... PERSEIDE (Pseudo-Apolodoro) : Ver PERSEIS. PERSEIS (Hesíodo) o PERSE (Apolonio de Rodas, Pseudo-Apolodoro, Higino) o PERSIS (Higino) o PERSEIDE (Pseudo-Apolodoro) o PERSA (Homero) : Nombre de una de las oceánides, ninfas del mar, hija ...
... Perseide and Pelopida ? · How did there happen to be two kings of. Ulysses . Ulysses , the king of the small island of Ithaca on the western coast of Greece , met with shipwrecks and various acci- dents on his return from Trey , which de ...
... Perseide , Oceani filiā , nātã , Circé , née de Perséis , fille de l'Océan . ( Anal .: Circē nātã , Circé née , mise au monde ; ē , un être la faisant naître , lui donnant le jour ; Perseide , Perséis , la faisant naître , lui donnant ...
... Perseide . Die mittlere Dauer der Sichtbarkeit wurde zu 0.42 Stern- sekunden bestimmt . Wenn wir alle beobachteten Meteore in zwei Gruppen verteilen , deren eine alle hellen und die andere alle schwachen umfaßt , so erhalten wir ...
... Perseide, from whom he had many sons, including Circe, Eete and Pasifae. He was particularly revered in Rhodes, where he had seven sons from the nymph Rodo, called Eliadi, as the five daughters of Perseide's sister, Climene, who also ...
... Perseide per i capelli ) Tra- ditora ! Ingrata ! ( Perseide cade , e ne profitta per ri- manere sdraiata in terra . ) LAYALÈ E io che ti ho ripulita . Che t'ho insegnato a stare al mondo ! Non mi lasciare , Perseide ! ( E in ginocchio ...
... Perseides constantly increase in apparent bright- ness as they pass along their path in the sky , being most conspicuous at the time of their disappearance . On the other hand , those which appear about the same time of the year ...