01/6​What is the 90-30-50 diet plan?​

The 90-30-50 diet plan is a structured approach to eating that focuses on specific macronutrient percentages for daily intake: 90% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 50% fat. This diet plan has garnered attention due to its multiple health benefits. However, like many diets, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons associated with this diet plan.


02/6​Balanced intake of macronutrients​

​Balanced intake of macronutrients​

One of the key benefits of the 90-30-50 diet plan is its emphasis on a balanced intake of macronutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats play crucial roles in the body's functions, and this diet aims to provide a balanced proportion of each. By ensuring an adequate intake of these nutrients, you might feel you have better and sustained energy levels throughout the day.


03/6​Consumption of healthy fats​

​Consumption of healthy fats​

People planning to lose weight may eliminate all high-in-fat foods from their diet. However, healthy dietary fats are essential for energy and cell function. They also protect your organs and help keep your body warm. Fats also produce important hormones. Unlike many other trendy diets, this diet plan encourages the consumption of healthy fats. Eating foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil can contribute to heart health and may even help in weight management by promoting satiety.


04/6​Helps in weight loss​

​Helps in weight loss​

Some people find success with this diet plan when it comes to weight management. The balance of macronutrients, in particular, may help some individuals regulate their appetite, control cravings, and manage their weight more effectively than other dietary approaches.

Read more: 5 foods that increase iron levels in women


05/6​People who should not follow this plan​

​People who should not follow this plan​

For some individuals, especially those with specific health conditions or metabolic issues, this macronutrient distribution might not be suitable. High-fat diets may not align with certain medical recommendations, such as those for individuals with cardiovascular concerns or high cholesterol levels. It is best to consult your nutritionist or doctor before trying this diet plan, especially if you have any pre-existing health condition.


06/6​Might be difficult to follow​

​Might be difficult to follow​

Another downside is difficulty in adhering to such a specific macronutrient ratio. Calculating and maintaining precise percentages of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in every meal can be challenging and time-consuming, making it less practical for some individuals to follow in the long term. This level of strictness might lead to feelings of restriction, making it unsustainable for many people.
