Mwafrika Mufungizi’s Post

View profile for Mwafrika Mufungizi, graphic

Full-Stack Developer |JavaScript |React |TypeScript |TailwindCSS |Redux |Node.js |REST APIs |Nest.js |Express.js |Ruby |Rails |PostgreSQL |Laravel

I am pleased to announce that I have completed the react IQ Skills test on Pluralsight: #react #pluralsight #IQ #iqskillstest

  • React IQ  Skills Test
Benjamin Kiarie

Ruby Developer | A witty software engineer who loves beautiful designs and elegant code | Spinning magic with Ruby on Rails and producing coding solutions that sparkle like a gem!


91... That's impressive.

Guillain Bisimwa

Full Stack Developer proficient with JavaScript, Python, React/Redux, Ruby/Rails, SQL, HTML/CSS. I am open to new opportunities and challenges.


Mastery score

Ammar Hamlaoui

Frontend Developer - React, JavaScript, Typescript | Backend Developer - Ruby on Rails, Redux, PostgreSQL | Fullstack Developer | Software Developer


That's an amazing score!

Chancelin Kaharamba

Front-end Developer JavaScript (React)


The craziest score!! congratulations 👏

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