that it’s impossible to destroy Shannon entropy/information without increasing the Boltzmann entropy of a system; another important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy. Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this essay (which is a short essentialised summary of the author’s BIDUM version 1.1), I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits as an alternative interpretation to the (classical and quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter, spacetime vacuum and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta and PI should be treated as a central fundamental notion in any type of TOE, together with the concept of biological information (BI) which is also measurable in qbits.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
Dear readers, I appreciate your time and patience to read/try to read my article. However, this is not a simple article: as it describes the universe in informational terms (as it is a model of the universe;... more
Dear readers, I appreciate your time and patience to read/try to read my article. However, this is not a simple article: as it describes the universe in informational terms (as it is a model of the universe; Bio-Info-Digital-Universe-Model [BIDUM]) and has almost 60 pages, it tends to be more like a manual in which I have reformulated a lot of classical and modern concepts of physics. Like any manual/book-like article, the abbreviations are inevitable, as I also try to impose new general concepts (together with their abbreviations which I try to propose too). If I had used the classical terms with a minimal abbreviational strategy, the phrases would become very complex and hard to read as the explanations have a lot of parenthesis (as I practice a tree-like multi-level phrase structures). The main abbreviations I have imposed is for fundamental physical concepts I try to present and I always first explain them (and mention them between parenthesis). These are the most frequent: (elementary) quantum particle ([E]QP), gauge-boson (GB), non-gauge particle (NGP), physical information (quantity/quanta) (PI[q/qua]), biological information (quantity/quanta) (BI[q/qua]), biophysical information (quantity/quanta) (BPI[q/qua]), physical observer (PO), biological observer (BO), Fine Structure Constant (FSC), GCC (gravitational coupling constant), fundamental forces/fields (FFs): strong nuclear force/field (SNF), weak nuclear force/field (WNF), electromagnetic force/field (EMF), (electro)gravitational force/field (EGF), super string theory (SST), M-theory (MT) etc. The majority of the rest of them are standard abbreviations used in standard physical language. I have also anticipated the difficulty of reading this manual-like article, that is why I have also created this separate file with all the abbreviations used in my BIDUM. Important remark: this update is also due Sergey G. Fedosin[ ] which I want to thank again as he convinced my once again that this table of abbreviations is a must to share with all my readers.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
(Variant: 31.07.2016) A Bio-Info-Digital Universe Model (BIDUM version 1.1) – a short summary of the essential equations (each briefly explained). #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music... more
(Variant: 31.07.2016) A Bio-Info-Digital Universe Model (BIDUM version 1.1) – a short summary of the essential equations (each briefly explained).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
„Edward Teller appears to have been the first who speculate that there may exist a logarithmic relation between the fine structure constant (α) and the parameter G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)~10^(-39) of the form α~ln[G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)] [equation 4.23] (in... more
„Edward Teller appears to have been the first who speculate that there may exist a logarithmic relation between the fine structure constant (α) and the parameter G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)~10^(-39) of the form α~ln[G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)] [equation 4.23] (in fact α^(-1)=ln(3.17 x 10^60) and the formula is too insensitive to be of very much use in predicting exact relations)“[Barrow&Tipler, 1986 ]. (m_N stands for the neutron/nucleon rest mass).

In this article, I try to demonstrate that Barrow and Tipler overlooked the possibility that Teller’s “speculation” may be much more inspired than the Dirac’s large numbers hypothesis (DLNH) and can represent an important start point of a new Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM), a model that can offer important physical explanations and predictions, including: a quantum gravitational coupling constant which simplifies the set of the 26 adimensional constants of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, a gravitational Planck-like constant for the hypothetical graviton (h_eg), a quantum G scalar based on this gravitational Planck-like constant (G_q), a multiple (quantum) G hypothesis (mGH) based on a quantum G scalar series (Gs_q) and a gravitational Planck-like series (hs_eg), a unified scalar function (F_N[x]) for all the (running) coupling constants of the four fundamental fields/forces and many other explanation and predictions. Although just a toy-model, BIDUM may represent a potential valid update for the Standard Model of particle physics. This article is an extract from “BIDUM version 2.0” that is extensively presented in another paper.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
„Edward Teller appears to have been the first who speculate that there may exist a logarithmic relation between the fine structure constant (α) and the parameter G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)~10^(-39) of the form α~ln[G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)] [equation 4.23] (in... more
„Edward Teller appears to have been the first who speculate that there may exist a logarithmic relation between the fine structure constant (α) and the parameter G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)~10^(-39) of the form α~ln[G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)] [equation 4.23] (in fact α^(-1)=ln(3.17 x 10^60) and the formula is too insensitive to be of very much use in predicting exact relations)“ [Barrow and Tipler, 1986] (m_N stands for the nucleon [proton/neutron] rest mass)
In this article, I try to demonstrate that Barrow and Tipler overlooked the possibility that Teller’s “speculation” may be much more inspired than the Dirac’s large numbers hypothesis (DLNH) and can represent an important start point of a new Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM), a model that can offer important physical explanations and predictions, including a unifying scaling function for micro- and macrocosm and a multiple (quantum) G hypothesis (mGH). BIDUM may represent a potential valid update for the Standard Model of particle physics. I have also created a “BIDUM version 1.1” that is extensively presented in another paper. [Dragoi, 2016]
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Research Interests:
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important... more
A growing trend in physics is to define the physical world as being made up of information. An important direct relationship between information and entropy is demonstrated by the Maxwell's demon thought experiment: a first important consequence is that it’s impossible to destroy Shannon entropy/information without increasing the Boltzmann entropy of a system; another important consequence is that information may be interchangeable with energy. Wheeler’s “it from bit” principle (hypothesis) is also famous. In this BIDUM, I argue that energy and time are indissolubly connected and can be integrated in a concept of physical information (PI) measurable in qbits (qubits) as an alternative interpretation to the (classical and quantum) angular momentum: energy, matter, spacetime vacuum and their behaviors may be considered proprieties of different PI-quanta and PI should be treated as a central fundamental notion in any type of TOE (Theory of Everything), together with the concept of biological information (BI) in a unified concept of bio-physical information (BPI).
„Edward Teller appears to have been the first who speculate that there may exist a logarithmic relation between the fine structure constant (α) and the parameter G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)~10^(-39) of the form α~ln[G∙m_N^2/(h∙c)] [equation 4.23] (in fact α^(-1)=ln(3.17 x 10^60) and the formula is too insensitive to be of very much use in predicting exact relations)“[Barrow and Tipler, 1986]. (m_N stands for the nucleon [proton/neutron] rest mass)
In this article, I try to demonstrate that Barrow and Tipler overlooked the possibility that Teller’s “speculation” may be much more inspired than the Dirac’s large numbers hypothesis (DLNH) and can represent an important start point of a new Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM), a model that can offer important physical explanations and predictions, including: a quantum gravitational coupling constant which simplifies the set of the 26 adimensional constants of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, a gravitational Planck-like constant for the hypothetical graviton (h_eg), a quantum G scalar based on this gravitational Planck-like constant (G_q), a multiple (quantum) G hypothesis (mGH) based on a quantum G scalar series (Gs_q) and a gravitational Planck-like series (hs_eg),  and a unified function for all the coupling (running) constants of the four fundamental fields/forces (FN), an alternative informational definition of the angular momentum as a physical information quantity (PIq scalar and L-PIq equivalence principle), new methods for measuring the intrinsic physical information quantity (PIq) of any quantum or classical object, a set of universal equivalence principles (UEP) (that contracts the set of SI measure units), an informational matrix global structure of the observable universe, a generalized concept of bio-physical force/field and a unified concept of bio-physical observer.
Keywords: information, physical information, biological information, Bio-Info-Digital Universe Model, a series of Planck-like informational constants, the hypothetical gravitonic qubit, (bio)physical information.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller,... more
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller, 1948; Salam, 1970; Bastin, 1971; Sirag, 1980, 1983; Sanchez, Kotov and Bizouard, 2009, 2011, 2012; Kritov, 2013). In this article, I propose a toy model of the universe (TMU) that can offer a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics: the Minimum Speed hypothesis (MSH) based on the Special Relativity Theory, the main binary logarithm Teller hypothesis (mbl-TH) on the large numbers in physics, which is an alternative interpretation of the Dirac’s large numbers hypothesis (DLNH); the dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH); the electrograviton model (EGM) of the hypothetical graviton based on mbl-TH and DRH; a multiple (quantum) G hypothesis (mGH) based on a quantum G series (Gs_q); a unified scalar function (F_N) for all the (running) coupling constants of the four fundamental fields/forces based on a unifying strong-electroweak-gravitational scaling factor (N_a); a cyclic closed universe hypothesis (CCUH); life as a fundamental (biophysical) field hypothesis (LFFH) based on a new generalized concept of fundamental biophysical field/force (FBF). This TMU was motivated and created from the author’s strong conviction that SM cannot evolve and become a “mature” TOE without fully explaining the existence of life forms (LFs).

Keywords: Special Relativity Theory; fine structure constant; gravitational coupling constant; Teller’s large numbers hypothesis; Dirac’s large numbers hypothesis; Standard model of particle physics; a toy-model of the universe; life phenomenon
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Research Interests:
This article proposes the generalization of the both binary (strong) and ternary (weak) Goldbach’s Conjectures (BGC and TGC), briefly called “the Vertical Goldbach’s Conjectures” (VBGC and VTGC), discovered in 2007[1] and perfected until... more
This article proposes the generalization of the both binary (strong) and ternary (weak) Goldbach’s Conjectures (BGC and TGC), briefly called “the Vertical Goldbach’s Conjectures” (VBGC and VTGC), discovered in 2007[1] and perfected until 2016[2] by using the arrays (S_p and S_i,p) of Matrix of Goldbach index-partitions (GIPs) (simple M_p,n and recursive M_i,p,n, with iteration order i ≥ 0), which are a useful tool in studying BGC by focusing on prime indexes (as the function P_n that numbers the primes is a bijection). Simple M (M_p,n) and recursive M (M_i,p,n) are related to the concept of generalized “primeths” (a term first used by Fernandez N. in his “The Exploring Primeness Project”), which is the generalization with iteration order i≥0 of the known “higher-order prime numbers” (alias “superprime numbers”, “super-prime numbers”, ”super-primes”, ” super-primes” or “prime-indexed primes[PIPs]”) as a subset of (simple or recursive) primes with (also) prime indexes (iPx is the x-th o-primeth, with iteration order i ≥ 0 as explained later on).
The author of this article also brings in a S-M-synthesis of some Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC) (including those which are “stronger” than BGC) and a new class of GLCs “stronger” than BGC, from which VBGC (which is essentially a variant of BGC applied on a serial array of subsets of primeths with a general iteration order i ≥ 0) distinguishes as a very important conjecture of primes (with great importance in the optimization of the BGC experimental verification and other potential useful theoretical and practical applications in mathematics [including cryptography and fractals] and physics [including crystallography and M-Theory]), and a very special self-similar propriety of the primes subset of (noted/abbreviated as or as explained later on in this article).

Keywords: Prime (number), primes with prime indexes, the i-primeths (with iteration order i≥0), the Binary Goldbach Conjecture (BGC), the Ternary Goldbach Conjecture (TGC), Goldbach index-partition (GIP), fractal patterns of the number and distribution of Goldbach index-partitions, Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC), the Vertical Binary Goldbach Conjecture (VBGC) and Vertical Ternary Goldbach Conjecture (VTGC) the as applied on i-primeths

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
This article proposes the generalization of the both binary (strong) and ternary (weak) Goldbach’s Conjectures (BGC and TGC), briefly called “the Vertical Goldbach’s Conjectures” (VBGC and VTGC), discovered in 2007[1] and perfected until... more
This article proposes the generalization of the both binary (strong) and ternary (weak) Goldbach’s Conjectures (BGC and TGC), briefly called “the Vertical Goldbach’s Conjectures” (VBGC and VTGC), discovered in 2007[1] and perfected until 2016[2] by using the arrays (S_p and S_i,p) of Matrix of Goldbach index-partitions (GIPs) (simple M_p,n and recursive M_i,p,n, with iteration order i ≥ 0), which are a useful tool in studying BGC by focusing on prime indexes (as the function P_n that numbers the primes is a bijection). Simple M (M_p,n) and recursive M (M_i,p,n) are related to the concept of generalized “primeths” (a term first used by Fernandez N. in his “The Exploring Primeness Project”), which is the generalization with iteration order i≥0 of the known “higher-order prime numbers” (alias “superprime numbers”, “super-prime numbers”, ”super-primes”, ” super-primes” or “prime-indexed primes[PIPs]”) as a subset of (simple or recursive) primes with (also) prime indexes (iPx is the x-th o-primeth, with iteration order i ≥ 0 as explained later on).
The author of this article also brings in a S-M-synthesis of some Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC) (including those which are “stronger” than BGC) and a new class of GLCs “stronger” than BGC, from which VBGC (which is essentially a variant of BGC applied on a serial array of subsets of primeths with a general iteration order i ≥ 0) distinguishes as a very important conjecture of primes (with great importance in the optimization of the BGC experimental verification and other potential useful theoretical and practical applications in mathematics [including cryptography and fractals] and physics [including crystallography and M-Theory]), and a very special self-similar propriety of the primes subset of (noted/abbreviated as or as explained later on in this article).

Keywords: Prime (number), primes with prime indexes, the i-primeths (with iteration order i≥0), the Binary Goldbach Conjecture (BGC), the Ternary Goldbach Conjecture (TGC), Goldbach index-partition (GIP), fractal patterns of the number and distribution of Goldbach index-partitions, Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC), the Vertical Binary Goldbach Conjecture (VBGC) and Vertical Ternary Goldbach Conjecture (VTGC) the as applied on i-primeths

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
In its Part A, the Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM) offers a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics: (1) The [(2+1)+1] Included Middle Principle and Logic ([(2+1)+1]IMP and... more
In its Part A, the Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM) offers a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics:
(1) The [(2+1)+1] Included Middle Principle and Logic ([(2+1)+1]IMP and [(2+1)+1]IML) alias “Tetrahedral”-IML (TIML)
(2) The [(N+1)+1]IML alias The Generalized IML (GIML)
(3) The GIML Sufficiency Conjecture (GIML-SC)
(4) The MetaLogics Tetrahedral Principle (hypothesis and prediction) (MLTP) based on GIML/TIML
(5) The SoftWare Tetrahedral Principle (hypothesis and prediction) (SWTP) based on MLTP
(6) The Physical_Information(PI)-Software Equivalence Principle (hypothesis) (PISEP) based on MLTP and SWTP
(7) The Physical_Observer (PO)-Software Equivalence Principle (hypothesis) based on a specific definition of software-on-software observing
(8) The Mind-Software Equivalence Principle (hypothesis) (MSEP)
(9) The Mature-TOE Definition (hypothesis and prediction) (MTOED)
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Research Interests:
Mathematical Physics, Logic And Foundations Of Mathematics, Quantum Computing, Physics, Theoretical Physics, and 36 more
The Golden Ratio(aka “golden mean”, “golden section” or “divine section”: standardly denoted with the capital Greek letter Phi) is the only positive (irrational) quadratic solution of the (minimal polynomial) x^2-x-1=0 equation, so that:... more
The Golden Ratio(aka “golden mean”, “golden section” or “divine section”: standardly denoted with the capital Greek letter Phi) is the only positive (irrational) quadratic solution of the (minimal polynomial) x^2-x-1=0 equation, so that: Phi=[sqrt(5)+1]/2.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate some aspects recently discovered by the author of this paper:
(0) a recursive geometrical method for constructing  Phi (inspired from the Taoist religious iconography), which is more simple and elegant than Odom’s method;
(1) an occurrence of Phi  in the water molecule geometry;
(2) a quasi-Pythagorean property of the (Phi,e,PI)  triad;
(3) some other interesting quasi-exact relations between the elements of the (Phi,e,PI) triad;
(4) the tendency of the human systolic/diastolic blood pressure ratio to stabilize to a value close to  Phi with age

Keywords: Golden Ratio/section/mean (Phi), Odom’s method, Taoist religious iconography, water molecule geometry, quasi-Pythagorean property, human blood pressure

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
In its Part B, the Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM) offers a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics: (1) The General (perfect) quantum entanglement (QE) Impossibility Conjecture... more
In its Part B, the Bio-Info-Digital Universe (toy-)Model (BIDUM) offers a couple of potential valid updates for the Standard model (SM) of particle physics:

(1) The General (perfect) quantum entanglement (QE) Impossibility Conjecture (GQEIC)
(2) The Physical Information(PI) -Time Indissolubility Principle (PITIP)
(3) The PI quantity (PIq) Definition (PIQD)
(4) The PI Meaning (significance) Relativity Principle (PIMRP)
(5) Non-Infinitesimal Time Hypothesis (NITH)
(6) The Finite Spacetime Elasticity of Hypothesis (FSTEH)
(7) The Time-based Quantum Gravity Hypothesis (TB-QGH) based on NITH
(8) A Cantor set representation of the evolution of a physical system
(9) The Multi-layered time hypothesis (MLTH)
(10) The (PI-based) SpaceTime Vacuum (STV) definition (STVD)
(11) The (PI-based) Fundamental Physical Field (FPF) Generalized Definition (FPF-GD)
(12) The (PI-based) Mind General Definition (MND-GD) based on the Mind-Software Equivalence Principle (MSEP) (proposed in BIDUM – part A)
(13) The Creator Mind Necessity Postulate (CMNP)
(14) The Infinite (number of) (inter)-Nested Creator-Minds Conjecture (INCM-C)
(15) The (dual/hybrid) Bio-Physical Meaning of Information (BPMI) in a Quantum Life-Compatible Universe (QLCU)
(16) Life as a (biological) Fundamental (physical) Field Hypothesis (LFFH)

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Research Interests:
This paper proposes a cyclic toy model of the universe predesigned for life, based on preonic quantized 1-branes (strings), quantized 2-branes (supermembranes/2D surfaces) and the holographic principle. This toy model is based on a few... more
This paper proposes a cyclic toy model of the universe predesigned for life, based on preonic quantized 1-branes (strings), quantized 2-branes (supermembranes/2D surfaces) and the holographic principle. This toy model is based on a few simple hypothesis/assumptions, including the existence of a universal brane quanta (conceived as a basic quantum clock) for any n-brane and a unified primordial field (UPF) defined as equivalent to a very strong 2D gravitational field acting on hypothetical quark/leptonic/bosonic 2-branes. * Part I. Brane quantization and a predicted correspondence between baryons and leptons Any periodic process in our universe which implies discrete/quantized changes of any quantum particle (QP) or n-brane can be considered a quantum clock (QC), no matter if a full cycle of that periodic process has a fixed or variable time duration QC t , which implies a fixed or variable angular frequency QC.

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Research Interests:
This paper proposes a cyclic toy model of the universe based on a quantized spacetime predesigned for life. This toy model is based on a few simple hypothesis/assumptions, including the existence of a spacetime global scaling factor (GSF)... more
This paper proposes a cyclic toy model of the universe based on a quantized spacetime predesigned for life. This toy model is based on a few simple hypothesis/assumptions, including the existence of a spacetime global scaling factor (GSF) and a gravity-like unified primordial field (UPF) acting between the voxels of a quantized spacetime.

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller,... more
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller, 1948; Salam, 1970; Bastin, 1971; Sirag, 1980, 1983; Sanchez, Kotov and Bizouard, 2009, 2011, 2012; Kritov, 2013). This paper brings to attention a plausible triple electro-gravito-informational significance of the fine structure constant, with its implications in a plausible four fields unification pattern at Planck scales and the existence of life forms in our universe: this triple significance is based on the existence of a unifying global scaling factor of nature which appears in a hypothetical fine tuning of both big G magnitude and all the non-zero rest masses of the all the elementary particles in the Standard Model. Furthermore, this paper also proposes dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH) stating that the 3D appearance of space (or the 4D nature of spacetime) may be actually explained by the relative magnitude of the photon quantum (angular) momentum (and the hypothetical graviton quantum momentum respectively) and this global scaling factor (GSF): DRH also includes a generalized electrograviton model (EGM) for any hypothetical graviton. This paper also proposes a set of strong (and very strong) gravity constants and a gravitational field varying with the energy (and length) scale, all with potential importance in the unification of the four fundamental fields. This paper also proposes: (1) a common unifying mechanism of generation for both gravitational mass and inertial mass; (2) a multiple big G hypothesis (in which every type of isotope has its own quantum big G imprint, slightly deviated from the empirical average of experimental G values determined in different experiments until now); (3) a preonic toy-model which predicts a bijective (one-to-one) correspondence between all known baryons and leptons. Each of these hypotheses/toy-models is a potential update for the Standard Model of particle physics.

Keywords: fine structure constant with triple electro-gravito-informational significance; unifying global scaling factor of nature; four fields unification; the Standard Model of particle physics; dimensional relativity hypothesis; electrograviton model; multiple big G hypothesis; preonic toy-model; baryon-lepton bijective correspondence; life forms

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This paper proposes a preonic toy model of quantum particles based on 1D branes (1-branes/strings), 2D branes (2-branes/supermembranes) and the holographic principle. This toy model is based on a few simple hypothesis/assumptions,... more
This paper proposes a preonic toy model of quantum particles based on 1D branes (1-branes/strings), 2D branes (2-branes/supermembranes) and the holographic principle. This toy model is based on a few simple hypothesis/assumptions, including the existence of a unified primordial field (UPF) defined as equivalent to a very strong 2D gravitational field acting on hypothetical quark/leptonic/bosonic 2-branes. This paper also proposes some mechanisms that may explain the non-zero rest masses of all known quarks, leptons and W/Z bosons.

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Research Interests:
This paper proposes a black-hole-associated Casimir effect (bhCE) possibly (and strongly) inhibiting Hawking radiation (HR) (and proposing an explanation on why HR wasn’t observed from far distances yet) and creating a spatial expansion... more
This paper proposes a black-hole-associated Casimir effect (bhCE) possibly (and strongly) inhibiting Hawking radiation (HR) (and proposing an explanation on why HR wasn’t observed from far distances yet) and creating a spatial expansion around any macro / micro (/quantum) black-hole which may plausibly drive the global accelerated expansion of our universe (AEOU). bhCE was firstly proposed in two past papers [23, 25] (with partially distinct arguments) and continues (from alternative angles of view and additional arguments) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics [1-36].

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Rezumat lung/Long abstract (in English) (with some highlighted abbreviations further used in this paper) This article proposes the concept of "undecided vote" / "(positive) abstention" (AB) printed on the ballot papers as a legitimate... more
Rezumat lung/Long abstract (in English) (with some highlighted abbreviations further used in this paper) This article proposes the concept of "undecided vote" / "(positive) abstention" (AB) printed on the ballot papers as a legitimate electoral option in any mature democratic constitution (also constitutional in Romania) thus demonstrating the unconstitutionality of Romanian electoral laws that do NOT explicitly provide this technical option (thus also demonstrating the necessity of correcting these laws) to print the “AB” option on all ballots, in all types of legitimate elections: this proposal is extended to any democracy in the world (NOT only to be applied in the Romanian democracy). The AB vote should NOT be confused with the blanc/null/spoiled vote [URL2] (which is a invalid/null vote that isn’t counted in the final total number of counted valid votes used to calculate the final percents of the elected). In Romania for example, deputies and senators have the right to use the countable AB option when voting in the Romanian Parliament, BUT normal citizens don’t have this AB option on the ballot papers when voting in various types of “democratic” elections: and that is clearly a cruel discrimination and a democratic / constitutional emergency which should be solved as soon as possible. ABT is sometimes called “positive abstention” (a ''none of the above'' textbox that should be printed on the ballot papers) is not a new idea (but an idea that has been around for a long time) and it is not part of the tradition of the British electoral system (BES) (but it is currently debated and the political parties from UK strongly opposed {as expected!} to this printed AB textbox, with the weak argument that it could lead to indecidabile electoral results) [URL1, URL2], although it should have been already a tradition in any (self-pretended as) mature form of democracy so that to respect the superior notion of free will of any human being (a principle that must be reflected / projected faithfully in any mature definition of the democratic vote). In France, a solution of also counting the blanc-votes and the absent voters (“abstentions” in the large sense) in the final total number of accounted votes (in any electoral process) is also a subject of hot debate. The so-called "ballot blanc," (or white ballot), has a long history as a protest vote in France since the French Revolution: in Emmanuel Macron’s election for example nearly 9% of voters cast blank or spoiled ballots (the highest percent ever since de Gaulle’s Fifth Republic was founded in 1958). According to a recent Ifop poll, 40% of French voters said they would cast a blank vote if it were recognized under the current French law. [URL] Other authors have also considered AB as a printable option on ballot papers [URL1, URL2]. Wisely, in September 2013, the Supreme Court of India (SCI) has ordered the Indian Election Commission to set up a “none of the above” button in electronic voting machines and that is a very encouraging precedent for all democracies worldwide [URL]: the chief justice of India P. G. Sathasivam (Chief Justice of SCI) said that such a step “is in the interest of democracy" as it will send out a “signal to political parties and candidates what voters think about them". SCI argued that “Not allowing a person to cast vote negatively defeats the very freedom of expression and the [constitutional] right ensured in Article 21 [of India’s Constitution], i.e., the right to liberty", which is a valid and very strong argument in my opinion. Furthermore, SCI stated that “Democracy is all about choice. This choice can be better expressed by giving the voters an opportunity to verbalize themselves unreservedly and by imposing least restrictions on their ability to make such a choice". In my opinion, this AB option proposed in this article (which was intuitively formulated by the author independently of SCI and other online sources) should be a must in any democracy worldwide and all the democratic constitutions should be adapted (together with electoral legislation) to accommodate this AB option (by clearly and explicitly defining the vote concept) and NOT viceversa. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: Rezumat lung (cu cateva abrevieri mai des folosite in acest document) Acest articol propune conceptul de “vot indecis”/”abtinere” (ABT) tiparit pe buletinele de vot ca optiune electorala legitima in orice constitutie democratica matura (o optiune constitutionala si in Romania), implicit demonstrand neconstitutionalitatea legilor electorale din Romania ce NU prevad explicit aceasta optiune tehnica (implicit demonstrand SI necesitatea corectarii acestor legi) de a tipari optiunea ABT pe toate buletinele de vot, in toate tipurile de scrutinuri legitime: aceasta propunere este extinsa la orice democratie din lume, NU numai in democratia din Romania.
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This paper proposes a very simple universe (toy-)model (UM) based on 2D spacetime branes (2DBs) (2DBUM or even more briefly “BUM”), considered here the basic structural units of both our objective and subjective universes: more... more
This paper proposes a very simple universe (toy-)model (UM) based on 2D spacetime branes (2DBs) (2DBUM or even more briefly “BUM”), considered here the basic structural units of both our objective and subjective universes: more specifically, these 2DBs are considered both the structural unit of the physical universe but also the unit-tool of knowledge (and knowability!) that any life form (LF) or non-living entity (NLE) is/may be capable of. This paper continues (from alternative angles of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics.
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And 71 more

I have published online over 150 papers until present, from which 38 papers on medicine (and biology in general): a list of these papers can be downloaded in pdf format from this link/URL. I have published online 18 volumes until present... more
I have published online over 150 papers until present, from which 38 papers on medicine (and biology in general): a list of these papers can be downloaded in pdf format from this link/URL. I have published online 18 volumes until present (2 vol. on physics, 1 vol. on math, 1 vol. of literature and 14 volumes of musical sheets).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper is a short summary of my Amazon book called "SUSYA-a SUSY alternative based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles". This book proposes a potentially viable... more
This paper is a short summary of my Amazon book called "SUSYA-a SUSY alternative based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles". This book proposes a potentially viable "out-of-the-box" alternative (called "SUSYA") to the currently known supersymmetry (SUSY) theory variants: SUSYA essentially proposes a new type of electrogravitational seesaw mechanism (ESM) applicable to all elementary particles (EPs); ESM is a new type of charge-based mass symmetry/"conjugation" between EPs which predicts the zero/non-zero rest masses of all known/unknown EPs, EPs that are "conjugated" in boson-fermion pairs sharing the same electromagnetic charge (EMC). ESM is actually derived from an extended zero-energy hypothesis (eZEH) which is essentially a conservation principle applied on zero-energy (assigned to the ground state of vacuum) that mainly states a general diophantine quadratic equation governing a form of ex-nihilo creation (of virtual pairs of EPs) and having a pair of conjugate boson-fermion mass solutions for each set of given coefficients. eZEH proposes a general formula for all the rest masses of all EPs from Standard model, also indicating the true existence of the graviton and a possible bijective connection between the three types of neutrinos (all predicted to be actually Majorana fermions) and the massless bosons (photon, gluon and the hypothetical graviton), between the electron/positron and the W boson, predicting at least three generations of leptoquarks (LQs) (defined here as the "mass-conjugates" of the three known generations of quarks) and predicting two distinct types of right-handed neutral massless (Majorana) fermions (NMFs) (modelled as mass-conjugates of the Higgs boson and Z boson respectively) which may be plausible constituents for a hypothetical lightest possible (hot fermionic) dark matter (LPDM) or, even more plausible, the main constituents of a superfluid fermionic vacuum/aether, as also proposed by the notorious Superfluid vacuum theory (SVT) (in which the physical vacuum is modeled as a bosonic/fermionic superfluid). SUSYA also predicts two hypothetical bosons defined as the ultra-heavy [1] bosonic mass-conjugates of the muon and tauon called here the “W-muonic boson” (Wmb/W’) and the “W-tauonic boson” (Wtb/W’’) respectively: Wmb and Wtb are predicted much heavier than the W boson and the Higgs boson so that Wmb and Wtb can be regarded as ultra-heavy charged Higgs bosons with their huge predicted rest energies defining the energy scale at which the electroweak field (EWF) may be unified with the Higgs field (HF). This paper continues (from an alternative angle of view) the work of other past articles/preprints of the same author in physics (cited in anti-chronological order, from the latest to the oldest).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This work proposes a supersymmetry alternative (SUSYA) based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles (predicted to be actually quantum black holes) and predicting a new type of... more
This work proposes a supersymmetry alternative (SUSYA) based on a newly proposed electro-gravitational seesaw mechanism applicable to all elementary particles (predicted to be actually quantum black holes) and predicting a new type of aether theory: SUSYA offers a profound bijective connection between bosons and fermions and predicts the existence of two additional right-handed Majorana massless neutrinos (moving at the speed of light) that can be two plausible candidates for the so-called hot dark matter or even for a dynamic inflationary superfluid aether/fermionic condensate.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
ISBN: 978-3-659-64507-5 In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929;... more
ISBN: 978-3-659-64507-5
In the last century, a small minority of physicists considered a hypothetical binary logarithmic connection between the large and the small constants of physics, which also implies a base-2 power law (Fürth, 1929; Eddington, 1938; Teller, 1948; Salam, 1970; Bastin, 1971; Sirag, 1980, 1983; Sanchez, Kotov and Bizouard, 2009, 2011, 2012; Kritov, 2013). This paper brings to attention a plausible triple electro-gravito-informational significance of the fine structure constant, with its implications in a plausible four fields unification pattern at Planck scales and the existence of life forms in our universe: this triple significance is based on the existence of a unifying global scaling factor of nature which appears in a hypothetical fine reciprocal tuning of both big G magnitude and all the non-zero rest masses of all the elementary particles in the Standard Model. Furthermore, this paper also proposes dimensional relativity hypothesis (DRH) stating that the 3D appearance of space (or the 4D nature of spacetime) may be actually explained by the relative magnitude of the photon quantum (angular) momentum (and the hypothetical graviton quantum momentum respectively) and this global scaling factor (GSF): DRH also includes a generalized electrograviton model (EGM) for any hypothetical graviton. This paper also proposes a set of strong (and very strong) gravity constants and a gravitational field varying with the energy (and length) scale, all with potential importance in the unification of the four fundamental fields. This paper also proposes: (1) a common unifying mechanism of generation for both gravitational mass and inertial mass; (2) a multiple big G hypothesis (in which every type of isotope has its own quantum big G imprint, slightly deviated from the empirical average of experimental G values determined in different experiments until now); (3) a preonic toy-model which predicts a bijective (one-to-one) correspondence between all known baryons and leptons; (4) the universal equivalence principles (an interpretation of the set of the universal constants known until present); (5) life phenomenon interpreted as a fundamental metaphysical field in a universe predesigned for life.

Each of these hypotheses/toy-models is a potential update for the Standard Model of particle physics.

Keywords: fine structure constant with triple electro-gravito-informational significance; unifying global scaling factor of nature; four fields unification; the Standard Model of particle physics; dimensional relativity hypothesis; electrograviton model; multiple big G hypothesis; preonic toy-model; baryon-lepton bijective correspondence; universal equivalence principles; life forms

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This work proposes the generalization of the binary (strong) Goldbach’s Conjecture (BGC), briefly called “the Vertical Binary Goldbach’s Conjecture” (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number of... more
This work proposes the generalization of the binary (strong) Goldbach’s Conjecture (BGC), briefly called “the Vertical Binary Goldbach’s Conjecture” (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number of conjectures stronger than BGC, which all apply on “iterative” primes with recursive prime indexes (named “i-primeths” in this article, as derived from the concept of generalized “primeths”, a term first introduced by N. J. A. Sloane and Robert G. Wilson in their “primeth recurrence” concept). VBGC was discovered by the author of this paper in 2007 and perfected (by computational verifications) until 2017 by using the arrays of matrices of Goldbach index-partitions (GIPs), which are a useful tool in studying BGC by focusing on prime indexes. This work also brings in a synthesized classification of some Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC) (including those which are “stronger” than BGC) and a new class of GLCs “stronger” than BGC, from which VBGC distinguishes as a very important conjecture of primes (with potential importance in the optimization of the BGC experimental verification and other possible theoretical and practical applications in mathematics and physics) and a very special self-similar property of the primes subset of positive integers. Keywords: Prime (number), primes with prime indexes aka prime-index primes (PIPs), i-primeths (i-PIPs), the Binary Goldbach Conjecture (BGC), Goldbach index-partition (GIP), Goldbach-like conjectures (GLC), the Vertical Binary Goldbach Conjecture (VBGC) as applied on i-primeths;

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
PREFACE BY THE AUTHOR This volume (with a title that can be translated as “My Soul, Your Highness [/ Your Grace]!”) recovers a great part of my youth poems (all written around the age of 18) which can be regarded as "castles" built in my... more
PREFACE BY THE AUTHOR This volume (with a title that can be translated as “My Soul, Your Highness [/ Your Grace]!”) recovers a great part of my youth poems (all written around the age of 18) which can be regarded as "castles" built in my imagination "sands" driven by the instinct of leaving something behind me: even if they existed just for an instant, they needed to be seen and felt, they just needed someone else's memory. It didn’t matter if the wind of time swept away those „sand-castles” after that: gaining a small place in a human soul means living forever. Poetry is more than a cat: as it can have thousands of possible readers , it can also have thousands of potential lives. Poetry is actually in all of us, it's our dark inner side…which needs to be lighted step-by-step. Most of the poems contained in this volume are written in Romanian and contain metaphors hard to be inteligibly translated by Google Translate (a note for possible readers who don’t understand Romanian). There are only four poems in English (“The Suns in Her Cheeks…”, “Nocturnal Ways to the Death of a Young”, “Soul-Written Miniatures in Words…as Poem-Drops”, “My Souly Soul”) and one poetry in French („Les Soleils de Ses Joues…” [“The Suns in Her Cheeks…”]) translated from my Romanian poem called “Sorii din obraji ei…”. Most of the poems contained in this volume were also published online between 2001 and 2007 on a well-known poetry-dedicated Romanian website ( and can be found at this URL: This volume also contains three sci-fi sketches (written around the age of 20) and a movie script (dating from 2008, when I was 26-years old), all in Romanian too. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
===================================================================== CUVÂNT INTRODUCTIV AL AUTORULUI Acest volum intitulat „Suflete, Măria ta!” recuperează o mare parte din poeziile mele de tinerețe (toate scrise în jurul vârstei de 18 ani), poezii ce pot fi comparate cu niște “castele” construite în „nisipul” imaginației mele, scrise din instinctul de a lăsa ceva în urmă, chiar și doar pentru o clipă, cât să fie văzute și simțite de alții, în a căror memorie să își facă mici cuiburi, necontând dacă vântul timpului le-ar fi spulberat apoi. A câștiga chiar și un loc mic într-un suflet însemna pentru mine atunci a trăi pentru totdeauna. Priveam poezia ca pe o pisică cu mii de cititori posibili și implicit mii de vieți potențiale. Poezia locuiește de fapt în noi toți, deseori în partea noastră ascunsă, întunecată... ce trebuie doar luminată treptat. Majoritatea poeziilor din acest volum sunt scrise în limba română și conțin metafore greu de tradus inteligibil în limba engleza cu serviciul Google Translate (aviz pentru posibilii cititori necunoscători ai limbii române). Volumul cuprinde doar patru poezii în limba engleză („The Suns in Her Cheeks ...” [„Sorii din obrajii ei”], „Nocturnal Ways to the Death of a Young” [„Cărări nocturne către moartea unui tânăr”], „Soul-Written Miniatures in Words… as Poem-Drops” [„Miniaturi scrise cu sufletul în cuvinte, în chip de picături poetice”], „My Souly Soul” [„Sufletul sufletului meu”]) și o traducere în limba franceză („Les Soleils de Ses Joues ...” [“The Suns in Her Cheeks…”]) a poeziei mele „Sorii din obrajii ei”. Majoritatea poeziilor din acest volum au fost publicate și online între 2001 și 2007 pe un cunoscut site românesc dedicat poeziei ( și pot fi găsite la acest link: Această carte conține de asemenea și trei schițe SF (scrise tot în jurul vârstei de 20 de ani) și un scenariu de film (datând din 2008, când aveam 26 de ani), toate în limba română.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Piano Solo, Piano/Vocal/Chords, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Organ, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Woodwind Trio, Woodwind Quartet, Trumpet, Violin, String Duet, String Trio, Piano Trio,... more
Piano Solo, Piano/Vocal/Chords, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Organ, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Woodwind Trio, Woodwind Quartet, Trumpet, Violin, String Duet, String Trio, Piano Trio, String Quartet, Marimba, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Guitar, String Orchestra, Recorder, Soprano Recorder - Early Intermediate
Composed by Andrei-Lucian Dr?goi (Dragoi). Baroque Period, Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European, Children's Music. Lead Sheet. 58 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175047).

Item Number: S0.175047

I am a Romanian composer. This is my first musical album of lead sheets (the 1st edition published in Romanian). I have called this "multi-instrumental" because each piece is transposed in 4 different keys (C or Am, F or Dm, G or Em and D or Bm) so that it can be easily played using a large palette of musical instruments (mainly: piano, guitar, ukulele, flute, block-flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone). The lead sheet format allows the freedom to create arrangements in any combination of instruments. This volume also has an Addendum (called "Anexe" [Anexes]) with all the main chords used in this album, each with some rhythmic examples.

Some piano arrangements of this musical miniatures can be found in audio format on this personal blog page:

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
Piano Solo, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Trumpet, Violin, Guitar, Recorder, Soprano Recorder - Intermediate Composed by Andrei-Lucian Dr?goi (Dragoi).... more
Piano Solo, Easy Piano, Piano Accompaniment, Harpsichord, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Woodwind Duet, Trumpet, Violin, Guitar, Recorder, Soprano Recorder - Intermediate
Composed by Andrei-Lucian Dr?goi (Dragoi). Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European, Recital. Individual Part, Lead Sheet, Piano Reduction, Solo Part. 63 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175051).

Item Number: S0.175051

I am a Romanian composer. This is my first musical album for piano solo (the 1st edition published in Romania, in 2012). This album addresses to (early) intermediate level piano players and contains 15 miniatures for piano solo. The melodies of these pieces also contain the harmonic lines so that to encourage improvisation and added/alternative guitar accompaniments.

The separate lead sheets for 10 of these pieces can also be found on my other album called: “Multi-instrumental musical album - volume 1, edition I (lead sheets) (Album muzical poli-instrumental, volume 1, edition I) (Romanian language edition)”.

The mp3 sample is an audio variant of the miniature “Mic dans cu aroma irlandeza” (“Little Irish-flavored dance”) from this album.

All the miniatures from this album can be listened in audio format on this personal blog page:

I have marked more instruments that piano solo because each piece is written so that it can also be played in duets (piano-woodwind/strings duo, guitar-woodwind/strings duo) and trio/quartets (piano-guitar-woodwind/-strings)

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
Guitar - Intermediate Composed by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (Drăgoi). Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European. Individual Part, Score, Set of Parts, Solo Part. 52 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175621). Item Number: S0.175621 I am... more
Guitar - Intermediate
Composed by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (Drăgoi). Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European. Individual Part, Score, Set of Parts, Solo Part. 52 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175621).
Item Number: S0.175621
I am a Romanian composer. This is the second published album for guitar solo and duo which contains 17 miniatures, exposed in a relative ascending order of interpretation difficulty level.
Audio link:

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
Guitar - Intermediate Composed by Andrei Lucian Dragoi. Baroque Period, Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European. Score, Solo Part. 68 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175615). I am a Romanian composer. This is my first published... more
Guitar - Intermediate
Composed by Andrei Lucian Dragoi. Baroque Period, Neo-Classical, Repertoire, European. Score, Solo Part. 68 pages. Published by Andrei Lucian Dragoi (S0.175615).
I am a Romanian composer. This is my first published album for guitar solo which contains 35 miniatures, exposed in a relative ascending order of interpretation difficulty level.

#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
My name is Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi and I am an MD pediatrician specialist (I practice at the Emergency County Hospital in Targoviste, Dambovita county, Romania), an amateur composer (former collaborator of the Romanian Doctors' Orchestra... more
My name is Andrei-Lucian Drăgoi and I am an MD pediatrician specialist (I practice at the Emergency County Hospital in Targoviste, Dambovita county, Romania), an amateur composer (former collaborator of the Romanian Doctors' Orchestra "dr. Ermil Nichifor").
My online guest book:
My YouTube channel as an amateur composer:
My SMP account of original scores and arrangements:
I’ve published 10 audio albums until present (which represent the first cycle of albums audio in the world interpreted almost entirely by an artificial intelligence software called "Note Performer 3" (NP3), a great technical conquest and a great help for all composers.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 10th (in chronological order) audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. IV ("Violin Concerto in E minor") ("Concert pentru vioară și orchestra in mi minor") (“The Sad Seasons of Humankind”/”Anotimpurile triste ale... more
This is my 10th (in chronological order) audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. IV ("Violin Concerto in E minor") ("Concert pentru vioară și orchestra in mi minor") (“The Sad Seasons of Humankind”/”Anotimpurile triste ale umanității”) (E minor[160bpm] - A minor[100bpm] - D minor[100bpm] - E minor[140 bpm])>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 9th officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. IV ("Effigies")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical... more
This is my 9th officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. IV ("Effigies")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 8th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. III ("Piano Concerto in C minor")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only... more
This is my 8th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. III ("Piano Concerto in C minor")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 7th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. II ("Musical Reveries")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial... more
This is my 7th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. II ("Musical Reveries")>> which is entirely composed by me and integrally interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 4th officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. I (”The Escape from Myself”)>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine... more
This is my 4th officially released audio album called <<My Symphonic Music - vol. I (”The Escape from Myself”)>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 6th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume II (“Love Stories and Other Wonders”)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only... more
This is my 6th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume II (“Love Stories and Other Wonders”)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 5th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume I (A Musical Rainbow)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial... more
This is my 5th (in chronological order) officially released audio album called <<My Piano Solo Music - volume I (A Musical Rainbow)>> which is entirely composed by me and mainly interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). For the full album of scores see URLs [1a & 1b, 2]. For an “Electric harp” version of this album see URL. Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 3rd officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. III ("The Botanical Garden ")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine... more
This is my 3rd officially released audio album called <<My Chamber Music - vol. III ("The Botanical Garden ")>> which is entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). Have a nice, inspired audition!
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 2nd officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. II ("Angelic and demonic")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical... more
This is my 2nd officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. II ("Angelic and demonic")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). See also the YouTube Music page of this album and NotePerformer3 URL:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my 1st officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. I ("Synapses")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation... more
This is my 1st officially released audio album called "My Chamber Music - vol. I ("Synapses")" entirely composed by me and interpreted by Note Performer 3 (the only Artificial Intelligence-based playback engine for musical notation worldwide). See also the Amazon iMusician promo of this album and NotePerformer3 URL:
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
As a graduate of BA and MA in Fine Arts and Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest, Romania, during 2002 and 2008, I have been seeking technics of expression in visuals and ways to enrich my experience in both unlimited visual... more
As a graduate of BA and MA in Fine Arts and Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest, Romania, during 2002 and 2008, I have been seeking technics of expression in visuals and ways to enrich my experience in both unlimited visual areas in order to define the long road in life throughout fine arts and applied graphics. For me, the most suitable path in visual arts is to combine in a way the ability to draw with media, to expand all my the knowledge that I could achieve during college and afterward. As a professional, in almost 3 years and a half of experience in Graphic Design in different companies, I have complied with different specific tasks in the field, especially in conceiving logos, booklets, posters, preparing documents for print production, and, most importantly, I learned to organize myself in order to fulfill short deadlines as I acquired much experience in using advanced technics within Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Corel Draw.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This paper is a portfolio/catalog of my original graphical works and continues our familial activity in visual arts (listed in the chronological order of their creation) [1]. Each graphical work is presented as a table containing not only... more
This paper is a portfolio/catalog of my original graphical works and continues our familial activity in visual arts (listed in the chronological order of their creation) [1]. Each graphical work is presented as a table containing not only that piece but also important information on its creation: the title, the approximate date of its creation, the paper size, and the graphical technique used plus various observations and explanations on that work. Approximate date of creation (and my age then): Paper size: A4 (portrait/landscape) The graphical technique used: Various observations and explanations on the work: ** The graphical works contained in this portfolio/catalog, listed in the approximate chronological order of their creation. * [1] Approximate date of creation (and my age then): 2001 (19 years-old) Paper size: A4 (portrait) The graphical technique used: Chemical pencil and spread dust of such chemical pencil Various observations and explanations on the work: The central motif is a recorder (a motif which is used to build the harp, the pan flute emerging from the piano keys etc). The background scene contains many other instruments (like the piano, guitar, harp, cello, balalaika etc) and a large human hand (with instrument-shaped fingers) playing the keys of another mountain-like keyboard from the right-side (diametrally opposed to the one from the left-side of the picture).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
My CV in English written in Research Gate format.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
Research Interests:
This is my CV in non-standard RG format (in English language) - in short variant (7 A4 pages). #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:... more
This is my CV in non-standard RG format (in English language) - in short variant (7 A4 pages).
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:
This is my CV in standard Europass format (in Romanian language) - in short variant (6 A4 pages) with recommendations. #DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at:... more
This is my CV in standard Europass format (in Romanian language) - in short variant (6 A4 pages) with recommendations.
#DONATIONS. Anyone can donate for dr. Dragoi’s independent research and original music at: