Formular înregistrare Agile Mammoths Games

    Detalii persoană fizică

    Taxă participare Conferință 28 Martie - early bird (31 decembrie)

    Taxă participare Training 29 Martie - early bird (31 decembrie)

    Taxă participare Conferință + Training: 28 - 29 Martie - early bird (31 decembrie)

    Taxă participare Training 29 - 30 Martie - early bird (31 decembrie)

    * Datele cu caracter personal furnizate sunt folosite pentru finalizarea procesului de înscriere, detalii logistice și sunt folosite în scopul emiterii facturii/contractului.

    Termeni și condiții

    Acest formular de înregistrare constituie un contract de vânzare-cumpărare de natură juridică între Colors in Projects SRL, denumit în continuare Furnizor, şi participantul la curs, denumit în continuare Client. Prin completarea şi trimiterea acestui formular, toate condițiile de mai jos sunt acceptate de comun acord şi cu bună-credinţă.

    Termeni și condiții

    1. Taxe: Taxa de înregistrare cuprinde contravaloarea materialelor de curs, pauzele de cafea și prânzul, dar exclude cheltuielile de cazare şi de călătorie. Cursul de schimb valutar EUR/RON/GBP este cursul de schimb BNR la data emiterii facturii.
    2. Condiții de plată: După primirea formularului de înregistrare, toate plăţile trebuie făcute în termen de 5 (cinci) zile lucrătoare. Toate plăţile trebuie să fie încasate înainte de începerea cursului. După înregistrare, plata trebuie executată conform condițiilor din prezentul Contract, indiferent de participarea sau neparticiparea ulterioară la curs. În cazul în care o parte a prețului stabilit în acest Contract reprezintă obiectul unor taxe naționale, locale, sau TVA, Furnizorul îşi rezervă dreptul de a adăuga aceste taxe la factura finală sau de a recupera sumele de la Client din momentul în care devin exigibile.
    3. Anularea / Înlocuirea: Orice anulare primită în mai puțin de 2 zile lucrătoare înainte de curs presupune o obligație de plată din partea Clientului de 100%. Nu se va face nicio restituire, restituirea parţială sau orice ofertă alternativă. Înlocuirea unui participant este permisă prin furnizarea unui aviz în scris către Furnizor, nu mai târziu de 2 zile lucrătoare înainte de curs. Prin semnarea acestui formular de înregistrare clientul este de acord că, în caz de litigiu sau anulare, Furnizorul nu va fi capabil să își reducă pierderile cu mai puțin de 50% din valoarea totală a contractului. Dacă, din orice motiv Furnizorul decide să amâne sau să anuleze evenimentul, Furnizorul nu este responsabil pentru acoperirea biletului de avion, hotelului sau orice alt cost suportat de către Client.
    4. Despăgubire: Furnizorul îşi rezervă dreptul de a modifica conținutul, data și locația cursului, dacă circumstanţele o cer. În astfel de cazuri nu se va aplica nicio penalizare și nu se va face nici o restituire, restituire parţială, sau ofertă alternativă. În cazul în care Furnizorul anulează permanent cursul din orice motiv şi cu condiţia ca acesta să nu fi fost amânat sau coroborat cu orice alt eveniment la o dată ulterioară, Clientul va primi plata integrală în termen de 14 zile lucrătoare de la data iniţială propusă a cursului.
    5. Drepturi de autor: Toate drepturile de proprietate intelectuală în toate materialele produse şi distribuite de către Furnizor sunt rezervate în mod expres şi orice multiplicare, publicare sau distribuire neautorizată este interzisă fără acordul scris al Furnizorului.

    Sunt de acord cu termenii și condițiile exprimate mai sus

    General data protection regulation (GDPR)

    În conformitate cu dispozițiile Regulamentului general privind protecția datelor (GDRP), vă solicităm consimțământul pentru folosirea datelor primite în scopul trimiterii de newsletere. Vă informăm că aveți dreptul să vă retrageți oricând consimțământul printr-un simplu e-mail.

    Sunt de acord cu folosirea datelor personale

    Join us for an exciting Agile PM event with an Avengers-themed twist, perfect for those who are passionate about injecting fun into their work.

    With a focus on “experiential learning” and elements of “playful design,” our event promises a unique journey. Participants will step into the world of the Avengers, taking on “missions” like Earth’s mightiest heroes, solving “mysteries” as they assemble, and deciphering “secrets” just like the superheroes do. Participants will embark on a distinctive adventure, acquiring knowledge through the completion of “tasks,” unraveling “enigmas,” and decoding “hidden knowledge.”

    Will be a great experience for superheroes like You!

    Agile Mammoths Games 2024

    The Story of Agile Mammoths Games 2024

    The Agile Avengers: Unleashing Superhero PotentialWelcome, brave heroes, to a day unlike any other. Today, you’re not just attendees; you are the Agile Avengers, a team of extraordinary individuals chosen to embark on a critical mission…

    Read more

    Cliff Hazell

    Keynote Speaker – Cliff Hazell, Agile Coach, Co-Founder at Flight Levels Academy

    Over the course of two decades, Cliff Hazell has made a career out of breaking down the obstacles that stand in the way of great work. He challenges the status quo in his quest to develop the right culture and systems for creation of excellent companies and products.

    After a tour of addresses across South Africa, Cliff moved to Sweden where he led a team of coaches at Spotify for 4 years as the company grew from 700 to 5000 people. Having co-founded the Flight Levels Academy in 2019, he now coaches private clients who are scaling up rapidly and guides them to create focus, find leverage, and build habits.

    Cliff Hazell

    Keynote Speaker –Paul Klipp , Agile & Product Coach

    Paul Klipp is an agile coach, trainer, and speaker with over twenty years’ experience in various IT roles spanning multiple industries on three continents.

    He founded the oldest Ruby on Rails web development company in the world, one of the first online tools for distributed Kanban and the first agile conference in Poland. If this web page looks a little dated, it’s because I’m creating it myself, using only the technologies that I am comfortable with, and no templates.


    DAY 1 Conference Day
    location09:00 – 09:15

    Your journey begins here

    location09:15 – 10.00
    location 10:00 – 10.30

    Strategizing & Coffee Break

    location 10:30 – 12.30
    Agile Workshop

    Story Points Unleashed: The Agile Estimation Experience

    Agile Workshop

    Team Topologies and Ways of interaction

    Agile Workshop

    Scrum Master Dojo


    Navigate Change: Embrace Life’s Shifts, Power Up Your Team

    Agile Lego Game

    Brick by Brick

    Board Game

    Before Mars

    Kanban Quest

    Exploring Knowledge Work through Play

    Agile Talks

    6 x 15 min speeches

    Agile Workshop Agile Workshop Agile Workshop Workshop Agile Lego Game Board Game Kanban Quest Agile Talks
    location10:30 – 12.30 Story Points Unleashed: The Agile Estimation Experience

    Dan Suciu

    Team Topologies and Ways of interaction

    Sînziana Popa

    Scrum Master Dojo

    Florian Georgescu

    Navigate Change: Embrace Life’s Shifts, Power Up Your Team

    Ruxandra Banici

    Brick by Brick

    Roxana Stăneiu & Cristina Dragomir

    Before Mars

    Bogdan Moineagu

    Exploring Knowledge Work through Play

    Paul Klipp

    6 x 15 min speeches
    location12:30 – 13.30

    Strategizing & Lunch break

    Menti MissionSponsor
    Interview Mission

    location 13:30 – 15.30
    Agile Coaching

    World Café Conversations for Solutions and Strategies

    Agile Workshop

    Team Topologies and Ways of interaction

    Agile Workshop

    Contracts, the silent killer of delivery

    Mindfulness Workshop

    Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence for Agile Avenger Teams

    Agile Lego Game

    Brick by Brick

    Board Game

    Before Mars

    Agile Simulation

    Scrum vs. Kanban 2 – Mining in Wakanda

    Agile Talks

    6 x 15 min speeches

    Agile Coaching Agile Workshop Agile Workshop Mindfulness Workshop Agile Lego Game Board Game Agile Simulation Agile Talks
    location13:30 – 15.30

    World Café Conversations for Solutions and Strategies

    Bogdan Mureșan

    Team Topologies and Ways of interaction

    Sînziana Popa

    Contracts, the silent killer of delivery

    Emanuel Martonca

    Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence for Agile Avenger Teams

    Nicoleta Pfeffer-Barbela

    Brick by Brick

    Roxana Stăneiu & Cristina Dragomir

    Before Mars

    Bogdan Moineagu

    Scrum vs. Kanban 2 – Mining in Wakanda

    Sergiu Pocan

    6 x 15 min speeches
    location15:30– 15.45

    Coffee Break

    location15:45– 16.30 Keynote Speaker – Paul Klipp: We’re all coaches (en)
    location16.30 – 17:00

    Retrospective & Awards – Who are our champions?

    DAY 2 Post Conference – Trainings March 29
    location 09:00 – 17.00
    Introduction to Flight Levels 2.0


    All teams need to collaborate with others, and have dependencies which can’t be resolved by or within the team. When we focus on teams alone doesn’t fix our bigger issues, and limits our impact on the business as a whole. Instead if we look at the org as teams of teams operating together, we can find higher leverage improvements.

    Cliff Hazell

    Building Products – From Vision to Commitments

    Will lead participants to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills required to provide a relevant roadmap and accurate estimations for their release plan so that they can move from vision to commitments. Will strengthen their abilities to plan and adapt a release in Agile environments.

    Bogdan Mureșan

    POWER SKILLS – Navigating through the SDI multiverse….

    A great introduction to knowing yourself and collaborating effectively with others. The workshop is based on Strengths Deployment Inventory ® (SDI), a powerful and effective tool for understanding the motives and values that drive behaviours.

    Alexandru Ionescu

    location09:00 – 17.00
    Introduction to Flight Levels 2.0


    All teams need to collaborate with others, and have dependencies which can’t be resolved by or within the team. When we focus on teams alone doesn’t fix our bigger issues, and limits our impact on the business as a whole. Instead if we look at the org as teams of teams operating together, we can find higher leverage improvements.

    Cliff Hazell

    Building Products – From Vision to Commitments

    Will lead participants to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills required to provide a relevant roadmap and accurate estimations for their release plan so that they can move from vision to commitments. Will strengthen their abilities to plan and adapt a release in Agile environments.

    Bogdan Mureșan

    POWER SKILLS – Navigating through the SDI multiverse….

    A great introduction to knowing yourself and collaborating effectively with others. The workshop is based on Strengths Deployment Inventory ® (SDI), a powerful and effective tool for understanding the motives and values that drive behaviours.

    Alexandru Ionescu

    DAY 2 & 3 Training March 29 – 30
    location 09:00 – 17.00
    SAFe® TRAINING – The evolution of the Scrum Master role in Agile scaling

    A dynamic, interactive and practical workshop, designed for the specialists who want to learn more about being a Scrum Master.
    Theory is combined with practice and participants are introduced the Scrum methodology and its Lean foundations. Then the role of Scrum Master is discussed from all its multiple perspectives: servant leadership, change agent, communication hub, methodology enabler, PO stewardship and organizational support…

    Trainer: Sînziana Popa

    location09:00 – 17.00

    SAFe® TRAINING – The evolution of the Scrum Master role in Agile scaling

    A dynamic, interactive and practical workshop, designed for the specialists who want to learn more about being a Scrum Master.
    Theory is combined with practice and participants are introduced the Scrum methodology and its Lean foundations. Then the role of Scrum Master is discussed from all its multiple perspectives: servant leadership, change agent, communication hub, methodology enabler, PO stewardship and organizational support…

    Trainer: Sînziana Popa


    Infinity Stones Supporter


    Agile Avengers Supporter


    Agile Avengers Supporter


    Supporting Organizations


    Technology Partner

    Education Partner

    Education Partner

    Media Partners

    Event location

    The event will take place at Grand Hotel Italia, Cluj-Napoca.