Ultra’s Ramblings: The Johnny Test Character Tierlist


While I’m thinking of ideas for what I wanna draw next (And waiting for someone to order a commission from me) I feel like revisiting an old meme of mine from last year. As many of the people I hang out with know, I actually like Johnny Test. Sure, the original series was mediocre at best (At least in the later seasons), but it’s a series I’m familiar with and have been for many years. After the warm reception the Netflix revival got with its two seasons, I’m hoping that it gets a continuation. For now, I’m revamping the tierlist I made for the JT cast, along with adding in a few new faces from season 2 of the revival. And to make this more exciting, I’m gonna lay down a ranking system where I write down the tier of each character within. Some of these guys are in the upper tiers because they’re my favorites outta this bunch of characters. And with some of the others… Let’s just say that I don’t have anything nice to say about them…at all.

We’re gonna be going from bottom to top in terms of the tiers, that way, I can mentally wash the Tickler from my mind…Speaking of which…

The “Why do you exist?” Tier: Hoo boy, this is gonna start rough. I know that I can be a bit crazy when it comes to the series, especially with the V-Twins, but the Tickler? His mere existence just feels wrong to me. Not only spouting a creepy and unappealing design (He just looks like a worse version of Wacko, if we’re being honest), his main thing is tickling, and I’m not referring to tickling as a comedy aspect, I mean a full-on OBSESSION with it, as if the writers themselves had some sort of tickling fetish (Yes, for those new to this site, that’s a thing). Like Wacko before him, the Tickler wanted to get rid of kids, this time targeting Johnny and his sisters. So, how does he do it? Why, by kidnapping the Twins by spiking their ice cream, locking them in his basement, and starts to tickle torture them… Yeah, that just screams “creepy old man”, and that’s coming from a weirdo like me. I have no idea what the writers were even thinking when they wrote the only episode that this creep appeared in. It says something when the nerd who was majorly obsessed with the V-Twins is disturbed by the Ticker. Seriously, I don’t mean to kink shame, but why is tickling a fetish!? It’s supposed to be all innocent and all, not whatever the Tickler tried to carry out. I’m honestly glad he never came back after his episode, because sheesh, he’s one of the few characters in any sort of media that I actually hate, and I don’t go out of my way to hate a character. He frankly should’ve never happened.

The Just Terrible Tier: As much as I don’t wanna be all negative, I still got 5 more characters I feel ill about, so let’s just get this part over with. The Truant Officer is the least offending of these guys, because I still don’t like him, he was just trying to do his job. Still, that ain’t savin’ him from the confines of this list. Wacko is less bad than his creepo brother, it’s just how the later episodes have portrayed him as a flat character. That’s the reason why he’s here, he just feels more bland than he was in earlier seasons, and the fact that his motivation for hating and targeting children is never explained. Monty Butterworth is just an unpleasant little twerp, Evil Johnny from the short-lived Lost Web Series feels bland and unnecessary, and Hugh? I could mention how he’s a cheap, abusive jerk, but what hasn’t the internet said that’s been already said?

The Meh Tier: Honestly, I don’t have much to say about these peeps. They’re either boring, not that interesting, don’t have enough to stand out, or haven’t thought alot about. I know that there are people out there who like some of these guys, but to be frank, I don’t have enough to say about them. Take Xeandra, for example. She’s just the JT equivalent of Kristen Stewart, that’s basically it for her. She doesn’t get enough lines or screen time in her only episode (Then again, when you have the V-Twins stealing the show, she didn’t stand much of a chance). I’m starting to get bored of these guys, so let’s move on!

The Nice Tier (>:]): Alright, now this is where we’re getting into the good ones. For starters, I like the main 4, they’re cool in my book. And speaking as such, while they’re not as high as their vampiric selves, normal Susan and Mary are still good characters. As for Bling Bling? After seeing all of the memes about him, I’m not as keen on putting in with the bangers, but he’s still iconic, so he has that going for him. The other characters here, like Brain Freezer, Gil, Joni and Dutchy, for example, they’re pretty good in my book. However, as much as I like these guys, they’re still in second place, and for a good reason…

The ABSOLUTE BANGERS Tier: Now this is where things get spicy, and in a good way! Starting off with the Vampire Twins (Especially with V-Mary), if anyone here knows even a slight pinch of me, you all knew this was comin’ from a mile away!  They’re honestly some of the most fun characters I’ve seen, given how much I’ve been talking about them for years. But, they’re not alone at the top, JT was kind enough to provide a whole list of bangers, both in the original series, and in the revival. Zizar, Mr. Mittens, and Albert are my favorite villains from the series, the two dinosaurs and Senor Crabo from the revival’s second season are bangers in their own right (Helps that I really love crabs), Gameroid is a nice tribute to tokusatsu and kaiju, Mr. Black and Mr. White are basically memetic legends at this point (The former did blew up Malaysia, after all), Repto Slicer is a whole weapon in his own right (Literally, in his case), Lila is a spicy kind of hot, and so on and so forth

And there we go, a nice, solid, updated tierlist of the cast of the JT universe! Sure, there are many more characters than these guys, but most of them would just remain in Meh tier, so I’ll leave it at that. And if you have an opinion of your own that you wanna let out, comment down below and I’ll be happy to answer your question, and if you wanna make your own tierlist, be sure to click here. I’m just glad we didn’t went through a single whip crack during this whole thi-



  1. rominadrawsart16 said: I’m right there with ya buddy, I’m happy that the Tickler didn’t came back💀
  2. mrultra100 reblogged this from mrultra100
  3. mrultra100 said: Glad my ridiculous sense of humor and my hatred of the Tickler appeased ya
  4. christophertheimaginative said: This tier list is so hilarious! 😃🤣