Olympia Le Tan: Books & Bags


Most of have stocks of clutches and bags rather than libraries of books, and Charlotte Olympia made the combination of two possible. I have previously and numerously blogged about how much I like these purses by Olympia Le Tan but I just can’t resist writing about it again.

Olympia Le Tan, born in London and raised in Paris, without any fashion education, combined her two passions to create the most original idea for fashion lovers as well as literature lovers. Le Tan is talented in embroidery which she inherited from her grand-mother, and loves literature, probably inspired by her father, a French illustrator Pierre Le-Tan. Olympia Le Tan creates hand-made bags with limited editions, distributed around the world.

If you’re not a passionate reader, who knows, maybe Olympia Le Tan’s purses will inspire your secretly hidden potential!

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