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If you find yourself wondering who A.K.I. is, you’re not the only one. The name has been thrown around a lot but the character isn’t currently on the Street Fighter 6 roster. So who is she?

A.K.I. is the first DLC character that is set to join the roster as part of the Year 1 DLC. Despite being the first DLC, however, she has remained an overall mystery compared to Rashid, who is set to come out later this year. This is because Rashid is a returning favorite while A.K.I. has never appeared in a fighting game before.

A.K.I. Appearance

A.K.I. is a fighter from China that has strikingly pale skin against a black leather outfit. Poofy white hair with an angled cut gives her a modern look.

Early artwork also shows very long fingernails, which could be the source of her fighting style. It’s rumored that she will have a very close-range fighting style and fast-paced combos using her claws.

A.K.I. Personality and Lore

A.K.I. is still a complete mystery. When she drops in summer of 2023, she will be dropped into the World Tour as well. This will allow you to dive deeper into her lore and find out what inspires her to fight.

All Year 1 DLC Fighters

A.K.I. is not the only fighter that’s coming out as part of the Year 1 DLC. This pack includes four characters that are coming out over the course of the next year.

SF6 year 1 DLC akuma

The first is A.K.I., who is coming out in the autumn of 2023. This could be any day now. She is looking to be an agile and fierce fighter who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty.

Then there’s Rashid, who uses a blend of parkour and air mastery to take down opponents in style. He is looking mighty powerful since his debut in Street Fighter 5, leaving some pros wondering if he will shake up Evo 2023 when he is launched in the summer.

The next fighter to join will be Ed, who doesn’t have a release date. He became playable for the first time in Street Fighter 5, introducing Psycho Power to a traditional boxing style. While it’s unclear how he will play in Street Fighter 6, the blonde, cocky fighter was known for performing his special attacks differently than everyone else (pressing multiple buttons together or pressing buttons repeatedly).

The last fighter in the Year 1 DLC pack is Akuma. While originally inspired by an April Fool’s joke, Akuma has become a fan-favorite for his cold and powerful personality as well as his offensive-focused raw attack power. In Street Fighter 6, he will sport a topknot in his mane, which is entirely white, and he has black prayer beads around his neck.