Home > Lie to Me, Television Review > Lie to Me Season 2-Ep. 11

Lie to Me Season 2-Ep. 11

Beat the Devil

and we’re back with an all new episode of Lie to Me.

This weeks episode starts with a mysterious car and a guy digging a hole with a kidnapped girl in the back of his car.    Then we move back to Lightman and Foster at Oxford where they are going into his former teacher’s classroom to talk with the students about lying and how it really works.    A student challenges Lightman to see if the student can tell if he’s lying or not.     Lightman actually has trouble reading the guy that sits before him, and the student is impossible for Lightman to read, which is really impressive because Lightman can usually read anyone and usually he can read them pretty quickly.    Lightman instantly thinks he’s a psychopath or a killer which isn’t too surprising as he stated back a few episodes ago that psycopaths are the only people you can’t usually read until you get to really know them.

Now Lightman needs to try to find a way to prove to everyone else that Martin is in fact really a psychopath.  Turns out that a sophomore girl went missing at the college and LIghtman believes the boy Martin is responsible.

At the same time Torres and Loker are interviewing a school teacher who claims he saw a UFO.   The school teacher is played by none other than Howard Hesseman (you might know him from the tv series Head of the Class where he played a teacher as well).   I love that they are working at trying to prove that this teacher Sam Hendricks really did see a UFO.     It seems as Sam has a history of doing or seeing strange things.    Their job is to prove that he did see something even if it wasn’t a spaceship with little green men in it.

Reynolds is with Lightman out at where Martin is and the two of them are watching him.  Lightman and Reynolds get caught by Martin who comes over and talks with them and Martin is obviously playing with them, this is going to be a good episode I can already tell, we’re only just now getting warmed up.

We come back and Martin is going into the Lightman Group, where he talks with Lightman.   Martin is played by Jason Dohring who I really enjoyed in the short-lived Moonlight series.   Martin is playing a game with Lightman and he claims that he is going to lose the game, that Martin is going to win this time.   Lightman does enjoy these kind of games, he does like playing with those that are lying and trying ot find out.

Lightman goes back to the school and starts posting signs and talking with Helen who he used to be with and Helen and Foster talk about Lightman and how he is.       Torres and Loker bring in a lot of students and interview them and one of them named Andre either saw something or told everyone about Mr. Hickson which the teleplay says is Mr. Hendricks, but whatever.    The student Andre saw it as wel and took a video of it.   So Loker decides its time to put it on the television.

Lightman and Foster go to Martin’s house and talk with his mom.   Martin comes in with the flyer that Lightman was putting up everywhere and the mom wants them to go and after Lightman says something they leave though Martin looks at his mom strangely as she apologizes for not knowing who they are.   Martin’s sister Lucy drowned in a pool when she was seven and Martin was definitely not a happy child just by looking at the video…..I don’t know about you but I’m thinking right now that Lucy was murdered by her little brother.

Now Martin is stalking the other workers at Lightman Group, or at least Torres, so that’s how this is going to play out.  It is painfully obvious now that Martin is not who he appears to be at all, but he’s playing it good as well.  Oh and he also has a van that this girl from the other college could have escaped from at the beginning of the episode.    Martin tells Torres that if Lightman was right about him then she’d already be dead….they are leaving us all wondering now.

Foster shows a picture of Martin to Valerie who turns away from it perhaps proving that he did attack her,  even Reynolds is now believing Lightman that this guy might be a psycho killer.   Apparently Martin has a thing for drowning girls over and over again probably somehow related to his sister’s death.     It appears as if Martin’s MO is to pick on the weak and helpless not on just any kind of girl.   He’s with Helen because she’s a strong woman, probably a substitute for someone, either his mother or perhaps his big sister?  Or she’s part of his cover as a normal person.

They go back and talk with Martin’s mother, Cal and Helen and his mother reveals the truth of Martin and what he did after they talk with her for a while to figure her out.    Sam Hickson comes in to talk with Torres to help her out which is great because this was what Howard Hesseman did so well on Head of the Class.       A Col. Gorman with the army comes in to speak with Sam and it turns out that they are asking them to do a cover up over the fact that they have no idea what was in the air that night.

What is the whole “your work is important” thing that Helen was doing and the entire time Cal was in the office listening and Helen along with Cal and I imagine Reynolds are gong to wait and see what Martin does after she “breaks it off” with Martin.  Lightman is actually the one that Martin was going for, and he’s been drowning him and brings him out to a field where he has Lightman dig his own grave.  The police come in and take Martin down.

Loker and Torres save the teacher’s career and still they are wondering what the UFO was, what it could possibly be.   They found four bodies of course, Martin was a psychopath and Cal saw it as we all knew that he would…..now we wait for next week.


“Helen’s already crossed it.  One shouldn’t shag one’s students, especially not the psychopathic ones.”  -Lightman to Foster regarding Martin and Helen his college professor.

“The overall gestalt of the thing was, uh…was like a hockey puck or a jelly doughnut.”   -The teacher discribing the ufo he saw I thought it was funny so I put it in.

“Then there was the 3AM comet gazing workshop you held on the roof of a gentleman’s Lounge.”  “It was a strip club, but it had the best view.”   -Torres and Sam Hendricks  this line cracked me up so I had to put it here.

“I’ll recycle.”  -Lightman

“You owe me 200 bucks you bastard!”  -Lightman to the psycho Martin


good ironic casting with Sam Hendricks (played by Howard Hesseman)

-Cal was involved with his former college professor Helen while in school.

-The government is covering up something over the skies i doubt we’ll ever know what it was lol!

-It is a slow build but they are working towards a Cal Lightman and Gillian Foster getting together I think.

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