Save the Children Romania mobilised human and financial resources and provided protection kits and modern equipment to 57 medical and patient-care units and 79 ...
The award ceremony for the title of Doctor Honoris Causa given to Dr. Dorin Comaniciu, Vice President of Medical Imaging Technologies, Siemens Healthcare, ...
This doctoral thesis analyzes internationalization of higher education in Romania as a both an international norm diffusion process and as a discrete policy ...
Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2016. Teorii și practice ale integrării europene [Theories and Practices of European Integration] is a genuine ...
11 dec. 2016 · Abstract: This scientific endeavour aims to analyse several aspects concerning the results of the last. Romanian Parliamentary elections ...
O. POP, J.- C. THOURET, V. SURDEANU, Geomorphological Features of. Holocene Landslides in the Pliocene-Quaternary Stratovolcano Massif of Sancy.
MIOARA ANTON, De la explozia consumului la penuria socialistă. Repere ale vieții cotidiene în timpul regimului Ceaușescu) .
34,342 children benefited from better conditions at the start of the school year 2021-. 2022, updated work methods or educational support depending on their ...
3 dec. 2015 · deputies in the 2014 Parliament elected from a single pan-constituency (in this regard there should be an optional vote on a second ballot ...
relatări de la întâlnirile candidatului F.C.E.R. la un nou mandat de deputat cu alegătorii din București și din Brăila, Galați, Focșani (Tecuci), Iași, ...